HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-05245_Well Construction - GW1_20220531 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD Far I ricrnal tTs,ONLY: .,nb forfficm bc.used rii single or multilik wells, 1.Welf6utraeiar hiformation: 14.WAlt,R ZONFS Chris Ruffer FRO'N1 .70. OF-ICRI"ION ft. 171. 4223 A r NC.Wcll Commclor CerfifwWoo Nllrbcr 15.OUTER CA-SFNG(for in u h kaQed viefIrs OR'Ll cable) FRONT TO. PLA METER, THIMI!UTAMTERM.. SAEDACCO Inc h, ft. nl C4111putyNalue 16.INNER CASING OR 11111ING'` nobermal ckisA400p)', FRONT TO DIMMEnW I "IMNESS NLtiTEAt1L 21 w1j1 Constili4wilOeiin-it i. 0 R. 54 It 6 "�L F sch 40 PVC f.W all apy�lrable'wr 4 primi tz(Le. 3. (ch,c,ckwcIl use),-. 'CN VAC RE Water SuppLy Well- FRONT, To. DTAArKTrE1 SLOT,%1ZX I IIHCKNF_�iS VNIATERTAL 0.Agridu.Ituml ic, 74 0, 54 ft. 6 im, A26- SS 136wifiennal(Headrkg1CooiiDg Supply) ®Residential Water Supply(single,I. 1311ndustirial/Copinfucibi ORtsidutial Water Supply(shared) IS.-GROUT FRONT TO. NIATERLU, EMPLACEMENT NMMOD&MIOUNT ElHoption 0 it.' 48 It. Portland Tremie Non-Water SIT pDly Well: [Alouitoring DORCCOIXTY 0. ft lrljec!iop Well: ft. ft. 13Aqi#.(crRcchirge EdGroundssn#cr Rdiowdiltion 19.SAND,GR,'LVFL PACK(it applicAle) .: I 'VR0hf' 110 1 A(:"IFNT NIVM010 ge ecovety hi"' Ep f.:l�qilitjcrs"lora' and R- n8alini El Cr '111.: 1 ft. Sand :F_�': 79 5 3 IlArlid(d�Test QsOrrnwaicrfirninagc IjE.V�cfirncntil Tcqhnologn, bSubsidcncd 6nlrol IQ.-DRILLIN,G LOG faiuch additional sheelf If ftTownryl EI Gkothqnnal(closed Loop) 0-Tracer FRONT .TO DESCRIPTION-(mbr.Ijardticvi.willnKk 'gWjj QWe.dM DGeothen"(Heaiiqt,)Cao[fng Return) 110flter(explain wider 421 Rettlads) rt. ft. ft., fL 2-10-2022 '%V.ejl][D#EW-49 See G k"t— V I R..no s noteifL t. Chemours ft, I'll MAY 3 1 2022 EacililgrOtttxrNnrre Fdqffly IDX ffaffikabIV) tt. ft. o Urih 1248 Bill Hall Rd White Oak, NC 28399 Cumberland C, White Oak, NC, 28399 PI(Vikid Aoqieis.cjtyjlnd Zi' '2 1.REMARK: Cumberland 79-74 is a 6 in SS sump Coofily Parcel hiinilirccalik)n No,(PIN) Ac and 0-occimul Alftrees: 22:Certiricatioif.- _N W _Chris RUffer 2/10/2022 .-. o rceraind well cc Himcmil Ddle 6.Is(are)t17cme11(5)- XlPernianekti or IlTemporary. ft,p-yigijr'fig j1rhfiaqr41 Ireroy ecifify f�jqf dir vjvs emairyeied ior;deeordfin idth 15A AVCAC 02C.010I0 or.1.5AVCAC-a2C..0200}Yell Cmrstuicric.;5(driflards olldfWid 16-06 aLrell3jifo an C'.KjNtjngwCll- Mcg. ar AaNio• copyof ixi ?VAzTM,fj11AW1rhV'(;1tW 1LT1Jeo,?jY;nfcdan htlor6wm:cvj andewpbM r1je,ohneire of the aralt the hark-of6isforM 23.Site diagnat or additional well details: You nii),iiip:,.th,e back of this p6g&to Provide additional well site,detajls,or well R.Nintiber-of wells constructed: 1 consItuctioO delft& You finny AIS6,afiacll a"fiouiil pages if necessary. For wiiizipre iq�vz�,wr or' orvi-miier the mme =!�Udr SUBMITTAL fTQSTLTCTIUCVS 9.Total well depth befowl I;md surraCe: 79 24a. For All Wells Subfirit this funn within al!)Aays of-completion of well For)MORple 4:01`06ir 47"thArts irdwe'reol; con.5tructiolii to Ille to'llowl ng I; 10.Staflewater level below top of easing: ivisidit of Water lltemu regg,tnformation Processing Unit, 11-ver level b,aboi-e caj*�am"+ 160 MAil Service Center,RA- cigh,NC 27699-1 617 11.13archote diameter.10 in (in.) 24b.Fnr[njW !jnWelLqqNLLV- In addition to sending Me-form to-the address.in 24ak o've. also submit a copy of this f0ful within�36 da);s of completion of wd1l 12,Well'coustructiou method: Sonic Lonstiuction 10 t1w follovyiug: (% e diiect Dusk etc.) Diyisio.0 ofWater'Reidurcks.Underground tojecilion con"I V.rogiujil' FOR WATE R S UPIP LIF NVEL L5 ONM 1634 NIA Service Center,Raleigh,NC176994636 13x Vlcld(gpTu) 51ctliall of test: 14c.For Water Supply&-.Ipjm10 I n Wells: Also subnift one'copy of.this fonii within 30 days of comoletion of '13b.l)1N'inrCrfi1jn#pC. Amount: well constriction to the county h0lth department of iftc counmwficrc to nu Gk%'-I N',Dlah Carolina Department of Envirojuivianad Narmal Resources-DINk ion ol"Walcr-Resoutes fteviscd Aqgust2'N)I1_