HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0026247_Correspondence_19890407 NPDES DOCUWENT SCANNING COVER SHEET NPDES Permit: NC0026247 Document Type: Permit Issuance Wasteload Allocation Authorization to Construct (AtC) Permit Modification Complete File - Historical Correspondence Speculative Limits Instream Assessment (67b) Environmental Assessment (EA) Permit History Document Date: April 7, 1989 This document is printed on reuse paper-ignore any content on the reQerse side i , :�. . _ , .,� ti IA { 'f I,•..Ili �. sa � �. I n G � i ' r �'��I��. �� l Unocal Refining & Marketing Division Unocal Corporation 13 Corporate Square, N.E. P.O. Box 4147 / Atlanta.Georgia 30302 Telephone(404) 321-7600 UNOCAL S M W.E. Herchline Division Distribution Manager,Atlanta March 20, 1989 Eastern Marketing FEDERAL EXPRESS Mr. R. P. Wilms, Director North Carolina Department of Natural - Resources and Community Development 512 North Salisbury Raleigh, NC 27611 Dear Mr. Wilms : We have received your March 1, 1989, letter of transmittal for the new NPDES permit for the Southeast Terminal at Greensboro, North Carolina . We feel that our previous comments on the subject permit have not been addressed. We request that implementation of the new permit be delayed until such time as our concerns and comments are addressed. In September of 1988 we received the draft of the permit for this terminal . On September 29 , 1988, following a meeting with Mr. Arthur Mouberry, we submitted our comments on the proposed permit. A copy of our comments is attached. The new permit is virtually unchanged from the draft on which we submitted comments. Our concerns and comments remain unchanged from our previous submittal ; and, we request that they be addressed prior to implementation of the new permit. We would be happy to meet with you or your staff to discuss our concerns. If you have any questions or would like to arrange a meeting, please call Mr. David R. Keasey at 404/320-2272. ly yours, W. E. Herchline WEh/cjf Attachment cc: C. E. Wells R. E. Van Deusen Lula Harris \_Arthur Mouberry DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT November 10, 1998 MEMORANGIM TO: Aurthur Mouberry FROM: Trevor Clements t(l Mike Scoville Cbj- THRU: Steve Tedder i SUBJECT : DRAFT Permit Comments from Unocal (NPDES # NCO026247, Guilford County) Technical Services has reviewed Mr . W.E. Herchline's comments regarding the NPDES Draft permit for the Unocal Southeast Terminal . Responses to his comments are listed below: 1 . glow Measurement : The requirement for recording discharge flow rates should not be deleted . Since Unocal discharges to WSIII waters and it 's discharge interacts with numerous other oil terminal discharges, it is essential that DEN have accurate discharge flow measurements to determine total loading to the East Fork Deep River and thus to assure adequate protection of the downstream water supply. However , combining discharges 002 and 003 with 001 for a single metered dis- charge point is acceptable and advisable. 2. Settleable Solids: The settleable solids parameter was added to the list of North Caro- lina water quality standards specifically with discharges from set- tling ponds in mind, regardless of the function of the discharging facility. Since the Unocal discharge is from a retention pond, this oarameter is very appropriate and should not be deleted . However , if Unocal would accept a TSS limit of 30 mg/I in lieu of the settle- able solids limit, Technical Services would not object to it ' s removal . 3. Turbidity: The turbidity requirement should also not be deleted. Since Unocal discharges to the headwaters of a UT to the East Fork Deep River , it is likely that there will be discharge events when there is zero flow upstream. Because of this fact, Technical Services recommends that the turbidity limitation be applied directly to the effluent. "The turbidity of the discharge shall not exceed SO NTU. " 4. Phenols: Phenols are limited in Unocal 's effluent based upon the water quality 1 standard for phenols. The 1 .0 ug/1 standard reflects the level needed to avoid taste and odor problems in the downstream water sup- ply. It is the goal of DEM to protect the water quality of the WSIII waters downstream from Unocal . This is complicated, however, by the numerous other oil terminals in the immediate vicinity whose dis- charges all interact in the East Fork Deep River. The taste and odor potential of phenolic compounds is critical at the water supply below the interaction; to study the taste and odor potential of just one discharge would serve no purpose. Unocal 's self-monitoring data from November 1985 to September 1987 reveals that 84% of Unocal 's discharge events exceeded their NPDES phenolic compounds limit of 0.001 lb/day, and that half of these non-compliant discharge events occurred while the flow in the East Fork Deep River was two-thirds of the average flow or less. 38% of the phenol loading violations were at least one order of magnitude greater than the loading allowed by their NPDES permit. Such ex- . ceedences are unacceptable in such close upstream proximity of a water supply intake, especially given the number of interacting discharges also containing phenolic compounds. 5. Proposed Compliance Schedule: Technical Services has no authority to answer to the proposed com- pliance schedule, although it appears reasonable. Administration must address Unocal 's comments regarding this matter. Please let me know if you have any questions or comments regarding these matters. cc: Dale Overcash Winston-Salem Regional Office a,.STAT[ 'fir q„�.W" State of North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Division of Environmental Management 512 North Salisbury Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 James G. Martin, Governor R. Paul Wilms S. Thomas Rhodes, Secretary October 28, 1988 Director Mr. W. E. llerchline Division Distribution Manager., Atlanta Eastern Marketing Unocal. Corporation 13 Corporate Square, N.E. P.O. Box 41.47 Atlanta, GA 30302 Subject: DRAFT Permit Comments NPDES No. NCO026247 Union Oil - Southeast Terminals Guilford County Dear Mr. lterchli.ne: This letter is to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated September 29, 1988, containing comments on the subject DRAFT Permit. The Division of Environmental Management will consider your comments in making, its decision on the issuance of the permit. If you feet that your comments are not addressed in the issued permit, you may request an adjudicatory hearing in accordance with Chapter. 1.50B of. the General Statutes of North Carolina within 30 days of :issuance of the permit. If you have any questions, please contact me at (91.9) 733-5083. fSSi erely z L M. Dale Overcash, P.E. Supervisor, NPDES Permits Group cc: Mr. Larry Coble (with attachments) Mr. Trevor Clements (with attachments) smk Pollution Prevention Pays P.O. Box 27687, Ralcigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Telephone 919-733-7015 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer •/r%v�rr l Unocal Refining&Marketing Division Unocal Corporation jb64t-41� 13 Corporate Square,N.E. P.O.Box 4147 Atlanta,Georgia 30302 Telephone(404)321-7600 UNOCALU6 RECEIVED SEP 1988 September 29 1PET*6b& ENGINEERING W.E. Herchline r Division Distribution Manager,Atlanta Eastern Marketing FEDERAL_EXPRESS North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Division of Environmental Management P. 0. Box 27687 Raleigh , North Carolina 27611 Attention: Mr. Arthur Mouberry X RE: NPDES Permit #NCO026/47 Union Oil Company Greensboro, Gui l ford County Dear Mr. Mouberry: Our comments on the draft NPDES permit for the Southeast Terminal which we operate at Greensboro, North Carolina, are detailed below: Flow Measurement: We request that the requirement for recording discharge flow rates bedeleted. Discharges from -the facility are infrequent, making flow rate monitoring inappropriate. Discharges 002 and C.)03 do not currently have flow totalizing meters. We propose a compliance schedule to either install new metering capacity or combine all outf al l s into a single, metered discharge point. Settleable Solids: We feel that settleable solids is an inappropriate monitoring parameter for a petroleum marketing facility, and request that it be deleted. Turbidity: Upstream measurement of turbidity cannot be made at this facility, since it discharges to the headwaters of an open ditch which subsequently discharges via an unnamed tributary to the Deep River. Since differential turbidity measurements cannot be made and since the turbidity of the receiving water is likely to be high at the time of discharge (almost all discharged water results from accumulation of stormwater runoff) , we request that turbidity monitoring be deleted. If the requirement cannot be deleted, we request that a monitoring-only requirement be placed upon the discharge (rather than on receiving waters) . Phenols_ The proposed phenol limit of 0. 001 pounds per- day (0.00033 pounds per day for each e:,i sti ng discharge point) is the most onerous of the proposed discharge limitations. Typical storm event discharges are expected -to be on the order of 70,000 to 100,000 gallons. To maintain compliance, phenol concentrations would need to be less than 1. 7 to 1 . 2 micrograms per liter , a level that we do not believe is achievable' without cost prohibitive treatment and/or source segregation. Page 2 Mr. Arthur Mouberry September 29, 1988 It is our understanding that the proposed phenol limits are based upon the taste and odor potential of phenolic compounds that are subject to chl on nati ons in a water treatment plant. Since taste and odor problems are highly dependent upon the class of phenolic compound being chlorinated , a more appropriate requirement would be to base the discharge limit more directly upon the actual taste and odor potential of the discharge. we propose a compliance schedule to determine a more appropriate discharge limit for phenol . PROPOSED COMPLIANCE SCHEDULE Flow Measurement and Di scharge_Ftout i ng; Current discharge is via out+all s 0011 002, and 003. Only out+al 1 C)0 i s now equipped with a flow totalizing meter. We request that we be allowed a compliance schedule to determine the feasibility of combining the discharges of the three existing out+al 1 s or to provide separate metering capability for each of discharge points and then to install the required new facilities. We suggest the following schedul e. 2 months a+'ter a+f ecti ve Commit to combining all discharges into date of permit one, or providing separate metering for discharges. 4 months after date o+ Preliminary engineering design permit complete on new facilities. 6 months after date of Final engineering complete permit on new +aci 1 i ti es. 9 months after date of Begin construction permit 12 months after date of Complete construction permit. Phenol_Limits: We estimate that an initial study of the taste and odor potential of our discharges would take several months to complete. I+ additional facilities are required we would need additional time for design and construction. We suggest the following schedule: 6 months after date of permit Taste and odor study completed. Alternate permit limits developed. Determine if new facilities are required. •t Page 3 Mr. Arthur Mouberry September 29, 1988 If new_facilities_ere_reguired 9 months after date of permit Preliminary engineering design completed 12 months after date of permit Final engineering completed 15 months after date of permit Begin construction 18 months after date of permit Complete construction Basic_Monitoring_Rgguirements: We request that new monitoring requirements for flow, acute to;:i c i ty, settleable solids, phenols, turbidity, benzene, toluene, and :•:ylene, not be i mp.osed until such time as any new facilities are completed and on line. If you have any questions, please call Mr. David R. k%easey at 404/3.220--2272. Very trul yours, w r. W. E. Herchl i ne WEH/cjf