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HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCS000458_Hope Mills Self Audit_20220526MUNICIPAL SEPARATE STORM SEWER SYSTEM (MS4)
5770 Rockfish Road,
Audit Date: 5/16/2022
Report Date: 5/26/2022
North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality
Division of Energy, Mineral & Land Resources Stormwater Program
512 N. Salisbury Street, 9th floor
1612 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-1612
MS4 Permit Audit Report
Hope Mills, NC: NPDES Permit No. NCS000458
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Audit Date: 5/16/2022 i
MS4 Permit Audit Report
Hope Mills, NC: NPDES Permit No. NCS000458
Public Education and Outreach.....................................................................................................................4
Public Involvement and Participation...........................................................................................................7
Construction Site Runoff Controls.................................................................................................................9
Total Maximum Daily Loads(TMDLs)..........................................................................................................10
Appendix A: Supporting Documents
Appendix 13: Photograph Log
This audit consists of an evaluation of program compliance with the issued permit and implementation of
the approved Stormwater Management Plan. This audit report does not include a review of all program
components, and program deficiencies in addition to those noted may be present. The permittee is
required to assess program progress and permit compliance, and to implement the approved Stormwater
Management Plan in accordance with the issued permit.
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MS4 Permit Audit Report
Hope Mills, NC: NPDES Permit No. NCS000458
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MS4 Permit Audit Report
Hope Mills, NC: NPDES Permit No. NCS000458
Audit Details
Audit ID Number:
Audit Date(s):
NCS000458_Hope Mills MS4 Audit_20220516
May 16, 2022
Minimum Control Measures Evaluated:
❑ Program Implementation, Documentation & Assessment
® Public Education & Outreach
® Public Involvement & Participation
❑ Illicit Discharge Detection & Elimination
® Construction Site Runoff Controls — No delegated Sediment and Erosion Control Program
❑ Construction Site Runoff Controls — Delegated Sediment and Erosion Control Program
❑ Post -Construction Site Runoff Controls
❑ Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations
M Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs)
Field Site Visits:
❑ Municipal Facilities. Number visited: Choose an item.
❑ MS4 Outfalls. Number visited: Choose an item.
❑ Construction Sites. Number visited: Choose an item.
❑ Post -Construction Stormwater Runoff Controls. Number visited: Choose an item.
❑ Other: Number visited: Choose an item.
❑ Other: Number visited: Choose an item.
Inspector(s) Conducting Audit
Name. Title
Elisabeth Brown, CFM
Stormwater and Floodplain Administrator
Town of Hope Mills
Audit Report Author:
Audit Report Author:
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MS4 Permit Audit Report
Hope Mills, NC: NPDES Permit No. NCS000458
Permittee Information
MS4 Permittee Name: Town of Hope Mills
Permit Effective Date:
February 20, 2017
Permit Expiration Date:
February 19, 2022
City, State, ZIP:
Hope Mills, NC 28348
Date of Last MS4 Inspection/Audit:
June 8, 2021
Co-permittee(s), if applicable:
Permit Owner of Record:
Scott Meszaros, Town Manager
Primary MS4 Representatives Participating in Audit
Name, Title
Elisabeth Brown, CFM
Stormwater and Floodplain Administrator
Town of Hope Mills
MS4 Receiving Waters
Rockfish Creek
Little Rockfish Creek
B and C (depending on
Beaver Creek
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MS4 Permit Audit Report
Hope Mills, NC: NPDES Permit No. NCS000458
Supporting Documents
Item When Provided
Number Document Title (Prior to/During/After)
1 Stormwater Management Pla, Prior
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MS4 Permit Audit Report
Hope Mills, NC: NPDES Permit No. NCS000458
Public Education and Outreach
Staff Interviewed:
Elisabeth Brown, CFM
(Name, Title, Role)
Stormwater and Floodplain Administrator
Permit Citation
Program Requirement Status Supporting
Doc No.
Goals and
The permittee defined goals and objectives of the Local Public Education and
Outreach Program based on community wide issues. Yes
The Town of Hope Mills Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP) is designed to reduce the discharge of pollutants from its MS4 to
the maximum extent practicable, to protect water quality and to satisfy the requirements of the Clean Water Act, through our
NPDES permit and its management.
Goals listed for Public Education and Outreach are distribution of pollution prevention brochures, maintain a stormwater
webpage, conduct public meetings annually, school visits, business outreach and advertisement through various media
The permittee maintained a description of the target pollutants and/or stressors and
Target Pollutants
likely sources.
Target pollutants are listed in the SWMP and updated annually. Vehicle maintenance, residential landscaping and lawn care, pet
waste disposal and trash/debris.
The permittee identified, assessed annually and updated the description of the target
Target Audiences
audiences likely to have significant storm water impacts and why they were selected.
Target audiences are identified in the SWMP and updated annualh,
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MS4 Permit Audit Report
Hope Mills, NC: NPDES Permit No. NCS000458
Public Education and Outreach
II.B.2.d Residential
The permittee described issues, such as pollutants, the likely sources of those
and Industrial/
pollutants, potential impacts, and the physical attributes of stormwater runoff in
Commercial Issues
their education/outreach program.
The Town has multiple brochures to address specific issues like vehicle maintenance, landscaping, pet waste, trash/debris, etc.
We have no industrial operations located inside the Town limits.
Commercial and residential issues are addressed through public meetings, mailings, door hangers, local events, advertisement
and in -person visits.
4 (Stormwater Guidance flyers) for commercial issues
1 (Solution to Stormwater Pollution brochure) for residential issues
1 (Stormwater Friendly Business Program) for businesses
The permittee promoted and maintained an internet web site designed to convey the
program's message.
Web Site
Staff maintains a stormwater page on the Towns website that describes our goals and objectives for the stormwater program.
Residents can report illicit discharges, maintenance concerns, etc. The webpage contains information for
Public Education
The permittee distributed stormwater educational material to appropriate target
Please see attached flyers for target audiences (Appendix A/sent with hard copies). Number of distributions are listed in annual
report and typically based off of the event they were handed out at and direct distributions through mailers.
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MS4 Permit Audit Report
Hope Mills, NC: NPDES Permit No. NCS000458
Public Education and Outreach
The permittee promoted and maintained a stormwater hotline/helpline for the
Hotline/Help Line
purpose of public education and outreach.
Town staff operates a stormwater hotline 910-424-4555. Advertised on all marketing items and Town website.
The permittee's outreach program, including those elements implemented locally or
Public Education
through a cooperative agreement, included a combination of approaches designed to
and Outreach
reach the target audiences.
For each media, event or activity, including those elements implemented locally or
through a cooperative agreement the permittee estimated and recorded the extent
of exposure.
a participant and has a cooperative agreement on file with CWEP. Local outreach is tracked through annual report.
Audit Date(s): 5/16/2022
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MS4 Permit Audit Report
Hope Mills, NC: NPDES Permit No. NCS000458
Public Involvement and Participation
Staff Interviewed:
Elisabeth Brown, CFM
(Name, Title, Role)
Stormwater and Floodplain Administrator
Permit Citation
Program Requirement Status Supporting
Doc No.
II.C.2.a Volunteer
The permittee included and promoted volunteer opportunities designed to promote
ongoing citizen participation.
Town staff supports the Clean Sweep initiative twice a year (spring and fall dates vary annually), Storm Drain Labeling program
and Adopt -A -Drain Program. The Storm water Department sponsors the Mayor's Youth Council annually by donating supplies for
cleanups (3126 and 4123) around the community.
Storm Drain Labeling and Adopt -A -Drain are promoted through the Town's website year-round. Clean Sweep is advertised
through the website, Facebook and direct mailers to all residents.
See attached Mailers 2 (Spring Clean Events and Did You Know)
Flyer 1 (Storm Drain Marking Program)
Mechanism for
The permittee provided and promoted a mechanism for public involvement that
provides for input on stormwater issues and the stormwater program.
,ynnuat _�rormwater iweering which is advertised online and Facebook. Citizen's Academy used to be held twice a year but not
since COVID. Both are setup with a presentation and question/answer period.
All Town Board meetings (2 per month) have a period for public comment/input and all stormwater agenda items arm ^^-^ Mr
public input.
Citizen input is available 2417 through the Town's website through our online reporting system which is sent to Staff emails.
The permittee promoted and maintained a hotline/helpline for the purpose of public
Hotline/Help Line
involvement and participation.
Town staff operates a stormwater hotline 910-424-4555. Advertise., — all marketing items and Town website.
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MS4 Permit Audit Report
Hope Mills, NC: NPDES Permit No. NCS000458
Public Involvement and Participation
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MS4 Permit Audit Report
Hope Mills, NC: NPDES Permit No. NCS000458
Construction Site Runoff Controls
Staff Interviewed:
Elisabeth Brown, CFM
(Name, Title, Role)
Stormwater and Floodplain Manager
Program Delegation Status:
❑ The permittee has a delegated Sediment and Erosion Control Program and implements the North Carolina
Sedimentation Pollution Control Act (SPCA) of 1973 components of this minimum measure (complete the permit
citation and SPCA citation sections).
® The permittee does not have a delegated Sediment and Erosion Control Program and relies on DEMLR to comply
with the North Carolina Sedimentation Pollution Control Act (SPCA) of 1973 components of this minimum measure
(complete only the permit citation section).
Permit Citation Program Requirement Status Supporting
Doc No.
II.E.3 Construction
Site Runoff Controls The permittee provides and promotes a means for the public to notify the
(NPDES Permit No. appropriate authorities of observed erosion and sedimentation problems (e.g., Yes
NCS000435] promoting the existence of the DEQ DEMLR "Stop Mud" hotline).
Town Staff makes contact with local Erosion Control staff via email when erosion issues pertain to development sites. Town
website has information on the Storm water page with contact information for the public as follows: "To report an EROSION OR
SEDIMENTATION problem, call the NCDENR STOP MUD Hotline at 1-866-STOPMUD (786-7683)."
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MS4 Permit Audit Report
Hope Mills, NC: NPDES Permit No. NCS000458
Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs)
Staff Interviewed:
Elisabeth Brown, CFM
(Name, Title, Role)
5tormwater and Floodplain Administrator
Program Status:
Z The permittee is not subject to an approved TMDL (skip the rest of this section).
❑ The permittee is subject to an approved TMDL for: name of parameter(s) and dates) approved
There ❑ is N is not a Waste Load Allocation (WLA) in the approved TMDL (If there is a WLA, then complete items II.H.1-5
below. If there is not a WLA, skip to item II.H.6 below)
Permit Citation Program Requirement Status Supporting
Doc No.
II.H.3 TMDLs Within 12 months of final TMDL approval, the permittee's annual reports included Choose
a description of existing programs, controls, partnerships, projects and strategies to
address impaired waters. an item.
Within 12 months of final TMDL approval, the permittee's annual reports provided Choose
a brief explanation as to how the programs, controls, partnerships, projects and
strategies address impaired waters. an item.
Within 24 months of final TMDL approval, the permittee's annual reports included
an assessment of whether additional structural and/or non-structural BMPs are
necessary to address impaired waters.
an item.
Within 24 months of final TMDL approval, the permittee's annual reports included
a brief explanation as to how the programs, controls, partnerships, projects and
strategies address impaired waters.
an item.
Within 36 months of final TMDL approval, the permittee's annual reports included
a description of activities expected to occur and when activities are expected to
an item.
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MS4 Permit Audit Report
Hope Mills, NC: NPDES Permit No. NCS000458
Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs)
If there is no Waste Load Allocation in the approved TMDL, the permittee
evaluated strategies and tailored and/or expanded BMPs within the scope of the
six minimum measures to enhance water quality recovery strategies in the
an item.
watershed(s) to which the TMDL applies.
The permittee described strategies and tailored and/or expanded BMPs in their
Stormwater Management Plan and annual reports
an item.
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Hope Mills, NC: NPDES Permit No. NCS000458
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MS4 Permit Audit Report
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