HomeMy WebLinkAboutMecklenburg_Well Abandonment_20220607 WELL ABANDONMENT RECORD "or ln%mi,Ucz ONLY: 'I'his form can be used for Single Or multiple aclls I 1.Well Contractor Information: RT.LL ABANDONJIENT DETAILS M7a.Number of wells being abandoned: r,,r t)­ oc;i� ONLY t�!,4 %VLT1 Cvn!r,�c!nr N�itne for cell o%%tier on . .% 2— 7 —A 7b.Approximate volume of water remaining in (gal. \C CPVTr,.C1kr ccrinczxfic-n N�onn�cr R/,Pl d4l"m FOR NNATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 7c,Type of disinfectant used: 2.Well Construction Permit 3ot 2- L7r aH 1,rt1p%:rmrf iPt.e.cwmfr,State, (t'. if 7d.Amount of disinfectant used: 3.Well use(check well use). eater Suppl%Well: 7e.Sealing materials used(check all that apple): Agriculiural ::MunicipalTablic Neat Cement Groto- Anionitc Chips or Pellet_ ZiGeothenral(Heating Cooling Supply) 5X�L;idcntiil Water Sitprily(single) Z: Sind Cement Grout DI, ,C in y :1ndusirial'Commucial Mcsidentini Water Supply(shared) = Concrete Grow E Drill Cuttings =,Specialty Grout 77 Gravel Non-Water Supply Well: 73,ntottitc S41M. Othcr(ex!)1,1111 under 7u) Monitoring —.Rcco%cry Injection Well: 7f.For each material selected above.provide amount of materials used; �,kauiNr Recharge =Groar&ater Renic-dillion s ZAquifer Storage and Recox-cry —_Sn1irii!y Barrier DAquifer Test S t om,.wa ter Drainage --Experimental Technology —Subsidence Control 7g.Provide a brief description of the abandonment procedure: —Geothermal(Closed Loci)) --lTracor :]Geothermal(11cating'Cooling Return) 20ther(explain under 70 4.Date well(s)abandoned: 5a.Well location- /v� -4"f ja S.Certification: F 5 -2-,_')-2- Z-o (Ati k&,rkq Li V&kj GigAk 6, 2-9?,l 3 ` , , I. �V_ Co PhVs;Ca1At3drC,s.C;t�.and Z41J signatu C.I U �7 0,WCH 0\%!�C' Dii, By signing this four: I 011c).011r ceo-,ij'y that the icejkvl 1ta 4%ere) atiandoil-ca"fi Couniv leC,­;tifjr3!!("!)Ne.(PIN) (I'mwelance-o4th IS,$ VC11C OG.01,00 or X 1)200 if'efl constmetion slarda"I. t.,oj,v olthis)-eco,yj has heel;provider!to the ii ell o;tner. 5b.Latitude and longitude in degrees!minutes Neco nds or decimal degrees: ffe01 Field.ore la,,11-2 i�Sufflc;='! 9.Site diagram or additional well details: , You may use the back of this pace to provide additicnal%%ell site details or wel a ages if necessary. W abandonment details. You niny also attach additional pa cccsqrn� CONSTRUCTION DETAILS OF WELL(S)BEING ABANDONED SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS ,n cm:,rmeri i ,,cord&j it ataPqh!v. For multiple injeclion fit,ron-rdo'cul 11. t 7;ONL li'i;if,i tun co-fr-3to!; l0a. For Alt Submit this form mithin 30 days of completion of Nvel e, n?1ton,lymdr-nmew,iou cat)vdmitnw I 6a.Well IWO: abandonment to the follo\%ing; Division of Water Resources,Information Processing Unit, IV,= 1617 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 6b.Total Hell depth: 10b.For Injection Wells' In addition to sanding the form to the address in 10, 1.1UN 0 7( 2027 above,also submit one copy of this forni within 30 day:of completion of wel 0— to foilo 6c.Borehole diameter; (in.) abandonment, Division of NIVater Resources"Underground Injection Control Program, 6d,Water level below ground surface: -I'V"W OCVSSM 1636' -1636 MA Service Center,Raleigh, 27699 10c.For Water Supr)l*&Iniection Wells: In addition to sending the form u L( the address(es) above.'also submit one copy of this fbnri within 30 da%s 0 6c.Outer casing length(if known): —(ft.) F completion of well abandonment to the county health department of the count here abandoned. 6f.Inner casingltubing length(if knolln): (ft.) 6g.Screen length(if known): (ft.) D.nmtmon!of Ent i;ortmn,Li;-..d Nattral Re4ources-Di%ision ofWa*cr R-snn-cec Revised AuEaist 201