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NPDES DOCUMENT :SCANNING COVER SHEET NC0024333 Monroe WWTP NPDES Permit: Document Type: Permit Issuance Wasteload Allocation Authorization to Construct (AtC) Permit Modification Complete File - Historical Engineering Alternatives (EAA) Correspondence Owner Name Change Report Instream Assessment (67b) Speculative Limits Environmental Assessment (EA) Document Date: December 19, 1996 This document is printed on reuse paper - ignore any content on the reirerse side CITY OF MONROE P.O. BOX 69 • MONROE, NORTH CAROLINA 28111-0069 FAX 704-283-9098 December 19, 1996 Mr. David Goodrich, P. E., Supervisor NCDEHNR-DEM NPDES Group Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 RE: Preliminary Engineering Report for Proposed Expansion of Monroe Wastewater Treatment Plant from 9 MGD to 11 MGD NPDES Permit No. NC0024333 Dear Mr. Goodrich: Pursuant to the requirements of 15A NCAC 02H .0223 (1), please find enclosed for your review three copies of a preliminary engineering report prepared on behalf of the City of Monroe by Hazen & Sawyer, P. C. for a proposed expansion of the City's Wastewater Treatment Plant from 9.0 MGD to 11.0 MGD. We are also providing one copy of this same report with a copy of this letter directly to the Regional Supervisor, Mr. D. Rex Gleason, P. E., in your Mooresville office. If you have any questions on this report, please call Mr. Jim Cramer of Hazen & Sawyer at (919) 833- 7152 or call me at (704) 282-4601. ctfull Tom L. erick, ' . E. Director of Water Resources c: Mr. Jerry Cox Mr. Jim Cramer, P. E. Mr. D. Rex Gleason, P. E. Mr. Kim Hinson tom12961davg1217.doc 8 SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION The City of Monroe is served by a single wastewater treatment plant with a design capacity of 9.0 mgd. An expansion of the Monroe Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) from 7.0 mgd to 9.0 mgd was completed in January 1995. A study prepared by Hazen & Sawyer for the City of Monroe in 1992, prior to the most recent expansion, addressed planning and preliminary engineering for a two-phase expansion of the plant from 7.0 mgd to 9.0 mgd and then to 11.0 mgd. The current NPDES Permit (NC002433) for the Monroe Wastewater Treatment Plant reflects the planning performed at that time and provides effluent limits for 9.0 and 11.0 mgd. Based on current wastewater flows and flow projections for future growth, the City authorized this study to evaluate facilities required for the planned second phase expansion to 11.0 mgd and to comply with State requirements for submittal of a Preliminary Engineering Report when average annual flow at the plant increases to 80% of permitted capacity. Recommended facilities the proposed expansion are addressed in this report. The report includes an evaluation of process, hydraulic, site, and operational considerations and costs for the proposed expansion. REPORTSIMONRO EPERISECTION.1 1-1 HAZEN AND SAWYER Environmental Engineers & Scientists 0 i SECTION 2 EXISTING FACILITIES The Monroe Wastewater Treatment Plant is located at 775 Treeway Drive, off Walkup Avenue, in the eastern portion of the City of Monroe. The original plant was constructed in 1965 with a design capacity of 3.5 mgd. The plant was expanded to 7.0 mgd in 1976 and to 9.0 mgd in 1995. In addition, major improvements were constructed in 1984, 1989, and 1993 to provide further treatment enhancements and reliability to meet the increasingly stringent permit requirements which became effective at those times. Solids handling improvements consisting of new sludge pumps, rehabilitation of the Centrifuge Building, and a new 3.0 MG sludge .storage tank are currently under design and will be bid and constructed in 1997. 2.1 Existing Facilities The Monroe Wastewater Treatment Plant is located along Richardson Creek, just downstream of the confluence of Richardson Creek and Joe's Branch, at the eastern end of the Monroe City Limits. Richardson Creek is a significant tributary of the Rocky River, which then flows into the Pee Dee River at the boundary between Anson, Stanly, Montgomery, and Richmond Counties approximately 4.5 miles downstream of the Lake Tillery dam. Approximately 4 miles upstream of the discharge point on Richardson Creek is the Lake Lee dam, operated by the City of Monroe as a water supply impoundment. A second water supply impoundment, Lake Monroe, is on the Richardson Creek basin further upstream of Lake Lee. The City of Monroe operates a sewer collection system which conveys the wastewater to two Influent Pump Stations on the plant site. The two influent pump stations operate in parallel to pump flows for the collection system to the plant headworks. The wastewater from the sewer collection system is conveyed through REPORTSIMONROEPERISECTION.2 2-1 HAZEN AND SAWYER Environmental Engineers & Scientists f"°• major trunk interceptors along Richardson Creek, Bearskin Creek, and Stewart's Creek to parallel 54-inch and 30-inch pipelines along Richardson Creek, which then convey the wastewater to the Influent Pump Stations. The existing treatment plant provides tertiary treatment for a permitted capacity of 9.0 mgd. Pumped flow from the Influent Pump Stations is conveyed through three parallel force mains (16-inch, 20-inch and 24-inch diameter) to preliminary screening facilities. The screens consist of two fine -mesh rotary screens. In addition, a force main from the Union County East Side sewer collection system pumps flow directly to the Screening Building. Screenings and grit removed by the screens are dewatered and disposed of at the Union County Landfill. The screened flow can be diverted to a 4.15-million gallon flow equalization basin or flow directly to an aeration basin splitter box. A flow equalization basin pump station pumps flow from the flow equalization basin to the splitter box during lower flow periods. From the splitter box, flow is distributed to five aeration basins with fine bubble EPDM membrane diffuses. The aeration basin effluent is distributed to four secondary clarifiers. Each pair of clarifiers includes a return activated sludge (RAS) pumping station with three self priming pumps. Each RAS Pump Station has a single wet well for collecting both settled solids and scum from the clarifiers. The RAS and scum are returned to the aeration basin splitter box. The return activated sludge force mains also include valves for periodically wasting activated sludge to the aerobic digesters. The valves are manually operated as required to maintain the appropriate mixed liquor suspended solids concentration. Secondary clarifier effluent flows are combined in a common filter influent flume and distributed to six dual media tertiary filters. Filtered effluent is chlorinated and then flows through two chlorine contact tanks. The chlorine contact tank effluent is dechlorinated with sulfur dioxide, metered in a flow monitoring basin by a rectangular weir, and discharged through a cascade aeration flume before discharge to Richardson Creek. REPORTSIMONROEPERISECTION.2 2-2 HAZEN AND SAWYER Environmental Engineers & Scientists Existing solids handling facilities at the plant are being upgraded as part of a $1.3 million construction project scheduled for completion in 1997. The project includes new sludge pumps, rehabilitation of the Centrifuge Building, and construction of a 3.0 MG sludge storage tank. The upgraded solids handling facilities will consist of the following: 1. Waste activated sludge is pumped from the RAS Pump Station to Digesters 3 and 4 which are operated as aerobic digesters and thickeners. Solid concentrations as high as 6 to 8 percent solids are achieved in Digesters 3 and 4. 2. 0ne of the existing thickened sludge pumps is being replaced as part of the $1.3 million construction project with a progressing cavity pump for pumping solids at 6 to 8 percent concentration to the centrifuges or to other digester/storage tanks. 3. Thickened sludge will be pumped to the centrifuges for additional thickening as required. Operation of the centrifuges needs to be modified to provide a wetter cake to allow pumping of thickened sludge to Digester/Storage Tanks No. 1 and No. 2 and the new 3.0 MG sludge storage tank using progressing cavity pumps in the existing Centrifuge Building. The $1.3 million construction project also includes improvements to electrical enclosures and new walls and roof for the existing Centrifuge and Polymer Building, respectively, as an Alternate Bid, i.e., construction of the Centrifuge and Polymer Building improvements will depend on receiving bids within the City's budget. 4. Digestion and storage are provided in existing Digesters No. 1 and No. 2 and in the new 3.0 MG digester/storage tank. Flexibility is being provided as part of the $1.3 million construction project for transfer of REPO RTSIMO NRO EPERISECT1O N.2 2-3 HAZEN AND SAWYER Environmental Encino= & Scientists sludge among tanks, for adding lime to the sludge, and for loading trucks for land application from any one of the three digester/storage tanks. Lime will be added to liquid sludge to comply with Class B sludge disposal requirements at times when stabilization criteria is not otherwise satisfied by aerobic digestion. Design data for the existing facilities is summarized in Table 2-1. A process flow schematic for the existing plant is shown in Figure 2-1. 2.1.1 Liquid Treatment Facilities Influent Pump Stations Raw wastewater enters the two parallel influent pump stations from the parallel 54- inch and 30-inch interceptors, which are immediately upstream of the pump stations. Pump Station No. 1 includes four influent pumps, two variable speed and two constant speed, each with a capacity of 4.5 mgd. Pump Station No. 2 includes two variable speed influent pumps, with space for two additional pumps. Each pump has a capacity of 6.5 mgd. The present firm capacity of the combined stations is 24.5 mgd, including five pumps operating together with one of the larger 6.5 MGD pumps out of service. Influent flow is measured through four magnetic flow meters, one on each of the three parallel discharge force mains from the influent pump stations and the fourth on the County East Side force main carrying flow from an off -site Union County pump station. Preliminary Treatment Facilities Raw wastewater from the three force mains from the Influent Pump Stations and the County force main is combined before the flow is directed to the Screening Building. REPORTSIMONROEPERISECTION.2 2-4 HAZEN AND SAWYER Environmental Engineers & Scientists TABLE 2-1 DESIGN DATA EXISTING FACILITIES 9 MGD DESIGN CAPACITY Influent Pump Stations* Pump Station No. 1 Number of pumps Type Capacity of each pump, mgd Type of drive Pump Station No. 2 Number of pumps Type of pumps Design capacity of each pump, mgd Type of drive Total firm capacity, mgd Influent Flow Measurement Method of flow measurement Number Size, inches Rotary Screens Number Screen openings, inches Capacity of each screen, mgd Firm capacity, mgd Flow Equalization Basin Number of basins Dimensions at water surface Length, ft. Width, ft. 4 Centrifugal, non -clog 4.5 Constant speed (2), variable speed (2) 2 Centrifugal, non -clog 6.5 Variable speed 24.5 Magnetic flow meter 4 1 @ 8 (Union County) 1 @ 14 1 @ 16 1 @ 18 2 0.06 9 9 1 404 190 * The influent pump stations pump the wastewater from the City of Monroe only. Flow from Union County enters the plant directly upstream of the Screening Building. REPO RT S1M O N RO EPERISECTIO N.2 2-5 HAZEN AND SAWYER Environmental Engineers & Scientists TABLE 2-1 (CONTINUED) Flow Equalization Basin (continued) Average depth, ft. Side slope, horizontal to vertical Volume, mil. gal Aeration Basins Number Dimensions Length, ft. Width, ft. Sidewater depth, ft. Volume, each basin, mil. gal. Total volume, mil. gal. Detention time at design flow, hours Aeration System Type Type of diffusers Number of diffusers per basin Total number of diffusers Blowers Number Capacity of each blower, scfm Secondary Clarifiers Number Diameter, ft. Sidewater depth, ft. Total volume, mil. gal. Total surface area, ft.2 Overflow rate at design flow, gpd/ft.2 9 3:1 4.15 5 120 4@ 60 1 @ 90 16 4 @ 0.86 1 @ 1.29 4.74 12.6 Fine bubble diffused air Membrane 4 @ 1,060 1 @ 1,610 5,850 3 7,885 4 85 12 2.04 22,700 395 REPO RTSWO N RO EPERISECTI O N.2 2-6 HAZEN AND SAWYER Environmental Engineers & Scientists 1,0" TABLE 2-1 (CONTINUED) Return/Waste Activated Sludge Pumping Stations No. 1 and No. 2 Number of pumps, each station 3 Type Horizontal, centrifugal, non -clog, self priming Capacity of each pump, gpm (mgd) 1,630 (2.35) Total firm capacity, mgd 11.75 Type of drive Constant speed motor, adjustable sheaves Tertiary Filters Number 6 Type Dual media, w/ air scour Dimensions of each filter Length, ft. 24 Width, ft. 20 Depth of media Anthracite, in. 24 Sand, in. 12 Gravel, in. 18 Total surface area, ft.2 2,880 Filtration rate at design flow, gpm/ft.2 2.17 Backwash Supply Pumps Number 2 Capacity of each pump, mgd 14.1 Backwash Waste Pumps (to Flow Equalization Basin) Number 2 Capacity of each pump, mgd 13.8 Chlorine Feed Facilities Total ton container inventory capacity (including containers on manifolds) 10 Number of ton containers on manifolds 4 Normal withdrawal of chlorine Gas Number of chlorinators 2 Capacity, each, lb./day 500 Sulfur Dioxide Feed Facilities Total 150-lb cylinder inventory capacity (including cylinders on manifolds) 12 Number of 150-lb cylinders on manifolds 8 Number of scales 1 REPORTSIMONROEPERISECTION.2 2-7 HAZEN AND SAWYER Environmental Engineers & Scientists TABLE 2-1 (CONTINUED) Sulfur Dioxide Feed Facilities (continued) Number of cylinders on scale Normal withdrawal of sulfur dioxide Number of sulfonators Capacity, each, lb./day Chlorine Contact Tanks Number Total volume, gal. Detention time at design flow, min. Post Aeration Type Aerobic Digesters/Thickeners/Storage Tanks Number Dimensions of each digester Diameter, ft. Volume of each digester, mil. gal. Total volume, mil. gal Aeration and mixing system Type Digester/Storage Tank No. 1 Aerators Mixers Digester/Storage Tank No. 2 Aerators Mixers Digesters/Thickeners Nos. 3 and 4 Aerators Digester/Storage Tank No. 5 Aerators 2 Gas 2 100 2 222,470 36 Cascade 5 2 @ 65 1@80 1@115 1 @ 140 2@ 0.25 1@ 0.49 1@ 1.15 1@ 3.00 5.14 Mechanical, floating 1@ 40 HP, 2 @ 7.5 HP 2@ 7.5 HP 3@ 40 HP 1@ 40 HP 1 each @ 30 HP 3@ 60 HP REPORTSIMONROEPERISECTION.2 2-8 HAZEN AND SAWYER Environmental Engineers & S«arnissts TABLE 2-1 (CONTINUED) Centrifuge Dewatering Facilities Number of centrifuges Capacity of each unit, gpm (2% solids) 2 90 Sand Drying Beds (Backup) Number 15 Dimensions of each bed Length, ft. 120 Width, ft. 20 Total surface area, ft.2 36,000 Suspended solids loading, lb/ft.2-year 15 Solids loading capacity, lb/day 1,480 Vacuum Drying Beds (Not in Service) Number 2 Dimensions Length, ft. 40 Width, ft. 20 Total surface area, ft. 2 1,600 REPORTSIMONROEPERISECTION.2 2-9 HAZEN AND SAWYER Environmental Engineers & Scientists PLOT DATE 12 03 9. AM PLOT SCALE = 1:1 CAD FILE = H: DRAYANGS 3515-3 0&M 3515-007 b al. XREF FL. -1 NONE INFLUENT PUMPING STATIONS COUNTY FLOW METER CITY FLOW METERS CENTRATE ROTARY SCREENS SUPERNATANT AEROBIC DIGESTERS/ THICKENERS NO 3&4 uME� AEROBIC DIGESTER/ STORAGE TANK NO FLOW EQUALIZATION BASIN FILTER BACKWASH RETURN AERATION BASINS SPUTTER BOX WAS AERATION BASINS SECONDARY CLARIFIERS r L RAS I RAS PUMPING CENTRIFUGES AEROBIC DIGESTER/ STORAGE TANK NO 1 STATIONS 1 I P I AEROBIC DIGESTER/ r __.. STORAGE L TANK NO 5 f-L-• LIME L_— TRUCK LOADING PUMP LAND APPLICATION HAZENAND SAYERR Environmental Engineers & Scientists RALEIGH. NORTH CAROLINA J TERTIARY FILTERS FILTER BACKWASH LJ' LEGEND © PUMPS WASTEWATER FLOW — — SOLIDS FLOW CHLORINE CONTACT TANKS FLOW MEASUREMENT CASCADE AERATION EFFLUENT TO RICHARDSON CREEK CL2 S02 NPW MONROE WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT MONROE, NORTH CAROLINA EXISTING PLANT PROCESS FLOW SCHEMATIC roEN Incoming wastewater flows through two rotary screens, which remove solids which will not pass through the 0.06-inch screen openings. Rotation of the cylindrical screens directs the captured screenings to screw conveyors which then carry the solids to the screenings dumpster. Screenings are presently disposed of at the Union County Landfill. Flow Equalization Basin Screened effluent is conveyed by gravity from hoppers under the Screening Building to the aeration basin splitter box. Piping is also provided to convey excess flow to a separate splitter box with weir level control to convey the excess flow to flow equalization basin. The equalization basin may be filled and emptied under several control strategies, including equalizing diurnal flows, equalizing weekend vs. weekday flows, equalizing wet weather flows, or equalizing dry weather flows to equalize diurnal organic demands on the aeration basins. A flow equalization return pump station on the west end of the equalization basin returns flows to the aeration basin splitter box during low flow periods. In addition to equalization, the basin receives filter backwash wastewater from the filter backwash waste pumps at the tertiary filters. Aeration Basins Screened wastewater, including return flows from the flow equalization basin, is distributed to five aeration basins through the aeration basin splitter box. Aeration Basin No. 1 through 4 each have a volume of 0.86 million gallons, and Aeration Basin No. 5 has a volume of 1.29 million gallons. The total aeration basin volume is 4.74 million gallons, which provides a detention time of 12.6 hours at the plant design capacity of 9.0 mgd. Aeration basin effluent flows into effluent boxes and is then conveyed into a secondary clarifier splitter box. REPORTSIMONROEPERISECTION.2 2-10 HAZEN AND SAWYER Environmentsl Engineers & Scientists Airflow to the aeration basins is conveyed in a process air pipeline form the Blower Building. Two drop legs in each basin convey the airflow to fine bubble diffusers mounted on the floor of the basins. Aeration Basin No. 1 through 4 have each 1,060 diffusers and Aeration Basin No. 5 has 1,610 diffusers. Secondary Clarifiers A total of four secondary clarifiers are provided for settling of the activated sludge. The four clarifiers are operated in two parallel trains with two clarifiers in each train. Each clarifier is center feed, peripheral overflow -type, with suction -type solids collection and removal. Return Activated Sludge Pumping Stations f'"'N, Two return activated sludge (RAS) pumping station are provided, one for each pair of secondary clarifiers. Both pump stations pump return settled solids and scum from the secondary clarifiers to the aeration basin splitter box. Each station includes three pumps, and may operated continuously or intermittently based on timers. The combined RAS pump stations have a firm capacity of 11.75 mgd, or approximately 131 percent of plant design flow. The RAS pump stations are also used for wasting activated sludge to the aerobic digesters through manually -operated valves on the RAS and WAS piping. Tertiary Filters Six dual media tertiary filters with air scour are provided for final effluent polishing following the secondary clarifiers. Each filter has a total media depth of 36 inches, and is 24 feet long by 20 feet long by 20 feet wide. At the plant design flow of 9 mgd, the filters have a hydraulic loading rate of 2.17 gpm/ft2. Filter backwash is pumped from the influent end of the chlorine contact tanks by two filter backwash REPORTSIMONRO EPERIS£CTION.2 2-11 HAZEN AND SAWYER Environmental Engineers & Scientists rmaN supply pumps. Two separate vertical turbine filter backwash waste pumps are used to convey filter backwash wastewater to the flow equalization basin for return at a controlled rate to the aeration basin splitter box. Chlorination Facilities Chlorination facilities consist of a Chlorine Feed Building with two wall -mounted chlorinators, each with a capacity of 500 pounds per day. Adjacent to the building is a covered storage area with space for ten chlorine ton containers, four of which can be connected to a chlorine manifold. A vacuum regulator is provided at the end of the manifold to control vacuum feed to the chlorinators. No scales are provided for the ton containers. The duty chlorinator is flow -paced and conveys chlorine gas at a controlled rate to an injector, where the chlorine is mixed with water and then conveyed as chlorine solution to the chlorine contact tanks. Filtered effluent enters the chlorine contact tanks through a 30-inch pipeline to an influent chamber that also serves as a wet well for the filter backwash supply pumps and as the chlorine feed point. Chlorinated wastewater flows through the two parallel contact tanks which have a total volume of approximately 0.22 million gallons. The detention time is approximately 36 minutes at the plant design flow of 9.0 mgd. Dechlorination Facilities Dechlorination facilities consist of a Sulfur Dioxide Feed Building with two rooms. One room contains the sulfur dioxide cylinders and two wall -mounted vacuum regulators. The other room contains two wall -mounted sulfonators, each with a capacity of 100 pounds per day, and two sulfur dioxide injectors. Space is provided for eight 150-pound sulfur dioxide containers to be connected to a pair of manifolds, four connected to each vacuum regulator, and additional storage for empty or full containers. The regulators are connected by an automatic switchover device. REPO RTSIM O N RO EPERIS ECTIO N.2 2-12 HAZEN AND SAWYER Environmental Engineers & Scientists Sulfur dioxide solution is mixed with the plant effluent flow at the chlorine contact tank effluent box. The plant effluent flow is discharged to the effluent box from two rectangular weirs at the effluent end of the two contact tanks. Plant Effluent Discharge The plant effluent flow rate is measured by a rectangular weir and an effluent flow - proportional composite sample is taken in the effluent pipeline immediately upstream of the cascade aeration flume. The cascade aeration flume assures that the dissolved oxygen content in the discharge to Richardson Creek meets or exceeds NPDES permit requirements. 2.1.2 Solids Handling Facilities Solids treatment and disposal facilities consist of aerobic digestion for stabilization of waste activated sludge, centrifuges for solids thickening or dewatering, and storage of liquid sludge associated with contract land application of liquid sludge on privately - owned farms. Sand drying beds are available for backup dewatering and dewatered cake storage. Aerobic Digesters/Thickeners/Storage Tanks Five aerobic digesters/thickeners/storage tanks are provided for stabilization, thickening and storage of waste activated sludge. The aerobic digesters provide volume reduction by destruction of volatile solids and by decanting to achieve a solids concentration of approximately 6 to 8 percent. Decant water is conveyed by gravity to Influent Pump Station No. 1 for return to the liquid treatment process. REPORTSIMONROEPERISECTION.2 2-13 HAZEN AND SAWYER Environmental Engineers & Scientists Aerobic Digester/Storage Tank No. 1 has a diameter of 80 feet with a volume of 0.49 million gallons. Digester/Storage Tank No. 2 has a diameter of 115 feet with a volume of 1.15 million gallons. Digesters/Thickeners No. 3 and 4 each have a diameter of 65 feet with a volume of 0.25 million gallons. The new digester/storage tank (No. 5) has a diameter of 140 feet with a volume of 3.0 MG. The total volume of all digesters in approximately 5.14 million gallons. Except for Digester/Storage Tank No. 5, the aerobic digesters/thickeners/storage tanks are mixed and aerated using surface mechanical aerators, supplemented in Digester/Storage Tanks No. 1 and No. 2 by surface mixers. Digester/Storage Tank No. 1 includes a 40-HP aerator, - two 7.5-HP mixers and two 7.5-HP aerators. Digester/Storage Tank No. 2 includes one 40-HP mixer and three 40-HP aerators. Digester/Storage Tanks No. 3 and 4 each include one 30-HP aerator. Two 200-HP blowers and a diffused air aeration system are currently proposed in new Digester/Storage Tank No. 5. Piping interconnections allow several treatment schemes. Normally, waste activated sludge is first conveyed to either Digester/Thickeners No. 3 or No. 4, where most of the thickening takes place. Solids are then conveyed to the centrifuges and thickened sludge stored in Digesters/Storage Tanks No. 1, 2, and 5. Centrifuges Two centrifuges are provided for dewatering or thickening of digested solids. The centrifuges each have a capacity of 90 gpm and, with cationic polymer conditioning, produce a dewatered cake with a solids concentration of approximately 15 percent. The dewatered cake is currently trucked to a solids lagoon; however, after completion of the current $1.3 million sludge handling improvements project, thickened sludge will be pumped from the centrifuges to Digester/Storage Tanks No. 1, No. 2 or No. 5. Centrate is returned by gravity to Influent Pump Station No. 1. Each centrifuge is fed REPO RTSIMO N RO EPERISECTI O N.2 2-14 HAZEN AND SAWYER Environmental Engineers Sr Scientists by a new centrifuge feed pump, which is being replaced as part of the $1.3 million solids handling improvements project. Polymer storage, mixing and aging is provided for either liquid or dry polymer. Solids Lagoon An existing lagoon is currently used to store solids before being removed for land application. The solids lagoon has a capacity of approximately 4.5 million gallons. Biosolids are pumped from the lagoon to a tanker truck for land application at a solids concentration of approximately 8 percent. Dilution is achieved either by rainfall during storage, or by blending unthickened digested biosolids from Digester No. 1 to provide a thickened slurry suitable for pumping. Sand Drying Beds Fifteen sand drying beds are provided, two for backup dried cake storage and thirteen for backup dewatering. The sand drying beds are each 120 feet long by 20 feet wide, for a total area of 4800 ft2 for storage and 31,200 ft2 for dewatering. The sand drying beds have a design loading rage of 15 lb/ft2 per year, for a total of 234 dry tons per year. Biosolids removed from the drying beds are also removed from the plant site for beneficial use by land application. Two vacuum drying beds are no longer in use. 2.2 Influent and Effluent Wastewater Characteristics and Design Data Wastewater characteristics of significance in the design and operation of wastewater treatment facilities include flow; conventional parameters , including BOD, ammonia nitrogen, and total suspended solids; toxic parameters, such as heavy metals, cyanide, and total toxic organics; and large solids and floating material. REPORTSIMONROEPERISECTION.2 2-15 HAZEN AND SAWYER Environmental Engineers Si Scientists Influent and effluent data for the Monroe Wastewater Treatment Plant from January 1993 through September 1996 is summarized in Tables 2-2 and 2-3. Based on the data presented in Table 2-2, influent wastewater concentrations for BOD5, TSS and ammonia nitrogen (NH3 N) have increased each year. This is due to increased wastewater loadings from the industries discharge to the Monroe WWTP. The most recent 12-month period was evaluated to determine annual average and maximum month influent wastewater characteristics. Influent data for the 12-month period from October 1995 through September 1996 is presented in Table 2-4. From a review of the influent data for October 1995 through September 1996, design average daily influent BOD5 and TSS concentrations are projected to be 380 influent and 430 mg/L, respectively. Design average daily TKN and NI-13-N concentrations are estimated at 31.5 and 21 mg/L, respectively. Maximum month influent BOD5 and TSS concentrations are 450 and 480 mg/L, respectively. Maximum month TKN and NH3-N concentrations are 36 and 24 mg/L, respectively. Maximum month influent BOD concentrations at the Monroe WWTP have increased from 217 mg/L in 1992 to 450 mg/L in 1996, representing more than double the BOD loading at the plant over the past 4 years based on increases in concentration alone. A maximum month to annual average flow ratio of 1.17 was assigned based on data over the 12-month period. A 2.5 ratio was assigned for peak day flow, except for the influent pump stations which were assigned a peak day flow ratio of 3.0. From a review of the three years of data, peak influent flows in excess of 2.5 were all associated with heavy rainfall events. REPORTSIMONROEPERISECT1ON.2 2-16 HAZEN AND SAWYER Environmental Engineers & Scientists TABLE 2-2 MONROE WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT INFLUENT CHARACTERISTICS Month Flow BOD5 BOD5 TSS TSS NH3-N NH3-N (MGD) (mgll) (lb/day) (mg/I) (Ib/day) (mg/I) (lb/day) Jan-93 8.90 182.8 13571.6 218.1 16192.3 11.9 883.5 Feb-93 7.60 232.1 14703.7 262.1 16604.2 14.5 918.6 Mar-93 9.16 199.1 15201.8 214.9 16408.2 10.7 817.0 Apr-93 7.25 225.1 13608.8 196.1 11855.6 15.2 918.9 May-93 5.33 257.8 11451.2 269.1 11953.1 19.8 879.5 Jun-93 4.60 238.7 9165.4 242.8 9322.9 23.1 887.0 Jul-93 4.79 161.3 6442.4 167.7 6698.0 24.9 994.5 Aug-93 5.12 148.0 6324.7 168.0 7179.3 23.0 982.9 Sep-93 5.19 143.0 6183.7 155.0 6702.6 22.0 951.3 Oct-93 5.39 220.0 9884.1 212.0 9524.6 22.0 988.4 Nov-93 5.93 265.0 13105.9 274.0 13551.0 25.5 1261.1 Dec-93 6.84 346.0 19746.4 334.0 19061.6 20.0 1141.4 Jan-94 7.63 262.0 16672.2 332.0 21126.6 15.5 986.3 Feb-94 8.23 327.0 22444.7 315.0 21621.0 16.0 1098.2 Mar-94 7.53 276.0 17332.9 230.0 14444.0 16.6 1042.5 Apr-94 5.66 261.0 12320.3 246.0 11612.3 22.4 1057.4 May-94 5.51 211.0 9696.2 186.0 8547.3 18.0 827.2 Jun-94 6.25 166.0 8652.8 145.0 7558.1 21.0 1094.6 Jul-94 5.99 187.7 9376.9 275.0 13738.1 23.2 1159.0 Aug-94 6.55 274.3 14984.2 350.7 19157.7 22.8 1245.5 Sep-94 6.88 231.0 13254.6 279.0 16008.8 23.8 1365.6 Oct-94 6.65 344.0 19078.6 610.0 33831.2 21.7 1203.5 Nov-94 5.97 341.0 16978.3 702.0 34952.4 25.0 1244.7 Dec-94 6.87 315.0 18048.2 453.0 25955.0 17.6 1008.4 Jan-95 7.70 247.0 15861.8 217.0 13935.3 16.0 1026.2 Feb-95 9.16 286.3 21881.3 259.5 19833.0 16.3 1245.0 Mar-95 7.88 265.0 17415.6 381.0 25039.0 18.4 1209.2 Apr 95 5.61 332.0 15533.4 441.0 20633.2 28.6 1338.1 May-95 5.94 308.0 15258.2 443.0 21946.0 25.7 1273.2 Jun-95 6.95 298.0 17273.0 388.0 22489.6 21.6 1252.0 Jul-95 5.93 364.0 18002.1 350.0 17309.7 31.0 1533.1 Aug-95 7.26 230.0 13928.6 407.8 24696.1 24.9 1509.7 Sep-95 6.72 329.3 18443.7 415.5 23275.2 23.7 1324.8 Oct-95 8.06 276.2 18566.3 296.8 19951.0 20.0 1343.1 Nov-95 7.78 310.0 20114.4 388.0 25175.5 16.8 1090.1 Dec-95 6.34 366.0 19352.5 492.0 26014.8 21.6 1142.1 Jan-96 9.10 334.0 25348.6 439.0 33317.5 12.7 963.9 Feb-96 8.26 392.0 27004.3 420.0 28933.1 21.8 1501.8 1993 Average 6.34 218.2 11615.8 226.2 12087.8 19.4 968.7 1993 Max Month 9.16 346.0 19746.4 334.0 19061.6 25.5 1261.1 Ratio 1.4 1.6 1.7 1.5 1.6 1.3 1.3 1994 Average 6.64 266.3 14903.3 343.6 19046.0 20.3 1111.1 1994 Max Month 8.23 344.0 22444.7 702.0 34952.4 25.0 1365.6 Ratio 1.2 1.3 1.5 2.0 1.8 1.2 1.2 1995 Average 7.11 301.0 17635.9 373.3 21691.5 22.0 1273.9 1995 Max Month 9.16 366.0 21881.3 492.0 26014.8 31.0 1533.1 Ratio 1.3 1.2 1.2 1.3 1.2 1.4 1.2 TABLE 2-3 INFLUENT AND EFFLUENT CHARACTERISTICS FOR CONVENTIONAL POLLUTANTS Influent Effluent Removal Effluent Influent Effluent Removal • Effluent Influent Effluent Removal Effluent BOO BOD Rate BOD Limit TSS TSS Rate TSS Limit NH3-N NH3-N Rate NH3-N Limit Month (mgA) (mgA) BOD (mgA) (mgA) (lb/day) TSS (mgA) (mgA) (mgA) NH3-N (mgA) Jan-93 182.8 7.7 95.81% 21.0 218.1 25.6 88.26% 30.0 11.9 5.32 55.29% 6.0 Feb-93 232.1 12.3 94.71% 21.0 262.1 28.2 89.26% 30.0 14.5 8.29 42.83% 6.0 Mar-93 199.1 13.9 93.04% 21.0 214.9 21.7 89.90% 30.0 10.7 3.23 69.81% 6.0 Apr-93 225.1 9.0 96.02% 21.0 196.1 15.9 91.89% 30.0 15.2 2.06 86.45% 6.0 May-93 257.8 2.9 98.88% 21.0 269.1 15.8 94.13% 30.0 19.8 5.51 72.17% 6.0 Jun-93 238.7 4.0 98.32% 21.0 242.8 9.0 96.29% 30.0 23.1 7.36 68.14% 6.0 Jul-93 161.3 6.2 96.14% 21.0 167.7 10.0 94.04% 30.0 24.9 6.60 73.49% 6.0 Aug-93 148.0 7.1 95.20% 21.0 168.0 16.0 90.48% 30.0 23.0 1.50 93.48% 6.0 Sep-93 143.0 5.8 95.94% 21.0 155.0 18.2 88.26% 30.0 22.0 2.60 88.18% 6.0 0c1-93 220.0 8.3 96.23% 21.0 212.0 26.0 87.74% 30.0 22.0 1.90 91.36% 6.0 Nov-93 265.0 9.6 96.40% 21.0 274.0 20.0 92.70% 30.0 25.5 1.10 95.69% 6.0 Dec-93 346.0 13.1 96.21% 21.0 334.0 28.5 91.47% 30.0 20.0 1.26 93.70% 6.0 Jan-94 262.0 10.2 96.11% 21.0 332.0 17.0 94.88% 30.0 15.5 1.10 92.90% 6.0 Feb-94 327.0 19.0 94.19% 21.0 315.0 27.0 91.43% 30.0 16.0 1.00 93.75% 6.0 Mar-94 276.0 8.5 96.92% 21.0 230.0 11.7 94.91% 30.0 16.6 3.40 79.52% 6.0 Apr-94 261.0 5.0 98.09% 21.0 246.0 4.5 98.17% 30.0 22.4 0.39 98.26% 6.0 May-94 211.0 4.1 98.06% 10.0 186.0 3.4 98.17% 30.0 18.0 0.00 100.00% 3.0 Jun-94 166.0 3.9 97.65% 10.0 145.0 3.8 97.38% 30.0 21.0 0.00 100.00% 3.0 Jul-94 187.7 5.2 97.25% 10.0 275.0 8.4 96.96% 30.0 23.2 0.00 100.00% 3.0 Aug-94 274.3 3.3 98.80% 10.0 350.7 4.0 98.86% 30.0 22.8 0.13 99.43% 3.0 Sep-94 231.0 2.8 98.79% 10.0 279.0 4.1 98.53% 30.0 23.8 0.00 100.00% 3.0 0ct-94 344.0 2.7 99.22% 10.0 610.0 3.7 99.39% 30.0 21.7 0.00 100.00% 3.0 Nov-94 341.0 2.1 99.38% 20.0 702.0 3.6 99.49% 30.0 25.0 0.00 100.00% 6.0 Dec-94 315.0 3.1 99.01% 20.0 453.0 4.9 98.93% 30.0 17.6 0.33 98.13% 6.0 Jan-95 247.0 3.4 98.64% 10.0 217.0 3.0 98.62% 30.0 16.0 0.09 99.44% 4.0 Feb-95 286.3 7.4 97.42% 10.0 259.5 35.6 86.28% 30.0 16.3 0.05 99.69% 4.0 Mar-95 265.0 5.1 98.08% 10.0 381.0 6.0 98.43% 30.0 18.4 0.18 99.02% 4.0 Apr-95 332.0 5.0 98.49% 5.0 441.0 4.0 99.09% 30.0 28.6 0.36 98.74% 2.0 May-95 308.0 3.4 98.90% 5.0 443.0 4.0 99.10% 30.0 25.7 0.06 99.75% 2.0 Jun-95 298.0 4.7 98.42% 5.0 388.0 3.0 99.23% 30.0 21.6 0.13 99.40% 2.0 Ju1.95 364.0 4.5 98.76% 5.0 350.0 6.0 98.29% 30.0 31.0 0.05 99.84% 2.0 Aug-95 230.0 5.2 97.75% 5.0 407.8 10.6 97.40% 30.0 24.9 0.06 99.76% 2.0 Sep-95 329.3 4.5 98.64% 5.0 415.5 4.4 98.94% 30.0 23.7 0.08 99.67% 2.0 0ct-95 276.2 3.5 98.75% 5.0 296.8 8.3 97.21% 30.0 20.0 0.13 99.36% 2.0 Nov-95 310.0 2.0 99.34% 10.0 388.0 5.5 98.60% 30.0 16.8 0.04 99.76% 4.0 Dec-95 366.0 2.1 99.42% 10.0 492.0 7.0 98.58% 30.0 21.6 0.10 99.54% 4.0 Jan-96 334.0 4.8 98.57% 10.0 439.0 9.0 97.95% 30.0 12.7 0.10 99.21% 4.0 Feb-98 392.0 7.0 98.22% 10.0 420.0 10.0 97.62% 30.0 21.8 0.08 99.63% 4.0 Mar-96 448.0 4.4 99.03% 10.0 462.0 7.0 98.48% 30.0 19.5 0.05 99.74% 4.0 Apr-96 416.0 2.9 99.30% 7.3 526.0 4.0 99.24% 30.0 20.5 0.29 98.59% 1.0 May-96 412.0 5.0 98.79% 7.3 320.0 5.0 98.44% 30.0 25.6 0.05 99.80% 1.0 Jun-96 469.0 4.6 99.01% 7.3 377.0 4.0 98.94% 30.0 29,6 0.08 99.73% 1.0 JuI-98 395.0 4.5 98.86% 7.3 588.0 3.0 99.49% 30.0 26.1 0.07 99.73% 1.0 Aug-96 382.0 2.2 99.43% 7.3 886.0 2.3 99.74% 30.0 22.9 0.04 99.83% 1.0 Sep-96 332.0 3.4 98.97% 7.3 336.0 5.0 98.51 % 30.0 17.0 0.06 99.65% 1.0 TABLE 2-4 MONROE WUVfP INFLUENT WASTEWATER CHARACTERISTICS MONTH FLOW BOD5 TSS NH3-N mgd mg/L lb/day mg/L lb/day mg/L lb/day OCT 95 8.06 276 18,566 297 19,951 20.0 1,344 NOV 95 7.78 310 20,114 388 25,175 16.8 1,090 DEC 95 6.34 366 19,352 492 26,015 21.6 1,142 JAN 96 9.01 334 25,098 439 32,988 12.7 954 FEB 96 8.26 392 27,004 420 28,933 21.8 1,502 MAR 96 8.85 448 33,066 462 34,100 19.5 1,439 APR 96 8.08 416 28,033 526 35,446 20.5 1,381 MAY 96 7.24 412 24,877 320 19,322 25.6 1,546 JUN 96 7.15 469 27,967 377 22,481 29.6 1,765 JUL 96 6.77 395 22,302 588 33,200 26.1 1,474 AUG 96 6.62 382 21,091 496 27,385 22.9 1,264 SEP 96 6.94 332 19,216 336 19,448 17.0 984 1995-96 AVG 7.59 378 23,891 428 27,037 21.2 1,324 MAX 9.01 469 33,066 588 35,446 29.6 1,765 MIN 6.34 276 18,566 297 19,322 12.7 954 2.3 Existing Treatment Plant Performance Performance data showing conventional parameter influent and effluent characteristics for the period from January 1993 to September 1996 is summarized in Table 2-3 above. Effluent characteristics for heavy metals, cyanide, and effluent toxicity for January 1995 through October 1996 are summarized in Table 2-5. The Monroe Wastewater Treatment Plant operated under an SOC during the first part of this review period, from January 1993 through April 1994. Performance data between May 1994 and December 1994 is for a plant upgraded to meet higher effluent quality standards at a capacity of 7.0 mgd. Data since January 1995 is for the expanded plant capacity of 9.0 mgd. The effluent data from May 1994 reveals consistently good performance of the treatment plant. There have been no violations of the ammonia nitrogen limit since the plant upgrade was completed in 1994. Since May 1994, there has been only one BOD excursion, a 5.17 mg/L monthly average concentration in August 1995 (the limit was then 5 mg/L). However, when combined with the ammonia nitrogen effluent concentration, the combined oxygen demand of the effluent was less than the total allowed (the plant NPDES permit has since been revised to summer limits of 7.3 mg/L for BOD and 1.0 mg/L for ammonia nitrogen). The only other excursions during this period was for total suspended solids in February 1995, when a washout of the secondary clarifiers occurred during an intense storm event; one failed chronic toxicity test in December 1995, which was resampled the following week and passed; and two months of heavy rainfall when the monthly average flow exceeded 9.0 mgd. The plant has consistently met all permit limits for pH, fecal coliforms, dissolved oxygen, heavy metals and cyanide. Since dechlorination facilities were placed on line in January 1995, the plant effluent has met the stringent residual chlorine effluent limit, allowing the first 30 days for start-up and "debugging" the new equipment. REPORTSIMO NROEPERISECTION.2 2-20 HAZEN AND SAWYER Environmental Engineers & Scientists TABLE 2-5 EFFLUENT CHARACTERISTICS* Cadmium Lead Nickel Cyanide Chronic Month (ug/I) (ug/I) (ug/I) (ug/I) Toxicity Jan-95 < 1 24 15 4 Feb-95 2 10 < 10 3 Mar-95 1 6 < 10 5 Pass Apr-95 <1 7 <10 5 May-95 < 1 15 15 5 Jun-95 < 1 10 13 7 Pass JuI-95 2 32 < 13 5 Aug-95 1.75 < 25 < 13 4 Sep-95 2 < 25 60 4 Pass Oct-95 2 < 25 < 10 < 2 Nov-95 < 2 < 25 25 < 2 Dec-95 < 2 8 100 3 Fail,Pass Jan-96 < 2 11 130 4 Feb-96 < 2 < 25 27 2 Mar-96 < 2 < 25 8 < 2 Apr-96 2 2 15 3 Pass May-96 3 5 3 6 Jun-96 < 1 < 2 110 5 Jul-96 < 1 < 5 8 3 Pass Aug-96 < 1 < 5 12 4 Sep-96 < 1 < 5 6 3 Oct-96 < 1 < 5 < 5 3.2 Pass *Daily maximum value in each month 2.4 Future Effluent Limits As referenced above, the plant effluent limits were amended in March 1996 based on an accepted formula for total ultimate oxygen demand from carbonaceous BOD (BOD5) and nitrogenous BOD (ammonia nitrogen). The BOD5 limit is now 7.3 mg/L during the summer months and 14.6 mg/L during the winter months. The ammonia nitrogen limit is 1.0 mg/L in the summer and 2.0 mg/L in the winter. Other present limits include a monthly average of 30 mg/L for total suspended solids, a pH between 6.0 and 9.0, a minimum dissolved oxygen of 6.0 mg/L, residual chlorine of 17 ug/L, a fecal coliform monthly geometric mean of 200 colonies per 100 mg/L, and metal and cyanide limits as follows: 2 ug/L cadmium, 25 ug/L for lead, 88 ug/L for nickel, 5 ug/L for cyanide. The existing permit includes the same effluent limits for 11.0 mgd as are presently in effect at 9.0 mgd. The existing permit expires November 1, 1999. The N.C. Division of Water Quality is presently sampling and analyzing the Yadkin -Pee Dee River Basin under the basinwide management program and does not expect to have tentative conclusions from this study before 1997. While it cannot be determined at this time if any effluent limits will be changed when the permit is issued, one possible area of concern is total nitrogen and phosphorus. Since this decision is unknown at this time, this report recommends a plan for the plant expansion to 11 mgd based on the limits in the present permit. REPO RTSIMO N RO EPERISECT1O N.2 2-22 HAZEN AND SAWYER Environmental Engineers & Saantists SECTION 3 EVALUATION OF ALTERNATIVES FOR TREATMENT PLANT EXPANSION 3.1 Future Wastewater Flows Wastewater flow projections for the Monroe WWTP are shown in Table 3-1. The projections are based on growth projections provided by the City of Monroe Water Resources Department for the City of Monroe and for Union County's East Side collection system. These projections indicate that the Monroe Wastewater Treatment Plant annual average flow will exceed 80 percent of the current 9.0 mgd permitted capacity in 1996, 90 percent of the current capacity in 2000, and 100 percent of the current capacity by 2005. The projections in Table 3-1 assume that Union County will expand the capacity of its East Side collection system to accommodate its growth and will continue to discharge all flows from this service area to the Monroe Wastewater Treatment Plant. Based on this assumption, plant flows (maximum month) are expected to reach 11.0 mgd by the year 2007 and 14 mgd by the year 2020. However, Union County has not made a commitment at this time to expand its collection system and increase its flow to the Monroe Wastewater Treatment Plant. Union County has initiated discussion with the City of Monroe but no agreement has been completed. If the County does not expand the capacity of its collection system to the Monroe Plant, it is projected that County discharge to the Monroe Plant would never exceed an annual average flow of 1.5 mgd (based on an existing contract for a maximum month flow of 1.95 mgd and a maximum month to average annual ratio of 1.3). REPO RTSIMO N RO EPERISECTIO N.3 3-1 HAZE AND SAWYER Environmental Engineers & Scientists TABLE 3-1 MONROE WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT FLOW PROJECTIONS ANNUAL AVERAGE FLOWS YEAR CITY OF MONROE COLLECTION SYSTEM (MGD) Actual Data: 1993 1994 1995 Projected Data: 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 4.97 5.27 5.69 5.98 6.28 6.40 6.53 6.66 6.79 6.93 7.07 7.21 7.35 7.50 7.65 7.80 7.96 8.12 8.28 8.45 8.61 8.79 8.96 9.14 9.32 9.51 9.70 9.90 UNION COUNTY EAST SIDE COLLECTION SYSTEM (MGD) TOTAL ANNUAL AVERAGE FLOW (MGD) 1.37 6.34 1.37 6.64 1.42 7.11 1.45 1.48 1.50 1.53 1.57 1.60 1.63 1.66 1.69 1.73 1.76 1.80 1.83 1.87 1.91 1.95 1.99 2.03 2.07 2.11 2.15 2.19 2.24 2.28 2.33 7.42 7.75 7.91 8.06 8.23 8.39 8.56 8.73 8.90 9.08 9.26 9.45 9.64 9.83 10.03 10.23 10.43 10.64 10.85 11.07 11.29 11.52 11.75 11.98 12.22 Assumptions: 1. Assumes City growth in flow at 5% for 1996 and 1997; 2% per year from 1998-2020 2. Assumes County growth at 2% per year; also assumes County will expand capacity of collection system to continue to use Monroe WWTP for all treatment. 3. It is noted that Union County has recently completed a sewer master plan study which has a more aggressive growth scenario than shown above. Projected County flow in 2015 is 2.83 MGD average annual flow and 5.84 MGD peak flow. City and County have not negotiated a contract for this more aggressive growth scenario at this time. 4. Maximum month to annual average flow ratio is approximately 1.17. TOTAL MAXIMUM MONTH FLOW (MGD) 9.16 8.23 9.16 8.65 9.03 9.22 9.40 9.59 9.78 9.98 10.18 10.38 10.59 10.80 11.02 11.24 11.46 11.69 11.93 12.16 12.40 12.65 12.91 13.16 13.43 13.70 13.97 14.25 raik This planning study assumes a plant expansion by the City of Monroe to 11.0 mgd, which would be adequate until 2009 based on the City's current flow projections and no increase in the County's contract. 3.2 1992 Planning Study In 1992, Hazen & Sawyer prepared a planning study for the City of Monroe which provided for a two-phase expansion of the Monroe Wastewater Treatment Plant to 9.0 mgd and 11.0 mgd, of which the first phase of construction is completed. Many of the facilities constructed in this first phase, and all piping and electrical modifications, were intended to accommodate the future second phase expansion. Recommendations from the 1992 study for the second phase expansion included the following: (1) the addition of a sixth aeration basin with piping to connect to the existing aeration basin influent splitter box and secondary clarifier influent splitter box, (2) addition of a fourth centrifugal blower with piping connections, space and electrical connections provided to accommodate the fourth blower, (3) the addition of a pump in the new influent raw wastewater pump station (No. 2), (4) the addition of a third rotary screen, and (5) modifications to the chlorination facilities to increase chlorine feed capacity. Since the 1992 study, increases in BOD loading to the wastewater treatment plant from area industries, increases in wet weather flows, additional wear on equipment, and changing regulations require a revision of the second phase expansion facilities originally recommended. The following areas have been addressed in updating the City's previous plan for expansion to 11.0 mgd: (1) Recent records have shown that the peak day flows to the wastewater treatment plant during intense but infrequent rainfall events can exceed the 2.5 ratio to plant design average annual flow assumed in the 1992 study. REPORTSIMONROEPERISECT1ON.3 3-3 HAZENv AND SAWYER Environmental Engineers & Scientists (2) Recent records have shown that the maximum month to average month flow ratio of 1.3 assumed in 1992 has decreased and current design criteria should be based on a ratio of 1.17. (3) Influent concentrations for BOD5, NH3-N, and TSS have increased significantly since 1992, resulting in revised design criteria for these parameters for the proposed plant expansion. (4) Improvements are needed to insure reliability of equipment. The following sections of this report discuss the evaluations of the required expansion facilities for 11 mgd with consideration of the above issues. 3.3 Evaluation of Alternatives and Recommendations influent Pumping Stations In order to pump wastewater from the City of Monroe collection system to the treatment plant processes or to the flow equalization basin, sufficient capacity will be required to meet a firm pumping capacity of 3.0 times the maximum month flow. Assuming a maximum month flow of 1.95 mgd continues to be reserved for the County East Side collection system under the existing contract, the maximum month influent pumping rate from the City collection system is 9.05 mgd. With a peak flow rate of 3.0 times 9.05 mgd, the influent pump stations must have a firm capacity of approximately 27 mgd. Since the present firm capacity is 24.5 mgd, one additional pump with a capacity of 6.5 mgd should be added for the plant expansion. The .existing parallel 16-inch, 20-inch, and 24-inch force mains have been evaluated and have been determined to have adequate capacity for conveying the increased firm pumping capacity. REPO RTSIMO N RO EPERISECTIO N.3 3-4 HAZEN AND SAWYER Environmental Engineers & Scientists Preliminary Screening The two existing rotary screens each have a capacity of 9.0 mgd. As part of the plant expansion, a third screen of the same capacity as the existing screens should be added. The new screen will be a fine screen and will be located in a separate structure near the Blower Building. This will provide a screening capacity of 27.0 mgd, or a firm capacity of 18.0 mgd. A diversion box already exists to allow the operators to divert peak flow around the existing screens. It will remain in service after the plant expansion to allow the plant to handle the highest peak flows expected. Flow Equalization Basin The existing flow equalization basin is a clay -lined unaerated lagoon on the east side of the treatment plant, with a storage capacity of 4.15 million gallons. Operating experience indicates that additional equalization volume is required to accommodate current peak wet weather flows. In addition, increased BOD loadings have reduced the safety factor for nitrification from 2.0 to 1.0 at 9.0 mgd permitted capacity. Diurnal and wet weather flow equalization is required at a safety factor for nitrification of 1.0 to consistently meet NPDES permit requirements. An evaluation of wet weather flow data for the 21-month period from January 1995 through September 1996 was conducted to determine flow equalization basin capacity for proposed plant expansion. Hourly peak flows for the ten wettest days over this period were evaluated. A maximum peak flow of 15 mgd after flow equalization was assumed based on operating experience for the existing secondary clarifiers. Based on this evaluation, a total flow equalization basin capacity of 5.0 million gallons is recommended for the proposed plant expansion to 11 mgd. REPORTSIMO NROEPERISECTION.3 3-5 HAZEN AND SAWYER Environmental Engineers & Scientists The increased flow equalization basin capacity will provide other advantages besides equalization of peak flows. It may also be used to equalize blower electrical loads, or improve "peak shaving", by lowering the oxygen demand on the plant during peak electrical demand periods. Aeration Basins Two new aeration basins will be required to provide nitrification at 11.0 mgd. The additional basins will be located south of Secondary Clarifiers No. 1 and No. 2. The two new aeration basins will each be the same size as the existing Aeration Basin No. 5. The two basins, in combination with the existing basins, will provide a total aeration basin capacity of 7.33 million gallons and a detention time of 16.0 hours at the plant design flow of 11.0 mgd. The existing and new aeration basins will provide complete nitrification at maximum month design loadings at a temperature of 14°C, a pH of 6.8, and a DO of 2.0 mg/L, with a safety factor of approximately 1.0. The need for two aeration basins for 11 mgd instead of one, as proposed in the 1992 study, is due to the increased loadings to the Monroe Plant from industrial sources. The activated sludge influent BODS concentration has more than doubled since the time of the 1992 study. The existing aeration basin splitter box will be modified to distribute flow evenly to all basins based on equal detention time. The effluent box at the end of Aeration Basins No. 1 through 4 will be modified, as necessary, to receive the effluent from the new aeration basins and convey the flow to the secondary clarifier splitter box. New piping will be constructed from the aeration basin influent splitter box and the aeration basin effluent box to the new aeration basins. REPORTSIMO N RO EPERISECTI ON.3 3-6 HAZEN AND SAWYER Environmental Engineers & Scientists Aeration Blowers The Blower Building presently includes three centrifugal blowers, each with a capacity of 7,885 scfm, for a firm capacity of 15,770 scfm. The present building also has space for a fourth blower. The airflow requirements for an 11.0 mgd plant based upon design loading conditions discussed above is approximately 32,000 scfm. Two new 7,885-scfm blowers will ultimately be required to meet this need. For the purpose of this study, the price for one new blower is included as part of the expansion, assuming that the fifth blower is deferred until the time it is actually needed. Only a minor amount of air piping within and immediately outside of the Blower Building will be required to add the fourth blower. The suction and discharge piping are already sized for this additional blower and the manifolds designed to accommodate the additional connection. A new blower building or a blower building extension would be required for a fifth blower. Secondary Clarifiers The four existing secondary clarifiers have adequate capacity for the proposed plant expansion to 11 mgd. The four clarifiers will have surface overflow rate of 480 gpd/ft.2 at the expanded flow capacity of 11 mgd. RAS Pump Stations The existing RAS pumps provide a firm pumping capacity of 11.75 mgd. A firm pumping capacity of 100 percent of plant design flow, or 11 mgd, is recommended for nitrification activated sludge facilities. REPO RTSIMO N RO EPERISECTiO N.3 3-7 HAZEN AND SAWYER Environmental Engineers & Scientists Tertiary Filters The six existing tertiary filters are performing satisfactorily and have adequate capacity for the expanded plant flow of 11 mgd. The existing filters will have a hydraulic loading rate of 2.65 gpm/ft.2 at the design flow of 11 mgd. Chlorination/Dechlorination Facilities The existing chlorine contact tanks will have a detention time of 29.1 minutes at the expanded plant flow of 11 mgd: A contact time of 30 minutes is required at permitted flow by State regulations. Methods of increasing contact time by approximately 1 minute will be investigated. It is assumed for the cost estimate that construction of an additional contact tank will not be required. It is recommended that the capacity of the chlorine and sulfur dioxide feed facilities be increased for the expanded plant flow. It is recommended that the existing 500 lb/day chlorinators be replaced with 2,000 Ib/day. chlorinators. Each of the new chlorinators would have capacity for a chlorine feed dosage of 8.7 mg/L at the peak design flow of 27.5 mgd. One chlorinator would be a duty chlorinator, with the other on standby. It is recommended that an additional manifold and automatic switchover unit be provided to allow automatic switchover from one manifold to the other, with four containers on each manifold. Addition of ton container scales is also recommended to monitor available chlorine remaining in the duty ton containers. It is recommended that the existing 100 lb/day sulfonators be modified to provide a sulfur dioxide feed rate of 200 lb/day for each sulfonator. Each of the modified sulfonators would provide a sulfur dioxide feed rate of 0.9 mg/L at the peak design flow of 27.5 mgd. The construction cost estimate assumes addition of scrubbing facilities to contain and neutralize chlorine and sulfur dioxide Teaks. REPORTSIMONRO EPERISECTION.3 3-8 HAZEN AND SAWYER Environmental Engineers & Scientists Aerobic Digesters/Thickeners/Solids Storage Tanks Solids handling facility requirements for the expanded plant capacity of 11 nrigd were evaluated based on solids production projections for annual average and maximum month conditions. Solids production estimates are based on the influent wastewater characteristics presented above and are as follows: Annual Average Maximum Month Projected WAS Production. lb/day 21,870 31,710 It is assumed that Aerobic Digesters No. 3 and 4 will continue to be used as thickeners for the expanded plant. Existing tanks provide 120 days storage at 8 percent solids for the design annual average sludge production. Centrifuges The existing centrifuges are currently used to thicken the digested solids from Digesters No. 1 and 2 to provide a solids concentration of 6 to 8 percent to Digester/Storage Tanks Nos. 3, 4, and 5. Because of the limited useful life remaining for the centrifuges, it is recommended that one of the existing centrifuges be replaced with a new centrifuge for the proposed plant expansion to 11 mgd. The new centrifuge would have slightly higher capacity than the existing centrifuges and the thickened solids from the centrifuges would be blended with solids which bypass the centrifuges to achieve a blended solids concentration of 6 to 8 percent. REPO RTSSM O N RO EPERISECTIO N.3 3-9 HAzEN AND SAWYER Environmental Engineers & Scientists SECTION 4 RECOMMENDED FACILITIES 4.1 Recommended Facilities and Estimated Cost Recommended facilities for the proposed expansion of the Monroe WWTP to 11 mgd are based on the evaluations discussed in Section 3 and include the following: • One (1) additional pump in Influent Pump Station No. 2 to increase total firm pumping capacity to 31 mgd. • One (1) additional fine screen to increase capacity of the screening • facilities. Expansion and upgrade of the existing flow equalization basin to a volume of 5.0 million gallons and flow equalization pump station modifications. Two (2) new aeration basins to provide adequate capacity for BOD removal and nitrification for the expanded plant flow and increased wastewater loadings from industrial sources. • One (1) new blower in the existing blower building to provide aeration for the expanded plant flow and increased wastewater loadings. Modifications to the Aeration Basin Splitter Box and piping to the Secondary Clarifier Splitter Box to accommodate the two additional aeration basins. REPORTSIMONROEPERISECTION.4 4-1 HAZEN AND SAWYER Environmental Engineers & Scientists Two (2) new chlorinators and sulfonator modifications to provide increased chlorine and sulfur dioxide feed capacities for the expanded plant. • One (1) new centrifuge to replace one of the existing centrifuges which are reaching the end of their useful life. Design data for the existing and recommended facilities for the expanded plant are presented in Table 4-1. A plant layout showing the recommended facilities is shown on Figure 4-1. The estimated cost for the recommended facilities is summarized in Table 4-2. The schedule for design and construction of the recommended facilities is based upon the time of need demonstrated by the flow projections in Table 3-1. The final design schedule also attempts to accommodate as much as possible the schedule for renewing the Monroe Plant NPDES Permit in 1999. The tentative design and construction schedule is as follows: Update Preliminary Engineering Report Final Design Prepare NPDES Permit Renewal Application Bidding Begin Construction Complete Construction July -December 1998 January -October 1999 November 1999-January 2000 February -April 2000 May 2000 September 2001 The above schedule is subject to change based on actual wastewater flow increases and other factors. REPORTSIMONRO EPERISECT1ON.4 4-2 HAZEN AND SAWYER Environmental Enginoers & Scientists TABLE 4-1 Design Data Recommended Facilities 11 MGD Design Capacity Design Basis Average Daily Flow, mgd 9.44 Maximum Month Flow, mgd 11.0 Peak Flow, mgd 27.5 Influent Characteristics Annual Average Conditions: BOD5, mg/L 380 Total Suspended Solids, mg/L 430 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen, mg/L 31.5 Ammonia Nitrogen, mg/L 21.0 Maximum Month Conditions: BOD5, mg/L 450 Total Suspended Solids, mg/L 480 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen, mg/L 36.0 Ammonia Nitrogen, mg/L 24.0 Design Basis for NPDES Effluent Limits Monthly Average, Summer (Winter) BOD5, mg/L 7.3(14.6) Ammonia Nitrogen, mg/L 1.0(2.0) Total Suspended Solids, mg/L 30 Dissolved Oxygen, mg/L 6 Fecal Coliforms, No.I100 mL 200 Total Residual Chlorine, ug/L 17 Influent Pump Stations (City of Monroe wastewater only) Pump Station No. 1 Number of pumps 4 Type Centrifugal, non -clog Capacity of each pump, mgd 4.5 Type of drive Constant speed (2), variable speed (2) Pump Station No. 2 Number of pumps 3 Type of pumps Centrifugal, non -clog Design capacity of each pump, mgd 6.5 Type of drive Variable speed Total firm capacity, mgd 31.0 REPORTSIMONROEPERISECTION.4 4-3 HAZEN AND SAWYER Environmental Engineers & Scientists %amlb TABLE 4-1 (Continued) Influent Flow Measurement Method of flow measurement Magnetic flow meter Number 4 Size, inches 1 @ 8 (Union County) 1 @ 14 1 @ 16 1 @ 18 Fine Screens Number 3 Screen openings, inches 2 @ 0.06, 1 @ 0.25 Capacity of each screen, mgd 9 Firm capacity, mgd 18 Flow Equalization Basin Number Volume, mil. gal. Aeration Basins Number Dimensions Length, ft. Width, ft. Sidewater depth, ft. Volume, each basin, mil. gal. Total volume, mil. gal. Detention time at design flow, hours 1 5.0 7 120 4 @ 60 3 @ 90 16 4 @ 0.86 3 @ 1.29 7.33 16.0 Aeration System Type Fine bubble diffused air Type of diffusers Membrane Number of diffusers per basin 4 @ 1,286 3 @ 1,929 Total number of diffusers 10,931 Blowers Number 4 Capacity of each blower, scfm 7,885 REPORTSIMONROEPERISECTION.4 4-4 HAZEN AND SAWYER Environmental Engineers & Scientists TABLE 4-1 (Continued) Secondary Clarifiers Number 4 Diameter, ft. 85 Sidewater depth, ft. 12 Total volume, mil. gal. 2.04 Total surface area, ft.2 22,700 Overflow rate at design flow, gpd/ft.2 480 Return/Waste Activated Sludge Pumping Stations No. 1 and No. 2 Number of pumps, each station 3 Type Horizontal, centrifugal, non -clog, self priming Capacity of each pump, gpm (mgd) 1,630 (2.35) Total firm capacity, mgd 11.75 Type of drive VFD Tertiary Filters Number 6 Type Dual media, w/ air scour Dimensions of each filter Length, ft. 24 Width, ft. 20 Depth of media Anthracite, in. 24 Sand, in. 12 Gravel, in. 18 Total surface area, ft.2 2,880 Filtration rate at design flow, gpm/ft.2 2.65 Backwash Supply Pumps Number 2 Capacity of each pump, mgd 14.1 Backwash Waste Pumps (to Flow Equalization Basin) Number 2 Capacity of each pump, mgd 13.8 REPORTSIMO NROEPERISECTION.4 4-5 HAZEN AND SAWYER Environmental Engineers as Scientists TABLE 4-1 (Continued) Chlorine Feed Facilities Total ton container inventory capacity (including containers on manifolds) Number of ton containers on manifolds Normal withdrawal of chlorine Number of chlorinators Capacity, each, lb./day Sulfur Dioxide Feed Facilities Total 150-lb cylinder inventory capacity (including cylinders on manifolds) Number of 150-lb cylinders on manifolds Number of scales Number of cylinders on scale Normal withdrawal of sulfur dioxide Number of sulfonators Capacity, each, lb./day Chlorine Contact Tanks Number Total volume, gal. Detention time at 11 mgd, min. Post Aeration Type Aerobic Digesters/Thickeners/Storage Tanks Number Dimensions of each digester Diameter, ft. Volume of each digester, mil. gal. Total volume, mil. gal Aeration and mixing system Type 10 8 Gas 2 2,000 12 8 1 2 Gas 2 200 2 222,470 29.1 Cascade 5 2 @ 65 1 @80 1 @ 115 1@140 2 @ 0.25 1 @ 0.49 1@ 1.15 1@ 3.00 5.14 Mechanical, floating REPORTSIMONROEPERISECTtON.4 4-6 HAZEN AND SAWYER Environmental Engineers & Scientists A Q TABLE 4-1 (Continued) Aerobic Digesters/Thickeners/Storage Tanks (Continued) Digester/Storage Tank No. 1 Aerators Mixers Digester/Storage Tank No. 2 Aerators Mixers Digesters/Thickeners Nos. 3 and 4 Aerators Digester/Storage Tank No. 5 Aerators Centrifuge Dewatering Facilities Number of centrifuges Capacity of each unit, gpm (2% solids) Sand Drying Beds (Backup) Number Dimensions of each bed Length, ft. Width, ft. Total surface area, ft.2 Suspended solids loading, lb/ft.2-year Solids loading capacity, lb/day Vacuum Drying Beds (Not in Service) Number Dimensions Length, ft. Width, ft. Total surface area, ft. 2 1@ 40 HP, 2 @ 7.5 HP 2@ 7.5 HP 3@ 40 HP 1@40HP 1 @ 30 HP (2) - 200 Hp Blowers Diffused Air 2 1 @ 90 1 @ 105 15 120 20 3 6, 000 15 1,480 2 40 20 1,600 REPORTSIMONROEPERISECTION.4 4-7 HAZEN AND SAWYER Environmental Engineers & Scientists CHLO BUILDIN EXPAND CHLORINATOR/ SULFONATOR CAPACITIES INFLUENT PUMPING STATION TERTIARY FILTERS U ` EW ERTIARY FI LTE INSTALL ONE ADDITIONAL INFLUENT PUMP R�oHP�9so- c'RE>GK rya NEW SOLIDS HANDLING PUMP RAS PUNIP STATION AERATION BASIN NO. 5 SECONDARY CLARIFIER NO. 2 AEROBIC SLUDGE DIGESTER, NO. 4 AEROBIC SLUDGE DIGESTER NO.3 AERATION AERATION AERATION AERATION BASIN 1 BASIN 2 BASIN 3 BASIN 4 RAS L4ETER ire,yAULTS CLARIFIER SPUTTER BOX NO. 2 SECONDARY CLARIFIER NO. 1 CONSTRUCT TWO ADDITIONAL AERATION BASINS s-1 LEGEND ri SOLIDS HANDLING IMPROVEMENT PROJECT I I SCHEDULED FOR BID IN EARLY 1997 ®FACILITIES REQUIRED FOR EXPANSION TO 11 MGD CAPACITY MODIFY SPLITTER BOX — FOR NEW AERATION BASINS AERATION BASIN SPUTTER BOX ACUUV DRYING BEDS AEROBIC DIGESTER NO. 2 ADD FLOW EQUALIZATION DRAIN PUMP SCREENING BUILDING INSTALL NEW FINE SCREEN SLUDGE DRYING BEDS 1 REPLACE CENTRIFUGE AEROBIC DIGESTER NO. 1 —CENTRIFUGE BUILDING REHABILITATION BLOWER BUILDING CNEW 3.0 MG STORAGE TAN K EXPAND EQUALIZATION BASIN AND PROVIDE SYNTHETIC LINER ADD BLOWER MONROE WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT MONROE, NORTH CAROLINA FACILITIES FOR EXPANSION TO 11 MGD CAPACITY TABLE 4-2 MONROE WWTP Estimated Construction Costs For Expansion to 11 MGD Capacity Item Estimated Cost Influent Pump $200,000 Fine Screen 250,000 Flow Equalization Tank and Pump Station 400,000 Aeration Basins 2,550,000 Aeration Basin Splitter Box Modifications 100,000 Additional Blower 200,000 Aeration Basin Effluent Piping/Modifications 100,000 Chlorination/Dechlorination Facilities Expansion 25,000 Replace One Centrifuge 300,000 Subtotal $4,125,000 Engineering and Contingencies @ 20% 825,000 Total Capital Cost $4,950,000 REPORTSIMONROEPEMSECTION.4 _ 4-8 HAVEN AND SAWYER Environmental Enainecrs & Scientists