HomeMy WebLinkAboutMarshall Steam Station (17)E rgy. Carolinas October 7, 2010 Ms. Bethany A. Georgoulias Division of Water Quality North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Subject: NPDES Stormwater Permit Application Marshall, Allen and Riverbend Steam Stations Dear Ms. Georgoulias: CORPORATE EHS SERVICES Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC 526 SOUTH CHURCH STREET CHARLOTTE, NC 28202 Mailing Address: EC13K / P. 0. BOX 1006 CHARLOTTE, NC 28201-1006 In response to your letter of September 7, 2010, please find attached for each of the subject stations: a. A listing of stormwater outfalls; b. A description of the discharge (whether these outfalls discharge only stormwater or are comingled with other discharges); c. Data on the frequency of emergency sump overflows that discharge to stormwater outfalls, d. Stormwater analytical data summaries. Please contact me at Mark.McGary@duke-energy.com or at 704-634-7098 if you have any questions or need any additional information. Sincerely, Mark McGary, P.E. Environmental, Health & Safety attachments Cc w/att: Pat McCabe Allen Stowe Steve Jones Don Scruggs File Number: 8-6 Record Number: 248464 Donna Burrell Dayna Herrick XT W201F www.duke-energy.com Marshall Steam Station Outfalls Summary Outfall Description SW001 —Discharge Stormwater only SW002 Stormwater only SW003 Stormwater only SW004 Stormwater only SW005 Stormwater only SW006 Stormwater only SW007 Stormwater comingled with NPDES Outfall 002A (Sump No. 1 overflow SW008 Stormwater only SW009 Stormwater comingled with NPDES Outfall 003 (ID Fan non -contact cooling water). The FGD detention pond transfer sump could potentially overflow into SW009, although this has not occurred to -date. The transfer sump normally discharges into Sump No. 2 (NPDES Outfall 002B). Sump No. 2 overflow does not comin le with SW009. SW010 Stormwater only SW011 Stormwater only SW012 Stormwater only SW022 new Stormwater only Sump Marshall Steam Statior. Overflows January 2002 – July 2010 Date Outfall Discharge Time Flow MGD 5/15/2003 002A Less than 1 hour 0.001 6/3/2003 002B 0.01 6/15/2007 002A 0.1 9/14/2007 002A Less than 1 hour 0.002 8/17/2008 002A 0.209 8/17/2008 002B Less than 1 hour 0.086 8/27/2008 002A 0.036 8/27/2008 002B Less than 1 hour 0.003 7/13/2009 002A Less than 1 hour 0.128 7/13/2009 002B Less than 1 hour 0.047 Allen Steam Station Outfalls ummary Outfall Discharge Description SW001 Stormwater only SW002 Stormwater only SW003 Stormwater only SW004 Abandoned SW005 Stormwater only SW006 Stormwater only SW007 Stormwater only SW008 Stormwater only SW009 Stormwater only SW010 Stormwater only SW011 Stormwater comingled with NPDES Outfall 004 (misc. non -contact cooling water, vehicle wash water, intake screen backwash water SW012 Stormwater comingled with NPDES Outfall 003 (misc. non -contact cooling water). Both discharge through a 100,000 gallon oil trap tank. SW013(Group) Stormwater only SW014 Stormwater only SW015 Stormwater and groundwater SW016 Stormwater only SW017 Stormwater only Allen Steam Station Sump Overflows January 2002 — July 2010 Date Outfall Discharge Time Flow MGD 6/10/2008 002B Less than 1 hour 0.001 8/27/2008 002A Less than 1 hour 0.003 Riverbend Steam Station Sump Overflows Januwy 2002 — July 2010 Riverbend Steam Station Outfalls Summary Flow MGD Outfall Discharge Description SW001 Stormwater only SWO02 Stormwater only SWO03 Stormwater only SWO04 Stormwater only SWO05 Stormwater only SWO06 Stormwater only SWO07 Stormwater only SWO08 Stormwater only (discharge is rare due to upstream detention basin SWO09 Abandoned SW010 Stormwater only SW011 Stormwater only SWO12 Stormwater only SWO13 Stormwater only SWO14 Abandoned Riverbend Steam Station Sump Overflows Januwy 2002 — July 2010 Date Outfall Discharge Time Flow MGD None MARSHALL STEAM STATION STORMWATER ANALYTICAL DATA SUMMARY Reference EPA Form 2F and supplemental information submitted via letter dated October 26, 2009, and in conjunction with NPDES Permit Application for Marshall Steam Station - #NC0004987 EPA Form 3510-2F (Rev. 1-92) Page VI1-1 Continue on Reverse EPA ID Number (copy from Item /of Form 1) Form Approved. OMB No. 2040-0086 Approval expires 5-31-92 NC0004987 Discharge Information Continued from page 3 of Form 2F Part A - You must provide the results of at least one analysis for every pollutant in this table. Complete one table for each outfall. See instructions for additional details. Maximum Values Average Values Number Pollutant include units include units Of Grab Sample Grab Sample And Storm CAS Number Taken During Flow-weighted Taken During Flow-weighted Events (d available) First 30 Composite First 30 Composite Sampled Minutes Minutes Sources of Pollutants Oil 8 Grease < 5 mgt NIA 1 See Supplemental Information Biological Oxygen c 8.0 mg/L < 8.0 mg& 1 Demand OD5 Chemical Oxygen 178 mgt 1 Demand COD Total Suspended 136 mgtL 1 " Solids SS Total 1.31 mg& 1 " Nitrogen Total 0.20 mg/L 1 " Phosphorus pH Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum 1 �` 6.4 SU Part B - List each pollutant that is limited in an effluent guideline which the facility is subject to or any pollutant listed in the facility's NPDES permit for its process wastewater (if the facility is operating under an existing NPDES permit). Complete one table for each outfall. See the instructions for additional details and re uirements. Maximum Values Average Values Number Pollutant include units include units Of Grab Sample Grab Sample And Storm CAS Number Taken During Flow-weighted Taken During Flow-weighted Events (if available) First 30 Composite First 30 Composite Sampled Minutes Minutes Sources of Pollutants �.,monia (as N) <0.10 mglL 1 See Supplemental Information Chloride <5 mg1L 1 it Color 100 units 1 Nitrate-Nitrite (as N) 0.40 mg1L 1 " Sulfate (as SO.) 25.7 mg1L 1 " 14808-79-8 Aluminum, Total 3.310 mg/L 4.010 mgt 1 " 7429-90.5 Barium, Total 0.0636 mg1L 0.0716 mg1L 1 " 7440-39-3 Boron, Total (7440- 0.030 mg1L <0.050 mg1L 1 42-8 Cobalt, Total (7440- <0.005 mg/L <0.005 mg/L 1 It 48-4 Iron, Total (743949-6) 6.12 mg1L 7.48 mg1L 1 Magnesium, Total 2.46 mg/L 2.59 mg1L 1 439-95.4 Manganese, Total 0.135 mg1L 0.152 mg/L 7439-96-5 Titanium, Total 0.270 mg/L 0.326 mg/L 1 440-32-6 Arsenic, Total <0.005 mgt 0.0074 mg1L 1 440-38-2 Cadmium, Total <0.001 mg/L <0.001 mg/L 1it 440-43-9 Chromium, Total <0.005 mg& 0.0054 mg1L 1 it 440-47-3 Copper, Total 0.0161 mgiL 0.018 mg/L 1 " .10-50.8 vry, Total <0.20 ug4. <0.20 ugIL 1 .s9-97-6 Nickel, Total 0.006 nV11. 0.00" ma& 1 (7440-02-0) EPA Form 3510-2F (Rev. 1-92) Page VI1-1 Continue on Reverse Selenium, Total <0.010 mg& <0.010 mg/L 1 See Supplemental (7712-49-12) Information ."'er, Total <0.005 mgIL <0.005 mg/L 1 •• 10-22-4 " ..sic, Total 0.108 mgIL 0.117 mg1L 1 440-66-6 EPA Form 3510-21F (Rev. 1-92) Page VII -I Continue on Reverse CnnfinimA hrvn ehP Front Part C - List each pollutant shown in Tables 2F-2, 2F-3, and 2F4 that you know or have reason to believe is present. See the instructions for additional details and requirements. Complete one table for each outfall. Maximum Values Average Values Number Pollutant include units irndude units Of And Grab Sample Grab Sample Storm CAS Number Taken During Flow -weighted Taken During Flow -weighted Events (if available) First 30 Composite First 30 Composite Sampled Minutes Minutes Sources of Pollutants Phenols, Total <0.010 mgil 1 See Supplemental Information Fecal Coliform CHT 7000 CFU1400 1 " ml Part D - Provide data for the storm events which resulted in the maximum values for the flow weighted composite sample. 1. Date of Storm Event 2, Duration of Storm Event (in minutes) 3. Total rainfall during storm event (in inches) 4. Number of hours between beginning of storm measured and end of previous measurable rain event 5. Total flow from rain event (gallons or specify units) 5128108 240 0.72 > 120 hours 9.099 mgal 7. Provide a description of the method of flow measurement or estimate. Flow data derived from a theoretical flow calculation using local meteorological data and runoff area of the outfall. EPA Form 3510-211F (Rev. 1-92) Page VII -2 ALLEN STEAM STATION STORMWATER ANALYTICAL DATA SUMMARY Reference EPA Form 2F and supplemental information submitted via letter dated December 2, 2009, and in conjunction with NPDES Permit Application for Allen Steam Station - #NC0004979 EPA ID Number (copy horn Item I of Farm 1) Form Approved. OMB No. 2040.0086 NC0004979 Approval expires 5.31-92 VII. Discharge Information Continued from page 3 of Form 2F Part A - You must provide the resttfts of at least one analysis for every pollutant in this table. Complete one table for each outlell. See Instructions for additional details. Maximum Values Average Values Number Pollutant units units Of Grab Sample Drab Sample And Storm CAS Number Taken During Flowwweighted Taken During Flo*walghled Events (N available) First 30 Composite First 30 Composite Sampled Minutes Minutes Sources of Pollutants Oil & Grease `4.8m=A 1 See Supplemental Information Biological Oxygen < 2.0 MOA » Demand OD5 Chemical Oxygen 80 mg/L w Demand COD Total Suspended 1500 mgA 1 w Solids SS Total 0.52 mg11- Nltrow Total 0.98 mgA 1 » Phosphorus pH Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum 7.78 SU Part B - Ust each pollutant that Is limited in an effluent guideline which the facility Is suboct to or any pollutant listed In the facility's NPDES permit for Its process wastewater (if the facility Is operating under an existing NPDES permit). Complete one table for each outfall. See the Instructions for additional details and uirements. Maximum Values Average Values Number Pollutant Include units lndude units Of And Grab Sample Grab Sample Storm CAS Number Taken During Flow-welghted Taken During Flow -weighted Events (!l available) First 30 Composite First 30 Composite Sampled Minutes Minutes Sources of Pollutants _alorine, Total < 0.1 mg1L T See Supplemental residual Information Chloride < 1.0 mg/L 1 of Color 20 units • Fluoride (16984-48-8) 0.30 mg1L q • Nitrate -Nitrite (as N) < 0.020 mg1L • Radioactivity, alpha 21.4 t 3.78 .. total pCIVIL Radioactivity, beta 42.8 t 3.84 i .• total pCUL Radioactivity, radium 3.56:1: 0.877 1 » total PCVL Radioactivity, radium 1.02:1: 0.349 » 226 total PCVL Sulfate (as SO,,) 26 mglL 1 w 14808-79-8 Aluminum, Total 27.0 mg1L w 429-90-5 Barium, Total 0.470 mglL 1 » 744D-39-3 Boron, Total (7440- <0.050 mg1L » 42-8 Cobalt, Total (7440- 0.026 mg/L w 48-4 Iron, Total (7439-89-6) 36.0 mpA 1 w Magnesium, Total 17.0 mgA w 439-95-4 Manganese, Total 1.00 mg/L q « (7439-96-5 Total <0.005 mg1L « 10-31-5 atantun, Total 2.20 mgA � w 7440-32.6 EPA Form 3510-2F (Rev. 1-92) Page VII -1 Continue on Reverse Arsenic, Total <0.050Mg& 7 See Supplemental (7440-38-2) lrrfoo7nation BerylMun, Total 0.001 MV& „ (7440-41-7 dmimn. Total <0.00010 ,40-43-0 m Oromlum, Total 0.020 MQ& 1 440.47.3 Copper, Total 440-50-8 0.038 nV& 1 „ Mercury, Total 0.00014 mq& 439-97-8 Nickel, Total 0.019 MgIL „ 440-02-0 SeleMum, Total <0.050 mp/L „ 82-49-2 Silver, Total <0.005 mq/L 7440-22-4 Zinc, Total 0.920 my/L 1 „ 4404 -8 EPA Form 3510-2F (Rev. 1-92) Page VII -1 Continue on Reverse Continued from the Front O -i f- 1 1-1 —.J. - EPA Form 3510-2F (Rev. 1-92) Page VII -2 . �.... - .... 1.v.....o... o.vm1 u1�&Aim &F—A. cr-J, ana cr-%alai you Know or have reason to believe is present. See the lnstrirctions br additlonel detaUs and requirements. Com to one table for each outfall. Maximum Values Pollutant ratafude units And Grab Sample CAS Number Taken DurkV FlowA"*,hted (JJavalla *) First 30 Composite Minutes Fecal Coliform CHT' 546' cothDO rot Average Values ups Number Of Storm Events Sampled Sources of Pollutants 1 See Supplemental PP Information Grab Sample Taken Dudng First 30 Minutes Flow -weighted Composite *analyzed outside holding time Pari D - Provide data for the 1. 2. Date of Storm Event Duration of Storm Event in minutes) storm events which resulted In the maximum values for the flow wei hted composite sample. 3. 4. 5. Total rainfall Number of hours between beginning of storm measured and Total flow from during storm end of previous measurable rain rain event event (in Inches event (gallons or specify units) 6/4/2009 960 2.82 81 hours 188374 gallons 7. Provide a description of the method of flow measurement or estimate Flows estimated using run-off coefficients for the drainage area based on rainfall data EPA Form 3510-2F (Rev. 1-92) Page VII -2 SW 015 EPA ID Number (copy from item I of Form 1)Form Approved. OMB No. 2040.0086 NCOOO�979 I Approval expires 5-31-92 'I. Discharge Information (Continued from page 3 of Form 4' Part A - You must provide the results of at least one analysis for every pollutant in irlstrtx:Uons for additlonal details. one table for each EPA Form 3510-2F (Rev. 1-92) Page VII -2 Maximum Values Average Values Number Pollutant snack) units Of Grab Sample Grab Sample And Storm CAS Number Taken During Flow -weighted Taken During Flow -weighted Events (K available) First 30 Composite First 30 Composite Sampled Nnutes Minutes Sources of Pollutards Oil a Grease ` 4.4 mgt t See Supplemental Infotmatlon Biological Oxygen to mg1L « Demand (BODS)1 Chemical Oxygen 16 mg/L « Demand COD Total Suspended 25 mV& „ Solids SS Total 0.099 mg/L 1 „ N Total 0.059 mgIL „ Phosphorus pH Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum M 7.26 SU NPDES Part B - List each pollutant that is limited in an effluent guideline which the facility Is subject to or any pollutant listed In the faEeach permit for its process wastewater (If the facility Is operating under an existing NPDES permit). Complete one table fooutfall. See the instructions for additional details and ulrements. Maximum Values Average Values Number Pollutant lndude un ts' indude uMts Of Grab Sample Grab Sample And Storm CAS Number Taken During Flow -weighted Taken During Flow -weighted Events (N available) First 30 Composite First 30 Composite Sampled Minutes Minutes Sources of Pollutants -alorine, Total 0.11 mg1L 1 „ residual Chloride 5.4 mg1L 9 „ Color 100 units „ Fluoride (16984-48-8) 0.12 mg1L „ Nitrate -Nitrite (as N) 0.099 mg/L „ Radioactivity, alpha < 5.0 pCl/L „ total Radioactivity, beta 7.10 pCl/L 1 total I„ Radioactivity, radium < 1.0 pcl/L „ total Radioactivity, radium < 1.0 pCl/L 1 « 226 total Sulfate (as SO4) 38 mg/L 1 „ 14SW79-s Aluminum, Total 0.35 mg1L „ 429-90-5 Barium, Total O.O60 mg/L 1 « 7440-39-3 Boron, Total (7440- 0.33 mg1L 1 42-8 Cobalt, Total (7440- <0.005 mg1L „ 48-4 Iron, Total (7439-896) 1.8 Mg& Magnesium, Total 6.1 mg& „ 743995-4 Manganese, Total 0. somg/L „ 7439-96-5 Total <O.005 mg/L 1 « 0-31-5 _ jnium, Total 18 ug/L --(744D-32-6) « EPA Form 3510-2F (Rev. 1-92) Page VII -2 Arsenic, Total 20 LV& 1 See Supplemental (7440.38-2) Information Beryllium, Total 1.0 &104 " (7440-41-7) dmium, Total <0.w UP& 1 A043-9 Chromium, Total <5.0 up/1 440-47-3 Copper, Total <10 up& � 7440 -SM Mercury, Total <0.0001 MgA- 439-97-6 Nickel, Total <10 Ug& 7440-02-0 Selerd m, Total <5 Ugx 82-49-2 Sliver, Total <b UV& i 7440-2244 Zinc, Total 35 ugit 7440-66.6 EPA Form 3510-2F (Rev. 1-92) Page VII -2 tl,.Mtns mwi trrvn tM Front PartC - list each pollutant shoe m In Tables 2F -2,2F-3, and 2F4 that you know or have reason to believe Is present. See the instructions for additional details and requirements. Com a one table for each outfall. Pollutant And CAS Number (if available) Maximum Valdes uEe unNs Grab Sample Taken During Flow-welghted First 30 Composite Minutes Average Values Number /ndude units Of Grab Sample Stone Taken During Flow welghted Events First 30 Composite Sampled Minutes Souroes of Pollutants Fecal conform CHT 410*coMOO ML 1 See Supplemental Information 'analyzed outside holding time PartD - Provide data for the storm events which resulted in the maximum values for the flow weighted composite sample. 1. ate of Storm Event 2. Duration of Storm Event in minutes 3. Total rainfall during storm event in inches 4. Number of hours between beginning of storm measured and end of previous measurable rain event 5. Total flow from rain event (gallons or specify units) 4/20/2009 240 .59 >72 hours 1424263 gallons 7. Provide a description tion of the method of flow measurement or estimate. Flows estimated using run-off coefficient with drainage area and rainfall data EPA Form 3510-21F (Rev. 1-92) Page VII -2 RIVERBEND STEAM STATION STORMWATER ANALYTICAL DATA SUMMARY Reference EPA Form 2F and supplemental information submitted via letter dated August 27, 2009, and in conjunction with NPDES Permit Application for Marshall Steam Station - #NC0004961 RIVERBEND STEAM STATION STORMWATER ANALYTICAL DATA SUMMARY SW001 EPA ID Number (copy from Rem I of Form 1) I NC0004961 Form Approved. OMB No. 2040.0086 Approval expires 5.31-92 "rl. Discharge Information Continued from page 3 of Form 2F Part A - You must provide the results of at least one analysis for every pollutant in this table. Complete one table for each outfall. See instructions for additional details. Maximum Values Average Values Number Pollutant Include units include units Of Grab Sample Grab Sample And Storm CAS Number Taken During Flow-welghted Taken During Flow -weighted Events (d available) First 30 Composite First 30 Composite Sampled Minutes Minutes I Sources of Pollutants Oil 8 Grease < 5.0 mg1L N/A N/A N/A 1 See Supplemental Information Biological 13.0 mg1L N/A N/A N/A 9 Oxygen Demand BODS Chemical < 25.0 N/A N/A N/A l Oxygen Demand mg/L COD Total 29.3 mg1L N/A N/A N/A 1 Suspended Solids S Total 3.9 mg1L N/A N/A N/A 1 Nitro en Total 0.53 mg/L N/A N/A N/A 1 Phosphorus pH Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum 8.6 SU Part B - List each pollutant that is limited in an effluent guideline which the facility is subject to or any pollutant listed in the facility's NPDES permit for its process wastewater (if the facility is operating under an existing NPDES permit). Complete one table for each outfall. See the instructions for additional details and uirements. Maximum Values Average Values Number Pollutant include units include units Of Grab Sample Grab Sample And Storm CAS Number Taken During Flow -weighted Taken During Flow -weighted Events (if available) First 30 Composite First 30 Composite Sampled Minutes Minutes Sources of Pollutants Ammonia (as N) 1.7 mg/L N/A N/A N/A 1 See Supplemental Information Nitrate -Nitrite 1.5 mg1L N/A N/A N/A 1 as N Aluminum, Total 0.915 mg1L N/A N/A N/A 1 429-90-5 Barium, Total 0.0339 N/A N/A N/A 1 440-39-3 mg1L Boron, Total 0.0795 N/A N/A N/A 1 440-42-8 m /L Cobalt, Total <O.005 N/A N/A N/A 1 440-48.4 m /L Iron, Total (7439- 2.00 mg1L N/A N/A N/A 1 89-6 Magnesium, 1.7 mg/L N/A N/A N/A 1 Total 439-95-4 Manganese, 0.0784 N/A N/A N/A 1 Total mg1L 439-96-5 Tin, Total <0.005 N/A N/A N/A 1 ns40-31-5 M91L plum, Total 0.0256 N/A N/A N/A 1 it *40-32-6 mg1L EPA Form 3510-2F (Rev. 1-92) Page VII -I Continue on Reverse Arsenic, Total 0.0054 N/A N/A N/A 1 440-38-2 m Cadmium, Total 0.0013 N/A N/A N/A 1 140-43-9 MgIL .1rom/um, Total <0.005 N/A N/A WA 1 440.47-3 m copper, Total 0.0684 N/A N/A N/A 1 440-50.8 MgIL Mercury, Tota/ 0.200 N/A N/A N/A 1 439-97-6 u Nickel, Total 0.007 mg/L N/A N/A N/A 1 440-02-0 Selenium, Total 0.062 mg/L WA N/A N/A 1 82.49-2 Silver, Total <0.005 N/A N/A N/A t 440-22-4 m Zinc, Total 0.863 mg1L N/A N/A N/A 1 440-66-6 EPA Form 3510-2F (Rev. 1-92) Page VI1-1 Continue on Reverse ^ -.1....—A a....w Ob.Cron} V Part C - List each pollutant shown in Tables 2F-2, 2F-3, and 2F-4 that you know or have reason to believe is present. See the instructions for additional details and requirements. Complete one table for each outfall. Pollutant And CAS Number (if available) Maximum Values include units Average Values Include units Number of Storm Events Sampled Sources of Pollutants Grab Sample Taken During Flow -weighted First 30 Composite Minutes Grab Sample Taken During First 30 Minutes Flow weighted Composite Phenols, Total <0.010 N/A m L N/A N/A See Supplemental Information Total Kjeldahl NitroenKN 2.4 mg/L N/A N/A N/A " Fecal ColNorm < 1.0 CFU/ N/A 100ML N/A N/A Part D - Provide data for the storm events which resulted in the maximum values for the flow weighted com oshe sample. 1. Date of Storm Event 2. Duration of Storm Event (in minutes) 3. Total rainfall during storm event (in inches) A. Number of hours between beginning of storm measured and end of previous measurable rain event 5. Total flow from rain event (gallons or specify units) 6-23- 2008 360 1.74 >178 0.155 mgal 7. Provide a description of the method of flow measurement or estimate. Flow data derived from a theoretical flow calculation using local meteorological data and runoff area of the outfall. EPA Form 3510-2F (Rev. 1-92) Page VII -2 SWO02 EPA ID Number (copy from item 1 of Form 1) Form Approved. OMB No. 2040-0086 NCOM961 I Approval expires 5-31-92 III. Discharge Infonnation Continued from page 3 of Form 2F) Part A - You must provide the results of at least one analysis for every pollutant in this table. Complete one table for each outfall. See Instructions for additional detak. Maximum Values Average Values Number Pollutant Include units include units Of And Grab Sample Grab Sample Stone CAS Number Taken During Flow -weighted Taken During Flow -weighted Events (ff available) First 30 Composite First 30 Composite Sampled Minutes Minutes Sources of Pollutants 09 b Grease 27.6 mg/L N/A 13.8 mp/L N/A 2 See Supplemental Information Biological 5.2 mg1L N/A N/A N/A 1 Oxygen Demand BODS Chemical 49.0 mg/L N/A N/A N/A 1 Oxygen Demand COD Total 67.7 mg/L N/A 40.4 mg/L N/A 2 Suspended Solids S Total 2.24 mg/L N/A N/A N/A 1 It Nitrogen Total 0.12 mg1L N/A N/A N/A 1 is Phosphorus pH Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum N/A it 5.4 SU 5.4 SU PartB - List each pollutant that Is limited in an effluent guideline which the facility Is subject to or any pollutant listed in the facility's NPDES permit for its process wastewater (if the facility is operating under an existing NPDES permit). Complete one table for each outfall. See the instructions for additional details and re uirements. ! Maximum Values Average Values Number Pollutant include units include units Of And Grab Sample Grab Sample Storm CAS Number Taken During Flow -weighted Taken During Flow -weighted Events (if available) First 30 Composite First 30 Composite Sampled Minutes Minutes Sources of Pollutants Ammonia (as N) 0.90 mg1L N/A 0.56 mg1L N/A 2 See Supplemental Information Chloride 5.8 mg1L N/A 2.9 mg1L N/A 2 Color 180 units N/A 90 units N/A 2 Nitrate -Nitrite 1.0 mg1L N/A 0.97 mg1L N/A 2 as N Radioactivity, < 1.110.7 N/A N/A N/A 1 alpha total pC11L Radioactivity, 4.8 11.2 N/A N/A N/A 1 beta total pCilL Sulfate (as SO4) 20.7 mg1L N/A 19.0 mg1L N/A 2 14808-79-8 Aluminum, Total 1.58 mg/L N/A N/A N/A 1 429-90-5 Barium, Total 0.0517 N/A N/A N/A 1 440-39-3 mg1L Boron, Total 0.0915 N/A N/A N/A 1 440-42.8 mg1L Cobalt, Total <0.005 N/A N/A N/A 1 440-48-4 M91L '-on, Total (7439- 5.79mg1L N/A N/A N/A 1 r6 ..,agneslum, 3.52 mg1L N/A N/A N/A 1 Tota! 439-95.4 EPA Form 3510-2F (Rev. 1-92) Page VII -I Continue on Reverse Manganese, 0. 117 mg/L N/A N/A N/A 1 Total 1743&96-5 1, Total <0.005 N/A N/A N/A 1 440.31-5 m Titanium, Total 0.0813 N/A N/A N/A 1 440-32-6 m Arsenic, Total <0.005 N/A N/A N/A 1 440738-2 mg1L Cadmium, Total 0.0012 N/A N/A N/A 1 440-43-9 M91L Chromium, Total <0.005 N/A N/A N/A 1 " 440-47.3 m Copper, Total 0.0333 N/A N/A N/A 1 440-50-8 mg1L Mercury, Total <0.20 ug/L N/A N/A N/A 1 439-97-6 Nickel, Total <0.005 N/A N/A N/A 1 440.02-0 m /L Selenium, Total 0.0562 N/A N/A N/A 1 82-49-2 M91L Silver, Total <0.005 N/A N/A N/A 1 440-22-4 m /L Zinc, Total 0.486 mg/L N/A N/A N/A 1 440-66-6 EPA Form 3510-2F (Rev. 1-92) Page VII -I Continue on Reverse PartC - List each pollutant shown in Tables 2F-2, 2F-3, and 2F4 that you know or have reason to believe is present. Seethe instructions for additional details and requirements. Complete one table for each outfall. Maximum Values Pollutant include units And Grab Sample CAS Number Taken During Flow-weighted (If available) First 30 Composite Minutes Average Values include units Number Of Storm Events Sampled Sources of Pollutants Grab Sample Taken During Flow-weighted First 30 Composite Minutes Phenols, Total <0.010 N/A m /L N/A N/A 1 See Supplemental Information Total IQeldahl 1.3 mg/L N/A Nift en KN N/A N/A 1 L I Part D - Provide data for the storm events which resulted in the maximum values for the flow weighted com osite sample. 1. Date of Storm Event 2. Duration of Storm Event (in minutes) 3. Total rainfall during storm event (in inches) 4. Number of hours between beginning of storm measured and end of previous measurable rain event 5. Total flow from rain event (gallons or specify units) 7-Y8- 2008 9-10- 2008 180 540 1.13 1.63 >142 > 329 0.334 mgal 0.482 mgal 7. Provide a description of the method of flow measurement or estimate. Flow data derived from a theoretical flow calculation using local meteorological data and runoff area of the outfall. EPA Form 3510-2F (Rev. 1-92) Page VII -2 SWO03 EPA ID Number (copy from Mem I of Form 1) NC0004961 Form Approved. OMB No. 2040 -OM Approval expires 531-92 "q. Discharge Information Continued from page 3 of Form 2F Part A - You must provide the results of at least one analysis for every pollutant In this table. Complete one table for each outfall. See Instructions for additional details. Maximum Values Average Values Number Pollutant inGude units include units Of Grab Sample Grab Sample And Storm CAS Number Taken During Flow -weighted Taken During Flow -weighted Events (if available) First 30 Composite First 30 Composite Sampled Minutes Minutes Sources of Pollutants Oil & Grease < 5.0 mg1L N/A N/A N/A 1 See Supplemental Information Biological 72.9 mg1L 54.9 mg/L N/A N/A 2 Oxygen Demand BODS Chemical 233 mg1L 104 mg/L N/A 81 mg1L 3 Oxygen Demand COD Total 151 mg1L 8.1 mg1L N/A N/A 2 Suspended Solids S Total 8.9 mg1L 2.6 mg1L N/A 2.44 mg/L 3 Nitrogen Total 1.6 mg1L 0.20 mg/L N/A 0.18 mg1L 3 Phosphorus pH Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum 1 5.9 SU Part S - List each pollutant that Is limited in an effluent guideline which the facility is subject to or any pollutant listed in the facility's NPDES permit for its process wastewater (if the facility is operating under an existing NPDES permit). Complete one table for each outfall. See the instructions for additional details and re uirements. Maximum Values Average Values Number Pollutant include units include units Of Grab Sample Grab Sample And Storm CAS Number Taken During Flow -weighted Taken During Flow -weighted Events (if available) First 30 Composite First 30 Composite Sampled Minutes Minutes Sources of Pollutants Ammonia (as N) 0.80 mg/L 0.27 mg1L N/A 0.26 mg1L 3 See Supplemental Information Chloride N/A c 5.0 mg1L N/A N/A 1 if Color N/A 40.0 units N/A N/A 1 it Nitrate -Nitrite 1.2 mg1L 1.3 mg/I N/A 1.04 mg1L 3 if as N Sulfate (as SO4) N/A 10.3 mg1L N/A N/A 1 14808-79-8 Aluminum, Total 0.753 mg1L 0.897 mg1L N/A 0.632 mg/L 3 " 429-90-5 Barium, Total 0.115 mg/L 0.0226 N/A 0.0224 3 " 440-39-3 mg1L m /L Boron, Total 0.072 mg/L <0.050 N/A <0.050 3 " 440-42-8 mg1L mg1L Cobalt, Total <0.005 <0.005 N/A <0.005 3 440-48-4 mg1L mg1L mg1L Iron, Total (7439- 21.2 mg1L 0.999 mg/L N/A 0.723 mg1L 3 " 89-6 Magnesium, 9.57 mg/L 1.21 mg1L N/A 1.07 mg1L 3 Total 439-95-4 Uanganese, 1.38 mg1L 0.0792 N/A 0.0605 3 " tai mg/L mg1L 439-96-5 j,439-96-5) EPA Form 3510-2F (Rev. 1-92) Page VI] -1 Continue on Reverse Tin, Total <0.005 <0.005 N/A <0.005 3 440731-5 mg1L mglL m Titanium, Total 0.0299 0.0403 N/A 0.0268 3 '40-32-6 mgIL mg1L mg1L :raenic, Tote/ 0.005 mg1L <0.005 N/A <0.005 3 440-38-2 m L mg1L Cadmium, Total <0.001 <0.001 N/A <0.001 3 " 440-43-9 mgIL mg& mg1L Chromium, Total <0.005 <0.005 N/A <0.005 3 440-47-3 mg1L mg1L mg1L Copper, Tote/ 0.0533 0.0182 N/A 0.0168 3 " 440-50-8 mg1L m /L mg1L Mercury, Total <0.200 <0.200 ug/L N/A <0.200 ug/L 3 439-97-6 u /L Nickel, Total 0.0068 <0.005 N/A <0.005 3 440-02-0 mg1L mg1L mg1L Selenium, Total <0.010 <0.010 N/A <0.010 3 " 82-49-2 mg1L m /L mg1L Silver, Total <0.005, <0.005 N/A <0.005 3 440-22-4 m L m /L mg1L Zinc, Total 2.29 mg1L0.758 mg1L N/A 0.753 mg1L 3 440-66-6 EPA Form 3510-2F (Rev. 1-92) Page V11 -I Continue on Reverse Part C - List each pollutant shown in Tables 2F-2, 2F-3, and 2F4 that you know or have reason to believes present. See the Instructions for additional details and requirements. Complete one table for each outfall. Pollutant And CAS Number (lfavailable) Maximum Values include units Average Values include units Number Of Storm Events Sampled Sources of Pollutants Grab Sample Taken During First 30 Minutes Flow -weighted Composite Grab Sample Taken During Flow -weighted First 30 Composite Minutes Phenols, Total 0.045 mg1L N/A N/A N/A 1 See Supplemental Information Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen KN 7.7 mg/L 1.5 mg/L N/A 1.4 mg1L 3 Fecal Coliform 100 CFU/100 ML N/A N/A N/A 1 Part D - Provide data for the storm events which resulted in the maximum values for the flow weighted com osite sample. 1. Date of Storm Event 2. Duration of Storm Event (in minutes) 3. Total rainfall during storm event (in inches) 4. Number of hours between beginning of storm measured and end of previous measurable rain event 5. Total flow from rain event (gallons or specify units) 6.22- 2008 7_5. 2008 7-28- 2008 360 240 180 1.74 0.53 1.13 >168 >113 >142 0.582 mgal 0.177 mgal 0.378 mgal 7. Provide a description of the method of flow measurement or estimate. Flow data derived from a theoretical flow calculation using local meteorological data and runoff area of the outfall.