HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150955 Ver 1_Final Meeting Notes 5-23-2013_20130502FINAL VERSION RStff. Meeting Notes May 23, 2013 RS &H Architects - Engineers - Planners, Inc. Memorandum Architectural, Engineering, Planning and Environmental Services NCDOT /RS &H Project Team Meeting Date: August 16, 2012 Subject: NEPA /404 Merger Team Concurrence Point 2A/3 Meeting for Topsail Island Bridge Replacement Project TIP Project No. B -4929 Location: Structure Design Conference Room, NCDOT Attendees: Merger Team (MT) Present: Brad Shaver, USACE Ron Lucas, FHWA Gary Jordan USFWS Steve Sollod, NCDCM Mason Herndon, NCDWQ Travis Wilson, NCWRC Via Conference Call: Jessi O'Neal, NCDMF Christopher Militscher, USEPA Invited but did not attend: Terens Knowles (USCG) Renee Gledhill - Earley (DCR -SHPO) Ron Sechler (NMFS) Project Team (PT) Present from NCDOT. Greg Thorpe, PDEA Rob Hanson, PDEA Charles Cox, PDEA Michele James, PDEA Kalynn Chambers, PDEA Drew Joyner, HES Ed Lewis, HES Herman Huang, HES Chris Rivenbark, NES Elizabeth Lusk, NES Tyler Stanton, NES Karen Fussell, Division 3 Amanda Glynn, Division 3 Mark Staley, Roadside Environmental Kevin Fischer, Structures Management Dan Idol, Structures Management Paul Atkinson, Hydraulics Neal Strickland, Right -of -way Don Eggert, Cape Fear RPO Tony Houser, Roadway Design Lee Moore, Roadway Design Chandrakant Sura, Congestion Management Shane York, TPB Hardee Cox, STIP Unit Daniel Oliver, Utilities Present from RS &H Consultant Team: Chad Critcher, RS &H Ken Herring, RS &H Radha Krishna Swayampakala, RS &H Jan Anderson, JKA Engineering A NEPA /404 Merger Team meeting for the subject project was held on August 16, 2012 in NCDOT's Structure Design Conference Room. The purpose of this meeting was to reach agreement on Concurrence Point 2A (Bridging Decisions and Alignment Review) and Concurrence Point 3 (LEDPA Selection). Page 1 of 5 Introductions: Ms. Michele James opened the meeting and invited introductions from attendees. Ms. Michele James then explained the purpose of the meeting, requested all the attendees to sign in and introduced Mr. Chad Critcher with the consultant firm of RS &H. Presentation: Mr. Critcher offered additional Concurrence Point 2A/3 packets to the attendees and presented a PowerPoint presentation, attached herein, that summarized information found in the packets, including the items outlined below: • Merger Process History & Schedule • Public Involvement Summary • Section 4(f) Resources —Adverse Impacts • Existing Natural Resources • DSA Alignment & Bridging Review for Concurrence Point 2A • CP 2A Concurrence • LEDPA / Preferred Alternative Selection • CP 3 Concurrence During the presentation, it was shown that Alternatives 6 and 7 would result in adverse impacts to the Soundside Park, a Section 4(f) resource. Therefore these alternatives were recommended for elimination and the Merger Team (MT) concurred. See attached CP 2A form signed by the MT. The public outreach efforts to date were presented including citizen comments. In addition, alternative preliminary designs were presented with corresponding human, physical, and natural impacts and costs, followed by a recommendation from the PT to select Alternative 17 as LEDPA. Questions and comments were discussed as follows: MT Comment: (In reference to the 0.4 acre CAMA wetland impact associated with Alternative 17) DCM does not consider this as a small impact. For DCM, a small impact might be less than 1,000 square feet. Project Team (PT) Response: Presented plan views with the assumed 25' buffers at the CAMA wetland sites and explained that during final design the buffer width could be reduced leading to less CAMA impact area. Reducing the buffer from 25' to 15' would reduce CAMA wetland impacts from approximately 0.4 acres to 0.25 acres. MT Question: Can the Alternative 17 bridge be extended on the mainland side to minimize the impacts? PT Response: Extending the bridge on the mainland side would further challenge the traffic control issues during construction. However, if we can build the Roland Avenue realignment first and detour the traffic, we can possibly extend the bridge further. The CAMA wetland impacts on the mainland side are less than 0.1 acre. Other construction methods such as a reduced buffer, retaining walls at the bridge end, and shallow deck would reduce these impacts to approximately 408 square feet. MT Question: On the island side, is there an opportunity to extend the bridge? PT Response: The Project Team evaluated various options to minimize CAMA wetland impacts for Alternative 17 on the island side. The wetland impacts presented in the CP 2A/3 Report are calculated based on a 25' buffer. Reducing this buffer to 15' would reduce these impacts substantially. Also, extending the bridge by approximately 110' and including a retaining wall near the landing may eliminate the impacts. However, this may require raising the elevation of the roundabout, which may result in additional property impacts in this area. Extending the bridge and constructing retaining walls may result in additional cost of $2 million. Page 2 of 5 MT Question: Instead of a roundabout, if a normal intersection is used at the island tie -in, would that give an opportunity to lengthen the bridge? PT Response: Yes, it would provide the opportunity to extend the bridge. The Project Team will review this option after LEDPA selection. MT Comment: It is a matter of balancing development with environment. So, we understand that there is going to be some impacts, especially for a project that is going to have some over - riding public benefit; which DOT projects do. But, we want NCDOT to try and make those as small as possible within reason. We are not expecting NCDOT to spend millions of dollars to span the CAMA wetlands, but we would like to reach a compromise. PT Response: We will make every effort to minimize the impacts. At this point, based on the survey and topography information available, we do not feel comfortable to commit to absolute zero acres of the CAMA wetland impacts. Can we concur to having impacts less than 0.1 acres? MT Comment: We are okay with 0.1 acres, provided additional measures are investigated to further reduce them. MT Question: Can we consider an option to excavate out the high ground at the island tie -in to the level of the marsh and create additional marsh. This will also help to further extend the bridge? PT Response: Ideas like this will be reviewed during final design. MT Question: How high is the top of the abutment above the high ground on the island side? PT Response: Under the proposed Alternative 17 alignment, near the island tie -in, there would be 3 -4 feet of clearance. This would require shorter spans to facilitate shallower girders. MT Comment: We need NCDOT to investigate on -site mitigation opportunities for CAMA wetlands. PT Response: We are committed to follow our standard procedure and coordinate with the Merger Team accordingly. MT Comment: National Marine Fisheries (NMFS) is a signatory authority, but there is no representative at this meeting. NCDOT needs to contact them. NC DMF Comment: We have been in contact with them. PT Response: We will continue to coordinate with NCDMF and NMFS. Our current contact (Ron Sechler) could not attend this meeting. We will coordinate with NMFS after this meeting. MT Question: What were the Submerged Aquatic Vegetation (SAV) findings? How was the SAV surveyed? PT Response: Early screening revealed that SAV evaluation would not be needed since the water is too deep and moving too fast. Preliminary survey was performed around marsh edges. Anything less than 2 meters is considered as fishery habitat and would have to be mitigated. Page 3 of 5 MT Comment: NCDMF's primary nursery area ends at the end of the channel. SAV has been showing up along the edges and in the shallow areas. We would anticipate SAV mostly along the channel. Recently, we noticed some SAV south of the existing bridge. We are not certain on exact location. PT Response: There are some shallow areas along the Alternative 17 alignment. Anything less than 2 meters is considered as possible habitat and may require mitigation. It is critical to find out what exists within 2 meters deep. MT Question: Our main concern is direct impacts, but there may also be shade impacts. Also, Alternative 17 potentially may cause more impacts to SAV habitat than other alternatives. When was this original survey completed? It appears that most of the time instead of avoidance, NCDOT chooses to mitigate? PT Response: The early screening was performed within the last two years. Yes, typically NCDOT works with the agencies to mitigate. When various alternatives are compared, SAV impacts are a major factor. Once a LEDPA /Preferred Alternative has been selected, mitigation opportunities are investigated. MT Comment: SAV information needs to be documented and shared with the Merger Team. We also need to make sure that NMFS provides their comment on this. PT Response: We can perform a survey as early as next week. We will coordinate this with NCDMF. However, if we were to find no SAV in the survey, would agencies feel comfortable to sign the Concurrence Point 3 for Alternative 17 as the LEDPA /Preferred Alternative? MT Comment: Yes, we agree for the Alternative 17 to be the LEDPA, provided no SAV impacts. Also, if no SAV is found for Alternative 17, we can handle signing the Concurrence Point 3 offline without meeting formally. MT Question: Why would the temporary impacts under Alternatives 6 and 7 be considered as "adverse impacts "? FHWA Response: With Alternatives 6 and 7, the picnic area and amphitheater in the Soundside Park along with Bumble Bee Market would be impacted by the temporary detour bridge. Even though the detour alignment is temporary, impacts to facilities such as the amphitheater would be severe enough to render the Soundside Park unusable during construction. It should be noted that any facilities impacted by the temporary detour bridge would be restored once the permanent bridge is open to traffic. The Surf City Town officials felt that the temporary detour bridge impacts to Soundside Park would be more adverse and thereby could not be considered as de minimis impacts. MT Question: By signing the Concurrence Point 3 for Alternative 17, are we committing to a roundabout at the island tie -in location? PT Response: No. Followed by LEDPA selection, we will further refine the design plans and reevaluate the island tie -in area. Following this discussion, the Merger Team and NCDOT revised the content of Concurrence Point 2A and 3 forms. The Merger Team members in attendance signed the Concurrence Point 2A form and verbally agreed to sign Concurrence Point 3 form, provided no impacts to SAV habitat. Page 4 of 5 Followed by the CP 2A/3 meeting, the NCDMF and NCDOT Natural Environment Section (NES) performed SAV survey on August 23, 2012 and September 25, 2012. The attached memo summarizes the findings of these SAV surveys. The Merger Team members have reviewed this form and agreed in December 2012 /January, 2013 to identify Alternative 17 as the LEDPA /Preferred Alternative. CP 3 form has been signed by all agencies with the exception of NMFS. NMFS has chosen to abstain from this process and will discuss SAV mitigation measures with NCDOT during subsequent concurrence meetings. If any recipient of the meeting notes would like to add comments or feels a comment is erroneous or needs to be expanded, please feel free to contact Michele James at (919) 707 -6027 or by email at miames @ncdot.gov. Copies to: Meeting Attendees Terens Knowles, USCG Renee Gledhill - Earley, DCR -SHPO Brandon Howard, NMFS Attachments: Concurrence Forms 2A and 3 SAV Memo (dated December 10, 2012) PowerPoint Presentation Page 5 of 5 ORIGINAL AUGUST 16, 2012 CONCURRENCE POINT 2A BRIDGING DECISIONS AND ALIGNMENT REVIEW Section 404 1NEPA Merger Team Meeting Aqreement Concurrence Point 2A: Bridging Decisions and Alignment Review Project Name /Description: Topsail Island Bridge Replacement, Pender County, NC TIP Project No.: B -4929 Federal Aid Project No.: BRSTP -50 (10) WBS No.: 40233.1.1 Bridging Decisions and Alignment Review The Project Team has reviewed the bridging and alignments of the seven Detailed Study Alternatives (DSA) and agreed to carry five of the seven DSAs forward into the Concurrence Point 3. Alternatives 6 and 7 have been eliminated due to their adverse impacts to Soundside Park, a Section 4(f) resource, as well as their limited off -site detour options, constructability concerns and higher overall costs compared with other five DSAs. Alternatives 4, 5, 5R, 11, and 17 will be carried forward to Concurrence Point 3. Table below shows the begin and end stations and associated minimum roadway /hydraulic bridge lengths for each DSA. Detailed Study Alternative No. Begin Station End Station Minimum Roadway /Hydraulic Control Bridge Length (feet) Alt 4 516 +40 553 +90 3,750 Alt 5 615 +40 652 +16 3,676 Alt 513 615 +40 651+94 3,654 Alt -6 13-16+50 432N -70 620 At - Detow 21,+-13 36 +00 4497 Aft-7 1514 +60 462-1-1-7-0 X020 Alt - 7 —Detow 24+43 36+00 4;487 Alt 11 919 +00 959 +40 4,040 Alt 17 406 +75 444 +00 3,725 The Project Team met and concurred on this USACE( USEPA NCDCR FHWA `-- USCG NCDMF • date of August 16, 20 2: NCDOT USFWS NCDWQ - - NCWRC N C DC M NMFS NORTH CAROLINA TOPSAIL ISLAND BRIDGE REPLACEMENT DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION T.I.P. No. B -4929 AUGUST2012 ORIGINAL CONCURRENCE POINT 2A AUGUST 16, 2012 BRIDGING DECISIONS AND ALIGNMENT REVIEW Section 404 /NEPA Merger Team Meeting Aareement Concurrence Point 2A: Bridging Decisions and Alignment Review Project Name /Description: Topsail Island Bridge Replacement, Pender County, NC TIP Project No.: B-4929 Federal Aid Rro ;--,t No.: BRSTP -50 (10) WBS No.: 40233.1.1 Bridging Decisions and Alignment Review The Project Team has reviewed the bridging and alignments of the seven Detailed Study Alternatives (DSA) and agreed to carry five of the seven DSAs forward into the Concurrence Point 3. Alternatives 6 and 7 have been eliminated due to their adverse impacts to Soundside Park, a Section 4(f) resource, as well as their limited off -site detour options, constructability concerns and higher overall costs compared with other five DSAs. Alternatives 4, 5, 5R, 11, and 17 will be carried forward to Concurrence Point 3. Table below shows the begin and end stations and associated minimum roadway /hydraulic bridge lengths for each DSA. Detailed Study Alternathe Ntr. BeginSta ©it_.1 _ Sttint> Minimum Rtidway lHyt(r2tulia,octtrot,__ Brid e.Len th feet Alt 4 516 +40 553 +90 3,750 Alt 5 615 +40 652 +16 3,676 Alt 5R 615 +40 651+94 3,654 Att 6 1316 +58 1321+7 629 Alt 6 Bette 21+13 36+89 44P Alt-7 1611+6 4524 - +78 4;= Alt 7 - Det 21+13 36+00 4 ;4 7 Alt 11 919 +00 959 +40 4,040 Alt 17 406 +75 444 +00 3,725 The Project Team met and concurred on this date of August 16, 20 2: USACE / g ,t�, 2vi z - NCDOT USE P �� /'t ' _ 2i -- 12- USFWS NCDCR NCDWQ — FHWA NCWRC USCG z NCDCM���,i/� -��,. NCDMF NMFS --• NORTH CAROLINA TOPSAIL ISLAND BRIDGE REPLACEMENT DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION T.I.P. No. B-4929 AUGUST 2012 ORIGINAL CONCURRENCE POINT 2A AUGUST 16, 2012 BRIDGING DECISIONS AND ALIGNMENT REVIEW Section 404 /NEPA Merger Team Meeting Agreement Concurrence Point 2A: Bridging Decisions and Alignment Review Project Name /Description: Topsail Island Bridge Replacement, Pender County, NC TIP Project No.: B -4929 Federal Aid Project No.'. BRSTP -50 (1 WBS No.: 40233.1.1 Bridging Decisions and Alignment Review The Project Team has reviewed the bridging and alignments of the seven Detailed Study Alternatives (DSA) and agreed to carry five of the seven DSAs forward into the Concurrence Point 3. Alternatives 6 and 7 have been eliminated due to their adverse impacts to Soundside Park, a Section 4(f) resource, as well as their limited off -site detour options, constructability concerns and higher overall costs compared with other five DSAs. Alternatives 4, 5, 5R, 11, and 17 will be carried forward to Concurrence Point 3. Table below shows the begin and end stations and associated minimum roadway /hydraulic bridge lengths for each DSA. Detailed Study Alternative No. Begin Station End Station Minimum Roadway /Hydraulic Control . Bridge Length (feet) Alt 4 516 +40 553 +90 3,750 Alt 5 615 +40 652 +16 3,676 Alt 5R 615 +40 651 +94 3,654 A4 6 4316 +60 1321 +70 520 A4 — Detauf 21+13 36+00 1;487 Alf 7- 1611 +60 152 -1 +70 1,020 - - -- Alt- 7- -Aetow 2 -14.13 36+0 1;487 4,040 Alt 11 919 +00 959 +40 Alt 17 406 +75 444 +00 3,725 The Project Team met and concurred on this date of August '16, 20 2: USACE EJ/ NCDOT USEP IR -2f _ 12- USFWS NCDCR NCDWQ '? g FHWA NCWRC USCG _ NCDCM GcDo NCDMF NMFS RPO t _ NORTH CAROLINA TOPSAIL ISLAND BRIDGE REPLACEMENT DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION T.I.P. No. B4929 AUGUST 2012 ORIGINAL AUGUST 16, 2012 CONCURRENCE POINT 2A BRIDGING DECISIONS AND ALIGNMENT REVIEW Section 404/NEPA Merger Team Meeting Agreement Concurrence Point 2A: Bridging Decisions and Alignment Review Project Name /Description: Topsail island Bridge Replacement, Pender County, NC TIP Project No.: 8-4929 Federal Aid-Project No,: BRSTP - 50_001 WBS No.: 40233.1.1 Bridging Decisions and Alignment Review The Project Team has reviewed the bridging and alignments of the seven Detailed Study Alternatives (DSA) and agreed to carry five of the seven DSAs forward into the Concurrence Point 3. Alternatives 6 and 7 have been eliminated due to their adverse impacts to Soundside Paris, a Section 4(0 resource, as well as their limited off -site detour options, constructability concerns and higher overall costs compared with other five DSA9. Alternatives 4, 5, 5R, 11, and 17 will be carried forward to Concurrence Point 3. Table below shows the begin and end stations and associated minimum roadway /hydraulic bridge lengths for each DSA. Detail Detalled Study ative No, g gilt 3tatlont. End 5tltioa Minimum Roadway /Hydraulic Control.. Brid e.Length (feet] All 4 516 +40 553 +90 3,750 Alt 5 616 +40 652 +16 3,676 Alt 5R 615 +40 651 +94 3,654 Alt 8 4318+-iA 1324*70 620 A44-9etaw 21413 26+00 4 A1-7 16-14 +60 1424** 1,020 Alt 24443 26+QQ 1-,4P Alt 11 919 +00 959 +40 4,040 Alt 17 406 +75 44400 3,725 The Project Team met and concurred on this date of August 16, 20 2: USACE yk g I6.2a 1 Z- NCDOT USEP ��•.�( g _ 21 1 2- USFWS NCDCR �� a . 1 1 t �a.�t, , y Q , $;171 r 1., NCDWQ -_ FHWA NCWRC USCG NCDCM NCDMF �`�� �Q try NMFS r RPO NORTH CAROLINA TOPSAIL ISLAND BRIDGE REPLACEMENT DEPARTMENT oKTRANSPORTATION T.I.P. No. 13-4929 AUGUST 2012 ORIGI A CONCURRENCE POINT 3 DECEMBER 17, 2012 LI^OMPREFERREr) ALTERNATIVE SELECTION Sectlon 404NdEPA Merger Mooting A Loe t Concurrence Paint 3: l EDPA/Preforresd Alternative Selection Project NameXes ption: Topsail Island Bridge Replacement, Ponder County, NC TIP Pro jeot No,: !_ 49 Federal Aid P ect No.: U-?_-S_QJ1 L OPA/Preforred Altatnative Selectloo The Project Team has reviewed the retailed Study Alternatives and has chosen Alternative 17 as the Least Environmentally Damaging Practicable Alternative (LEDPA)Mroferred Alternative for the replacement of the referenced project Bridge loo. 16 in Topsail Island. During final design development, NCOOT will reduce the permanent LAMA wedand Impacts associated with Alternative 17 not to exceed 0.1 acres. In addition, NCDOT will span the 120' of Subbed Aquatic Vegetation (SAV) habitat shown In the attached figure. Measures will be taken to avoid any other bottom4sturbing activities In the SAV habitat area. Subsequent to the August 16, 2012 Concurrence Point 3 meeting. the Project Team performed additional survey for SAV habitat, results of this survey are summarized in the attached memo. After review and coordination of the SAV survey results, the Project Team has concurred on the selection of Alternative 17 as the LEDPA/Preferred Alternative. USAGE t sq. s,L NCDOT U E3' 112.1 t USFWS NCVCR NCi: WQ F FNVA NCW r OM CARMINA TOPSAIL 111LAND BRIDGE RF- PLACp-MENT DEPARTMENTOF TRmSPORTAMM TJv P' NO. 134420 E('EM R 20112 ORIGINAL DECEMBER 17, 2012 CONCURRENCE POINT 3 LEDPAIPREFERRED ALTERNATIVE SEUECTION Section, 4041NEPA Merger Team Meeting Agreement Concurrence Point 3: LEDPA/Preforred Alternative Selection Project NamelDescription: Topsail Island Bridge Replacement, Ponder County, NC TIP Project No.: 8 -4929 Federal Aid Project No.: BRSTP-50 (10) WBS No.: 49233.1 . I LEDPAJPreferred Alternative Selection The Project Team has reviewed the Detailed Study Alternatives and has chosen Alternative 17 as the Least Environmentally Damaging Practicable Alternative (LEDPA)tPreforred Alternative for the replacement of the referenced project, Bridge No, 16 in Topsail Island. During final design development, NCDOT will reduce the permanent CAMA wetland impacts associated with Alternative 17 not to exceed 0,1 acres, In addition, NCDOT will span the 120' of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation (SAV) habitat shown in the attached figure. Measures will be taken to avoid any other bottom- disturbing activities in the SAV habitat area. Subsequent to the August 16, 2012 Concurrence Point 3 meeting, the Project Team performed additional survey for SAV habitat, Results of this survey are summarized in the attached memo, After review and coordination of the SAV survey results, the Project Team has concurred on the selection of Alternative 17 as the LEDPA/Preferred Alternative, USACE NCDOT USEPA USFWS 012- NCDCR NCDWQ FHWA NCWRC USCG NCDCM NCDMF NMFS RPO NoRTi4 CAROLINA 'TOPSAIL ISLAND BRIDGE REPLACEMENT DEPARTMENT OF TIRMSPORTATION T.I.P. No® B-4020 DECEMBER 2012 ORIGINAL DECEMBER 17, 2012 CONCURRENCE POINT 3 LEUPAWRI fE mi.m ALTERNATIVE SELECTION Section +404 /NCPA�Me ._;lwoatil M IncLAr reen)ent Concurrenco Point 3: LNDPA/Preforred Alternative Sotaction Project Namo /Doscriptlon: Topsall Island Bridge Raplacemonl, Patidur County, NC TIP Project No.: 8.4929 Federal Aid Projoct No.: j3jj -50 i.,0) WBS No.: 4023 3.1.1 LEDPA/Preforred Altornntive Soloction Tho Project Team has roviewed the Detailed Study Alternatives and has chosen Altornative 17 as Ilia Least Fnvlronmentally Damaging Practicable Altornative (LEDPA) /Proforred Alternative for Ilia roplacement of tho referenced project, Bridge No. 16 In 'ropsail Island. During final design devolopment, NCDOT will reduce Ilia permanent LAMA wetland impacts associated with Alternative 17 not to exceed 0.1 acres. In addition, NCDOT will span the 120' of Submargod Aquatic Vegetation (,SAV) habitat shown In the attached figure. Measures will be taken to avoid tiny other bottorn- disturbing aclivltios in Ilse SAV habitat area. Subsuquont to the August 16, 2012 Concurrenco Point 3 moetinc3, the Project 'roan) porfomnod additional survey for SAV habitat. Results of this survey aro summarizod In the attached memo. After roview and coord€nation of tho SAV suf voy rosults, Ilia Project Team has concurrod on the selection of Alternative 17 as the t.E DPA/Preferred Altornative. USACE NC.DOT f2' f4.lnl� USCPA I181: W S t1. .tom NCDC€T NC;I)Wc,) E FHWA NCWRC; USCG NCDCM �j NCC3Mt• !..,. i�r�j�t� �'7. �'t 4.., NMFS RPO NORM CAROLINA T0111SAIL ISLAND L3111D011 REPLACEPA;NT OIIPAR'I&lf f#)' or- "r rtANl3POlt'(Kl tort 1A.P. No. 1-1-4920 DEC&rr ami 2012 ORIGINAL CONCURRENCE POINT 3 DECEMBER 17, 2012 LEDPAWREFERRED ALTERNATIVE SELECTION Section 404 /NEPA Merger Team Meeting Agreement Concurrence Point 3: LEDPA/Preferred Alternative Selection Project Name /Description: Topsail Island Bridge Replacement, Pender County, NC TIP Project No.: B -4929 Federal Aid Project No.: BRSTP -50 (10) WBS No.: 40233.1.1 LEDPA/Preferred Alternative Selection The Project Team has reviewed the Detailed Study Alternatives and has chosen Alternative 17 as the Least Environmentally Damaging Practicable Alternative (LEDPA) /Preferred Alternative for the replacement of the referenced project, Bridge No. 16 in Topsail Island. During final design development, NCDOT will reduce the permanent CAMA wetland impacts associated with Alternative 17 not to exceed 0.1 acres. In addition, NCDOT will span the 120' of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation (SAV) habitat shown in the attached figure. Measures will be taken to avoid any other bottom - disturbing activities in the SAV habitat area. Subsequent to the August 16, 2012 Concurrence Point 3 meeting, the Project Team performed additional survey for SAV habitat Results of this survey are summarized in the attached memo. After review and coordination of the SAV survey results, the Project Team has concurred on the selection of Alternative 17 as the LEDPA/Preferred Alternative. USACE j 12 iq.2o�L NCDO1 USEPA USFWS NCDCR FHWA USCG ti� f NCDMF RPO NORTII CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION NCDW ,0�00e IZ•Z1 -1Z NCWRrr NCDCM NMFS TQPSAIL ISLAND BRIDGE REPLACEMENT T.I.P. No, 8.4929 DECEMBER 2012 ORIGINAL CONCURRENCE POINT 3 DECEMBER 17, 2012 LIEUPA)WREfERREo ALTERNATIVE SELECTION Section 4Q41NEPA Mernor Team Meeting Asireement Concurrence Point 3: LEDPA/Preferred Alternative Selection Project Name /Description: Topsail Island Bridge Replacement, Ponder County, NC TIP Project No.: 13-4929 Federal Aid Project No.: j3iSTP -5i? {jQ� WETS No,: 4_Q233.1 1 LEDPA/P'reforred Alternative Selection The Project Team has reviewed the Detailed Study Alternatives and has chosen Alternative 17 as the Least Environmentally Damaging Practicable AitetnaUve (LFDPAYPrnfermd Altemative for the replacement of the referenced project, Bridge No. 16 in Topsail Island, During final design development, NCDUT will reduce the permanent LAMA wetland impacts associated with Alternative 17 not to exceed 0.1 acres. In addition, NCDOT will span the 120' of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation (SAV) habitat shvwri hi the attached figure. Measures will be taken to avoid any other uottom- disturbing activities in the SAV habitat area. Subsequent to the August 16, 2012 Coricurrance Point 3 meeting, the Project Tearn performed additional survey for SAV habitat. Resulis of this survey are summarized In the attached memo. After review and coordination of tho SAV survey results, the Project Team has concurred on the selection of Alternative 17 as the LF11PAIPreferred Alternative. USAGE ��, l / lZ' �g.Zo�L NCDUT q1f —4-1 NCDMf J0 t)I)r : e 4 (t'! ; NMFS RPO NORTH CAROLINA TaP$AJL ISLAND GmDaE RePLAcam&J OEPARTMEta or TRAMPORTATION T.I.P. No. 04029 DeceMOEF► 2012 l USEPA IJSFW S NCUCR NCDWQ LISCG NCDCM NCDMf J0 t)I)r : e 4 (t'! ; NMFS RPO NORTH CAROLINA TaP$AJL ISLAND GmDaE RePLAcam&J OEPARTMEta or TRAMPORTATION T.I.P. No. 04029 DeceMOEF► 2012 ORIGINAL CONCURRENCE POINT 5 DECEMBER 17, 2012 LEDPAll=WREFEMReo ALTERNATIVE SELECTION Section 404/NgPA Mar erLieam Me An%ftment Concurrence Point 3: LEDPA/Preferred Alternative Selection Project Ntame /Desedptlon: Topsail Island Bridge Replacement, Pander County, NC TIP Project Nu.: B -1929 Federal Aid Project No.: BRSTP -50 (10) WBS No.: 4Q2 ;9.1.1 LEDPA/Preforred Alternatives Selection The Project Team has reviewed the Detailed Study Alternatives and has chosen Alternative 17 as the least Environmentally Damaging Practicable Altemative (LEDPA)lPieferred Alternative for than replacement of the referenced project, Bridge No. 16 in Topsail Island. During final design )avelopment, NCDOT will reduce the permanent LAMA wetland Impucts associated with Altervl:;ive 17 not to exceed 0.1 ;acres. In addition, NCDOT will span the 120' of Swimerged Aquatic Vegetation (SAV) habitat shown in the attached figure, Measures will be taken to avoid any other bottom- disturbing activities in the SAV habitat area. Subsequont to the August 16, 2012 Concurrence Point 3 meeting, the Project Team performed additional survey for SAV habitat. Results of this survey are summarized in the attached memo. After review and coordination of the SAV survey results, the Project Team has concurred on the selection of Alternative 17 as the LEDPA/Preferred Alternative. USACE 'J� NCDOT USEPA USFWS NCUCR NCDWG FHWA NCW RC USCG NCDCM �rl - -- NCOMF rani 5 tot, � _' - RPO Nom CAROLIMA _ I u>>..art ISLAND 8MOGE REPLACLPaENT DEPARIMC-NT oF T.I.P. No. 5 4929 DECF.l:7EGR 2012 ORIGINAL DECEMBER 17, 2012 CONCURRENCE POINT 3 LEDPAIPREFERRED ALTERNATIVE SELECTION Section 404 /NEPA Merger Team Meeting Agreement Concurrence Point 3: LEDPA/Preferred Alternative Selection Project Name /Description: Topsail Island Bridge Replacement, Pander County, NC TIP Project No.: B -4929 Federal Aid Project No.: BRSTP -50 (10) WBS No.: 40233.1.1 LEDPAIPreferred Alternative Selection The Project Team has reviewed the Detailed Study Alternatives and has chosen Alternative 17 as the Least Environmentally Damaging Practicable Alternative (LEDPA) /Preferred Alternative for the replacement of the referenced project, Bridge No. 16 in Topsail Island. During final design development, NCDOT will reduce the permanent CAMA wetland impacts associated with Alternative 17 not to exceed 0.1 acres. In addition, NCDOT will span the 120' of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation (SAV) habitat shown In the attached figure. Measures will be taken to avoid any other bottom - disturbing activities in the SAV habitat area. Subsequent to the August 16, 2012 Concurrence Point 3 meeting, the Project Team performed additional survey for SAV habitat. Results of this survey are summarized in the attached memo. After review and coordination of the SAV survey results, the Project Team has concurred on the selection of Alternative 17 as the LEDPA/Preferred Alternative. I� n � r USACE�" I cl NCDOT NCDMF NMFS ,1 RPO NORTH CAROLINA TOPSAIL ISLAND BRIDGE REPLACEMENT' DEPARTMENT OF THANBPORTATION T.I.P. NO. B -4929 OECFMOER 2012 USEPA USFWS NCDCR NCDWQ FHWA NCWRC USCG NCDCM NCDMF NMFS ,1 RPO NORTH CAROLINA TOPSAIL ISLAND BRIDGE REPLACEMENT' DEPARTMENT OF THANBPORTATION T.I.P. NO. B -4929 OECFMOER 2012 fill I ComComMsmoswultj'r3 117, 20,12 AtJsnwATIvE. SeL.ecnow Section 4041 EP Mei -f - M Concurrence Point 3iLE}PNPmfened Alternative Selection Project Nama0JoumhpUon:Tppna| Island Bridge Replacement, Pmnder County, NC TIP Project Nu.:B-4D29 Federal Aid Project No.:BRS�[P-5N-C1�) /dtevnatkmSoleoMon The ProjectTearn has reviewed the Detailed Study Alternatives and has chosen Alternative 17 as the Least Environt'nentally Damaging Practicable Alternative (LEDPA)/Preferred Alternative for the replacement of the rmferenowd project, Bridge No. 16 in TupnaU Island. During final design development, NCDOT will reduce the permanent CAMA welland impacts associated with Alternative 17 not to exceed 0.1 auroa. In addition, NCDoT will opmn the 120' o[SuhmeqJed Aquatic Vegetation (SAV) habitat shown |n(hea#aohndfigure. Measures will be taken toavoid any other bnttom'd|aturbinA activities io the 8AVhabibatarea. 8ubaoquord|o#hoAugust 16. 20,12 Concurrence Point 3 meeting, the Project Team performed additional survey for 8AV habitat. Results of this survey are summarized in the e#unhmd memo. After reviow and coordination of the 8AV survey rauu|te. Uhw Project Team has concurred oil the selection ofAlternative 17 ao the LEDPA/PmfprnodAlternative. ' ~ � VSA0E � N�D�T � ./�.��w� � _ './ UGEPA USFVVS NCDCR NCDWQ FFIWA NGVVRC U�Q0 NODC� - _- [4 i NWF8 q. ' —'---' ~'" WomnH Cx*ouwA MrARrMum/wpY'AmvWOxrM wm -1-1.1 X..I.-..'. . ... ....... .�� T*powL ISLxmm r nsne�acx �0�� RS41, Memorandum IMPROVING YOUR WORLD RS &H Architects-Engineers-Planners, Inc. Date: December 10, 2012 Subject: Topsail Island (B -4929) Bridge Replacement in Surf City Submerged Aquatic Vegetation /Habitat This memo is intended to summarize the findings of the of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation (SAV) survey performed by the North Carolina Division of Marine Fisheries ( NCDMF) and NCDOT Natural Environment Section (NES) on August 23, 2012 and September 25, 2012 for the Topsail Island Bridge replacement project (B -4929) in Surf City, North Carolina. ➢ During the Concurrence Point 2A/3 (CP 2A/3) Merger meeting on August 16, 2012, there was a question of when the last SAV survey was performed for this project, and if Alternative 17 would have any direct or shade impacts to the potential SAV habitat. ➢ The NCDMF and NES performed onsite surveys of the potential habitat areas within the Seven Detailed Study Alternatives on August 23, 2012 and conducted a more intense survey in the one area SAV was located on September 25, 2012. This area of SAV habitat is in the vicinity of the proposed bridge of Alternative 17 (north of the proposed alignment - towards the existing bridge), shown in Figure 1. ➢ There were four to five very small patches (diameter less than 1 foot) of sparse widgeon grass (Ruppia maritima) located within the proposed bridge drip line. The SAV becomes slightly more prevalent to the north of the proposed bridge location. ➢ Direct impacts to the mapped SAV habitat will be avoided. As shown in Figure 1, the extent of the proposed bridge span over the SAV habitat is about 120'. NCDOT's typical span length for similar bridges is 130'. These approximate 130' bridge spans will be shifted or extended as possible to minimize indirect impacts to SAV and direct impacts to wetlands. ➢ Based on the proposed profile grade and deck depth, the bridge would have a minimum of 38' of clearance over the SAV location, therefore minimizing the shade impacts. Since permanent shading impacts cannot be avoided, DMF may request mitigation if it is determined that there is a substantial SAV resource and once the shading impacts have been determined. ➢ To avoid direct impacts to the more prevalent SAV area on the north side of the proposed bridge, the temporary work bridge could be constructed only on the south side with fingers extending across the width of the bridge during construction. In addition, no other bottom - disturbing activities will occur in the SAV habitat area indicated in Figure 1. At the CP 2A/3 meeting, the Merger Team agreed to identify Alternative 17 as the LEDPA /Preferred Alternative, subject to the SAV survey and impact identification. Although the proposed bridge does cross over a small area of this SAV, there are measures available to avoid or mitigate any direct or shade impacts to the vegetation. Therefore, NCDOT requests the Merger Team to sign the concurrence form, which indicates the Alternative 17 as the LEDPA /Preferred Alternative. Legend Note: Temporary work bridge will need to be located on the south side to avoid any direct impacts to SAV. PRELIMINARY PLANS DO NOT USE FOR CONSTRUCTION Submerged Aquatic Vegetation /Habitat Deliniated Area Wetland Boundary I■ES■■■■■■■■■■1 I■■■■■■■■■■■■0.9 low- SEEN■NEWWOPE /_!■ INNOVERN1■■ EWER, I■EVI NEE11■ ■■■■ ■1 1■EW■RMMINE INUMI Profile Bottom of Superstructure 100' 0' 100' 200' 50' SCALE •. -A - r.r ORIGINAL ��Sbeu ®y wqw �..mwu.nwo....z nu.wn. x� �� . w 19[LL�.tnP xeaw:� w.r wai rxgr.. u.w rd..e �� � ��.. ��- (a„fM. — Alt 3 L` it 14 Att 1Z Aft 13 ti •. _ J •. �� �Vo Alt 15 Not to Scale 4m 1-0 Wilmington 10' and Jacksonville -10 �; MERGER (STORY - DSAs r Intracoastal To North Topsail Beach Waterway Alt i zi o Alt 2 6e.. Aft 3 Alt 4 Alt 5 49 Alt 5R' AIq Alt f Ali 10A Mt 10 T Alt 17 f 1111111111111,1111111ilililljlliiiillllllllillillilllllllllllllllllillilliilliilllllllllllllllllllllilililllllllllI Alt 11 A" Alt 12 I Alt 13 To Topsail Beach RSK. IMPROVING YOUR WORLD TOPSAIL ISLAND BRIDGE REPLACEMENT SURF CITY, NORTH CAROLINA Not to Scale 4m 1-0 Wilmington 10' and Jacksonville -10 �; MERGER (STORY - DSAs r Intracoastal To North Topsail Beach Waterway Alt i zi o Alt 2 6e.. Aft 3 Alt 4 Alt 5 49 Alt 5R' AIq Alt f Ali 10A Mt 10 T Alt 17 f 1111111111111,1111111ilililljlliiiillllllllillillilllllllllllllllllillilliilliilllllllllllllllllllllilililllllllllI Alt 11 A" Alt 12 I Alt 13 To Topsail Beach RSK. IMPROVING YOUR WORLD 4PA Neutral 13% Strongly Agree 30% Agree 13% Strongly" Disagree Strongly 18% Disagree 30% Disagree Strongly 10% Agree 53% _ Neutral 6% Disagree Agree 14% ., 13% Neutral 13% Strongly Agree 30% Agree 13% Alt 5 _ __ Alt 4 4% Alt 17 Alt 4 Alt 5R 11% /Alt 5R 9% 9% 4% 20/ Alt 5 Alt 17 11% 32 Alt 11 Alt 6 26% 12% Alt 6 Alt 11 Alt 7 Alt 7 25% 14% 25% 16% m 4\- Tn.{rr lye Existing Topsail Island Bridge P It Ad �J V .f IN } u 1 6 - R Existing North Topsail Island Bridge V . "9"q BEGIN TIP B-4929 ALTERNATIVE 6 m a END TIP 8-4929 ALTERNATIVE 6 a BEGIN TIP B -4929 ALTERNATIVE 7 END TIP B -4929 ALTERNATIVE 7 0 dL 00 Le"n 210 por4m Tormtrul communk" M P�.RamooftjVOAI W60.dw F01.9 (M) Ywoodf NManO IOL Sat u"Mol dL 00 0 Compensatory Length River Basin Map ID* (feet) Classification Mitigation Required Buffer (if impacted) Topsail Sound 5,350 Perennial Yes Not Applicable SA 1,385 Perennial Yes Not Applicable Map ID* NCWAM Classification Hydrologic Classification NCDWQ Wetland Rating Area (acres) WA Wet Pine Flatwood Non - Riparian 55 32.9 WB Headwater Forest Riparian 47 0.6 WC Estuarine Woody Wetland Riparian 60 5.7 WD Salt /Brackish Marsh Tidal /CAMA Not Applicable 155.5 Total 194.7 0 Federal Habitat Biological Scientific Name Common Name Status* Present Conclusion ** Alligator mississippiensis American alligator T (S /A) Yes I Not Required Charadrius melodus Piping plover T No No Effect Picoides borealis Red - cockaded woodpecker E Yes No Effect Acipenser brevirostrum Shortnose sturgeon E No No Effect Trichechus manatus West Indian manatee E Yes MA /NLAA Caretta caretta Loggerhead sea turtle T Yes MA /NLAA Chelonia mydas Green sea turtle T No No Effect Thalictrum cooleyi Cooley's meadowrue E Yes No Effect Carex lutea Golden sedge E Yes No Effect Schwalbea americans+ American chaffseed E Yes No Effect Amaranthus pumilus Seabeach amaranth T No No Effect Lysimachia asperulaefolia Rough - leaved loosestrife E Yes No Effect IJ IJ Begin & End Bridge Locations IJ IJ Begin & End Bridge Locations IJ IJ Begin & End Bridge Locations IJ • 1 Begin & End Bridge Locations IJ DSA - ALTERNATIVIt 5 hL I I I \ N 0 50 10 1 f 1 r I� BEGM BRIDGE '� ~ STA. W5 +40.00' 25148 SF d 6069 1 �� r- ^ Pppo� I I 6675 SF' 4012 SF Bridge Spans 456 SF/ / '- _ 1 I �Qrld��AVol a Atkinson Point Rd 16706 SF _ _ 1_ 18titfdln9Impacts - — • (` 3042 SF 16058 SF 1 22127 SF l — ' 1 • , r 1 -1 / I t NCDOT RSK. IMPROVING YOUR WORLD TOPSAIL ISLAND BRIDGE REPLACEMENT ® SURF CITY, NORTH CAROLINA DSA - ALTERNATIVIt 5 hL I I I \ N 0 50 10 1 f 1 r I� BEGM BRIDGE '� ~ STA. W5 +40.00' 25148 SF d 6069 1 �� r- ^ Pppo� I I 6675 SF' 4012 SF Bridge Spans 456 SF/ / '- _ 1 I �Qrld��AVol a Atkinson Point Rd 16706 SF _ _ 1_ 18titfdln9Impacts - — • (` 3042 SF 16058 SF 1 22127 SF l — ' 1 • , r 1 -1 / I t NCDOT RSK. IMPROVING YOUR WORLD IJ 1 end 16 is_ Begin & End Bridge Locations TOPSAIL ISLAND BRIDGE REPLACEMENT DSA ALTERNATIVE 5 R ® SURF CITY, NORTH CAROLINA _ A 0 _ I \ i__ 10 s BEGIIj BRIDGE � 1-:r 1 ` .. r / ` / STA. 615 + 40.00 3 I 6 T —eu 25148 NSF / N — /0 6675 SF1 ' 4012 SF Bridge Spans I 456 SF f _ ' I �i ►�� AvoWjf Atkinson Point Rd t - 16706 SF I_ — �_ �$riftng Impmwts -Sir —� = - - - -- ;- Ir.4r _ 1 3042 SF 1 \ _ 4 16058 I 22127 SF vt NCDOT RSK. IMPROVING YOUR WORLD I Begin & End Bridge Locations w I Begin & End Bridge Locations I Begin & End Bridge Locations I Begin & End Bridge Locations i Tr�l"� J� s I Begin & End Bridge Locations Detailed Study I CAMA Wetland Alternative No. Impacts (acres) Alt 4 - Alt 5 - Alt 5R - Alt 6 0.3 Alt 7 0.1 Alt 11 - Alt 17 0.4 Non - Riparian Wetland Impacts (acres) Riparian Wetland Impacts (acres) 2.0 0.1 2.0 0.2 2.0 0.2 1.3 - 0.8 - Detailed Study Roadway /Hydraulic Alternative Begin Station End Station Control Bridge No. Length (feet) Alt 4 516 +40 553 +90 3,750 Alt 5 615 +40 652 +16 3,676 Alt 5R 615 +40 651 +94 3,654 Alt 6 1316 +50 1321+70 520 Alt 6 - Detour 21 +13 36 +00 1,487 Alt 7 1511+50 1521+70 1,020 Alt 7 - Detour 21 +13 36 +00 1,487 Alt 11 919 +00 959 +40 4,040 Alt 17 406 +75 444 +00 3,725 0 Alt 5 _ __ Alt 4 4% Alt 17 Alt 4 Alt 5R 11% /Alt 5R 9% 9% 4% 20/ Alt 5 Alt 17 11% 32 Alt 11 Alt 6 26% 12% Alt 6 Alt 11 Alt 7 Alt 7 25% 14% 25% 16% M �11I1►T7 ' BRIQGEREPIJ►CE NA7- +. I LEDPA / PA - HUMAN ENVIRONMENT IMPACTS mmm • Alternative 17 was selected by citizen as the most preferred. • Alternative 17 maintains a connection to the existing central business district (CBD). Alternative 4 and 11 do not connect to the CBD. • Alternative 17 results in the least number of residential and business relocations, where as Alternative 5R results in the highest number of relocations. • Alternative 17 does not effect local marinas, whereas Alternative 5 impacts the only marina on Topsail Island. • Alternative 17 replaces the existing swing bridge with a 65' high -level fixed bridge, resulting in elimination of vehicular /vessel delays from bridge open ingslclosings. NCDOT RSl. IMPROVING YOUR WORLD Category High -level Fixed Bridge Alternatives Moveable Bridge Alternatives Alt 4 Alt 5 Alt 5R Alt 11 Alt 17 Alt 6 Alt 7 (Low- Level) (Mid - Level) Soundside Park property impacts -- permanent /temporary (acres) - - 0.2 0.03/0.4 0.01/0.4 Known or Potential Hazardous Material Sites (number) ALJA / LJA _ IUA711DAI CAI\ /IDrNKIRACAIT IAADII High -level Fixed Bridge Alternatives Moveable Bridge Alternatives Category Alt 4 Alt 5 Alt 511 Alt 11 Alt 17 Alt 6 Alt 7 (Low - Level) (Mid - Level) Ponds - - - - - - - Stream Crossings (number) 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 Wetlands: non - riparian (acres) 2.0 2.0 2.0 1.3 0.8 - - Wetland: riparian (acres) 0.1 0.2 0.2 - - - - Wetlands: CAMA (acres) - - - - 0.4 0.3 0.1 Wetlands: Total (acres) 2.1 2.2 2.2 1.3 1.2 0.3 0.1 Category Right -of -Way Costs Utility Pole Relocation Costs Construction Costs Bridge Operations and Maintenance Costs (75 Years) Total Fn High -level Fixed Bridge Alternatives Alt 4 Alt 5 1 Alt 511 Alt 11 Alt 17 $12,625,000 1 $13,975,000 1 $22,250,000 1 $9,925,000 1 $8,125,000 Moveable Bridge Alternatives Alt 6 Alt 7 (Low - Level) (Mid - Level) $4,975,000 1 $6,875,000 $939,090 1 $1,361,538 1 $1,430,662 1 $1,040,170 1 $1,015,778 1 1 $12,580,030 1 $12,580,030 $47,200,000 1 $45,600,000 1 $45,400,000 1 $49,000,000 1 $44,600,000 1 1 $50,200,000 1 $55,900,000 $3,631,500 1 $3,631,500 1 $3,631,500 1 $3,631,500 1 $3,631,500 1 1 $25,964,500 1 $25,964,500 $64,395,590 $64,568,038 I $72,712,162 $63,596,670 I $57,372,278 I $93,719,530 $101,319,530 IJ IJ ARTISTIC RENDERING nuLwrwrtr • suatcr ro cwi..a '17 �� -