HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-04893_Well Construction - GW1_20220525 WELL CONSTRucr N RECORD For ImmilUscONLY- fhb fowl can tom,.us:d for sing la or mtdtipk%%ells, L R'ell Contractor Infomlaiion: 14.N'ATER'LONES John Eisenman ►Host To DF-SCRIPTION «'ell Ctil%iaciar Nan><; ft. f6 � 4439A NC Well ContiacrarCeniftcatioti Nutrber 15.OUTER CASING fror multi-eased a'eRsl OR LINER(if oontk2bk) FROM I To I nIA11ETIiR- I THICKNESS MATFRtAI. SAEDACCO Inc IL {a. (:ar)T,:uii'-N rn,c 16.INNER CASING OR I BIND,( yaibene2l etuud4w FROM TO I DWIFTER. THICKNESS \IATLMI. 2.�VdI Construction Pcr mit k: 0 �f' 40 ft. 2 qI SCH 40 PVC Ulf allam lirable 1se11 plemrils(i e.Count..Slate.Variamr;fryectim ela) 0. 3:Well lise.(check well a.sc): 17.SCRECN Water Supply Wilt FRO1t.. t-TO DIANF:n:17. SLOTSIrs: KS T11IC SS 1 'MATF:RI,u: 40 ft: 50 -fl. 1 2 i^ . .010 SCR 40 PVC Lli1SIi tiltura! C1lvfunicipallhiblic .DGcotherntal(HcatingrCoolintg.Suppt%,) OResidentialWiter$uppl}'(single) I ©hidustrial/Conimercial C)Rcsidcntial WaterSttpply(shard) iA GROUT .FROM TO MATERLIL" -CdlPL\CF.VC\T\fETFI01).fA�tOI;�T. ❑Inicntion 34 ft. 0 ft. Portlamd Pour hou-�Vatcr Supply Well: mmoliiio'dng 011ccosery Injection-�4'dl: ((. n.. ❑Aquifer Rccharrgc 136roundwatcr Renicdiation 19.SANDIGRAVEL pAcK tie i4iliumblul FRom in MATERIAL "IPJACF\IENT METHOD ❑AquifuSioragc and Rccovrty OSalinity H:irrici 50 A. 38 - SAND (#2 13 Arild fcrTcst lisiormMatcrDriinage ff. ft. ❑Ex?crimcniafTechnology Mubsidcrwc Colttro! .o,DRILLING LOG(attach additional ntrcHs it ncccscan) ❑GLodi uiul(Closed Loop) FROM TO DESCRIr'r)ON leebr,asranc�,,wn`nx 41, tin.ifc.ilel 17CIeotlklttlal(dealing-Coolirr@Return) OOdkr,(te lainuiidcrP21Rematis) 0 (1. 50 ft. SANDY CLAY Prf:^- (t. ifs^) � 4.Date Well(s)Compleftd: Well 1I)MMW-34A (t. y 2 5 ? Sa:Nri.�lt Ll►cutioot (t. it. if. Facilii),Ch1n rNnmc Facility IDn(ifappliablc) fl. ! ft. r a�rt�.•t'r�l +�vl� 3900.Electronics Drive Raleigh, NC Wake County.35., ft. tL Ph}sical Addivss City.and Zip RE111AR!(5 Bentonite seal from 38-34ft Canals i'A¢e1ld:urikAionNo.(M) 51).Catitudc and l.ungitntle in dcgrres/minute.sAccomisor.decimal degrees: 22.Certification: (iracQ fkW,on:lat long k fldlicktd) 3/20/2022 Sigu)tuteaf r :emu Y.t,� ld .,.f — Datc l 6.Is(am)the sells: XPennunent or- ElTcnr torah' � `Jvr. !• ; -,ssr'!rrGtieid { 7 O I H)•argnti,;;rFii(war. r• +af+•!. , r r.:E':••).vm7fuctcd in ui:•run.dncr )6A 1 SA NGIC O'C- '-;u C,0:nO Iveif Coiis fr.ii rlNt Sraalar is toId Tbaf a 7:Is this a repair to an existing wellf oVeS. or 0No' rtry,p of rhk rcronl bisla•en pi!wided ro ih.lirll em-ner. If M6 is o re lmir,fill(xtr kineert i e 11(-",;1,ln,71oa btfore.-Wrinn wul expleim themirure of rhr re{nrir under 521 remaiks:+eettarroran the back argils form 23.Site dingram"or additional w`elil details: You may,usc.ilk_back of thus page to ptot'ide additiord!n'ell site details or well S.Nutuber of wells constructed• 1 colisti action del aits:;You ulay also attach additional pages if nLt Mary. For findriple brJewhin of am-uvjrer tt,pfl%Welb ONM*b•if/I fir wmrc tonarrueBa,t.sort cart sabnit�nrjorr,. SUIDMITTAL iNSTUCTIONS 9.Total well delidt below land stlrfucc. 50 (ft,) 24a For All Wd1s Subritil thili fdr n-srithiti 30 days of completion of hell For n+alsiple wells list aft depil S if dil"renl(e;r(iinpr(e.3@201)'1111120,10)) construction to.the follotsing9 lO.Static water ICfeI belD{r'tap of casing: (fL) DiviAuu of Water RestiurcesJulurmntinn PraCessineg,Unit, fJrvtler level es aburr msirig;0-ye"+" 1617 Mail Service Center{Raleigh.N(:'27691 1617 11.BoreboW diameter.8 (in) tab.For lnlcetit,rr-JI&lls ONLY-.' in addition to sending the forul to the address in 24n above. also submit a copy, &this form within 3O days of completion of[tell 12.«'ell eoustntction method: BSA construction to Alt follolsine: (i.e.,auger.rosary,cable.dirrcrpush.etc.) Df)iodon of Wutcr Rcsou recs,Underground Injection Control Program; FOR WATER SUPPLY WBLLS ONLY: 163E Mail Ser)'ice Center.Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 l3a Yield(gpm tic.For Water Supply&injection Wells - Also) MOOR!of tes .11so submit oIve-•cepy of this form within ;o daysof completion af` 13b,disinfection type: Amount ss-ell construction to the county' l)^atth department of thc:county w•la.re- coasimcmd. Form GW-1 Nonh Carolina DcNamem of Env irommu 5ttd NawraJ Resources—Division of Water Rratrtzz Rcs ucd August_013