HomeMy WebLinkAboutCumberland_Well Abandonment_20220530 WELL ABANDONNILENT RECORD For ldcnwl Use ONLY: This fohn cats tie H€cdAr single-or illulOpkwells 1.Well Ciintractorinformition: 1:6 IVELL ABANDONMENT DtTAitsi Chris Ruffer 7a.Number of luells login%Abanda ed: W+1fC4r6rac8orNaarc(brt�cl[oirecrp_tsanallyhkia fonts uLilonfiC+tlteipruperay) Feu tiltdijp?e- illje�wmr by iwn-livifer sirppt6- Kilffic, MLY wA Wk ja-A6 ITC Wc11 711.Alipiroxiniate volume ofysater:rcnwinmii g in j�,q ritio v r(64 4 1 eTQ-1 6 D n N1 I I rb CIT RECEIVED FOR WATER SUPPLY NULLS 010-Y. SAEDACCO Inc companyNamc MAY 3 0 2022 7c.Type qfdi,�nketant riled: 2O4Vell.ConstructEon Pemit#*, fjkqQlt1B0G1- Id.,Wountof& fedatifuseA., 3.Well mk,(4;ht;cl;w' el1 wic): witer S"Pliky Well, 7a Sp'aling materials used(Odck till 6.4 apply); 13 AgricAuTil Mitni c-,llw p tl�i�, DiNot Ccniqdt r3wit'i 13 Hcr-Wrij(dChi6soiNMAs, 110cothcriv:41 Mcating/Cooling.SiTply) 011csidcritLal Watcr Suppb-(single) ❑Sand Pcnti!nt'Gr6ut 11 Dirt* 11hidusirWiConintcrcial' DResidenthil Watcir Supply.(sIxilcil), El Sp:!CiAlkv,qtoUf b dtayei Non Water Supply W016 M BentonjwSlum 0 Other(explaiffund6r.7g) 1nqqgti!in Well:' X For each material selected abo,veproside antowt ofmAterials 115c&_ 1JA rP=fiar_­6 lGiLddiiition ilidf� _. , - r I Neat Cem.:3461b Wtr:28gal. Sand Cem.:lb Wtr:gal. EjAqUdCf S1bt3_4 'cry ark]ke�ol' 0�ftuni(v Barrier' C. Bentonite.:Slb Wtr:gal. E]AquifeirTest OS16rum-alci-Draillaw Provide a 1p f d6cription ofilic oNifidninnent proFOure: IlGeothennal(1P!asc.d Loop) wracer. Oirnai(HcaEint?)Cooijp Used tremie and pump. Gcotfic Rctung— under ZS) 4. abalffloncd: 4-14-2022 5a.Well.lo'cation. Chemours 8.Cer0kifilail" 1248 Bill Hall Rd White Oak, NC 28399 Cumberland C "ChtIS ft 4/14/2022 PltysicatAddrc'ss;City,slid Zip W01 Ovwr_ t3aw Cumberland 11 th&/ami, I hereby cerfify Ili-at Ille well(s)teas(here)abaHdDijed ill Nrcil hkitfifi6iitiii it No,(PO I vtrlrrlrce i I tieffe ISA JVC4C 02C,Olkor tilrdifral a copy oftfris record bars i;>eij provided,lo,'Ilze well owiier,,- degrees: 9.Site diagram or additional well details: You luny i9e th N e back Of dais O,to'Pliovide additional Well site 661s.dr iVell N cowrRitcrioz-4 i)rTAtLs-ov WELLdSI]3kiNG AHANtjdNilli SIMHTTAT,jN-5TRUCTIQNS. ,ftAltb rewMov it P!6r irudliplr Mjiecdlin ar mfjoiveff"Pph, -1hN farm xvitWn 30 days lua. For All'Welb; Submit Hits af.conipletibn of well 66.Well 116901w-9D abanddi-inicitt to the follaiving'- Divislan of WatcrRcsourw%,Inforwation-Processing Knit, 6b.Totaliv6ll,depth:"49 A) 16117 Miti.1 Sci-%icc 1011.F-Pi-IniMio"Wells: In addlfi&to sebdiag thei,form to t116 address in.16a aboi,�4-also,subolit one copy of ibis toh'li�8itli[ij i0i'&ys al"C*Wnpletidn"Of"We'll 6c.Borehole diatneter..2 1110 abrido'nnicvtl to Mlle following: Dhision of%Vawrltesoukesj Un&rgrouiid Itijection Control T-rogratu, 6d.Water lev "in el bclo�v, cl stirfitce- [ft.) 1' 1636 Mail Senice Cotter,Cotter,W-Ici-,l Ni�2169-1636' 10c.For A'slater-2ipply& TnWLon Wells, In addifian-to sending the foml to 6 v,0 u t er casing I eng4h(it L-n ow n): ft) the address(es) above. alga submit one copy of-this farm withk,30 days of compiction of n-cli abandawncrit to the,courity health Ekparinicut of the county 6j.1"ner"Ca.iinot1l;ing len�jll(if h-no1vu): 4 0 ow wh=ibandowd, 6g.Screett length(if kupiili):4 0-4 5 —00 Pam,dW-10 North C=fim Doparlitierd ofEriv.irourwrit and Natumi Resowres-Division of%Varer kcsoa=s Revised Ajiguu 2013 WELL.ABANDONMIENT RECORD For IdMial Usd ONLY: This foie foube used fast.single orinulijote wells 1.W01'Contractor information: VVFLL ABANDONMENTI)JETAII-S Chris Ruffer 7m,Nuniber 61 tvejli being abando,ned: JudN[WILMY Md Ar , wjflfjpk, I dilmfalf or ,rapt-IiW& siipjy%, t4iLA, MLY 'wegi :,-;k mwe '"Jibi it ot,e fdrzjl. MuTtcr 71p.AppriminAtcmlinne ofitattT veil"Ming in Ivel!(s). (gill) MAY 3 0 2022 SAEDACCO Inc FOR NVATF4,1K SUPPLV 1VFLLS,,0NLV. 1n4wwaU5-n FIF3UM-35".- MM 7c.Type of disinfectant wed- Zq NVpll.Construetion Permit ?it.Amount of disintec(ani used: 3.Well ust(ebeck well use): Well .1 .. Water Supply Well: 7c.Sealing firaferlals:w;cd(cl1ev:khII that apply): CcMG' ,Rcnt6nft�Chip,orN let EjAgrkultunil limunic M Nca_ utL(jMjjt: 0 'Qt3cqIhcmLil(Heating 13 Sand C�ntcnt Grant E3 Div Ckkv )Coofind Supply-) nitesidmW Water Supp4-(sing-le) 13 It4ustriallconuncrei"d EIRcsid6mW WaterSupp4,.(shared) El Gravel NonAVater Supply.U!,dE M Bentoni(e Slug U Other(exxplaiirunder 7g) ®Monitoring, Okecovery "ectinn Well: X For 60 uvAteriA selected above vprodileaniount ofiniterials used: E3Aquikt,Pecharc-6 Neat Cem.:3461b Wtr:28gal. Sand Cem.:lb Wtr:gal. ElAqa ikr Stotage and lkicm-ery EjQioh,Barrier 13AijuifL+Test bS toffinvatcr Dviii,i;ge, Bentonite.:Slb Wtr:gal. -ide'a bel a 7-r Prok eUdescripti,an qCilic alp nikininent 1pqpei9lurc: 06cothennal(Closed Loop) Mincer, C36corherml(Head!P, Used tremie and pump. ,LCooling Return) 130ther(explain uMer 7g) 4-14-2022 .5&Well.hicatIoKIP. Chemours racilkiOwndfNamo rXilily IDA)(10Ppj.=bf0 1248 Bill Hall Rd White Oak, NC 28399 Cumberland C 'Chd8R.uffer' 4/14/2022 PJe'sica]'Addrcss,City,,ditt!Zip 61*1�lor 0q-%V,01 ovwr 13aw Cumberland By-Vigliyjk-t12iVf0-Vnl1 I hereby cerfify that dw irefl{.s}w"(were)abMidolied ill counky Panel (PIN). 6- e�qiL �,U VISA WCAC 02-0.01010.or 20.0200 TVVII 4CVjjVj!jjjCfi&lj Staridar,ds i7qd&M,a copy otiiiis record has bi"xig provided,(o'lhe well awner., 5kUtitu de unit l6pi0iu6 In ftiviestillou 9.Site ill agram;or,ad ditional well detalls: YOU- we tbe-back of tfii�page -id6 additional 'It site&Ols,or ivell qiay ge;to ptin we le r -W abandonjiiertvddtail,. "Vbd w'Cessm- (:6NSTklJCTlbX l3kTAILS 09 WELL(S)BEING AH,' NDdNiD 5UBI1TtTTAT,1FNSTRUC.TtQNS, Ath,)df 11WI waviraelmro KiElrvvxl it i2041alk. r6r ind4de w x4pp6l 10a. Far All Well-• .Submit-Ilik faint-.iitWn 30 day of completion or well -1Nnd6k1nJqnt to the following DI.Visfiin of Water cessinallnit. IdIj Ala , 6lpADtaIuv1Ideptk.. 49 00 it Si�rvzC e e 'cut&,Raleigh,XC 276594617 — tOb.-For 1mlec6onWells- 4iadditii54to.sendinifliefornito the addiesiiiii63 fir.Borehole illattleteT-.2 'abbw�also'suluftit one copy of this fb of 10,01up'letioni of lvell abikidonat.ent ter the following: 111vision of Water Resouries;UnderAround bijection Conlrbi I�rdgratu. (oil.Water level belowgqound surface'.' —00 1636 M nri ailSec c utcr,Raleigh,­6 ' NC,274994636'10c.For Water @ipffly-&Infeeg2n WeRA: In addition(o sending the forin to 6c..Outer casing length(if known): (ft) the iiddress(es),4bove. also submit one'copy of this fonn Withior 30 days of coinpiction of well ibandoninent to the.cbunq-Health Elepidincid'of the county 6f.linier eaq -ib- inoullin 'jength(if 1,�o' 0). 2-5 wli=. fndomd 4) Q,,SerCvn,lvnpth(if known):2 5-3 0 Vonn Q%W-36 NanhCaratimMpaniocd ofErwimnnrenk wd NaturatResow-ces-D1yis[bno Water RCh01LMCS Revised AtiSLM 20 t3, WELL ABANDONTNEENT RECORD For fildmil Uw ONLY: 1.Well Contractor Information. DONNIENT DNAIU; Chris Ruffer 7a.Number of uells being altallitioned: I,te(Or we,I aliaiitt oA'Qkbfi iiisell,er PIOPMY) +``+r lindriple fAred(mr, a; 'Imd-liv'ifew airitsi AOLs &NILY w1d) flk salon SAEDACCO Inc E C REGEN FOR WAUR SUPPLY BULLS ONLY. COBVany Name MAY 3 0 2022 7e,Tyre ordisinfectant Used: 2. Construction Permit#. L�1,41 IjA-MV,4r11 pel-11h,'O�e- Wy,S171e,J'u dwi MW M 1Y4JR,*M_6e-.:4r g U n Id.Amount of disinfeviant used, [AMBOG 3.Well use(check ii ell use).-. WAter'S pply'VVell: 7c Scaling filaicriiats,used(0661;all that apply): Od NCcnicnt' INat .Qrultt Ekk9thcraut(Hcatinjer'Cooling.Supply) EllicsidcntLit.%V.itcr Supply'(,- _le) b Sand,'Ccijtclll Grout 0 Diy Clti" 11 hillustrW/Commercial EIRcMdential Witter Supply(sbaroti) 13 C6n&.re(aGwu:t 0 ❑Itri tiara n 5PO.LiakLy Gold 11 6ravel Non-Water Supply W.011; 69 Eintonite Slurry O'Oflhcr,(cxT1ain:under 79) 11 Rtcovery Injection Well: X For each material selected above,pro kide amount of.,mMerials used: U,Aqttiter Rcciia Reutedhition!ge Neat Cem.:3461b Wtr:28gal. Sand Cem.:lb Wtr:gal. o4quifer Storage zuki Rectwery ENAiuifv Barrier I❑ I lAijuif&Test bst6illAVaLcrD-ra-huiEw Bentonite.:51b Wtr:gal. OE+arerintental Tuchoology p8libsideocti Cbjaltul 7*Pxovidi a Urk!"desicriptilin of the altandnoment nrvlc dun: 1:16cothearmal(C!oscd toop) OTneer. ®Geothenualtl3cttinCooli2a Return) ®Other(es 2lain under?g) Used tremie and pump. 4-14-2022 &L Well.locat.ion., Chemours sicertificalich. Fxfliw rim orappikabio 'Chri's RUffer' 1248 Bill Hall Rd White Oak, NC 28399 Cumberland C 4/14/2022 Physical'AAftss,Cily,.afid Zip siinillroorce;tifil wractor or Well Ovtr:r Dole Cumberland 1r,&mby certify duir Jfw wefip;)urns(were)a.hwidoned.li,i bit* Raf&I ldentitF Upti No.(PIN). acconkfilce Itiffl?154 Jvcilc 02d.01 G O.Or 2C.0200 Wel[Constnictioit Standards iwdlhrrt a copy afelds record kwt hqvi provided/olhe'tvell owner, 9..Site i diagram or additiortal well details: you 1"Oue tile bcklof this pa I_e a I !to provide additional well site details.or Wcll _N W abandonoteuttletaiL You CONSTRUCT1(7NjiftAIL5,OF%VrLUk)BEiNe.AkkkI16Nkl) SIMMITTAL IN-STRIM.TIQ S. 10a.For All %V&s: Submit thki thrut4itWip 30 daysv of completion of well 6a.WV11 M :.OW-6 aWndonnicht.to the following. g D!VisitinufWntctRemurcL%,Inforinatitin-Patel-A.SiBL!Unit, 6b.,Total ivelldepth: 60 1617 Mail Service Center,Rileioi,KC_27094 617 10b.For fit lecGo"NN Vis: Iii addition t6sending-dke'fomkto the address-In IN 41boix- aLso,Athmit one coley of this fdrm,vvithi�'30'days of coiuiilei"�iif'iveil fie.Borehole diameter.2 abatitionnicul to tile rbljowing� Dhislon of AVater Resourees;Undergr6und hijpa!on Contibi Program,6d.Water level below.ground stirfacm. _00 1636 liplail i6vice Ciente'r,italcigh,NC 276994636 10c.Fnr I'Vater-Stionly,fi-hilectflin Wells: In addition to ScRdingthe forni to 6c..Outer casing length(if known): tile,address(es).ab&6. also submit oil& copy of this form within 36 days of completion of wClI o'bandourticut to the county lictilth dc�partnlc'nt of tho county 6L Inner cain W11cruabqndioned, so . plubirig length(if loplown): 6g,Screen lenki h(if knoit 0:5 0-6 0 Fami GAI-30 Non h Carolina Deportment of Environment aiyd Natural Resowres-Division of Water RLSO ILMVS Revised A4gust 2613 WELL ABANDONMENT RECORD roT Iddikil U,.w.'ONLY: Thus formcan b6'4cdfi6,r single or nitilliplqvcIls. 1.Well CanthiciOr lo(Ornwitim 'sVPLL ANAND6NNIENT DkTAMS Chris Ruffer 7a.Number 4,n ells being aliando I Hj, ' "rprapelly) Fay iMiMple. 6tpe mr. Or riwa-war& Litiffic ONLY wA .flm sam jan..,well on h I,ithe yqre E IVE D 711-AliProxin, r Voluiof C 3iater'nird M in well(s)* FOR NVATFig,05UPPLY I�IFLL$ONLY. SAEDACCO Inc .3 0 zozz Compaiiy Name e4zing UK9 7c.Typ'cii(disinfectant 64cil. :Z:Well Construction Periffit L U-dl apphleable tiellperitti&(Let CZ;rzh-_,-SiAr.-m-,Yarfwxe,hbectknl,ejc�j!fk-wL41 -7d.Amoud[Of disinfectatifused: 3.Well use(check i eu use): Water Supply Well: 7c.Scaling Matcdalkoscd apply-):- bApTirultuml limuniq-IMIA1111blic- Ud Nc1tCcMcntCjroot El Bcotonite Chips orPcllcts Mcollicrimal(HcAng/Coolin,,i.SiTply)- DResidential Water Supply(single) ❑Sand Cen.t4it Grout [I'My Ckq 13hidustrial/ConancrCial EIRcsidential Water.Supply(shared) 11'Condew Grout 13"Drill Q41i tigs 13 specialty Grout b Gravel Nan-Mlater Supply Well: M Bentotifte Shiny 11.0idler(explain under 7g) ®ilaliltorine Injection'Well: X For each material selected ab6vWiiro%idc aMQI1Dt Of.MatffialS MCII: MIGr6iifidivatir R ntqdintiqn Neat Cem.:692lb Wtr:56gal. Sand Cem.:lb Wtr:gal. uptifer Stot ge and- cewery Mader ,6�uifei�test bS torinivater Draimwe Bentonite.:51b Wtr:gal. b EiLverinteutal Technolqgv '7*Provika 1pek-f description Of ijlji�.abandonment p .. Provide "I p I . . . I _­ ," , I MCwthernral(Closed Loop) riTracer., Used tremie and pump. 4-14-2022 15&Well.location: Chemours ra0IityMivm-rNamc nnilhy um(f ippoc-able) S.certifica tiall: ri8` R 4/14/2022 1248 Bill Hall Rd White Oak, NC 28399 Cumberland C CN Uff& ........... Phjvsicat'Addrm City;acid Zip Dine Cumberland I hereby certffij-#zai 1/w ireflfs)was(wer,-),obajjdoj{ed4,n QUILYLY PaI&I Id2jitif te iIkht No.{PING accvnicifice ik1h 15A XCICNC.0100.orX.6200 lVr,,MCvmY"cU6a Starlikirds and 1111�'a cop}!of'd-fis record I=bqci i providedta.-fire well 6 imen- ft.L ntitudeand lmi0,(ndc in tar degrees; �Ii r ') . . , (irisri, 9..sitle diagram or additional well details: to-pwidd addkional AvOl sit,&641s,or- I You ga a I wel 5 a*ba&of p�gfl on: W a6au Ctt'ddaifs. You t7ONSTR11CTION DETAILS Olt WELL(S)BEING.ABANDONED SIMNUTTAT,tNSTRVLTFON­S, 10a. Nor--All Welk Sulirdit IhLli forinxiiihin 30 days of c6nililctibn of wall abandonritc6t to the followin'g: ]DI'Viii6n,Of Water Resources, 6bAotalisvid depth, 65 10b.Por Inicelion Mlylls: In addition to.setidingt1kform to the addresilu Ka Borehole diatneter:j 6c. % (in) �bow also stflijuit one copy of 68 faint withiii 30'diyq of completion.af'ivell , _ . aba'adounte'iti ILI IL following: 6d Water level liclawground surface (ft.) DiAslort of Waterl1csourkes,Underground Injection Control Program,. 1636 Mail$cnicc(:cuici,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 6r-.()utcr ca.sin lengo,(if lwown): ift) In addition to sending Ilia form to g .the address(es) above. ago kilimit.one copy of ti1js' faint within 30 days of c.roptetibn-of well abandown.-tit go the county health deparmicni of the county 6L Inner casinorobin..length(if tanown): -9 ,kVhaTC 0 abandoned, 6gg.Strecti length(if loom n):40-65 —(ft.) Form GNAI-30 Nonh'Camlln3 Depannicoi of Enyimmitent and Natupt RCSOUMCS—biViSiCul Of WhICr RNMECS Revised Augud 2013