HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-04489_Well Construction - GW1_20220509 WELL CONSTRUCTiON'RECORD For lmicrnalUscONLY: This Win can tv used for single or ntallipic wells 1.Well Contractor Information; 4 %VATERZONIES, Scott Hunt, Jr FROM To OPSCRIP"ON ft. Well COntractot Name A. 4561 15.OUTER C tNG(floromdIt46*§edW0%;) RiLINWtifffilk like). NC Well Coviricior Cenificat ion Nomber FROM I TO DIAMETER- THICKNESS MA11TIZIAL SAEDACCO Inc ft. il. in. '16.INNER INC. FROM TO VLAMETER. nucKxF_ss MATERIAL 2.well ConstructionPermit#: W10300450 ft. to. by Litt till qViii-eible wrItprnnits ri-r.Cowity—Stale.Varicallre,1J8CffCn rrGl ,in. 3.Well Use(cloccli well use): FROM TO PlAMFTVR SIOTS171. TI1lCKN N I-MATFRIAL Water Supply Well: ft. A. OiNgticultural 0municilml/Ilublic 0Gcothermal(Heitingtooliq Supply) OResidential Witer Stippk%-(single) ft. ft. OlodustrialfConinicrcial ORmidential XVi(cr Stipph'(shared) ill.GROUT, FROM To MATERIAL. I EMPIACTMViTMrM0D&AM011,%'T elm 9tion ft. ft. Non-Water Supply Well: OhfmtitorinG ORecovvy Injection Well: 0AquiIer'Rcchargc ClGrourodunicr Rcructliaiion -19.SANDIGRAVELPACK-fif Alotilic able) PROM To I MATFREAl. I P1#lPlA(:TA1XNVM1-r"00 0 Atluifer Storage and Rcco%rr,%, OSilinity Barrier A. A. I OAqiiifcr Test OS(omvivalcr Drainage ft. ft. 0EV. crimcniaol Technology [I.Sirtisiacrocc Control DRILLI oCkothetotal(Closed Loop) DTtacer FROM TO DESCRIPTION(mbr.bardneci. DGeotheinial WeatitLeCoolitle Return) ®Other vex lain untler#21 Remarks) ft. n. fi. ft. 4.Date Well(i)Completed: 4/15/22 Wel1IT)9IP-1 - IP-32 F==4 ft. 9=OCZ re 50 Well[A)CAth) ft. I ft. Holmes Grocery ft. fo. FaciiiipOwncr Name Fachhy IDN(if appljuiblc) A. to, �n�71 M" 4325 Sherrills Ford Rd., Salisbury, NC, 28147 ft. ft. 0 ;"'C"j 1!�i­'J Pli.%sicol Address.City.and Zip i 7 — - Rowan Used 2.25 direct punch rods to inject 12 coahly PAt%:Cl Idnilirocalion N('r(PIN) intervals �J. Sh.Latitude and Longitude in dr.gror.cOmimote_secondr,or decimal degrees: 22.Certification- AM,one latloq i:zmdrj6ctd) W 4/27/2022 ccitific-dwOlCollimclor Date 6.1s(tire)(lie well(s): OPermanent or ZTemporaq 11)5igililly INS I fierrbY errfify that the wrllfs)uv-v(wr")eorwincied ht tAoiliance ii*h 15,1 oVCAC 02C,01(k)or IM AICAC NIC.41200 Well CoiftrTirri(en Swn4wils(rood Oult a 7.U this a repair ft)an existing well: OYc.% for CKINo -(Vy of ibis recoryl ha,%Not provided ta)he sn'll mcner. If Ibis is a wpoir,fill trVir k)?r;1fV Ierll cm)-viturfinn htfomwirlon arid explabi Me twrare of r11r relvir turtier P21 remarkv serfion or an Me&wk of this farm. 23.Site diagram or additional well details: You miky use live back of this paje to provide additional well site details or well S.Member of wells constructed: 32 construction de(alis. You inav als6altach additional pages if ficcessary. For i"bliVe ilt(eirrlon or arvi-warer sjfp)>fv wells ONIA'ivirli fit,-some construction.you cin BMITTAL fNS1.LIC33ONS xUblitit One form, SU 9.Total well depth below land surface. 36 (ft.) 24a. For All Well: Subinii this form within 30 days of completion of well PorattiMple wells list all dellths lfdlft rrw(exmiple. 20 Im') constniction to the following: 10.Static water level below top of Casing' Division of Water Resources,Information Processing Unit.. 1617 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC.27699-1617 lf�nywiee level If rtbo,,e clisifig,tat. J 1.Borehole(liameter.2.25 24b.&rIIli1XflllllP Wells In addition to sending On..) .JIL g the form to live address in 24a above. also submit a copy of this folio within 30 days of completion of well 12.Well cormiruction method: Construction to the following,. 6 c.angm rmary.cable..din-a push etc.) Division of Water Rciourcc'%.UndergmundInjection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY NAFELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Center.Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 134L Vicid(gpon) Method of test 24c.For Water Supply&Injection WcIts: Also submit one copy of this f6rin within 10 daysofcompletion of 13b.Disinfection type __ Amount: well construction to the county' health dqnrunctil of the county when: : constructed. Form GR'•I North Catolba LN-Wrionent of Envirowncitt and Nawral Resoutces-Division of Walct,Resourm Revised August'_N)I I