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20220795 Ver 1_ePCN Application_20220609
Pre -Construction Notification (PCN) Form For Nationwide Permits and Regional General Permits (along with corresponding Water Quality Certifications) April 13, 2022 Ver 4.3 Initial Review Has this project met the requirements for acceptance in to the review process?* OO Yes O No Is this project a public transportation project?* OYes 0No Change only if needed. Pre -Filing Meeting Date Request was submitted on: 4/14/2022 BIMS # Assigned* 20220795 Is a payment required for this project?* 0 No payment required O Fee received O Fee needed - send electronic notification Reviewing Office* Mooresville Regional Office - (704) 663-1699 Information for Initial Review Version#* What amout is owed?* O $240.00 0 $570.00 Select Project Reviewer* Doug Perez:eads\djperez la. Name of project: McCoy Farms la. Who is the Primary Contact?* S. Paul Petitgout lb. Primary Contact Email:* lc. Primary Contact Phone:* ppetitgout@gmail.com (803)992-0910 Date Submitted 6/9/2022 Nearest Body of Water Prices Mill Creek Basin Catawba Water Classification C Site Coordinates Latitude: 35.015524 A. Processing Information Longitude: -80.678168 County (or Counties) where the project is located: Union Is this a NCDMS Project 0Yes ONo Is this project a public transportation project?* 0Yes ONo la. Type(s) of approval sought from the Corps: 21 Section 404 Permit (wetlands, streams and waters, Clean Water Act) ❑ Section 10 Permit (navigable waters, tidal waters, Rivers and Harbors Act) Has this PCN previously been submitted?* 0 Yes O No 1b. What type(s) of permit(s) do you wish to seek authorization? I Nationwide Permit (NWP) 0 Regional General Permit (RGP) 0 Standard (IP) lc. Has the NWP or GP number been verified by the Corps? 0Yes ®No Nationwide Permit (NWP) Number: Nationwide Permit (NWP) Number: NWP Numbers (for multiple NWPS): Id. Type(s) of approval sought from the DWR: I 401 Water Quality Certification - Regular 0 Non-404 Jurisdictional General Permit 0 Individual 401 Water Quality Certification 14 - Linear transportation 29 - Residential Developments le. Is this notification solely for the record because written approval is not required? For the record only for DWR 401 Certification: For the record only for Corps Permit: tf. Is this an after -the -fact permit application?* O Yes O No 0 401 Water Quality Certification - Express 0 Riparian Buffer Authorization lg. Is payment into a mitigation bank or in -lieu fee program proposed for mitigation of impacts? O Yes O No 1g. Is payment into a mitigation bank or in -lieu fee program proposed for mitigation of impacts? O Yes O No lh. Is the project located in any of NC's twenty coastal counties? O Yes O No 1j. Is the project located in a designated trout watershed? OYes )No B. Applicant Information OYes 0No OYes 0No td. Who is applying for the permit? ❑ Owner 0 Applicant (other than owner) le. Is there an Agent/Consultant for this project?* OYes 0No 2. Owner Information 2a. Name(s) on recorded deed: Mills Ventures, LLC 2b. Deed book and page no.: Deed Book 7510 Page: 0810 2c. Contact Person: R. Dean Harrell 2d. Address Street Address 5615 Potter Road Address Line 2 City Matthews Postal / Zip Code 28104 State / Province / Region NC Country USA 2e. Telephone Number: (704)870-4610 2f. Fax Number: 2g. Email Address:* rdharrellco@gmail.com 4. Agent/Consultant (if applicable) 4a. Name: S. Paul Petitgout 4b. Business Name: Lowrys Environmental & Ecological Services, LLC 4c. Address Street Address 1823 Quinn Road Address Line 2 City Chester Postal / Zip Code 29706 4d. Telephone Number: (803)992-0910 4f. Email Address:* ppetitgout@gmail.com C. Project Information and Prior Project History State / Province / Region SC Country USA 4e. Fax Number: 1. Project Information 1 b. Subdivision name: (if appropriate) McCoy Farms lc. Nearest municipality / town: Wesley Chapel, NC 2. Project Identification 2a. Property Identification Number: 06024006; 06024006A; 06024004 01; 06024002; 06024004C 2c. Project Address Street Address 4108 Wesley Chapel Road Address Line 2 City Matthews Postal / Zip Code 28104 3. Surface Waters 3a. Name of the nearest body of water to proposed project: * Prices Mill Creek 3b. Water Resources Classification of nearest receiving water: * C 3c. What river basin(s) is your project located in?* Catawba 3d. Please provide the 12-digit HUC in which the project is located. 030501030202 4. Project Description and History 2b. Property size: ±64 State / Province / Region NC Country USA 4a. Describe the existing conditions on the site and the general land use in the vicinity of the project at the time of this application: * NC Land Cover Categories that generally occur on site: Mixed Deciduous -Coniferous Forest - Other Mixed Deciduous -Coniferous Forest Land Herbaceous Cover and Shurbland - Unmanaged Herbaceous Cover - Other Unmanaged Herbaceous Cover (fallow fields) Water Bodies - Linear Drainage and Inland Water Bodies(wetlands) NC Land Use Categories that occur on site: Agricultural Lands - Crop and Pasture Water Bodies — Non -Used or Passively Used Water Bodies Human Induced Bare Land - Altered Lands Current Site Conditions: The subject property is currently comprised of a of a site that has been used for agricultural purposes (pasture or farm fields). These cleared areas on site are dominated by early successional herbaceous species. Jurisdictional waters of the US were classified according to USACE and NCDWR guidance. The results of the jurisdictional determination investigation indicated that there were two jurisdictional streams present within the subject property. Stream SA is an intermittent unnamed tributary that eventually flows into Prices Mill Creek. Stream SB is a perennial stream (Prices Mill Creek). The project area is within the Yadkin -Pee Dee River Basin (HUC#03040105)(USGS 1974). In addition to the two jurisdictional tributaries, there three jurisdictional wetlands located within the project area (Wetlands WA, WB, and WB) and two jurisdictional (open water) ponds (OWA and OWB). The three jurisdictional wetlands located on site are dominated by forest vegetation. These three wetland areas will not be impacted by the project. The two open water ponds both consist of a wetland fringe around the outer edge (dominated by soft rush (Juncus effusus)). The interior of the ponds are not vegetated. Land use in the vicinity of the project consists of rural farm and timber lands surrounded by residential developments. 4b. Have Corps permits or DWR certifications been obtained for this project (including all prior phases) in the past?* 0 Yes ® No 0 Unknown 4f. List the total estimated acreage of all existing wetlands on the property: Wetlands = ±0.48-ac Open Waters = ±2.28-ac 4g. List the total estimated linear feet of all existing streams on the property: ±1,150 LF 4h. Explain the purpose of the proposed project:* The growth of the housing market in the greater Charlotte metropolitan area including Union County, has been enormous since the end of the "Great Recession." The demand for housing has skyrocketed since 2011. Additionally, inventories have been decreasing due to the inflow of people looking to move to the suburbs because of the Coronavirus Pandemic. This has made the current housing shortage worse. Currently, demand is still extremely strong in the eastern portion of the greater Charlotte metropolitan area. With this in mind, the applicant proposes to construct a ±64-acre single family residential development. The overall purpose of the project is to provide additional housing to meet the growing needs of this area of Union County and the greater Charlotte Metropolitan area. 4i. Describe the overall project in detail, including indirect impacts and the type of equipment to be used: * The project consists of direct impacts to a jurisdictional pond (wetland fringe) and a jurisdictional intermittent stream. Specifically, the impact to the jurisdictional pond will consist of the excavation of the wetland fringe area and the inner portion of the pond to create enough volume to use the pond for detention. The impact to the jurisdictional intermittent stream consists of the placement of a culvert and associated rip rap in order to cross the stream for access. Typical construction equipment will be used for this project. Those pieces of equipment include, but are not limited to: bulldozers, track hoes, dump trucks, etc. 5. Jurisdictional Determinations 5a. Have the wetlands or streams been delineated on the property or proposed impact areas? * 'Yes 0 No Comments: 5b. If the Corps made a jurisdictional determination, what type of determination was made? * O Preliminary C Approved O Not Verified O Unknown O N/A Corps AID Number: SAW-2020-01342 5c. If 5a is yes, who delineated the jurisdictional areas? Name (if known): Agency/Consultant Company: Other: S. Paul Petitgout Lowrys Environmental & Ecological Services, LLC 0 Unknown 5d. List the dates of the Corp jurisdiction determination or State determination if a determination was made by the Corps or DWR USACE: 8/3/2020 6. Future Project Plans 6a. Is this a phased project?* O Yes ' No Are any other NWP(s), regional general permit(s), or individual permits(s) used, or intended to be used, to authorize any part of the proposed project or related activity? None are anticipated D. Proposed Impacts Inventory 1. Impacts Summary la. Where are the impacts associated with your project? (check all that apply): O Wetlands O Streams -tributaries RI Open Waters O Pond Construction 2. Wetland Impacts O Buffers 2a. Site #*(?) 2a1 Reason (?) 2b. Impact type* (?) 2c. Type of W.* 2d. W. name 2e. Forested* 2f. Type of Jurisdicition* (?) 29. Impact area* OWA 1 Excavation P Small -Basin Wetland OWA 1 No Both 0.367 (acres) 2g. Total Temporary Wetland Impact 0.000 2g. Total Wetland Impact 0.367 2g. Total Permanent Wetland Impact 0.367 2i. Comments: This wetland impact is associated with the wetland fringe of the pond to be used as detention. The wetland fringe is 0.367-acre in size and surrounds the pond edge. This area will be excavated in order to deepen the pond in order to increase the volume of the pond, which is to be used as detention. Water quality improvements will be conducted in a sand filter above the pond. The pond itself will not be utilized for anything other that detention. 3. Stream Impacts 3a. Reason for impact (?) 3b.lmpact type* 3c. Type of impact* 3d. S. name* 3e. Stream Type* (?) 3f. Type of Jurisdiction* 3g. S. width 3h. Impact length* Si Road Crossing Permanent Culvert SA Intermittent Both 3 Average (feet) 110 (linear feet) S2 Road Crossing (apron) Permanent Rip Rap Fill SA Intermittent Both 3 Average (feet) 25 (linear feet) 3i. Total jurisdictional ditch impact in square feet: 0 3i. Total permanent stream impacts: 135 3i. Total stream and ditch impacts: 135 3i. Total temporary stream impacts: 0 3j. Comments: The road crossing consist of a single culvert and a rip rap apron which will be keyed in at the stream bed elevation. The piping activity will result in 110 LF (0.0075-ac) of permanent impact and the rip rap apron will consist of 25 LF (0.0017-ac) of permanent impact (but no loss of waters of the US). 4. Open Water Impacts 4a. Site # 4a1. Impact Reason 4b. Impact type 4c. Name of waterbody 4d. Activity type 4e. Waterbody type 4f. Impact area OWA 1 Excavation P OWA 1 Excavation Pond 1.00 4g. Total temporary open water Impacts: 0.00 4g. Total open water impacts: 1.00 4g. Total permanent open water impacts: 1.00 4h. Comments: This is an open water impact. Material will be removed from the pond to increase the storage volume in order for the pond to be used as detention. There will be no loss of waters of the US (or waters of the State) related to the excavation of the open water areas of the pond. E. Impact Justification and Mitigation 1. Avoidance and Minimization la. Specifically describe measures taken to avoid or minimize the proposed impacts in designing the project: The project was designed to minimize impacts to jurisdictional areas to the greatest extent practicable. The only impacts associated with the project is a single road crossing for access to the site, and the manipulation of a pond to be used as detention. Other than the pond fringe, all other jurisdictional wetlands area being avoided. Other than the road crossing, all other streams are being avoided. 1b. Specifically describe measures taken to avoid or minimize the proposed impacts through construction techniques: Side slopes of the road crossing are being constructed so as to decrease the amount of impact while still providing a safe and effective crossing in this area that meets the conditions of both the state and local regulatory officials (NCDOT and Union County). 2. Compensatory Mitigation for Impacts to Waters of the U.S. or Waters of the State 2a. Does the project require Compensatory Mitigation for impacts to Waters of the U.S. or Waters of the State? O Yes No 2c. If yes, mitigation is required by (check all that apply): DWR / Corps 2d. If yes, which mitigation option(s) will be used for this project? ❑ Mitigation bank ❑O Payment to in -lieu fee program I❑ Permittee Responsible Mitigation 4. Complete if Making a Payment to In -lieu Fee Program 4a. Approval letter from in -lieu fee program is attached. O Yes ❑ No 4b. Stream mitigation requested: (linear feet) 4c. If using stream mitigation, what is the stream temperature: 0 warm 4d. Buffer mitigation requested (DWR only): (square feet) 0 4e. Riparian wetland mitigation requested: (acres) 0.367 4f. Non -riparian wetland mitigation requested: 4g. Coastal (tidal) wetland mitigation requested: (acres) (acres) 0 0 4h. Comments The excavation of the pond wetland fringe will be a conversion from a herbaceous wetland pond fringe to a non -vegetated open water area. It is our understanding that this impact will be mitigated for at a 1:1 ratio. Since the impact occurs in the 03050103 watershed and NC Division of Mitigation Services has indicated that the project will be mitigated for in the expanded service area, the ratio is doubled to 2:1. 6. Buffer mitigation (State Regulated Riparian Buffer Rules) - required by DWR 6a. Will the project result in an impact within a protected riparian buffer that requires buffer mitigation? If yes, you must fill out this entire form - please contact DWR for more information. ❑ Yes O No F. Stormwater Management and Diffuse Flow Plan (required by DWR) 1. Diffuse Flow Plan 1 a. Does the project include or is it adjacent to protected riparian buffers identified within one of the NC Riparian Buffer Protection Rules? Yes • No If no, explain why: The project does occur within the Catawba River Basin, a basin that does have buffer rules. However, the rules only apply to impacts on the main stem of the river. This project occurs on an tributary many miles away from the main stem of the river. Therefore, the project is not subject to any NC Riparian Buffer Protection Rules. 2. Stormwater Management Plan 2a. Is this a NCDOT project subject to compliance with NCDOT's Individual NPDES permit NCS000250?* Yes ®No 2b. Does this project meet the requirements for low density projects as defined in 15A NCAC 02H .1003(2)? Yes®No 2c. Does this project have a stormwater management plan (SMP) reviewed and approved under a state stormwater program or state -approved local government stormwater program? i Yes No O N/A - project disturbs < 1 acre 2d. Which of the following stormwater management program(s) apply: i❑ Local Govemment State State Stormwater Programs ❑O Phase II ❑ HWQ or ORW 0 Coastal Counties 0 Other Comments: Stormwater plan has been submitted and is awaiting 404/401 Permit Approval before being approved. Copies of the plan can be provided upon request. G. Supplementary Information 1. Environmental Documentation la. Does the project involve an expenditure of public (federal/state/local) funds or the use of public (federal/state) land?* Yes • No 2. Violations (DWR Requirement) 2a. Is the site in violation of DWR Water Quality Certification Rules (15A NCAC 2H .0500), Isolated Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 2H .1300), or DWR Surface Water or Wetland Standards or Riparian Buffer Rules (15A NCAC 2B .0200)7* Yes O No 3. Cumulative Impacts (DWR Requirement) 3a. Will this project result in additional development, which could impact nearby downstream water quality?* Yes • No 3b. If you answered "no," provide a short narrative description. All reasonably anticipated impacts have been accounted for in this permit application. 4. Sewage Disposal (DWR Requirement) 4a. Is sewage disposal required by DWR for this project?* • Yes No N/A 4b. Describe, in detail, the treatment methods and dispositions (non -discharge or discharge) of wastewater generated from the proposed project. If the wastewater will be treated at a treatment plant, list the capacity available at that plant. Union County Public Works has acknowledged that they have capacity to accept sewage from this project. UCPW did not specifiy the capacity, but it can be obtained upon request. 5. Endangered Species and Designated Critical Habitat (Corps Requirement) 5a. Will this project occur in or near an area with federally protected species or habitat?* Yes O• No 5b. Have you checked with the USFWS conceming Endangered Species Act impacts?* • Yes l No 5c. If yes, indicate the USFWS Field Office you have contacted. Asheville 5d. Is another Federal agency involved?* 0 Yes 5e. Is this a DOT project located within Division's 1-8? 0 Yes No • No Unknown 5f. Will you cut any trees in order to conduct the work in waters of the U.S.? 0Yes ®No 5g. Does this project involve bridge maintenance or removal? 0 Yes ® No 5h. Does this project involve the construction/installation of a wind turbine(s)?* 0 Yes • No 5i. Does this project involve (1) blasting, and/or (2) other percussive activities that will be conducted by machines, such as jackhammers, mechanized pile drivers, etc.? 0 Yes • No 5j. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact Endangered Species or Designated Critical Habitat? USFWS Species List (iPac) NCNHP database 6. Essential Fish Habitat (Corps Requirement) 6a. Will this project occur in or near an area designated as an Essential Fish Habitat?* Yes • No 6b. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact an Essential Fish Habitat?* EFH Mapper (2022) 7. Historic or Prehistoric Cultural Resources (Corps Requirement) 7a. Will this project occur in or near an area that the state, federal or tribal governments have designated as having historic or cultural preservation status?* Yes • No 7b. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact historic or archeological resources?* NCSHPO HPOWEB 2.0 for NCDOT and Consultants (archaeological sites are not visible in this database). 8. Flood Zone Designation (Corps Requirement) 8a. Will this project occur in a FEMA-designated 100-year floodplain?* Yes a` No 8c. What source(s) did you use to make the floodplain determination?* FEMA FIRM Panel 3710449600J (effective date: 10/16/2008) The project parcel does contain both floodway and floodplain, but there is no disturbance planned in these areas. Miscellaneous Please use the space below to attach all required documentation or any additional information you feel is helpful for application review. Documents should be combined into one file when possible, with a Cover Letter, Table of Contents, and a Cover Sheet for each Section preferred. Click the upload button or drag and drop files here to attach document McCoy Farms Site_PCN Attachment Document.pdf 7.34MB File must be PDF or KMZ Comments Signature U RI By checking the box and signing below, I certify that: • The project proponent hereby certifies that all information contained herein is true, accurate, and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief'; and • The project proponent hereby requests that the certifying authority review and take action on this CWA 401 certification request within the applicable reasonable period of time. • I have given true, accurate, and complete information on this form; I agree that submission of this PCN form is a "transaction" subject to Chapter 66, Article 40 of the NC General Statutes (the "Uniform Electronic Transactions Act"); I agree to conduct this transaction by electronic means pursuant to Chapter 66, Article 40 of the NC General Statutes (the "Uniform Electronic Transactions Act"); I understand that an electronic signature has the same legal effect and can be enforced in the same way as a written signature; AND I intend to electronically sign and submit the PCN form. Full Name: S. Paul Petitgout Signature Date 6/9/2022 Lowrys Environmental & Ecological Services, LLC 1823 Quinn Road Chester, South Carolina 29706 Phone 803-992-0910 June 9, 2022 US Army Corps of Engineers Regulatory Branch Charlotte Field Office North Carolina Division of Water Resources 401 and Buffer Permitting Branch Mooresville Field Office RE: McCoy Farms Site Nationwide Permit 29 (NCDWR Certification No. 4256); Nationwide Permit 14 (NCDWR Certification No. 4246) USACE Action ID: SAW-2020-01342 Village of Wesley Chapel, Union County, North Carolina Lowrys Environmental & Ecological Services, LLC (LEES) has prepared a permit application for the use of Nationwide Permit 29 (NCDWR Certification No. 4256) and Nationwide Permit 14 (NCDWR Certification No. 4246) in order for the applicant to construct a new residential development. The project area is located near the intersection of Potter Road and Wesley Chapel Road, in the Village of Wesley Chapel, Union County, North Carolina. The following documents, figures, etc. are provided to aid in your review of the project. Should you have any questions regarding the project, please do not hesitate contacting me. We look forward to working with you on this project. Sincerely yours, S. Paul Petitgout President/Managing Member Attachments TABLE OF CONTENTS Property Ownership Information 30-Day Pre -Filing Documentation Agent Authorization and Right of Entry Documentation General Location Figures Engineering Figures Cultural Resources (NC HPO) Documentation Threatened & Endangered Species Documentation PROPERTY OWNERSHIP INFORMATION Parcel Report Parcel Number 06024004 01 Owner MILLS VENTURES LLC Mailing Address 5615 POTTER RD MATTHEWS NC , 28104 Account Information Land Value Building Value Total Value Acreage Sales Information Sale Date 11/07/2019 08/08/2018 08/07/2018 $438,800.00 $0.00 $438,800.00 61.6600 Location Information Municipal Administration Sale Amount $1, 842, 500.00 $0.00 $0.00 Wesley Chapel County Zoning Code CITY Zoning Administration Wesley Chapel ETJ Fire District Wesley Chapel Soils Description Situs Address Property Class TbB2, W, ChA, CmB, BdC2, Bd B2 Building Information Total Living Area 0 Year Build 0 TRACT 1 7510-810 4108 WESLEY CHAPEL RD FARM Book & Page 7510 0810 W18E 802 D138 817 12 Mile Service Area Yes School Census Tract Number FEMA Panel FEMA Zone Improvement Type District Voting Assignments (Jurisdictions) Polling Place Wesley Chapel School District Elementary School Gym Precinct District #17A State House 3 68 Grantor THOMAS, DONNA CAROLYN ET AL MCCOY JUDITH C HEIRS MCCOY JUDITH C School Assignment Information 203.17 4496 AE,0.2% Annual Chance,AE-FW Congressional 9 District Senate District 35 gis-web.unioncountync.gov//gomaps/Reports/UserDefined/parcelReport.cfm?objectids=16287594&bbox=-8982074.987534985,4164719.9708427154,... 1/1 30-DAY PRE -FILING DOCUMENTATION M Gmail Paul Petitgout <ppetitgout@gmail.com> Pre -Filing Meeting Request - McCoy (Carolyn) Farms Site - Union County, NC 2 messages Paul Petitgout <ppetitgout@gmail.com> Thu, Apr 14, 2022 at 4:33 PM To: "Perez, Douglas J" <doug.perez@ncdenr.gov> Doug: Attached below, please find a Pre -Filing Meeting Request for the McCoy (Carolyn) Farms Site, located in Union County, NC. Please let me know if you have any questions or if you need any additional information. Also, please confirm receipt of this email. Thanks for your help!! Paul S. Paul Petitgout President/Managing Member Lowrys Environmental & Ecological Services, LLC 1823 Quinn Road Chester, South Carolina 29706 Phone: (803) 992-o9io Email: ppetitgout@gmail.com McCoy Farms Slte_DWR Pre -Filing Meeting Request Form_4-14-22.pdf — 86K Perez, Douglas J <doug.perez@ncdenr.gov> Thu, Apr 14, 2022 at 4:36 PM To: Paul Petitgout <ppetitgout@gmail.com> Received. From: Paul Petitgout [mailto:ppetitgout@gmail.com] Sent: Thursday, April 14, 2022 4:33 PM To: Perez, Douglas J <doug.perez@ncdenr.gov> Subject: [External] Pre -Filing Meeting Request - McCoy (Carolyn) Farms Site - Union County, NC CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Doug: Attached below, please find a Pre -Filing Meeting Request for the McCoy (Carolyn) Farms Site, located in Union County, NC. Please let me know if you have any questions or if you need any additional information. Also, please confirm receipt of this email. Thanks for your help!! Paul [Quoted text hidden] PRE -FILING MEETING REQUEST - McCOY(CAROLYN) FARMS SITE- UNION COUNTY, NC PRE -FILING MEETING REQUEST DATE - APRIL 14, 2022 Contact Name * S. Paul Petitgout Contact Email Address* ppetitgout@gmail.com Project Owner* Mills Ventures, LLC Project Name* McCoy (Carolyn) Farms Site Project County* Union Owner Address:* Street Address 5615 Potter Road City State / Bovine / Region Matthews NC Fbstal / Zip Code Country 28104 USA Is this a transportation project?* t` Yes c: No Type(s) of approval sought from the DWR: iW 401 Water Quality Certification - I— 401 Water Quality Certification - Regular Express I— Individual Permit I— Modification I— Shoreline Stabilization Does this project have an existing project ID#?* c c: No Do you know the name of the staff member you would like to request a meeting with? Doug Perez Please give a brief project description below and include location information. * The project will consist of a residential development that is located along Potter Road, near its intersection with Wesley Chapel Road in Union County, NC. Minor impacts to Jurisdictional Streams and open waters (pond) are anticipated. By digitally signing below, I certify that I have read and understood that per the Federal Clean Water Act Section 401 Certification Rule the following statements: • This form completes the requirement of the Pre -Filing Meeting Request in the Clean Water Act Section 401 Certification Rule. • I understand by signing this form that I cannot submit my application until 30 calendar days after this pre -filing meeting request. • I also understand that DWR is not required to respond or grant the meeting request. Your project's thirty -day clock started upon receipt of this application. You will receive notification regarding meeting location and time if a meeting is necessary. You will receive notification when the thirty -day clock has expired, and you can submit an application. Signature * Submittal Date 4/14/2022 AGENT AUTHORIZATION AND RIGHT OF ENTRY DOCUMENTATION PROJECT NAME: Carolyn Farms Site PARCEL ID: 06024004 01 PROTECT STREET ADDRESS: 4108 Wesley Chapel Road, Wesley Chapel,NC AGENT AUTHORIZATION FORM PROPERTY OWNER: Mills Ventures,LLC PROPERTY OWNER'S ADDRESS: 5615 Potter Road Matthews,NC 28104 PROPERTY OWNER'S EMAIL: k p] ke v J+ Cpay,p4 w y, Ca The undersigned,registered property owner(s)of the above noted property,do hereby authorize S.Paul Petitgout,of Lowrvs Environmental& Ecological Services,LLC, (Contractor/Agent) (Name of consulting firm) to act on my behalf and take all actions necessary for the processing, issuance and acceptance of this Jurisdictional Determination,Permit or Certification and any and all standard and special conditions attached. AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: p.11)....a...,..7t,Lii DATE: 3 3ZUa0 RIGHT OF ENTRY AUTHORIZATION By signing below, I authorize representatives of the Wilmington District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) and/or NC Division of Water Resources (NCDWR) to enter upon the property herein described (accompanied by the authorized agent)for the purpose of conducting on-site investigations,if necessary,and issuing a jurisdictional determination and/or permit pursuant to Section 404/401 of the Clean Water Act and/or Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899. I,the undersigned,am a duly authorized owner of record of the property identified herein. PROPERTY OWNER: Mills Ventures, LLC PROPERTY OWNER'S ADDRESS: 5615 Potter Road Ma hew ,NC 28104 PROPERTY OWNER'S EMAIL: R0.42.0A., 12 R r p{j�.�,1 „CcE 1 hereby certify the above information submitted in this jurisdictional determination/application is true and accurate to the best of our knowledge. ( 4AJ2/ p_Aly\r / AUTHO ED SIGNATURE: tiQ'- DATE: Za a G GENERAL LOCATION FIGURES ► . lip v 1 v 10 / Q-`` _ 1111 �Hartis-Grove r A Baptist ` FENWlCK DR i c. Fr C Church'Cem „„,,,N,-41 �r [S 1 65z7 �� SEA 0 ' 0 �L ,„4 1 �� �-� LS O�pdp L. O I U ti ,„ o o� R-i Fs, 4� ��J J`' �� .� ¢Ljt l �l- , v a `50 I __ f - / RO°�'\ .44$ ,_,..„ 650 L� PpF II 7 .r / Z. �� o�ro - �° T Pfr 9,,, v° .DUNDIN ., -P iii..11, 0P o e �0 4N` ish.....--,,,a.,--,e. aL- ,KO�- 0 1/4 SYMPHONY PP.", �2 401 0 F/fpR� s!RiNc OAKSy ��„y®� 7 p� Q �� .-*59.°� • e° o o o IIIV illMcCoy Farms Development ±64-acres ��° of • .�° Q)11 ����°:,�e� °� �'' \a °��s\° -•, ) .1111...-kiiiiiii IIII 11171111 /AA! t. 4: iCta#:'>, ttli-Akkidllit 13 0S---- 6 iiiibi... vim- --ibirties. .111\ ailltaIllit ‘. 0 cy i I MB. . il 45*♦N140' 0 1, !� Q d �o 00 ,, Z.' rI C4t/T rt)Tb01! PRlNCF livi., yUCH+,..., CRocK \ • .QP �"T 41111 f / p0 i way ALTONINill !I!D1WMcCoy Al Farms DevelopmentjKI 0 1,000 2,000qtaliMM1111111WAN, Feet inch equals 2,000 feet _ ,� J ��1�l���■������?1 A"A�Source: USGS Matthews NCTopo (2019) r,,, ,�AL ��Disclaimer: The information depicted on this figure is for purposes only and was not prepared for, and is not suitable for legal or engineering purposes. _ — - t— b� Qinformational r' VI McCoy Farms Development Union County, North Carolina USGS 1:24,000 Topographic Map Lowrys Environmental 85 Ecological Services, LLC 1823 Quinn Road Chester, South Carolina 29706 803-992-0910 Drawn By: SPP Date: 5-29-20 Rev. Project Mgr. SPP Scale: 1:24,000 Sheet: 1 McCoy Farms Development ±64-acres McCoy Farms Development Scale: Not to Scale Source: Union County, NC GIS (2020) Disclaimer: The information depicted on this figure is for informational purposes only and was not prepared for, and is not suitable for legal or engineering purposes. McCoy Farms Development Union County, North Carolina Union County, NC GIS Aerial Map Drawn By: SPP Project Mgr. SPP Date: 5-29-20 Scale: 1:24,000 Rev. Sheet: 2 Lowrys Environmental 85 Ecological Services, LLC 1823 Quinn Road Chester, South Carolina 29706 803-992-0910 w=� SOILS LEGEND BdB2 Badin Channery Silty Clay Loam 2-8% Slope BdC2 Badin Channery Silty Clay Loam 8-15% Slope Cha Chewacla Silt Loam 0-2% Slope CmB Cid Channery Silt Loam 1-5% Slope TbB2 Tarrus Gravelly Silty Clay Loam 2-8% Slope BdB2 McCoy Farms Development ±64-acres McCoy Farms Development 0 500 1,000 Feet 1 inch equals 1,000 feet Source: USDA NRCS VVeb Soil Survey (2020) Disclaimer: The information depicted on this figure is for informational purposes only and was not prepared for, and is not suitable for legal or engineering purposes. McCoy Farms Development Union County, North Carolina USGS 1:24,000 Topographic Map Drawn By: SPP Date: 5-29-20 Rev. Project Mgr. SPP Scale: 1:12,000 Sheet: 3 Lowrys Environmental 85 Ecological Services, LLC 1823 Quinn Road Chester, South Carolina 29706 803-992-0910 1F if1'll F U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service National Wetlands Inventor Wetlands McCoy Farms Development ±64-acres 1:14,435 0.125 0.25 Wetlands 6 Estuarine and Marine Deepwater Estuarine and Marine Wetland McCoy Farms Development Scale: As Shown Source: USFWS NVVI Mapper (2020) Disclaimer: The information depicted on this figure is for informational purposes only and was not prepared for, and is not suitable for legal or engineering purposes. O Freshwater Emergent Wetland 111 Lake • Freshwater Forested/Shrub Wetland 0 Other ▪ Freshwater Pond LI Riverine McCoy Farms Development Union County, North Carolina USFWS National Wetlands Inventory Map Drawn By: SPP Date: 5-29-20 Rev. Project Mgr. SPP Scale: As Shown Sheet: 4 Lowrys Environmental 85 Ecological Services, LLC 1823 Quinn Road Chester, South Carolina 29706 803-992-0910 it Potential Perennial Stream • — ' Potential Intermittent Stream 111- Potential Open Water Potential Wetland u Data Point Potential Jurisdictional Areas Stream SA: ±625 ft. (0.06-ac.) Intermittent Stream SB: ±520 ft. (0.24-ac.) Perennial Wetland WA: ±0.01-ac. Wetland WB: ±0.02-ac. Wetland WC: ±0.01-ac. Open Water OWA: ±2.4-ac. Open Water OWB: ±0.25-ac. McCoy Farms Development ±64-acres Flagging Sequences Wetland WA WA 1 - WA 4 WA1 =SA8 WA4=SA6 Wetland WB WB 1 = WB 6 WB1=SA17 WB6=SA20 Wetland WC WC 1 - WC 8 WC 1 = WC 8 r Open Water OWA OWA 1 - OWA 22 OWA 1=OWA 22 Open Water OWB OWB 1 - OWB 7 OWB 1 = OWA 7 Stream SA SA 1 - SA 26 SA6=WA4 SA8=WA1 SA 10/11 = Pipe SA 17 = WB 1 SA 20 = WB 6 SA 13 - 15 widens to 10 ft Stream SB SB 1 - SB 11 SB 10/11 Sewer Line ROW (1v, 0? lit 11 111 LialliD. —.141111111k14 IR McCoy Farms Development Union County, North Carolina Preliminary Jurisdictional Determination Map Drawn By: SPP Date: 5-29-20 Rev. Project Mgr. SPP Scale: Not to Scale Sheet: 5 Lowrys Environmental 85 Ecological Services, LLC 1823 Quinn Road Chester, South Carolina 29706 803-992-0910 ENGINEERING FIGURES Exhibit Plotted: C: \DPR Dropbox\_Projects\Active\2019\19076 Carolyn Farm—Kahuna Group—Westley Chapel\CAD\SHEETS\SITE\SITE CDs\19076—C2-1 GRADING PLANS.dwg / 1/18/2022 / FEMA FLOOD PLAIN, +/1 / ++s 00 + + + + + + ++++ + + + /// ///\ ///// --7 / -�/ - / -� / / / /- /// '-y �v� 1 \ \- \\ _J \ \\\ \ \ (590) \ \ /// \\/ /-v v- \ / I/ / ��--�(soo) I \ I / \ - i LEGEND EXISTING PROPERTY LINE PROPOSED LOT LINE STREAM BUFFER FEMA 100 YEAR FLOOD HAZARD PROPOSED TREESAVE PROPOSED NATURAL TRAIL PROPOSED LOT NUMBERS PROPOSED RIGHT OF WAY PROPOSED SIDEWALK SITE DISTANCE TRIANGLE EXISTING CONTOUR PROPOSED CONTOUR LIMITS OF GRADING STORM DRAINAGE EASEMENT STORM DRAINAGE STRUCTURE NO. APPLICATION TRACKING NUMBER: / EX. POND SCM #1 B A (DETENTION/ \ \ \N _ 7 / // //// / (634) -47 co CO ..r,173-9) GRADING AND STORM DRAINAGE NOTES 1. EROSION CONTROL PLAN, NOTES, & CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE TO BE APPROVED THROUGH NCDEQ E&SC, MOORESVILLE OFFICE. 2. ALL CURB INLETS (CI, DCI) SHALL BE PER NCDOT DETAIL 840.01, 840.02 & 840.03 (BRICK/CONCRETE INLET WITH CAST IRON GRATE AND HOOD), UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. ALL DROP INLETS (DI) SHALL BE SLAB TYPE INLETS PER NCDOT DETAIL 840.04/840.05, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 3. ALL STORM PIPE SHALL BE CLASS III RCP UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE OR APPROVED EQUAL BY GOVERNING AUTHORITY. 4. CONTRATOR ITO ENSURE THAT CURBLINES DO NOT TRAP WATER. KEEP MINIMUM OF 0.5% SLOPE ON ALL CURBS. CONTRACTOR IS ALSO RESPONSIBLE FOR ENSURING THAT SUBGRADE, BASE COURSE & ASPHALT ARE SET (MIN. 1%) SO THAT HIGH SIDES OF INTERSECTIONS ADEQUATELY DRAIN AND DO NOT TRAP WATER. IF DESCREPANCIES ARE FOUND CONTRACTOR TO CONTACT DPR REPRESENATIVE BEFORE CURB IS POURED. 5. SUBDIVISION INSPECTOR SHALL BE GIVEN ADVANCED NOTICE OF 5 BUSINESS DAYS PRIOR TO BEGINNING OF CONSTRUCTION. 6. PROVIDE MINIMUM 2 FEET COVER PLUS THICKNESS OF PIPE OVER STORM DRAINAGE PIPE IN PAVED AREAS AND 18 INCHES COVER IN GRASSED AREAS, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 7. PIPE INVERT ELEVATIONS AND SLOPES SHALL NOT BE CHANGED THOSE SHOWN ON PLAN WITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL FROM DPR ASSOCIATES. 8. RIM ELEVATION FOR PROPOSED CURB INLETS PROVIDED ON PLAN ARE TO THE INLET AT EDGE OF PAVEMENT. 9. CONSTRUCTION OF THE FOLLOWING ITEMS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING NCDOT ROADWAY STANDARD DRAWINGS, 2012 EDITION: 310.02 FLARED END SECTION 838.80 CONCRETE ENDWALL FOR SINGLE CULVERTS 838.22 CONCRETE ENDWALL FOR DOUBLE CULVERTS 840.01 BRICK CATCH BASIN (CI) 840.02 CONCRETE CATCH BASIN (CI) 840.03 FRAME, GRATE, & HOOD FOR CURB INLETS (CI) 840.04 CONRETE OPEN THROAT CATCH BASIN 840.05 BRICK OPEN THROAT CATCH BASIN 840.14 CONCRETE DROP INLET 840.15 BRICK DROP INLET 840.16 DROP INLET FRAME AND GRATES 840.31 RECTANGULAR CONCRETE JUNCTION BOX 12" THRU 66" PIPE 840.51 BRICK MANHOLE 840.54 MANHOLE FRAME AND COVER 840.66 STEPS IN DRAINAGE STRUCTURES 10. ALL GRATES AND INLETS MUST BE DOMESTIC STEEL AND HAVE INSCRIBED "DUMP NO WASTE, DRAINS TO STREAMS'. ALL GRATE TYPES FOR CURB INLET MUST FOLLOW NCDOT DETAIL # 840.03 IN ACCORDANCE TO WATER FLOW DIRECTION. 11. ALL NEW STORM DRAINAGE MANHOLES AND BOXES WHICH ARE GREATER THAN 6 FEET DEEP (FROM INVERT TO RIM) MUST BE PRECAST BOXES. 12. STORM DRAINAGE EASEMENTS THAT REMAIN PUBLIC SHALL BE LABELED AS SDE AND MAINTAINED BY THE GOVERNMENT. 13. ALL CUT AND FILL SLOPES ARE TO BE 2:1 MAXIMUM GRADE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON PLANS OR DETAILS. MAINTAIN MINIMUM 2% SLOPE ON ALL DITCH CENTERLINES, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. MINIMUM 2% SLOPE ON ALL SHEET FLOW, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. KEEP A MINIMUM OF 0.5% SLOPE ON ALL CURBS, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 14. THE DENUDED AREA LIMIT SHOWN ON THIS PLAN IS THE MAXIMUM AREA TO BE CLEARED. SEE ADDITIONAL NOTES THIS SHEET REGARDING GRADING AT AMENITIES, TRAILS, ETC. 15. ALL PROPOSED GRADES SHOWN ARE FINISHED GRADES. 16. PROPOSED CONTOURS WITHIN PUBLIC STREET R/W ARE FOR REFERENCE ONLY. CONTRACTOR TO REFER TO ROAD PROFILES FOR ROAD CONSTRUCTION. 17. ALL FILLED BUILDING PADS MUST BE PLACED IN MAXIMUM 1 FOOT LIFTS TO A MINIMUM 95% COMPACTION. NC STATE BUILDING CODE STANDARDS FOR 2,000 PSF MINIMUM COMPACTION IS REQUIRED IN BUILDING AREA. ALL SLOPES MUST BE GRADED NO STEEPER THAN 2:1. 18. THE PURPOSE OF THE STORM DRAINAGE EASEMENT (SDE) IS TO PROVIDE STORM WATER CONVEYANCE AND ANY STRUCTURES AND/OR OBSTRUCTION TO STORM WATER FLOW IS PROHIBITED. 19. ALL SPOT ELEVATIONS REFLECT FINISHED GRADES. 20. ALL ELEVATIONS ARE IN REFERENCE TO THE BENCHMARK, AND THIS MUST BE VERIFIED BY THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR PRIOR TO GROUND BREAKING. 21. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL IMMEDIATELY REPORT TO OWNER ANY DISCREPANCIES FOUND BETWEEN ACTUAL FIELD CONDITIONS AND CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS AND SHALL WAIT FOR INSTRUCTION PRIOR TO PROCEEDING. 22. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL LOCATION OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES IN THE FIELD BEFORE BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION. 23. CONTRACTOR SHALL BLEND NEW EARTHWORK SMOOTHLY TO TRANSITION BACK TO EXISTING GRADE. 24. PROPOSED RETAINING WALLS SHOWN ON PLANS WILL REQUIRE DESIGN AND LAYOUT BY STRUCTURAL ENGINEER. CONTRACTOR WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR HIRING STRUCTURAL ENGINEER TO DESIGN AND DETAIL THE WALLS. SHOP DRAWING SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO DPR ASSOCIATES FOR REVIEW PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. RETAINING WALL PLANS SHALL BE PERMITTED THROUGH MOUNT HOLLY ZONING AND GASTON COUNTY BUILDING DEPT. DE-HAMPTON DR 25. FOR AS -BUILT NOTES, REFER TO GENERAL/SITE NOTES ON SHEET CO-2. NOTES: 1. REFER TO NCDOT STD DETAILS 300.01 FOR METHOD OF STORM PIPE INSTALLATION. 2. ALL CURB INLET RIM ELEVATIONS ARE MEASURED AT CENTER LIP OF EDGE OF PAVEMENT. ALL GRATED DROP INLET RIM ELEVATIONS ARE MEASURED AT TOP OF GRATE. ALL SLAB DROP INLET RIM ELEVATIONS ARE MEASURED AT BOTTOM OF THROAT OPENING. 3. ALL SLAB TYPE STRUCTURES ARE OPEN ON ALL FOUR SIDES, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. ALL PIPE MATERIALS ARE TO BE RCP, CLASS III, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 4. ALL FLARED END SECTION'S SLOPE AND ORIENTATION ARE TO BE THE SAME AS THE ATTACHED OUTLET PIPE. THE LENGTH OF ALL FLARED END SECTIONS ARE NOT INCLUDED IN THE OUTLET PIPE'S LENGTH. 5. FOR JB, INSTALL NCDOT STRUCTURE 840.31 WITH OPTIONAL MH FRAME AND GRATE (NCDOT 840.54). 6. OCI = OFFSET CURB INLET, PER CHARLOTTE STANDARD, IF APPLICABLE. 7. STORM DRAINAGE SLOPES SHOWN ON THIS PLAN ARE FOR CONTRACTOR REFERENCE ONLY. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR CONSTRUCTING THE STORM DRAINAGE TO THE INVERTS SHOWN ON THIS PLAN. 8. ALL CURB INLETS (CI) OR DOUBLE CURB INLETS (DCI) SHALL BE PER NCDOT DETAIL 840.01, 840.02 & 840.03 (BRICK/CONCRETE) INLET WITH CAST IRON GRATE AND HOOD), UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. DCI IS PER CHARLOTTE DETAIL 20.22. ALL DROP INLETS (DI) SHALL BE SLAB TYPE INLETS PER NCDOT DETAIL 840.04/840.05, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. NOTE: NEAR TREE PROTECTION AREAS, SEPARATE TREE PROTECTION FENCE TO BE INSTALLED IN TREE SAVE AREAS IF SILT FENCE OR SUPER SILT FENCE IS REMOVED BEFORE FINAL CONSTRUCTION STAGE. EX. HOUSE AND PARCEt #1I TO B RE -PLATTED c RE PLATTED (±71,300 SF) \ FUTURE ROUNDABOUT \ OTHERS. Know what's below. Call before you dig. CLIENT/OWNER a r 0004,_ associates designing places for generations master planning . civil engineering urban design . landscape architecture 420 hawthorne In . charlotte, nc 28204 704.332.1204 . www.dprassociates.net NC Firm License # C-0560 MILLS VENTURES, LLC. (R. DEAN HARREL) 5615 POTTER ROAD MATHEWS, NORTH CAROLINA 28104 704.870.4614 SURVEYOR EAGLE ENGINEERING 2013A VAN BUREN AVE. INDIAN TRAIL, NORTH CAROLINA 28079 704.882.4222 WETLANDS LOWRYS ENVIRONMENTAL & ECOLOGICAL SERVICES 1823 QUINN ROAD CHESTER, SOUTH CAROLINA 29706 GEOTECH SUMMIT ENGINEERING 3575 CENTRE CIRCLE DRIVE FORT MILL, SOUTH CAROLINA 29715 704.504.1717 FEMA MAP #3710449600J, EFFECTIVE 10/16/2008 KEY MAP PROJECT PROJECT MCCOY WESLEY WESLEY CHAPEL ROAD CHAPEL, NORTH NUMBER FARM CAROLINA 19076 DATE 05/07/2021 ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS REVISIONS NO. DATE DESCRIPTION BY PROJ. MANAGER: HN DRAWN BY: JM CHECKED BY: HN SEAL SCALE AS INDICATED DRAWING GRADING PLAN c2.1 (OVERALL) COPYRIGHT @ 2020 DPR ASSOCIATES, INC. THE PLAN OR DRAWING AND ANY ACCOMPANYING DOCUMENTS OR CALCULATIONS ARE THE PROPERTY OF DPR ASSOCIATES, INC. AND ARE INTENDED SOLEY FOR THE USE OF THE RECIPIENT NOTED. NO THIRD PARTY USE OR MODIFICATION IS PERMITTED WITHOUT VVRITTEN AUTHORIZATION. " I + + WATER SHED DISTRICT: CATAWBA RIVER, PA PROPOSED BUA = ± 20.85%, LOW DENSITY DEVELOP AS: DETACHED SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL PROPOSED NUMBER OF LOTS: 43 DU / \ ) \ I / / // // I \ \ / / / N \ N\ \ \ \ \ / / / / \ / / — \ \ N / / / / / \ I / / \ \ >--- — \ / ( I / / / / \ \ \ N \\ / / \ / / / / \ / 1 / / ;(2)-s ) ) / \ / \/ / N \ \\ ) \ / z / / / z \ / / / / X \ _ .7 z / / / ( / / z \ I r \ \ ( N \ 7 \ N \ / — 7-- ( \ — \ / \ 1 \ ....„), ,..., \ \ N \ \ \ I \- \ \ \ \ \ \ N \ \ N ____\_, \i \ \ / / \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ..„_.,/ \ \ \\ \ / \ \ \ ---, \ \\I \ \ \ \ \ 1 \ \ / / X I \ \ / \ \ /\ / / \ / I / --- - -- / / \ \ \ i / / \/ / / / \ / 7 / / / / z z / z z I \ \ I / I 7 \ / / / A - \ , z / A \ \ \ / A / / / / / / , I / / / // ////// ////7 / I Ix 1 / I \ \ I /— 7\/// / / / / I / I / \ 2 - \ /\ / / -/ v / — 7 / < / / \ 7 / / \ / \ / z / \ \ / 7\ , / z - _ - - _7_ z- - I 1 / //// // / /I I \ / / / / / // I / / / / / \ / \ / /\ — 4 / \ X < / \< N \ Nv.v < \ \ \ \\ \ _-_-_-_-_-- N N\X \ \ )//171/P/ ) //// 777/// / /I Z Z ( APPLICATION TRACKING NUMBER: SAW - z / \ _ ▪ FEMA FLOOD PLAIN 4 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 6C) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 7 7 ▪ + + + + + + + 1 S • 4▪ ;* + -41 G Lc) V) • \ 4 01. ;5?') , 4▪ 4, - 3o• VI 10* EXISTING POND ± 2.5 AC. fill W.,' (59o) EXISTING POND PER JANUARY 2020 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY. VEGETATED PORTION OF THE OPEN WATER FEATURE. 16,000 SF = 0.367 AC. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + z7z* —1/-7N (--- / 1 Iv1I1 \\\ — N - • - — \ — — CAROLYN FARMS I STREAM C AND POND IMPACT EXHIBIT WESLEY CHAPEL, NC DATE: CLIENT: PROJ #: 06/02/2022 MILLS VENTURES, LLC. 19076 1 \ v / / // ,1 \ / / / \ 1(600) / / \ — z z / / 1 < I I I k I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I , I / \ \ I \ \\ \ \ \ A \ I \ \ \ \ I \ z 7 7 z 7 7 / V Z z -- ,,,---'-' 7 -- _- -- -- \ \ z 7 7 7 7'--- — _ - ---- A- \ \ / 1 N \ \ \ \ \ / - \ / z t - ----- - / — /2" NIR \\\ \\\ \I\ \ I\ \ \ \\\ \ PROP \ \ \ X \ N N 1 \ \ \ \ 1 I / / / —0---- / — 2 [ \--- \ \ // / / / N / / / / / kfr • — — \ \ \ - / K z_7 — -- (610) — z z / ----,,,,-- — \---- ,,,"--------------------:- ----' / \ v ----- ,-- \ — 4p• %.* g% \ • • \ v - re j / / 7 \ STREAM C: PROP. 42" RCP CULVERT, 110 LF. / — "\-- 0- _ / / •>----- / // // // / -, — --- _ Th1/ co I \ I 1\- — I .4.-1 / ) / ) ) \ /,' 0 CD 1 2 _ ) — / — — — A - I I /l / ) z 7 I z I / 1 / / , I 1 i 1 I \ N / I / \ N N 1 \ ---- Z z 7 7 I 1 --------______ \,--- v-- I \ / // I/ z - — X--- / z / z / X \ z \ \ ----, , - _ / X / 2 1/ / Z v 1 I Z //\/ \ V/ / // / .---- \--- \ \ \ \ X \ \ TV EXIST POND / / / // / Z z\X7 i \ X \ \ \\ X / i X , / z / \ \ \ \ X / ( x \ \\\ \ \ \ x - --\ ----- __ / \ \ \ I I 7 I f r&T \ \ ) \ (61-11:4) 1 \ \ \ C 1 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ) \ \ \ 1 1 \ \ I ) \ \ \ \ \I ) \ \ \ \ \ \ \I I I I N 1 I 1 I 1 \ 1 1 N \ I \ I \ I \ z \ \ \ 7 \ 1 \ 1 I 1 \ 1 N 1 \ I \ i \\ — / \ \ \ 1 \ \ — — — / l \ i \ - ---- (0°) rDaHt.1\1:1CROr\:\ICTRDR. r6 \ _ \ N 'ri__ \ \ / \ / / ----- \ Z X S co co cv \ / --- — \ 1 ) i 1 1 Qi.,_,,? (f)\ , -(6., , ...6) I, \ \ (6,,, 4,),„). I I0 / / \ I /8 , 1 ..., r 7/z N , 1 , _L ,D6,) k4 (4 4 /-- b-En AMP:: DR \ r& j ---- --- ---- N N 7?) \ \ I \ / \ „ ) \ \ 4N? \ \ \ — (620) c•N C-4 EX. HOUSE AND PARCEL #1 TO BE RE -PLATTED (±57,300 SF) c0 CD C.0 SCALE:1" = 150' 0 75150' 300' DRAWN BY: JMM PLOTTED: C: \DPR Dropbox\ Projects\Actiye\2019\19076 Carolyn Farm—Kahuna Group—Westley Chapel\CAD\EXHIBITS\WETLAND EXHIBITS\2022-01-19 Wetland Exhibits\19076—Wetland—Stream Exhibit.dwg / 6/2/2022 10:57 AM master planning . civil engineering urban design . landscape architecture o_ co CV Plotted: C: \DPR Dropbox\_Projects\Active\2019\19076 Carolyn Farm—Kahuna Group—Westley Chapel\CAD\SHEETS\SITE\SITE CDs \19076—C2-5 BMP ENLARGEMENTS.dwg / 6/2/2022 LPE=607�40 IWk 246,\\ COS \ PROP. LOG PROP. LITTORAL SHELF PROP. GRASSED SPILLWAY OUTLET PIPE AND STRUCTURE PROP. RIP -RAP APRON N • (580) -(598)- - N / / / PE=608.70 100+2 SWPE = 578.40 lx l i PROP. RIP -RAP APRON. PROPOSED SAND MEDIA AREA = 2,132 SF. 6" PERFORATED UNDERDRAIN PVC @ 0.5% SLOPE, TYP. 6" CLEAN -OUT @ END OF PIPES & ALL BENDS, TYP. W/ WATER -TIGHT VANDAL PROFF CAPS. PROP. WASHED STONE RIP -RAP BERM, 2' WIDE @ TOP. PROPOSED RIP RAP SPILLWAY 1 SCM 1A SANDFILTER & SCM 1B DETENTION POND / rl ■ i11 -1 594 \ �ur VEGETATED PORTION OF THE OPEN WATER FEATURE. 16,000 SF = 0.367 AC. \ Sp, N sON N N SFR � � V V A Al t704/ J f / 0 :° LPE=608.69 / / / / / / \/. / / // / / SCALE: 1" = 50' EXIST. EARTH EMBANKMENT. GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER TO PROVIDE CORE TEST, REPORT, AND RECOMMENDATION TO AFFIRM ITS STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY AND/OR REPAIRS AS REQUIRED TO ACCOMMODATE THE PROPOSED STORMWATER SCM POND DESIGN. PRE -CON MEETING WITH VILLAGE INSPECTOR & GEOTECH ENGINEER IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO STARTING ANY EMBANKMENT WORK EX. GRADE (EXISTING WOODY VEGETATION ON EMBANKMENT TO BE REMOVED, AND EMBANKMENT TO BE MOWED REGULARLY) PROPOSED HEADWALL FOR BMP 1B INV. AT SCM 1B = 579.60 0% SLOPE FOR ENTIRE LENGTH OF APRONS. • SCM 1B = 79.2 LF OF 36" RCP @ 0.5% TOP OF EMBANKMENT ELEV. AT SCM 1B=592.5 GRASSED EMERGENCY SPILLWAY CREST ELEV. AT SCM 1B=591.5 \\. ANTI -SEEP COLLARS (CONSTRUCT OVER PIPE JOINTS NEAR CENTER OF OUTLET PIPE) 2 MIN. PER POND \C i WEIR WITH BAR SCREEN TRASH RACK TOTAL LENGTH 20 LF INV. AT SCM 1B = WEIR @ 591.0' 10'MIN.@5% POND SIDE SLOPES SHALL BE STABILIZED WITH VEGETATION DOWN TO PERMANENT WATER SURFACE ELEVATION OUTLET PIPE W/ 0-RING JOINTS, INSTALLATION PER PER NCDOT 300.01 STEPS AT 12" O.C. TO BOTTOM OF STRUCTURE INV. AT SCM 1B = 580.0 CONCRETE ANCHOR BLOCK u � 12"V OUTLET CONTROLLED STRUCTURE (SEE DETAIL) SCM 1B @ 5.0' x 5.0' REMOVABLE HAND WHEEL WITH ADEQUATE SUPPORTS SLEEVE THRU ////[ CONC. SLAB ORIFICE SHIELD 1' BELOW PWS VALVE STEMS GUIDE SUPPORTS WATERTIGHT RUBBER BOOT SCM 1A SAND FILTER & SCM 1B RETENTION POND CROSS-SECTION 6.0" FLANGED GV ORIFICE INV. AT SCM 1B = 30.0" 0 AT 589.0 OUTLET CONTROL STRUCTURE RISER NOTES: 1. ALL PRE -CAST SECTIONS TO BE ATTACHED AND REMAIN WATER TIGHT TO PREVENT FLOATATION. 2. PRECAST RISER TOP SECTION AS A SINGLE PIECE WITH A MINIMUM HEIGHT OF 4 FEET. 3. PRECAST RISER BASE SECTION AS A SINGLE PIECE TO 12" OVER OUTFALL PIPE. 4. ALL CONCRETE TO BE 3000 PSI. ±5' ±10' V 0 SCM 1B 100-YR STORM ELEV. @ 591.70' 50-YR STORM ELEV. @ 591.34' 25-YR STORM ELEV. @ 591.02' 10-YR STORM ELEV. @ 590.56' 1YR-STORM ELEV. @ 589.62' EXISTING POND ELEV. = 592.6' PROPOSED PERMANENT POND ELEV. @ 589.0' (PERMANENT WATER POOL IS FOR RECREATIONAL PURPOSE ONLY, IT IS NOT INTENDED TO BE A WATER QUALITY MEASURE) SCM DETENTION POND 1B APPROX. EX GRADE STONE RING FILTER INV. ELEV. SCM 1B = 681.0 CONCRETE ANCHOR (TO BE INSTALLED AFTER REMOVAL OF TEMP. SKIMMER) TOP OF EMBANKMENT ELEV. AT EARTH EMBANKMENT - CONSTRUCT WITH LOW -PERMEABILITY SOIL FREE OF ROCKS, ROOTS, & ORGANIC MATERIAL AT 95°/0 MIN. COMPACTION. EXACT FILL MATERIAL, COMPACTION RATE, MOISTURE CONTENT, AND METHODOLOGY ARE TO BE RECOMMENDED, TESTED AND CERTIFIED BY A GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER. (TYPICAL FOR ALL PONDS). PRE -CON MEETING WITH VILLAGE INSPECTOR & GEOTECH ENGINEER IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO STARTING ANY EMBANKMENT WORK. 3 MAX. RIP RAP SPILLWAY \\V\ \\ 3 \°\ \\\ \*V\A\ Original Parcel ID Nurnber(s), 03:124:11:12.060240C4-01,06024004C.06024006,06024006A Development Type: Single -Family SF Detached Subject to PCCO? 'ON 1 NO FCC° District: Catawba River Water Supply Watershed Overlay VA Stream Name Price MII Creek Classification C Stream Index 11-138-2-2 Disturbed Area (ac): 40,00 Existing Built -upon -area (ac): 1.80 Existing BUA to be removed (ao): 1.80 Proposed % BUA to Site: 20 85aig For Overall Site Density (High / Low) Low Developm ent or Redevelopment? Development Mtigation Type (if applicable) N/A SCM 1A Storage Volume Provided: Elevation Surface Area (ft) (sf) Storage (cf) Total Storage (cf) ESHTW = 589.00 (594.00 - 5') SEE SCM #2 IN THE SUMMIT GEOTECH REPORT DATED 2020-02-05) 591.0 Bottom of Stone - Provide liner per geo 592.5 Top of Stone/Bottom of Sand 595.0 Top of Sand Filter/ Bottom of Extended recommendation Dry Detention Pond 595.0 596.0 597.0 598.0 599.0 600.5 2,600 32,900 35,500 38,000 40,500 44,500 0 17,750 34,200 36,750 39,250 140,000 0 Bottom of Pond 17,750 51,950 88,700 127,950 191,950 Top of Pond SCM 1B Storage Volume Provided: Elevation (ft) Surface Area Incremental Storage (cf) Total Storage (of) 580.0 581.0 582.0 583.0 584.0 585.0 586.0 587.0 588.0 589.0 589.0 590.0 591.0 592.0 *ANCHOR BLOCK: NOT REQUIRED. 57,972 60,917 63,918 66,977 70,093 73,265 80,402 84,478 88,059 91,701 91,701 108,224 112,319 116,476 0 59,445 62,418 65,448 68,535 71,679 76,834 82,440 86,269 89,880 0 99,963 110,272 114,398 PR - SCM 1B STORM STRUCTURES FROM STRUCTURE TYPE NCDOT STD # RIM DEPTH DI- 840.14 1C-02 HW- 20.23A 0 59,445 121,862 187,310 255,845 327,524 404,357 486,797 573,066 662,946 0 99,963 210,234 324,632 Bottom of Pond Permanent Pool is for Recreational Only Top of Perm Pool Bottom of Perm. Pool Top of Pond PR - SCM 1B STORM PIPE FROM STRUCTURE INVERT UP INVERT DOWN TO STRUCTURE PIPE SIZE LENGTH SLOPE REMARKS 1C-02 36" RCP SCM SANDFILTER 1A VAAAAVAAA TOP OF STONE 6" SOLID UNDERDRAIN PIPE (SCH 40 PVC OR DOUBLE WALL HDPE) 6' AQUATIC SHELF AROUND POND TO BE PLANTED WITH NATIVE WETLAND VEGETATION. ENSURE THE AQUATIC SHELF IS AT THE PERMANENT POND ELEVATION. 6" PERFORATED UNDERDRAIN PIPE 3/8" PERFORATIONS, 3" CENTER -CENTER ALONG 4 ROWS SPACED @ 90° APART (SCH 40 PVC OR DOUBLE WALL HDPE) TOP OF SAND FILTER BED / BOTTOM OF BASIN SCM 1A - ELEV 595.0'. USE WASHED BERMUDA SOD. 1.5' SAND FILTER MEDIA (ASTM C-33 MEDIUM AGG. CONC. SAND) OR EQUIVALENT. 2' HIGH MIN. RIP -RAP BERM, 2' WIDE MIN. TOP, SCM 1A - ELEV 597.0 FOREBAY SEDIMENTATION CHAMBER 6" SOLID UNDERDRAIN PIPE (SCH 40 PVC OR DOUBLE WALL HDPE) BOTTOM STONE 3 MAX MAINTAIN POSITIVE SLOPE NOTE: CONTRACTOR TO ALSO REFER TO CHARLOTTE BMP DESIGN MANUAL, SECTION 4.0.6 FOR REQUIRED SPECS ON EMBANKMENT FILL MATERIALS, CONSTRUCTION METHOD, AND FIELD QUALITY CONTROL. SCALE: NOT TO SCALE CLIENT/OWNER d r ,. design master planning . civil engineering urban design . landscape architecture 704.332.1204 . www.dpr.design NC Firm License # C-0560 MILLS VENTURES, LLC. (R. DEAN HARREL) 5615 POTTER ROAD MATHEWS, NORTH CAROLINA 28104 704.870.4614 SURVEYOR EAGLE ENGINEERING 2013A VAN BUREN AVE. INDIAN TRAIL, NORTH CAROLINA 28079 704.882.4222 WETLANDS LOWRYS ENVIRONMENTAL & ECOLOGICAL SERVICES 1823 QUINN ROAD CHESTER, SOUTH CAROLINA 29706 GEOTECH SUMMIT ENGINEERING 3575 CENTRE CIRCLE DRIVE FORT MILL, SOUTH CAROLINA 29715 704.504.1717 FEMA MAP #3710449600J, EFFECTIVE 10/16/2008 KEY MAP PROJECT PROJECT MCCOY WESLEY WESLEY CHAPEL ROAD CHAPEL, NORTH NUMBER FARM CAROLINA 19076 DATE 05/07/2021 ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS REVISIONS NO. DATE DESCRIPTION BY PROJ. MANAGER: HN DRAWN BY: JM CHECKED BY: HN SEAL SCALE AS INDICATED DRAWING SCM c2.5 ENLARGEMENT PLAN COPYRIGHT @ 2020 DPR ASSOCIATES, INC. THE PLAN OR DRAWING AND ANY ACCOMPANYING DOCUMENTS OR CALCULATIONS ARE THE PROPERTY OF DPR ASSOCIATES, INC. AND ARE INTENDED SOLEY FOR THE USE OF THE RECIPIENT NOTED. NO THIRD PARTY USE OR MODIFICATION IS PERMITTED WITHOUT VVRITTEN AUTHORIZATION. CV 9\19076 Carolyn Fa \DPR Dropbox\_Projects\Active\20 N \ LPE=607�40 k / COS / (sss) — (580) N LPE=608.70 100+2 SWPE = 578.40 G1 \\-R �� \ 5�5�20 \pRA�— — -I PNPN�.R0.\ Gs .. 9 / N / r lOPGk3 I / M6 I*1"94'R0AG ok. RHO GZq.O O\N O 06 PXP���E SIN SSE. .----- SCM 1A SANDFILTER & SCM 1 B DETENTION POND SCALE: 1" = 50' EX. GRADE 1 1=1 1 1_=1 1 1T±- - I I 11 I-1 —1 1= 10' TOP OF EMBANKMENT/ MAINTENANCE ACCESS 592.5 / SCM 1 B DETENTION POND & EX. POND CROSS—SECTION B—B SCALE: NOT TO SCALE — ;cry F2F • VEGETATED PORTION OF THE OPEN WATER FEATURE. 16,000 SF = 0.367 AC. S'o. N CON N N'3.0 \ Alt/0 N J N N N / 0 co 6' AQUATIC SHELF AROUND POND TO BE PLANTED WITH NATIVE WETLAND VEGETATION. ENSURE THE AQUATIC SHELF IS AT THE PERMANENT POND ELEVATION. EXISTING POND ELEV. = 592.6' PROPOSED PERMANENT POND ELEV. @ 589.0' (PERMANENT WATER POOL IS FOR RECREATIONAL PURPOSE ONLY, IT IS NOT INTENDED TO BE A WATER QUALITY MEASURE) SCM DETENTION POND 1 B 1=111=1 I I —I ' IL C''—III. ,I 111 i 1111= j j1— LPE=608.69 N / / • •EX. POND \ \ V A .4.4) SCALE:1" = 50' 0 25' 50' \ I \ 10' 100' EX. GRADE TOP OF EMBANKMENT/ MAINTENANCE ACCESS 592.5 1=1 —III=III-11911 -- —I I I— 11111 HEIffi=1 III—_ —_ — 1 I _ -III— — — - — —III=I==== I I I —I I I—III-1 EX. POND (TO REMAIN UNDISTURBED) • U›- z J D 0 _ CLIENT/OWNER N. i N a design Aster planning . civil engineering )an design . landscape architecture 9 berryhill rd. ste 101. charlotte, nc 28208 704.332.1204 . www.dpr.design NC Firm License # C-0560 MILLS VENTURES, LLC. (R. DEAN HARREL) 5615 POTTER ROAD MATHEWS, NORTH CAROLINA 28104 704.870.4614 SURVEYOR EAGLE ENGINEERING 2013A VAN BUREN AVE. INDIAN TRAIL, NORTH CAROLINA 28079 704.882.4222 WETLANDS LOWRYS ENVIRONMENTAL & ECOLOGICAL SERVICES 1823 QUINN ROAD CHESTER, SOUTH CAROLINA 29706 GEOTECH SUMMIT ENGINEERING 3575 CENTRE CIRCLE DRIVE FORT MILL, SOUTH CAROLINA 29715 704.504.1717 FEMA MAP #3710449600J, EFFECTIVE 10/16/2008 KEY MAP V PROJECT MCCOY FARM WESLEY CHAPEL ROAD WESLEY CHAPEL, NORTH CAROLINA PROJECT NUMBER 19076 DATE 05/07/2021 ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS REVISIONS NO. DATE DESCRIPTION BY PROJ. MANAGER: HN DRAWN BY: JM CHECKED BY: HN SEAL SCALE AS INDICATED DRAWING SCM ENLARGEMENT PLAN C2-6 COPYRIGHT ©2020 DPR ASSOCIATES, INC. THE PLAN OR DRAWING AND ANY ACCOMPANYING DOCUMENTS OR CALCULATIONS ARE THE PROPERTY OF DPR ASSOCIATES, INC. AND ARE INTENDED SOLEY FOR THE USE OF THE RECIPIENT NOTED. NO THIRD PARTY USE OR MODIFICATION IS PERMITTED WITHOUT WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION. ORIGINAL SHEET SIZE: 24" X 36" 640 630 620 610 600 590 580 APPLICATION TRACKING NUMBER: SAW - 0+ PVI STA: PVI ELEV: 1+60.58 619.40' EXIST. GROUND 100' RIGHT LVC: K: 50.00 103.93' EVCS: 2+12.55 EVCE: 618.86 I I EXIST. GROUND EXIST. GROUND 50' RIGHT CENTER 7 o `c-2, co `o EXIST. GROUND 50' LEFT BVCE: 622.90 PV PVI STA: 0+68.10 ELEV: rii 618.43 5m liji EXIST. GROUND PROP. GROUND 100' LEFT CENTER K: 30.00 LVC:64.49' 00 G a G M 0 0 m� co o 5 • CDCDrnc N v C N C C I I BVCS: 0+35.86 BVCE: 618.78 I I EVCS: 1+00.34 ICE: 618.76 BVCS: 3+25.69 A /— 1.01% RCP ° -1.04° —1�� ►��— CLASS IV Alim �— ���- 2A-03 = 2A-01 2A-02 a__ 24" RCP f8„ Rcp _ •�� 6"RCS _ �� RCP _18: LLAS L j _—�.�� _J.1 2A-04 �P ...... C Ij I - 2A07 ----� 15" RCP 2A-o ' 1. ,// ' PROP. 42" CJLVERT PROP. MCCOY FARM RD PV - 619.24 617.1 618.90 616.3 618.66 615.9 (O N °O Ln m O (O CO aD V m O O p 6) a) M m O CO o) M m O N o) M m O N. p CO aD N m O 618.73 611.4 618.48 611.1 618.22 611.0 CD CD m O CDCDCD(O N- O O m O 617.51 611.4 617.48 612.2 CO I� N m O 617.85 613.0 M 6 M m O 618.35 613.5 618.60 613.9 618.85 614.2 LC) O) V m O M O a) V m O p M 0) Ln COco O (O °O O a) Ln O 620.11 616.6 620.36 617.4 620.61 618.4 620.87 619.5 621.12 621.3 621.37 622.6 N CO (0M N N co CDCDO 621.87 622.0 N N N N co 622.37 620.8 N CO LO N ON N CO 622.88 620.4 623.08 620.6 623.15 00 0+25 0+50 0+75 1+00 1+25 1+50 1+75 2+00 2+25 2+50 2+75 3+00 3+25 3+50 3+75 4+00 4+25 4+50 4+75 5+00 5+25 5+50 5+75 6+00 6+25 6+50 6+75 7+00 7+25 7+50 7+75 8+00 8+25 8+50 8+75 9+00 9+25 9+50 9+75 VERTICAL SCALE: 1" = 10' HORIZONTAL SCALE:1" = 50' 0 25' 50' 100' V/////////////////////////////////////////A CAROLYN FARMS I STREAM C CROSSING PROFILE EXHIBIT WESLEY CHAPEL, NC DATE: 06/02/2022 CLIENT: MILLS VENTURES, LLC. PROJ #: 19076 DRAWN BY: JMM PLOTTED: C: \DPR Dropbox\Projects\Active\2019\19076 Carolyn FarmKahuna GroupWestley Chapel \CAD\SHEETS\SITE\SITE CDs\19076Wetland—Stream Exhibit.dwg / 1 /18/2022 1: 22 PM master planning . civil engineering urban design . landscape architecture LPE 618.13 01 CULVERT CROSSING SCALE: 1"= 30' SCALE: = 30' APPLICATION TRACKING NUMBER: SAW - EX. WETLAND; NOT TO BE DISTURBED. 35' STREAM BUFFER PROP. 42" RCP CULVERT, 1' BURY PROP. RIP -RAP. REFER TO ENLARGEMENT DETAIL THIS SHEET FOR SPECIFICS. SCALE:1" = 30' 0 15' 30' —(s14) — 60' 630 620 610 600 'PROP. CL ELEV. @ ±617.521 'PROP. EOP ELEV. @ ±617.281 PLANTING STRIP 2 TO 4% SLOPE MINIMUM, TYP. oSW 1.5% SLOPE MAX., TYP.I IGUARD RAILI • 'PROP. EOP ELEV. @ ±617.331 v�v ROAD A 50' ROW (PROP. PROP. HEADWALL ELEV. @ ±614.0 (GUARD RAILI ` ,�—I 630 PROP. ELEV. @ ±617.85� __ -,-- —IIIIM ' PROP. HEADWALL PROP. GROUND ELEV. @ ±609 0 ` TOP @ ±616.0 PROP. INVERT ELEV. @ 608.00 ` ± 25' LONG TYPE 2 RIP -RAP 12.1 MAX SLOP ViAr 18" THICKNESS OVER FABRIC, KEYED IN GROUND _ �� 25-YR ELEV. @ 613, ELEV.ELEV. AT PRECONSTRUCTION ` ;` 1` � — ■�'MF,1; -lrAIWAEMIIIIIII / , i 100-YR061: @ 61: STREAMBED ELEVATIONS _-, \ ��I ' M A 1.11 Lw ! vAr- mr----- 1 PROP. 110' OF 42" RCP, BURY 1' Ia 610 II __,I__ 1111111A1 OTTO M OP. GROUND ELEV. @ ±611.0 ±135 LF OF STREAM IMPACT PER WATERWAY PROP. INVERT @ 610.00 I±25 LF OF RIPRAPI (INCLUDES 25 LF OF RIP -RAP) 600 -90 -80 -70 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 10 AND ±20 LF TOTAL OF TEMPORARY IMPACT FOR COFFER DAMS 20 30 40 50 60 70 76 42 3.01 CULVERT CROSSING ENLARGEMENT - STREAM IMPACT #1 (±135 LF) SCALE: 1" = 10' SCALE:1" = 10' 0 5' 10' 20' ////////////%//////////////////////////////////////////// "'W//%%/// CAROLYN FARMS I CULVERT EXHIBIT WESLEY CHAPEL, NC DATE: 06/02/2022 CLIENT: MILLS VENTURES, LLC. PROJ #: 19076 DRAWN BY: JMM PLOTTED: C:\DPR Dropbox\Projects\Active\2019\19076 Carolyn FarmKahuna GroupWestley Chapel\CAD\EXHIBITS\WETLAND EXHIBITS\20220119 Wetland Exhibits\19076 CULVERT PLAN and EXHIBIT.dwg / 1/18/2022 1:59 PM master planning . civil engineering urban design . landscape architecture CULTURAL RESOURCES (NC HPO) GRAPHIC (1) SrRch Basemap Add Rmuees Layers Make a Map Feature Search Managed Areas Natural Areas Conservation Planning AY Blodlverslty & W ildlife Habitat Assessment 2012 Agricultural lands Assessment (NCDA&i 2010 Forest lands Assessment (NCFS) Smoke Awareness Areas (NCWRC) Game land Hunting Safety Buffers (NCWRC) Regional Conservation Planning s r Land and Water Resources AY Water Bodies Coastal Wetlands (CREWS) National Wetlands Inventory NRCS Soil Data Fishery Nursery Areas Drinldng Water Susceptibility Subwatersheds (12-digit HUC) Subbaslns (Sdigit HUC) State Historic Preservation (SHPO) AY NC Historic Resources National Register Study List Determined Eligible Surveyed Only Local Landmarks and Districts • All surveyed resources Transportation Reference North Carolina Boundary Counties Topographic Neatllnes (1:24,000) AY AY i ( fast YriM Identify [Find address S qy 5- Select a resource and click on ma`pto Identify NC Historic Resources Identify On: Visible Layers in Resource Identify By: Polygon Use Freehand la Use Buffer: 0.5 Miles 'S -- Show identify Graphic I0I I0I MI ,. U S. 3 Esrl, NASA NGA, USGS, FEMA I City of Charlotte, NC, Siat3 of North Carolina DOT, Esrl, HERE, Garrnir fe THREATENED & ENDANGERED SPECIES DOCUMENTATION Roy Cooper, Governor ■ ▪ .'■ NC DEPARTMENT OF gam ■ NATURAL AND CULTURAL RESOURCES ▪ .•■■ May 22, 2022 Paul Petitgout Lowrys Environmental & Ecological Services, LLC 1823 Quinn Road Chester, SC 29706 RE: McCoy Farms Development Site 22018.00 Dear Paul Petitgout: D. Reid Wilson, Secretary Misty Buchanan Deputy Director, Natural Heritage Program NCNHDE-18035 The North Carolina Natural Heritage Program (NCNHP) appreciates the opportunity to provide information about natural heritage resources for the project referenced above. A query of the NCNHP database indicates that there are records for rare species, important natural communities, natural areas, and/or conservation/managed areas within the proposed project boundary. These results are presented in the attached `Documented Occurrences' tables and map. The attached `Potential Occurrences' table summarizes rare species and natural communities that have been documented within a one -mile radius of the property boundary. The proximity of these records suggests that these natural heritage elements may potentially be present in the project area if suitable habitat exists. Tables of natural areas and conservation/managed areas within a one -mile radius of the project area, if any, are also included in this report. If a Federally -listed species is documented within the project area or indicated within a one -mile radius of the project area, the NCNHP recommends contacting the US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) for guidance. Contact information for USFWS offices in North Carolina is found here: https://www.fws.gov/offices/Di rectory/ListOffices.cfm?statecode=37. Please note that natural heritage element data are maintained for the purposes of conservation planning, project review, and scientific research, and are not intended for use as the primary criteria for regulatory decisions. Information provided by the NCNHP database may not be published without prior written notification to the NCNHP, and the NCNHP must be credited as an information source in these publications. Maps of NCNHP data may not be redistributed without permission. Also please note that the NC Natural Heritage Program may follow this letter with additional correspondence if a Dedicated Nature Preserve, Registered Heritage Area, Land and Water Fund easement, or an occurrence of a Federally -listed species is documented near the project area. If you have questions regarding the information provided in this letter or need additional assistance, please contact Rodney A. Butler at rodney.butler@ncdcr.gov or 919-707-8603. Sincerely, NC Natural Heritage Program DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL AND CULTURAL RESOURCES 1 1:1 W. JONES STREET, RALEIGh i_ NC 27603 • 1CS1 MAIL SERVICE CENTER. RALEIGH. NC 27699 OFC .19 707.9120 • FAX 919.707.9121 Natural Heritage Element Occurrences, Natural Areas, and Managed Areas Intersecting the Project Area McCoy Farms Development Site Project No. 22018.00 May 22, 2022 NCNHDE-18035 Element Occurrences Documented Within Project Area Taxonomic EO ID Scientific Name Common Name Element Accuracy Federal State Global State Group Observatio Occurrence Status tatus Rank Rank j MM Date Rank Freshwater 115 Villosa vaughaniana Carolina Creekshell 2019-06-19 E 3-Medium Endangered G2G3 S3 Bivalve Natural Areas Documented Within Project Area Site Name CTB/Twelvemile Creek Aquatic Habitat Representational Rating Collective Rating R5 (General) C4 (Moderate) No Managed Areas Documented within the Project Area Definitions and an explanation of status designations and codes can be found at https://ncnhde.natureserve.ora/help. Data query generated on May 22, 2022; source: NCNHP, Q1, April 2022. Please resubmit your information request if more than one year elapses before project initiation as new information is continually added to the NCNHP database. Page 2 of 4 Natural Heritage Element Occurrences, Natural Areas, and Managed Areas Within a One -mile Radius of the Project Area McCoy Farms Development Site Project No. 22018.00 May 22, 2022 NCNHDE-18035 Element Occurrences Documented Within a One -mile Radius of the Project Area Taxonomic Group EO ID Scientific Name Common Name O bserva Date Element Accuracy Federal State Occurrence Status Status Rank i Global State Rank Rank I Freshwater Bivalve Freshwater 115 Bivalve Freshwater Fish10412 Freshwater Fish4660 Vascular Plant 15141 29551 Villosa delumbis Villosa vaughaniana Etheostoma collis Etheostoma collis Rhus michauxii Eastern Creekshell Carolina Creekshell Carolina Darter Carolina Darter Michaux's Sumac 2019-07-09 2019-06-19 2019-03-05 1994-06-13 1794-07-21 Natural Areas Documented Within a One -mile Radius of the Project Area Site Name Representational Rating CTB/Twelvemile Creek Aquatic Habitat R5 (General) No Managed Areas are Documented Within a One -mile Radius of the Project Area E 3-Medium E 3-Medium E 3-Medium H? 3-Medium H 5-Very Low Significantly G4 S4 Rare Endangered G2G3 S3 Special G3 S3 Concern Special G3 S3 Concern Endangered Endangered G2G3 S2 Collective Rating C4 (Moderate) Definitions and an explanation of status designations and codes can be found at https://ncnhde.natureserve.ora/help. Data query generated on May 22, 2022 resubmit your information request if more than one year elapses before project initiation as new information is continually added to the NCNHP database. source NCNHP, Q1, April 2022. Please Page 3 of 4 NCNHDE-18035: McCoy Farms Development Site Churcl,Fa a ti rJ leddington ]firnist Park Weddirl9tO' S May 22, 2022 ❑ NHP Natural Area (NHNA) ❑ Buffered Project Boundary ❑ Project Boundary Rd rc Wesley Chapel 4irPort Rd 11,eaa: 0 of �O' 32. - 3 C c c 0 It.33 0.65 1.3 Miles Sources: Esn, Anbus OS. USGS, NGA NASA, CGIAR, N Robinson, NCEAS, NLS, OS, NMA, Geodalaslyrelsen, Rgkswaterstaal, GSA, Geoland FEM. Inlermap and the G15 user community Sources: Esn, NERE. Garmin, FAO, NOAA, USOS, 51 OpnnStreelMap conlnbutars. and the G15 User Communrty Page 4 of 4