HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0003760_Correspondence_19800515NPDES DOC /WENT SCANNIN` COVER SHEET NPDES Permit: NC0003760 DuPont Kinston facility Document Type: Permit Issuance Wasteload Allocation Authorization to Construct (AtC) Permit Modification Complete File - Historical Engineering Alternatives (EAA) Correspondence Owner Name Change Approval Instream Assessment (67b) Speculative Limits Environmental Assessment (EA) Document Date: May 15, 1980 This document is printed on reuse paper - iignore any content on the' esrerse side Ater of urt emul na RUFUS L. EDMISTEN pepurtnirnt of J118ticr ATTORNEY GENERAL P. O. Box 629 RALEIGH 27602 15 May 1980 MEMO TO: Page Benton Bill Mills Jim Mulligan Becky French FROM: Harvey Stuart NS Assistant Attorney General RE: A. C. Turnage Forrest Westall Bill Ross/Thomas Hilliard Carol Bryson E. I. duPont de Nemours and Company, Inc., Kinston Plant, NPDES Permit No. NC 0003760 Administrative Hearing (AH WQ 79-6) Attached you will find a copy of a letter from Mr. E. I. Long which formally withdraws duPont's hearing request in the above - referenced matter. This action comes as a result of the settlement of this matter in accordance with the settlement terms contained in my letters to duPont dated March 7, 1980 and April 30, 1980. It is my understanding that the permit should be revised to incorporate the changes described in my above -referenced letters and that the revised permit will now go to public notice. If you have any questions concerning the terms of the revised permit please contact me. You may recall that there was a previous mix-up concerning the substance of the permit modifications necessitated by this settlement. I am hereby closing my file relating to this adjudication. /dw encl. A It-12003- K d POO ESTAOUSHEO 1802 E. I. DU PONT DE NEMOURS St COMPANY INCORPORATED KINSTON PLANT KINSTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28501 TEXTILE FIBERS DEPARTMENT Mr. J. L. Stuart Assistant Attorney General Department of Justice State of North Carolina P. 0. Box 629 Raleigh, North Carolina 27602 Dear Mr. Stuart: Ref: cc: Mr. Ms. L. P. Benton -Raleigh Brenda M. Foreman -Raleigh NORTH CAROLINA ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE MAY 151980 ENVIRO(; ;1 NTAL PRC,1 rCTIOiI •SE; TION RECEI'i E 9 May 12, 1980 (1) Letter, Mr. J. L. Stuart to E. L. Long, April 30, 1980 E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., NPDES Permit No. NC 0003760, Adjudicatory Hearing (AHWQ 79-6) (2) In response to your letter (Ref. 1) regarding the Kinston Plant NPDES permit, we accept the explanations offered. Accordingly, I wish to withdraw our request for an adjudicatory hearing (Ref. 2). ELL : j sb Sincer E. L. Long Specialist Environmental Control BETTER THINGS FOR BETTER LIVING .. . THROUGH CHEMISTRY rg RUFUS 1.. EDMISTEN ATTORNEY GENERAL *ate of !Tor* &troth= pepartment of 'Notice P. O. Box 629 RALEIGH 27602 30 April 1980 Mr. E. L. Long Specialist Environmental Control Textile Fibers Department E. I. dePont De Nemours and Company, Inc. Kinston Plant Kinston, North Carolina 28501 Re: E. I. duPont de Nemours and Company, Kinston Plant, NPDES Permit No. NC0003760, Administrative Hearing (AH WQ 79-6) Dear Mr. Long: This is in response to your March 12, 1980, letter concerning the proposed settlement of the above -referenced matter. In that letter you questioned two monitoring requirements and one effluent characteristic which appeared on the proposed modification of page 2 of the subject permit. Specifically, you questioned the following items: 1. An increase in the frequency of fecal coliform analysis from monthly to daily. 2. The increase of the dissolved oxygen value from 2.0 mg/1 to 2.5 mg/l. 3. A new requirement for analysis of settleable matter. I have discussed your questions with the staff of the Division of Environmental Management and would offer the following explanations in response to each point. 1. The fecal coliform analysis should be conducted monthly, not daily. This requirement was incorrectly transposed from a previous draft permit for this facility. Mr. E. L. Long Page 2 30 April 1980 2. The dissolved oxygen value should be 2.5 mg/1. I have been informed that this value was originally discussed and agreed to by both parties during a December 6, 1978, meeting. 3. The analysis for settleable matter should appear as a monitoring requirement in the modified permit. I have been informed that this requirement was mistakenly omitted from the previous draft permits and is a mandatory monitoring requirement dictated by the current applicable federal regulations. I hope that this brief discussion of the issues raised in your March 12 letter is a sufficient explanation of what items should appear in the final modified version of the permit. If you still object to any of these provisions, please feel free to contact me at telephone number(919) 733-5725 and I will be glad to discuss these matters in greater detail. I look forward to hearing from you so that we can reach a final settlement in this matter. Sincerely, RUFUS L. EDMISTEN Attorney General James L. "Grvey" Stuart Assistant Attorney General JLS/rsw RUFUS L. EDMISTEN ATTORNEY GENERAL MEMORANDUM Atufe IIf arfk 1ttroIiva Peparfinenf of $usfise P. O. Box 629 RALEIGH 27602 25 April 1980 TO: Page Benton, A. C. Turnage, Bill Mills, Forrest Westall Jim Mulligan, Bill Ross/Thomas Hilliard FROM: Harvey Stuart PS RE: E. I. duPont de Nemours and Company, Inc., Kinston Plant NPDES Permit No. NC0003760 - Administrative Hearing (AH WQ 79-6) Attached you will find a copy of a draft letter to duPont which addresses objections raised by the company in a March 12, 1980, letter re permit modifications which have been proposed as a settle- ment of this matter. You will recall that we have settled the TSS limitations and that the questions raised on March 12 relate to two monitoring requirements and one effluent limitation which appeared on the proposed modification of page 2 of the permit and which are allegedly different from previous requirements. Please advise me if you agree with the discussion contained in the attached draft. I will not mail the letter until I hear from you. /rsw Attachment HS/4-25-80 DRAFT Mr. E. L. Long Specialist Environmental Control Textile Fibers Department E. I. duPont de Nemours and Company, Inc. Kinston Plant Kinston, North Carolina 28501 RE: E. I. duPont de Nemours and Company, Kinston Plant, NPDES Permit No. NC0003760, Administrative Hearing (AH WQ 79-6) Dear Mr. Long: This is in response to your March 12, 1980, letter concerning the proposed settlement of the above -referenced matter. In that letter you questioned two monitoring requirements and one effluent character- istic which appeared on the proposed modification of page 2 of the sub- ject permit. Specifically, you questioned the following items: 1. An increase in the frequency of fecal coliform analysis from monthly to daily. 2. The increase of the dissolved oxygen value from 2.0 mg/1 to 2.5 mg/1. 3. A new requirement for analysis of settleable I have discussed your questions with the staff of Environmental Management and would offer the following response to each point. 1. The fecal coliform analysis should be conducted monthly, not daily. This requirement was incorrectly transposed from a previous draft permit for this facility. 2.• The dissolved oxygen value should be 2.5 mg/1. I have been informed that this value was originally discussed and agreed to .by both parties during a December 6, 1978, meeting. 3. The analysis for settleable matter should appear as a monitoring requirement in the modified permit. I have been informed that this requirement was mistakenly omitted from the previous draft permits and is a mandatory monitoring requirement dicated by the current applicable federal regulations. I hope that this brief discussion of the issues raised in your March 12 letter is a sufficient explanation of what items should appear in the final modified version of the permit. If you still object to any matter. the Division of explanations in Mr . Long Page 2 of these provisions, please feel free to contact me at telephone number (919) 733-5725 and I will be glad to discuss these matters in greater detail. I look forward to hearing from you so that we can reach a final settlement in this matter. Sincerely, RUFUS L. EDMISTEN Attorney General James L. "Harvey" Stuart Assistant Attorney General JLS/rsw North Carolina Department of Natural Resources &Community Development James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Howard N. Lee, Secretary DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT April 1, 1980 MEMORANDUM TO: Harvey Stuart Assistant Attorney General FROM: Forrest Westal 1 , Head Original Signed By Technical Services Branch FORREST R. WESTALL SUBJECT: Alleged Inaccuracies in NPDES Permit No. NC 0003760 - E.I. DuPont de Nemours and Co. - Kinston Plant Mr. E. L. Long of DuPont has questioned the apparent change in effluent limitations for dissolved oxygen in his company's permit. We have reviewed notes from the December 6, 1978 meeting between DEM staff members and Mr. Long. At this meeting, it was determined that in order to obtain the 6 mg/1 effluent dissolved oxygen limitation for the point of discharge into the Neuse River, at least 2.5 mg/1 dissolved oxygen would be required as measured in the chlorine contact chamber or effluent structure. This fact was supported by data submitted by DuPont at this meeting. This point was discussed and agreed to for inclusion in DuPont's permit. Accordingly, this limit should have been included in the May, 1979 permit, as it was in the most recent proposed permit. If you have any questions, please call. cc: Andy Williams A. C. Turnage F'.O. F3ux lib I RtIei h, Nuitli (_.n rlus:'ilrl1 :1,, L;rua! Upp rtur:ir •11li'm1n, A,! ,o t_mnl,;yrr • RUFUS L. EDMISTEN ATTORNEY GENERAL Ater of ortll gar.>xtirta pepartment of 3Justice P. O. Box 629 RALEIGH 27602 19 March 1980 MEMO TO: Page Benton, A. C. Turnage, Bill Mills, --Forrest Westall, Jim Mulligan Bill Ross/Thomas Hilliard FROM: Harvey Stuart RE: E. I. DuPont de Nemours and Company, Kinston Plant NPDES Permit No. NC0003760 - Administrative Hearing (AH WQ 79-6) Attached you will find the most recent correspondence concerning the above -referenced matter. I would appreciate your comments as to whether the alleged in- accuracies noted by DuPont are correct in light of your previous discussions with this company. Please contact me if you can provide any relevant information. /dw encl. R-12003-K r - 1 ESTAIUSNED1802 E. I. DU PONT DE NEMOURS & COMPANY INCORPORATED KINSTON PLANT KINSTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28501 TEXTILE FIBERS DEPARTMENT Mr. J. L. Stuart Assistant Attorney General Department of Justice State of North Carolina P. 0. Box 629 Raleigh, N.C. 27602 Dear Mr. Stuart: NORM CAROLINA ATT04NEY GENERAL'S OFFICE i 'I:. i 1 1 71980 ENVI'O+:..1f:NTAL PRCTE I1.,,! SfCTlO;1 RECEIVED March 12, 1980 Ref: 1. Letter, Mr. J. L. Stuart to E. L. Long, March 7, 1980 2. E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Co., NPDES Permit No. NC 0003760, Administrative Hearing (AHWQ 79-6) 3. Letter, Mr. A. F. McRorie to E. L. Long, May 11, 1979 (Attached) 4. Letter, E. L. Long to Mr. A. F. McRorie on February 6, 1979, Request for Adjudicatory Hearing This is to acknowledge receipt of your letter (Ref. 1) regarding an agreement reached by you, DNRCD staff and Du Pont representatives at a pre - hearing conference on January 17, 1980 (Ref. 2). The revised TSS and BOD permit limits specified in the attachment of your letter are acceptable for the Kinston Plant. I would like to point out, however, two new changes and one new effluent characteristic have now been added to this permit which were not discussed at the January 17 meeting. Reference 3 is a copy of our existing permit reissued May 11, 1979, and I have highlighted these changes to facilitate comparison. Specifically, the following have now been changed/added: e The frequency of the fecal coliform analysis was changed from monthly to daily. e The dissolved oxygen requirement was raised from 2 mg/1 to 2.5 mg/1. o The analysis for settleable matter is a new requirement. r''£TTER THINGS FOR BETTER LIVING .. . THROUGH CHEMISTRY s - Mr. J. L. Stuart - 2 - March 12, 1980 It appears that these changes may have stemmed inadvertently from discussions and revisions made in our original (second round) permit issued December 29, 1978, and later revisions made on May 11, 1979. We will appreciate your prompt response to reissue our permit to reflect changes in the aforementioned instances. Following this, I will formally withdraw our request for an adjudicatory hearing (Ref. 4). If you have a question or wish to discuss this further, please call me at 919-522-6445. Sincerely, E. L. Long Specialist Environmental Control ELL/1ww Attachment rp '.‘ North Carolina Department of Natural Resources &Community Development James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Howard N. Lee, Secretary May 11, 1979 Mr. E. L. Long, Environmental Control Specialist E. I. DuPont De Nemours and Company Kinston, North Carolina 28501 SUBJECT: NPDES Permit No. NC0003760 E. I. DuPont De Nemours & Company Kinston, Lenoir County Dear Mr. Long: Reference is made to your letter of February 27, 1979, by which you requested that the monitoring frequency requirements for discharge number 001, which are contained in Part I A(1) of the subject Permit, be revised to reflect' monitoring frequencies for a Class II wastewater treatment facility. Members of the staff of the Washington Regional Office have advised me that a • meeting was held in Raleigh on December 6, 1978, between you, Mr. A. C. Turnage, and Mr. R. F. McGhee. 'During the meeting it was mutually agreed upon that DuPont's design flow would be reduced from 3.8 MGD to 3.6 MGD. This reduction in design flow resulted in a change in DuPont's wastewater treatment facility classification from Class III to Class II. Therefore, please find attached the revised page two (2) effluent limitations and monitoring requirements for discharge 001 of the subject permit, which should be substituted for page two (2) of the permit as issued December 29, 1978. Tf we can be of any further assistance, please feel free to contact us. cc: Mr, A. C. Turnage, Jr. Mr. Jim Mulligan Sincerely, / �, , �•5�4 ) o A. F. McRorie 'j,� i Director ,Ally.: V 6 P n nr' 1 !. 0, t.. l'• RUFUS L. EDMISTEN ATTORNEY GENERAL Atzric of tirfil Cantina X peparfinetrf irf Jusfire P. O. Box 629 RALEIGH 27602 7 March 1980 Mr. E. I. Long Specialist, Environmental Control Textile Fibers Department E. I. DuPont de Nemours and Company, Inc. Kinston Plant Kinston, North Carolina 28501 Re: E. I. DuPont de Nemours and Company, Kinston Plant, NPDES Permit No. NC 0003760 -- Administrative Hearing (AH WQ 79-6) Dear Mr. Long: At the January 11, 1980 pre -hearing conference in the above - referenced matter we agreed to modify the permit effluent limitations for total suspended solids (TSS) . Also there was some discussion at the pre -hearing conference concerning whether the BOD limitations contained in the permit were a correct statement of a December 6, 1978, agreement between DuPont and the Department of Natural Resources and Community Development (DNRCD) . I have been informed that the BOD limits which appear in the permit are accurate. Attached you will find a proposed revision of Page 2 of the permit which includes the agreed -upon TSS limitations. Please review this document and indicate whether DuPont agrees that these limita- tions are an accurate statement of our January 17 agreement. If DuPont agrees to accept the revised effluent limitations you should formally withdraw your request for an administrative hearing on this permit. Upon receipt of a formal withdrawal of the hearing request, DNRCD will issue public notice of the revised TSS limitations and the revised permit will therefore be routinely processed. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Sincerely, RUFUS L. EDMISTEN Attorney General James L. Harvey"Stuart Assistant Attorney General cle,: Mr. _ navi c7 1 _ Seh rea bcc: Page Benton A. C. Turn age Bi Mills rrest Westall Jim Mulligan Bill Ross/Thomas Hilliard MEMO. '6/ TO: DATE• 0 SUBJECT: J A✓i2 0A) j-eNj 4-Aid /e l - ' ' X----Aide,0 et. � ' ,BOD ' •�. f Ilk North Carolina Department of Natural Resources &Community Development RUFUS L. EDMIsTEN ATTORNEY GENERAL MEMO ttttE of por mot faaroLina pepartment of Justine P. O. Box 629 RALEIGH 27602 17 January 1980 TO: Page Benton A. C. Turnage Forrest Westall Jim Mulligan Bill Ross/Thomas Hilliard FROM: Harvey Stuart/-/5 RE: E. I. DuPont De Nemours and Company, Inc., Kinston Plant, NPDES Permit No. NC0003760, Administrative Hearing (AH WQ 79-6) - Pre -hearing Conference The pre -hearing conference in this matter was held on Thursday, January 17, 1980. As a result of this conference, a suggested settlement of this permit adjudication was discussed which would incorporate the following changes in the subject permit: 1. An increase in the applicable effluent limitations for Total Suspended Solids (TSS) to 790 lbs/day (average) and 1190 lbs/ day (maximum) . (This amendment would represent an increase in the TSS limitation as compared with the limitation contained in the permit as issued and is equal to the TSS limitation under the previous EPA -issued permit for this facility.) 2. Amend the BOD limitations to accurately reflect the agree- ment reached between DuPont and DEM during a December 6, 1978, meeting. (Apparently this limitation was erroneously listed on the permit as issued. I have asked Jim Mulligan to provide the correct value for this limitation.) Page Two You should note that I am of the opinion that the TSS limitation contained in the subject permit is legally indefensible for the reason that a revoked federal effluent limitation guideline was used to calculate the challenged TSS limitation using the pretext that the use of the revoked guideline was an exercise of "best engineering judgment." The applicable federal cases indicate that the regulating agency must have some credible technical evidence from which a valid engineering judgment can be derived in the absence of a lawfully promulgated technology -based guideline. In the absence of an inde- pendent technical basis for determining the TSS limitation, the State cannot substitute a revoked guideline in this case. You should also note that this permit is scheduled to expire on March 31, 1981, and that new federal effluent limitation guidelines for this industry will probably not be promulgated, at the earliest, until the time for the reissuance of this permit. Therefore, the net effect of agreeing to the old TSS limitation is to issue a short- term permit which is subject to re -opening upon promulgationof the applicable federal guidelines. I would appreciate your comments and an indication of TEEM' S position concerning the agreement to and formalization of the proposed settlement. The revised permit would, of course, go back to public notice because of the liberalized effluent limitation. /ck