HomeMy WebLinkAboutMarshall Steam Station (3)MCDGNR North•Carollna Department.of Environment and Natura Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Coleen H Sullins Governor Director September 20, 2010 Mr. Allen Stowe, Water Management Duke Energy Post Office Box 1,006/EC13K Charlotte, North Carolina 28201-1006 FILE Resources Subject Sampling Results Marshall Steam Station NPDES Permit No NC0004987 Catawba County, N.C. Dear Mr. Stowe: Dee Freeman Secretary Enclosed please find the results from the laboratory analyses on the samples collected at different stages of the FGD treatment system at the Marshall Steam Station. The samples analyzed were all grab samples collected during the Compliance Sampling -Inspection performed on June 7, 2010 by Ms. Donna Hood'and Mr. Wes.Bell of the Mooresvtlle`Regional Offfce,and Ms. Autumn Romanski oftthe Raleigh Regional Office. The Outfall 002,effluent results were compliant with the,perm►tted effluent limits. Please be aware that the,effluent total dissolved solids value (896 mg/L) exceeded the water -quality stream standard for waters designated as a water supply (500 mg/L) Although no in -stream samples were collected, the r results of all samples collected during`this,inspectionwill be forwarded to the,Division's NPDES Permitting Unit for their review. Please attach this letter and the analytical results sheets to the inspection report dated July 8, 2010 to complete your records on the inspection Should you,have questions concerning this report, please,do not hesitate to,contact-,Mr Bell at (704) 6634699. Sincerely, Robert B Krebs Regional Supervisor Surface Water Protection Enclosure. Analytical Results cc: Catawba County Health Department Mooreswlie'Regional Office Location 610 East Center -Ave,, Sude,301,Mooresvdle, NC 28115 One, Phone (704) 663-16991 Fax ;(704) 663=6040 CCustomer Service 1-877-623.6748 NorthCarolina Internet hdpllportal ncdenr oiglweb/wq NatulvIly AnIqual Opportumiy'1 Affirmative"Acton Employer — 50%'Recycled!10% Post Consumer paper ANALYTICAL RESULTS SHEET Name of Facility Duke Energy Marshall Steam Station Grab Z Composite ❑ Sample Date(s) June 7, 20110 NPDES Permit No.. 'N00004987 Sample Location FGD Influent Prior to Clarifier County, Catawba Biochemical Oxygen Demand BODS <2 mg/L Sodium (Na) 56 mg/L 'Total Dissolved Solids 24.700 mg/L Nickel (Ni) 400 µg/L Chemical Oxygen Demand 150 mg/L Lead (Pb) 260 µg/L Chloride 7600 mg/L Antimony (Sb) 1000 µg/L* Fluoride <100 0 t g/L* Selenium (Se) 4600 µg/L Sulfate 1,200 mg/L Tin (Sn) 1,000 µg/L* Silver (Ag) 100 µg/L* Thallium (TI) 1000 µg/L* Aluminum (Al) WNW µg/l_ Titanium (Ti) 3600 µg/l_ Arsenic (As) 230 µg/l_ Vanadium (V) 440 µg/L Boron (B) 160000 µg/l_ Zinc (Zn) 970 µg/L Banum'(Ba) 1700 µg/l_ Total Phosphorus 3 4 mg/L Beryllium (Be) 12 µg/l_ Ammonia -nitrogen (NH3-N) 6.7 mg/L Calcium (Ca) 4400 mg/L Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) 13 mg/L Cadmium (Cd) 11 µg/,L Nitrate/Nitrite-nitrogen (NO2 +-NO,) 28 mg/L Cobalt,(Co) -1:50 µg/l_ Total Nitrogen 41 mg/L Chromium (Cr) 320 µg/l_ Copper (Cu) 330 µg/l_ Note * indicates elevated PQL due to matrix interference and/or sam le dilution Iron (Fe) 190000 µg/L T. Mercury (Hg) 4 5 µg/L No Field Analyses were obtained Potassium (K) 80 mg/L Lithium (Li) 360 µg/L Magnesium (Mg) 1400 mg/L Manganese (Mn) 10000 µg/L Molybdenum (Mo) 1000 µg/L* ANALYTICAL RESULTS SHEET Name of Facility Duke Energy Marshall Steam Station Grab ® Composite '❑ Sample Date(s)- June 7, 2010 NPDE'S Permit No.- N00004987 Sample Location FGD' Clarifier Effluent County Catawba Biochemical Oxygen Demand BODS <2 mg/L Sodium (Na) 54 mg/L Tota[Dissolved Solids 171'00 mg/,L- Nickel (Ni) 1'80,µg/L Chemical Oxygen Demand 120 mg/L Lead (Pb) <10 µg/l_ Chloride 5500 mg/L Antimony (Sb) 200 q/L* Fluoride <100 0 mg/L* Selenium (Se) 390 µg/l_ Sulfate 1100 mg/L Tin (Sri) 200 q/L* Silver (Ag) 50 µg/,L* Thallium (TI) 200 µg/L* Aluminum (AI) 380 µg/L- Titanium (Ti) 100 µg/L* Arsenic (As) 10 4g/L* Vanadium (V) <25 µg/l_ Boron (B) 170000 µg/L, Zinc (Zn) - 51 µg/l_ Banum (Ba) 1610 µg/l_ Total`Phosphorus 0 02 mg/,L Beryllium (Be) <5 q/L Ammonia -nitrogen (NH3-N) 6 6 mg/L Calcium (Ca) 3100 mg/L Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) 10 mg/L Cadmium (Cd) 7 8 µg/l_ Nitrate/Nitrite-nitrogen (NO2+ NO3) 33 mg/L Cobalt (Co) 57 µg/L Total Nitrogen 43 mg/L Chromium (Cr) <10 µg/L Copper (Cu) 20 µg/L* Note * 'indicates elevated PQL due to matrix, interference and/or sample dilution Iron (Fe) 410 µg/L Mercury (Hg) 4 6 µg/L FIELD ANALYSES Potassium (K) 25 mg/L Temperature 39 5°C Lithium (Li) 170 µg/L pH 6 5 SU Magnesium (Mg) 1300 mg/,L 'Dissolved Oxygen 3 67 mg/L, Manganese (Mn) 9100 q/L % Saturation 54% Molybdenum (Mo) 200 µg/L*' Conductivity 20900 umhos/cm ANALYTICAL RESULTS SHEET Name of Facility Grab ® Composite' 0 Duke Energy Marshall Steam Station Sample Date(s). June 7, 2010 NPDES.Permit.No., NC0004987 Sample Location FGD .EQ Basin Effluent Biochemical Oxygen Demand <2, m /L i1Qnn mg/,L Total Dissolved Solids 6970 mg/L Chemical Oxygen Demand 33 mg/L, Total Organic Carbon 2 7 mg/L Chloride 270.0 mg/,L Fluoride <40 0 mg/L* Sulfate 580 mg/L Silver (Ag) 50 µg/L* Aluminum (Al) 240 µg/l- Arsenic (As) 10 µg/L* Boron (B) 68000 µg/L Banum, (Ba) 220 µg/L Beryllium (Be) <5,µg/L Calcium (Ca) 1100 mg/L Cadmium (Cd) 2 6 µg/L Cobalt (Co) <50 µg/L Chromium (Cr) Copper (Cu) Iron (Fe) Mercury (Hg) Potassium (K) Lithium (Li) Magnesium (Mg) 'Manganese (Mn) <10 µg/L 20 µg/L* 220 µg/L <0 20 µg/L 11 mg/L 65 µg/l- 480 g/L480 mg/L County Catawba Molybdenum (Mo) 200 µg/L; Sodium (Na) 22 mg/L Nickel (Ni) 71 µg/L Lead (Pb) <10 µg/L Antimony (Sb) 200 µg/L'* Selenium (Se) 140 µg/L, Tin (Sn) 200 µg/L* Thallium (TI) 200 µg"/L* Titanium (Ti) <10 µg/L Vanadium (V) <25 µg/L Zinc (Zn) 18 µg/L Total Phosphorus 0 02 mg/L Ammonia -nitrogen (NH37N) 2 8 mg/L Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) 4 mg/L Nitrate/Nitrite-nitrogen (NO2 + NO3) 14 mg/L Total Nitrogen 18 mg/L Note * indicates elevated PQL due to matrix interference, and/or sample dilution FIELD ANALYSES Temperature I 28 4°C pH 6 76 SU Dissolved Oxygen 5 09 mg/L % Saturation 77% 3500 µg/L I Conductivity umhos/cm ANALYTICAL RESULTS SHEET Name of'Facility. Duke Ener Marshall Steam Station Grab ® Composite 0 Sample Date(s) June 7, 2010 NPDES Permit No.- NC0004987 Sample Location Outfall 004 County Catawba Biochemical Oxygen Demand BODS 2 9 mg/L Molybdenum (Mo) 200 µg/L* - Total Organic Carbon, 76 mg/L Sodium (Na) 21 mg/L, Total Dissolved Solids 8070 mg/L Nickel (Ni) 69 µg/l_ Chemical Oxygen Demand 34 mg/L Lead (Pb) <10 µg/l_ Chloride 2500 mg/L Antimony (Sb) 200 µg/L* Fluoride <40 0 mg/L* Selenium (Se) 94 µg/l_ Sulfate 580 mg/L Tin (Sri) 200 µg/L* Silver (Ag) 50 µg/L* Thallium (TI) 200 µg/l_ Aluminum (Al) 52 µg/L Titanium (Ti) <10 µg/l_ Arsenic (As) 10 µg/L*_ Vanadium (V) <25 µg/L Boron (B) 70000 µg/l_ Zinc (Zn) 12 µg/L Barium (Ba) 190 µg/l_ Total'Phosphorus 0-03 mg/L Beryllium (Be) <5 µg/l_ Ammonia -nitrogen (KH3-N) 0 65 mg/L Calcium (Ca) 1,000 mg/L Total kjeldahl Nitrogen, (TKN) 2 3 mg/L 'Cadmium (Cd) 1 6 µg/l_ Nitrate/Nitrite-nitrogen (NO2+ NO3) 11 mg/L Cobalt'(Co) <50 µg/L Total Nitrogen 13,3 mg/L Chromium Cr ( ) <10 µg/L Note * indicates elevated PQL due to matrix interference and/or sample dilution Copper (Cu) 20 µg/L* 'FIELD ANALYSES Iron (Fe) 220 µg/l_ Flow 906.gpm Mercury (Hg) 4 5 µg/L Temperature 27 9°C Potassium (K) 11 mg/L pH 6 12 SU Lithium (Li), 69 µg/L Dissolved Oxygen 4 78 mg/L Magnesium (Mg) 460 mg/L % Saturation 687% Manganese, (Mn) 4000 µg/L Conductivity 8200 umhos/cm ANALYTICAL RESULTS SHEET Name of Facility Duke Energy Marshall Steam Station,_ Grab Composite ❑ Sample'Date(s)* June 7, 2010 NPDES Permit No. NC0004987 Sample Location Outfall 002,(Final Effluent) County Catawba Biochemical Oxygen Demand BODS <2 mg/L Sodium (Na) 8 1 mg/L Total Suspended Solids <6-2 mg/L Nickel (Ni) 20 µg/L Total Organic Carbon 3 0 mg/L Lead (Pb) <10 µg/L Total Dissolved Solids 896 mg/L Antimony (Sb) 200 µg/L* Chemical Oxygen Demand <20 mg/L Selenium (Se) 50 µg/L* Chloride 220 mg/L Tin (Sri) 200 µg/L* Fluoride <4 0 mg/L* Thallium (TI) 200 µg/L* Sulfate 110 mg/L Vanadium (V) <25 µg/L Silver (Ag) 50 µg/L*, Zinc (Zn) 22 µg/L Aluminum (AI) 370 µg/L Total Phosphorus <0 02 mg/L. Arsenic (As) 10 µg/L* Ammonia -nitrogen (NH3-N) 10 mg/L Boron (B) 5500 µg/L Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) 3 5 mg/L Barium (Ba) 98 µg/l- Nitrate/Nitrite-nitrogen (NO2+ NO3) 1 1 mg/L Beryllium'(Be) <5 µg/l- Total Nitrogen 4 6 mg/L Calcium (Ca) 110 mg/L Cadmium (Cd) 1-�0, /L < µg Note * indicates elevated PQL due to matrix interference and/or sample dilution Cobalt (Co) <50,µg/L Chromium (Cr) <10 µg/L Copper (Cu) 20 µg/L-* FIELD ANALYSES Iron (Fe) 120,µg/L pH 6 14 SU Mercury (Hg) <0 20 µg/L Dissolved Oxygen 5 22 mg/L Lithium (Li) 69 µg/L Temperature 28 6°C` Magnesium (Mg)46 mg/L % Saturation 776% Manganese (Mn) 820 µg/L Conductivity 1,100 umhos/em