HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-05497_Well Construction - GW1_20220601 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD For ttucral Use ONLY: This form can be used far single or multiple wclls- 1.Well.Contractor Information: 'IJ:AYATER.ZONES Scott Hunt, Jr FROM 170 1 DPSCRtIi*r1ON W01CoMmaorNatno ft. ft. 4561-A fL fL NC Well CanlmdorCcnifcitionNw&er _M OUTER CASING(for-owhi-cisedsieis"OTLINR FROM TO HTBRh CK�ESfY's A GLD4 SAEDACCO Inc 0 ft. 26 fL 2.25" I NA STEEL ConViuiy Namc 16 1NNEtWCASINGOR--.TUBING;(' ibernale,asedaoa .. FROM TO D[MIETER, I 1MICKNESS I MAURUL 2.Well Construction Permit#: ft. a: 64 1-ist all oppi rable urIl permits Ox.Camnry.,Fiwr.trrrria,rre,fnya:dat err..) R. fL in. J.Well use(chcelc well use): 17.SCRE:EN WatersupplyWelft Fmc►at I TO MANI.TSR SWTSIM Tltt(KNF-" I MATERIAL DAgticuitural 011unicipaYP(tblic 26 ft. 30 ft. 1.25" 106 .004 NA STEEL ®Geothermal(Eleatingtooting Supply) ®Residential Water Supply(single) fL I ft. lie. 0Industrial/Commercial C311esidential Water Supply(shared) 18:GROUT :. FROM TO MATMUL EMPLACL,MT3411MOD&MIOUNT ❑Irrigation ft. ft. Non-Water Supply Well: R. ft, Qmonitoring QRccos-c(y Injection Weil: fl. ra ClAquiferRcchirge MitoutidaaicrReincdiation ' SANDIGRAVELPACK'(if tdleabri PROM To MATRRIAI. Estrt tic ern yr vttzu0n QAgtrifcr Storage aihd JtcceF'c(y QSalinity I3arricr R. R, ❑Aquifer Tcst QStormw;ttcr DMMgc rt. rL Mxperimcntal Technology QSubsidcncc Cerdtol 2oJDRILLING'WG'(attach addiiieaal stxeti if-accessan QGeodiemkal(Closed Loop) 13Trdeer FROM TO DESCRIMON(mbr.bardnevi soWt%xk typt,gWOrue de.) QGeattennal(Headt'Coo[in Retum) E3011ter(clam under#21 Remarks) ft. f4 See Geologist's log rL ft. 4.Date NVA(s)Completed: 4/22/22 WdlIDgsl-Blz rL ft. 54;Well Lttcatinn: ft. (L NCDOT Parcel 90 ft. rL " ,1 Facilityi0m,ncrNamc FacilkIDN(Tappliable) ft ft. J 4509 US-311 , Randleman, NC, 27350 R, rL Pltyskal Addicss.City.and Zip -2t.RENIARKS Randolph Direct push injection through drill rods Count), Parcel Wcnlifealion No,(PIN) 5b.I atitude'and"rigitude in degmes/minutes1seconds or decimal degrecs. 22.Certiri"thine (Ituell field,ome kablong is srrlttcicug N W 5/21/2022 SiPg31i 'arCeatlicd Well Can tar' Date 6.Is(are)the wcll(s): t7Permanent or Temporary hh,s{gnbrb this form,1 hereby certify rhea Mr imll(s)liar(wrn)cy,cvtnreted in aecordan n'ith IM NOW 02C.0100 or 15A NCAC 02C.0200 Well Coirstiricrion Starxiards and sMi a 7.Ls thin a reliaie to an ceistfng w'dl: E7Ycs or ®Nn copy of thlr reeorrf has breri pmvirkd ro tier wxll mruer. 1f ri.ls&a repair,fill tRrt krniuvi uc!!earunuclron hrformorlcur,md ctpiahe rho eiarure of the repair umrlerA31 remnarla srctiin or on Me back-of thix form. 23.Site diagram or additional well detait3: You may use die back of tills page to provide additional well site details or well S.Numberof ivells conctntcted: 12 constmetion deiuils. You tray also attach-additianal page's if uecessaky. For m,ilrlple lydeetinn or rimi-isarer supply ivells ONLY u'hh the same consa'Rctlat,you can sar(arrif one form. CUB611ML INSTUCTIONS 9.Total cell depth below land surface.: 30 (ft.) 24a. Far All Wells: Submit this farm within 30 days of completion of well Formutdple,wellr list a11depAsltdlferesit(eramPie-3@200'ari12 IM) constnictionto the foltavirig; 10.Static water level below top of casinW. (ft.) Division of Water Resources,Iufornmtion 1 rmccssing Unit, If n'ardr level&above casGt„use"+" 1617Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 11.Borehole diameter.2.25" (in) tab.Far JilleclJon Welb ONLY: In addition to sending the fomt to like address in 24d above.also submit a copy of this form within 30 days of completion of hell 12.Well construction method:DPT construction tD the following: (Lc.augm rMq,cabk,direct push e(c y Division of Water Resources,Underground Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: i636 MaH Service Center,Rai cigb,NC 27699.1636 13a.Yield(gpm) Method of test: 24c.For Water Sbaply&Injection Wells: Also submit one copy of this form within 30 daysofcompletioaof 13h.Disinfection type". Amount: well construction to the co(mly health dcpartment of the county where cortsmictcd. Fans G%V-1 Noah Carallna Elcpaeme:vt of Erwirorunent and Natural Resources—Dtvi0oo of Waicr ltMures Rcs'lsed Ai0ist 4)13