HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-05191_Well Construction - GW1_20220531 WELL CONSTRUCTIONRECORD Toirtrum-fluse-ON.LY: This form on bcvwd.rbrrsinglc or multift swits- 1',Well.6muctorhiforntapion: M AVAUR ZONES Chris Ruffer FRONT; 4223 A rG ft. NCWcll C6rr=1orCcr1ifiaati6oN1in66r 15.OUTER CASING fi TOR LINER f.aL)j licable) , -FRONT. I TO, SARDACCO Inc Coiqany.Namc 16.INNER CASING OR TVBING*.,wthL!rjnal cksed4oap) YRONT TO DBINIFTER. nw"M I ATATEMAL 0 ft. 82 ft.- 1 1#- Sch 40 _iVC 110 411,qK;11rakf,'—?1F6WA 0--a. I!-lcdcn err.:)' It. ft. 3r Well,1130C 69p), water sullpty, FRONT I To I I)t,%ATF.TFR I STOTSIZF THICKNTSN' I NYATrmm, ClApticultural ONItitt,ic.ipa.ITubl ic 62 It-- 92 (11"1 1 iR .1 olo Seih 46 1 PVC C360othennal(HeatingtCooiing,Stq)pjy) MRgsidLnt1a1'Wmr Supply(shigle) ft- l31ndusWaVCdntnicrcj5I MRiesideritial NVater Supply(sbamd) 18:GROUT FRONT_� TO. MATERIAL- FNIPLACIN MNTIN17MOT)Q XHOUNT EllrfiOtian 0 ft.' 76 (L Portland Tremei Non-MlawrSupply-W H: ft. IL ;1 1 tttjection Welt:: ft. (LI MAquiIerRcqhirg6 GoGronlidsi Itcr ReRickation 19.SAND.1GR,%VEL PACK(it applicatile) 'FR4?hf To QA46ikr Sloh�&aiii Rwoycl* r1salinily l3dilice IJA4 r 14cr T-6t— 13I�t9.- Mwatct bini.n�,Ac 79 It. 92 ft. Sand 2 - - . I . r - ,6- nl vpcimcintil TcqhnotPfW. QS65idcnce ConitTol 20.DRILLING LOG 641ach ad4litiooalshkxls if necessan0 El cklo the nua I(f,I o!4 Lao 0 oTricer FRONT TO I DESCRIPTION EiGeodrennat ffleatinigCaofiog Mum) 00ther(explain ander.#21 Retuallm) 4.hite,%11 1poinpleled: 3-30-2022 %VeljI]D#PW-41 r See Cfip s notest, 5a.,-Will I-Anzatiow -3 2022 ft. IL I Chemours fL ft. 1nfor,-rg;,, ficitl[ty IM(JtappiWw"C) ft, ft. ""';9 Unit 1248 Bill Hall Rd White Oak, NC 28399 Cumberland C, ft. fL 012 White Oak, NC, 28399 P15-stid oidd i '2 L RFMARK.1, Cumberland llarVCI 10pqMe;j(i0i,No,(PIN) Ikitiide and"rikkudc 6'degm 4m1fiutWie6n&or dccim�l'ftk Ofm4ll-field,- 22.Certifienfloh:, Ch ri5.,_ Ruffer 3-30-2022 rl orccwllislvtll Cantmeray Dale 6.Is(are)theivell(o)- MPertnaneut or oTeinpol ary. fty,31gilbi;ihiyfurm,,l hereby rerrify rljuf the irefifs)Vivy vimutmeied iir,aeeoz&mce kith[5,tjVCAC 02C.0100 eir EM NCX 02C0 200 Well Ciqjrifrr;CdOjl Srwaanis and Am-a 7.hi this'a repair to all cihithmg N1,ell. Mvs, mr '1KNo -copy afrhifrrcod has iem profkfM raih,.usll m0rer, lf�0 is: rir,t,it 4.M r kni 71 i Velf f Mo a h Vp raw,i.1 GV I ffli d C'VP(a I I th e 0 h I ra re of 01 L, at:lu aIidi;0-1,1ean Lirk%-iM&n In i-(A'll I&beak Of 6 h form. 23.Site diagranfor additional well details: You my use ils,back of this page,to"P I rovid-e additional well site details. etaik or liklt 8.NintiberoMeliscoustructed: constmetion:delaili wu 111ay pages if t=essajy. Fvr walrdrpFe i*vx4m of atmi uirWe sW TITMONS 9.Toi.il well.depth.betoiv I;Md surfkc� 92 2411. Par A.It Siibfirit this flonu uithin 36.kys pf c6niptelion of isell 10.Static water level below log of easinW.. A) filvis'Idu of Water Resources,In(mrmationl0ruiesting Unit, Jf 1!aree kvef is fillove eds,fav;ale Id7'il[Ail'Seiff ice Center,"eigh,,NC 27699-1617 11.Borehole di2incien.6 in 010 24b.Ear DiMan Weak-ONLY: in addition to sending,IN,forni to the address in 2446o�e.also o subtait a copy of this foun wittliti 36 days'of completion.of kvell M Welt coustmetiouniethod. Sonic 10 ik,tono%011g:: 4C.anger. dix+t p' i%etc.) as Division of Water Resources,Underground linjedion Contr6l Firograni; FOR NVAT E R SUPPLY NVEL LS ONL Y.- 1636 Mill Se I rvice Center.Raleigh,NC 1 27699-163.6 131 Vidd(gpTni) NICthad of test: 2dc..Fnr Water Stipply&'Injection Welts- Also subdiir onle Copy of,this f6flit. wtfliin 30'd of Completion of ean I&blsinfecdou tyrper. Amount: wcIl-construction to the count),I�qltfi department oftlic countN�wficrc to M,raw-1 Nonh Carolina Depannicut of Emirounvia and Nartual Remurces-Mkion Of NVajerReSoo­CeS Revised August 2o 13