HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0026042_Environmental Assessment_19960930NPDES DOCUHENT SCANNING COVER SHEET NC0026042 Robersonville WWTP NPDES Permit: Document Type: Permit Issuance Wasteload Allocation Authorization to Construct (AtC) Permit Modification Complete File - Historical Correspondence Speculative Limits Instream Assessment (67b) Environmental Assessment (EA) Permit History Document Date: September 30, 1996 This document is printed on reuse paper - ignore any content on the re -terse reside 014 Oft Iie .• eft P'` State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality James B. Hunt, Jr., Govemor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director MEMORANDUM TO: Melba McGee 4.6) FROM: Preston Howard 7T/Pvi,A �EHNR September 30,1996 RE: Comments on Robersonville; DEHNR # 97-0072 & 97-0104 NEPA Environmental Review at the Community Level CDBG for WWTP Improvements; Martin County The Division of Water Quality has reviewed the above NEPA environmental documents submitted by the Town of Robersonville for funding for wastewater improvements to the Town's sewage treatment plant on Flat Swamp Creek. The Division believes that the project can be developed to meet the water quality protection needs of the area but that there are some significant concerns which will need to be addressed. Those concerns relate to the excessive nutrients and oxygen - demanding loading already present in many parts of the river . Information available at this time is not sufficient to enable final decisions to be made relative to the permitting issue. This information would need to be provided during the environmental review and permit application phases of the Division's permitting process. It is our understanding that the above documents do not, nor were they ever intended to, satisfy the requirements for environmental review under the N.C. Environmental Policy Act (NCEPA). Under NCEPA, the project as proposed would be considered a publicly -funded project and would be above the minimum criteria for requiring an environmental document (i.e., the proposed 0.6 MGD expansion would exceed the 0.5 MGD threshold). A separate environmental document that satisfies NCEPA would therefore need to be prepared for this project before NPDES permit decisions could be made by our Division. We have been asked to provide more details on the issues that need to be addressed and the information that would need to be obtained before a permit decision could be made. We have also been asked to provide information on what an environmental assessment document should include to enable processing of an application. Since it is our policy to include as much relevant information as possible during the environmental assessment development phase of a project, we have discussed the major concerns as they would be addressed in an environmental assessment and included them in the attached list. This list contains specific environmental issues discussed with the Town and its consultants at an August 21 P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-5083 FAX 919-715-5637 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post -consumer paper Melba McGee September 30,1996 Page Two meeting with Division staff as well as standard EA content requirements. We realize the needs of the town to act expeditiously on this project and are willing to work with them in obtaining information necessary for final decisions to be made. If you should have any questions, please call Boyd DeVane at 733-5083, ext. 559 or Michelle Suverkrubbe at ext. 567. Town of Robersonville WWTP Expansion EA Requirements and Other Information Needs prepared by: NC Division of Water Quality 9/25/96 Project - Specific Issues 1. Permit Limitations. A critical concern of the Division involves the ability to provide treatment, either for land application or stream discharge, to meet the stringent needs for stream dissolved oxygen protection. The existing Robersonville WWTP has a wasteflow of 1.8 mgd with advanced tertiary limits for BOD5 and NH3N (5 mg/1 and 2 mg/1 respectively). The Town is also required to monitor for several metals and toxicants due to the percentage of industrial waste. The plant is proposed for expansion to 2.4 mgd to accept additional flow from the Eagle Snacks production facility. The Tar -Pamlico River Basinwide Water Quality Management Plan identifies the Flat Swamp Creek as having existing low dissolved oxygen levels and very low assimilative capacity. An EA must include a detailed discussion of the receiving stream and its assimilative capacity. It must also address permit limitations for the proposed expanded flow in light of this assimilative capacity and include a discussion of total design flow available for oxygen consuming wastes, metals or nutrients. The consultant needs to request a "speculative analysis" from our Division. For this discharge expansion into Flat Swamp, the limits for BOD5 and NH3N will remain the same as the existing permit (summer BOD and NH3 limits of 5 and 2 mg/1 respectively), although requirements for metals and toxicants may change. 2. Nutrients The control of nutrients to the Tar -Pamlico Basin is a major concern of the Division staff. The Phase II Nutrient Sensitive Waters (NSW) strategy for the Tar -Pamlico River Basin was adopted by the Environmental Management Commission in December 1994. Rules to implement portions of this strategy are at public workshop currently. The Phase II NSW document has nutrient removal requirements for facilities that are not members of the Tar -Pamlico Basin, such as Robersonville. Under the Phase II strategy, existing facilities with design flows greater than or equal to 0.5 mgd have to meet monthly average total phosphorus (TP) limits of 1 mg/1 and monthly average total nitrogen (TN) limits of 6 mg/1 in December 1999. Discharges expanding to z 0.5 mgd will receive limits of Total Phosphorus =1 mg/1 and Total Nitrogen = 6 mg/1 monthly average when the plant becomes operational. In addition, the Phase II strategy proposed that expanding dischargers that are not members of the Association offset the increase in TN and TP loading that results from the expansion by funding nonpoint source control programs in the basin. If adopted, these rules might affect the Robersonville discharge. An EA prepared for the project would need to discuss how the Town would address these possible requirements. 3. Waste Characteristics. The nature of the waste that would be generated by the proposed snack factory is assumed to include high concentrations of BOD, dissolved solids and sodium. Specifics on the quantity and concentrations of these items should be presented in an EA. 4. Physical Plant Changes / Service Area. The construction and operation details of the existing facility, in addition to all changes and improvements proposed in the expansion of the plant must be presented in an EA. All environmental impacts of these proposed changes must also be discussed. Maps and site plans must be included that clearly show existing and proposed plant improvements (including the proposed pretreatment facility), in addition to the existing and proposed plant service areas. 5. Industrial Wastewater Receiving (Pretreatment) Facility. Details of the construction, operation and maintenance of the proposed Industrial Wastewater Receiving (Pretreatment) Facility and the 18,000 linear feet of force main to transport the treated wastewater to the Town's WWTP must be discussed in an EA, along with all the anticipated environmental impacts of its construction and operations activities. This new force main will require a Non -Discharge construction and operation permit from the State Engineering Group. Please check with Dianne Williams -Wilburn in the Facilities Assessment Unit (at 733-5083, ext. 232) to determine what specific information would be required in an EA for the pretreatment facility portion of the project. 6. Capacity Analysis. Existing and proposed capacity of the Town's wastewater treatment plant must be provided hi an EA, with a discussion of available versus committed capacities. If expanded as proposed, what percentage of the 2.4 mgd treatment plant capacity would be available (i.e. not committed to other uses) to handle future growth in the service area? Preliminary evaluation of the known commitments by the Town to other users indicated to the Division that even if expanded as proposed, the Town would still be left with only 20% available _ capacity. This would need to be discussed. 7. Alternatives Analysis. An engineering alternatives analysis that addresses the environmental impacts and fiscal costs of other wastewater treatment alternatives (including retaining the existing spray irrigation system, or a combination of other options, as discussed at the August 21 meeting) would be required in an EA. If the applicant is proposing to operate the spray irrigation fields for 2 years during construction of the pretreatment facility and upgrading the WWTP, why cannot the company continue using this facility for all future operations? Convincing environmental arguments must be presented in the Alternatives section of an EA to justify the proposed discharge alternative over the existing non -discharge system. 8. Interim Operations Plan. An Interim Operations Plan must be provided in an EA that details how the Nutri-Turf facility is to operate in the 2-3 years that it takes to construct the WWTP improvements. The existing non -discharge permit for the operation of the Eagle Snacks spray irrigation system (Permit No. WQ0000581) will need to be amended to reflect the Interim Plan. The environmental impacts of this interim plan would need to be provided as part of the EA for the project. Once the Interim period is completed and the wastewater is being handled by the WWTP, the Town will need to request Permit No. WQ0000581 be rescinded. 9. Land Applications of Residuals. The Town will need to evaluate the existing land application of residuals permit for its WWTP (WQ0002897) to determine if an increase in solids production due to the increase in wastewater treatment plant 2 capacity can be handled adequately by the current site. A discussion of this issue and the environmental impacts of this increase must be addressedin an EA. 10. Surface Waters and Wetlands. An EA for the proposed project must discuss the following items: a. Identify the streams potentially impacted by the project. • The stream classifications should be current. Are the streams supporting their uses? b. Identify the linear feet of stream crossings/channelizations/relocations. If the original stream banks were vegetated, it is requested that the channelized/relocated stream banks be revegetated. c. Number of stream crossings. d. Identify the stormwater controls (permanent and temporary) to be employed on the WWTP and pretreatment facilities. e. Make provisions that ensure that sediment and erosion control measures are not placed in wetlands. f. If a Section 401 Certification will be required for any aspect of the project, please contact John Donley with the Environmental Sciences Branch of the Division (733-1786) for information on what must be provided in an EA to address WQ certification and wetland impacts. 11. Permits and Certifications. Neither 401 Water Quality Certifications or Water Quality Permits can be issued until a FONSI has been issued by DEHNR. In addition, it is standard Division Policy to require completion of the FONSI through the State Clearinghouse prior to acceptance of any WQ permit or 401 certification. General EA Requirements According to the State Environmental Policy Act and current EA document preparation requirements in the Division, the following issues are required to be included in all EA documents: 1. Existing environmental setting and conditions 2. Existing facilities on the project site 3. Need for the proposed project 4. Reasonable alternatives to the recommended course of action 5. Environmental effects of the proposed activity and alternatives. Environmental effect is defined as including direct, indirect, and cumulative impacts for the project or program that may be significant, depending on the manner in which the activity is carried out. 6. Methods proposed to mitigate or avoid significant adverse environmental impacts Robersonvillc.BDV 3 - m*. wl 1'obcaronvi-11e - Grd - doca t 1. d c,rno ediait Dot 1.3 Pucka.- prrmtiet4 0.23 clo ohc..I tXun oltable (1gCQ5 heceir r3 0.1 4-1e Ov 04.14.4A small ' ( 3 pc, w, d, _Srctocuct v,;,. I.3 0.i Camm.I4eCE 1•v grd{rct_ J-r�3�1.(.c3 a to z i-gbrar d _ J,sAV S2 : iS I'o of- pet jotted PGY)oi cn (a.' 4 /n&11 ) Sictrk cafinQ rmt�, fr�rn ll ut aw& th r7 er1 x k. --caPactki rlufr' Turf , 1 ; f_Dir,p63W I L.A- ca Tf� . Sf 33 -.0,* 3 1) A) 29J--3S// d7 % ',Jo,7u)//e 74 -235_:51)237gad.603 9i532?r-7 o Let. f`ut.4.1 ci /9 73 -50)8. C.55 5 (fANK-/'rr- i"1t5 R7 frcJ ChQ0lL/'s )); atinf.‘)/de 4.444, r CIL - t2R .-ctS 3 J 911-2Zg-C)S31 a - -33 -SC a3 nrx�l ram, s.mw7 \,v .a-E,0q w � AA/4.0 T G} C Hl Ca c T M IJ C 0_ q/9 /733- 505'3 ", ? 31._ 104O (C2. Pre. DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY Water Quality Section August 16, 1996 Memorandum To: Michelle Suverkrubbe From: Carla Sanderson Cd Through: Ruth Swanek1S Subject: Town of Robersonville WWTP NPDES Permit No. NC0026042 EA Review for Expansion An Environmental Assessment (EA) for the Town of Robersonville WWTP expansion has been reviewed by the Instream Assessment Unit (IAU). The Town wishes to accept additional flow from the Eagle Snacks production facility which has high concentrations of BOD, dissolved solids and sodium. The Town discharges into Flat Swamp in the Tar River Basin. The existing permitted has a wasteflow of 1.8 MGD with advanced tertiary limits for BOD5 and NH3N (5 mg/1 and 2 mg/1 respectively). The Town is also required to monitor for several metals and toxicants due to the percentage of industrial waste. The EA has not addressed permit limitations for the expanded flow. The document indicates that the plant capacity will be increased to 2.4 MGD, but it did not include proposed limitations for oxygen consuming wastes, metals, or nutrients. Usually a speculative analysis is requested to use in facility planning and development of the EA. For this discharge expansion into Flat Swamp, the limits for BOD5 and NH3N will remain the same as the existing permit (summer BOD and NH3 limits of 5 and 2 mg/1 respectively), although requirements for metals and toxicants may change. The document also did not address nutrients sufficiently. The Phase II Nutrient Sensitive Waters (NSW) strategy for the Tar -Pamlico River Basin was adopted by the Environmental Management Commission in December 1994. The Phase II NSW document has nutrient removal requirements for facilities that are not members of the Tar -Pamlico Basin (Robersonville is not a member). Under the Phase II strategy, existing facilities with design flows greater than or equal to 0.5 MGD have to meet monthly average total phosphorus (TP) limits of 1 mg/1 and monthly average total nitrogen (TN) limits of 6 mg/1 in December 1999. Discharges expanding to Z 0.5 MGD will receive limits of Total Phosphorus = 1 mg/1 and Total Nitrogen = 6 mg/1 monthly average when the plant becomes operational. In addition, the Phase II strategy proposed that expanding dischargers that are not members of the Association offset the increase in TN and TP loading that results from the expansion by funding nonpoint source control programs in the basin. These nonpoint source payments must be made before an NPDES permit can be issued and before each subsequent renewal of the permit. This language has been drafted into rule form, and the proposed rules are being taken to public hearing on September 3 and September 5 in Greenville and Nashville respectively. I would encourage the Town of Robersonville to attend one of the meetings as the proposed rule will directly affect them. If you have any questions, please call me. The Wooten Company Engineering Planning Architecture 120 N. Boylan Avenue Raleigh. NC 27603 919-828-0531 Since 1936 August 13, 1996 Ms. Michelle Suverkrubbe North Carolina Division of Water Quality P. O. Box 29535 Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Re: Wastewater Treatment Improvements Project Robersonville, North Carolina TWC No. 2524 Dear Ms. Suverkrubbe: Enclosed as per our telephone conversation of August 12 and my conversation with Ms. Melba McGhee this date are seven (7) copies of the Preliminary Engineering Report dealing with the proposed high strength wastewater receiving facility and wastewater treatment plant upgrade at Robersonville, North Carolina. Also enclosed are seven copies of an 8 1/2 x 11 inch map showing the proposed locations of the major project components. Please advise your water quality monitoring group that this project is expected to result in elimination of the discharge allowed by NPDES Permit No. N00051195. If you should require any additional information, please do not hesitate to call Sincerely, The Wooten Co p y Ford Chambliss cc: Mr. Ralph Mobley, Town of Robersonville Ms. Mary Lilley Co re .• Celli n 71e Cern .5',,, 1 On?) . t� 19 1, .• a2 , 4. 1( Oak, i%•ISS •I(ISnO l ~ , \ J -•• �j` (/,/ • l (. . \ 1,; rtlr li 1 ?? \ ( 1 � • i e (... •�\ten • sLr r. •.� *I. 1 .1( (....l \ :1 I --- I. c ( 1 I') / ‘!\ � I ; It 1 ; . •�I •I i \� Wastewater Trrat11irtlt • • 1.) :• 1 •, .•; '• ; t ih., glint Expansion and ' 1 ( • ' // (\ ' \ c � ,..„ Upgrading Site ' . At 4. 99 1.1 kit:. 1 if \\A -,, / 4,,- • 1 \ tnlii , ) ), s t• i • \.(116?)) \. • ` /Y1159) <l Swamp usi 4em A: , f kit* ,4 • .• i t , t... •t • r iiii .1;. 1 / \ \',1 Itobersot>tvillerg/ :\ 7(i1511 x \ r 1 ' / �, ��. / -- ) 1 Location MapProposed Wastewater Treutlnent. Facilities ltubersuhvilli, North c:uroiiini irr i M ii)il81•/ New hare Main 1 ► , 1 iigh SItength Industrial t ' '' Wastewater Receiving • • Facility Site (t xisitng '1 Eagle Snacks band Application System) ....::;.,::-..LA::• "Ii• • ...--• 1..1 i2' 6::s 1▪ 1▪ 111 ,A,• • rrr • • toirlpil 1168 ISnon 11000 17000 10000 gone 8000 7000 0 el 0 saw • inoo 3000 1000 towril le ccrell Environmental Review Tracking Sheet DWO - Water Quality Section MEMORANDUM TO: g/IZ/qln Env. Sciences Branch * WeJlands John Dorney ❑ Eric Galamb (DoT) ❑ Greg Price (airports) ❑ Steve Kroeger 0 * Bio. Resources, Habitat, End. Species ❑ Trish MacPherson ❑ Kathy Herring (forest/oRw/hQw) 0 * Toxicology ❑ Larry Ausley Planning Branch Technical Support Branch "Colleen Sullins, P&E Dave Goodrich, P&E, NPDES IR/Carolyn McCaskill, P&E, State ❑ Bradley Bennett, P&E, Stormwater "Ruth Swanek, Instream Assess. (modeling) tYCarla Sanderson, Rapid Assess. 0 Operations Branch Dianne Wilburn, Facility Assessment GeTom Poe, Pretreatment O Lisa Martin, Water Supply Watershed Regional Water Quality Supervisors ❑ Asheville ❑ Mooresville 0 Washington ❑ Fayetteville ❑Raleigh ❑ Wilmington ❑ Winston-Salem FROM: Michelle Suverkrubbe, Planning Branch RE: EA.) trotAwic+.d-iQ AcsessmeAA-1-``fie--C��-2 •ri��. D-f 12ober.5o►n0i(6 c-i)134, , �cc�lc Svukc s ; U rai . Ut) WT-P C'.pA ,$4,t,tet�r� iv ea Feu i ii'y Attached is a copy of the above document. Subject to the requirements of the North Carolina Environmental Environmental Policy Act, you are being asked to review the document for potential significant impacts to the environment, especially pertinent to your jurisdiction, level of expertise or permit authority. Please check the appropriate box below and return this form to me along with your written comments, if any, by the date indicated. 0/19 lglo Thank you for your assistance. Suggestions for streamlining and expediting this process are greatly appreciated! Notes:11; wit/ V'GSpoWSe_ Aa is r - r u.t_'i', sni ous pro Lilews We tx9aat-6 I-I4-c ifiAA 0AA sei- It ii4UD(Jca( P ri ov- fie.. oh dam. ti.lt�n� k i R01e.A.a . You can reach me at: u phone: (919) 733-5083, ext. 567 fax: (919) 715-5637 e-mail: michelle@dem.ehnr.state.nc.us mis:'circmemo.doc Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Office of Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs Project Review Form • ❑ Project located in 7th floor library Project Number: County: 6/4+Doi Date: spc, 9'l'�oL,,s-d /12oL44sn�oil(e 6oVi ,��2Va.4 0‘4,44 12,14(ti fht-110LPb4^1^-71- This project is being reviewed as indicated below: Date Response Due (firm deadline): Xlan Regional Office/Phone Regional Office Area In -House Review ❑ Asheville ❑ Fayetteville ❑ Mooresville ❑ Raleigh Washington Wilmington ❑ Winston-Salem 0 All RIO Areas Y1 • it :: ater ?roundwater -Land Quality Engineer ❑ Recreational Consultant ❑ Soil and Water ■ Marine Fisheries . 0 Water Planning y Environmental Health ❑ Solid Waste Management ❑ Radiation Protection • Coastal Management • Water Resources sigWildlife Forest Resources 0 Land Resources Parks and Recreation Environmental Management Monica Swihart • David Foster ❑ Other (specify) ■ Coastal Management Consultant 0 Others PWg Manager Sign-Off/Region: Date: In -House Reviewer/Agency: Response (check all applicable) Regional Office response to be compiled and complete by Regional Manager. • In -House Reviewer complete individual response. 0 No objection to project as proposed 0 No Comment ❑ Insufficient information to complete review 0 Approve 0 Not recommended for further development for reasons stated in attached comments (authority(ies) cited) ❑ Applicant has been contacted ❑ Applicant has not been contacted 0 Project Controversial (comments attached) ❑•Consistency Statement needed (comments attached) ❑ Permit(s) needed (permit files have been checked) 0 Consistency Statement not needed ❑ Recommended for further development with recommendations for strengthening (comments attached) ❑ Recommended for further development if specific & substantive changes incorporated by funding agency (comments attached/authority(ies) cited) 0 Full EIS must be required under the provisions of NEPA and SEPA 0 Other (specify and attach comments) RETURN TO: Melba McGee PS-104 Office of Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs ♦ ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEWS AT THE COMMUNITY LEVEL 'Agency responsible for Project Town of Robersonville :Contact Person: Mary Lilley 1 Location: (City and County) ;Clearing House No ' Date Completed Robersonville/Martin ; 8-1-96 A. Project Description 'Briefly Describe Project: Address Martin Co. Chamber of Commerce PO Box 311, Williamston, NC 27892 Phone 919-792-4131 In October of 1995, Andheuser-Busch announced the closure of all Eagle Snacks production facilities. Subsequently, in the Spring of 1996, the Eagle Snacks facility in Robersonville closed displacing approximately 500 workers. lnterBrands Corporation USA is now considering the purchase of the Eagle Snacks facility from Andheuser-Busch for production of nut products and croutons with a strong emphasis on the export markets. InterBrands proposes to create an estimated 325+ jobs and is strongly committed to re-employing those persons displaced by the closing of the Eagle Snacks facility. The Eagle Snacks facility in Robersonville consists of a 230,000+ square foot manufacturing facility, 200+ acres of land in total, manufacturing equipment, and a wastewater treatment facility operated by Nutri-Turf (still operated by the Andheuser-Busch Company, but scheduled to close September 1, 1996). While the purchase agreement between InterBrands and Andheuser-Busch would include the Nutri-Turf facility, InterBrands does not have the expertise or interest in operating this facility and will acquire the Eagle Snacks production facility only if the Town of Robersonville is able to accept and treat its relatively high strength wastes. The Town of Robersonville has received a preliminary engineering report from the Wooten Company identifying costs required to upgrade the Town's existing facility to accommodate the high strength wastes generated by snack foods production. The most feasible solution for the Town to consider would be the construction of an Industrial Wastewater Receiving Facility and upgrade of Town's wastewater treatment capacity estimated at 54,445,000. Project Activities 1. Land/Building Acquisition 2. Equiprnent CMG/HOME Funds $ Other Funds $ 5,000,000 2,000,000 Environmental Impact Status Exccipt CAT. Excluded E.A. X 3.Electrical Expansion 250,000 ; I X 4.Wastewater Improvements 1,000,000 5. '3,500,000 6. TOTAL 1,000,000 10,750,000 7. B. 9. 10. EIS Required Original Revision Dated Amendment Dated Prior Clearing Review Has Taken Place Signature of C�i'ef Elected Official Mayor Title Town of Robersonville Agency and Address PO Box 487, Robersonville, NC 27871 Data Sources and Documentation Historic Properties Review requested, see exhibit 1 Flood Plain Management See Narrative Wetlands Protection Martin Co. Soil Conservation Service Noise Field Observation, Cathy Scott, 7-23-96 Air Quality see exhibit 2 Manmade Hazards see exhibit 3 Water Quality Water Quality Section, DEHNR, Telephone 7-31-96 Solid Waste Disposal See exhibit 4 Coastal Areas See exhibit 5 Endangered Species See exhibit 6 Farmlands Protection Martin Co. Cooperative Extension Service 7-31-96 Wild and Scenic Rivers See exhibit 7 State or Local Statutes CDBG Regulations/NC Building Code Send 14 copies of this form and all maps to: Director, Division of Community Assistance, Suite 250, P. O. Box 12600, Raleigh, NC 27605-2600 The ERR for Economic Development projects should be sent directly to the State Clearinghouse: Director, NC State Clearinghouse Dept. of Administration, 116 W Jones Street, Raleigh, NC 27603-8003. \-, Statutory Checklist Checklist of Applicable Statutes and Regulations Project Name and Identification No. InterBr_ .nds Corporation, USA 2. Attach project map. 3. Are all activities o; this project exempt from NEPA procedures? 0 Yes E No (If yes, this Statutory Checklist need not be filled out.) 4. Are activities of this project categorically excluded from NEPA procedures? ❑ Yes ® No (If yes, this Statutory Checklist and all required actions must be completed.) Area of Statutory —Regulatory Compliance Note Compliance Documentation Impact Categories Historic Properties X Attachment 1 Floodplain Management X See Narrative Wetlands Protection X See Narrative Noise X See Narrative Air Quality X See Narrative •Manmade Hazards Thermal/Explosive Hazards X See Narrative Airport Clear Zones X See Narrative Water Quality Navigable Waters X See Narrative Aquifers X See Narrative Solid Waste X See Narrative Coastal Areas Coastal Zone Management X See Narrative Coastal Barrier Resources X • See Narrative Endangered Species X See Narrative "Attach evidence that required actions have been taken. ei' COMPLIANCE DOCUMENTATION FOR STATUTORY CHECKLIST CDBG-ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROJECT ROBERSONVILLE, NC The Compliance Documentation for the Statutory Checklist is included herein for The Town of Robersonville's CDBG-Economic Development Project as described below: .k -1 cilities ubsequently, in the Springof 1996, the Eagle Snacks facilityin Robersonville closed g displacing approximately 500 workers. InterBrands Corporation USA is now considering the purchase of the Eagle Snacks facility from Andheuser-Busch for production of nut products and croutons with a strong emphasis on the export markets. InterBrands proposes to create an estimated 325+ jobs and is strongly committed to re-employing those persons displaced by the closing of the Eagle Snacks facility. The Eagle Snacks facility in Robersonville consists of a 230,000+ square foot manufacturing facility, 200+ acres of land in total, manufacturing equipment, and a wastewater treatment facility operated by Nutri-Turf (still operated by the Andheuser-Busch Company, but scheduled to close September 1, 1996). While the purchase agreement between InterBrands and Andheuser-Busch would include the Nutri-Turf facility, InterBrands does not have the expertise or interest in operating this facility and will acquire the Eagle Snacks production facility only if the Town of Robersonville is able to accept and treat its relatively high strength wastes. The Town of Robersonville has received a preliminary engineering report from the Wooten Company identifying costs required to upgrade the Town's existing facility to accommodate the high strength wastes generated by snack foods production. The most feasible solution for the Town to consider would be the construction of an Industrial Wastewater Receiving Facility and upgrade of Town's wastewater treatment capacity estimated at $4,445,000. Historic Properties There are no properties of historic or architectural significance within the immediate project area. Floodplain Management The proposed project area is not located within a floodplain area as delineated by FEMA and identified by Flood Insurance Program Panel #370155-0075B. Wetlands Protection Freshwater wetlands are defined as any low land covered by non -saltwater, either frequently or intermittently by precipitation or overflow from rivers, streams, and creeks. Wetlands include swamps, pocosins, shallow lakes, ponds, and river overflow lands. None of these situations will be impacted by the acquisition of the Eagle Snacks facility by InterBrands Corporation USA. Noise There are no unusual sources of noise in the project area. Vehicular traffic is the largest source of noise and is not sufficient to generate measurable noise problems. Air Quality An air quality permit was issued for the former Eagle Snacks facility. it is anticipated that the InterBrands project will require modification and/or transfer of this permit. All permit applications will be submitted to the Air Quality Division prior to plant operation. Manmade Hazards Thermal/Explosive No thermal or explosive hazards will be stored at the project site. Airport Clear Zones --There are no military or commercial service airports in the vicinity of the project area. Water Quality There are no navigable waters within the project area. Acquifers There are no sole source acquifers nor wellhead protection areas located within North Carolina. Solid Waste The Town of Robersonville contracts with Martin County for solid waste collection services. Wastes are disposed of at the Bertie Regional Landfill in Bertie County. InterBrands Corporation will contract with a private source for solid waste collection at the proposed facility. Coastal Areas Coastal Zone Management --The coastal zone includes the coastal salt waters and adjacent shore lands including intertidal areas, barrier and other islands, estuaries and the land use of which would have significant impact on coastal waters. North Carolina operates an approved Coastal Zone Management Plan. The proposed project will not affect the Coastal Zone Management Plan. Coastal Barrier Resources --The Coastal Barrier Resources Act of 1982 is administered by the Department of the Interior. The purpose of this act is to minimize the loss of human life, wasteful expenditures of Federal Revenues, and damage to fish, wildlife, and other natural resources associated with the coastal barriers along the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts by restricting future federal expenditures which may encourage development of coastal barriers. This Act is not applicable to Robersonville's project. Endangered Species There are no known endangered species within the project area. The project area consists of developed properties including residential, commercial, and industrial properties. Farmland Farmland is a unique natural resources found in Martin County. The acquisition of the former Eagle Snacks facility by InterBrands Corporation will not impact farmland in Robersonville or Martin County. Wild & Scenic Rivers There are no wild and scenic rivers in the immediate project area or will any be affected by the re -opening of the former Eagle Snacks facility. State or Local Statutes The following statutes and regulations will be applicable to Robersonville's CDBG-Economic Development Project. NC CDBG-Economic Development Project Regulations NC State Building Code (any building renovations) Environmental Assessment Checklist Page 1 Project Name and Identification No InterBrands Corporation, USA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 c rc O 0 ' ,...e 4.,te i.4#2, ,4 *ae `me' A` Source or Documentation • ``o ...'� y `�� a ,A� F (Note date of contact or /1'`Ic• c.f i?4, .2 page reference) �°' a� �� � tti.V� a Additional material may be Impact Categories t'° Q° AO' Q4°P .e 41' attached. Land Development Conformance With Comprehensive Plans and Zoning X Ralph Mobley Town Manager 7- 3 0- 9 6 Compatilbility and Urban Impact X Field Observation Cathy Scott 7-16-96 Slope . X Field Observation • . Cathy Scott 7-16-96 Erosion X Field Observation Cathy Scott • 7-16-96 Soil Suitability X Martin Co. Soil Cons. Service 7-30-96 Hazards and Nuisances, Including Site Safety X Field Observation Cathy Scott 7-1 6 - 9 6 Energy Consumption X Ralph Mobley Town Manager 7-30-96 Noise • Effects of Ambient Noise on Project and Contribution to Cam• munity Noise Levels X 4................. Field Observation Cathy Scott 7- 3 0- 9 6 . Environmental Assessment Checklist !continued. pace �+ Project Name and Identification No. InterBrands Corporation, USA 2• / 3 / 4 /5 /6 /7 c' t. c do '6 � � :: .c . `-4 `1` .4* `.9/ 44 Source Or Documentation `.T .� „ `^ " •„�� ., (Note date of contact or e o �e t4 •4' �41 •eta' page reference) 0 oa a c` �� c Additional material may be Impact Categories Z 4 �4� 4� Q- attached. Air Quality Effects of Ambient Air Quality on Project and Contributtion to Corn. munity Pollution Levels X Air Quality Division NCDEHNR 7-30-96 Environmental Design and Historic Values Visual Quality Coherence, Diversity Compatible Use. and Scale X Field Observation Cathy Scott 7-16-96 Historic, Cultural, and Archaeological Resources X NC Dept. of Cultural Res. 7-30-96 Socioeconomic Demographic/ Character Changes X Field Observation Cathy Scott 7-16-96 . Displacement X _ Field Observation Cathy Scott • 7-16-96 Employment and Income Patterns X Mary Lilley Martin County Chamber of Comm. 7-23-96 Community Facilities and Services Educational Faciltt,es X Mary Lilley Martin County Chamber of Comm. 7-23-96 Commercial Faciltnes X Mary Lilley Martin County Chamber of Comm. 7-23-96 Health Care X Mary Lilley Martin County Chamber of Comm. 7-23-96 Social Services X Mary Lilley . Martin County .Chamber of Comm. 7-23-96 Environmental Assessment Checklist !continued. page 31 Project Name and Identification No. InterBrands Corporation, USA Impact Categories 20 3 4 5 6 '7 c O Source or Documentation (Note date of conmct or page reference) Additional material may be attached. Community Facilities and Services (Continued) Solid Waste X Ralph Mobley Robersonville Town Manager 7-30-96 Waste Water X Ford Chamblis The Wooten Company 7-26-96 Storm Water X Ralph Mobley Robersonville Town Manager 7-30-96 Water Supply X Ralph Mobley Robersonville Town Manager 7-24-96 Public Safety Police • X Ralph Mobley Robersonville Town Manager 7-24-96 F1Te • X Ralph Mobley Robersonville Town Manager 7-30-96 Emergency Medical X Ralph Mobley Robersonville Town Manager 7-30-96 b Open Open Space Space and Recreation X Field Observation Cathy Scott 7-23-96 Recreation X Field Observation Cathy Scott 7-23-96 cultural Facilities X Ralph Mobley Robersonville Town Manager 7-30-96 X • Field Observation Cathy Scott 7-30-96 Transportation ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CHECKLIST CDBG-ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROJECT ROBERSONVILLE, NC LAND DEVELOPMENT Comprehensive Plans & Zoning In October of 1995, Andheuser-Busch announced the closure of all Eagle Snacks production facilities. Subsequently, in the Spring of 1996, the Eagle Snacks facility in Robersonville closed displacing approximately 500 workers. InterBrands Corporation USA is now considering the purchase of the Eagle Snacks facility from Andheuser-Busch for production of nut products and croutons with a strong emphasis on the export markets. InterBrands proposes to create an estimated 325+ jobs and is strongly committed to re-employing those persons displaced by the closing of the Eagle Snacks facility. The Eagle Snacks facility in Robersonville consists of a 230,000+ square foot manufacturing facility, 200+ acres of land in total, manufacturing equipment, and a wastewater treatment facility operated by Nutri-Turf (still operated by the Andheuser-Busch Company, but scheduled to close September 1, 1996). While the purchase agreement between InterBrands and Andheuser-Busch would include the Nutri-Turf facility, InterBrands does not have the expertise or interest in operating this facility and will acquire the Eagle Snacks production facility only if the Town of Robersonville is able to accept and treat its relatively high strength wastes. The Town of Robersonville has received a preliminary engineering report from the Wooten Company identifying costs required to upgrade the Town's existing facility to accommodate the high strength wastes generated by snack foods production. The most feasible solution for the Town to consider would be the construction of an Industrial Wastewater Receiving Facility and upgrade of Town's wastewater treatment capacity estimated at $4,445,000. The project is consistent with Robersonville's comprehensive land use plans and zoning regulations. Compatibility & Urban Impact The proposed InterBrands Corporation project will be located on property currently zoned and Industrial and used for the production of nut products. Additionally, there are commercial establishments located in the project vicinity. The proposed facility will be compatible with surrounding land uses. • Slope The topography of the project area is level to gently sloping. The re -opening of the former Eagle Snacks facility will have no negative impact on the slope of the project area. Erosion Due to the level topography of the Town, the area lends itself to minimum amounts of erosion. Any land disturbing activities associated with the construction of wastewater treatment improvements will require the preparation and implementation of a soil and sedimentation control plan. Proper construction practices will be implemented to minimize or even eliminate any negative impacts. Soil Suitability Soils in the project area and the Town of Robersonville consist primarily of the Goldsboro, Lynchburg, and Norfolk associations and contain the physical capabilities to support the construction of wastewater improvements. Hazards & Nuisances Including Site Safety There are minimal potential risks to the public or project area residents from man-made hazards in the project area. Normal dangers exist from conflicts resulting in the interface of vehicular and pedestrian traffic. However, this is considered to be an everyday occurrence rather than a hazard. There are no unusual site features which represent a hazard or nuisance for users of this property. Additionally, modern construction practices will be utilized during the construction of any wastewater treatment improvements ensure the minimization of hazards and nuisances. Energy Consumption Electric power is supplied to the project area by the Town of Robersonville. Sufficient capacities exist with the Company to accommodate the existing and future needs of the proposed facility. Noise There are no unusual sources of noise in the project area. There are existing commercial business establishments located in the general project area. Effects of Ambient Air Quality on Project and Contributions to Community Pollution Levels No significant concentrations of pollutants such as carbon monoxide, lead, or nitrogen dioxide are expected to be used or stored at the proposed manufacturing facility. No impacts are anticipated. ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN & HISTORIC VALUES Visual Quality -Coherence, Diversity, Compatible Use & Scale Visual quality refers to the impact of the project on the visual character of its surroundings and ultimately on the users and/or visitors of the project area. The Town's proposed CDBG-ED Project involves the purchase and operation of an existing manufacturing facility The project conforms with the visual quality of the project area and is compatible in use with project area. Historic, Cultural & Archaeological Resources No historic, cultural, or archaeological resources are located within the project area. SOCIO-ECONOMIC Demographic Character Changes The proposed project site is located in an area that is primarily zoned for commercial and industrial purposes. The project site is located in the Grimes Street Area of Robersonville. There are some residential structures near the project area, however, no residential area will be affected by this project and no major demographic character changes are anticipated. Displacement Displacement refers to the dislocation of people, businesses, institutions, or community facilities as a result of project activities. No persons, families, or facilities are proposed to be dislocated to accomplish project activities. However, it is anticipated that persons displaced by the closing of the former Eagle Snacks facility will be rehired by InterBrands Corporation USA. Employment Incomes & Patterns Employment related impacts of this project include the creation of 325+ new jobs within a two year period and over $2 million in new payroll revenues. These jobs will be vital to the economic well-being of the Town of Robersonville and Martin County and will alleviate the economic distress experienced by the Town due to the closing of the Eagle Snacks manufacturing facility. COMMUNITY FACILITIES & SERVICES Educational Facilities The two fundamental considerations regarding the project activities and their relationship to the impact on schools are: I) adequate capacity for children in school; and 2) safe access. Since this project will not cause an increase in the school age population nor create unsafe school access, the educational facilities located in the Town or County will not be adversely affected. Commercial Facilities Adequate commercial facilities exist in Robersonville to serve the project area. Easily accessible streets make it convenient to secure goods and services in the Town. Health Care Health Care services are provided Robersonville residents and businesses by the Martin County Health Department and Martin General Hospital. The health services in the area are adequate to accommodate the needs of the proposed snack foods manufacturing facility and its employees. Social Services Social services are provided by the Martin County Department of Social Services located in Williamston, NC. The facility is located within reasonable proximity to proposed project area. Solid Waste Solid waste disposal services are available to the project area by Martin County through a contractual arrangement with the Town of Robersonville. Additionally, several private sources are available for solid waste collection and disposal. Wastes are disposed of at the Bertie Regional Landfill in Bertie County. Wastewater The Town of Robersonville currently operates a 1.8 million gallons per day wastewater treatment facility with current usage estimated at 1.5 million gallons per day and has reserved treatment capacity of an additional 200,000 gallons per day usage for residential and industrial users. InterBrands Corporation has estimated their wastewater needs at 250,000 gallons per day. Additionally, the high strength wastes to be generated by snack foods production will require the Town to construction an industrial waste receiving facility to screen wastes prior to treatment at the Town's wastewater treatment facility. Storm Water Storm water in the project area is adequately dissipated by infiltration and surface draining systems including open ditches and storm drainage systems. The proposed project is not anticipated to adversely impact the storm water facilities in existence in the project area. Water Supply The Town of Robersonville operates a 2.4 million gallon per day water system with current usage estimated at 1.6 million gallons per day. The Town possesses sufficient excess water capacity to meet InterBrands 250,000 gallon per day requirements. Public Safety -Police -Fire -Emergency Medical Public safety in the project area is provided by the Town of Robersonville Police Department. This Department offers topnotch public safety services to meet the needs of the proposed project area. Fire protection is provided by local volunteer fire departments. Emergency Medical Services are provided by commercial and volunteer rescue operations. Open Space, Recreation, Cultural Facilities The proposed project will not impact open spaces, recreational, or cultural facilities. Environmental Assessment Checklist (continued, page 4) Project Name and Identification No Impact Categories InterBrands Corporation, .USA 7 Source or Documentation (Note date of contact or page reference) Additional material may be attached. Natural Features Water Resources X Ralph Mobley Robersonville Town Manager 7-30-96 Surface Water X Ralph Mobley Robersonville Town Manager 7-30-96 Floodplains • X Martin County Flood Ins. Prgm. Maps Viewed 7-31-96 Wetlands X Field Observation Cathy Scott 7-30-96 Coastal Zone X Field Observation Cathy Scott 7-30-96 Unique Natural Features and Agricultural Lands X Field Observation Cathy Scott 7-30-96 Vegetation and Wildlife . X Field Observation, Cathy Scott 7-30-96 NC Natural Heritage Program NATURAL RESOURCES Water The Town of Robersonville's water supply comes from seven ground wells and is sufficient to meet the needs of the InterBrands production facility. Surface Water Surface waters are frequently the source of irrigation, drinking and industrial processing as well as important sources for recreational activities. The nearest surface water to the project area Collie Swamp. No impact is anticipated on existing surface waters as a result of this project. Floodplains The proposed project area is not located within a floodplain as delineated by FEMA and identified by Flood Insurance Program Map #37013-0035C, Panel #35 of 170. Wetlands None wetlands are located within the project sites. No impact is anticipated. Coastal Zone Martin County is not located in the Coastal Zone as established by the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 and the North Carolina Coastal Management Act of 1975. Therefore, no impact is anticipated. Unique Features & Agricultural Lands Unique natural features are primarily geological features which are unique in the sense that their occurrence is infrequent or they are of special social/cultural, economic, educational, aesthetic, or scientific value. Examples of unique natural features include: sand dunes, waterfalls, unique rock formations, caves canyons, and petrified forests. Also included are unique stands of trees or colonies of animals. There are no rare features such as the ones aforementioned in the project area. Vegetation & Wildlife The vegetation in the vicinity of the project area is comprised mainly of the following species: Ioblolly pine, shortleaf pine, oak, and hickory. The proposed project activities will not affect any endangered species since none have been reported to be located in the project area. Environmental Assessment Checklist page 8? 5. Topography Types of Vegetation Slope Acres % of Area Soi: Types (use USDA and SCS classification) Forested 1 Non -Forested 0-5% 5-10% over 1O% 200+ 100 Goldsboro, Lynchburg, Norfol]4 Pine Hardwood Mixed Brush {Grassland Iotne: o. tream that surface runoff from project area drains into (illustrated relative position on maps used in Section): Collie Swamp ❑ Yes Site includes/borders on ® No classified trout waters ® No estuarine waters ❑ Yes Site includes/borders on ❑ Yes Site includes/borders on ® No drinking water source The project will involve impoundment or withdrawal of water. If yes, mark impoundment on map. If impoundment is plannec the amount of water O Yes No to be impounded is approximately acre/feet and surface acres/feet 7. Note classes of wildlife known to exist in the general area: O Bear ❑ Deer ❑ Turkey ❑ Waterfowl ® Small Game (squirrel, quail, rabbit, racoon, dove, etc.) O Endangered/Threatened Species (osprey eagle, alligator, red cockaded woodpecker, etc 8. Will proposed forestry practices such as burning clearcutting, or thinning have adverse effects on any of the above specials Explain: N/A 9. Are proposed pesticides or herbicides known to have adverse effects on humans or any of the above species? Whic pesticides/herbicides? Which species? N/A Environmental Assessment Checklist ,:,n:wtucc. pa,: 1. Supply a clear. legible map of the proposed site and surrounding area. Mark area to be acquired and construction site. a Utilities Utilities to serve Project . Electric Projected Demand Length of Lines to be Capacity of Lines Environmentally Sensitive Areas per Dav Constructed i (inches diameter) to be Cut (for Utility acres) tbd N/A ' N/A N/A Potable Water N/A N/A N/A i N/A Sewage Solid Waste Disposal 'Natural Gas Water :250,000 gpd'N/A N/A N/A 400 cf • N/A N/A N/A ' N/A ! N/A N/A N/A • 3. Land Alterations 250,000 gpd:• N/A N/A ' N/A Alteration (planned use) To Be Acquired ' To Be Developed Present Use (before change) 0 Previous Use (historical) Acres 0 0 Percent of Project Area 0 i To Be Originally Cleared !To Be Landscaped 0 0 0 0 0 0 ! 0 0 0 0 0 i 0 ) To Be Covered by Imperme-t ; table Surface (square feat) 0 0 l 0 0 To Be Cut (cubic yards) I0 j 0 0 0 i 'To Be Filled (cubic yards) I 0 0 0 0 14. Guttural Resources (arche 1ogicat, historical, architectural) la) Please give any known archeological or historical, sites on project land: N/A i b) What kind, if any. site preparation has already been conducted: Site is already developed. lc) Has area been previously surveyed by archeologist? If so, give name of principal investigator and date of survey: Unknown id) X YES NO Are buildings/structures on site now? (abandoned barns. farmhouse, tobacco sheds. bridges. etc.) i Manufacturing facility constructed in 1972. le) Ages of each building/structure: 1 Manufacturing building - 1972 If) Will any of these structures be demolished? (indicate which): No 1g) Will any of these structures be rehabilitated or renovated? (indicate which): No . 1h) Please include photographs of any buildings constructed prior to WWII if project activities include Rehabilitation, Acquisition, Clearance or Demolition. N / A r Environmental .Assessment Checklist o-t:aucti. page 91 10. Give name, position and office telephone number of an individual in the appropriate local government unit that ca confirm the compatibility of the proposed activity with existing and/or proposed land use economic developmer plans: Name: Position: Phone: Mary-Lilley, Exec. Director, Martin Co. Chamber of Comm. 919-792-4131 11. List all N.C. State permits, authorizations and license that must be acquired to initiate and complete propose activity: Permit NC General Statute Application Date Approval Date a) Stationary Air Contaminant Source . 143.215.108 b) Air Quality Complex Source 143.215.109 c) Construction of Wastewater Pretreatment Facilities 143.215.1 d) Wastewater Discharge (to surface waters) 143.215 e) Approval to Construct Public Waters Facility f) Dredge and Fill 113.229 g) Withdrawal of Water from "Capacity Use Area" 143.215.15 h) Erosion Control Plan 113A.61 i) Zoning Change or Variance :` Coastal Resource Commission 113A.118 ..) Noise Control Regulations 153A.113 1) Others (list) 97.53(2 —k (supp) (OSHA) 1. is project in compliance with applicable laws and regulations? L] Yes ❑ No 2. ' is an EIS required? 0 Yes ® No 3. A Finding of No significant Impanct (FONSI) can be made. Project will not significantly affect the quality of the human environment. ® Yes 0 No 4. Send 14 copies of this ERR for State Environmental/Clearinghouse Review To: Director, Division of Community Assistancc Suite 250, 1307 Glenwood Avenue, Raleigh, N.C. 27605 Prepared by • Title PRO 328 Hamilton Street Roanoke Rapids, NC 27870 late: 8 — 1 — 9 6 Exhibit #1 The Town of Robersonville, via Progressive Resources & Opportunities, has requested a review of this project by the NC Department of Cultural Resources, Division of Archives & History on 7-23-96. ti Exhibit #2 The Town of Robersonville, via Progressive Resources & Opportunities, has requested a review of this project by the Air Quality Division, NC Department of Environment, Health & Natural Resources, on 7-23-96. Exhibit #3 The Town of Robersonville, via Progressive Resources & Opportunities, has requested a review of this project by the Hazardous Waste Section of the NC Department of Environment, Health & Natural Resources, on 7-23-96. Exhibit # 4 The Town of Robersonville, via Progressive Resources & Opportunities, has requested a review of this project by the Solid Waste Management Branch of the NC Department of Environment, Health & Natural Resources, on 7-23-96. Exhibit #5 The project area is not located in a coastal area. Exhibit #6 The Town of Robersonville, via Progressive Resources & Opportunities, has requested a review of this project by NC Natural Heritage Program on 7-23-96. Exhibit #7 The Town of Robersonville, via Progressive Resources & Opportunities, has requested a review of this project by the NC Natural Heritage.Program on 7-23-96. 6 9O3i W••• ••••••,. .11A olgo 1 0011511 les Ale '11 dowslit!!bersonville 01 or one 11 D. 1993 DeLonne Mapping SS A Mat S% amp o-r 1-1. RF FAciLti JI LEGEND Population Center State Route Town, Small City US Highway County Boundary Street, Road Major Street/Road State Route US Highway Railroad Scale 1:31.250 (at center) 2000 Feet 1000 Meters • • Interbrands Project Location, Robersonvill Mag 14.00 Thu Aug 01 13:36:34 1996