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HomeMy WebLinkAboutWM0401367_Monitoring Well Permit Application_20220524NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY - DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT A MONITORING OR RECOVERY WELL SYSTEM PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT CLEARLY In accordance with the provisions of Article 7, Chapter 87, General Statutes of North Carolina and regulations pursuant thereto, application is hereby made for a permit to construct monitoring or recovery wells. 1. Date: 5/17/2022 2. County: Guilford FOR OFFICE USE ONLY PERMIT NO. ISSUED DATE 3. What type of well are you applying for? (monitoring or recovery): Permanent Monitoring Well 4. Applicant: S & S Capital, LLC (petitioner for DSCA Site #DC410060) Telephone: David Kwiatkowski (919) 707-8230 Applicant's Mailing Address: ATTN: DWM-DSCA David Kwiatkowski, 1646 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1646 Applicant's Email Address (if available): 5. Contact Person (if different than Applicant): Jeffrey 011ison, Hart & Hickman, PC Telephone: (919) 723-2513 Contact Person's Mailing Address: 3921 Sunset Ridge Rd, Suite 301, Raleigh, NC 27607 Contact Person's Email Address (if available): 6. Property Owner (if different than Applicant): City of Greensboro Telephone: (336) 373-4653 Property Owner's Mailing Address: P.O. Box 3136, Greensboro, NC 27402-3136 Property Owner's Email Address (if available): 7. Property Physical Address (Including PIN Number) City of Greensboro right-of-way (ROW); Rockett Street & Luray Drive City Greensboro County Guilford Zip Code 27406 8. Reason for Well(s): Environmental Assessment for DSCA Program (ex: non -discharge permit requirements, suspected contamination, assessment, groundwater contamination, remediation, etc.) 9. Type of facility or site for which the well(s) is(are) needed: Former Dry Cleaner (ex: non -discharge facility, waste disposal site, landfill, UST, etc.) 10. Are there any current water quality permits or incidents associated with this facility or site? If so, list permit and/or incident no(s). NCDEQ DSCA Site ID #DC410060 11. Type of contaminants being monitored or recovered: Chlorinated Solvents (ex: organics, nutrients, heavy metals, etc.) 12. Are there any existing wells associated with the proposed well(s)? If yes, how many? Yes, 5 Existing Monitoring or Recovery Well Construction Permit No(s).: Not available 13. Distance from proposed well(s) to nearest known waste or pollution source (in feet): Approximately 350 feet 14. Are there any water supply wells located less than 500 feet from the proposed well(s)? No If yes, give distance(s): 15. Well Contractor: Innovative Environmental Technologies, Inc. Certification No.: 2725-A Well Contractor Address: 4185 Barrier Road, Concord, NC 28025 PROPOSED WELL CONSTRUCTION INFORMATION 1. As required by 15A NCAC 02C .0105(f)(7), attach a well construction diagram of each well showing the following: a. Borehole and well diameter e. Type of casing material and thickness b. Estimated well depth f. Grout horizons c. Screen intervals g. Well head completion details d. Sand/gravel pack intervals Continued on Reverse PROPOSED WELL CONSTRUCTION INFORMATION (Continued) 2. Number of wells to be constructed in unconsolidated material: 1 5. How will the well(s) be secured? Bolted flush -mount well cover with lockable well cap 3. Number of wells to be constructed in bedrock: 0 6. Estimated beginning construction date: July/Aug 2022 4. Total Number of wells to be constructed: 1 7. Estimated construction completion date: July/Aug 2022 (add answers from 2 and 3) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION As required by 15A NCAC 02C .0105(f)(5), attach a scaled map of the site showing the locations of the following: a. All property boundaries, at least one of which is referenced to a minimum of two landmarks such as identified roads, intersections, streams, or lakes within 500 feet of the proposed well or well system. b. All existing wells, identified by type of use, within 500 feet of the proposed well or well system. c. The proposed well or well system. d. Any test borings within 500 feet of proposed well or well system. e. All sources of known or potential groundwater contamination (such as septic tank systems, pesticide, chemical or fuel storage areas, animal feedlots as defined in G.S. 143-215.10B(5), landfills, or other waste disposal areas) within 500 feet of the proposed well or well system. SIGNATURES The Applicant hereby agrees that the proposed well(s) will be constructed in accordance with approved specifications and conditions of this Well Construction Permit as regulated under the Well Construction Standards (Title 15A of the North Carolina Administrative Code, Subchapter 2C) and accepts full responsibility for compliance with these rules on behalf of Petitioner for DSCA Site DC410060 Agent for Petitioner for DSCA Site DC410060 Signature of Applicant or *Agent Title of Applicant or *Agent Jeffrey 011ison Printed name of Applicant or *Agent * If signing as Agent, attach authorization agreement stating that you have the authority to act as the Agent. If the property is owned by someone other than the applicant, the property owner hereby consents to allow the applicant to construct wells as outlined in this Well Construction Permit application and that it shall be the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that the well(s) conform to the Well Construction Standards (Title 15A of the North Carolina Administrative Code, Subchapter 2C). See attached property access agreement (Attachment 3) See attached property access agreement (Attachment 3) Signature of Property Owner (if different than Applicant) Printed name of Property Owner (if different than Applicant) DIRECTIONS Please send the completed application to the appropriate Division of Water Resources' Regional Office: Asheville Regional Office 2090 U.S. Highway 70 Swannanoa, NC 28778 Phone: (828) 296-4500 Fax: (828) 299-7043 Fayetteville Regional Office 225 Green Street, Suite 714 Fayetteville, NC 28301-5094 Phone: (910) 433-3300 Fax: (910) 486-0707 Mooresville Regional Office 610 East Center Avenue Mooresville, NC 28115 Phone: (704) 663-1699 Fax: (704) 663-6040 Raleigh Regional Office 3800 Barrett Drive Raleigh, NC 27609 Phone: (919) 791-4200 Fax: (919) 571-4718 Washington Regional Office 943 Washington Square Mall Washington, NC 27889 Phone: (252) 946-6481 Fax: (252) 975-3716 Win. ton Sate Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405 Phone: (910) 796-7215 Fax: (910) 350-2004 Winston-Salem Regional Office 450 W. Hanes Mill Road Suite 300 Winston-Salem, NC 27105 Phone: (336) 776-9800 Fax: (336) 776-9797 'ems\ ngton GW-22MR Rev. 3-1-2016 Attachment 1 TYPE II MONITORING WELL CONSTRUCTION DETAILS CROSS SECTIONAL VIEW LOCKABLE WELL CAP CONCRETE PAD L3 L1 L2 • • • • FLUSH METAL WELL COVER CONCRETE PAD BACKFILL AROUND CASING MATERIAL LENGTH WELL CASING MATERIAL DIAMETER JOINT TYPE LENGTH BACKFILL AROUND CASING MATERIAL LENGTH SEAL TYPE OF SEAL THICKNESS FILTER PACK TYPE OF FILTER THICKNESS WELL SCREEN SCREEN MATERIAL DIAMETER LENGTH SLOT SIZE DEPTH TO BOTTOM OF cement grout 3 ft (0 to 3 ft) schedule 40 PVC 2 inches flush threaded feet bentonite/grout 8 feet (3 ft to 11 ft) bentonite 2 feet (11 ft to 13 ft) No. 2 Sand 17 feet (13 ft to 30 ft) schedule 40 PVC 2 inches 15 feet 0.010 inches L1 = 15 FT. MONITORING WELL 30 feet L2 = 15 FT. DIAMETER OF L3 = 30 FT. BOREHOLE 4.25 in TITLE Monitoring Well Diagram MW-8 Hart & Hickman, PC 2923 South Tryon St., Suite 100 Charlotte, North Carolina 28203 FILE PREP. BY CCC REV. BY JAO DATE 5/10/2022 PROJECT NO. DSO-166 (DSCA ID# DC410060) Attachment 2 a 060 20220516.dwg, FIG 2A, 5/16/2022 12:4 SAAAA-Master Projects \DSCA - DSO \DSO-166 Florida St. One Hour Cleaners\ [1] [j [l] q w 0 JW W a0 0 0 0 0 >- - J WEST FLORIDA STREET FORMER BOSHER'S LAUNDERETTE CURRENT CRICKET WIRELESS (831 WEST FLORIDA STREET) FORMER FLORIDA STREET CLEANERS PROPOSED RESTAURANT (815 WEST FLORIDA STREET) FLJ 0 ROCKETT STREET w EE E7=1 EJILiiEjEj rjEj O O { •;, 0 LEGEND - - - - FORMER DRY-CLEANING FACILITY SOURCE PROPERTY BOUNDARY PROPERTY BOUNDARY MONITORING WELL LOCATION ▪ ABANDONED TEMPORARY MONITORING WELL ® STORMWATER DRAIN O SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE PROPOSED PERMANENT MONITORING WELL LOCATION APPROXIMATE 120 240 SCALE IN FEET PROPOSED WELL LOCATIONS "' Fr' FLORIDA STREET ONE HOUR CLEANERS DSCA SITE ID: DC410060 815 WEST FLORIDA STREET GREENSBORO, NORTH CAROLINA hart11 miL.1%1 h i c k rn a n 3921 et Ridge Road, Suite 301 Raleigh, North Carolina 27607 919-847-4241(p) 919-847-4261(f) SMARTER ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS License # C-1269 / #C-245 Geology DATE: 5-16-22 JOB NO. DSO-166 REVISION NO. 0 ATTACHMENT NO. 2A [1] {j FORMER BOSHER'S LAUNDERETTE CURRENT CRICKET WIRELESS (831 WEST FLORIDA STREET) SB-2 (3-4') PCE <0.0024 SB-3 (0-1') PCE <0.0019 SB-3 (9-11') PCE <0.0023 SB-4 (0-1') PCE <0.0018 SB-4 (3-5') PCE 060 20220516.dwg, FIG 2B, 5/16/2022 1:14:51 SAAAA-Master Projects \DSCA - DSO \DSO-166 Florida St. One Hour Cleaners\ <0.0020 SB-1 (0-1') PCE <0.0020 SB-1 (11-13') PCE <0.0028 SB-12 (0-1') PCE 0.0016 SB-12 (2-3') PCE <0.0019 SB-6 (2-3') - PCE 0.17 SB-9 (0-1') PCE <0.0021 SB-9 (5-7') PCE <0.0021 WEST FLORIDA STREET ROCKETT STREET g I E3 PCE SB-8 (0-1') <0.0016 SB-8 (3-5') <0.0021 ' 1J PCE 0°HO: W W 0 0 0 SB-7 (0-1') PCE 0.0062 SB-7 (7-9') PCE 0.0015 J f SB-5 (0-1') PCE 0.0012 J SB-5 (3-4') PCE 0.046 FORMER FLORIDA STREET CLEANERS PROPOSED RESTAURANT (815 WEST FLORIDA STREET) SB-10 (0-1') PCE <0.0025 SB-10 (5-7') PCE <0.0014 W EE 0 >- SB-11 (0-1') PCE 0.018 SB-11 (3-4') PCE 0.13 SB-13 (0-1') PCE 0.0063 SB-13 (3-4') PCE 0.043 HUDGINS DRIVE =-J SPgRTq pR�VE 7 0.0063 LEGEND — — — — FORMER DRY-CLEANING FACILITY SOURCE PROPERTY BOUNDARY PROPERTY BOUNDARY • SOIL SAMPLE LOCATION STORMWATER DRAIN O SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE CONSTITUENT NOTES: PCE ISOCONCENTRATION CONTOUR IN SOIL (mg/kg) (DASHED WHERE INFERRED) SAMPLE ID & DEPTH SB-5 (0-1') PCE 0.0012 J SB-5 (3-4') PCE 0.046 CONCENTRATION (mg/kg) 1. SOIL SAMPLES WERE COLLECTED ON 6/29/21 AND 6/30/21, WITH THE EXCEPTION OF SAMPLES SB-5(0-1) AND SB-11 THROUGH SB-13 COLLECTED ON 9/16/21. 2. PCE=TETRACHLOROETHYLENE 3. J FLAG INDICATES ESTIMATED CONCENTRATION BETWEEN LABORATORY REPORTING LIMIT AND METHOD DETECTION LIMIT. 4. PCE WAS THE ONLY CONSTITUENT DETECTED AT CONCENTRATIONS ABOVE THE LOWER OF PROTECTION OF GROUNDWATER OR RESIDENTIAL PRELIMINARY SOIL REMEDIATION GOALS (PSRGs). 5. CONCENTRATIONS SHOWN IN BOLD EXCEED THE PROTECTION OF GROUNDWATER PSRG OF 0.0063 FOR PCE. 0 APPROXIMATE 60 120 SCALE IN FEET SOIL PCE ISOCONCENTRATION MAP "°E`rFLORIDA STREET ONE HOUR CLEANERS DSCA SITE ID: DC410060 815 WEST FLORIDA STREET GREENSBORO, NORTH CAROLINA iii hart h i c k n a n 3921Sunset RidgeRoad,Suite 301 Raleigh, North Car olina 27607 919-847-4241(p) 919-847-4261(E) SMARTER ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS License # C-1269 / #C-245 Geology DATE: 5-16-22 REVISION NO. 0 JOB NO. DSO-166 ATTACHMENT NO. 2B S:WAA-Master Projects \DSCA - DSO\DSO-166 Florida St. One Hour Cleaners\ 00[1] FORMER BOSHER'S LAUNDERETTE CURRENT CRICKET WIRELESS (831 WEST FLORIDA STREET) W-1 w 0 >- J WEST FLORIDA STREET fill (0.0019)FOW- I I \ L MW-4 (<0.00050)"'P ROCKETT STREET I \ 1�4`� AkMW-3 \ (0.0053) gli_1,0EJEJ ❑EJC7 00 FORMER FLORIDA STREET CLEANERS PROPOSED RESTAURANT (815 WEST FLORIDA STREET) w EE 0 j3PgRTq 0RVE o v� I 7 I-IUDGI =-J‘ 0.0007 LEGEND - - - - FORMER DRY-CLEANING FACILITY SOURCE PROPERTY BOUNDARY PROPERTY BOUNDARY MONITORING WELL LOCATION ▪ ABANDONED TEMPORARY MONITORING WELL • STORMWATER DRAIN O SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE (0.0019) PCE CONCENTRATION (mg/L) PCE ISOCONCENTRATION CONTOUR IN GROUNDWATER (mg/L) (DASHED WHERE INFERRED) NOTES: 1. GROUNDWATER SAMPLES COLLECTED ON 7/1/2021. 2. PCE=TETRACHLOROETHYLENE 0 APPROXIMATE 120 240 SCALE IN FEET GROUNDWATER PCE ISOCONCENTRATION MAP "°E`rFLORIDA STREET ONE HOUR CLEANERS DSCA SITE ID: DC410060 815 WEST FLORIDA STREET GREENSBORO, NORTH CAROLINA hart11 EIL.1%1 h i c k rn a n 3921 et Ridge Road, Suite 301 Raleigh, North Carolina 27607 919-847-4241(p) 919-847-4261(0 SMARTER ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS License # C-1269 / #C-245 Geology DATE: 5-16-22 REVISION NO. 0 JOB NO. DSO-166 ATTACHMENT NO. 2C Attachment 3 rgl City of Greensboro North Carolina March 8, 2022 Hart & Hickman, PC 3921 Sunset Ridge Rd, Suite 301 Raleigh, NC 27607 RE: City of Greensboro Permit Number DW03082022 for one permanent groundwater monitoring Dear Mr. Jeffery 011ison; The City of Greensboro has reviewed the installation request for one monitoring well. This monitoring well is to be installed to investigate groundwater impacts related to a dry cleaner site which is under investigation by the NCDEQ North Carolina Dry-cleaning Solvent Cleanup Act (DSCA) Program. Based on the information provided, Hart & Hickman, PC (Hart & Hickman) proposes to install one groundwater monitoring well. Since the work is proposed to occur near the roadway, Hart & Hickman may need to obtain an additional temporary ROW closure permit and comply with any conditions that GDOT requires (see item #4). The proposed work includes the following: Hart & Hickman will install one permanent groundwater monitoring well (see attachment #1 in the enclosures). However, the location may change slightly based on access, underground utilities, and conditions observed during site reconnaissance. The approval is given contingent on the following requirements: 1) All restoration shall be in accordance to the City of Greensboro/NCDOT Specifications and any additional requirements as per City Inspections. Tunneling under sidewalk, driveway aprons, or curb & gutter is not permitted. All concrete removal must be from control joint to control joint. Concrete used for repair and/or replacement of sidewalk must be 3000 psi minimum using NCDOT approved mix design. 2) All installations using the boring method must be bored without water assistance. Bore depths at street crossings must be equal to 1 foot per aggregate cable(s) diameter with a minimum depth of 3 feet measured from the road surface. Installations parallel to streets shall be a minimum depth of 2 feet measured from the existing top of curb or edge of ribbon pavement due to future roadway and sidewalk improvements. 640 P.O. Box 3136 • Greensboro, NC 27402-3136 • • (336) 373-CITY (2489) • TTY # 333-6930 r City of Greensboro \ At North Carolina 3) Pavement repair shall be according to the City of Greensboro Standards & Specifications, Std. #107 Rev. 09-03 and be one solid patch around the wells. However, 3' parallel and longitudinal shelves are required, for trenching greater than 5' in width, depth, or in roads designated as major thoroughfares. The final inch of surface course for the pavement repair must be places with a paving machine and compacted with a tandem roller normal to standard asphalt paving in final repair sections greater than 100 square feet. Paving equipment must be preapproved by City Inspections. Any additional requirements will be as per City Inspections. 4) Pedestrian and/or vehicular traffic must be maintained at all times, which should be addressed by a traffic control plan submitted to GDOT if required by same. Any other stipulations will be made by GDOT at the time of lane closure permit issuance. Equipment and materials must be places so as not to interfere with site distance for vehicular traffic. Temporary ROW closure permits can be obtained at http://gsoapps.greensboro- 5) As usual during construction phase, your construction manager will be requires to e-mail my office before 8a.m. each day a copy of where your construction crew will be working. E-mail address is 6) Any work outside the City's right-of-way will require and be the responsibility of Hart & Hickman or their designated representatives to contact the property owners. 7) Noncompliance with any stipulation either verbal or in writing from any City official of authority, can be cause for permit suspension and/or revocation. 8) Richard Lovett shall be given a minimum of 24-hour notice prior to beginning this work at 336-373-4188. 9) Repair seeding shall be according to COG/NCDOT specifications including a lawn type finish in residential and/or landscaped areas. 10) The permit fees associated with this permit shall be $125 per monitoring well for the three proposed monitoring wells. In addition to payment, Hart & Hickman indemnify and save harmless the City of Greensboro from any and all damages and claims for damage as per the global access agreement and must further insure the City that it currently has liability insurance in the minimum amount of $1,000,000.00 to cover all risks involved with this authorization and that such insurance will remain in full force and effect during the activities hereby authorized. 11) An attached figure shows location of the proposed monitoring well which will drill in the ROW but not in a stream buffer which addresses the comments from City of Greensboro Staff: a) 811 (ULOCO) and a private utility locator will be utilized prior to drilling. b) All soil cuttings from drilling will be containerized and storm drains protected. The soil and associated containers will be removed immediately following the completion of the drilling activities at each location 640 P.O. Box 3136 • Greensboro, NC 27402-3136 • • (336) 373-CITY (2489) • TTY # 333-6930 a4hNiPdrAl City of Greensboro gg•ly qe stions, feel free to contact me at (336) 373-4188. Thank you, Richard P. Lovett Environmental Compliance Support Manager City of Greensboro Field Operations Department 401 Patton Ave. Greensboro, NC 27406 Phone - 336-373-4188 Fax - 336-373-2988 Enclosures: Encroachment Agreement Hart and Hickman Letter cc: David Ortega, Department of Transportation, City of Greensboro Tracy Peters, Department of Water Resources, City of Greensboro Brian Gilles, Department of Engineering and Inspections 640 P.O. Box 3136 • Greensboro, NC 27402-3136 • • (336) 373-CITY (2489) • TTY # 333-6930 0 'ressurized M. in ount Parce Private/Other L LI IA 'Gress `.i fewer ervice Lines Sewer Manh.I- Lovett, Richard From: Hill, Johnnie Sent: Monday, February 21, 2022 2:07 PM To: Lovett, Richard Cc: Spillman, Virginia Subject: RE: DSCA Program Access for ROW Well Installation Attachments: DSCA Well Installation.pdf Richard, Attached is a map showing our utilities in the area of this proposed installation. We would prefer to maintain a minimum of 7.5' from each utility (water/sanitary sewer/storm). It appears the storm infrastructure may be the only one they need to work around. It is a 36" concrete pipe that runs behind the curb. Let me know if you have any questions or need additional information. Johnnie A. Hill, Plan Review Supervisor Water Resources Department City of Greensboro Phone: (336) 373-4653 Fax: (336) 412-6305 2602 South Elm -Eugene Street, Greensboro NC 27406 From: Spillman, Virginia <> Sent: Monday, February 21, 2022 11:16 AM To: Hill, Johnnie <> Subject: FW: DSCA Program Access for ROW Well Installation From: Lovett, Richard <> Sent: Monday, February 21, 2022 11:12 AM To: Gillies, Brian <>; Spillman, Virginia <>; Link, Elizabeth <>; Sovich, Jeffrey <>; Ortega, David <> Subject: FW: DSCA Program Access for ROW Well Installation Please review for impacts and concerns. Thanks! Richard P. Lovett, PG, CPG, ASP (he/him) Why are pronouns important? Environmental Compliance Support Manager City of Greensboro Field Operations Department 401 Patton Ave. Greensboro, NC 27406 Phone - 336-373-4188 Fax - 336-373-2988 richard.lovett(a� i From: Jeffrey 011ison Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2022 9:28 AM To: Richard.Lovett@ Subject: DSCA Program Access for ROW Well Installation Hi Richard I am a contractor for the NC DEQ Dry -Cleaner Solvent Clean Up Act (DSCA) Program. I am hoping to obtain approval to on behalf of the DSCA Program to install one permanent 2-inch groundwater monitoring well to approximately 30ft in the City of Greensboro's right-of-way (ROW). The monitoring well will be finished with a flush mounted 2ft by 2ft concrete well pad in the grassy area adjacent near the intersection of Rockett Street and Luray Drive, the exact location of the well will be determined based on utility locations identified prior to the well installation. Please see the previously executed Global Encroachment Agreement (attached) which covers assessment in the City ROW. A schedule is not yet confirmed for the well installation activities. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Pftkomi oitk- Jeffrey 011ison, Project Environmental Scientist Hart & Hickman, PC 3921 Sunset Ridge Rd., Ste. 301 • Raleigh, NC 27607 Direct: 919-723-2513 • Mobile: 336-214-2417 I ED Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail 2 Lovett, Richard From: Hill, Johnnie Sent: Monday, February 21, 2022 2:07 PM To: Lovett, Richard Cc: Spillman, Virginia Subject: RE: DSCA Program Access for ROW Well Installation Attachments: DSCA Well Installation.pdf Richard, Attached is a map showing our utilities in the area of this proposed installation. We would prefer to maintain a minimum of 7.5' from each utility (water/sanitary sewer/storm). It appears the storm infrastructure may be the only one they need to work around. It is a 36" concrete pipe that runs behind the curb. Let me know if you have any questions or need additional information. Johnnie A. Hill, Plan Review Supervisor Water Resources Department City of Greensboro Phone: (336) 373-4653 Fax: (336) 412-6305 2602 South Elm -Eugene Street, Greensboro NC 27406 From: Spillman, Virginia <> Sent: Monday, February 21, 2022 11:16 AM To: Hill, Johnnie <> Subject: FW: DSCA Program Access for ROW Well Installation From: Lovett, Richard <> Sent: Monday, February 21, 2022 11:12 AM To: Gillies, Brian <>; Spillman, Virginia <>; Link, Elizabeth <>; Sovich, Jeffrey <>; Ortega, David <> Subject: FW: DSCA Program Access for ROW Well Installation Please review for impacts and concerns. Thanks! Richard P. Lovett, PG, CPG, ASP (he/him) Why are pronouns important? Environmental Compliance Support Manager City of Greensboro Field Operations Department 401 Patton Ave. Greensboro, NC 27406 Phone - 336-373-4188 Fax - 336-373-2988 From: Jeffrey 011ison Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2022 9:28 AM To: Subject: DSCA Program Access for ROW Well Installation Hi Richard I am a contractor for the NC DEQ Dry -Cleaner Solvent Clean Up Act (DSCA) Program. I am hoping to obtain approval to on behalf of the DSCA Program to install one permanent 2-inch groundwater monitoring well to approximately 30ft in the City of Greensboro's right-of-way (ROW). The monitoring well will be finished with a flush mounted 2ft by 2ft concrete well pad in the grassy area adjacent near the intersection of Rockett Street and Luray Drive, the exact location of the well will be determined based on utility locations identified prior to the well installation. Please see the previously executed Global Encroachment Agreement (attached) which covers assessment in the City ROW. A schedule is not yet confirmed for the well installation activities. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Jeffrey 011ison, Project Environmental Scientist Hart & Hickman, PC 3921 Sunset Ridge Rd., Ste. 301 • Raleigh, NC 27607 Direct: 919-723-2513 • Mobile: 336-214-2417 I ED Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail 2 Lovett, Richard From: Lovett, Richard Sent: Monday, February 21, 2022 11:52 AM To: Link, Elizabeth Subject: RE: DSCA Program Access for ROW Well Installation I believe that would be up to the consulting company. I can recommend that to them. From: Link, Elizabeth <> Sent: Monday, February 21, 2022 11:51 AM To: Lovett, Richard <>; Gillies, Brian <>; Spillman, Virginia <>; Sovich, Jeffrey <>; Ortega, David <> Subject: RE: DSCA Program Access for ROW Well Installation Some of the nearby property is Greensboro Housing Authority. Will you be notifying nearby residents? Elizabeth Link, PLA Urban Designer Planning Department Phone: 336-373-3693 P.O. Box 3136, Greensboro, NC 27402-3136 From: Lovett, Richard <> Sent: Monday, February 21, 2022 11:12 AM To: Gillies, Brian <>; Spillman, Virginia <>; Link, Elizabeth <>; Sovich, Jeffrey <>; Ortega, David <> Subject: FW: DSCA Program Access for ROW Well Installation Please review for impacts and concerns. Thanks! Richard P. Lovett, PG, CPG, ASP (he/him) Why are pronouns important? Environmental Compliance Support Manager City of Greensboro Field Operations Department 401 Patton Ave. Greensboro, NC 27406 Phone - 336-373-4188 Fax - 336-373-2988 richard.Iovett( i From: Jeffrey 011ison Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2022 9:28 AM To: Subject: DSCA Program Access for ROW Well Installation Hi Richard I am a contractor for the NC DEQ Dry -Cleaner Solvent Clean Up Act (DSCA) Program. I am hoping to obtain approval to on behalf of the DSCA Program to install one permanent 2-inch groundwater monitoring well to approximately 30ft in the City of Greensboro's right-of-way (ROW). The monitoring well will be finished with a flush mounted 2ft by 2ft concrete well pad in the grassy area adjacent near the intersection of Rockett Street and Luray Drive, the exact location of the well will be determined based on utility locations identified prior to the well installation. Please see the previously executed Global Encroachment Agreement (attached) which covers assessment in the City ROW. A schedule is not yet confirmed for the well installation activities. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Pisa w*- Jeffrey 011ison, Project Environmental Scientist Hart & Hickman, PC 3921 Sunset Ridge Rd., Ste. 301 • Raleigh, NC 27607 Direct: 919-723-2513 • Mobile: 336-214-2417 I ED Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail 2 Lovett, Richard From: Gillies, Brian Sent: Monday, February 21, 2022 2:10 PM To: Lovett, Richard Subject: RE: DSCA Program Access for ROW Well Installation Rockett St is a 50' ROW, and Luray appears to be 50' as well. Brian J. Gillies - GIS Specialist — Records Management Engineering & Inspections City of Greensboro Phone: 336-373-2876; Fax: 336-373-2338 300 W Washington St, Greensboro, NC 27402 r 6 J From: Lovett, Richard <> Sent: Monday, February 21, 2022 11:12 AM To: Gillies, Brian <>; Spillman, Virginia <>; Link, Elizabeth <>; Sovich, Jeffrey <>; Ortega, David <David.Ortega> Subject: FW: DSCA Program Access for ROW Well Installation Please review for impacts and concerns. Thanks! Richard P. Lovett, PG, CPG, ASP (he/him) Why are pronouns important? Environmental Compliance Support Manager City of Greensboro Field Operations Department 401 Patton Ave. Greensboro, NC 27406 Phone - 336-373-4188 Fax - 336-373-2988 richard.Iovett a(� From: Jeffrey 011ison Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2022 9:28 AM To: Subject: DSCA Program Access for ROW Well Installation Hi Richard I am a contractor for the NC DEQ Dry -Cleaner Solvent Clean Up Act (DSCA) Program. I am hoping to obtain approval to on behalf of the DSCA Program to install one permanent 2-inch groundwater monitoring well to approximately 30ft in the City of Greensboro's right-of-way (ROW). The monitoring well will be finished with a flush mounted 2ft by 2ft i concrete well pad in the grassy area adjacent near the intersection of Rockett Street and Luray Drive, the exact location of the well will be determined based on utility locations identified prior to the well installation. Please see the previously executed Global Encroachment Agreement (attached) which covers assessment in the City ROW. A schedule is not yet confirmed for the well installation activities. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. wsrso Jeffrey 011ison, Project Environmental Scientist Hart & Hickman, PC 3921 Sunset Ridge Rd., Ste. 301 • Raleigh, NC 27607 Direct: 919-723-2513 • Mobile: 336-214-2417 eti Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail 2 NORTH CAROLINA GUILFORD COUNTY GLOBAL ENCROACHMEN" IIIIIII//JII/II/IIIlIIllhiiii II'IIVU 2009004022 GUILFORD CO, NC FEE $20.00 PRESENTED & RECORDED: 01-27-2009 09:47:40 AM JEFF L. THIGPEN REGISTER OF DEEDS BY: LINIDA F. ALLRED DEPUTY -GB BK: R 6969 PG: 1420-1422 Pftk j1G k j r_i C c� c' aepi Sc10 v� Kc �i ��j�t /"c THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this 16th day of December 2008, by and between the CITY OF GREENSBORO, (hereinafter the City) party of the first part; and Hart & Hickman, PC (hereinafter H&H) party of the second part. WITNESSETH: THAT WHEREAS, the City of Greensboro owns certain street rights of way located in Greensboro, North Carolina, and H&H has requested permission, as contractor of the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (Division of Waste Management) (hereinafter the "Division) to encroach into the City street rights of way at described locations ("the Property"), said encroachments to be in the nature of: (1) Taking such soil, water and air samples as may be necessary; (2) Taking other actions related to the investigation of surface or subsurface conditions; and (3) Taking response actions necessary to mitigate any threat to human health or the environment as a contractor for the Division with respect to the North Carolina Dry - Cleaning Solvent Cleanup Act program. Other conditions: (1) H&H shall attempt to perform any activities at the property in a manner that minimizes interference with use of the Property and that of adjoining private owners. H&H will provide 72 hour's written notice to the City's Engineering and Inspections Department, Utility Coordination, P.O. Box 3136, Greensboro, North Carolina (Tel. 336-373-2424) (Fax. 336-373-2338). (2) On conclusion of all activities, H&H, to the extent practicable, shall restore the Property to the original condition it was in prior to any activities conducted by the Division or its contractors. All monitoring wells will be properly abandoned in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, unless other arrangements are agreed to by the Property Owner. (3) The Division or its contractors shall provide the Property Owner and adjoining private owners notice prior to entering the Property for any purpose. In situations that the Division determines to be of an emergency nature the Division or its contractors shall have immediate access to the Property. (4) The Property Owner shall not willingly destroy, damage, remove, pave over or cover any monitoring wells at the site without prior consent of the Division, or its contractor. (5) H&H guarantees that the encroachment will neither cause a public nuisance nor unreasonably interfere with the use of the streets and sidewalks by the public or public utilities. (6) H&H hereby agrees to indemnify and save harmless the party of the first part from any and all damages and claims for damage that may arise by reason of the encroachment in the street right-of-way, and shall remove any or all of the structures from encroachment space at the request of the party of the first part, without any cost to the party of the first part. Such request shall not be arbitrary or unreasonable. H&H further insures the City that it currently has liability insurance in the minimum amount of $1,000,000.00 to cover all risks involved with this authorization and that such insurance will remain in full force and effect during the activities hereby authorized. (7) H&H agrees to maintain the encroached upon area in a safe condition. (8) H&H is responsible for locating any and all utilities (Public and Private) and structures in the encroachment area and to prevent damage to the same. (9) The party of the second part, during the construction of the encroachment for itself, its assignees and successors in interest agrees the contractor, with regard to the work performed by it during the construction and maintenance of the authorized testing, shall not discriminate against any protected group, including the grounds of race, color, creed, gender, religion, age, disability, or national origin in the selection and retention of subcontractors, including procurements of materials and leases of equipment. (10) H&H shall be responsible for all necessary permits and fees, both annual and job specific, and all permits shall be in the name of H&H or the DSCA Petitioner. (11) H&H shall also forward to the following named City Department Head all abandonment records, preliminary and final environmental reports, closure reports, and Notices and reports from DENR. Mail to: Jeryl W. Covington Director of Environmental Services City of Greensboro P.O. Box 3136 Greensboro, NC 27402-3136 Contact Information: Phone: 336-373-2787 By: IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each of the parties to this agreement has caused the same to be executed in duplicate originals the day and year first above written. (Corporate Seal) i�tt;Stli i3ft ATTESTED 3 "fi G.;',?,ti' • elk. fit, ,....., 49,-.1s,,, Hart & Hickman, PC By: :0;F: .-42),-,. Cv fir'' cr ) 1 <. : t G �...+ By: �' , ) 4:92/- cyrt '$ er�k� c i Recomiffonf'd • r i 'a `,I' . •,; 4itili111),4:3'ts‘ Engineering Director Approved as to Form: if(fi City Attorney CITY OF GREENSBORO By: Ihls In:tumerit has been nr:+audited in the manner ! "' . ey the Local Government Dudgjet and Fiscal Cone l mt.) 1V l . Z y / .2-/2-'/ / o Nuance Director L �t\SZ R.e_!5 �, Ci . \J iv\ez.� �-t- (3-1 c),P- c ,k'...Ck LINDA G. PLOURDE NOTARY PUBLIC GUILFORD COUNTY, NC v(JUlla ii 2.u1L_ 0 PROPOSED WELL LOCATIONS J L � REVISION NO. 0 FIGURE NO. 1 O SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE aniaa Avam WEST FLORIDA STREET 3Aiao Avam ❑ ❑N. 10 E] • VOA Lovett, Richard From: Jeffrey 011ison <> Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2022 9:28 AM To: Lovett, Richard Subject: DSCA Program Access for ROW Well Installation Attachments: DSCA Global Agreement-Greensboro.pdf; Fig 1 - Proposed Well Location.pdf Hi Richard I am a contractor for the NC DEQ Dry -Cleaner Solvent Clean Up Act (DSCA) Program. I am hoping to obtain approval to on behalf of the DSCA Program to install one permanent 2-inch groundwater monitoring well to approximately 30ft in the City of Greensboro's right-of-way (ROW). The monitoring well will be finished with a flush mounted 2ft by 2ft concrete well pad in the grassy area adjacent near the intersection of Rockett Street and Luray Drive, the exact location of the well will be determined based on utility locations identified prior to the well installation. Please see the previously executed Global Encroachment Agreement (attached) which covers assessment in the City ROW. A schedule is not yet confirmed for the well installation activities. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. pkt- Jeffrey 011ison, Project Environmental Scientist Hart & Hickman, PC 3921 Sunset Ridge Rd., Ste. 301 • Raleigh, NC 27607 Direct: 919-723-2513 • Mobile: 336-214-2417 en Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail 1