HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC221862_FRO Submitted_20220516STATEMENT OF 1+INANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Person or firms) fiAazteially responsible for the land disturbing activity. If not a forth Carolina resident, you MUST have al N.C. agent. (List Below) Name: Same as LwdOwner Address: City/&We: Turkey, NC City/State: Zip Code: 26393 Zio Code: Telephone Number. 910-592.5705 APPLICATION FOR PERMIT FOR A File # I. ND DISTURBING EACnVfIY Under the conditions set forth by L.D Fca Review Fce T7ie New Hanovet County it Erosion and Sedimentation Control Ordinance Date Pd ante led 4 Engineering Department: NT #21017 Applicant or Applicant's Agent: Norris & Tunstail Consulting Engineers, P.C, I John S. Tunstall, P.E=. Mailing Address: 2602 iron Gate Drfve, SUM 102 Telephone Number: 910-343-9653 Fax Number: 910-$43-9604 Wilmington. NC 28412 Emaii Address' Jtunstall@ntangineers.com & anorris@ia ntengineers.carn Total Acres of Land Disturbance, n Purpose of Developrrtent: Lot 2 Laydown Yard Description of Land ❑isturbaace: Construdon Laydo n Yard Address of Land Disturbance 235 Skiton Lake Road Latitude: 34 17' 30.7" N Longitude: -77 53' 48.4" W Land owner(s) of record: Name: Wells Brothers Constructlun Co., Inc. Address: 34 Summerhill Road Telephone Ntimbe-r: _ Entail: rock@wellsbrotherscc.cow FaxNumber 910-592-0457 Email: Fa%Number: Location of deed(s) or instruments): Catrnty: New Hanover Book: R8 5325 page: 814-81 B The above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and was provided by me while kinder oath. (This form must be signed by the fnancially responsible person if an individual and by an ofFcer, director, partner, attorney -in - fact, or Other person of authority to execute instrunients for the financially responsible person if not an individual.) i agree to provide corrected information should there be any change in the infarrnation provided therein. Date: z C 2,4 blame Rack Wells Title President signature I, a Notary Pub] of the County of �A#x.lrmavL state. of Forth Carolina, hereby certify that appeared personally before me this day and being duly sworn acknowledged that the above form was executed by hire. VJitaess rn hand and �'sed, this day of 1_ y .1M1 , 20 Itiiotauy S my commission ehpires IL LT I cedify that I aN the land in question 6�. Application Signature and Date and do in fact grant permission to the Erosion Contra] Inspector and his agents to enter on related to this permit application. Rock Wells, P dent PLEASE COMPLETE ALL PORTIONS OF APPLICATION This application must be sealed by the notary and accompanied by 4 sets of plans, the fee, calculations, dimensions, temporary and permanent seeding specifications, a maintenance plan for erosion control measures and seeding, and narrative statements as called for by the ordinance. The following list specifies the minimum requirements. SEDIMENTS AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN COMPONENTS 1. Name, address of the designer, phone number, fax number and email address. 2. Vicinity map. Address assigned by County Planning or the City of Wilmington. 3. Copy of deeds for the property. 4. Latitude and Longitude of Project_ 5. DXF File. (On Disk) 6. Existing & Proposed topography. 7. Area to be disturbed (shown as constriction limits on the plan with a legend. Include off site work). 8. Proposed site improvements (structures, roads, parking areas, lots, easements, etc.) 9. Construction Sequence. 10. Temporary sediment control measures (locations, dimensions, details and calculations). 11. Graveled construction entrance (dimensions and cross section details). 12. Proposed storm water network (swales, culverts, inlet and outlet structures, etc. with grades, elevations, details, drainage calculations with velocities) and energy dissipater dimensions. 13. Permanent erosion controls (locations, dimensions, details and calculations) 14. Permanent & temporary seeding specifications (seedbed preparation, soil amendments, seeding rates & schedule). 15. Sediment and erosion control material specifications. 16_ General notes. 17. Wetlands, C.A.M.A. areas, 100-year floodplain, 575' HQW, and Conservation Overlay Districts must be shown on the plan if applicable. 18. Maintenance plan for all erosion control measures & stabilization methods. 19. Tree protection approval from the City of Wilmington or New Hanover County Planning for subdivisions or New Hanover County Zoning for Commercial Projects. NARRATIVE STATEMENT COMPONENTS 1. Name and address of owner and of the financially responsible person, phone number, fax number & email address, 2. Sealed notarized financial responsibility form with a North Carolina agent and individual's name/signature. 3. Purpose of land disturbing activity. 4. Storm water run off calculations and explanation of the method of determination. 5. Construction sequence and schedule (flow chart if available). 6. Re -vegetation specifications (preparation, seed type and rates; fertilizer, lime and mulch rates and schedule) The New Hanover County Erosion and Sedimentation Control Ordinance requires that all persons disturbing more than one (1) acre of land must obtain approval of a soil erosion control plan and be issued a permit prior to the commencement of said land disturbing activity. Before an application package is considered complete, this application must be completed and submitted along with the fees, plans, the calculations, dimensions and the narrative to this office. The plans and narrative will be submitted to New Hanover County Soil Conservation Service and State Stormwater. Plans must be submitted by the applicant to the New Hanover County Planning Department for Conservation Overlay Review and subdivision tree approval. Commercial tree approval requires submittal to New Hanover County Zoning. Projects within the City of Wilmington require City tree approval. Commencement of a land disturbing activity under the jurisdiction of this Act prior to the approval of an erosion and sedimentation control plan is a violation of the Act. The Act further states that the application package must be filed a minimum of thirty (30) days prior to the activity and the approving authority must approve the submitted plan within thirty (30) days of receipt. Failure of the approving authority to approve or disapprove the submitted plan within the thirty (30) day period will be deemed approval of the plan. Additional information may be requested after the 30 day period in order to meet requirements of the ordinance. No activity should proceed on site without the issuance of a land disturbing activity unless the approving authority fails to notify the applicant (usually the engineer) within the 30 day submittal period. If an environmental document is required, the application will be deemed incomplete until the document is available for review by the County. In this case, the applicant will be notified that the 30 day time limit for a review of the plan shall not begin until a complete environmental document is available for review. Revisions or amendments to existing plans must be submitted for review 15 days prior to any site changes. Until such time as the revision is approved by the County, the land disturbing activity shall not proceed. Any previously permitted site that requires additional work no matter what size, must submit an amended erosion control plan for approval prior to any changes on site All land disturbine activity on a tract since 1988 is cumulative towards the one acre threshold and requires a permit. NO work should begin on site without a preconstruction erosion control conference