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HomeMy WebLinkAbout230018_NOD-2017-PC-0014_20170209 Agc:, ROY COOPER
Water Resources S. JAY ZIMMERMAN
Environmental Quality Director
February 9, 2017
Kenneth C. Devine
Devine Family Farm
4025 Devine Road
Lawndale,NC 28090
15A N.C.A.C.2T .1303 - .1304
Devine Family Farm/Facility 23-18
Deemed Permit AWD230018
Cleveland County
Dear Mr. Devine:
On November 7, 2016, and December 9, 2016, staff of the North Carolina Division of Water
Resources (DWR), Water Quality Regional Operations Section (WQROS), received additional
complaints referencing Devine Family Farm and the waste management procedures currently
being utilized on property located at 4031 Devine Road, Lawndale. Attached, please find the
North Carolina Dry Poultry Litter Requirements pertaining to the stockpiling and application of
dry poultry litter. This guidance document references the applicable DWR Regulations and
Statutes that are available to you online at, or upon
request through the Division.
As a result of these complaints, you are hereby notified that you have been found to be in
violation as follows:
Violation I:
In accordance with 15A North Carolina Administrative Code 2T .1303(a)(2)(D) Permitting by
Regulation, animal waste is not to be stockpiled uncovered for greater than fifteen (15) days.
The stockpiled litter has remained uncovered for greater than 15 days. The attached aerial
photographs further document this fact.
Required Corrective Action for Violation I:
The subject stockpiles of litter should be land applied at agronomic rates or completely covered.
Please note that uncovered stockpiled litter must be covered within 15 days in cases where
application events are prolonged.
State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality I Water Resources I Water Quality Regional Operations
Mooresville Regional Office 1 610 East Center Avenue,Suite 301 I Mooresville,North Carolina 28115
Devine Family Farm
February 9,2017
Page 2
Additionally, stockpiled litter shall not be located closer than 100 feet from a perennial stream or
perennial waterbody. A setback of at least 25 feet shall be maintained to a perennial stream or
perennial waterbody during land application events. Also, any discharge of wastewater
(leachate) to surface waters or wetlands is prohibited. Take all necessary steps to ensure poultry
litter is properly stored and applied.
The Division of Water Resources requests that, in addition to the specified corrective action,
please submit a written response to this Notice by February 23, 2017. Please include in your
response to DWR all actions taken to correct the noted violation, any supporting documentation
(i.e. Waste Analysis, Soil Analysis, etc.), and a copy of your Waste Utilization Plan (WUP). The
local Soil& Water Conservation District should have a copy of your Facility WUP if needed.
Please note that this is the seventh complaint regarding uncovered stockpiled litter at this
location that we have received since June, 2016; and that the documentation referenced above
that has been requested numerous times, has not been received, to date. It may be beneficial for
you to consult with a Technical Specialist with the local Soil & Water Conservation District for
guidance and additional information and suggestions on litter management and storage to
maintain compliance in the future.
You are hereby advised that any future violations of a similar nature will result in a
recommendation for enforcement action to the Director of the Division of Water Resources.
Should you have any questions concerning this Notice, please contact Mr. Bealle or me at (704)
Andrew H. Pitner, P.G., Assistant Regional Supervisor
Mooresville Regional Office
Water Quality Regional Operations Section
Division of Water Resources
enclosures: North Carolina Dry Poultry Litter Requirements
Digital Photographs received on November 7, 2016, and December 9, 2016
cc: Sam Perkins, Catawba Riverkeeper via E-Mail
Case Foods, Inc.
Division of Soil and Water Conservation via E-Mail
Cleveland Soil and Water Conservation District
Central Files
Regional Files
a Governor
Water Resources
Dry Litter Poultry Requirements
1. Litter shall not be stockpiled within 100 feet of perennial streams or wells.
2. Litter shall not be left uncovered for more than 15 days.
3. For land application, a setback of 25 feet from perennial streams must be maintained. However, land
appliers should be aware of setbacks from all ditches and intermittent streams. Runoff of litter due to
improper land application can lead to discharges which can result in violations or enforcement
Note that even if the above requirements are met,it is still the responsibility of the producer to make
sure that there is no discharge to waters of the State.
4. Litter shall be applied at rates that do not exceed the agronomic rate of the receiving crop. The rates
may be based on NCDA&CS soil test recommendations or NRCS Standards(realistic yield
expectations). For more information on realistic yield expectations,contact a technical specialist with
the Cooperative Extension Service,NRCS,NCDA&CS,or your local Soil and Water Conservation
5. Litter shall be sampled as close to the time of application as practical,but at least within 60 days of
the land application event. If manure is given or sold to a 3"party, it is still the responsibility of the
generator to conduct the waste analysis,and provide a copy to the 3rd party hauler/farmer.
The State average N content for dry litter as shown in the North Carolina Agricultural Chemical
Manual published annually by NCSU may be used to calculate application rates in lieu of individual
waste analysis;however,waste analysis is still required. Info on waste analysis procedures is
available from the Cooperative Extension Service,publication number AG-439-33,Soil Facts: Waste
6. A soil analysis is required once every three years for all fields that receive litter using the standard
soil fertility analysis,available from NCDA&CS. Information on soil sampling procedures is
available from the Cooperative Extension Service,publication number AG-439-30,Soil Facts:
Careful Soil Sampling—The Key to Reliable Soil Test Information,at
7. Recordkeeping for dry litter poultry. All records shall be kept for three years,including but not
limited to:
• Soil test and waste analysis results
• Land application records
• Records of litter sold or given to a 3'party. For litter that is given to a 3rd party,the
following information must be maintained:
o Amount of litter removed
o Date litter was removed
o Name,address,and phone number of the manure hauler
State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality I Water Resources/Water Quality Regional Operations
1636 Mail service Center I Raleigh,North Carolina 27699-1636
919 807 6464
Dry Litter Requirement
June 30,2016
Page 2 of 2
8. Lime shall be applied to fields as specified by the Soil Test Report to assure suitable conditions for
crop growth.
9. Litter application must be stopped on a field if copper and zinc soil concentrations reach an Index
level of 3,000. As a proactive measure,waste generators should begin seeking alternate fields if the
level exceeds 2,000.
10. When litter is given to a 3rd party,the following requirements apply:
• Recordkeeping requirements in#8 above,except for land application records
• A copy of the current waste analysis must be provided to the 3rd party
• Provide a copy of these guidelines to the 3rd party.
For dry litter operations that give away/sell all litter to a 3rd party or hauler:
• If the 3rd party applies litter to land that is owned by the litter generator,then that land must
be included in the litter generator's Waste Utilization Plan.
• If the 3rd party hauls all litter away, and applies it to other 3rd party fields,then the litter
generator does not need to have fields listed in the Waste Utilization Plan. In this case,a plan
is still needed. The plan would be similar to the format suggested in#1 above,but it would
just state that all litter is hauled away.
This is not meant to be a complete list of requirements, but to give poultry growers a summary of the
regulations that are in place.
Animal Feeding Operations
Division of Water Resources
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