HomeMy WebLinkAbout20070747 Ver 1_Emails_20140319Merritt, Katie From: Merritt, Katie Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2014 4:29 PM To: 'FlatSwampLLC' Subject: RE: Flat Swamp Follow Up Hey Bob, I got your message. Please see my comments to your questions in "Red" below. Have a great day! Thank you, I<atie From: FlatSwampLLC [ mailto :flatswampllc @comcast.net] Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2014 1:10 PM To: Merritt, Katie Subject: Re: Flat Swamp Follow Up Hi Katie, Good to hear from you. Yes, all is well, thank you for asking. June will be here before we know it and you will be a proud Mom again. Have you chosen a name or names? In reference to GreenVest and Flat Swamp Bank, Doug Lashley and I had a meeting last Friday on this subject. Doug is gathering the requested information to transfer the Maintenance to the Green Trust Alliance (GTA), however we have run into a few questions from GTA that we need your assistance on to address as we are unclear on them, they are: 1. We need to confirm with you /NCDWQ, is that we are only transferring the Maintenance responsibility to the GTA. This is correct, however, any issues that occur with the easement such as encroachment of any kind, will be their responsibility as well. This would include any court/legal fees that incur if there is an easement encroachment that requires replanting, etc. I also recommend notifying the Hunting Club about GTA's responsibility out there, because sometimes they don't realize there is a conservation easement protecting the trees /mitigated area. 2. What are the maintenance requirements and what is the reporting document to look like? Is an example available from NCDWQ? DWR does not have to get an annual maintenance form from GTA. GTA keeps their annual records in case we ever need them. Therefore we do not have a template document of what the form should look.like. My recommendation is to give Matthew Harrell with NCWHF (252- 299 -1655) a call and ask him for an example of what they use. Any major issues that come up during their annual reviews, need to be well documented (including photos) & reported to me via mail if rendered to be a water quality violation or is a concern of GTA's. Remember, GV /FS is giving GTA SS /endowment to make sure GTA abides by the Conservation Easement agreement and ensures the Bank is maintained accordingly. General Maintenance can include: - Managing any Beaver impoundments that could jeopardize the hydrology of the planted Bank - Ensuring encroachment of the easement has not occurred and remediating if necessary - Noting any ditch dredging where there shouldn't be and notifying DWR if noted (this could be a violation) - Making sure the conservation easement is being complied with (making sure no dumping, no destruction or removal of trees, no buildings are built, no fill is placed in streams, etc.). There is a list of "prohibited activities" written within the easement that GTA will have to be familiar with and make note of any noncompliance. GTA is then responsible for any remediation necessary, both financially and physically on site. -Best to have photos in the annual records. 3. How often is the Report due? required to keep annual records. 4. What date is the Report due to NCDWQ? n/a 5. Where can these requirements be found? n/a 6. Does GVFS need to review and sign the GTA Report, prior to submittal to NCDWQ? If not, at what management level at GTA needs to review and sign the Maintenance Report? This is left up to GVFS & GTA. We don't require GVFS to be involved after they have transferred the easement over to an approved landtrust /stewardship & GVFS has received their final lo% credit release. GVFS is only required to keep their ledgers up -to -date and be compliant on sales until all credits are sold. Can you assist me in addressing these questions? Thank you, M� Robert N. Kessler Managing Member GreenVest /Flat Swamp, LLC 4405 Dewees Court Raleigh, North Carolina 0 919- 943 -3374 - - - -- Original Message - - - -- From: Merritt, Katie To: Bob Kessler Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2014 10:44 AM Subject: Flat Swamp Follow Up Hi Bob, Hope all is going well! I know you are probably very busy prepping for the conference in Denver soon! I know it will be just as successful as the previous ones, which I thoroughly enjoyed coming to! I just wanted to send an email regarding where GreenVest was on the letter sent on November 20, 2013. This was the letter (see attached) that addressed the long term steward chosen by Green Vest for the Flat Swamp site. I will be going on Maternity Leave in June, and plan to be out for 3 months. Therefore, I just wanted to check in to see if there was any movement on prepping a response to the letter that may warrant my attention prior to my extended absence. Let me know if you need any assistance. Sincerely, Katie Katie Merritt Nutrient Offset Banking Coordinator NCDENR- Division of Water Resources Work: 919- 807 -6371 Website: http: / /portal.ncdenr.org /web /wq /401bufferpermitting Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties unless the content is exempt by statute or other regulation. APlease consider the environment before printing this email.