HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0004375_More Information (Received)_20010204NPDES DOCUMENT SCANNING COVER !;I1EET NPDES Permit: NC0004375 Clariant Corporation Document Type: Permit Issuance Wasteload Allocation Authorization to Construct (AtC) Permit Modification Complete File - Historical Engineering Alternatives (EAA) Correspondence Owner Name Change Additional Information Received Instream Assessment (67b) Speculative Limits Environmental Assessment (EA) Document Date: February 4, 2001 This document is printed on reuse paper - ignore arty Content on the reYerse side Clariant Corporation Mt. Holly Plant P.O. Box 669246 Charlotte, NC 28266 704.827.9651 Clariant February 4, 2001 Mr. David A. Goodrich NPDESnit- Supervisor Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 li r_ -LT tg,___u ‘,ri FEB 122001 PO NT SOURCE Re: NPDES Permit Number NC0004375; Clariant Corporation - Mt. Holly Plant Facility Revisions Dear Mr. Goodrich; As mentioned in my September 5, 2001 letter, the Mt. Holly Plant is in the process of reducing manufacturing operations significantly. The shutdown and decommissioning of chemical processes is almost complete. This work is expected to be finished by the end of April. The reduction in dyestuff and organic chemical synthesis operations will ultimately idle 65% of our reaction equipment. Finishing operations reductions will idle 50% of the equipment in that service. Revisions and capacity reductions in steam generation and compressed air systems are currently under construction. The smaller size utilities units are planned for start up by May 1, 2001. The scale back in site operations will reduce OCPSF contribution to the wastewater treatment plant, WWTP. We estimate a BOD loading_reduction of approximately 47% and an OCPSF flow rate drop of roughly 42%. After careful study, we have elected not to make modifications in the WWTP. This is because we wish to replace the decommissioned manufacturing loads with other loads. There are three sources of raw wastewater we wish to introduce into the WWTP. 1. Off -specification Clariant OCPSF products and intermediates destined for disposal from other Clariant sites 2. Charlotte Mecklenburg Utility Department, CMUD, domestic wastewater 3. OCPSF wastes and wastewater from other industrial sites in the southeast and possibly wastewater from oils treatment and recovery operations from the area Mt. Holly Plant Facility Revisions Letter of February 4, 2001 page 2 By replacing wastewater loading with these other materials and sources we can operate the WWTP near its designed economic capacity. This will greatly help us to competitively operate our remaining manufacturing operations, by recovering a significant portion of the WWTP operating costs. Because it will take time to perform treatability work to assess WWTP performance and operating parameters with each additional influent stream, and because modifications to the NPDES permit are part of the process, full implementation of our plan at the operational level is expected to take many months. We therefore respectfully request thatthe Division not reduce the ann_j_t_teddiapharge flow and monitoring teeters based on our decreasing_manufacturng volume, but instead allow us sufficient time to submit a permit_modif cation for the planned operation. "'4. ,c , should not trigger a modification to the NPDES permit. Some of the details of the proposed operation are enclosed. More detailed information will be forwarded to the Division in March. We wish to begin introducing off -specification products and materials from other Clariant OCPSF locations as soon as possible. We believe this addition is a minor one that does not pose a measurable operating impact. Other Clariant sites currently send these materials to disposal companies for solidification and landfilling. We believe the alternative of thorough treatment in a well operated biological treatment system represents significant improvement in good environmental stewardship. We propose to begin this work as soon as possible without modification of the NPDES permit. The planned disposal process will simply be "in -kind" replacement of wastewater volume from scaled back operations. We believe the minor change Treating CMUD domestic wastewater and additional industrial source wastes are larger initiatives. We believe a modified NPDES permit is likely to be needed for CMUD wastewater inclusion in Clariant's WWTP. Treatment of additional industrial source OCPSF wastewater is planned as in_kind"replacement of volume from scaled back manufacturing. We do not believe they should require a permit modification, but request interpretation from the Division. ( We are also investigating treatment of oil treatment and recovery wastewater from sources in North Carolina and South Carolina. We believe influent from these sources would possibly require permit modification in accordance with 40 CFR part 437.42. We also believe treatment of these materials will require new primary treatment processing in accordance with 40 �CFR part 136.VIII.A.4 and part 136.VIII.A.2. Clariant continues to work with CMUD regarding treatment of 2.0 MGD of their domestic wastewater. Treatability work done by Brown and Caldwell this past summer, indicates that the WWTP will perform extremely well on the combined wastewater. Clariant and CMUD will be visiting the Division in mid February to discuss permitting issues this will trigger. Finally, with respect to treating wastewater and off -specification chemicals from other industrial entities in the southeastern region of the United States, we plan to do marketing Mt. Holly Plant Facility Revisions Letter of February 4, 2001 page 3 research and treatability studies during the next six months and present the Division with a thorough plan by August 2001. We have enclosed a proposed water balance diagram of the WWTP based on inclusion of all three new streams. A brief description of each planned waste stream is also enclosed. If you have any questions, comments, or need additional information please feel free to call me at (704) 822-2787. My email address is gary.sanderson@clariant.com. If a meeting would be beneficial, we are at your service. Thank you for your help and advice. Sincerely; Gary P. Sanderson, P.E. Plant Services Manager Description of Planned Additional Waste Steams Treatment 1. Clariant off -specification products and materials (only OCPSF chemicals) The site will review Clariant data and MSDS of each off-spec./surplus chemical material for biodegradability and compatibility in the WWTP. Once the site approves a material, we will notify the other Clariant site of quantities and packaging requirements for shipment. At receipt, each incoming shipment will be checked against the approved quantity and product name. Any nonconformance will result in return of the shipment to the sender. Every two days, a prescribed amount of waste material will be mixed with water in our dye manufacturing plant to produce a 10,000 gallon batch with known BOD quantity. The batch will be sewered at a calculated rate so as to maintain a constant BOD influent rate to the WWTP. As the material exits the tank it will be mixed with a constant 50 gal/min water stream and introduced into the site sewer. The anticipated volume of surplus materials is 600,000 pounds annually. Influent volume to the WWTP is estimated to be 0.03 MGD. 2. Charlotte Mecklenburg Utility Department, CMUD, domestic sewage CMUD will pump a constant 2.0 MGD of domestic sewage to the Clariant head works from its pump station located on Long Creek. Clariant will install grinding and grit removal facilities for the wastewater. All flow will be mixed with Clariant wastewater and introduced into pond Z- 03A for biological treatment. After discharge from the secondary clarifiers, all site effluent will be disinfected using UV technology. 2. Wastes and wastewater from other industrial sites in the southeast A. OCPSF wastes and wastewater Clariant will solicit treatment business from selected industrial customers. Waste materials volume will be quantified and each material will go through a battery of tests to assess biodegradability, pH, and other specific characteristics. Administration of inventory, batch dilution system, feed rate into the WWTP, etc. will be identical to Clariant only waste. This waste stream is a filler material for the WWTP; not a major contributor or continuous un-interruptable source. It will be fed into the WWTP to maintain total plant influent BOD balancing and consistent organic chemical feedstock for the biological system. We will also use it as BOD source during low manufacturing volume periods. The anticipated volume from this source is estimated at 5,000,000 pounds annually. Influent volume to the WWTP from this source is estimated at 0.08 MGD. B. Oil recovery and treatment wastewater Clariant will solicit wastewater treatment business from petroleum transfer stations and other petroleum handling businesses. We do not plan to enter the petroleum recovery business, only to treat wastewater from entities engaged in petroleum handling. Description of Planned Additional Waste Steams Treatment page 2 As with OCPSF wastewater from customers, this waste stream is a filler material for our WWTP. Waste materials volume will be quantified and each material will go through a battery of tests. Administration of inventory, feed rate into the WWTP, etc. will be identical to that discussed in 3.A. This waste stream is a filler material for the WWTP; not a major contributor or continuous un-interruptable source. Depending on availability and profitability of this influent material versus OCPSF influent material, the Mt. Holly Plant will treat this material or OCPSF material. The two influent streams will be handled in parallel, but managed such that total influent volume of the combined sources is maintained at or below 0.08 MGD, as discussed in 3.A. LJ A REv. 10 co co SOLICITED DISPOSAL MATERIAL (PROPOSED) CMUD (PROPOSED) PRODUCTS (88) ALKALINE ACID SEWER SEWER 20001 CLARIANT OFF —SPEC. MATERIALS (PROPOSED) 30A GROUND WATER REMEDIATION RCRA 120 CERCLA 30 DYES MANUFACTURE 45(1_. SPECIAL CHEM. MANUFACTURE 90 NON CONTACT COOLING ^— EVAPORATION 45 105 STEAM GENERATION 75 STORM WATER 225 SANITARY WASTE 27 CITY OF CHARLOTTE POTABLE WATER WATER TREATMENT FILTER BACKWASH 65 NOTE: FLOW FROM THE THREE SOURCFS AT THE TOP LEFT ARE PROPOSED. ALL OTHERS ARE BASED ON EXISTING OPERATIONa OR PLANNED SHUTDOWNS. NEUTRALIZATION STORM FLOW NEUTRALIZATION STORM FLOW STORAGE PRIMARY CLARIFIERS SLUDGE FILTRATION SLUDGE LANDFILL STORM FLOW STORAGE 1/19/01 DATE 952 WATER INTAKE PROJECT NO. DH DRAWN CHECKED APP.D. SETTLING CANAL STORAGE 65 198 EVAPORATION ACTIVATED SLUDGE ACTIVATED SLUDGE 1 T CATAWBA RIVER 7 .d1 3'f i) 7 [ISSUED FOR COMMENTS FLOW THIS DRAWING IS A PRNATE AND CONFlDENNL COMMUNICATION AND THE PROPERTY OF CLARIAM CORPORATOR; MT. HOLLY PLANT. R MUST NOT BE COPED OR LOANED WITHOUT THE CONSENT OF CLARNNT CORPORATION. MO MUST BE PROMPTLY RETURNED ON REQUEST OR COMPLETION OF ORDER. TIS DRAWING HAS SEEN CREATED WITH 6111.4Ca% CO NOT MANUALLY DRAFT ON THIS COPY. D. - CT ENGINEER APP'D. AMMTENANCE P ROVED BY DATE DATE RATE DA AA' D. RAN NAT'LI SE APP'D. UTIJITES 4.0pRav133 BY DATE DATE APPROVED BY FEE ,MAIL 83420100 PLOT SCALE RATIO 1=1 DA DATE SECONDARY CLARIFIERS POLISHING POND POLISHING POND POST AERATION EFFLU ENT METERING 3,101 116'Clariant Mt. Holly Plant, P.O. Box 889248, Charlotte. North Carolina 28268 TALE DEPARTMENT 50 PROCESS FLOW DIAGRAM WATER FLOW SCHEMATIC — PROPOSED NPDES PERMIT NC0004375 NONE SHEET NO. 1 OF 1 Ve0. REv` Ne. Nitrate -Nitrite, mg/L Combined CMU / Clariant Pilot Unit - Nitrate / Nitrite Removal 7/10/2000 Date F - • - - Nitrate -Nitrite -in ■ Nitrate -Nitrite -out 8/21 /2000 9/4/2000 Worksheet in G: 19047 - Clariant Treatability WP Reports Chapter 3 - Pilot Study Report.doc CiAr) E Combined CMU / Clariant Pilot Unit - TKN Removal Date - - + - - TKN-in —•— TKN-out Worksheet in G: 19047 - Clariant Treatability WP Reports Chapter 3 - Pilot Study Report.doc {_P6 140 120 - 100 t 80 60 40 - 20 - • 0 6/26/2000 Combined CIVIU / Clariant Pilot Unit - Ammonia Removal 7/10/2000 7/24/2000 Date 8/7/2000 1 I 1 I I 1 - - + - - NH3-in ■ NH3-out — A- - TKN-in • 8/21/2000 9/4/2000 Worksheet in G: 19047 - Clariant Treatability WP Reports Chapter 3 - Pilot Study Report.doc Combined CMMMU / Clariant Pilot Unit - TSS Removal Date - - + - - TSS-in —•--- TSS-out Worksheet in G: 19047 - Clariant Treatability WP Reports Chapter 3 - Pilot Study Report.doc 1200 - 1000 - O 800 - Combined CiVIU / Clariant Pilot unit - COD Removal 7/10/2000 ft -ffrk\< 7/24/2000 Date 8/7/2000 - - COD -in —• SCOD-out Worksheet in G: 19047 - Clariant Treatability WP Reports Chapter 3 - Pilot Study Report.doc 8/21/2000 9/4/2000 • Combined CMU / Clariant Pilot Unit - BOD Removal 350 - 300 - 250 - 200 - 0 150 - • 100 - 50 - • ♦' • i ♦ • 0 6/26/2000 7/10/2000 9 s • • • 1 7/24/2000 8/7/2000 8/21/2000 9/4/2000 Date - - • - - BOD-in ■ SBOD-out Schedule for Clariant / Charlotte -Mecklenburg Combined Treatment Project Task No. Task Description 2001 2002 Feb. March April May June July August Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan Feb. March April 1 1.1 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.1.3 1.1.4 1.1.5 1.1.6 1.1.7 1.1.8 1.1.9 1.1.10 1.2 1.3 1.4 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 4 4.1 4.2 4.3 5 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 Permits NPDES Permit Modifications Meeting with NC DENR NPDES Permit Negotiations Clariant Files Permit Modifications Public Hearing ND DENR DWQ Permit Review Draft NPDES Permit Issued Clariant Comment Period Clariant Comments Issued NC DENR Reviews Comments NPDES Permit Modifications Issued EA - FONSI Ruling Authorization to Construct Building Standards Design of Modifications Disinfection - UV Tests Preliminary Design (Procurement Grade) Preliminary Design Report Issued Review of Preliminary Design Report Final Design (Including Long Creek Design Modifications) 50% Review 90% Review Final Design Complete Clariant / Utilities Contract Negotiations Negotiations Draft Contract Review / Comment Period Sign / Execute Contract Signed Contract Pre -Purchase of Disinfection Equipment Specify Equipment Bid / Purchase Equipment Equipment Fabrication Construction Bid Review / Award of Bid Construction Start -Up 1 _ C ❑ [. ❑ MIMI 19047/ADM/Proposed Phase II schedule • LONG CREEK BASIN SEWER CLARIANT WWTP i--al 300 MC STORAGE \ RESERVOIR CATAWBA RIVER CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG UTILITIES DEPARTMENT —1111 McALPINE CREEK WWTP E70STrrIC PAW CREEK PUMP STATION f LAKE WYLIE BROWN AND CALDWELL LIE IS 2 INCHES AT FULL SIZE OF NOT Y-SCALE ACCORDINGLY) SUBMITTED: APPROVED: APPROVED: NMMO GLOOM DATE DAZE: DATE: FTIE CMUD\19047\CAD DRAWN J PORTER DESIGNED P SCHULER CHECKED P SCHULER cHEcKED _ R CARRIER REVISIONS ZONE REV. DESCRIPTION BY DATE APP. CLARIANT CORPORATION CLARIANT WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS CMU / CLARIANT COMBINED WWTF LONG CREEK BASIN PFD PROJECT NUMBER 19047 CRANING NUMBER SHEET NUMBER State of North Carolina Department of Environment, and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Michael Easley., Governor William Ross, Jr., Secretary Kerr T. Stevens, Director MEMO To: Mike Parker Mooresville l gional Office From: Bill Mills Stormwaterneral Permits Unit A7:5‘A •41f011 DE N R Subject: Clariant Corporation Proposed Diversion of Stormwater to NCS000037 Mount Holly Plant Mecklenburg County eTO'n Oti Clariant has proposed to eliminate some of the industrial activities at the Subject plant and render some areas no subject to Stormwater NPDES. Other areas of the facility are presently draining their storm runoff into the wastewater treatment plant and the stormwater from these areas are proposed to be diverted to the surface waters directly and included in the existing NPDES stormwater permit NCS000037. The details of their plans are shown on the attached submittal. I would appreciate your regional office perspective on this proposed modification to their permit and drainage regime. Given the travel restrictions we are faced with, I would not expect to make a trip down to Clariant but if you plan a site visit please let me know of the date so that I can consider it should I be in the area on other matters. Thanks for your help. (I am keeping the original of the narrative but the drawings are the only set they provided, I will need them back). Attachments Dave Goodrich 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Telephone 919-733-7015 FAX 919-733-0719 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post -consumer paper Clariant Corporation Mt. Holly Plant P.O. Box 669246 Charlotte, NC 28266 704.827.9651 Clariant January 5, 2001 N.C. Deparment of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Stormwater Section 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Certified Mail Z 176 553 628 JAN 1 1 2001 RE: Conversion of Combined Sewer Lines (Process Sewer/Storm Sewer) To Stormwater Only Sewer Lines Clariant Corporation — Mount Holly East Plant Stormwater Discharge Permit Number NCS000037 Dear Mr. Mills: Clariant Corporation's Mount Holly East plant has an individual stormwater discharge permit (NCS000037), which allows it to discharge stormwater to two surface water bodies, Long Creek and the Catawba River. The stormwater outfalls covered in Clariant's stormwater discharge permit flow to both of these two surface water bodies. However, for a majority of the developed portion of the site (particularly where industrial activity occurs), stormwater does not enter catch basins or drainage features which lead to surface waters. Rather, the stormwater flows to Clariant's on -site wastewater treatment system where it is aerobically treated and eventually discharged to the Catawba River. Most of the storm sewer lines in the developed portion of the site are actually combined sewers which carry process/sanitary wastewaters and stormwater. All of these combined -flow lines lead to the plant's on -site wastewater treatment system. Consequently, most of the stormwater runoff from the site is actually treated in an aerobic wastewater treatment system instead of flowing directly to a surface water body. Currently, Clariant has plans to downsize the Mount Holly East manufacturing site, and this includes a plan to downsize the on -site wastewater treatment system. Because of this, Clariant will need to reduce the volume of stormwater entering the treatment system. The downsized wastewater treatment will not be able to adequately handle to hydraulic loading contributed by the current volume of stormwater. Therefore, Clariant will need to divert some of the stormwater currently entering its wastewater treatment system to Long Creek and to the Catawba River. Essentially, Clariant plans on accomplishing the diversion by converting the combined sewers described above to "stormwater only" sewers. After the mothballing of affected manufacturing buildings and, in some cases, the demolition of some manufacturing buildings, there will no longer be process wastewater flow in the combined sewer lines. The only flow through these lines would be stormwater runoff Clariant would investigate the lines to assure that there are no illicit discharges in the lines slated for conversion to storm sewers. We would not expect there to be any of these types of discharges since the mothballing of the buildings would involve actually disconnecting water supply and power supply from the buildings. We would then begin the cleaning of the diverted sewer lines. Because these combined sewers formerly handled process waste, Clariant has proposed a rigorous cleaning protocol before the conversion takes place. Furthermore, part of this cleaning protocol is also verification of cleanliness for sewer piping and junction boxes. This verification is essentially a sampling of the rinsate from the cleaning operations. The cleaning protocol requires that the concentration of constituents in the rinsate be below the site's RCRA permit groundwater protection standards. Attached is a comparison of Clariant's groundwater protection standards to the Safe Drinking Water Act's Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCL's). As you can see, Clariant's groundwater protection standard concentrations are less than or equal to the MCL's (with the exception of p-dichlorobenzene). A copy of the sewer cleaning protocol is also attached as a separate document. For the purpose of simplicity, there will basically be two (2) main diversions: one on the eastern side of the site and one on the northwestern area of the site. The enclosed drawing. shows the details of the diversions. The Eastern diversion will involve the most linear feet of sewer line conversion. These sewer lines now serve as combined sewers to carry process waste and .. stormwater to the on -site wastewater treatment system. The Northwestern diversion will involve substantially less sewer conversion. These sewer lines now serve mainly to carry stormwater and boiler blowdown water to the on -site wastewater treatment system. As shown on the attached drawing (Area 2 — Drawing Number 38081102), the Eastern diversion calls for breaking the combined sewer lines coming from the former production buildings 39, 40, and 46. These broken lines would be tied in to newly added junction boxes and ultimately re- routed to the current stormwater Outfall 3F. Outfall 3F discharges stormwater to Long Creek. After this diversion has been made, Clariant plans to re -sample Outfall 3F and analyze the stormwater run-off for those parameters analyzed for in the original sampling of this outfall. The results of this sampling will be submitted to the Stormwater Section with the appropriate documentation when it becomes available. The Outfall 3F sampling will be done after all of the demolition and sewer re-routing have been completed. The estimated time schedule for the re - sampling is late 3" Quarter 2001. Essentially, the eastern portion of the plant site will become inactive. The production buildings and warehouses in this portion of the plant will be either "mothballed" or razed. Since industrial activity will no longer be occurring in this area of the plant, three (3) currently permitted stormwater outfalls (Outfalls 3A, 3B, and 3C) will need to be removed from the permit. Outfalls 3D and 3F will need to remain a part of the permit because industrial activity will continue to occur in areas draining to these outfalls. The Northwestern diversion (Area 1— Drawing Number 38081101) calls for re-routing all sanitary and boiler blowdown flow to a different alkaline process sewer line to the south of Building 1. After the re-routing of the sanitary/boiler blowdown flow, the only thing remaining in the sewer lines north of Building 1 will be stormwater flow. Therefore, this line will be broken and diverted to the Catawba River as shown in the attached drawing. This will create a new stormwater outfall which discharges to the culvert system in the northwest corner of the site. Although the Boiler Room and Fuel Tank in this area will still be operational, all of the stormwater drainage from these areas will flow to the site's wastewater treatment system. The fuel truck unloading area and the fuel tank containment dike both drain to the site's wastewater treatment system. Since there will be no industrial activity in the area draining to the newly created outfall, Clariant does not intend to include it as part of the stormwater permit modification. Therefore, no sampling of this outfall is planned. The demolition work will probablytake place in late spring 2001. The sewer diversion project will take place after the demolition/mothballing described above has been completed. Clariant would like to make these changes to its Stormwater Discharge Permit after all of the proposed storm sewer modifications have been made. We would also like to know if the Stormwater Section has any problems or suggestions with the proposed actions described above. We are available to meet with you to discuss these proposed modifications at your convenience. The Section is also welcome to visit the site to take a look at the proposed modifications described above. Should you have any questions or need any additional information, please call me at (704) 822- 4485. Sincerely, Victor B. Ethridge Senior Environmental Chemist Process Sewer System Cleaning Protocol The purpose of sewer clean -out procedures is to remove residual materials which could be sources of releases to soil, groundwater or surface water if left in place. Because the sewers are gravity drained, low points where large volumes of raw wastewater could be held are not anticipated. Water rinsing will be used to remove water-soluble residuals. Non -water soluble residuals will be removed by rinsing at a sufficient velocity to mobilize solid depositions out of the sewer segment being converted to stormwater sewers. The diversity of sewer materials of construction, piping configurations and length/slope of sewer runs requires a variety of sewer component clean -out procedures. Clariant reserves the right to substitute equally effective procedures for sewer cleaning. Selection of cleaning methods will be made based on the methods ability to meet criteria presented below. Sewer components will be cleaned from junction box to junction box working from upstream to downstream. Clean -out procedures must meet the following criteria: Criterion 1: The entire length and cross-section of a line must be rinsed at least once; Criterion 2: Accumulated solids must be removed; Criterion 3: Criterion 4: Junction boxes must be emptied of liquids and solids and triple -rinsed with fresh water, preferably under high pressure: and Clean -out will be complete when the above criteria have been met and the concentrations of VOCs (Method 8260), SVOCs (Method 8270) and metals (Table 1-3) in a grab sample of wash water and junction box rinsate are below GWPS listed in Table VI-1 of the RCRA permit. For the purposes of cleaning, an empty junction box will be a box which has had free liquids removed to the extent possible by pumping. An empty sewer section is a sewer line which has been gravity drained of liquid. I JAN 1 1 2001 Comparison of Clariant's HWM Permit Groundwater Protection Standard Contaminant Concentration Limits to the Safe Drinking Water Act's Maximum Contaminant Levels Clariant HWM Permit SDWA Groundwater Maximum Protection Contaminant Standard Levels Contaminant Name (ug/L) (ug/L) o-Dichlorobenzene 600 600 m-Dichlorobenzene 600 N/A p-Dichlorobenzene 600 75 Chlorobenzene 50 100 Ethylbenzene 700 700 Toluene 1000 1000 Xylene 10000 10000 Benzene 5 5 Acetone 100 N/A Tetrachloroethene 5 5 p-Benzoquinone 10 N/A 4-Nitrophenol 50 N/A Aniline 10 N/A Chloroaniline 10 N/A Cadmium 5 5 Chromium 100 100 Cobalt 70 N/A Lead 15 15 Nickel 100 N/A Vanadium 20 N/A Cyanide 200 200 Copper 100 1300 Iron 300 N/A Manganese 50 N/A State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Bill Holman, Secretary Kerr T. Stevens, Director January 5, 2001 Mr. Gary P. Sanderson Clariant Corporation P.O. Box 669246 Charlotte, North Carolina 28266 A7A NCDENR NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES Subject: NPDES Permit NC0004375 Clariant Corporation/Mount Holly Plant Mecklenburg County Dear Mr. Sanderson: The Division has reviewed the letter describing the future activities at the Clariant Corporation's Mount Holly Facility. The Division agrees that a NPDES permit modification and Authorization to Construct is required. The Division suggests a modification to the existing NPDES permit rather than applying for a new NPDES permit. Based on the information provided, the Division could not determine if a major or minor modification is appropriate. As long as the activity will not result in an increase in flow or a change in the wastewater characteristics, a minor permit modification is appropriate. For a minor permit modification, a letter detailing the proposed activities and the requested changes to the permit should be submitted to the NPDES Unit at the address listed below. The Authorization to Construct required for the modifications to the treatment system requires that detailed plans and specifications (stamped by a PE registered in North Carolina), along with design calculations be submitted in triplicate. In addition, 3 copies of the following are required: a letter describing the project, flow schematic and construction sequence. The information listed above should be submitted to the NPDES Unit at the address listed below. If you have any questions concerning, please contact Michael Myers at telephone number (919) 733-5083, extension 508. Sincerely, David A. Goodrich NPDES Unit Supervisor cc: Central Files Mooresville Regional Office/Water Quality Section NPDES Unit 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Telephone (919) 733-5083 FAX (919) 733-0719 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer VISIT US ON THE INTERNET CAP http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/NPDES Clariant Corporation Mt. Holly Plant P.O. Box 669246 Charlotte, NC 28266 704.827.9651 Clariant September 5, 2000 wR' r. Kerr T. Stevens Director Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 ti .SEP 1 + 2000 DIV. OF WATER QUALITY DIRECTOR'S OFFICE Re: NPDES Permit Number 0004375; Clariant Corporation - Mt. Holly Plant Facility Revisions Dear Mr. Stevens; This is to notify the Division that Clariant Corporation is reducing certain manufacturing operations at the Mt. Holly Plant this year. Operations shutdowns are occurring in a staged fashion between late August through year end. Roughly 50% of the site's organic synthesis and dyes finishing capacity will be decommissioned. By early 2001, the site will have reduced infrastructure size and capacity as well. Engineering, construction/decommissioning, and operating details are currently underway. Cessation of manufacturing operations will occur more quickly than associated shrinkage of infrastructure facilities. Preliminary engineering studies indicate that 40 — 53% of the BOD loading of the site wastewater treatment plant, (WWTP), will be eliminated. Production and infrastructure related wastewater flow is estimated to decrease between 42% and 50%. Storrnwater, RCRA, CERCLA and other non -production related flows will not be affected. The WWTP primary and secondary treatment systems are currently larger than will be necessary for the anticipated future load. We therefore wish to make several modifications in the primary and secondary treatment systems to improve WWTP operating efficiency and decrease operating costs. Engineering design and operating details of the revisions are underway and will be completed within the next 30 days. While modifications will not be large in scope or cost, we believe that an Application for Authorizations to Construct may be required; 15 NCAC 2H.0138(b). oi• We also believe the changes in manufacturing and infrastructure operations may require Clariant to submit a new NPDES permit application to the Division, 40 CFR 122.62 (a)(1). 459 Mt. Holly Plant Facility Revisions Letter of September 5, 2000 page 2 Realizing that the foregoing information is general in nature, we would appreciate a determination by the Division as to whether such submittals are required. If the Division agrees that a NPDES permit application and Application for Authorizations to Construct are required, would you please forward the appropriate forms to the following address. Gary P. Sanderson, P.E. Clariant Corporation — Mt. Holly Plant P.O. Box 669246 Charlotte, North Carolina 28266-9246 If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to call me at (704) 822-2213. If a meeting would be beneficial, we are at your service. Thank you for your help and advice. Sincerely; 4)ty Gary P. Sanderson, P.E. Plant Services Manager cc: Mr. David A. Goodrich, NCDENR Mr. Edward Pyles, Director — TLP Operation Mr. Daniel Trueman, Mt. Holly Plant Manager