HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-04905_Well Construction - GW1_20220525 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD For lrtzrnal Usc ONLY:. This rd"?i can h;used ror_singlc or rnullipk-wefts 1.Well Contractor Information: I.S.WAIER ZONLS John Eiselrmart FROM To. DFtiC61PT1ON NkviCcitxardnrNano 4439A NCi4eliContraciorCcniGcslionNutnber' 1S.OUTER CASING fformuftl-vivilnr.Ns1ORLINER(ifa Ik—1 FROM To DLt�1tTFR Tir1Ch�FSS �UTERIAI. SAEDACCO Inc ft. ft. in. Caitgt:tfiy.t�'mic M.INNER CASING OR T1'BING(Umilcrual cluscd.Imp FROM i TO I DIAMETER THICKNESS MATEML 2.Well Construction Permit#: 0 ft. 24 A. 2" SC$ 40 PVC hw all i:np rabre tt r1f ji.rntd,i(i-e.Cbtrnrt,Skae,lfariarrr;1 jerdM qt-.I —-�- ' 3.Well,Usc(check well usc): I7.SCREEN Water SupptyWell: FRosl 1.70 oMirTrit r.N►rsr�s- Ttncxxss I 51ATFRlrsl. L7rlgritinitural i7lviuni:ipal;711UIiC 24 ft. 34 f►. 2 in• 010 SCS 40 PVC DGebttu:mtal(110 II&Cooling Stq)ply') QRcsidential Water Supply(single) in. ❑111dostTiaUCommer:ial l7Rcsidcmial Water Supph•(slkvrdY IS. GROUT FROU TO ALYITRIAL- i E?tPLILCEb1F\TNCi1rOUfiASIOII\T ❑ltli lion 18 ft. 0 It. PortlandPour Non-.Water.Supph•.Well: H%lonilorin Olkccowry Injection Well: ❑Aquifcr Recharge OGroundaater Rcnicdiation 19.SANDIGRAVEL PACK fit t Ilicabtc) •FRONI :ro Ntnrr:Ri:u.. tNfrLAcr.u:vrsttauoo OARuifcr Storage 161 Rccovcry ❑Salinity Bariice 34- ft. 22 ft, SAND #2 ❑,aquiferTcct. ❑Sloan aterDrainage ❑F. rinicntal l'o:hnolp [7Suhsidcftcc Control 1 20.DRILLING LOG(allach additional Skeels if ncecmnn I - ❑Gothennal(Clusetl:Loup) ❑Tracer FROM TO DE5CRUMONrtolr.Laranl�n,-WnKkft in.ire.ctGl ❑G otliennal(IleatinerCooline Return) ❑Oil kr(explain udder t121 Remarks) 0 ft. 34 ft. soil a.Date Wcu(l)Completed; 2-22-22 Wcll i6OMW-39C (t, it. � . .r 59.AWII LIICath►n: ft. It. - ft. MAY 2 �'t ? Facility(}urcrNam Facitity.iD;(ifaypliVablo) f1. ft. 9 4' ��lr,•;r.o.,a 3900.Electronics Drive Raleigh, NC Rake County 35., ft. rr: pp Plnskal Address.Cin•,and Zip 21.REMARKS Bentonite seal from 22-18ft (:antst): 1'an;0 U-ndilbc:Uion No,(PIN) Sb.Lat:W6 and Liingitifdc in dcgrecs/minutcslsectinds or decimal do ntics: 22.Ccrtifcnti0d: (ira ell_fi0d.ore la1,7orra.iz'strfliei rn) N W _ _ y - 2/22/2022 Sr mturof 7 n,� r Date G.G(arc)thcacll(s)::X+Permartcnt :or -OTemitoran•. , fat s:gnirrn wirer find: !uf rq ! , ,r.,e:.1.rurJrruercd iir rsrnnrarcr a•irA 15A NOW 02C �:ti�-1.:;'4ri: lC;0:(Y)ll�•i!Consrrgrctkrn SrnrLinitls arirf ilia tr 7.Lc hL%a repair to an existing o,cll:-. OYcs or KNO rmr nftlrir rrcarrf l as(nvn l rnrfifrrl rn`ibc tlti tl r,rrnl r} /jrhri it a nptdr;flNcnrr bnbirr k rflrr..runrirlon nrjOh:L.wrion Laid eXplant the narnre ofrhe repsairurderd2l re tarks-acclim�or ar dtt bark-aj whir fnnn. 23.Site diagram or additional will details: Yuu t laF.-usetl'liackoGtl(ta pag .lo.proNide additioteiCNiell site"details or well S.Number of siclls ironstnicted: 1 construction details. You ntay ah attach addifional pages if necessary. For owthiple infeerion or am-srmu r nrppl r IMIS ONLY nVrh the 34114C C4M51rttcli(m,NOR Ctur auGuritonr form: SUBMITTAL INSTU .TiONS 9.Total swcll depth beloli land surface- 34 (ft•) 24ai. lair All Nrdls: Sub»ul this form within U days of completion of Nell For)utlple wells flu 0-1depthr ifdij•n•m(craw:;pfr-.-@2rX1•and 2@1(y.)) eoiistnution to the folloi ing: 10.Static water level below tali of casing (ft,) Division of Water Rmources.Information Pruccsaim,Unit. If srd"er revel is above wslqz we"+" 1617 Mail Service Center.Ralcigh,NC-27699-1617 I It.Borehole diameter.8 (iu) tab.Far.fnlmlinn Wells ONLY. In addition to sendin_s tit2 foml to the addre,,,S to 24a ab&e. also submit a copy ok this funs within.3b days of completion of utll. 12:Well construction method:BSA construction to tlic folio%%ing: (i.c4ugcr Telar „cable,direct psk.ctc.) Division,of Water Resourcr"I.Underground infection Control Pttiigram, FOR WATER SG'PPLY-%8 ELLS ONLY: 1G3G btail Seivice iCentcr.Raleigh.YC 27699-163G l3a ti clil.( im) 1lcthod;nf test 24c.For Water Supnh•&:kijecti4n Wells: Also subnut onC'copy of this form ►tithiit 54,daysof.contpletiotiaf 13b.Disinfection type: Amount:. well-constmction`to the county Iliealth department of tiro couruy iv krc consirt.mcd. I Form Gk%'-t North Carolina Dcpanuxut of Ern•irotmilm and Natural Ri sources-Diyslon of WaierRT--WCrs Rc%ised:uXgst_N)I3