HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW3220301_Supplement-EZ Form_20220519SUPPLEMENT-EZ COVER PAGE FORMSLDADED PRO4ECT INFORMATION 1 Project Name Mini Storage USA Inc - Mini Warehouse Project ._....._._ ._... _--...,.— ... - 2 Proect Area act1 •a$ 3 Coastal Wetland Area_(ac) 0 4 Suliace Water Area (aq ___ __.._. 0 5 la this rcect H h or Low Dens High.- i_.__.._ 6 Does this project use an off -site SCM? No COMPLIANCE WfTH 02H .1003(4) 7 Aldth of vegetated setbacks provided (feet) 8 Will the v etate_d setback remain vegetated? N!A 13 If BUA is proposed in the setback, does it meet NCAC 02HA003 4 c•d ? NIA 10 Is streambank stabilization proposed on this project? No NUMBER AND TYPE OF SCMs 1 - 11 Infiltration System 12 BlorstentionCell 13 Wet Pond 14 Stormwater Wetland 15 16 Permeable Pavement _- iani Fisher 1 17 Rainwater Harvestin RWH 18 Green Roof 18 Level Spreader -Fitter Strl LS-FS _ 20 Disconnected Impervious Surface DIS 21 22 23 24 Treatment Swale D Pond StormFilter Silva Cell — 25 Be Iter 26 Filterra FORMS LOADED Certification Statement: I certify, under penalty of saw that this Supplement-EZ form and all supporting information were prepared under my direction or supervision; that the information provided in the form is, to the best of my lutowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete; and that the engineering plans, specifications. operation and maintenance agreements and other supporting Information are consistent with the information provided here. �Sl111111111111 �UQ �FESSIptig��j•,9 SEAL 20165 = -.I/V µ . /�rlltii,r,t, 4,u�,e Designer Date DRAINAGE AREAS 1 .Is this a high density project? 2 If so, number cf drainage weaslSCMS 1 3 Does this proji M have low density areas?— No _ A iT so, number, or low density dr_alna_ge areas 0 is alllpart of this project subject to previous rota 5 versions? No FORMS LOAt DRAINAGE AREA INFORMATION Entire 8fte i Send Filter �. 4 7 e of SCM 5 Total draknaCje area (sq ft 86645 66136 _ 6 Onste drainage area sq ft 84735 62226 7 OffshadralnMe-ara�agft 3910 3910 8 Total BUA In ro act s ft) 56930 sf 55830 of New aUA on subdivided lots (subject to permftting) 9 u s4_ft)—_._ . _ New BUA not on subdivided lots (subject to 10 ermlt8 sf 11 Make BUA a ft 3140 of 3140 sf 12_ Breakdown of new BUA not on subdvided lots: 7D 311sf 350of _ 3] 170 sf _ 350sf-- Parkin actft), Sldewalk�aga�__----- -_ R 21860 sf 21850 of -Rcecl%,ff CLftt-- — ---- FutureLg_git�_.._._..��_..ox - —the -- ------ -Other, please specify in comment bbeiow (Bg rt 320 sf 320 sf New inflitret rig permeable pavement on subdtvldad 13 lots New Infiltrating permeable pavement not on 14 subdivided lots sgit� Existing BUA that will remain (not subject to 15_ ermlttlrZ�s9 ---- - —. — 16 EAsti f3UA that Is alrea ermined (sg ft} _ _ 3520 st - 5920 of 17 E)dsting SUA that will be removed (sp R) -- 64%-- - - 68% — 19 Des n storm as) 24 Design volume of SCM {cu ft) 3403 - - 21 Calculatlan method for design volume Simple OIYIpNA1 INFORMATION Please use this space to pldvlde arty etlditional Information about the 22 drainageeree(s)_— See CN oaks for speoNlo breakdown Roadway Includes existing Hwy 74 and new paved entrance other includes the ADA concrete paved area - 320sf Entire site # total includes 3910sf offsite drainage area within NCDOT RAW Ali impervious area on proposed site is contained within the DA of the proposed SCM Existing and proposed impervious area within NCDOT RAW Concrete Accessible parking area Entire Site BUA = 56830 188645 = 64% SAND FILTER 1 Drainage area number 1 4538sf WQV=4538cf, WQV(adj)=3403cf 2 Minimum required treatment volume (cu ft) .»�.... 3 Rt) onM.laso is the SCM sized to treat the SW from all surfaces at build -out?__ the SCM located away from contaminated soils? _ *06. 4:Is Ye 5 What are the aide slopes of the SCM H:V ? 3:1 8 Does the SCM have retaining walls, gabion walls or other engineered side sto ? No 7 Are the inlets, outlets, and receiving stream protected from erosion 10. r storm ? Yes 8 Is there an overflow or bypass for inflow volume in excess of the design volume? Yes g What Is the method for dowatering the SCM for malntenance? Pump referred 1r} If applicable, will the SCM be cleaned out after construction? Yes 11 Does the maintenance access comply with General MD_C 8( )? _ Yes _ _ f2 Does the drains a easement campy with General MDC (9)? Yes NIA 13 If the SCM Is on a single family tot, does (will?) the plat comply with General MDC (1017. 14 Is there an O&M Agreement that complies with General MDC (11)? Yes 15 1 is there an O&M Plan that coMlias with General. MDC (12,)? T. Yes _ Yes 16 Does the SCM follow the device specific MDC? 17 Was the SCM designed by an NC licensed professional? Yes of sand filter led. will the fl leormens un—, e that can be retained in the sediment chamber (cubic feet) 2058 cf ere be a permanentI in the sediment chamber? No _ of the sediment chamber final557 BO rBot f the sediment chamber s uare feet 1715 sf al depth of the sediment chamber inches)ng depth in the sediment chamber, above any permanent inched. 559.3 ion of top of weir between chambers fmsl 30`Valume that can be retained in the sand chamber tCL 3ottom 1 Bof the sand chamber (final) _ �ffh �depth chambers uare feel f the sand chamber inches the sand chamber, above the send 35 Elevation of the titpass device final 36 T e of b ass device 37 Mechanism for distributing flow over the sand surface 38 Sand s eciftcallon far sand chamber 39 De h above underdrein p:il inches Will the media be maintained to drain at 4easltwo Incl 40 the sand surface? Ia at least one clean -out pipe provided at the bow poir 41 1underdrainline? 42 Will clean -out pipes „be capped? ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 43:Please use this space to provide any !the sand filter(s): _ _9 Pump can be used but removeable cap Is sand elevation. sand Filter on outlet Ref SHWT Report - No Evidence Found. auger refusal at 553.5+/- (2 ft below proposed bottom of sand filter) Ref H drocad Storage Output 4116 cf at 559.3 (top of riprap weir and outlet weir eiev). Riprap weir evenly splits chambers (4416 / 2 = 2C58cf) 3430 sf at 559.3 (top of riprap weir and outlet weir elev). Riprap weir evenly splits chambers (3430 / 2 = 1715sf) 058cf i57.80 See Note Above See Note Above 715 sf 18 in Elev of 18"x8" outlet orifice Riprap berm 18 in 559.3 it Structure Well 12 in per hour at Yes each Yes Yes m about uctura at 1 11:17 AM 5/16/2022