HomeMy WebLinkAboutEmail RE Construction Stormwater NOI Not Accepted - 93888Tran, Kieu M
From: laserfiche@ncdenr.gov
Sent: Friday, June 10, 2022 7:34 AM
To: bmcwhirter@truehomesusa.com
Cc: Broussard, Brooklyn C; Tran, Kieu M; bmcwhirter@truehomesusa.com
Subject: Construction Stormwater NOI Not Accepted
This email is to notify you that your application for Meadowlark Commons was not accepted for the following reason:
B1/D9. Please remove the legally responsible person's name and leave only the legally responsible entity.
IDS. Please upload the approved E&SC plan documentation.
D6. Please upload a signed/notarized FRO form. Though this isn't required for Winston-Salem, it is still a requirement for
obtaining NCG01 coverage.
D9. All of the boxes on the NOI Certification Form must be checked to indicate agreement. This the form you've
submitted is editable it may be best to save and upload a non-editable version so none of the information is changed
during its transit through cyber space.
D9. Please remove the legally responsible PERSON's name from the permittee line and remove the PERMITTEE from the
legally responsible person line.
Please submit a new NOL To pre -populate the new NOI, select'Yes' for the first question & enter NOI number 93888.
Contact Brooklyn. Broussard@ncdenr.gov with questions. Thank you.
For additional support, please visit our NPDES Stormwater Construction Program website at
https://deq.nc.gov/NCG01. The NOI application no. for this project is 93888.
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