HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-04880_Well Construction - GW1_20220525 'ikmt CONsutuC`TiON RECORD. For iracr.ml Use ONLY. ThErrorin can be its:d for sinNtc or mdipk'tec4ls i Weli Contrletor information: li.WA7ER LONFS Stefan Smith FROM TO 1 OF�('mr1jor" t1'cit Corir�tpor Narnu- fit. fit.. f6 fit. I 3576A NC�Vdl Cantinctor Ccniflcalion hmrber `1.5.OUTER CASING{for raulll ca%ed%0h)OR LiNER tit a a Ikable) FRov[ - TO - nN}It:TFR 7TtIC6�TiS5- -\[ATF.RIAI. SAEDACCO Inc 0 (t!: 109 (t 6 in. 40 PVC C n tni't ana, iti.INNER CASING OR TL181NG 1 eritkeneA cluscd-luP )" FROM TO DLOIFTER= .TUICiiNESS I MATERIAL 2.1 Well Constivctinn Permit!, 0 ft. 122 A. 2 Iai 40 PVC lin II(ugr7icahfr sceilnenuits fix.c6ull v Raty 1"Irk ince,711`e:tif tCie.) 3:W01 Use(chctl h�Cll,usc):• 17.SCREEN Witter Supply<l'dl:.: FROM .I.To . Dt+Art'TTR sttlrst�r TuiC1t511s t INIATEw,ar: CtAc_.r,uku[aI Clhftmicip:lUF'u61ir 122 ft: 127 fh 2 IM 010 140 1 PVC fl. fG" in. c16cothermal(HcatingiCooling Supply)- OResidential.WatcrSupply(single) I ©llldttstriatlConmt nlal DRcsidentialWaterSuppty'(:sbarCd) FR0 �� TO %MTERL41. ENPL%CEMENVuL'tt10D&ASIOUNY i7trri alion. 0 ft.' 118 it. Portland./13enTomte Non►tir Itcr Supply Welk j �14toaltiorinl;: 1311amzn• Injccfion Well: n. fL , OAquifcrRcchargc OCsninndnalcr Rcutcdiation 19.SANDIC RAVEL PACK(if u r dkabarl Tn aL\TF,RI:+I;.. :. .. b:\1PLA(:F71a:VT Vl:THOn. L7,aquifcr.Stgmgc aiziRecovery C15ahnii�BTmec 120 Q 127 (I. Sand 2 DAtliiferTcsl= ❑Stoml++ItcrDraina�c iL fit; ❑E>lrrimcntal Tttihnatogs OSubsidcncc Control. - 20.DRILLING LOG tonach additional shears tf ecce%sar+) DGeothennal(Closed Loop) OTGlcet' _FROST TO DFSCRTMONImhr.lmrdnc. wil'-wk6pe.pAintzrwl ❑Caotttennal(Ileatine'Cooliae Return) Miller{tee I rni uiidtr�21-Reulalis) h.; It. 75 it., 130 ft. Rock 4.Date Well(s)Contplejcd: 1-10-2022 ;Wel11DMMF131s it. it H, � A ��•�.t � ' 52.%'ell Location: tt ft. ,}--(�y�' ty A 2 FacilityMurcrNnmc FacilitplDk-f+fspl+li�b)c1, fl.' fit. z,sr•c. �s-.,,r. 1824 Statesville:Avenue Charlotte, NC 28206, .Charlotte, fill rl; NC, 28206 FlnsicatAddrss Citi^.andZip ''' '`'t'' i ' "� L REl11ARK.5' Cenitst�^ 111me)hk:nl fic7tivil No:(PL%)' 51t.t aptudc and I iinfiitadc fin ileFlresltninutcslaccands nrdreimal dpgrcvs: „ Ccrtireadnn: ot%' V11 awld;Olk LrLlulu is,autiici_sd},, - 2 - 35.47358 N: 80.832683 W 1/10/2022 Slga rQo CHied:Well Contc, Date 6.hi-(al )-the.1YCII(J}:'�XPennanent, or- Metnporary' fi,•,suing thin jaim.;I lrirclir twdfG drat t;Se well(sl wu{rcrc)cu"AIATC161 itr(wCerdan,e frilJf 75A NG1G02Cr.(/lft7 0�'1S,t\'CAC ak�204 well Co umii tim Sf,lrklnr 15 and dsal d 7.LvtttiSarcpaiCtoalfGIS11R�'hcll - dYea or KNoI... Ctlii;pfffilrrrranilulclrarnr>rirl.drntl nl�llr,uirrr. lfJh(S 1,17 replir fill tau kawern+rll scrr,ntttrc.n lrrl,rr u ri Jt m d ctplitlrt rht ak true njdir rellriuur,.lcr•A'l.rcmarkesrrlimaarrtafh hrdk:ojrrdsjanii. 23 Site diagram or additional++clldel ails- Yon lnay,use,tbr bacl:of this Nge,to pto+ide additiotuil+vi:ll sirz,delails.or well 8.Ni m icr.of wells constructed: cailstiuction details'. You may also attach additioriat pages if tnticssan•. �Ur rr ultll letojnvr l?n ew rra r fii;er ntppls a rJts OAVU.u.di rli ,fame epirstrurtion,}c v Coo Aa6m."ton,jorra. ,5..UBM1TTAL iN41 1C'1IONS - ' 127 2a.L Fiir�All Yells Sabnut [ids form-within 30 days of completion of well �.Total well depQt lielon land sunlit 00 For,rntla�7rleellflisr all dep;k_fiidr sonstnrctionto.thed,follalting; l0.Static uahr:level below top of easing: (fill) Ui+•tsfun Of�Yater Resources,Infgnnatiun Ptnccssing Unit,_ ff nzrJcr level is sLwc:cgsisa ux l6171%W-Service Center,Hatei26,NC 2 76994617 t1:Iinrehn[cdiameter:6 (in) 24b.Fnr 6llectinn Willy ONLY: fr addilion.to sending Ow fornt-to tlk addr�ill 24aabove..al_zo subinil a copy.-of this form +citbin 3Q doys:of colnplctian of well MAY ell co6tructionmethod.BSA/Core/Air construction to the!toll ill, cablc'dircctpusketc..) Division of Water Resourres,Underground fnjcctiou Control Progruit, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY:.' 1636 MA Scn•ice Center,Raleigh,NC'27699-1636 l3 i Yidi1(gpm) llctllod of test 21c Foe Water 5upplt a&injcctinn'Wells . Also submit one copy of ilia fonn i0l iu 30 daysofrontpletion of +clUcotutnution to thc'coimtyhealth department of dic coiinlacn•hlere 131t Disinfccnua t`pe ; Amount, constroacd. Fonu GIV-I Noilh tfmfini Depannient of Eavironnicia and Natur t.ftcwurces-Division of wnief ResowcF, Raised lug�t 2r113