HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-05127_Well Construction - GW1_20220531 WELL CONSTRUC flON'RECORD This form can be used,fbi 4rigIc or mWfi0ksvclls' For Ir-fznatirse,014�Y: 1.W* 611 tiintraetor hiformallort: W.V*ATER ZONES Robert Miller FROM .70 DFSRIPrIOY NYC)I'C 0 rimicl V,T Na mi� ft. ft. 2675 NC.Mrdl Contmclor Ccftjfwa1if o Nfinbeir i.t5.OUTER,C.ASt1IG(for'mitlika!oeil' 11s) at I TO DMAIRTER- bkh FRONT TRI-1111-91! iL SAEDACCO Inc 0 fL 1 45 1, (L 6" in. Sch40 Pvc ctutg{anp.Nar»v &INNER CASING OR'WHING'1geother aleNced4000I. FRONT To DIAMETER TFIWKNESS 2,Well Construction Permit"r. ft. ft, lilt all 1tftrdc4 ofcj, 3.welLuse-(C It cc]C Wd I D s e): I -. — 17.S(IREEN. NYatcr SuppLy%V01t FRONJ 1170— DIAMETER I 51.0-T%17Y. 1 71 V NZATrRIAL CiAgricultural Mfuriicipa-MI;j I i.c 45. ft. 65. ff. 6- irl, 0 h46 Stainless MGmtheratal(HeidrigtooliDg Supply) 011iesidential WhIcr Supply(single) R. ft. Oladusffial/CbnutiercjIl ORtsidential Vater Supply(slkird) IS.-GROUT %FRO51 % To ATATERUL rNIPLAMIENTMMIODAkANTOUNT ❑Stiff anon 0 ft. 391 14 Portland trimi Nara-111ater Supply Well: Injection Well: MAquf(er'R.cqbarg& Md6uDdii.lcr Rcuictliotion 19.SALN D.1MUMEL PACK fit alijil ic;Ofc) FROM 'I") ivfA:rrRr,%r, RS1PI,AMIF.NTAIETnolf MAqvlifcr SWrIg'&1W Rccovdt3.• JDSqlirtity 6�':jH I -F 42- R. 701 ft. Silica sand 20/40 DArlinkrTcst 13 St6rmll-alcf l5haloa ft- ft. [j8-,p;riwcn0l Tcelinotpgy 10.DRILLINGTOG61tach addilioriol 0 Geothen"(Closed Loop) OTracer FRONT 0G.othennal Retum) 110dwr(explain iftijer 92 1 Reloads) 4.Daie"We"(S)C61ppleted: 4/20/22 We'111D#EW-23 ft. ri LD -114.�14241 ft. ft MAY 3 ft, ft. n rin;Uon Pr.c-T,*q,�,rg Urh 1248 Bill Hall Rd, White Oak, NC, 28399 ft, ft, Tip Ad&Cs&aly.and Zib 21.'REM ARKS Cumberland Three feet 1;ent-onite Seal from 391to 421 nutc�,s�brt&Or dcci!p I ifilt Ultitil de ad acidLijut;hudc yl Ives: (1ruell CDC14; 22.Certification:- 2/17/2022 or oTemporary. Aj ygnifig jhirfin!r4%1 lreiEby certify that the ivel)fs)'as f"re)caminrcmd hvaceonlance 7.LOhLs a rvpAr to an Ex4tini ivell. Mcs- or MNo 'rCVY of rx,-nrcvrd kfu K-al j;r0ridu raar wrel wifer. 1(dllis'is a mxrO"fili twit,CratonyA iv ell cmwnicvtatr hrfv rowel ot and cw p?ah i x1je.narzirt of the tiros Me&wk cjt(hixfbrjJL 23.Site ditigranfor additional wcll details: You fliay:uS6.&_ba&-of this 0.g I a-to pTovidee additiong well site.deans,or Ivell R.Nutuberof Wells c6fistructed:-1 C0tIs(rucfio,1:deiai&;-Youitiny aLsortlach addifiotW I pages if necessary_- For Ar iqAvje 10miol EV'.rt&j-itw;e'r Wply ivle?b ONLY w1rh r1j.e.urme yva tym SUBMITAL[NSTUCTIONS 701 24% Pot All Willn' Sobfidt dds Jbirri within 10' 'd d6tt ofcll'�hays compte 10.Static water level below top of casing., (fL) wn 6tv "ii o,f,Water R6 ourci s InAirma.t'idn'ProkemiTIL,Unit, SdTice ernfer' 11.Borehole dianIctek;10 (in.) tab.nrFph�ajj Welly ONLY:. In addition to sending tlw.f6mitotlic-address;in 24daUove. also submil a copy of,this forte within.30 days'ofcouipletioii of*01 12.Well coulstmetion Inethod: sonic Lonstnictimi to thelblloMfig-: (Le.sttgcF.rotW,cabl.6Aitccf posix dc.) 'Division of Water Resources.Undergmund fiajleelloil Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY-NITLILS'ONLY: 04 Mail St-Tvice Center.Raleigh,NC27699-1.636 13.3,Yield(gpm) Nlefl.tod of test: 24c.For Water'Supply Injectlo'n Wells: Also submit one.0603' of this falrol'with ill 30'day5ofcotupletion of 13b1,'D1siftfL1Cfi.0n#P'e.- Amount: well comitructibil'to the county I alth department of the cminiv.whem IC consmictcd, FanuldW-1 North Carolina Mpartaxnupf Envirounica ard'Mintral R'esourcrs-Didslbo of Water I Rmurms Revised Augost 2013