HomeMy WebLinkAboutCaldwell_Well Abandonment_ (3) r WELL ABANDONMENT RECORD For Irflum]Uw ONLY: This tbirn can be used fbr single or multiple wdis 1.Well Contractor information: WELL ABANDONMENT DEfA1L5 Scott Hunt, Jr 7a,Number of wells being abandoned- 17 %VOIC.natetcior Nam(or wadlottttefNisquallyalmniionWg wall anhWlwpropeny) Fm mulople oytcuae or noa-ireUcr supph, wells O,VLY IsrAt 11M swne core rirrcpai,rn6wrtlnvunerat Iran aarsalun�rwieforan 4561-A NC Wall Contedoor Coil iew,41don Number 7b.Approximate volume of vrater remaining in wcll(s): SASDACCO Inc FOR WAUR.SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: Convany Name' 7c Type or disinfectant used: 2:Well Construction Permit k:. List a Jl fappkevhl�.wrf!permlAx ti.c Cwara(v,Stute,Turd uric.laJ.c flnt,NIC1 tfkaroarn 7d.Amount of disinfLuant used: 3.Well use(check well use): Water Supply We1L 7c,Scaling materials used(cbeel:all thilt apply): []Agrifiultttral []municipal/Niblic la Neat Ccment.Crrout 111 Bcutonitc Chips or Pclicts []Geatheund(Hcatiue)CAo(ina Supply} []Residential Water Supply(single) ❑Sand Untent Grout ❑Dry Clay ❑hdustrial(Commcrcial ❑Residential NVatcr Supply(stared) ❑Concrete Grout ❑ Drill Cuttings 131ni tioD ❑Sp&jalty Gtout ❑Gruvel Nett-Water Supply.Wcll: ❑ Bentouite Slurry 0 Other(explain under 7g) Monitoring ❑Recovery Injection Well: 7f.For each material selected alcove,provide amount Of materials used: ❑Aquifer Recharge ®GrnundnWer Rentedialion 1JAquifer Storage atxl Recovery QSaliuity Barrier ❑Aquifer Test ❑SLorinwiterDmirnage Bentonite.:30 lb per locationlb ,Wtr:gal. ❑Exrerintental Ta Amotogyv ❑Subsidence Cautrul 7g.Provide a brief description of the abandonment pr ovoure: OGeothennal(Closed Loop) []Tracer Injection points abandoned upon completion. Filled with ®Geothetlit~t[(Iieitti 'Caalin RentmD ®Other ice. laiuvnder 7 } , ti. betonite from bottom to toprz 4.Date well(s).abandoncd: 5/4/22 5a.Well hicition: LC Hudspeth lnfOfW 1 PrOMQV,1g Utz Fao)iit oU wtxrNMM Facility IN Cfapplicablel S.Certillcatiou: [�Lzr€`�t V5� 5891 NC-90, Lenoir, NC 28645 ��'� � 5/21/2022 Physical Address,Citp,and Zip 5tyln:acarCeriUitd Nett Ca aunt urlVetl fhvaf r Dale Caldwell )Jy,signing thislann, I bitchy certify that the rrellfs}was preen)abandoned in Couniy PM;d lda1IJffib6lln1LNO.(PIN) racwrrlrrlace iville l . iVCAC 02C,0100.or2C,020a 1Fell'Crri.vi tlrriatt stortrhards and Arta a cgpt'ofllris record has been provided to Me ivell owner. Sb..Latitude and longitude in dcgrcesltnirtutcslsccondsordecirual degrees: (lrwell ruAl,01W tarltpaig is sodiletc110 9.Site diagram or additional well detalb: You tray use the bail:of this page to provide additional ttell site details or well A' W abaudountent details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary_ CONSTitI1G_MON DETAILS OF WGLUS)BEING:ABANDONED SURNWMAi.i1VSTRUCTIt}�l'e titrada trrl!noaavtrucilura nx-OrdFxl Jf dtroU&J14..1. Fear muhiple/utlecticue or min. -wair suppli 1w#8ONLY pith alas same arucinnrtaaan4abculihura.lcrat,lrxa cola urbatria are fottrc 19a. For All WeMs: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well 6a.Well ID#:Bl-Bl7 abandonuiciit to the following: Diyition of Waiter Resources,Information Processing;Unit, 6b.Total well depth: 16 (n,) 1617 Afail Sci-tice Center,Raleio,NC 27659-1617 10h.F r Inlee(ion Welts: In addition to sending the form to the address in l6a 6e.Bar ebale diameter:2.25 (io;) above,also strbudl one i:opy of this foan within 30 days of completion of well abandonment to the followiut: Division of Water Resources,Underground Injection Couttitl Program, Cod.Water level below ground surface: M.) 1636 Mail Scrvicc Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 Ge,Outer eosin length(if k 10c For Water Sutnill& hrgt�rtton Wells: In addition to sending the form to l; r�( nnRo): (fG) the address(es) above. also submit one copy of this font ttithin 30 days of completion of ttdl abandonment to the county health department of the courtly wheTa abgndoncd, 6f.Inncrrasingltulting;l'ur}Kh(if Imuwn): (ft.) 6g.Screen length(I£knoiva): (fG) Fame G%V-30 North CaroUna Degnnmcaa of Environment arxt Mfluml Resoimes-Division of Water Rcsoam:s Revised August 2013