HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0024325_Permit (Issuance)_20021211NPDES DOCUMENT SCANNING COVER :MEET NC0024325 North Buffalo Creek WWTP NPDES Permit: Document Type: ' Permit Issuance Wasteload Allocation Authorization to Construct (AtC) Permit Modification Complete File - Historical Engineering Alternatives (EAA) Correspondence Owner Name Change Plan of Action Instream Assessment (67b) Speculative Limits Environmental Assessment (EA) Document Date: December 11, 2002 This dociim ent is printed on reuse paper - ignore any content on the re' rerse side Mr. Allan Williams Director of Water Resources City of Greensboro P.O. Box 3136 Greensboro, North Carolina Dear Mr. Williams: Acia NCDENR 27402-3136 Michael F. Easley Governor William G. Ross, Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W. Klimek, P.E., Director Division of Water Quality December 11, 2002 Subject: Issuance of NPDES Permit NC0024325 North Buffalo WW FP Guilford County Division staff have reviewed and approved your application for an NPDES discharge permit. Accordingly, the Division is forwarding the subject NPDES permit. This permit is issued pursuant to the requirements of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1 and the Memorandum of Agreement between North Carolina and the U:S. Environmental Protection Agency dated May 9, 1994 (or as subsequently amended). The following items address comments and changes made pursuant to the DRAFT permit: • Instream Study. The facility requested that Special Condition A. (3) (Instream Study) be addressed in an administrative Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between the City and the State of North Carolina, similar to the administrative MOA for NPDES stream monitoring included in the Upper Cape Fear River Basin Monitoring Coalition. The Division concurs with this request. The Instream Study special condition has been deleted from the FINAL permit, and a MOA for the instream study is in preparation. Under the MOA, the facility will conduct a two-year instream monitoring study at four stations to evaluate both instream dissolved oxygen and ammonia, following the facility upgrade and removal of the upstream Cone Mills discharge in 2001. • Mercury. A compliance schedule was requested for the proposed effluent limit for mercury, to allow time for the facility to evaluate effluent results using clean sampling techniques, as well as investigating any potential significant sources of mercury. The basis for the new mercury limit was the detection of mercury in 1 of 14 effluent samples collected during 1999/2000, at a concentration of 0.67 µg/L. Additional data collected during 2001 showed one mercury detection (0.23 µg/L) in 61 samples, which still exhibits reasonable potential to exceed water quality standards. The 2001 influent data showed influent concentrations ranging up to 7.5 µg/L. Based on this data, the mercury limit remains in the FINAL permit but includes a one-year compliance schedule, to provide the facility time for clean sampling evaluations as well as source identification. In addition, please note that this facility will be required to begin using EPA Method 1631 low-level mercury analysis beginning September 1, 2003 for all effluent mercury monitoring, due to the limited dilution at this facility. This new analytical requirement was addressed in a letter to the permittee dated August 30, 2002. Please note that effluent limits may be deleted in the future, if the permittee provides updated effluent data (recommended one-year period) that shows no reasonable potential to exceed applicable water quality standards. A subsequent request that the mercury compliance schedule be extended until September 1, 2004 (to provide additional time for the facility to implement dean sampling techniques) cannot be granted; the Division has already notified all 155 facilities subject to the new requirement to begin using Method 1631 by September 1, 2003. Similarly, the request that the monitoring frequency be reduced to 2/month when using Method 1631 analysis also cannot be granted. Weekly monitoring is consistent with all other Grade 4 facilities that have mercury limits. • Beryllium. The Division has removed the proposed effluent limit for beryllium. The facility reported that the beryllium data used in the reasonable potential analysis was ultimately rejected due to QA/QC problems discovered at the contract laboratory. The reported maximum detection (0.37 µg/L) was below accepted practical N. C. Division of Water Quality / NPDES Unit Phone: (919) 733-5083 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 fax: (919) 733-0719 Internet h2o.enr.state.nc.us DENR Customer Service Center. 1 800 623-7748 1 Issuance of NPDES Permit NC0024325 North Buffalo WWI? Page 2 quantitation limits (2 µg/L), and run without corresponding low-level standards. The laboratory has acknowledged the QA/QC deficiencies and has corrected the problems beginning with effluent samples collected in April 2002. The Division concurs that the historical beryllium data set is unreliable. Therefore, the Division has dropped the beryllium limit in the FINAL permit, and will require the facility to continue quarterly effluent monitoring for beryllium under the pretreatment LTMP program. This data will be reviewed again for reasonable potential analysis at the next permit renewal. • Ammonia/Summer Season. The draft permit includes both summer and winter limits for ammonia, similar to the previous permit. Summer limits are more stringent than winter limits. The facility requested that the month of April be designated as a "winter month" rather than "summer month" for ammonia, based on the contention that wastewater temperatures are still low in April. The Division cannot concur with this request at this time. The definition of "Summer Period" is defined in state regulations [15A NCAC 2B.0404 (c)] as April 1- October 31. Therefore, such a request would require a variance to a state rule. Requirements that must be met in order to be eligible for a variance are located in General Statute 143-215(e), which include proving that 1) the discharge will not endanger human health or safety; and 2) compliance with the rule from which the variance is sought cannot be achieved by application of best available technology found to be economically reasonable, and would produce serious hardship without equal or greater benefits to the public. ■ Ammonia/Weekly Limit. The DRAFT permit included ammonia limits based on monthly average limits only. Subsequent to the DRAFT permit, a DWQ Ammonia Permitting Policy (dated October 15, 2002, and available on the NPDES website) was approved by EPA Region 4, and is now being implemented in NPDES permits. The ammonia policy addresses EPA concerns about the need for both monthly average as well as weekly average permit limits for ammonia (NH3 as N). For municipal facilities with monthly average ammonia limits, a multiplier of 3 will be used to establish weekly average limits. The multiplier was derived from performance data for eight municipal facilities. This FINAL permit implements the ammonia policy with the addition of weekly average ammonia limits of 12.0 mg/L (summer) and 24.0 mg/L (winter). ■ Cyanide PQL. The facility requested that the NPDES permit quantitation level for cyanide be designated as 20 µg/L, based on the cyanide PQL study conducted by the City of Winston-Salem. The Division cannot concur with this request. The Winston-Salem study was a site -specific determination, and results may not be applicable to wastewater from the Greensboro facility. However, the Division will consider results of any site -specific PQL study that the facility may perform in the future. Based on recent discussions with US EPA, a practical quantitation level (PQL) of 10 µg/L was agreed upon for NC NPDES permitting, and is considered achievable by many contract laboratories. For compliance purposes, all values below 10 µg/L (both detects and non -detects) will be considered "zero." • Selenium. EPA commented on the DRAFT permit that the reasonable potential analysis indicated the potential for selenium to exceed its allowable effluent concentration of 5.1 µg/L. The data set (n= 14) used for this evaluation was collected over the period 8/99-12/00, and included a single detection at the PQL of 2 µg/L, with all other values reported as <2 µg/L or <5 µg/L. It does not appear that any additional effluent selenium data has been collected since that time. A re-evaluation of the data shows no reasonable potential if the data set excludes non -detects reported as <5 µg/L (n= 4), since this data adds variability to the statistical evaluation. Based on this re-evaluation, no limit is proposed for selenium. However, quarterly selenium monitoring has been added to the FINAL permit, and data will be re-evaluated for reasonable potential analysis at the next permit renewal. In order to reduce unnecessary variability, it is recommended that the facility request the lab to analyze these samples at the same PQL. • Total Metals. EPA commented on the DRAFT permit that metals should be specified as "Total" in the effluent sheet. This change has been incorporated into this FINAL permit. • Total Residual Chlorine. Please note that the Division is currently in the process of implementing a water quality standard for Total Residual Chlorine (TRC) based on the recent Triennial Review. The standard has been approved by the EMC, and NPDES expects to introduce permit limits statewide in April 2003. Although TRC is not currently limited in this permit, the Division recommends that you prepare a budget and schedule construction of facility upgrades to restrict the discharge of TRC, or explore alternative methods of disinfection. A review of recent effluent DMR data indicates this facility's effluent TRC concentrations generally range from 100-400 µg/L. Future renewals of this permit will include a TRC limit of between 17 µg/L and 28 µg/L, assuming the TRC water quality standard receives final approval. Issuance of NPDES Permit NC0024325 North Buffalo WWTP Page 3 • Extreme Weather. The facility requested that the adverse weather/dangerous stream sampling provisions provided in state regulations [15A NCAC 2B.0505 (c)(4)] be included in the FINAL permit. In response, this language has been added to the bottom of the effluent sheet. • Daily Definition. The facility requested that the definition for "Daily" sampling be included in the FINAL permit. The state definition provided in 15A NCAC 2B.0503 (5) states that "Daily" means every day on which a wastewater discharge occurs except Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays unless otherwise specified by the Director. This definition has been added to the bottom of the effluent sheet. • Treatment Components. The facility provided updated information on the wastewater treatment upgrades, which has been incorporated in the Supplement to Permit Cover Sheet. • Renewal Requirements. Please note that the U.S. EPA changed the NPDES permit application requirements (per 40 CFR 122) for municipal facilities, effective August 1, 2001. EPA Forms 1 and 2A must be used for your next permit renewal application, and additional analyses will be required. Any data submitted cannot be over 4'/2 years old. The new application requirements include: > Conduct three Priority Pollutant Analyses (PPAs) and submit results with your renewal application. Samples must be representative of the seasonal variation in the discharge. The new PPA requirements are included in Part D of EPA Form 2A. ➢ Conduct four chronic toxicity tests for an organism other than Ceriodaphnia and submit results with your renewal application. The tests should be conducted quarterly, with samples collected on the same day as your current toxicity test. Contact the Aquatic Toxicology Unit at (919) 733-2136 for guidance on conducting the additional tests. • Pretreatment Data. Please include all future Pretreatment LTMP effluent data in the applicable monthly Discharge Monitoring Reports. The following items that appeared in the DRAFT permit remain in this FINAL permit: • Nutrient Limits. This facility discharges to nutrient sensitive water (NSW) and already has total phosphorus limits of 2 mg/L as a result of the NSW strategy. In 1997 the Clean Water Responsibility Act (House Bill 515) was enacted, with the intent to strengthen the control of nutrients from all discharges to NSW waters. Facilities permitted to discharge > 500,000 gallons per day, and any new or expanding facilities, are subject to nutrient limitations for total nitrogen and total phosphorus according to House Bill 515 requirements. The House Bill 515 nutrient limitations are effective January 1, 2003, unless a compliance extension was received and approved by the Division. Since an extension was approved, the total nitrogen limit will be deferred until results of a nutrient response modeling effort are completed. Please note that modeling results may result in limits lower than those mandated by House Bill 515. • Nutrient Monitoring. An increase in effluent nutrient monitoring frequency from monthly to weekly for total nitrogen and total phosphorus. • Chronic Toxicity. An update to the chronic toxicity test language, which was revised in 1999 to include different follow-up procedures upon a test failure. • Nutrient Reopener. Deletion of Special Condition H, Nutrient Reopener, since permit reopener language is already present in the boilerplate (Part II, Section B. 13). • Ammonia. There are no changes in the ammonia monthly average effluent limit at this time. However, please be aware that an ammonia TMDL is currently in development, which may require more stringent permit limits in the future. • Instream Monitoring. Instream monitoring requirements in Part A. (1) have been waived as long as the permittee maintains membership in the Upper Cape Fear River Basin Association (UCFRBA). The UCFRBA conducts instream monitoring at one upstream station and one downstream station associated with this discharge. • Metals Limits. Effluent limits and weekly monitoring have been added for cyanide, chromium, nickel, and mercury, which showed reasonable potential to exceed applicable water quality standards/criteria. However, maintain same monitoring as last permit for copper, zinc, and iron; these compounds showed reasonable potential to exceed state action levels, but per the Division Action Level Policy no limits are necessary since the facility has been compliant with its chronic toxicity test limit. Issuance of NPDES Permit NC0024325 North Buffalo W\VTP Page 4 • Monitoring. A decrease in monitoring frequency from monthly to quarterly for fluoride and chloride, since neither compound showed reasonable potential to exceed applicable water quality standards/criteria. • Permit Expiration. Extend the permit expiration date to June 30, 2006. Please note that the receiving stream (North Buffalo Creek) is listed as an impaired water in North Carolina's Draft 2000 303(d) list. The entire stream is listed as biologically impaired due to unknown causes, with a Not Supporting (NS) use rating. Currently TMDLs are in preparation for ammonia and fecal coliform bacteria. If there is noncompliance with permitted effluent limits and degradation of North Buffalo Creek can be attributed to the facility, then additional mitigative measures may be necessary. If any parts, measurement frequencies, or sampling requirements contained in this permit are unacceptable to you, you have the right to an adjudicatory hearing upon written request within thirty (30) days following receipt of this letter. This request must be in the form of a written petition, conforming to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes, and filed with the office of Administrative Hearings, 6714 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-6714. Unless such a demand is made, this permit shall be final and binding. This permit is not transferable except after notice to the Division. The Division may require modification or revocation and reissuance of the permit. This permit does not affect the legal requirements to obtain other permits which may be required by the Division of Water Quality, the Division of Land Resources, the Coastal Area Management Act, or any other federal or local governmental permit. If you have any questions concerning this permit, please contact Tom Belnick at telephone number (919) 733-5083, extension 543. Sincerely, :ORIGINAL SIGNED I SUSAN A. 'WILSON Alan W. Klimek, P.E. cc: Central Files Madolyn Dominy, EPA Winston-Salem Regional Office, Water Quality Technical Assistance & Certification Unit Aquatic Toxicology Unit NPDES File Permit NC0024325 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY PERMIT TO DISCHARGE WASTEWATER UNDER THE NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM In compliance with the provision of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1, other lawful standards and regulations promulgated and adopted by the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission, and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, the City of Greensboro is hereby authorized to discharge wastewater from a facility located at the North Buffalo WWTP 2199 White Street, Greensboro Guilford County to receiving waters designated as North Buffalo Creek in the Cape Fear River Basin in accordance with effluent limitations, monitoring requirements, and other conditions set forth in Parts I, II and III hereof. The permit shall become effective January 1, 2003. This permit and the authorization to discharge shall expire at midnight on June 30, 2006 Signed this day December 11, 2002 )RIGINAL SIGNED In' SUSAN A. WILSON Alan W. Klimek, P.E., Director Division of Water Quality By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission Permit NC0024325 SUPPLEMENT TO PERMIT COVER SHEET The City of Greensboro is hereby authorized to: 1. Continue to operate an existing 16.0 MGD activated sludge wastewater treatment facility located at the North Buffalo Creek WWTP (2199 White Street, Greensboro, Guilford County). This facility includes the following treatment components: • Mechanical bar screens • Influent parshall flume • Aerated grit removal • Four primary clarifiers • Flow equalization system • 6 MGD flow transfer pump station to TZ Osborne • Two high rate trickling filters • Four activated sludge tanks with fine bubble diffusers • Chemical addition for phosphorus removal • Five secondary clarifiers • Four tertiary sand filters • Effluent parshall flume • Chlorination • Step reaeration 2. Discharge from said treatment works (via Outfall 001) into North Buffalo Creek, a Class C-NSW stream in the Cape Fear River Basin, at the location specified on the attached map. •c: - • •-.1 _1)11 \\-fri\-::: • s.. _ ^ • • , • • • 'S... •..••••• —. - • .... i I., • . . *.• r . • .....----...„.."\ ..... 1 ,...• r • i . ---.. 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Such discharges shall be limited and monitored by the Permittee as specified below: EFFLUENT CHARACTERISTICS EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Monthly Average Weekly Average Daily Maximum Measurement Frequency Sample Type Sample Location' Flow 16.0 MGD Continuous Recording Influent or Effluent CBOD, 5-day, 20°C (Summer)2 8.0 mg/L 12.0 mg/L Daily Composite Influent & Effluent CBOD, 5-day, 20°C (Winter)2 16.0 mg/L 24.0 mg/L Daily Composite Influent & Effluent Total Suspended Solids2 30.0 mg/L 45.0 mg/L Daily Composite Influent & Effluent NH3 as N (Summer) 4.0 mg/L 12.0 mg/L Daily Composite Effluent NH3 as N (Winter) 8.0 mg/L 24.0 mg/L Daily Composite Effluent Fecal Coliform (geometric mean) 200/100 ml 400/100mI Daily Grab Effluent Total Residual Chlorine Daily Grab Effluent Dissolved Oxygen3 Daily Grab Effluent Temperature°C Daily Grab Effluent pH4 Daily Grab Effluent Total Nitrogen (NO2+NO3+TKN)5 Weekly Composite Effluent Total Phosphorus6 2.0 mg/L quarterly averages Weekly Composite Effluent Chronic Toxicity? _ Quarterly Composite Effluent Total Cyanide8 5.2 pg/L 22.0 pg/L Weekly Grab Effluent Total Chromium 51 pg/L 1022 pg/L Weekly Composite Effluent Total Nickel 91 Ng/L 261 yg/L Weekly Composite Effluent Total Mercury9 0.012 pglL Weekly Composite9 Effluent Total Copper 2/Month Composite Effluent Total Zinc 2/Month ' Composite Effluent Total Iron Monthly Composite Effluent Total Selenium Quarterly Composite Effluent Fluoride Quarterly Composite Effluent .Chloride Quarterly Composite Effluent Dissolved Oxygen'° 10 Grab U, D1, D2, D3 Fecal Coliform'° io Grab U, D1, D2, D3 Temperature°Cf° 10 Grab U, D1, D2, D3 Conductivity'° 1u Grab U, D1, D2, D3 otes: 1. U: Upstream at the influent conduit. Dl: Downstream at the unimproved road 0.8 miles east of White/Nealtown Road intersection. D2: Downstream at Rankin Mill Road. D3: Downstream in Buffalo Creek at McCleansville Road. 2. The monthly average effluent CBODS and TSS concentrations shall not exceed 15% of the respective influent value (85% removal). 3. The daily effluent dissolved oxygen concentration shall not be less than 6.0 mg/L. 4. The pH shall not be less than 6.0 standard units nor greater than 9.0 standard units. 5. TN nutrient limit required by HB 515 is deferred until results of nutrient response modeling effort are completed. 6. Compliance shall be based on a quarterly average of weekly samples, with quarterly periods defined as January -March, April June, July -September, and October -December. 7. Chronic Toxicity (Ceriodapbnia) at 90% with testing in January, April, July and October (see Special Condition A. (2)). 8. The quantitation limit for cyanide shall be 10 pg/L; levels reported below 10 pg/L shall be considered zero for compliance purposes. 9. The mercury limit will become effective 1 / 1 /04, which is one year after the permit effective date. Effluent samples must be analyzed by an EPA - approved low level mercury analysis method beginning 9/ 1 /03. Grab samples will be allowed in conjunction with low-level mercury analysis. 10. Instream monitoring requirements are waived as long as facility retains membership in the UCFRBA. If membership is cancelled, facility will monitor 3/Week (June -September) and 1/Week (October -May). Stream sampling may be discontinued at such times as flow conditions in the receiving waters or extreme weather conditions will result in a substantial risk of injury or death to persons collecting samples. Upon such discontinuance, stream sampling shall be resumed at the first opportunity after the risk period has ceased. (Summer): April 1- October 31 (Winter): November 1 - March 31 (Daily): every day on which a wastewater discharge occurs except Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays unless otherwise specified by the Director There shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible foam in other than trace amounts. Permit NC0024325 4 A. (2) CHRONIC TOXICITY PERMIT LIMIT (Quarterly) The effluent discharge shall at no time exhibit observable inhibition of reproduction or significant mortality to Ceriodaphnia dubia at an effluent concentration of 90%. . The permit holder shall perform at a minimum, quarterly monitoring using test procedures outlined in the "North Carolina Ceriodaphnia Chronic Effluent Bioassay Procedure," Revised February 1998, or subsequent versions or "North Carolina Phase II Chronic Whole Effluent Toxicity Test Procedure" (Revised -February 1998) or subsequent versions. The tests will be performed during the months of January, April, July, and October. Effluent sampling for this testing shall be performed at the NPDES permitted final effluent discharge below all treatment processes. If the test procedure performed as the first test of any single quarter results in a failure or ChV below the permit limit, then multiple -concentration testing shall be performed at a minimum, in each of the two following months as described in "North Carolina Phase II Chronic Whole Effluent Toxicity Test Procedure" (Revised -February 1998) or subsequent versions. The chronic value for multiple concentration tests will be determined using the geometric mean of the highest concentration having no detectable impairment of reproduction or survival and the lowest concentration that does have a detectable impairment of reproduction or survival. The definition of "detectable impairment," collection methods, exposure regimes, and further statistical methods are specified in the "North Carolina Phase II Chronic Whole Effluent Toxicity Test Procedure" (Revised -February 1998) or subsequent versions. All toxicity testing results required as part of this permit condition will be entered on the Effluent Discharge Monitoring Form (MR-1) for the months in which tests were performed, using the parameter code TGP3B for the pass/fail results and THP3B for the Chronic Value. Additionally, DWQ Form AT-3 (original) is to be sent to the following address: Attention: Environmental Sciences Branch North Carolina Division of Water Quality 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1621 Completed Aquatic Toxicity Test Forms shall be filed with the Environmental Sciences Branch no later than 30 days after the end of the reporting period for which the report is made. Test data shall be complete, accurate, include all supporting chemical/physical measurements and all concentration/response data, and be certified by laboratory supervisor and ORC or approved designate signature. Total residual chlorine of the effluent toxicity sample must be measured and reported if chlorine is employed for disinfection of the waste stream. Should there be no discharge of flow from the facility during a month in which toxicity monitoring is required, the permittee will complete the information located at the top of the aquatic toxicity (AT) test form indicating the facility name, permit number, pipe number, county, and the month/year of the report with the notation of "No Flow" in the comment area of the form. The report shall be submitted to the Environmental Sciences Branch at the address cited above. Should the permittee fail to monitor during a month in which toxicity monitoring is required, monitoring will be required during the following month. Should any test data from this monitoring requirement or tests performed by the North Carolina Division of Water Quality indicate potential impacts to the receiving stream, this permit may be re -opened and modified to include alternate monitoring requirements or limits. NOTE: Failure to achieve test conditions as specified in the cited document, such as minimum control organism survival, minimum control organism reproduction, and appropriate environmental controls, shall constitute an invalid test and will require immediate follow-up testing to be completed no later than the last day of the month following the month of the initial monitoring. r, E/A- a a oil o���A�s UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION• AGENCY a��Y� REGION4 v ATLANTAFEDERAL CENTER moo= 61 FORSYTH STREET 14t pRcii — ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30303-8960 DEC 0 3 2002 DEC 1 c" Mr. Tom Belnick North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality NPDES Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 SUBJ: Proposed Final NPDES Permits North Buffalo WWTP - NPDES No. NC0024325 T.Z. Osborne WWTP - NPDES No. NC0047384 Dear Mr. Belnick: In accordance with the EPA/NCDENR MOA, we have completed review of the proposed final draft permits referenced above and have no comments. We request that we be afforded an additional review opportunity only if significant changes are made to the permit(s) prior to issuance, or if significant comments regarding the proposed final permit(s) are received. Otherwise, please send us one copy of each final permit when issued. If you have any questions, please call me at (404) 562-9304. Sincerely, Marshall Hyatt, Environmental Scientist Permits, Grants and Technical Assistance Branch Water Management Division Internet Address (URL) • http://www.epa.gov Recycled/Recyclable • Printed with Vegetable Oil Based Inks on Recycled Paper (Minimum 30% Postconsumer) Re: thbuehts om NC0047384 (TZ Osborne) and NC0024325 (North Buffalo) coytcvtirft-ce k Rf�1, G'-441f Subject: Re: thoughts on NC0047384 (TZ Osborne) and NC0024325 (North Buffalo) Date: Tue, 03 Dec 2002 16:06:14 -0500 From: Hyatt.Marshall@epamail.epa.gov To: Tom Belnick <tom.belnick@ncmail.net> thanks for the quick turnaround. Your responses have addressed all of my concerns. I'll send a no comment letter, which will go out of here tomorrow. 1 of 1 I2/3/02 4:25 PM thoughts on NC0047384 (TZ Osborne) and NC0024325 (North Buffalo) Subject: thoughts on NC0047384 (TZ Osborne) and NC0024325 (North Buffalo) Date: Tue, 03 Dec 2002 15:43:07 -0500 From: Tom Belnick <tom.belnick@ncmail.net> To: Marshall Hyatt <Hyatt.Marshall@epamail.epa.gov> CC: Tom Belnick <Tom.Belnick@ncmail.net> Marshall wrote: hope these are useful - let me know your response so we can send a no comment letter. - NC0047384: (T.Z.Osborne/South Buffalo) EPA Comment:- on pg. 2 of your cover letter, Renewal Requirements, bullet 2, line 1,- would you add "chronic" after "four", to ensure that acute tests aren't conducted? (same comment applies to NC0024325) NC Response: Will do. EPA Comment:- re the 303(d) language on pg. 3 of your cover letter, I'm a little confused. The creek is listed for ammonia, but the facility is expanding to 40 MGD and the ammonia limits are the same as at 30 MGD. How does going to 40 MGD from 30 MGD at the same ammonia limits clear up the existing impairment, as indicated in Part 4 of NC's 303(d) list? Seems to me the limits would need to be more stringent, since ammonia toxicity is a conc-based effect. NC Response: In the 1995 permit issuance, the facility had phased limits of 20/30/40 MGD, with NH3-N limits of 3.0/6.0 mg/1 (summer/winter) at 20 MGD, and 2.0/4.0 mg/1 (summer/winter) for the phased 30/40 MGD upgrades. The facility was re -rated to 24 MGD on 5/5/2000, with NH3-N limits of 2.5/5.0 mg/1 (summer/winter). The 2000 303(d) list stated that the NH3-N limits would be revised lower at the next upgrade (to 30 MGD). The facility completed this upgrade on 6/1/2001, at which time the more stringent 2.0/4.0 mg/1 (summer/winter) limits kicked in. These limits were considered BAT for large municipals. The ammonia limits are the same for both the 30/40 MGD flows, since the change in the dilution factor for this effluent -dominated stream is minimal (1.05 versus 1.03). As indicated, we will continue to evaluate instream ammonia data to evaluate whether additional measures are needed. EPA Comment:- why are the TRC limits 18 ug/1, instead of 17 ug/1? NC Response: The TRC limit is a chronic WQ-based limit using s7Q10 dilution, which amounts to the minimal dilution factor (1.05 and 1.03) times the chronic action level of 17 ug/1, which rounds up to 18 ug/1 for both flows. If no limit was warranted, we would place the acute criteria of 28 ug/1 as the limit. NC0024325: (North Buffalo) EPA Comment: - on pg.3 of your cover letter, Renewal Requirements, bullet 2, line 1- would you add "chronic" after "four", to ensure that acute tests aren't conducted? NC Response: Will do. EPA Comment:- on the permit limg, "PH" should be "pH". NC Response: Will do. EPA Comment:- shouldn't the cyanide daily max mit be 22 ug/l, not 23 ug/1? NC Response: Good catch. Will d Hi Marshall- these permits have been backlogged for awhile and we would 1 of 2 12/3/02 3:54 PM NC Division of Water Quality November 21, 2002 MEMORANDUM To: Marshall Hyatt, EPA Region 4 Through: NA From: Tom Belnick, NC DENR/DWQ/NPDES Unit Subject: Greensboro NPDES Permits; Draft Final NC0024325- North Buffalo WWTP NC0047384- T.Z. Osborne WWTP Hi Marshall- I'm sending you the revised NPDES permits (without maps) for the subject facilities, since you reviewed the drafts. The Fact Sheet Addendums detail the changes made since the draft permits were noticed. These permits were on a back -burner as we resolved several issues (ammonia, mercury), and the permittee was also investigating problems with their commercial lab which affected limits development. I'm also including two rounds of comments received from the permittee, which were the only comments received aside from EPA. Let me know if you: have. any comments/questions on the_ proposed changes. Thanks. NCDENR / DWQ FACT SHEET- ADDENDUM NPDES PERMIT RENEWAL City of Greensboro/North Buffalo WWTP NPDES No. NC0024325 Facility Information (1.) Facility Name: North Buffalo WWTP (2.) Permitted Flow,MGD: 16.0 MGD (6.) County: Guilford (3.) Facility Class: 4 (7.) Regional Office: Winston Salem (4.) Facility Status: Existing (8.) USGS Topo Quad: C20SW (McLeansville) (5.) Permit Status: Renewal Stream Characteristics (1.) Receiving Stream: North Buffalo Creek (2.) Subbasin Number: 030602 (8.) Drainage Area (mi2): 22.00 (3.) River Basin: Cape Fear (9.) Summer 7Q 10 (cfs) 0.9 (4.) Stream Class: C NSW (10.) Winter 7Q10 (cfs): 2.6 (5.) 303(d) Listed: YES (11.) 30Q2 (cfs): 3.2 (6.) 305(b) Status: (12.) Average Flow (cfs): 25.00 (7.) Use Support: Not Supporting (13.) IWC (%): 96 Additional Conditions Incorporated into FINAL Permit Renewal Proposed Conditions Parameters Affected Basis for Condition(s) Delete Special Condition from permit. Special Condition A(3) Instream Study This requirement will be handled under an administrative Memorandum of Agreement (MOA), similar to Monitoring Coalition MOAs. Addition of 1 year compliance schedule. Effluent- Mercury Compliance Schedule Per facility request, a compliance schedule has been added to provide time for facility to evaluate clean sampling methods as well as source identification. Delete permit limit and weekly monitoring Effluent- Beryllium Facility's beryllium data was later rejected due to contract lab QA/QC issues, and the facility was compensated by the lab. Issues included lack of standards below the reported detections. Effluent monitoring will continue under the Pretreatment program, and data will be re-evaluated at the next permit renewal. . NPDES PERMIT FACT SHEET- ADDENDUM • - Page 2 City of Greensboro- North Buffalo NPDES No. NC0024325 Addition of adverse weather/stream sampling provisions to effluent sheet. Adverse weather/stream sampling provisions Per 15A NCAC 2B.0505(c)(4). Addition of Daily Sampling definition to effluent sheet • Daily Sampling Per 15A NCAC 2B.0503(5). Addition of Weekly Average limits for NH3-N of 12 mg/1 (summer) and 24 mg/1 (winter). Effluent- Ammonia Per Implementation Policy for permits with existing Monthly Average NH3-N limits, dated 10/15/02. A multiplier of 3 was used to develop weekly average NH3-N limits. Addition of quarterly monitoring. Effluent- Selenium Based on the Draft permit, EPA commented that the RPA showed reasonable potential but no limit was applied. The data set collected during 1999-2000 included one detection (2 ug/1) with the remaining 13 samples reported as non -detects (<2 ug/1 or <5 ug/1). No additional data has been collected since. The allowable effluent concentration was calculated as 5.18 ug/1. Re- evaluation of the data showed reasonable potential was exhibited due to variability of the non -detect values, rather than the lone detection (e.g., there is no reasonable potential exhibited when the same PQL (<2 ug/1) is used. Since the reasonable potential result was driven by non -detect values, it is proposed to require quarterly effluent monitoring and rerun the RPA at the next permit renewal. It is suggested that the facility report at one PQL value to minimize unnecessary variability. Report as 'Total" metals in effluent sheet. Effluent- Metals Per EPA request. No change at this time. Effluent- TRC Cover letter notes that TRC limit will be added at next permit renewal, provided the EMC- approved TRC water quality standard for freshwaters receives final approvals. Update the facility treatment description. Supplement to Effluent Sheet Based on facility information. Page 2 Version: June 16, 2003 . NPDES PERMIT FACT SHEET- ADDENDUM Page 3 Conditions Incorporated into DRAFT Permit Renewal City of Greensboro- North Buffalo NPDES No. NC0024325 Proposed Conditions Parameters Affected Basis for Condition(s) No changes at this time. Nutrient Limits- TN, TP Facility is subject to HB515 nutrient requirements. The existing TP concentration limit of 2 mg/1 is as stringent as HB515 at current permitted flow, and will remain in effect. A TN load limit based on HB515 is deferred until completion of a nutrient response model, which is due in April 2002. Increase effluent monitoring frequency from monthly to weekly. Nutrients- TN, TP Consistent with monitoring frequency for Class 4 facilities with nutrient limits. Update chronic toxicity test language. Toxicity Test Toxicity test language was updated in 1999, with new followup procedures after a failure. Delete Special Condition H Nutrient Reopener Special Condition Not necessary. The boilerplate already includes generic reopener language, and nutrients are being controlled under HB515. No changes at this time. Ammonia Limit/TMDL Ammonia effluent limits may need to be modified in the future pending results of the NH3 TMDL. Additional instream monitoring will be required to assess current instream conditions; refer to Special Condition A(3). Continue to waive instream monitoring requirements in Effluent Sheet A(1). Instream monitoring Since 4/2000, instream monitoring has been waived as long as permittee retains membership in UCFRBA. Coalition monthly monitoring of two instream stations (upstream, downstream) is conducted by UCFRBA. Maintain limit with weekly sampling. Effluent- cyanide Cyanide detected in 20 of 71 samples, and RPA showed reasonable potential to exceed the WQS. Max reported eff. conc.= 24 ug/1 versus an allowable concentration of 5.1 mg/1. Page 3 Version: June 16, 2003 NPDES PERMIT FACT SHEET- ADDENDUM Page 4 City of Greensboro- North Buffalo NPDES No. NC0024325 Add limit and weekly monitoring. Effluent- Chromium Chromium showed reasonable potential to exceed the applicable WQS. Chromium was detected in 6 of 53 samples; max reported eff. conc = 37 ug/1; max predicted eff. conc.= 8 lug/1; and allowable eff. conc. = 51 ug/1. Add limit and weekly monitoring. Effluent- Nickel Nickel showed reasonable potential to exceed the applicable WQS. Nickel was detected in 49 of 52 samples; max reported eff. conc. = 112 ug/1 versus an allowable eff. conc. of 91 ug/1. Add limit and weekly monitoring. Effluent- Mercury Mercury showed reasonable potential to exceed the applicable WQS. Mercury was detected in 1 of 14 samples; max. reported eff. conc. = 0.67 ug/1 versus an allowable eff. conc. of 0.012 ug/1. Add limit and weekly monitoring. Effluent- Beryllium Beryllium showed reasonable potential to exceed the applicable WQS. Beryllium was detected in 4 of 14 samples; max reported eff. conc. = 0.37 ug/1 versus an allowable eff. conc. of 0.23 ug/1. The beryllium WQS is based on carcinogenic human health risk from fish ingestion over a lifetime, using average annual flow for dilution; hence, the limit is applied as a monthly average value. Reduce monitoring frequency from monthly to quarterly. Effluent- fluoride, chloride Neither compound showed reasonable potential to exceed WQS/Action Levels. Maintain same monitoring as last permit. Effluent- copper, zinc, iron All metals showed reasonable potential to exceed state action levels. Per Action Level Policy, maintain monitoring -only since facility has been compliant with its chronic toxicity limit. Page 4 Version: June 16, 2003 NPDES PERMIT FACT SHEET- ADDENDUM Page 5 City of Greensboro- North Buffalo NPDES No. NC0024325 Add special condition Special Condition A(3)- Instream data for 1999 requiring permittee to Instream Monitoring Study indicated several DO values conduct a two-year, weekly <5 mg/1 at the upstream instream monitoring study for station, and a larger DO sag NH3, DO, temperature and at the downstream D2 pH at stations U, D 1, D2, D3. station. In addition, instream data showed violations of the ammonia criteria, particularly during winter. Beginning 7/ 1 /01, instream data will reflect stream conditions following the PO' W upgrade as well as the removal of the upstream Cone Mills discharge. The instream study data will be used to reassess instream conditions for ammonia and DO. PROJECT NOTES Summary • This is a permit renewal for a major PO1W with a 16 MGD activated sludge facility. For calendar year 2000, the facility averaged 76% of its permitted flow. This facility has recently upgraded its treatment capability to improve effluent quality, by converting three existing flow equalization tanks to an additional treatment train (aeration tank and two final clarifiers). This upgrade became operational in March 2001. The facility operates a full pretreatment program, and industrial wastewater represents 7% of permitted flow. There are currently nine SIUs, including metal finishing, job shop electroplating, and inorganic/organic chemicals manufacturing. Sludge is pumped to the Greensboro Osborne WWTP for dewatering and incineration. In addition, flow equalization pumps send peak wastewater flows to the Greensboro Osborne WWTP, which is permitted to 40 MGD. There are no current plans to expand the North Buffalo Creek facility beyond the current 16 MGD capacity. Finally, the city is slip -lining old sewer lines to minimize the impacts of infiltration and inflow. • The facility discharges to North Buffalo Creek, which then discharges to Buffalo Creek>Reedy Fork>Haw River>Jordan Lake. The entire North Buffalo Creek is listed as biologically impaired in the 2000 Draft 303(d) List, with a Not Supporting (NS) use rating. Currently TMDLs are in preparation for ammonia and fecal conform bacteria. The receiving stream is also classified as Nutrient Sensitive Water (NSW), and direct dischargers are subject to nutrient limitations imposed by House Bill 515. The 2000 Basin Plan reports that a Poor rating for water quality, based on both fish and benthos data, was found below the WWTP. Further downstream on Reedy Fork, there is a slight improvement to a Fair benthos rating. • North Buffalo Creek receives large amounts of urban runoff from the City of Greensboro, as well as point source additions from Greensboro North Buffalo WWTP and, until recently, from Cone Mills. North Buffalo Creek is a small stream and effluent dominated, with the permitted discharge from Greensboro North Buffalo representing 97% of the instream s7Q10 flow. A major industrial discharger (Cone Mills) located a few miles upstream of the POTW consistently violated toxicity limits, but its wastewater will be pumped to the Greensboro Osborne WWTP, which discharges to South Buffalo Creek, by July 1, 2001. The City of Greensboro has developed a stormwater program that will start to address problems associated with nonpoint sources. Permit Limits Development • Application. The permit renewal application was received on 7/31/2000, approximately 11 months prior to the permit expiration date of 6/30/01. Page 5 Version: June 16, 2003 NPDES PERMIT FACT SHEET- ADDENDUM City of Greensboro- North Buffalo Page 6 NPDES No. NC0024325 • Permit Modifications. The permit was modified in April 1998 to allow a total cyanide quantitation limit of 10 ug/1. • Coalition Monitoring. Facility became a member of the Upper Cape Fear River Basin Association (UCFRBA) in 2000. Instream monitoring requirements in Effluent Sheet A(1) have been waived since 4/6/00 as long as facility maintains membership in the UCFRBA. The UCFRBA collects one upstream sample and one downstream sample (at Huffine Mill Rd) in association with this discharger. Instream monitoring requirements per Effluent Sheet A(1) will continue to be waived, with the exception of the Instream Study requirement per Special Condition A(3). • Nutrients. The NSW Strategy has already mandated effluent TP limits of 2 mg/1. In 1997, HB 515 set additional requirements on NSW waters, specifically TN load limits based on 5.5 mg/1, with an implementation date of 1 / 1 /03. The City of Greensboro -North Buffalo was one of nine facilities to request and receive a compliance extension provided by Senate Bill 1366, under the condition that a calibrated nutrient response model be prepared for the Jordan Lake watershed. Nutrient limits will ultimately be based on the model results, which are due in April 2002. • Metals. Based on results of the reasonable potential analysis (RPA), limits have been added for cyanide, chromium, nickel, mercury, and beryllium. The RPA for cyanide, chromium, and nickel was based on data reported for the calendar year 2000, while the RPA for mercury and beryllium was based on data reported in 1999/2000. • Ammonia TMDL. A TMDL is currently being developed for NH3 for North Buffalo Creek. The NPDES permit may need to be modified in the future based on TMDL requirements. This draft permit requires the facility to conduct an instream weekly monitoring study per Special Condition A(3), to reassess instream ammonia conditions following the facility upgrade (completed 3/01) as well as the Cone Mills outfall relocation (completed 5/01). • Instream Dissolved Oxygen. Instream data for summer 1999 inicated low DO values (< 5 mg/1 WQS) on several occasions in July and August at the Upstream station, none at the first downstream station (D1), but then several low DO values (< 5 mg/1) at the second downstream station (D2). The DO sag at D2 was more severe than at the upstream station, indicating the influence of the Greensboro -North Buffalo discharge. Instream DO data will need to be re-evaluated at these historical downstream stations to determine whether conditions have improved since the facility upgrade and removal of the Cone Mills discharge. Similar to ammonia, this permit requires the permittee to conduct a weekly instream monitoring study per Special Condition A(3) to determine current instream conditions for DO. If instream DO trends do not show an improvement, then additional measures may be necessary to maintain the instream WQS for DO. • Water Quality Limited Parameters: CBOD, NH3. TP, DO, cyanide, chromium, nickel, mercury, beryllium. DMR Data. • Effluent Chemistry Data. With the exception of some cyanide limits violations, the facility was compliant with its permit limits for calendar year 2000. Average monthly values ranged from 10-14 MGD (flow); 1-4.8 mg/1 (CBOD); 0.3-5.8 mg/1 (NH3); 3-10 mg/1 (TSS); 1- 46 org/100m1 (fecals); 8-15 mg/1 (TN); and 0.9-2.5 mg/1 (TP). The max TRC concentrations generally ranged from 400-1000 ug/1. • Effluent Toxicity Data. The facility has generally been compliant with its chronic toxicity test limit, passing 17 of 20 tests between 1997-2001. There have been no failures since February 1998. • Instream Data. Evaluation of 1999 summer instream data shows low DOs (< 5 mg/1 WQS) at the upstream station as well as the second downstrean station (D2). With the removal of Cone Mills by July 1, 2001, as well as the additional treatment train which became operational in March 2001, the subsequent summer instream data will need to be evaluated to determine if additional measures are necessary to protect instream DO and ammonia. • Compliance Data. Between 1 / 1 /95-10/31 /00, the facility was assessed two penalties for limits violations (CBOD, Fecal) in 1999, totaling $4,346. There were three additional penalty assessments totaling $1,876 for cyanide limits violations in 2000, based on several violations of the weekly average CN limits. There are currently no active SOCs. Page 6 Version: June 16, 2003 . NPDES PERMIT FACT SHEET- ADDENDUM City of Greensboro- North Buffalo Page 7 NPDES No. NC0024325 WLA Data. • The last WLA was prepared in 1995. Winston Salem Region Data. • The WSRO conducted a Compliance Evaluation Inspection on 10/25/00. The plant was well maintained and all components were operating satisfactorily. Page 7 Version: June 16, 2003 . NPDES PERMIT FACT SHEET- ADDENDUM City of Greensboro- North Buffalo NPDES No. NC0024325 Page 8 Proposed Schedule for Permit Issuance Draft Permit to Public Notice: Permit Scheduled to Issue: State Contact 08/15/01 10/01/01 If you have any questions on any of the above information or on the attached permit, please contact Tom Belnick at (919) 733-5038, extension 543. Copies of the following are attached to provide further information on the permit development: • Reasonable Potential Analysis (majors only) • Draft Permit NPDES Recommendation by: Sidnatiirp Regional Office Comments natP Regional Recommendation by: Reviewed and accepted by: Signature Date Signature Date Regional Supervisor: NPDES Unit Supervisor: Signature Date Page 8 Version: June 16, 2003 K ©Tits NCDENR Michael F. Easley Governor William G. Ross, Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W. Klimek, P.E., Director Division of Water Quality DRAFT (Month XX, )c) Allan Williams, Director of Water Resources City of Greensboro P.O. Box 3136 Greensboro, North Carolina 27402-3136 Subject: NPDES Permit Issuance Permit No. NC0024325 North Buffalo WWTP Guilford County Dear Mr. Williams: Division staff have reviewed and approved your application for an NPDES discharge permit. Accordingly, the Division is forwarding the subject NPDES permit. This permit is issued pursuant to the requirements of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1 and the Memorandum of Agreement between North Carolina and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency dated May 9, 1994 (or as subsequently amended). The following items address comments and changes made pursuant to the DRAFT permit: ■ Instream Study. The facility requested that Special Condition A (3)- Instream Study- be addressed in an administrative Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between the City and the State of North Carolina, similar to the administrative MOA for NPDES stream monitoring included in the Upper Cape Fear River Basin Monitoring Coalition. The Division concurs with this request. The Instream Study special condition has been deleted from the FINAL permit, and a MOA for the instream study is in preparation. Under the MOA, the facility will conduct a two-year instream monitoring study at four stations to evaluate both instream dissolved oxygen and ammonia, following the facility upgrade and removal of the upstream Cone Mills discharge in 2001. ■ Mercury. The facility requested a compliance schedule for the proposed effluent limit for mercury. to allow time for the facility to evaluate effluent results using clean sampling techniques, as well as investigating any potential significant sources of mercury. The basis for the new mercury limit was the detection of mercury in 1 of 14 effluent samples collected during 1999/2000, at a concentration of 0.67 ug/1. Additional data collected during 2001 shows one mercury detection (0.23 ug/1) in 61 samples, which still exhibits reasonable potential to exceed water quality standards. The 2001 influent data shows influent concentrations ranging up to 7.5 ug/1. Based on this data, the Division will retain the mercury limit in the FINAL permit but include a one-year compliance schedule, to provide the facility time for clean sampling evaluations as well as source identification. In addition, please note that this facility will be required to begin using EPA Method 1631 low-level mercury analysis beginning 9/ 1 /2003 for all effluent mercury monitoring, due to the limited dilution at this facility. This new analytical requirement was addressed in a letter to the permittee dated 8/30/02. Please note that effluent limits may be deleted in the future upon written notification of the Division, if the permittee provides updated effluent data (recommended one-year period) that shows no reasonable potential to exceed applicable water quality standards. The facility subsequently requested that the mercury compliance schedule be extended until 9/ 1 /04, to provide additional time for the facility to implement clean sampling techniques. This request cannot be granted, since the Division has already required all 155 subject facilities to begin using Method 1631 for compliance purposes by 9/ 1 /03. The facility also requested that the monitoring frequency be changed to 2/month when using Method 1631 analysis. Once again, this request cannot be granted, since a weekly monitoring frequency is consistent with all other Grade 4 facilities that have mercury limits. • Beryllium. The facility requested the proposed effluent limit for beryllium be suspended. The facility reported that the beryllium data used in the reasonable potential analysis was ultimately rejected due to QA/QC problems discovered at the contract laboratory. The reported maximum detection (0.37 ug/1) was below accepted practical quantitation limits (2 ug/1), and run without corresponding low- level standards. The laboratory has acknowledged the QA/QC deficiencies and has corrected the problems beginning with effluent samples collected in April 2002. The Division concurs that the historical beryllium data set is unreliable. Therefore, the Division has dropped the beryllium limit in the FINAL permit, and will require the facility to continue quarterly effluent monitoring for beryllium N. C. Division of Water Quality / NPDES Unit 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Internet: h2o.enr.state.nc.us Phone: (919) 733-5083 fax: (919) 733-0719 DENR Customer Service Center: 1 800 623-7748 NPDES Permit Issuance Permit No. NC0024325 North Buffalo WWTP Page 2 under the pretreatment LTMP program. This data will be reviewed again for reasonable potential analysis at the next permit renewal. • Ammonia/Summer Season. The draft permit includes both summer and winter limits for ammonia, similar to the previous permit. Summer limits are more stringent than winter limits. The facility requested that the month of April be designated as a "winter month" rather than "summer month" for ammonia, based on the contention that wastewater temperatures are still low in April. The Division cannot concur with this request at this time. The definition of "Summer Period" is defined in state regulations [15A NCAC 2B.0404 (c)1 as April 1- October 31. Therefore, such a request would require a variance to a state rule. Requirements that must be met in order to be eligible for a variance are located in General Statute 143-215(e), which include proving that 1) the discharge will not endanger human health or safety; and 2) compliance with the rule from which the variance is sought cannot be achieved by application of best available technology found to be economically reasonable, and would produce serious hardship without equal or greater benefits to the public. • Ammonia/Weekly Limit. The DRAFT permit included ammonia limits based on monthly average limits only. Subsequent to the DRAFT permit, a DWQ Ammonia Permitting Policy (dated 10/15/2002, and available on the NPDES website) was approved by EPA Region 4, and is now being implemented in NPDES permits. The ammonia policy addresses EPA concerns about the need for both monthly average as well as weekly average permit limits for ammonia (NH3-N). For municipal facilities with monthly average ammonia limits, a multiplier of 3 will be used to establish weekly average limits. The multiplier was derived from performance data for eight municipal facilities. This FINAL permit implements the ammonia policy with the addition of weekly average ammonia limits of 12 mg/1 (summer) and 24 mg/1 (winter). ■ Cyanide PQL. The facility requested that the NPDES permit quantitation level for cyanide be designated as 20 ug/1, based on a cyanide PQL study conducted by the City of Winston-Salem. The Division cannot concur with this request. The Winston-Salem study was a site -specific determination, and results may not be applicable to wastewater from the Greensboro facility. However, the Division will consider results of any site -specific PQL study that the facility may perform in the future. Based on recent discussions with US EPA, a practical quantitation level (PQL) of 10 ug/1 was agreed upon for NC NPDES permitting, and is considered achievable by many contract laboratories. For compliance purposes, all values below 10 ug/1 (both detects and non -detects) will be considered "zero." ■ Selenium. EPA commented on the DRAFT permit that the reasonable potential analysis indicated the potential for selenium to exceed its allowable effluent concentration of 5.1 ug/1. The data set (n= 14) used for this evaluation was collected over the period 8/99-12/00, and included a single detection at the PQL of 2 ug/1, with all other values reported as <2 ug/1 or <5 ug/1. It does not appear that any additional effluent selenium data has been collected since that time. A re-evaluation of the data shows no reasonable potential if the data set excludes non -detects reported as <5 ug/1 (n= 4), since this data adds variability to the statistical evaluation. Based on this re-evaluation, no limit is proposed for selenium. However, quarterly selenium monitoring has been added to the FINAL permit, and data will be re-evaluated for reasonable potential analysis at the next permit renewal. In order to reduce unnecessary variability, it is recommended that the facility request the lab to analyze these samples at the same PQL. ■ Total Metals. EPA commented on the DRAFT permit that metals should be specified as 'Total" in the effluent sheet. This change has been incorporated into this FINAL permit. • Total Residual Chlorine. Please note that the Division is currently in the process of implementing a water quality standard for Total Residual Chlorine (TRC) based on the recent Triennial Review. The standard has been approved by the EMC, and NPDES expects to introduce permit limits statewide in April 2003. Although TRC is not currently limited in this permit, the Division recommends that you prepare a budget and schedule construction of facility upgrades to restrict the discharge of TRC, or explore alternative methods of disinfection. A review of recent effluent DMR data indicates this facility's effluent TRC concentrations generally range from 100-400 ug/1. Future renewals of this permit will include a TRC limit of between 17 ug/L and 28 ug/L, assuming the TRC water quality standard receives final approval. • Extreme Weather. The facility requested that the adverse weather/dangerous stream sampling provisions provided in state regulations [15A NCAC 2B.0505 (c)(4)] be included in the FINAL permit. In response, this language has been added to the bottom of the effluent sheet. • Daily Definition. The facility requested that the definition for "Daily" sampling be included in the FINAL permit. The state definition provided in 15A NCAC 2B.0503 (5) states that "Daily" means every day on which a wastewater discharge occurs except Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays unless otherwise specified by the Director. This definition has been added to the bottom of the effluent sheet. NPDES Permit Issuance .Permit No. NC0024325 North Buffalo WWTP Page 3 • Treatment Components. The facility provided updated information on the wastewater treatment upgrades, which has been incorporated in the Supplement to Permit Cover Sheet. • Renewal Requirements. Please note that the U.S. EPA changed the NPDES permit application requirements (per 40 CFR 122) for municipal facilities, effective August 1, 2001. EPA Forms 1 and 2A must be used for your next permit renewal application, and additional analyses will be required. Any data submitted cannot be over 4 '/2 years old. The new application requirements include: > Conduct three Priority Pollutant Analyses (PPAs) and submit results with your renewal application. Samples must be representative of the seasonal variation in the discharge. The new PPA requirements are included in Part D of EPA Form 2A. ➢ Conduct four toxicity tests for an organism other than Ceriodaphnia and submit results with your renewal application. The tests should be conducted quarterly, with samples collected on the same day as your current toxicity test. Contact the Aquatic Toxicology Unit at (919) 733- 2136 for guidance on conducting the additional tests. • Pretreatment Data. Please include all future Pretreatment LTMP effluent data in the applicable monthly Discharge Monitoring Reports. The following items that appeared in the DRAFT permit remain in this FINAL permit: • Nutrient Limits. This facility discharges to nutrient sensitive water (NSW) and already has total phosphorus limits of 2 mg/1 as a result of the NSW strategy. In 1997 the Clean Water Responsibility Act (House Bill 515) was enacted, with the intent to strengthen the control of nutrients from all discharges to NSW waters. Facilities permitted to discharge > 500,000 gallons per day, and any new or expanding facilities, are subject to nutrient limitations for total nitrogen and total phosphorus according to House Bill 515 requirements. The House Bill 515 nutrient limitations are effective January 1, 2003, unless a compliance extension was received and approved by the Division. Since an extension was approved, the total nitrogen limit will be deferred until results of a nutrient response modeling effort are completed. Please note that modeling results may result in limits lower than those mandated by House Bill 515. • Nutrient Monitoring. An increase in effluent nutrient monitoring frequency from monthly to weekly for total nitrogen and total phosphorus. • Chronic Toxicity. An update to the chronic toxicity test language, which was revised in 1999 to include different follow-up procedures upon a test failure. • Nutrient Reopener. Deletion of Special Condition H, Nutrient Reopener, since permit reopener language is already present in the boilerplate (Part II, Section B. 13). • Ammonia. There are no changes in the ammonia monthly average effluent limit at this time. However, please be aware that an ammonia TMDL is currently in development, which may require more stringent permit limits in the future. • Instream Monitoring. Instream monitoring requirements in Effluent Sheet A (1) have been waived as long as the permittee maintains membership in the Upper Cape Fear River Basin Association (UCFRBA). The UCFRBA conducts instream monitoring at one upstream station and one downstream station associated with this discharge. • Metals Limits. Effluent limits and weekly monitoring have been added for cyanide, chromium, nickel, and mercury, which showed reasonable potential to exceed applicable water quality standards/criteria. However, maintain same monitoring as last permit for copper, zinc, and iron; these compounds showed reasonable potential to exceed state action levels, but per the Division Action Level Policy no limits are necessary since the facility has been compliant with its chronic toxicity test limit. • Monitoring. A decrease in monitoring frequency from monthly to quarterly for fluoride and chloride, since neither compound showed reasonable potential to exceed applicable water quality standards/criteria. • Permit Expiration. Extend the permit expiration date to June 30, 2006. Please note that the receiving stream (North Buffalo Creek) is listed as an impaired water in North Carolina's Draft 2000 303(d) list. The entire stream is listed as biologically impaired due to unknown causes, with a Not Supporting (NS) use rating. Currently TMDLs are in preparation for ammonia and fecal coliform bacteria. If there is noncompliance with permitted effluent limits and degradation of North Buffalo Creek can be attributed to the facility, then additional mitigative measures may be necessary. NPDES Permit Issuance • Permit No. NC0024325 North Buffalo WWTP Page 4 If any parts, measurement frequencies, or sampling requirements contained in this permit are unacceptable to you, you have the right to an adjudicatory hearing upon written request within thirty (30) days following receipt of this letter. This request must be in the form of a written petition, conforming to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes, and filed with the office of Administrative Hearings, 6714 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-6714. Unless such a demand is made, this permit shall be final and binding. Please take notice that this permit is not transferable except after notice to the Division. The Division may require modification or revocation and reissuance of the permit. This permit does not affect the legal requirements to obtain other permits which may be required by the Division of Water Quality, the Division of Land Resources, the Coastal Area Management Act, or any other federal or local governmental permit. If you have any questions concerning this permit, please contact Tom Belnick at telephone number (919) 733-5083, ext. 543. Sincerely, Alan W. Klimek, P.E. cc: Madolyn Dominy, EPA (Revised Fact Sheet + Permit + Comments) Winston Salem Regional Office, Water Quality (Revised Fact Sheet + Permit) Aquatic Toxicology Unit (Permit) Central File NPDES File ►b MO 30,10/)161) cl1104, drc-ii b'o NCooaV327- N. NIcoD 1/738Y- Teo tok4/ vmvittri - /Are ithkd 4o/o Novg #04, r o/ i Z/o l._ Jo vi "'WC : gf10 bF=1.o(1 iP- ivC; = qs? iF : I os - J 03 hff c( 1 iic.o rat it• cle4k; salts, 1, D {'r 4ah4C 0449A iiisesolW1 N113 - 1,4( lvef rl 4 v bent. /- Ha_ rti wo L0 1 3 J /03 fiil il%''t 17 / tilt -Sink iNLeLvit 10 J^^'h/ry 7‹ rta -614'h2y1401t V5 »1G/1vC Utirl�t -cell Pa1� detjel spic.p ? &-g/t Iva defetChl = Z3 VI.) met, No.nIL 00(0.1 41'/3 !WOK ViI.4e x r►,�1�trl� S i -- 7N 1, I td--er )tot A-e14- rom opt 01) per40- artph t4th'3117 � 'tr�a/1.71401q40P^Pa ,skeevii 6_e / 01107( A31 (vo4 !1'(a rhoiID 4c14, c tf/hir 0)4. die///;44,E 4,7 E,5772 - gke, aYieslee �fNel)74'1L- mot bKf Aid/@i le.(44 Iftw 101101 g4•4044a 1. Ofriv 1,4 firff/� QAP� --- -/ae k7/zirry nktieveni-1/4, - VAR au, nt,fiviy-vbegA IcP//45.. IL/01_ jicr 464 iy;4 #44-/ dm/44/ d�. /N o✓C aiii Cin- /Lev et compor/u1W 10,1 510114 Artil t.1040( e wit ill T2- - 4,71_, Nr1 /1Mb/A113 cogya 44 1-12 (kilt, Ty -tow( 1,0 kovi At 1,1/5 avAkivileji 17/ tm &omit" 44-6,tv - pa< -a' 11,04 SI1,1 CA)? n c l zc0 11116,01 44( P 1 3 o ,uvf M J 4 1141. a di 401 0 , I krnela/t-, 6-( -ear+ w04,) i-kvn 2 �+� /J) zo2 "7" ;;-7.1 ��y ViegoEto&-s- 50c,, /-0 i�lj1-1— va4PLA__-i 61 4 i) NC Of32S [PF} coicwt EPA- ji'//Se viol / 041, el4 fJl z TsS ----- , opy Hej —silo 660 A 4 -eu0a , 10-6 - / fili) 47 . e -,e — T �4 ntivl�l� .- 1� i Ica. 4e- r}12 A(3)- t - v 1 n �-t,�r� wtctio t.wfi µ. 106 r y 6 - 0-� tvin/ti ru.on"( --Wlhk1� c�f1 �iti Y'f CI�I 1.o K �J Gx N. dS 4�j. 6 44 T 1 4.4`et.) _104 zar, 1,v-tAte 46 seyo,. YJ. 2 y%I 2-5voli V), zs �1� /iiS D w - f t° qh vw rk; o'-, (Wnn) - 1 CW - S &I1��13iivs� itri ,ltf 4) l/)jL (Z . 1,, 11 re;uiei' 163r ,�� 10I/o3 ii14404,1L / e /i L d . b io d i d g o , SAC k I`'� k IJ L 62_ `. 4 co —wv,f- gdo.. or/'_ deh 1 ,u + , io O 0 . L 1 ( Lime 8(qrikp ( i 0 , L7 fr 4 o bi ) V - t - b`- rAd- (�I131r,) - CU I (fivvl� �ed�h� d►'Rlh n� � crvt� � coy( k )rgih vt 1 8/14/2002 North Buffalo LONG TERM MONI' PO1W: L.QL= LRLR PERMIT NO. < 10 4.10 SAMPLE LOC. BERYLLIUM MERCURY SAMPLE DATE INF. EFF % removal. EFF % removal 6/1/2001 6/2/2001 6/3/2001 6/4/2001 6/5/2001 6/6/2001 6/7/2001 0.00018 0.00036 -100% < 0.0002 < 0.0002 0% 6/8/2001 6/9/2001 6/10/2001 6/11/2001 6/12/2001 6/13/2001 0.0013 0.0005 62% 0.00053 < 0.0002 62% 6/14/2001 < 0.00008 < 0.0002 6/15/2001 < 0.0002 6/16/2001 10.00006 6/17/2001 6/18/2001 < 0.00006 < 0.0002 6/19/2001 < 0.00006 < 0.0002 6/20/2001 < 0.00006 0.000075 -25% < 0.0002 0.00023 -15% 6/21/2001 0.00015 < 0.0002 6/22/2001 0.00037 < 0.0002 6/23/2001 6/24/2001 6/25/2001 0.00022 < 0.0002 6/26/2001 0.00046 < < 0.0002 _ 6/27/2001 0.00012 0.00014 -17% 0.00027 0.0002 26% 6/28/2001 0.0004 < < 0.0002 6/29/2001 0.000091 0.0002 6/30/2001 7/1/2001 7/2/2001 0.00024 < 0.0002 7/3/2001 1 0.00012 < 0.0002 7/4/2001 7/5/2001 0.000093 < 0.0002 7/6/2001 0.00018 < 0.0002 7/7/2001 7/8/2001 7/9/2001 0.00019 < 0.0002 7/10/2001 0.00025 < 0.0002 7/11/2001 0.00034 < 0.0002 7/12/2001 0.000082 < 0.0002 7/13/2001 0.00013 < 0.0002 7/14/2001 7/15/2001 7/16/2001 < 0.00006 < 0.0002 7/17/2001 < 0.00006 < 0.0002 7/18/2001 < 0.00006 < 0.0002 7/19/2001 0.00018 < 0.0002 7/20/2001 0.00022 < 0.0002 7/21/2001 7/22/2001 7/23/2001 0.00017 < 0.0002 7/24/2001 0.00017 < 0.0002 7/25/2001 0.00019 < 0.0002 7/26/2001 0.00014 < 0.0002 7/27/2001 0.00017 < 0.0002 7/28/2001 7/29/2001 7/30/2001 0.00013 < 0.0002 7/31/2001 0.0002 < 0.0002 8/1/2001 0.000091 < 0.0002 8/2/2001 0.00011 < 0.0002 8/3/2001 0.00022 < 0.0002 8/4/2001 8/5/2001 8/6/2001 0.00018 < 0.0002 8/7/2001 0.00027 < 0.0002 8/8/2001 0.000093 < 0.0002 8/9/2001 < 0.00006 < 0.0002 8/10/2001 < 0.00006 < 0.0002 8/11/2001 8/12/2001 8/13/2001 < 0.00006 < 0.0002 8/14/2001 < 0.00006 < 0.0002 8/15/2001 < 0.00006 < 0.0002 8/16/2001 0.000092 < 0.0002 8/17/2001 0.00039 < 0.0002 8/18/2001 8/19/2001 8/20/2001 0.0001 Page 1 < 0.0002 /✓oem' 3UFf.�-1,0 8/14/2002 North Buffalo LONG TERM MONE POTW: _ PERMIT NO. SAMPLE LOC. BERYLLIUM MERCURY SAMPLE DATE INF. EFF % remova INF. EFF % removal 8/21/2001 0.00039 < 0.0002 8/22/2001 0.0005 < 0.0002 8/23/2001 8/24/2001 8/25/2001 8/26/2001 8/27/2001 8/28/2001 8/29/2001 8/30/2001 — 8/31/2001 9/1/2001 9/2/2001 9/3/2001 9/4/2001 9/5/2001 < 0.00006 < 0.00006 0% 0.00031 < 0.0002 35% 9/6/2001 917/2001 9/8/2001 9/9/2001 9/10/2001 9/11/2001 9/12/2001 0.00047 0.00036 23% 0.0009 < 0.0002 78% 9/13/2001 9/14/2001 9/15/2001 9/16/2001 9/17/2001 9118/2001 9/19/2001 0.00028 0.00017 39% < 0.0002 < 0.0002 0% 9/20/2001 9/21/2001 9/22/2001 9123/2001 9/24/2001 9/25/2001 9/26/2001 0.00033 0.00046 -39% 0.00051 < 0.0002 61% 9/27/2001 9/28/2001 9/29/2001 9/30/2001 10/1/2001 10/2/2001 10/3/2001 10/4/2001 10/5/2001 10/6/2001 10/7/2001 10/8/2001 10/9/2001 10/10/2001 10/11/2001 10/1212001 10/13/2001 10/14/2001 10/15/2001 10/16/2001 10/17/2001 10/18/2001 10/19/2001 10/20/2001 10/21/2001 10/22/2001 10/23/2001 10/24/2001 10/25/2001 10/26/2001 10/27/2001 10/28/2001 10/29/2001 10/30/2001 10/31/2001 11/1/2001 11/2/2001 11/3/2001 11/4/2001 11/5/2001 11/6/2001 11/7/2001 11/8/2001 11/9/2001 P ge 2 8/14/2002 North Buffalo LONG TERM MONE POTW: PERMIT NO. SAMPLE LOC. BERYLLIUM MERCURY SAMPLE DATE INF. EFF % removal INF. EFF % removal 11/10/2001 11/11/2001 11/12/2001 11/13/2001 11/14/2001 11/15/2001 11/16/2001 11/17/2001 11/18/2001 11/19/2001 11/20/2001 11/21/2001 11 /22/2001 11/23/2001 11/24/2001 11/25/2001 11/26/2001 11/27/2001 • 11/28/2001 11/29/2001 11/30/2001 12/1/2001 12/2/2001 12/3/2001 12/4/2001 12/5/2001 0.00013 < 0.00006 54% 0.0005 < 0.0002 80% 12/6/2001 12/7/2001 12/8/2001 12/9/2001 12/10/2001 12/11/2001 12/12/2001 0.00027 < 0.00006 78% 0.00033 < 0.0002 39% 12/13/2001 12/14/2001 12/15/2001 12/16/2001 12/17/2001 12/18/2001 12/19/2001 < 0.00006 < 0.00006 0% < 0.0002 < 0.0002 0% 12/20/2001 12/21/2001 12/22/2001 12/23/2001 12/24/2001 12/25/2001 12/26/2001 0.000087 < 0.00006 31% 0.00083 < 0.0002 76% 12/27/2001 12/28/2001 12/29/2001 12/30/2001 12/31/2001 1/1/2002 1/2/2002 1/3/2002 1/4/2002 1/5/2002 1/612002 117/2002 1/8/2002 1/9/2002 1/10/2002 1/11/2002 1/12/2002 1/13/2002 1/14/2002 1/15/2002 1/16/2002 1/17/2002 1/18/2002 1/19/2002 1/20/2002 1/21/2002 1/2212002 1/23/2002 1/24/2002 1/25/2002 1/26/2002 1/27/2002 1/28/2002 1/29/2002 Page 3 8/14/2002 North Buffalo LONG TERM MOM' POTW: PERMIT NO. SAMPLE LOC. BERYLLIUM MERCURY SAMPLE DATE INF. EFF % remova INF. EFF % removal 1/3012002 1/31/2002 2/1/2002 2/2/2002 2/3/2002 2/412002 2/512002 -�- 2/6/2002-�--� 2 8/2002:C�C Cam: 2/9/2002 -� 2/10/2002 2/11/2002 2/12/2002 2/13/2002 2/14/2002 2/15/2002 2/16/2002 2/17/2002 2/1812002 2/19/2002 2/20/2002 2/21/2002 2/22/2002 2/23/2002 2/24/2002 2/25/2002 2/26/2002 2/27/2002 2/28/2002 3/1/2002 3/2/2002 3/3/2002 3/4/2002 3/5/2002 3/6/2002 < 0.0002 < 0.0002 0% 0.00036 < 0.0002 44% 3/7/2002 3/8/2002-�- 3/9/2002 3/10/2002 3/11/2002 3/12/2002 315/20021�'.■ 3/14/2002 3/1512002 3/16/2002-�--� 3/17/2002-•- 3/18/2002 3/19/2002 3/20/2002 3/21/2002 3/22/2002 3/23/2002 3/24/2002 3/25/2002 3/26/2002 3/27/2002 -•- 3/2912002,_, 3/2912002 3/3/2002 3/31/2002 4/1/2002 -� • 4/2/2002 -• • 4/3/2002 -• • 4/4/2002 C-•- • 42002 4/6/2002 -, 4/7/2002 -•- 4/8/2002 4/9/2002 '. 4/1012002 4/11/2002 4/12/2002 4/13/2002 4/14/2002 4/15/2002 4/16/2002 4/17/2002 4/16/2002 4/19/2002 4/20/2002 Page 4 8/14/2002 North Buffalo LONG TERM MOM' POTW: PERMIT NO. SAMPLE LOC. BERYLLIUM MERCURY SAMPLE DATE INF. EFF % removal— INF. EFF % removal 4/21/2002 4/22/2002 4/23/2002 4/24/2002 4/25/2002 4/26/2002 4/27/2002 4/28/2002 4/29/2002 4/30/2002 5/1/2002 < 0.002 < 0.002 0% 0.0075 < 0.0002 97% 5/2/2002 f 5/3/2002 5/4/2002 5/5/2002 5/8/2002 5/7/2002 5/8/2002 5/9/2002 Ilf‘f 5/10/2002 5/11/2002 5/12/2002 5/13/2002 5/14/2002 5/15/2002 5/16/2002 5/17/2002 5/18/2002 5/19/2002 5/20/2002 5/21/2002 5/22/2002 5/23/2002 5/24/2002 5/25/2002 5/26/2002 5/27/2002 5/28/2002 5/29/2002 5/30/2002 5/31/2002 6/1/2002 6/2/2002 . 6/3/2002 6/4/2002 6/5/2002 6/6/2002 6/7/2002 6/8/2002 6/9/2002 8/10/2002 6/11/2002 6/12/2002 6/13/2002 6/14/2002 6/15/2002 6/16/2002 6/17/2002 6/18/2002 6/19/2002 6/20/2002 6/21/2002 6/22/2002 6/23/2002 6/24/2002 6/25/2002 6/26/2002 1 6/27/2002 6/28/2002 6/29/2002 _ 6/30/2002 c.0 Ni v Page 5 as far as I'm concerned 72,4 co►i cktv. Subject: as far as I'm concerned Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2002 14:11:41 -0400 From: Hyatt.Marshall@epamail.epa.gov To: tom.belnick@ncmail.net due to resolution of outstanding issues, you can issue City of Cramerton and City of Greensboro North Buffalo Creek. 1 of 1 4/16/02 3:03 PM NC0024325 - Greensboro North Buffalo Crcc 994 0.41 r'+i tti{A Subject: NC0024325 - Greensboro North Buffalo Creek Date: Fri, 15 Feb 2002 13:11:16 -0500 From: Hyatt.Marshall@epamail.epa.gov To: tom.belnick@ncmail.net CC: Ejimofor.Caroline@epamail.epa.gov, dave.goodrich@ncmail.net, mike.templeton@ncmail.net 1. The RPA shows that Se is violated, but due to the LTMP, no required. Please explain why no limit is required. limit is 2. The RPA and data and Ag show lots of zeros for data. Were the detection limits for these sufficiently sensitive such that a non-detect/zero value is meaningful that NC's WQS aren't being exceeded. DMR for Cd, Pb, 3. The permit does not contain weekly average limits for total ammonia, as required by 40 CFR 122.45(d)(2). I know this is a global issue for many NC municipal permits and we are in discussions with Dave to resolve this. 4. Part A.1 should say "pH", rather than "PH". 5. Part A.1 says "TSR", while footnote 2 says "TSS". These should be consistent. 6. It is my understanding that the metals will now be specified as "total". thanks. Marshall ttfrti 1 of 1 2/18/02 11:27 AM News & Record North Carolina, Guilford County Published by News & Record, Inc. Greensboro, North Carolina Affidavit of Publication 8/10/01 Before the undersigned, a Notary Public of said County and State, duly commissioned, qualified and authorized by law to administer oaths, personally appeared Ashley Bowles who being first duly sworn, deposed and says: 1. That she is the Publisher's Representative of the Greensboro News & Record, Inc. a corporation, engaged in the publication of newspapers known as "News & Record', published, issued and entered as second class mail in the City of Greensboro in said County and State. 2. That she is authorized to make this affidavit and sworn statement; that the notice or other legal advertisement, a copy of which is attached hereto, was published in the News & Record on the above listed dates. 3. That the said newspaper (or newspapers) in which such notice, p each and every such publication, a newspaper meeting all of the re North Carolina and was aqualjfied newspaper within the meaning Publisher's Representative Sworn to and subscribed before me, this Notary Public , document, or legal advertisement was published was, at the time of ents and qua ' ca I. of Section 1-597 of the General Statutes of i it 7, the - ral Statut of . Carolina. My commission expires: August 23, 2005 O4� day of 2001. VALERIE McNEIL NOTARY PUBLIC GUILFORD COUNTY, NC Commission Expires 8-23-2005 Name Ad # Date Edition Class PO Ad Copv NCDENR/DWQ/NPES 1202520 08/10/01 News & Record 400 NC0024325 PUBLIC NOTICE STATE Ad # 11202520 Date 08/09/2001 Time 12:03 PM PUBLIC NOTICE STATE OF NORTH CAROUNA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMM LS SION/NPDES UNT 1617 MAA L SERVICE CENTER NOTFICCAIJON OF N ENTT0 IS SUE A NPDES WASTEWATER PERMIT On the basisotthorough sta1 review and app icatia n of NC General Statute 143.21, Pub- ic law 92-500 and other law- ful standards and regulatb nS the North Carolina Environ- mental Ma nagemen t C omm ts- sion proposes to Issue a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) wastewater d Isdharge permit to the person(s) listed belowef- fecive 45 days tom the pub- idh date ofthisnotce. Witten comments regarding the proposed permit will be ac- cepted unti 30 days after the publish date of this notice. All comments receNed prior to that date are considered in the final determinations receding the proposed permit. The Drector of the NC Division of Water Quail), may decide to hold a public meethg for the pro posed permit should the Division receive a significant degree of public i Merest. Copies of the draft permit and athe rsu ppo rti ng information on fie used to determine con- ditions present In the draft permit ate available upon re- quest and payment of the costs of reproduction. Mail comments and /o r requests for ihbrmation to the NC Division of Water Qua at the above address or call Ms. Christie Jackson at(919) 733-5083, extension 538. Please hdude the N PD ES permit number (attached) in any communica- tion. in terested person s ma y also visit he Division of Water Qualhy at 512 N. Salisbury Street. Raleigh, NC 27604-1148 between the hourso18:00 a.m and 5:00 Fier. to review inbrmation on NP DES Permit Number NC0024325. GREENSBORO, CITY-N BUFFALO CRK. PO BOX 3136. GREENSBORO,NC 27402 has applied for a per- mit renewal br a facilitylo- cated in GUILFORD County disdtargbi treated wastewa- ter into NORTH BUFFALO CRK in the CAPE FEAR River Bash. Cu really ammonia, phospho- rus, DO, cyan ide,chromum, nickel, mercury, and berylum are ware qu aity limited. This discharge may affect future allocations In this portion of the receiving stream. Ad shown is not actual print size Nicdthl RE: Comments on NPDES Final Draft Permits Subject: RE: Comments on NPDES Final Draft Permits Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2002 11:58:50 -0500 From: "Groome, Martie" <martie.groome@ci.greensboro.nc.us> To: "Williams, Allan" <allan.williams@ci.greensboro.nc.us> CC: "Tom Belnick" <tom.belnick@ncmail.net> 6ieI4tilv 6141,(4,,,,d4 a) (f./614. Yes, Allan, thank you so much for catching this. That paragraph should not have been in the TZO document at all since we already have a limit there. I will notify state to delete this section in the TZ Osborne document. That's what I get for using my "Save As" document function Thanks again. Original Message > From: Williams, Allan > Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2002 7:54 AM > To: Groome, Martie > Subject: RE: Comments on NPDES Final Draft Permits > Martie, this was in the TZO comments; didn> '> t you mean to refer to the TZO TRC limit? Allan > Future TRC Limit in NPDES Permit Clarification > If the outcome of the recent Triennial Review public hearings results in total residual chlorine remaining as an > "> action level> "> as opposed to a state stream > "> standard> "> , would a TRC limit still be placed in the next North Buffalo NPDES permit? What is the timetable on the Triennial Review decisions? Original Message > From: Groome, Martie > Sent: Monday, November 11, 2002 6:32 PM To: 'Tom Belnick' > Cc: White, Arthur; Williams, Allan; Hicks, Barbara > Subject: Comments on NPDES Final Draft Permits > Tom, hope you had a nice holiday today. Attached are the City of Greensboro comments/requests on the final draft NPDES permits. Thanks for your help. Call/email if you need anything else. Martie Groome > 336-375-2229 > « File: North Buffalo Final Draft Permit Comments -Nov 2002.doc » << File: T. Z. Osborne Final Draft Permit Comments.doc » I of I 1 1/I2/02 2:28 PM Comments on NPDES Final Draft Permits Subject: Comments on NPDES Final Draft Permits Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2002 18:32:28 -0500 From: "Groome, Martie" <martie.groome@ci.greensboro.nc.us> To: "Tom Belnick" <tom.belnick@ncmail.net> CC: "White, Arthur" <athur.white@ci.greensboro.nc.us>, "Williams, Allan" <allan.williams@ci.greensboro.nc.us>, "Hicks, Barbara" <barbara.hicks@ci.greensboro.nc.us> Tom, hope you had a nice holiday today. Attached are the City of Greensboro comments/requests on the final draft NPDES permits. Thanks for your help. Call/email if you need anything else. Martie Groome 336-375-2229 «North Buffalo Final Draft Permit Comments -Nov 2002.doc» «T. Z. Osborne Final Draft Permit Comments.doc» MNorth Buffalo Final Draft Permit Comments -Nov 2002.doc Name: North Buffalo Final Draft Permit Comments -Nov 2002.doc Type: Microsoft Word Document (application/msword) Encoding: base64 Description: North Buffalo Final Draft Permit Comments -Nov 2002.doc Download Status: Not downloaded with message ET. Z. Osborne Final Draft Permit Comments.doc Name: T. Z. Osborne Final Draft Permit Comments.doc Type: Microsoft Word Document (application/msword) Encoding: base64 Description: T. Z. Osborne Final Draft Permit Comments.doc Download Status: Not downloaded with message 1 of 1 11/12/02 2:27 PM Ni�oz43L5 CITY OF GREENSBORO NORTH BUFFALO NPDES PERMIT [NC0024325] CHANGES AND COVER LETTER CHANGES REQUEST PERMIT CHANGE REQUEST Mercury Limit — Change in compliance schedule end date and monitoring frequency We request that the mercury compliance schedule start with the permit effective date and end one year after the date of the implementation of Method 1631 for mercury analysis in North Carolina [September 1, 2003]. This would result in a mercury limit effective date of September 1, 2004. Until we can reliably analyze for mercury using the new low-level method, we will have no data on which to base any compliance schedule activities. It will take time to train Greensboro staff to conduct clean metals sampling. For convenience and auditing purposes, we would also like to work with a local laboratory and currently there is no laboratory located in North Carolina that is certified to conduct Method 1631. In addition, there have been recent EPA changes to the 1631 method. We request that the permit monitoring frequency for mercury be changed to 2/month when using the low-level 1631 analysis method and clean sampling method. The City of Greensboro laboratory will not seek certification for Method 1631. The estimated cost for the 1631 analysis is 5-10 times the current price for the Method 245.1 mercury analysis. Process Train Description — New Process description reflecting recent construction The following is the current process train description that should be listed in the North Buffalo NPDES permit: Bar Screen Influent Flow Measurement Aerated Grit Removal Primary Settling From here the flow continues through one of the following treatment trains: Original Train New Train Trickling Filters Activated Sludge with Nitrification Activated Sludge with Nitrification and Final Settling Step feed process [optional] Chemical Addition for Phosphorus Removal Final Settling The flows from the two separate trains come together and continue through the following processes: Effluent Sand Filters Effluent Flow Measurement Chlorination Effluent Aeration IUC cpY_3ZS North Buffalo Permit Changes and Permit Cover Letter Changes Request -Page 2 COVER LETTER CHANGE REQUESTS Cyanide quantitation level -Addition of Study Language We request the addition of the following sentence in the cyanide paragraph: "The City of Greensboro may conduct a site -specific cyanide quantitation level study and the results of that study can be used by the DWQ NPDES unit to determine a new cyanide quantitation level. The cyanide quantitation level can then be changed through a permit modification." Permit Expiration Date According to the T. Z. Osborne cover page, the permit expiration date for the Osborne facility was extended to 2006. There was no mention of the North Buffalo expiration date in the North Buffalo Cover Letter. We request that the same extension be granted/mentioned in the North Buffalo cover letter. COMMENTS April as Summer Month —Comment Only Please provide us with the proper procedure to request a variance to the state regulation. Selenium Reasonable Potential Evaluation -Comment Only Thank you for the explanation of the use of different detection limits as it relates to data variability in the reasonable potential analysis. This is extremely important information and we will strive to have the same lower reporting levels for all LTMP data. We will also separate DMR data from LTMP data if the LRLs are different. We strive to have "lower" LRLs for LTMP data on certain pollutants and do not feel that it is appropriate to have our extra efforts [and extra expense!] create a statistical NPDES permit limit situation. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 336-375-2229. Thanks for all your time and effort in the renewal of this permit. Martie Groome CITY OF GREENSBORO T. Z. OSBORNE NPDES PERMIT [NC0047384] CHANGES AND COVER LETTER CHANGES REQUEST PERMIT CHANGE REQUEST Mercury Limit — Change in compliance schedule end date and monitoring frequency We request that the mercury compliance schedule start with the permit effective date and end one year after the date of the implementation of Method 1631 for mercury analysis in North Carolina [September 1, 2003]. This would result in a mercury limit effective date of September 1, 2004. Until we can reliably analyze for mercury using the new low-level method, we will have no data on which to base any compliance schedule activities. It will take time to train Greensboro staff to conduct clean metals sampling. For convenience and auditing purposes, we would also like to work with a local laboratory and currently there is no laboratory located in North Carolina that is certified to conduct Method 1631. In addition, there have been recent EPA changes to the 1631 method. We request that the permit monitoring frequency for mercury be changed to 2/month when using the low-level 1631 analysis method and clean sampling method. The City of Greensboro laboratory will not seek certification for Method 1631. The estimated cost for the 1631 analysis is 5-10 times the current price for the Method 245.1 mercury analysis. Process Train Description — New Process description reflecting recent construction The following is the current process train description that should be listed in the T. Z. Osborne NPDES permit: Bar Screen Influent Pump Station Grit Removal Pre -aeration Influent Flow Measurement Primary Settling 3 MG Flow Equalization [optional] Single Stage Activated Sludge with Nitrification Chemical Addition for phosphorus removal Final Settling Effluent Sand Filters Chlorination Dechlorination Post Aeration Cascade Effluent Flow Measurement Nc001730 T. Z. Osborne Permit Changes and Permit Cover Letter Changes Request -Page 2 COVER LETTER CHANGE REQUESTS Cyanide quantitation level -Addition of Study Language We request the addition of the following sentence in the cyanide paragraph: "The City of Greensboro may conduct a site -specific cyanide quantitation level study and the results of that study can be used by the DWQ NPDES unit to determine a new cyanide quantitation level. The cyanide quantitation level can then be changed through a permit modification." Future TRC Limit in NPDES Permit Clarification rnoJ If the outcome of the recent Triennial Review public hearings results in total residual No(( chlorine remaining as an "action level" as opposed to a state stream "standard", would a 6u F TRC limit still be placed in the next North Buffalo NPDES permit? What is the timetable Co,titrvvei1'b on the Triennial Review decisions? • COMMENTS April as Summer Month -Comment Only Please provide us with the proper procedure to request a variance to the state regulation. Stream Study MOA-Comment Only Please provide us with the appropriate DWQ contact person and we will proceed with the MOA request. Selenium easonable Potential Evaluation -Comment Only Based on North Buffa o NPDES Permit Cover Letter Thank you for the explanation of the use of different detection limits as it relates to data variability in the reasonable potential analysis. This is extremely important information and we will strive to have the same lower reporting levels for all LTMP data. We will also separate DMR data from LTMP data if the LRLs are different. We strive to have "lower" LRLs for LTMP data on certain pollutants and do not feel that it is appropriate t have our extra efforts [and extra expense!] create a statistical NPDES permit limit situation. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 336-375-2229. Thanks for all your time and effort in the renewal of this permit. Martie Groome move ijQ.r * C Most& ' Not Draft Final- NC0024325- North Buffalo Subject: Draft Final- NC0024325- North Buffalo Date: Tue, 29 Oct 2002 13:50:24 -0500 From: Tom Belnick <tom.belnick@ncmail.net> To: arthur.white@ci.greensboro.nc.us, martie.groome@ci.greensboro.nc.us Hello folks- I'm attaching 1) Draft Final Cover Letter, which explains all the changes incorporated SINCE the Draft permit; and 2) an updated Effluent Sheet which incorporates the changes. Please read through the proposed changes and let me know by Monday November 4th if you have any outstanding issues. Next Monday I plan to send the proposed changes down to EPA for their review. Then sometime in November you will receive a FINAL permit, which still provides for a 30-day adjudication period. Please call with any questions. I'll get the same packet out to you for the South Buffalo facility later today (hopefully). Mailto:tom.belnick@ncmail.net N.0 DENR-DWQ/NPDES Unit 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh NC 27699-1617 Work: (919) 733-5083 ext. 543 Fax: (919) 733-0719 M24325 cov Itr - final.doc Name: 24325 cov ltr - final.doc Type: Microsoft Word Document (application/msword) Encoding: base64 24325 eff.doc Name: 24325 eff.doc Type: Microsoft Word Document (application/msword) Encoding: base64 1 of 1 10/29/02 1:50 PM 08/07/2001 10:58 3367714630 NPDES PERMIT FACT SHEET Page 6 Proposed Schedule for Permit Issuance Draft Permit to Public Notice: Permit Scheduled to Issue: State Contact DIV OF WATER QUALITY WS PAGE 02/02 City of Greensboro- North Buffalo NPDES No. NC0024325 08/15/01 10/01/01 If you have any questions on any of the above information or on the attached permit, please contact Torn. Be1r ck at (9).9) 733-5038, extension 543_ Copies of the following are attached to provide further information on the permit development: • Reasonable Potential Analysis (majors only) • Draft Permit NPDES Recommendation by: AiOnat»re Regional. Office Comments PJt: CO Regional Recommendation c(,'1VYALM.. Signature Date Reviewed and accepted bv: Regional Supervisor: NPDES Unit Supervisor: Signature Signature Date Page 6 Version: July 13, 2001 NO.556 P02 09/15/2001 23:02 TZ OSBORNE UJWTF ? 19197330719 Emailed to tom.belnick@ncmail.net ncm.ail.net on 9-15-2001 Faxed to 91.9-733-0719 on 9-15-2001 Hard copy to fallow by US mail September 15, 2001 Mr. Tom Belnick Ms. Dave Goodrich North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural. Resources Division of Water Quality-NPDES Permit Section 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 RE: NPDES Draft Pei City of Greensboro Dear Mr. Bclnick and Mr. Goodrich, t #NC0024325 North Buffalo POTW This purpose of this correspondence is to document the City of Greensboro Water Resources Department's comments on the draft NPDES Permit for the North Buffalo Wastewater Treatment Facility. We request a meeting to further discuss these comments and additional supporting information with DWQ staff. The comments are as follows; Special, Condition Af 3} Instream Study The City of Greensboro requests that the special instream study be addressed in a Memorandum of Agreement [MOM between the City and the State of North Carolina. The City is in full agreement with the monitoring requirements of the study, but wishes to handle the instream study in the same administrative manner [MOA] as the NPDES stream monitoring included in the Upper Cape Fear River Basin Monitoring Coalition. Mercury and Beryllium Lit aids The City of Greensboro requests the opportunity to conduct a special study on mercury and beryllium before NPDES permit limits are imposed for these; parameters. Please note that the City of Greensboro has not previously 'Used "clean metals techniques" for any metals sampling and analyses. The analyses are conducted ou aliquots of the daily 24- hour comliosite samples collected by our automatic samplers. Llcrcury was detected in only one of the 14 North Buffalo effluent samples analyzed. Currently all mercury and beryllium. analyses for the North Buffalo POTW are conducted by a commercial P.O. Box 3136 • Lire naboro, NO 27402-13136 • vrwtw.ei.greenoboro.nr..tie • (336) 373-2065 '1"I'Y# 333.6930 09/15/2001 23:02 TZ OSBORNE WWTF 3 19197330719 NO.556 1703 September 15, 2001 Letter to Mr. Belni.ck and Mr.Ooodricll — Page: 2 laboratory and within thc past year, the Upper Cape Fear River Basin Association QA/QC Committee discovered" Q,AJQC problems at this laboratoj We would like the opportunity to conduct clean metals analysis split scrump e: analyses to determine if the mercury and/or beryllium are actually present in the effluent. We would propose to conduct the metals study over a 12-month period to ensure that all weather [summer/winter limits], seasonal industrial discharge changes and various POTW operating conditions have been assessed. As you are probably aware, there are currently no "clean metals" sampling techniques for composite samples and only a handful of laboratories in the country can conduct true "clean metals" analyses. None of these laboratories have sought certification by the State of North Carolina. We would like to discuss these issues with the DWQ NPDES Section as well as the DWQ Laboratory Section in the initial planning stage of our study. In addition to the effluent clean metals analyses study, the City of Greensboro Pretreatment Section would concurrently investigate any potential significant sources of mercury and beryllium. Our proposed study would include both the North Buffalo and the T. Z. Osborne POTWs and would include metals other than mercury and beryllium for clean sampling and analyses. Based upon the results.of the clean metals study, the City of Greensboro reserves the right to request that the North Buffalo permit be reopened to address other proposed metals limits that have been included in this draft permit, Winter/Summer Limits for Ammonia -Nitrogen We request that April be designated as a "winter month" for the North Buffalo ammonia - nitrogen NPDES permit limits, Nitrification [the conversion of ammonia nitrogen to nitrate and nitrite] is a biological process and, as such, is subject to metabolic rate changes when the temperature oftbe incoming wastewater changes. The purpose of the NPDES summer/winter limits is to reduce the ammonia limit during the months when the receiving stream temperature is highest, since stream dissolved oxygen levels are inversely related to temperature. Like the receiving stream, the incoming POTW wastewater temperature is also dependent in large part on the ambient temperature. April ambient temperatures are still quite cold. The incoming wastewater temperature does not increase substantially enough to be considered a summer month and the receiving stream temperatures are still low enough to allow winter permit limits. Cyanide Quantitation Level We request that the NPDES permit quantitation limit for cyanide be designated as 20 ug/1 ' based on the special cyanide study conducted by the City of Winston-Salem, North Carolina. �.-• Adverse er/Dangeraus Samalin Cauditions Provision t vaguest that ow say ems vpowawricitualfAtaus +.a.1a1st4 concliiicata, taxmosa405 oontatied in the State regulations be included in thc North Buffalo NP13ES permit conditions, 09/15/2001 23:02 TZ OSBORNE Wi4TF 4 19197330719 NO.556 PO4 September 15, 2001 Letter to Mr. Behiick and Mr.Goodrich — P Corrections We will provide a list of the current treatment train to replace the one in the draft permit. The City of Greensboro appreciates the opportunity to comment on this permit and looks forward to meeting with State staff to expedite timely reissuance of the North Buffalo permit. If you have any questions or need additional information, please do riot hesitate to contact me at 336-375-2229 or by email at maatie,groome@ci.greensboto.nc.us Sincerely, filaftv--/ Martha E. Broome Laboratory and Industrial Waste Section Supervisor cc: Allan Williams, Water Resources Director Linda Miles, City Attorney Arthur White, Water Reclamation Manager Barbara Hall, North Buffalo 011C Sharon Miller, Pretreatment Coordinator American Canoe Association, c/o Terris, Pravlik and Million 09/15/2001 23:02 TZ OSBORNE WWTF 4 19197330719 NO.556 1301 • ATER sources flzroitssonskitattro~ City of Greensboro 2350 Huffhne Mill DoaU Me: 9/15/2001 Number of pages lineluding McLeansville, NC 27301 this cover sheet) � a Cs) Pi. Box 8138 0reenshore, 110 21402-3136 :11 Emo To: TOM BELNICK From; MARTIE GROOME Phone (3301375-2240 0omments: COMMENTS S ON NORTH BUFFALO DRAFT NPDES PERMIT Fax [33611s2t•3523 Comments on North Buffalo draft NPDES Permit Subject: Comments on North Buffalo draft NPDES Permit Date: Sat, 15 Sep 2001 22:49:52 -0400 From: "Groome, Martie" <martie.groome@ci.greensboro.nc.us> To: "'Tom Belnick'" <tom.belnick@ncmail.net> CC: "Williams, Allan" <allan.williams@ci.greensboro.nc.us>, "White, Arthur" <arthur.white@ci.greensboro.nc.us>, "Hall, Barbara" <barbara.hall@ci.greensboro.nc.us>, "Miles, Linda" <linda.miles@ci.greensboro.nc.us>, "Miller, Sharon" <sharon.miller@ci.greensboro.nc.us> Tom, attached please find the City of Greensboro comments on the North Buffalo NPDES draft permit. I really appreciate the time and effort you have spent on this permit and related documents. In addition to this email, I have also faxed this letter to you tonight. I will mail a hard copy to you on Monday. There are a couple of other minor "clerical" corrections that I will share with you on the phone. Thanks again. I'll see you soon «NB NPDES Draft Permit Comments 9-15-01.doc» MNB NPDES Draft Permit Comments 9-15-01.doc Name: NB NPDES Draft Permit Comments 9-15-01.doc Type: Microsoft Word Document (applic ation/msword) Encoding: base64 Download Status: Not downloaded with message 1 of 1 9/24/01 9:42 AM /'P/1 IO7Z REASONABLE POTENTIAL Prepared by: Tom Facility Name = NPDES # = Qw (MGD) = ANALYSIS Belnick, 06/08/01 Greensboro N. Buffalo NC0024325 16 _ Qw (cfs) = 24.7552 7Q 10s (cfs)= IWC (%) = 0.9 96.50 Parameter Chronic CCC w/s7Q10 dil. Acute CMC w/no dil. Frequency of Detection Decision Decision FINAL RESULTS, ug/I FINAL RESULTS, ug/I #Samples # Detects Monitor? Limit? Arsenic Max. Pred Cw Allowable Cw Cadmium Max. Pred Cw Allowable Cw Chromium Max. Pred Cw 5.5 51.8 360 14 1 L.TkjP 0.0 2.1 15 47 0 L7MFT- 81.4 53 yr Allowable Cw Lead Max. Pred Cw - -- --- Allowable C w Copper (A.L.) Max. Pred Cw 51.8 1022 6^EKCY --- 0.0 --_ --- 25.9 34 52 0 LTT/Y% 56.0 Allowable Cw 7.3 - 7.3 52 41 2/MONTO Nickel Max. Pred Cw - _ --- 52 190.4 Allowable Cw Silver (A.L.) 91.2 261 49 WEEKLY YE S . Max. Pred Cw Allowable Cw Zinc (A.L.) Max. Pred Cw Allowable Cw Cyanide Max. Pred Cw 0.0 0.1 1.2 52 0 L T4 2P - - 319.8 51.8 67 52 52 Z/fi1ON 7./ YES 38.4 20 1 51 1 - - - 12 12 4 WEEKLY - Allowable Cw ----------------- - - Mercury 5.2 22 14 -WEEKLYT Iron(A.L.) Max. Pred Cw Allowable Cw Selenium 1900.5 1036.3 - NA 51 L T,1 - -- , - - • - 996.0 1865.3 66.0 238.3 - � 1.6• 6.7 - - - - - --- - -- - Max. Pred Cw _ __ _ Allowable Cw Fluoride - Max. Pred Cw Allowable Cw Chloride(A.L.) mg/I Max. Pred Cw Allowable Cw - - - Beryllium Max. Pred Cw Allowable Cw NA - - -- 14 ---- - NA 860,000 12 12 --_ 14 Q VVRlety T ' Q R/LY WEEKLp ES 1 Modified Data: Use 0.5 Detection Limit for non -detects 1 lASe. pA t ,iav _ r6144 4 VI- gm Rip_ REASONABLE POTENTIAL ANALYSIS Prepared by: Tom Bel nick, 06/08/01 Facility Name = NPDES # = Ow (MOD) _ Ow (cfs) = Avgflaw (cls)= !WC (%) Greensboro N. buffalo NC0024325 16 24.7552 25 49.80 HH, Ag slreamllow 1 Parameter Chronic CCC w/s7010 dil. Acute CMC w/no dl. FINAL RESULTS, ug/I FINAL RESULTS, ug/I Frequency of Detection Decision 'Samples 0 Detects Monitor? Decision Limit? Beryllium Max. Pred Cw Allowable Cw Modified Data: Use 0.5 Detection Limit for non -detects Parameter= Beryllium Standard = 0.117 Dataset= LTMP99/00 ug/I ModifiedData Nondelects RESULTS HH.cancer 0.05 <0.1 Std Dev. 0.094 0.05<I 0.05< 0.05 < 0.05 < 0.05:< 0.05.< 0.05.< 0.05 < 0.05 < 0.22 011 0.15 0.37 Mean 0.096 C V 0.9741 Sample/S 14.000 Mutt Factor = Max Value Max Pred Cw Allowable Cw 4.300 0.370!Ng/I 1-591 pg/I 0.235 j, I 14 $15 Parameter = Standard = Dataset= Modified Data I 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2.5 2.5 2.5< 2.5 Arsenic Parameter = Cadmium 0.000 1.000 0.000 47.000 pg/I pry! mil Parameter= Standard = Dataset= ModifiedData 5 5 5 5 5< 5 Chromium 50 pgll Standard = 2 AA 50 pgll LTMP99/00 Nondetects <2 < < < < < < < < <5 < < Dataset= DMRs2000 DMRs2000 RESULTS Modified Data Nondetects RESULTS Nondetects RESULTS Std Dev. 0.707 1 <2 Std Dev. <10 Std Dev. 6.664 Mean C.V. Sample# 1.500 1 < Mean < Mean 7.019 0.471 1 < C.V. < C.V. 0.949 14.000 1 < . Sample# < Sample# 53.000 1< 2.200� Mutt Factor = 2.200 1 < Mult Factor = 0.000 < Mutt Factor = Max Value 2.500 pgll 1 < Max. Value 1.000 0.000 2.073 _ 5�< 5 5 5< 5< 5< 5< 5. 5< 3-- 5.- 5•: 5< 5< 5< 5,< 5< Max Value 37.000 pgA Max. Pred Cw 5.500 p9A 1 < Max. Pred Cw Allowable Cw < Max. Pred Cw 81.400 Allowable Cw 51.815 pgll 1 < < Allowable Cw 51.815 pgA 1< 1 < 1< 1< 1 < < 1< 1 < 1< 1< 1< 1< 1< 1< 1 < 1< 1< 5< 5< 5< 5 _ 3' 5< 5'< 1< 1< 1 < ,: 1< 1< 1< 1< 5< 5< 18 1< 1 < 1< 5< 1< 5< 1 < 5< 1 < 12 1 < 5< 1 < 5< 1 < 10 1 < 5< 1 < 5< 1 < 5< 1 < 5< 1 < 5< 1 < 28 5< 5< 5< 5< 5< - r Parameter Lead �__ 0.000 12.500 0.000 52.000 rgrl pg4 pg/1 Parameter= Standard= Dataset= MoiifiedData 16 13 26 24 13 25 20 20 17 15 14 14 10 5<10 20 Copper(A.L) pg/1 - (Parameter= Standard = Nickel pyil RESULTS Std Dev. Mean C.V. Sample# 17.002 28.019 0.607 52.000 p9/l pg/1 pg/1 Standard= Dataset= 25 7 88 DMRs2000 DMRs2000 Nondetecls'RESULTS Dataset= DMRs2000 ModfiedData Nondetects RESULTS ModffiedData Nondetects 12.5 <25 Std Dev. Sid Dev 6.189 19 12.5 < Mean Mean 12.827 27 12.5 < C.V. C.V. 0.482 40 12.5 < Sample# Sample# 52.000 14 12.5 < 27 12.5 < Mult Factor= 0.000 Mu1t Factor= 1,600 31 Mutt Factor= I 1.7001 12.5 < Max Value 12.500 Max. Value 35.000 pg/1 27 Max. Value 112.000 190 400 91 194 12.5 < Max Pred Cw 0.000 Max Pred Cw 58.000 Pg/1 23 Max. Pred Cw 12.5 < Allowable Cw 25.907 Allowable Cw 7.254 4/1 57 , Allowable Cw 12.5 < 28 12.5< 12.5 12.5 12.5< 12.5 30 < � 20 < 27 _ 22 < 36 12.5 < 13 12 11 15 11 29 12.5 < 21 12.5 < 29 12.5 < 41 12.5 < 23 12.5 < 5 _ 11 16 _- 5 10 14 5<10 10 -- 18. 14 11 <10 20 12.5 < 33 12.5 < <10 _ 23 12.5 < 25 12.5 < 18 12.5< 29 12.5< 12.5<- 12.5< 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5'< 12.5 12.5 12.5< 12.5< 12.5 12.5 12.5< 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5'< 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5< 12.5 12.5< 12.5 12.5 5<10 30 36 < 30 < 37 < 12, _ 10. 14' - 14 12 5<10 35 10 5<10 5 5 13 13. 19' 11 11 - 15 5 < < 64 ,< 14 5< 112 < 18 < 11 _ 38' <10 16 .< <10 18 .< < 13 13 .< < 16 28 < 50 5<10 36 < 11 5<10 1 35 46 < 14 29 < 5 <10 18 1 Parameter= Silver(A.L).,, Parameter= Standard = Dataset= ModitiedData 80 91 195 246 113 108 93 96 117 91 86. 76. 73 10092 92 75 90 102 70 100 1136< 85 90 1 47 11313 104 Zino(A.L.) Parameter= Cyanide pgll 4.317 7.366 0.586 71.000 pgn pgll pgll Standard = 0.06 bg l 50 pgll Standard = 5 Dataset= DMRs2000 Nondetects ' Dataset= DMRs2000 _ ModdiedData Nondetects RESULTS RESULTS ModifedData Nondetects RESULTS Sid Dev. #DIViO! Std Dev. 31.923 5 <10 .Std Dev. Mean *DIVi01 Mean 94.615 5 < Mean C.V. #DIVi0, C.V. 0.337 5 < C.V. Sample* 0.000 Sam ple# 52.000 5 < Sample# 5 < Mutt Factor = Mu* Factor = 1.300 5 < Mutt Factor = 1.600 Max Value 0.000Ipg/1 0.000rpgll Max. Value 246.000 ;On 5 < Max. Value 24.000 38.400 5.181 Max Pred Cw Max. Pred Cw 319.800 pgll 5 < Max Pred Cw Allowable Cw 0.062 pgll Allowable Cw 51.815 pg1 5 < Allowable Cw 5< 5< 5 < 5 < / 5 < 0 5 < 2 5 < 5 < rr 5 < 5 ��� 10 R' 16 12 1'X U99 5 < 13 5< 5 < 5 < 106 5 < ` 115 5 < 109 5 < v 72 5 < NN Vk 79 5 < ie 78 56 76 1 122 10 ----� V.,"107 �\ 10 60 15 _ - 100 15 _ 65 5 < 72 5 < 81 5< 90 5< 94 5 < 105 5 < 98 5< 65 10 79 5 < 80 5 < 73 55 5 < 5 < 11 10 10 5< 5< 14 20 10 19 5;< 5;< 5'< 51< 10; 51< 5< 5<< 51< 51< 1 1 1 i — 1 — a I 1. _- i 1 Parameter= Mercury 0.155 0.194 0.799 14.000 pg/I pgn pg/I Parameter. Standard = Dataset= ModifiedData 95 82 486. 905 314 101 128 143 153 117 105 80 96 91 110 105 93 79� 115 161 103 156, 1121 Iron(A.L.) Parameter= Selenium pg/1 RESULTS Std Dev. Mean C.V. Samples Mult Factor = Max Value Max. Pred Cw Allowable Cw 0.707 1.500 0.471 14.000, pg/I pgfl pg/I Standard = 0.012 pgA 1000 pgA Standard = 5 Dataset= LTMP99/00 DMRs2000 Dataset= LTMP99/00 Nondetects <2 < < < < < < < < <5 RESULTS ModifiedData Nondetects Nondetects RESULTS ModifiedData 0.25 <0.5 Std Dev. Std Dev. 134.728 1 0.1 <0.2 Mean Mean 146.353 1 0.67 C.V. C.V. 0.921 1 0.1 <0.2 Samples Samplett 51.000 2 0.1 < 1 0.1 < Muff Factor = 3.400 Mult Factor= 2.100 1 12.200 0.25 <0.5 Max. Value 0.670 2.278 0.012 L - _ Max. Value 905 p9/I 1 2.500 5.500 5.181 0.25 < Max. Pred Cw Max. Pred Cw 1901 pgA 1 0.25 < Allowable Cw Allowable Cw 1036 pgA 1 0.25< l 0.1 <0.2 2.5 0.1 < 2.5< 0.1 < 2.5< 0.1 < 2.5< 1641 163 23 146 144 122 139 151 135 184 165 88 86 407 124 135 J59 64 El 95 _173 111 __l { { 213 115 77 83 55 45 88 — 1 = — I I Parameter = Standard = Dataset= ModiliedData 650 660 830 740 760 710 650 710 520 670 680 770 Fluoride pg/I RESULTS .Sid Dev Mean C.V Sample# Mutt Factor = Max. Value : Max. Pred Cw ;Allowable Cw Parameter- Chloride(A L.) mg/I 4.988 42.167 011E 12.000 j Parameter = Standard = Datasel= ModiliedDala 0.05 005 005 0.05 005 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.22 0.11 0.15 0.37 Beryllium 1800 Standard= 230 mg/ 6.5 ug/I AgLife DMRs2000 Nondetects Dataset= DMRs2000 LTMP99/00 Nondetects <0.1 <.I < < < < < < < < 78 214 695.833 0.112 12.000 ModfiedData Nondetects RESULTS RESULTS _ 38 Std Dev. Std Dev. 0.094 55 Mean Mean 0.096 43 C.V. 1 C.V. 0.974 41 Sample# Sample# 14.000 40 f I 1.200 42 Mult Factor. I 1.2001 !Mull Factor = 4.300 83O.000 pgfl 39 Max Value 55 000 /rg11 66 000 pg/I 238.347.p9/I 1 Max. Value 0.370 pg/I 996.000144 36 Max Pred Cw Max. Pred Cw 1.591 pg/I pg/I 1865.323 pg/I 41 Allowable Cw Allowable Cw 6.736 48 42 41 . Parameter = Standard = Silver (A.L.) 0.06 Dataset= DMRs2000 ModifiedData Nondetects RESULTS 5 <10 5 <10 5 <10 5 <10 5 <10 5. <10 5 <10 5 <10 5<10 5 <10 5 <10 5<10 5<10 5i<10 • 5<10 5<10 5 <10 5<10 5<10 5 <10 5' <10 5 <10 5 <10 5 <10 5 <10 5L<10 5 <10 5 <10 5 <10 5 <10 5' <10 5 <10 51 <10 5t<10 5 <10 5 <10 5l <10 5 <10 5 <10 51<10 5 <10 5 <10 5 <10 5 <10 r 5 <10 5 <10 5 <10 5 <10 5 <10 5 <10 5 <10 5 <10 Std Dev. Mean C.V. 0.000 5.000 0.000 Sample# 1 Mult Factor = Max. Value Max. Pred Cw • Allowable Cw 52.000 0.000 5.000 pg/I 0.000 pg/I 0.062 pg/I tCPAdekil NPDES/Non-Discharge Permitting Unit Pretreatment Information Request Form NPDES OR NONDISCHARGE PERMITTING UNIT COMPLETES THIS PART: Date of Request • k 2-t, \ t, 1 Facility (b‘-eer.\,,o -c / !J , (3.,c- cr..\t, C...v,A< 1iti,,-;-i-13 Permit # �,L oc, Zy32.S Region 'w ,r r\ - Sr,\er.-, Requestor 'etr,cK Pretreatment A_D Towns- Keyes McGee (ext. 580) Contact E-L Towns- Vaeant-Positien- Oeborw Go`ec-"at M-R Towns- Dana Folley (ext. 523) S-Z Towns- Steve Amigone (ext 592) PRETREATMENT UNIT COMPLETES THIS PART: Status of Pretreatment Program (circle all that apply) 1) the facility has no SIU's and does have a Division approved Pretreatment Program that isINACTIVE 2 the facility has no SIU's and does not have a Division approved Pretreatment Program ) e facility has (or is developing) a Pretreatment Program,' 2a) is Full Program with LTMP_C— or 2b) is Modified Program with STMP 4) t e acifity MUST develop a Pretreatment Program - Full Modified 5) additional conditions regarding Pretreatment attached or listed below Flow Permitted Actual % Industrial ci , '\ STMP time frame: most recent ©., ZOs-rrser. ,rr,6 b next cycle % Domestic t S tr& i. (S)L T MP Pollutant Check List POC due to NPDES/Non- Discharge Permit Limit Required by EPA* Required by 503 Sludge" POC due to SIIY" Site specific POC (Provide Explanation)"" STMP V Frequency effluent at LTMP Frequency at effluent BOD 4 Q' M ✓ TSS ,/ 4 Q M •/NH3 ./".4 Q M ✓Arsenic ✓ 4 Q M 4 Cadmium 4 ✓ -✓ 4 Q M d Chromium d ✓ ✓ 4 Q M d Copper q ✓ 4 Q M ✓ Cyanide ✓ ✓ 4 Q h/l d Lead d ✓ ,/ 4 Q M ,/ Mercury ✓ 4 Q M Molybdenum 4 Q M d Nickel q -•/ ✓ 4 ' Q M ✓ Silver ✓ 4 Q M ✓Selenium ✓ 4 Q M 4Zinc d V 4 QM ✓(`ep ✓ 4 Q M ✓-r&r,,\ ,„s. ✓ 4 Q M ✓ iser1\�.vvn ✓ 4 \QJ M 4 Q M 4 Q M 4 Q M 'Always in the LTMP "Only in the LTMP if the POTW land appres sludge "' Only in LTMP while the SIU is connected to the POTW "" Only in LTMP when the pollutant is a specific concem to the POTW (ex -Chlorides for a POTW who accepts Textile waste) 0= Quarterly M=Monthly Comments: Si0_y., .s \n.n'1reA 4\-. `CY\e:rcv r 'Vy ry1\iu vY, c\ nri Ay- ao-A-w ri i�c_.\,,9 1 . TRe sk- o C .;c yr P C L- , ct`itk- Qy\--- ne 2t 's L pe r S1,c rmX-1\r\_10. r x 13t i 01� . version 8/23/00 NPDES_Pretreatment, request.form.000823 Revised: August 4. 2000 CITY OF GREENSBORO Data T. Z. Osborne Effluent DATE i mg/I mg/I mg/I mg/I mg/I Selenium* Fluoride Arsenic Beryllium Lead Mercury 8/25/99 <.002 _ 0.98 <.002 <.0001 <.005 <.0005 9/1/99 <.002 1.05 <.002 <.0001 <.005 <.0002 9/8/99 0.002 0.73 <.002 <.0001 0.003 <.0002 9/15/99 0.002 0.95 <.002 <.0001 <.002 <.0002 9/22/99 <.002 1.25 <.002 <.0001 <.002 <.0002 ' 9/29/99 <.002 1 <.002 <.0001 <.005 0.00024 12/8/99 <.002 1.2 <.005 <.0001 <.005 <.0005 12/15/99 <.002 1.1 <.002 <.0001 <.005 <.0005 12/22/99 <.002 0.99 <.002 <.0001 0.006 <.0005 12/29/99 <.002 1.08 <.002 <.001 <.005 <.0005 12/6/00 <.005. 1.14 <.005 0.00045 <.0002 12/13/00 <.005 1.17 <.005 0.00012 <.0002 12/20/00 <.005` 1.17 <.005 0.00017 <.0002 12/27/00 <.005 1.01 <.005 0.00021 <.0002 laboratory by an outside *Municipal detection limit is <0.05, therefore, effluent analyses are conducted commerical laboratory to achieve lower detection limit of <0.002 North Buffalo Effluent Data DATE mg/I mg/I mg/I mg/I mg/I Selenium Arsenic Beryllium Lead Mercury G.002 8/25/99 <.002 <.0001 <.005 <.0005 9/1/99 <.002 0.74 <.002 <.0001 <.005 <.0002 9/8/99 <.002 <.002 <.0001 <.002 0.00067 9/15/99 0.902 <.002 <.0001 <.002 <.0002 ' 9/22/99 <.002 <.002 <.0001 <.002 <.0002 - 9/29/99 <.002 <:002 <.0001 <.005 <.0002' 12/8/99 <.002 <.005 <.0001 <.005 <.0005 12/15/99 5.002 <.002 <.0001 <.005 <.0005 12/22/99 <.002 <.002 <.0001 <.005 <.0005 12/29/99 <.002' <.002 <.0001 <.005 <.0005 12/6/00 <.005 <.005 0.00022 <.0002 12/13/00 <.005 <.005 0.00011 <.0002 12/20/00 <.005 <.005 0.00015 <.0002 12/27/00 <.005 j <.005 0.00037 <.0002. Aa 7 RE: NPDES Status . , Subject: RE: NPDES Status Date: Mon, 9 Jul 2001 13:34:02 -0400 From: "Groome, Martie" <martie.groome@ci.greensboro.nc.us> To: "'Tom Belnick"' <tom.belnick@ncmail.net> Tom, attached please find the effluent silver data from North Buffalo [NC0024325] for calendar year 2000. Original Message From: Tom Belnick [mailto:tom.belnick@ncmail.net] Sent: Thursday, June 28, 2001 2:14 PM To: martie.groome@ci.greensboro.nc.us Subject: NPDES Status Hi Martie- For N. Buffalo, I'm going to start our internal draft permit, which generally takes 2-3 weeks, then I plan by end of July. Please get me the silver data before then incorporate the results into the draft permit. For Osborne, I'm just starting the renewal, so I won't go until sometime in August, which accounts for an internal r also need the silver data for this one. Thanks. Mailto:tom.belnick@ncmail.net N.0 DENR-DWQ/NPDES Unit 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh NC 27699-1617 Work: (919) 733-5083 ext. 543 Fax: (919) 733-0719 review of the to notice it , so I can to notice eview. I'll DState NB Silver Data 2000.xls Name: State NB Silver Data 2000.xls Type: Microsoft Excel Worksheet (application/vnd.ms-excel) Encoding: base64 Download Status: Not downloaded with message 1 of 1 7/9/01 1:42 PM LONG TERM MONITORING PLAN GUIDANCE (HEADWORKS) POTW: North Buffalo PERMIT NO. NC0024325 SAMPLE LOC. 4 SAMPLE DATE Silver Effluent Data 1/1/00 1/2/00 1/3/00 1/4/00 1/5/00 1/6/00 1/7/00 1/8/00 1/9/00 1/10/00 1/11/00 1/12/00 1/13/00 1/14/00 1/15/00 1/16/00 1/17/00 1/18/00 1/19/00 1/20/00 1/21/00 1/22/00 1/23/00 1/24/00 1/25/00 1/26/00 1/27/00 1/28/00 1/29/00 1/30/00 1/31/00 2/1/00 2/2/00 2/3/00 2/4/00 2/5/00 2/6/00 2/7/00 2/8/00 2/9/00 2/10/00 2/11/00 2/12/00 2/13/00 2/14/00 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 2/15/00 2/16/00 2/17/00 2/18/00 2/19/00 2/20/00 2/21 /00 2/22/00 2/23/00 2/24/00 2/25/00 2/26/00 2/27/00 2/28/00 2/29/00 3/1 /00 3/2/00 3/3/00 3/4/00 3/5/00 3/6/00 3/7/00 3/8/00 3/9/00 3/10/00 3/11/00 3/12/00 3/13/00 3/14/00 3/15/00 3/16/00 3/17/00 3/18/00 3/19/00 3/20/00 3/21/00 3/22/00 3/23/00 3/24/00 3/25/00 3/26/00 3/27/00 3/28/00 3/29/00 3/30/00 3/31/00 4/1/00 4/2/00 4/3/00 4/4/00 4/5/00 4/6/00 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 4/7/00 4/8/00 4/9/00 4/10/00 4/11/00 4/12/00 4/13/00 4/14/00 4/15/00 4/16/00 4/17/00 4/18/00 4/19/00 4/20/00 4/21/00 4/22/00 4/23/00 4/24/00 4/25/00 4/26/00 4/27/00 4/28/00 4/29/00 4/30/00 5/1/00 5/2/00 5/3/00 5/4/00 5/5/00 5/6/00 5/7/00 5/8/00 5/9/00 5/10/00 5/11/00 5/12/00 5/13/00 5/14/00 5/15/00 5/16/00 5/17/00 5/18/00 5/19/00 5/20/00 5/21/00 5/22/00 5/23/00 5/24/00 5/25/00 5/26/00 5/27/00 5/28/00 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 5/29/00 5/30/00 5/31/00 6/1/00 6/2/00 6/3/00 6/4/00 6/5/00 6/6/00 6/7/00 6/8/00 6/9/00 6/10/00 6/11/00 6/12/00 6/13/00 6/14/00 6/15/00 6/16/00 6/17/00 6/18/00 6/19/00 6/20/00 6/21/00 6/22/00 6/23/00 6/24/00 6/25/00 6/26/00 6/27/00 6/28/00 6/29/00 6/30/00 7/1/00 7/2/00 7/3/00 7/4/00 7/5/00 7/6/00 7/7/00 7/8/00 7/9/00 7/10/00 7/11/00 7/12/00 7/13/00 7/14/00 7/15/00 7/16/00 7/17/00 7/18/00 7/19/00 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 7/20/00 7/21/00 7/22/00 7/23/00 7/24/00 7/25/00 7/26/00 7/27/00 7/28/00 7/29/00 7/30/00 7/31/00 8/1/00 8/2/00 8/3/00 8/4/00 8/5/00 8/6/00 8/7/00 8/8/00 8/9/00 8/10/00 8/11/00 8/12/00 8/13/00 8/14/00 8/15/00 8/16/00 8/17/00 8/18/00 8/19/00 8/20/00 8/21/00 8/22/00 8/23/00 8/24/00 8/25/00 8/26/00 8/27/00 8/28/00 8/29/00 8/30/00 8/31/00 9/1/00 9/2/00 9/3/00 9/4/00 9/5/00 9/6/00 9/7/00 9/8/00 9/9/00 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 9/10/00 9/11/00 9/12/00 9/13/00 9/14/00 9/15/00 9/16/00 9/17/00 9/18/00 9/19/00 9/20/00 9/21/00 9/22/00 9/23/00 9/24/00 9/25/00 9/26/00 9/27/00 9/28/00 9/29/00 9/30/00 10/1/00 10/2/00 10/3/00 10/4/00 10/5/00 10/6/00 10/7/00 10/8/00 10/9/00 10/10/00 10/11/00 10/12/00 10/13/00 10/14/00 10/15/00 10/16/00 10/17/00 10/18/00 10/19/00 10/20/00 10/21/00 10/22/00 10/23/00 10/24/00 10/25/00 10/26/00 10/27/00 10/28/00 10/29/00 10/30/00 10/31/00 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 11/1/00 11/2/00 11/3/00 11/4/00 11/5/00 11/6/00 11/7/00 11/8/00 11/9/00 11/10/00 11/11/00 11/12/00 11/13/00 11/14/00 11/15/00 11/16/00 11/17/00 11/18/00 11/19/00 11/20/00 11/21/00 11/22/00 11/23/00 11/24/00 11/25/00 11/26/00 11/27/00 11/28/00 11/29/00 11/30/00 12/1/00 12/2/00 12/3/00 12/4/00 12/5/00 12/6/00 12/7/00 12/8/00 12/9/00 12/10/00 12/11/00 12/12/00 12/13/00 12/14/00 12/15/00 12/16/00 12/17/00 12/18/00 12/19/00 12/20/00 12/21/00 12/22/00 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 Figure 5. Upper Cape Fear River Basin.. Association Monitoring Sites �tV Legend • Upper Cape Fear Monitoring Sites NCDWQ Benthic Monitoring Sites NCDWQ Ambient Monitoring Sites County Boundaries: Major Highways Municipal Boundaries Surface Waters (USGS 1:100,000 scale data) 0 5 Miles • This map may be viewed in color at http://www.cfra-nc.org/projact.htm By Triangle J Council of Governments June, 2000 CA) - //oU.w/ ul) rjaksx &Ide'llab C/1% S j Jim), TO tJ-r - kid/ ailudt c-ct - Nit) ___ OCFR4Ad\-fAt ceii-k64,44 i,;tiva d�� a-,G,�-� %�-f drultiAvl 40n "144 Ke-t.) iv& giA4-44-4,14 eAw-:e64-e 44, triL "IIA:10e4 0/ . 'IP col-fel-e9 -TAi ham- w/ AM) ilevici qty-4( (IT ri_eew_eft°). 7;1J Loilre: fritivqK itINb � ,Ud, ,nti;l,,%i, iu,t, '' dam 4. Instream Dissolved Oxygen • 1999 data shows DO sag at D2 • UCFRBA began instream monitoring in April 2000; now monitors 2 Instream stations. j. o , • current limits: cyanide W — i'4) • draft limits: cyanide, chromium, nickel, mercury, beryllium ▪ need silver data ovi i1\ riP reensboro Site Visit h Buffalo Creek WWTP/NC024325 Date: June 12, 2001 Tom Belnick, NPDES Unit, (919) 733-50:3 ext 543 Adugna Kebede, Modeling/TMDL Un' , !) 733-5083 ext 515 NPDES Permit Discussion Topics Facility status • currently at of per itted flow/future plans • last upgrad 1998 a` 1 • Cone Mills connecting to TZ Osborne when?. 6 MGD flow transfer to TZ Osborne peak flows ro 1•\e 2. Nutrients/HB515 • existing TP limit of 2 mg/I • TN limit pending model results- due when? 3. Ammonia • current limit of 4 mg/I summer, 8 mg/I winter • North Buffalo Creek is 303(d) listed in Part 1 for ammonia- a TMDL is required. • more stringent limit would be applied at expansion or based on TMDL k � C 5. Metals rTZ Osborne Facility �►if • Engineers Certificate for 30 MGD; new limits will kick in infi `'( jt, ibitt 61) b2 2 00) DMR Data Review- 1999 INSTREAM DATA- DO Facility: Greensboro N. Buffalo NC00 24325 Preparer: Tom Belnick Date: 6/8/01 Times that DO< 5 mgll Monthly Avo Values Monthly Avg Values Month Up D1 D2 D3 DO<5 mg/I DO<5mg/I DO<5 mg/I DO<5mgll n= n= 1 n= n= Up D1 D2 D3 Fecal Fecal Fecal Fecal #/100m1 #/100m1 #/100m1 #/100m1 Up D1 D2 D3 Cond Cond Cond Cond umhos umhos umhos umhos Apr-99 May-99 Jun-99 Jul-99 Aug-99 Sep-99 Oct-99 0 0 0 i_q 8O1 [BO!,' cIS r(-161 6Zo__6Z3 LIL 5_b.S1 . 917 iS2 3c 9. 6Z$ 891 Y33 376 S y 7 �9 (-my L1 / Yc) 2 3S2 564 e.5 70-o Y I 0 Y97 0 0 0 I _O 15.5 923 SYS 867 to 0 2-1 , f6�0 310 3$! 7 0 7 yqt, 13 910 I50 ysI YSa 1 0 I 0 q39 7I is31 %52_ 65s lf13 35 /A'Pit 0 0 0 0 1469 aZS 2 32 Z lC 693 Y7, 352_ Y27 T O0 sa 0 D2 S-}i 11 rri (>? i hwPl 1) C0411 +� n IvJc = 96. s7Q►0 9o. s %C, 7 cx l D DMR Data Review- EFFLUENT --001 Facility: Greensboro- N Buffalo NC00 24325 Preparer: Date: Tom Belnick 6/8/01 (3t1 B SiS Month Eff AvgQ MGD Eff Eff Eff Eff Eff Eff Max TRC AvgCBOD AvgNH3-N AvgTSS AvgFecal MinDO ug/I mg/I mg/I mg/I #/100m1 mg/I Eff TN mg/I Eff TP mg/I Jan-00 Feb-00 Mar-00 Apr-00 May-00 Jun-00 Jul-00 Aug-00 Sep-00 Oct-00 Nov-00 Dec-00 11.7 14 13.5 12.5 11.4 12 10.9 11.8 14.2 11.7 11.1 10.4 500 380 850 520 750 690 490 440 550 1000 1000 980 1.9 1.08 4.6 2.5 3.4 5.8 1 0.99 1.5 0.53 4.2 0.67 1.7 0.32 3.9 1.8 4.8 0.98 1.6 0.58 2.6 _ 3.2 2.7 4.8 3 6 6 3 3 8 6 9 9 5 10 6 2 1 1 1 3 18 8 46 3 3 1 7.9 7.3 6.2 7.4 6.9 6.8 6.4 6.4 6.3 6.7 8 8.1 8.8 1.4 8.1 1.7 10.3 2 11.8 1.7 8.4 1.3 1.5 15.9 2.5 12.2 2 10.2 0.9 9.8 1.3 8.2 1.6 12.7 1.4 CurrentLimits: S _ 16 _ NL CurrentLimits: W 16 NL 16 30 200 >6 NL 30 200 >6 NL 2 x= 12.1 (76%06 0) - No i► sfeavn va140 04 Mk) -AK sad i44, 143 iii-receivr ivthIi%, Whole Effluent Toxicity Testing Self -Monitoring Summary FACILITY REQUIREMENT March 211, 2001) e YEAR JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Global Nuclear Fuel-Amerlcas, LLC Perm 24hrprfac lim: 90% NC0001228/001 Bcgin:9/1/1996 Frequency: Q P/F + Jan Apr Jul Oct County: New Hanover Region: WIRO Subbasin: CPF17 PF: 1.8 Special 7Q 10: 27.0 IWC(%):9.37 / Order: Y 1997 Pass NonComp:Singlc 1998 Pass 1999 Pass 2000 Lale 2001 Pass Pass Pass - - Pass - - Pass Pass - - Pass - - Pass Pass - - Pass - - Pass Pass - - Pass - Pass GNC Energy Corp/ 001 Perm 24hr LC50 ac monit cpis fthd (Gmb) 1997 - NC0074241/001 Begin:6/1/1996 Frequency: A NonComp: 1998 - County. Guilford - - Region: WSRO Subbasin: CPF08 1999 -- PF: VAR Special 2000 -. 7Q10: 0.0 IWC(v):I00 Order: 2001 -- >100 >100 - - - >100 - >100 - _ - - >100 >100 >100 Golden Poultry Pcnn chr lint: 9.0% 1997 Pass -- - Pass - - Pass - - Pass NC0072575/001 Bcgm:6/1/1996 Frequency: Q P/F + Jan Apr Jul Oct NonComp: Single 1998 Pass - - Pass - - Pass - Pass County: Lcc Region: RRO Subbasin: CPFI I 1999 Pass - Pass Pass - Pass PFt 1.11 Special 2000 Pass - Pass - Pass -- Pass 7Q10: 17.0 IWC(%).91 Order. 2001 Pass Goldsboro WWTP Perm chr Itm: 5.8%:if pf 14.2 chr lira 7.5•..;if pf 17.ft chr lim 9.1 1997 Pass - Pass Pass Pass NCO023949,001 Begin: 11!U2111111 Frequency: Q pan Apr Jul Oct - NonComp:Singlc 1998 Pass - Pass -- -- Pass Pass County: Wayne Region: WAR() Subbasin: NEU05 1999 Pass -- Pass ••- -- Pass Pass PF 111.8 Sotstel 2000 Pass -- Pass Pass - •- Pass 70111: 271. 1 IWC1%):5.8 Order: 2001 Pass Goldsboro WWTP Pcrm chr lim: 2.2% NCO023949/002 Begin:11/172000 Frequency: Q Jan Apr Jul Oct County: Wayne Region: WARO Subbasin: NEU05 PF: 4.0 Special 7Q10: 271.1 IWC(% )2.2 Order: + NonComp:Singlc 1997 - 1998 -- 1999 - 2000 - 2001 H Graham WWTP Penn chr lim: 149'. 1997 -- - Pass - Pass - - Pass - Pass NC0021211/001 Bcgin:3/1/1996 Frequency: Q P/F + Mar Jun Scp Dec NonCamp:Single 1998 - - Pass Pass - - Pass - - Pass County: Alamancc Region: WSRO Subbasin: CPF02 1999 - - Pass -- - Fail Pass - Pass - - Pass PE: 3.5 special 2000 - - Pass - - Fad >56 >56 Pass - - Pass 7Q10: 34 IWC(%):I4 Order: 2001 - Granite Falls WWTP Penn chr lim: 13% NC0021890/0111 Begin:7/1/1995 Frequency: Q P/F + Mar Jun Scp Dec County: Caldwell Region: ARO Subbasin: CTB32 PF: 0.90 Spacial 7Q10: 9.3 IWC(%):13 Order: Greensboro N Buffalo Cr WWTP Nrnn,AYft/nnl Rcnin•el now, F NunComp: Single 1997 •- - Pass - - Pass -- - Pass -•• Pass 1998 - - Pass - - Pass - - Pass --- Pass 1999 - - Pass -- - Pass - Pass -- Pass 2000 - - Pass - - Pass - - Pass --- Pass 2001 - Perm chr lint: 90% rcquency: Q P/F + Jan Apr Jul Oct County. Guilford Region: WSRO Subbasin: CPF02 PF: 16.0 Special 7Q10: 0.90 IWC(%):96.5 Order: 1997 P: NonComp:Singlc 1998 1999 Pass 2000 sl00 2001 94.9 - C Fall ' Pass Pass • - Pass Pass Pass - - Pass -- Pass - Pass - - Pass - >100 >100 • - - >100 • - -- >100 Greensboro Osborne WWTP Penn chr lim: 90% NC0047384/001 Begin: 1/1/1996 Frequency: Q P/F + Jan Apr Jul Oct County: Guilford Region: WSRO Subbasin: CPF02 PF: 22.11 Special 7Q 111: 2.1 I WC(%)93.7 Order: Y 1997 Fail NonComp:Singlc 1998 Pass 1999 Pass 2090 >100 2001 94 9 Fail Pass Pass - - Pass Pass -- - Fall Pass - Pass - - Pass ..- - Pass - - Fail.>700 - -- >100 -- - >100 - - >100 - 94.9 Greenville WWTP Perm chr lim: 20% (New perm 1/12001) Y 1997 -- --- PaSS(s) - -- Pass(s) -- - Pass(s) - •- Pass(s) NCO023931/001 Bcgin:4/6/1995 Frequency: Q P/F + Mar Jun Sep Dec NnnComp:Singlc 1998 --- •- Poss(s) Pass(s) -- Pass(s) - Pass(s) -- - Pass(s) County: Pitt Region: WARO Subbasin: TAROS 1999 --- Pass(s) - -- Pass(s) -- Late Pass(s) -- Pass(s) PF- 17.5 Srss of 2000 -- -- Fail 69.3 >80 >80 - >B0 -- -- >80 7Q10: 109 IWCI".J:20 order: 2001 -- Grover Industries, Inc. Perm chr lim: 6% 1997 -- Pass - - Pass - -- Pass --- Pass NC800439)R01I Begin! 11999 Frequency: Q P/F - Feb May Aug Nov ' NonComp:Single 1998 --- Pass - - Pass - Pass -- -- Pass County Polk Region: ARO Subbasin: BRD06 1999 --- Pass Pass - Pass -- Pass PF: 0,45 Spxsia I 2000 .- Pass - Pass -- Pass --- Pass 7Q11): 111,0 IWC1%):6.117 (Jnkr: 2001 -- Y Pre 1997 Data Available LEGEND: PERM = Permit Requirement LET = Administrative Loner -Target Frequency = Monitoring frequency. Q- Quarterly; M- Monthly; BM- Bimonthly; SA- Semiannually; A- Annually; OWD- Only when discharging D- Discontinued monitoring requirement Begin= First month required 7010 = Receiving stream low flow criterion (cfs) + = quanerly monitoring increases to monthly upon failure or NR Months that testing must occur - ex. Jan. Apr. Jul, Oct NonComp = Current Compliance Requirement PF = Permitted flow (MGD) IWC% = Instrcam waste concentration P/F = Pass/Fail tat AC - Acute CHR = Chronic Data Notation: f- Fathead Minnow; * - Ceriodaphnia sp.; my - Mysid shrimp; ChV - Chronic value; P - Mortality of stated percentage at highest concentration; at • Performed by DWQ Aquatic Tox Unit; bt - Bad test Reporting Notation: ---= Data not required; NR - Not reported Facility Activity Status: I • Inactive. N • Newly Issucd(To construct); H - Active but not discharging; t-More data available for month in question; • = ORC signature needed 23 5.,,1 pt: /-?ro Al idA/' NPDES Permit No. Abbr. No. Permiltee Contact Salutation Address City State ZIP Facility Name Address City State ZIP Location 1 Location 2 County Receiving Stream Classification River Basin Subbasln No. WWTP Status Design 0 Regional 0111ee Letter cc 01 Letter cc e2 Permit Writer ExL Signature Block 1 Signature Block 2 Signature Block 3 NC0024325 City of Greensboro Allan Williams. Director of Water Resources Mr. Williams P.O. Box 3136 Greensboro North Carolina 27402-3136 North Buffalo WWTP 2199 White Street Greensboro North Carolina 27405 2199 White Street Greensboro Guilford North Buffalo Creek C NSW Cape Fear 030602 Existing 16.0 MGD Winston Salem Tom Belnick 543 Tom Belnick NPDES Unit. Permit Type Renewal Discharge Status Existing SIC #1 4952 SIC s2 SIC a3 WW Code#1 01 WW Code a2 02 WW Code a3 WW Code a4 WW Code a5 Basin Code Major 03 Minor 06 Subminor 02 Latitude D 3G M DG S 34 Longitude D 79 M 44 S 53 Type Ownership MU Facility Type Major Main Tmt Unit Code 016x6 USGS °uad Map No. C20SW Quad Map Name Guilford. NC Stream Index No. Facility Class 4 Public Notice Date: 7/4/01 Issue Date: 8/20/01 303(d) listed (Y/N) 305(b) listed (Y/N) Use Support (S, ST, PS, NS) Drainage Area (sq. mi.): s7010 (cis): W7010 (cis): 3002 (cfs): °Avg (Ms): IWC (%): USGS Sta. No. YES NA 22.00 0.9 2.6 3.2 25.00 0.96 6w,4tki0 Al Parameter= Selenium Standard = 5 pg/I Dataset= LTMP99/00 ModifiedData Nondetects RESULTS 1 <2 Std Dev. 0.707 1 < Mean 1.500 C.V. 0.471 Sample# 14.000 1< 2 1< 1< 1< 1< 1< 1< 2.5 <5 2.5 < 2.5 < 2.5 < Mult Factor = Max. Value , Max. Pred Cw Allowable Cw 2.200 2.500 pg/I 5.500 pg/I 5.181 pg/I 12/23/00 12/24/00 12/25/00 12/26/00 12/27/00 12/28/00 12/29/00 12/30/00 12/31/00 0.01 UCPF Statons http://www.esb.enr.state.nc.us/Coalitions/ucfrba.ht: jps Upper Cape Fear River Basin Association L 'Facility City of Asheboro WWTP Burlington East WWTP Burlington South WWTP South Durham WRF j County Region 'Randolph LAlamance I WSRO Alamance IWSRO I 'Durham I RRO Durham County Triangle WWTP Glen Raven Mills Durham Alamance RRO IWSRO Gold Kist, Inc. Lee FRO Graham WWTP Alamance WSRO Greensboro N. Buffalo WWTP Guilford WSRO Greensboro T.Z. Osborne WWTP Guilford WSRO igh Point -East Side WWTP Honeywell Mebane WWTP Neste Resins Corporation Guilford Chatham Alamance Chatham (Orange Water and Sewer Authority -Mason Farm WWTP Orange L SRO RRO WSRO I[Ro I I[RRO Pittsboro WWTP Chatham i RRO Ramseur WWTP Randolph (WSRO J Randleman WWTP Randolph WSRO Reidsville WWTP Rockingham WSRO i Sanford WWTP 'Lee I FRO Siler City WWTP Chatham O_ Star WWTP Montgomery IIFRO I Monitoring Locations (Map stations your interested in by linking to the US Census TIGER MAP Service - Enter lat/long with longitude as a negative number) STORET# B0070010 B0050000 B01700001 B0400000 11304800501 IB0540050J B0690000 B0750000 Station Location Troublesome Cr @ US 29 bus Haw R @ US 29 bus (0209331280) Haw R @ SR 2620 (High Rock Rd.) Reedy Fork CO SR 2719 County J Rockingham Rockingham Rockingham Guilford iRegio j WSRO WSRO 'SRO WSRO N Buffalo Creek @ N Buffalo Ck at influent conduit pier N Buffalo Cr CO Huffine Mill Road S Buffalo Cr @ Old US Hwy 70 (McConnell Rd.) S Buffalo Cr SR 2821(Harvest Rd.) (02095091) Guilford Guilford Guilford Guilford L titude 136163611 7939001 36155511 793853 I 793353 793015 Longitude 361504 361042 WSRO I 3606341 794463i WSRO 360747 7939471 WSRO 060522 L 794110 WSRO 360645 794020 1 of 3 12/5/00 12:21 pN. UCPF Statons • http:l/www.esb.enr.state.nc.uslCoalitions/ucfrba.ht 160870000 IHaw River @ SR 1530 (Gerringer Mill Rd.) LMoadams Creek @ unimproved road upstream of gdor Rd.) 11Alamance _ AVSRO II 36080111 792802i B1350000 discharge (Corri •� LMoadams Creek @ SR1940 (Gibson Rd.) 1B1440000 LHaw River @ SR 2158 (Swepsonville Rd.) B1380000 B1200000 Alamance Alamance Alamance Haw River @ Hwy 54 1B19400001 Big Alamance Cr @ Hwy 87 Big Alamance Cr @ SR 2116 (Preacher Holmes B1960000 Rd.)(02096813) B2000000' B2210000 Haw R @ SR 1005 (Saxapahaw Rd.)(02096879) Haw R @ US 64 Alamance Alamance 1.)^t.lamance Alamance Chatham l WSROI WSRO WSROJ WSRO wsROi WSRO WSRO RRO 3605181 7917051 360518 L 7918301 7922051 792202i 360133 360253 360126 L 7923401 f 360103IL 7922571 355342 354353 791530 790625 B2450000 Robeson Creek @ SR 1943 (Gum Springs Ch. Rd) (02097189) Chatham RRO 354210 790613 �B3020000 B3040000 B3300000 B3670000 B3025000 New Hope Cr below waterfowl impoundment dam -need to get access from WWTP New Hope Cr @ SR 1107 (02097314) (Stagecoach Road) Northeast Cr @ SR 1102 (Sedwick Road) Northeast Cr @ SR 1731 (0 Kelly Church Road) Third Fork Creek @ Hwy 54 Durham Durham !Durham Chatham Durham RRO RRO RRO RRO IRRO 3554188! 785813 355305 785758 355312 355121 355506 785400 785625 785718 Morgan Cr @ at bridge of WWTP entrance-upstrm. site in B3899180 permit Orange RRO 355357 790134 B3900000 B4080000 E6050000l B4380000 B4350000 B4440000 B4626000 B4870000 B4780000 B4800000 B4920000 B5070000 B5100000 B5520000 ssa100001 B5575000, B5685000 B5820000 B5950000 B5980000 Morgan Cr @ SR 1726 (Farrington Rd.)(02097521) Haw R @ SR 1011 (old US 1) Deep R nr Moncure-RR trestle (02102049) Richland Creek @ SR 1154 Deep R @ SR 1113 Deep R @ SR 1129 Muddy Cr @ Cedar Square Rd -SR 1929 Hasketts Creek 800 feet above the discharge at existing upstream site Deep River @ SR 2117, near Randleman Deep R @ SR 2128, near Worthville (WOW Road) Deep River @ SR 2261 near Central Falls (Old Liberty Road) Deep R @ SR 2615 (USGS gage) (0210050) Chatham Chatham • Chatham Guilford Guilford Guilford I Randolph Randolph Randolph Randolph Randolph i Randolph Deep R @ SR 2628 (Hinshaw Town Road) Deep R @ NC 22, High Falls (0210102530) Cotton Cr @ SR 1370 (Leach Rd.) culvert Deep R above Carbonton Dam @ Hwy 42 Deep R nr Cumnock sample@Deep River Park Bridge Deep R @ US 15/501 (02101577) Rocky R @ US 64 Rocky R @ SR 2170 (Reeves Chapel Road) Randolph Moore Montgomery Chatham Chatham e Chatham Chatham RRO RRO RRO WSRO WSRO WSRO WSRO WSRO WSRO WSRO WSRO WSRO WSRO FRO IFRO J [RRO RRO IFRO J RRO RRO 355138 353658 353655 355620 355732 355616 355229 354553 354548 354807 354547 354410 354340 352841 352314 1353110 353332 353442 354407 354157 790037 790326 790500 7954521 795424 795325 795240 794711 794746 794638 794622 L 794104 793910 793115 794415 792157 791437 79,149] L 792529 792235 2 of 3 12/5/00 12:21 PM `UCFR6A.' 60070010 36.2766 79.6502 UCFRBA B0050000 36.2652 79.6526 UCFRBA B0170000 36.2511 79.5647 UCFRBA 60400000 uP _ UCFRBA 60480050 O,:►JCFRBA B0540050 UCFRBA B0690000 UCFRBA B0750000 UCFRBA B0870000 UCFRBA B1350000 UCFRBA B1380000 UCFRBA B1440000 UCFRBA B1200000 UCFRBA B1940000 -UCFRBA B1960000 UCFRBA B2000000 UCFRBA 82210000 UCFRBA UCFRBA UCFRBA UCFRBA UCFRBA UCFRBA UCFRBA UCFRBA UCFRBA UCFRBA UCFRBA UCFRBA UCFRBA UCFRBA UCFRBA UCFRBA UCFRBA UCFRBA UCFRBA UCFRBA UCFRBA UCFRBA UCFRBA UCFRBA UCFRBA UCFRBA UCFRBA Troublesome Cr © US 29 bus Haw R @ US 29 bus (0209331280) Haw R @ SR 2620 (High Rock Rd.) 36.1776 79.6180 Reedy Fork © SR 2719 36.1093 79.7483 N Buffalo Creek ® N Buffalo Ck at influE 36.1296 79.6630 N Buffalo Cr © Huffine Mill Road 36.0894 79.6883 S Buffalo Cr @ Old US Hwy 70 (McConr 36.1126 79.6721 S Buffalo Cr © SR 2821(Harvest Rd.) (C 36.1336 79.4662 Haw River @ SR 1530 (Gerringer Mill F 36.0883 79.2848 Moadams Creek © unimproved road up 36.0891 79.3078 Moadams Creek © SR1940 (Gibson Rd 36.0259 79.3682 Haw River © SR 2158 (Swepsonville R 36.048 79.3670 Haw River © Hwy 54 36.024 79.3948 Big Alamance Cr © Hwy 87 36.0176 79.3674 Big Alamance Cr © SR 2116 (Preacher 35.8952 79.2584 Haw R © SR 1005 (Saxapahaw Rd.)(02 35.7313 79.1068. Haw R @ US 64 B2450000 35.7029 79.1037 Robeson Creek © SR 1943 (Gum Sprin B3020000 35.9051 78.9704 New Hope Cr below waterfowl impoundr B3040000 35.8849 78.9663 New Hope Cr ® SR 1107 (02097314) (: B3300000 35.8865 78.8999 Northeast Cr ® SR 1102 (Sedwick Roar B3670000 35.8558 78.9402 Northeast Cr @ SR 1731 (0 Kelly Churc B3025000 35.9184 78.9550 Third Fork Creek © Hwy 54 B3899180 35.8988 79.0260 Morgan Cr @ at bridge of WWTP entran B3900000 _ 35.861 79.0102 Morgan Cr @ SR 1726 (Farrington Rd.)( B4080000 - 35.6162 79.0573 Haw R @ SR 1011 (old US 1) B6050000 35.6153 79.0831 Deep R nr Moncure-RR trestle (021020/ B4380000 35.941 79.9322 Richland Creek @ SR 1154 B4350000 35.9589 79.9065 Deep R @ SR 1113 B4440000 35.9377 79.8905 Deep R ® SR 1129 • B4626000 35.8734 79.8801 Muddy Cr © Cedar Square Rd -SR 1929 B4870000 35.7649 79.7864 Hasketts.Creek 800 feet above the disci B4780000 35.8192 79.7950 Deep River © SR 2117, near Randlema B4800000 35.8019 79.7774 Deep R © SR 2128, near Worthville (WI B4920000 35.7632 79.7724 Deep River @ SR 2261 near Central Fal B5070000 35.7301 79.6561 Deep R @ SR 2615 (USGS gage) (021C B5100000 35.6723 79.6276 Deep R © SR 2628 (Hinshaw Town Roi B5520000 35.4776 79.5201 Deep R @ NC 22, High Falls (02101025 B5410000 35.387 79.7374 Cotton Cr © SR 1370 (Leach Rd.) culve B5575000 35.5197 79.3487 Deep R above Carbonton Dam it Hwy B5685000 35.5588 79.2435 Deep R nr Cumnock sample@Deep Riv. B5820000 35.5781 79.1945 Deep R ® US 15/501 (02101577) B5950000 35.7349 79.4234 Rocky R © US 64 B5980000 35.6986 79.3762 • Rocky R @ SR 2170 (Reeves Chapel R, Rockingha WSRO 030601 N Rockingha WSRO 030601 Y Rockingha WSRO 030601 N Guilford WSRO 030602 N Guilford WSRO 030602 N Guilford WSRO 030602 N Guilford WSRO 030602 N Guilford WSRO 030602 Y Alamance WSRO 030602 N Alamance WSRO 030602 N Alamance WSRO 030602 N Alarance WSRO 030602 N Alamance WSRO 030602 N Alamance WSRO 030603 N Alamance WSRO 030603 Y Alamance WSRO 030604 Y Chatham RRO 030604 N Chatham RRO 030604 N Durham RRO 030605 N Durham RRO 030605 Y Durham RRO 030605 N Chatham RRO 030605 N Durham RRO 030605 N Orange RRO 030606 N Chatham RRO 030606 Y Chatham RRO 030607 N Chatham RRO 030607 Y Guilford WSRO 030608 N Guilford WSRO 030608 N Guilford WSRO 030608 N Randolph WSRO 030608 N Randolph WSRO 030609 N Randolph WSRO 030609 N Randolph WSRO 030609 N Randolph WSRO 030609 N Randolph WSRO 030609 Y Randolph WSRO 030609 N Moore FRO 030610 Y MontgomE FRO 030610 N Chatham RRO 030610 Y Chatham RRO 030611 N Lee RRO 030611 Y Chatham RRO 030612 -N Chatham RRO 030612 N C NSW C NSW C NSW �I (�I 7 1013 C NSW �; L� C NSW 5• 59 C NSW 5. i Z- 5.52. C NSW e C NSW t-o� C NSW (03) (i/Z") C NSW C NSW C NSW C NSW C NSW C NSW C NSW WS-IV&B NSW C WS-IV NSW WS-IV NSW WS-IV NSW WS-IV NSW WS-IV NSW WS-IV NSW WS-IV NSW CA WS-IV WS-IV C C C C C C C C C C C HCIW WS-III WS-IV HOW WS-IV CA WS-IV C 7.V 13 OS Yb ' IWC Calculations Greensboro- N. Buffalo Creek N C0024325 Prepared By: Tom Belnick, NPDES Unit Enter Design Flow (MGD): Enter s7Q10(cfs): Enter w7Q10 (cfs): 16 0.9 2.6 Residual Chlorine 7Q10 (CFS) DESIGN FLOW (MGD) DESIGN FLOW (CFS) STREAM STD (UG/L) UPS BACKGROUND LEVEL (I IWC (%) Allowable Conc. (ug/I) Fecal Limit (If DF >331; Monitor) (If DF <331; Limit) Dilution Factor (DF) NPDES Servor/Current Versions/IWC Ammonia (NH3 as N) (summer) 0.9 7Q10 (CFS) 16 DESIGN FLOW (MGD) 24.8 DESIGN FLOW (CFS) 17.0 STREAM STD (MG/L) 0 UPS BACKGROUND LEVEL 96.50 IWC (%) 18 Allowable Conc. (mg/I) Ammonia (NH3 as N) (winter) 7010 (CFS) 200/100m1 DESIGN FLOW (MGD) DESIGN FLOW (CFS) STREAM STD (MG/L) 1.04 UPS BACKGROUND LEVEL IWC (%) Allowable Conc. (mg/I) 0.9 16 24.8 1.0 0.22 9 2.6 16 24.8 1.8 0.22 90 4 4/5/01 Figure 1 Location Map United Hoty Church `, e rE C N ikitkil ._. i .%. 1 1 Greensboro 0 Sc.a.• ;n tces Guilford DOC Greensboro Osborne WVTP Broo+view Rd. Quarterstone Farm US 70 A cLeansville ville school Ambient DO data- Cape Fear River Basin Subject: Ambient DO data- Cape Fear River Basin Date: Fri, 29 Jun 2001 11:54:08 -0400 From: Tom Belnick <tom.belnick@ncmail.net> To: susan.gale@ncmail.net Hi Susan- I'm working on the NPDES permit renewal for Greensboro, and would like to look at the DO data for ambient station storet # B0540000 (North Buffalo Creek @ SR2832) for July, August, and Sept. of 2000. How can I access this ambient data? Thanks. Mailto:tom.belnick@ncmail.net N.0 DENR-DWQ/NPDES Unit 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh NC 27699-1617 Work: (919) 733-5083 ext. 543 Fax: (919) 733-0719 1 of 1 6/29/01 11:54 AM DO Station DATE TIME DEPTH m mg/I(300) B0540000 7/20/00 B0540000 8/23/00 9:30 9:45 B0540000 9/19/00 10:20 0.1 0.1 0.1 5.0 4.0 7.4 Selenium for North Buffalo and T. Z. Osborne Subject: Selenium for North Buffalo and T. Z. Osborne Date: Thu, 17 Oct 2002 07:21:58 -0400 From: "Miller, Sharon" <sharon.miller@ci.greensboro.nc.us> To: <tom.belnick@ncmail.net> CC: "Groome, Martie"<martie.groome@ci.greensboro.nc.us> Mr. Belnick, I reviewed all our DMRs for the past two year and on page 3, Effluent Addendum, is listed all our data for Selenium. The only other data that is required under our LTMP for T. Z. Osborne is influent monitoring for selenium which we do. If you need that data I can make it available. We have also submitted the last 13 months of influent and effluent selenium data to Tom Poe in our HWA submittal dated August 15, 2002. There is no requirement in our LTMP plan for the City of Greensboro to monitor for Selenium at North Buffalo so no monitoring has been performed for that pollutant. If you need me to submit this data is another format, please let me know. Sharon Miller Pretreatment Coordinator City of Greensboro 336-375-2240 ext. 227 fax 336-621-3523 1 of 1 10/17/02 9:28 AM Greensboro WWTPs- Pretreatment LTMP Data Subject: Greensboro WWTPs- Pretreatment LTMP Data Date: Mon, 13 May 2002 16:01:24 -0400 From: Tom Belnick <tom.belnick@ncmail.net> To: martie.groome@ci.greensboro.nc.us btd 6,14 re cpv,e Hi Martie- I double-checked the 1999/2000 LTMP data that I used to do the reasonable potential analysis for both facilities for the draft permit. The detections of mercury were back in September 1999, and the detections of beryllium occurred back in December 2000. Thus, all these samples will be outside the 6 month holding time and not worth re -analyzing, even if the samples were still available. I'd like to take a look at the data collected since then. Can you send me the LTMP data for Hg/Be for 2001 and 2002 (if already collected). Also, can you include the 2001/2002 data for selenium. In the 1999-2000 dataset, there were some detections of selenium reported at the lab quantitation level, so I'd like to see if they were all non -detects since then. Thanks. Mailto:tom.belnick@ncmail.net N.0 DENR-DWQ/NPDES Unit 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh NC 27699-1617 Work: (919) 733-5083 ext. 543 Fax: (919) 733-0719 1 of 1 5/13/02 4:01 PM fit' ti >v M 4c4/1 inn) ATER sources City of Greensboro Administration (336) 373-2055 Customer Service (336) 373-2344 Water Supply Mitchell Plant (336) 373-5855 Townsend Plant (336) 375-2230 Water Reclamation North Buffalo Plant (336) 373-5913 T.Z. Osborne Plant (336) 375-2240 Construction K Maintenance (336) 373-2033 Water Conservation (336) 574-3585 July 27, 2000 Certified Mail # 7099 3220 0008 5057 6942 Return Receipt Requested Mr. Charles H. Weaver, Jrr NC DENR / Water Quality / NPDES Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Subject: Renewal of NPDES Permit Number NC0024325 City of Greensboro North Buffalo -Guilford County Dear Mr. Weaver, The City of Greensboro hereby requests renewal of NPDES Permit Number NC0024325 issued to the North Buffalo Water Reclamation Facility. Enclosed please find 3 copies [1 original and 2 copies] of the required documents for NPDES permit renewal. The North Buffalo Water Reclamation Facility is currently under upgrade to enhance the treatment capabilities of the plant. This upgrade will not affect the current discharge capacity of 16 MGD. Projected completion date for this upgrade is August 31, 2000. If you require any additional information or have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 336-373-2055 or by email at allan.williams@ci.greeensboro.nc.us. Sincerely, (.id 6641. Allan Williams Director of Water Resources Enclosures: Permit Application Form [3 copies] Process Drawing [3 copies] Map [3 copies] U S U JUL - 1 2000 DEH - `'. \TEP. QUALITY POINT ;'OE BR,V.;0H cc: Arthur White, Water Reclamation Manager Barbara Hall, North Buffalo Superintendent Martie Groome, Laboratory and Industrial Waste Section Supervisor 1505 P. O. Box 3136, Greensboro, NC 27402-3136 • www.ci.greensboro.nc.us • Fax (336) 412-6305 • TDD (336) 373-2376 North Buffalo WWTP City of Greensboro Permit # NC 0024325 Present Operating Status: Narrative description of installed wastewater treatment components at the facility. Include sizes & capacities for each component. • '/4 inch fine screens, • Parshall Flume • aerated grit removal system, • 4 Primary Settling Tanks volume 246,000GAL, • Flow Equalization Facility Total capacity 1.0 MG, • Step Feed Capability, • 6 MGD flow transfer pump station to TZ Osborne, • 2 high rate Trickling Filters 200 Ft diameter 4 FT depth, • 4 Aeration Activated Sludge Tanks with fine bubble diffusers 4.36 MG capacity, • 3 - 75 FT diameter final settling tanks and 2 - 90 Ft diameter final settling tanks • 4 Effluent Filters with a 28MGDcapacity, • Parshall Flume • 1 Aerated Chlorine Contact Chamber Potential Facility Changes: Narrative description of planned upgrades / expansions / repairs planned for the facility during the next five years • The upgrades described below are intended to increase the efficiency of the operation of this facility during high flow and cold weather . Flow equalization facility is being converted to a aeration activated sludge system. The largest of the three tanks is to serve as the activated sludge tank the two smaller tanks will serve as final settling tanks, the dike around the plant is being raise 4 ft. with a concrete retaining wall for flood protecting. Schematic of wastewater flow: A line drawing of water flow through the facility must be attached to this application. The schematic should show flow volumes at all points in the treatment process. Specific treatment components should be identified. 1 Wawa 10 tJ1IDRl 1 RotNM I111t fro! 01wff�fipi 0 tosupfIRLI4Ww1 7 Rol (aw iala MASK SWAN WAWA' WWI p11 TO 9744 113 R CROW 4.711. STD li II$7 1441 MS K ull C 1.3 JW44$ MOT ROI oot I�1 IAA; I A J'1 4r ROI SKIM C 15 HAz NAND SANE 19w1karal. Woo II WOO 411 }wow M. owv,b4 CMr 7Ta}1 Qrtel 111Rt Nog STA1101 arY OF GREENSBORO, MORN CAROL JA M IW1l1i Sloo1 1103$$ *AAS NORTH BMA c ai YiWWW IMMO Mt1111LaD11 ip ON Maud CID calla COW in 14113111.1401 1646 FLOir SCHEWAi1C �rl �11N� lila A; Onlet IA sat S North Buffalo WWTP City of Greensboro Permit # NC 0024325 IUP Coun 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 12 13 SIU ALLOCATION TABLE NORTH BUFFALO POTW Headworke last approved: 04/16/98 Allocation Table updated: 07111100 Permits last modified: 05/01/98 INDUSTRY Industry NAMES Permit/Pipe i (please list alphabeticly) number Type Original Date Date of Effective Last Permit Industry Date Modified Expires FLOW Permit Umlts BOO Permit Limits TSS Permit Limits AMMONIA Permit Limits ARSENIC Permit Limits 6 mo. Avg MGD gal/day Conc. Load mgll Ibslday Conc. Load mgll Ibslday Conc. Load mgli Ibslday Conc. Load mgll Ibslday Banknote Coporation P056-01 433 05/01/98 05101/98 04/30/03 0.0030 3,000 200.00 5.00 200.00 5.00 20.00 0.50 Greensboro Industrial 01 P020-01 413 05/01/98 05/01/98 04/30/03 0.009999 9,999 200.00 16.68 200.00 16.68 20.00 1.67 Guilford Plating P026-01 413 05/01/98 05/01/98 04/30/03 0.009999 9,999 200.00 16.68 200.00 16.68 20.00 1.67 Harvin Reaction P046-01 414 05/01/98 05/01/98 04/30/03 0.0400 40,000 1000.00 333.60 400.00 133.44 20.00 6.67 Lorillard P004-01 >25000 05/01/98 05/01/98 04/30/03 0.3360 336,000 750.00 2101.68 357.00 1000.40 10.00 28.02 Procter & Gamble-BS P031-01 >25000 05/01/98 05/01/98 04/30/03 0.5000 - 500,000 500.00 2085.00 500.00 2085.00 10.00 41.70 Pugh Metal Finishing P027-01 413 05/01/98 05/01/98 04/30/03 0.009999 9,999 200.00 ' 16.68 200.00 16.68 20.00 1.67 Triad Anodizing P029-01 413 05/01/98' 02/10/00 04/30/03 0.009999 9,999 200.00 16.68 200.00 16.68 20.00 1.67 Valspar P050-01 415-BA 05/01/98 05/01/98 04/30/03 0.0015 1,500 200.00 2.50 200.00 2.50 20.00 0.25 Column Totals => 0.9205 920,496 4594.50 3293.06 83.82 Basis for MAHL => MAHL from HWA (Ibslday) _> Uncontrollable Loading (Ibslday) => Total Allowable for Industry (Ibslday) => Total Permitted to Industry (Ibslday) _> Allowable loading left (Ibslday) => Percent Allow. Ind. still available (%) => Percent MAHL still available (%) => 5 Percent MAHL (Ibslday) => Permit Limit Discharge permit limit for flow (mgd) => 16 Non -Sill flow (mgd) 0> 14.5 Max. Allowable for Industry (mgd) _> 1.5 Total Permitted to Industry (mgd) => 0.920496 Total remaining SIU flow (mgd) »> 0.580 % Industrial flow still available (%) => 38,63 Total NPDES flow still available »> 3.62 5 Percent NPDES flow limit (mgd) L> 0.80 NPDES Pennit Limit 42361.90 25020.00 17341.90 4594.50 12747.40 73.5 % 30.1 % 2118.10 NPDES Permit Limit 85174.47 25020.00 60154.47 3293.06 56861.41 94.5 % 66.8 % 4258.72 NPDES Permit Limit 1565.00 2502.00 -937.00 83.82 -1020.82 108.9 % -65.2 % 78.25 North Buffalo WWTP City of Greensboro Permit # NC 0024325 CADMIUM Permit Limits CHROMIUM Permit Limits COPPER Permit Limits CYANIDE Permit Limits LEAD Permit Limits MERCURY Permit Limits NICKEL Permit Limits SILVER Permit Limits ZINC Permit Limits Phosphorus Permit Limits Conc. Load mgll Ibslday Conc. Load mgfl Ibslday Conc. Load mgll Ibslday Conc. Load mgli Ibslday Conc. Load mgfl Ibslday Conc. Load mgli Ibslday Conc. Load mgli Ibslday Conc. Load _ mgll Ibslday Conc. Load mgli Ibslday Conc. Load mgli Ibslday 0.11 0.003 2.77 0.069 3.38 0.085 0.050 0.001 0.69 0.017 ' r 3.98 0.100 0.430 0.011 2.61 0.065 5.98 0.1496 1.20 0.100 1.0000 0.0834 0.5500 0.0459 5.00 0.417 0.60 0.050 6.0000 0.5003 0.0100 0.0008 1.0000 0.083 5.98' 0.4987 1.20 0.100 0.5500 0.0459 0.5500 0.0459 ' 0.050 0.004 0.60 0.050 1.2100 ' 0.1009 0.0100 0.0008 1.0000 0.083 5.98 0.4987 0.003 0.001 0.0500 0.0167 0.0610 0.0203 . 0.050 0.017 0.69 0.230 0.0210 0.0070 0.0100 0.0033 2.61 0.871 5.98 1.9949 0.003 0.008 0.0500 0.1401 0.2000 0.5604 0.050 0.140 0.049 0.1373 0.0210 0.0588 0.0100 0.0280 0.3570 1.0004 5.98 16.7574 0.003 0.013 0.0500 0.2085 0.0610 0.2544 0.010 0.042 ' 0.049 0.2043 0.0210 0.0876 0.0100 0.0417 0.5000 2.0850 11.50 47.9550 1.20 '0.100 1.0000 0.0834 0.5500 0.0459 5.00 0.417 0.60 0.050 0.5500 0.0459 0.0100 0.0008 36.4000 3.0355 5.98' 0.4987 1.20 0.100 2.0000 0.1668 0.5500 0.0459 0.200 0.017 0.60 0.050 _ 0.5500 0.0459 0.0100 0.0008 30.0000 2.5017 5.98 0.4987 0.07 0.001 0.05 0.0006 3.00 0.0375 0.05 0.0006 0.049 0.0006 ' 0.50 0.0063 1.00 0.013 ' 0.50 0.0063 5.98 0.0748 0.425t NC Stream Standard 3.0730 0.3753 2.6977 0.4258 2.2719 84.2 % 73.9 % 0.1537 0.8147J NC Stream Standard 38.4127 6.2550 32.1577 -178T4T 31.3430 97.5 % 81.6 % 1.9206 1.14071 BPJ POTW 20.7428 7.6311 13.1117 1.1407 11.9710 91.3 °% 57.7 % 1.0371_ 1.05511 NPDES Permit Limit 4.3973 1.2510 3.1463 1.0551 2.0912 66.5 % 47.6 °% 0.2199 0.7898j NC Stream Standard 8.864 3.1275 5.7370 0.7898 4.9472 86.2 % 55.8 0.4432 I 0.95221 NC Stream Standard 21.1416 2.6271 18.5145 0.9522 17.5623 94.9 % 83.1 % _ 1.0571 0.09971 J 9.73161 Inhibition BPJ POTW 33.3600 0.6255 32. /345 0.0997 32.6348 99.7 % 97.8 % 1.6680 72.4353 21.8925 50.5428 9.7316 40.8112 80.7% 56.3 % 3.6218: 68.926 NPDES Permit Limit 972.595 748.098 224.497 68.9265 155.57 69.3 % 16.0 °% 48.6297 North Buffalo WWTP City of Greensboro Permit # NC 0024325 Nbrth Buffalo WWTP City of Greensboro Permit # NC 0024325 SECTION 111. INDUSTRIAL WASTE CONTRIBUTION TO MUNICIPAL SYSTEM Submit a separate Section ill for each Significant Industrial User. 1. Significant Industrial User (SIU) [NORTH BUFFALO POTW] An SIU has (or could have) significant impact on the POTW receiving the wastewater or upon the quality of effluent from the receiving POTW. Specifically, an SIU: • has a flow of 50,000 gallons or more per average workday; • has a flow greater than 5 percent of the total flow carried by the municipal system m receiving the waste, or • has a toxic material in its discharge. It may be necessary to alter these administrative criteria in certain cases, such as an instance where two or more contributing industries in combination can produce an undesirable effect on either the municipal facility or the quality of its effluent. Name of SIU Banknote Corporation of America. Inc. Street address 6109 Corporate Park Drive City Brown Summit County Guilford State NC Zip Code 27214 Telephone Number ( 336 ) 375-1134 Fax Number ( 336 ) 375-1614 e-mail address 2. Primary Product or Raw Material Specify either the principal product or the principal raw material and the maximum quantity per day produced or consumed. Quantities are to be reported in the units of measurement for each SIC category at the facility. SIC categories should use the units of measurement normally used by that industry. Product Raw Material Quantity Units THIS FACILITY IS A SECURITY PRINTING OPERATION WITH A SMALL GRAVURE CYLINDER PLATING OPERATION. THIS FACILITY IS REGULATED BY A FEDERAL CATEGORICAL PRETREATMENT STANDARD. THIS FACILITY IS SUBJECT TO THE FEDERAL CATEGORICAL PRETREATMENT STANDARDS FOR METAL FINISHING [40 CFR PART 433]. SEE ATTACHED ALLOCATION TABLE FOR INDIVIDUAL SIU PERMITTED LOADINGS 3. Flow Indicate the volume of water discharged into the POTW and whether this discharge is intermittent or continuous 0.003 MGD ©Intermittent 0 Continuous North Buffalo WWTP City of Greensboro Permit # NC 0024325 SECTION 111. INDUSTRIAL WASTE CONTRIBUTION TO MUNICIPAL SYSTEM Submit a separate Section 11l for each Significant Industrial User. 1. Significant Industrial User (SIU) [NORTH BUFFALO POTW] An SIU has (or could have) significant impact on the POTW receiving the wastewater or upon the quality of effluent from the receiving POTW. Specifically, an SIU: • has a flow of 50,000 gallons or more per average workday; • has a flow greater than 5 percent of the total flow carried by the municipal system m receiving the waste, or • has a toxic material in its discharge. It may be necessary to alter these administrative criteria in certain cases, such as an instance where two or more contributing industries in combination can produce an undesirable effect on either the municipal facility or the quality of its effluent. Name of SIU Greensboro Industrial Platers 01 Street address 725 Kenilworth Street City Greensboro County Guilford State NC Zip Code 27403 Telephone Number Fax Number e-mail address ( 336 ) 274-7654 ( 336 ) 378-1950 2. Primary Product or Raw Material Specify either the principal product or the principal raw material and the maximum quantity per day produced or consumed. Quantities are to be reported in the units of measurement for each SIC category at the facility. SIC categories should use the units of measurement normally used by that industry. Product Raw Material Quantity Units THIS FACILITY IS A JOB -SHOP ELECTROPLATER. THIS FACILITY IS REGULATED BY A FEDERAL CATEGORICAL PRETREATMENT STANDARD. THIS FACLITY IS SUBJECT TO THE FEDERAL CATEGORICAL PRETREATMENT STANDARDS FOR ELECTROPLATING [40 CFR PART 413]. SEE ATTACHED ALLOCATION TABLE FOR INDIVIDUAL SIU PERMITTED LOADINGS 3. Flow Indicate the volume of water discharged into the POTW and whether this discharge is intermittent or continuous 0.0099 MGD ® Intermittent ❑ Continuous a North Buffalo WWTP City of Greensboro Permit # NC 0024325 SECTION 1I1. INDUSTRIAL WASTE CONTRIBUTION TO MUNICIPAL SYSTEM ° Submit a separate Section 111 for each Significant Industrial User. 1. Significant Industrial User (SIU) [NORTH BUFFALO POTW] An SIU has (or could have) significant impact on the POTW receiving the wastewater or upon the quality of effluent from the receiving POTW. Specifically, an SIU: • has a flow of 50,000 gallons or more per average workday; • has a flow greater than 5 percent of the total flow carried by the municipal system m receiving the waste, or • has a toxic material in its discharge. It may be necessary to alter these administrative criteria in certain cases, such as an instance where two or more contributing industries in combination can produce an undesirable effect on either the municipal facility or the quality of its effluent. Name of SIU Guilford Plating Companx Street address 3318 Church Street Ext. City Greensboro County Guilford State NC Zip Code 27405 Telephone Number ( 336 ) 375-4565 Fax Number ( ) e-mail address 2. Primary Product or Raw Material Specify either the principal product or the principal raw material and the maximum quantity per day produced or consumed. Quantities are to be reported in the units of measurement for each SIC category at the facility. SIC categories should use the units of measurement normally used by that industry. Product Raw Material Quantity Units THIS FACILITY IS A JOB SHOP ELECTROPLATER. THIS FACILITY IS REGULATED BY A FEDERAL CATEGORICAL PRETREATMENT STANDARD. THIS FACILITY IS SUBJECT OT THE FEDERAL CATEGORICAL PRETREATMENT STANDARDS FOR ELECTROPLATING [40 CFR PART 413]. SEE ATTACHED ALLOCATION TABLE FOR INDIVIDUAL SIU PERMITTED LOADINGS 3. Flow Indicate the volume of water discharged into the POTW and whether this discharge is intermittent or continuous 0.0099 MGD ® Intermittent ❑ Continuous North Buffalo WWTP City of Greensboro Permit # NC 0024325 SECTION 111. INDUSTRIAL WASTE CONTRIBUTION TO MUNICIPAL SYSTEM Submit a separate Section 11! for each Significant Industrial User. 1. Significant Industrial User (SIU) [NORTH BUFFALO POTW] An SIU has (or could have) significant impact on the POTW receiving the wastewater or upon the quality of effluent from the receiving POTW. Specifically, an SIU: • has a flow of 50,000 gallons or more per average workday; • has a flow greater than 5 percent of the total flow carried by the municipal system m receiving the waste, or • has a toxic material in its discharge. It may be necessary to alter these administrative criteria in certain cases, such as an instance where two or more contributing industries in combination can produce an undesirable effect on either the municipal facility or the quality of its effluent. Name of SIU Harvin Reaction Technology Street address 3921 Spring Garden Street City Greensboro County Guilford State NC Zip Code 27407 Telephone Number ( 336 ) 292-0566 Fax Number ( 336 ) 294-0897 e-mail address 2. Primary Product or Raw Material Specify either the principal product or the principal raw material and the maximum quantity per day produced or consumed. Quantities are to be reported in the units of measurement for each SIC category at the facility. SIC categories should use the units of measurement normally used by that industry. Product Raw Material Quantity Units THIS FACILITY IS AN ORGANIC CHEMICAL MANUFACTURER. THIS FACILITY IS REGULATED BY A FEDERAL CATEGORICAL PRETREATMENT STANDARD. THIS FACILITY IS SUBJECT TO THE FEDERAL CATEGORICAL PRETREATMENT STANDARDS FOR ORGANIC CHEMICALS, PLASTICS AND SYNTHETIC FIBERS [40 CFR PART 4141 SEE ATTACHED ALLOCATION TABLE FOR INDIVIDUAL SIU PERMITTED LOADINGS 3. Flow Indicate the volume of water discharged into the POTW and whether this discharge is intermittent or continuous 0.040MGD El Intermittent 0 Continuous North Buffalo WWTP City of Greensboro Permit # NC 0024325 SECTION 111. INDUSTRIAL WASTE CONTRIBUTION TO MUNICIPAL SYSTEM Submit a separate Section 11! for each Significant industrial User. 1. Significant industrial User (SIU) [NORTH BUFFALO POTW] An SIU has (or could have) significant impact on the POTW receiving the wastewater or upon the quality of effluent from the receiving POTW. Specifically, an SIU: • has a flow of 50,000 gallons or more per average workday; • has a flow greater than 5 percent of the total flow carried by the municipal system m receiving the waste, or • has a toxic material in its discharge. It may be necessary to alter these administrative aiteria in certain cases, such as an instance where two or more contributing industries in combination can produce an undesirable effect on either the municipal facility or the quality of its effluent. Name of SIU Lorillard Tobacco Co. Street address 2525 East Market Street City Greensboro County Guilford State NC Zip Code 27420 Telephone Number ( 336 ) 335-6790 Fax Number ( 336 ) 373-6917 e-mail address 2. Primary Product or Raw Material Specify either the principal product or the principal raw material and the maximum quantity per day produced or consumed. Quantities are to be reported in the units of measurement for each SIC category at the facility. SIC categories should use the units of measurement normally used by that industry. Product Raw Material Quantity Units THIS FACILITY IS A TOBACCO PRODUCTS MANUFACTURER. THE FACILITY IS NOT REGULATED BY A FEDERAL CATEGORICAL PRETREATMENT STANDARD. THE FACILITY IS A SIGNIFICANT INDUSTRIAL USER DUE TO FLOW ONLY. 1>25,000 GPD PROCESS WASTEWATER] SEE ATTACHED ALLOCATION TABLE FOR INDIVIDUAL SIU PERMITTED LOADINGS. 3. Flow Indicate the volume of water discharged into the POTW and whether this discharge is intermittent or continuous 0.336 MGD Intermittent ❑ Continuous North Buffalo WWTP City of Greensboro Permit # NC 0024325 SECTION 111. INDUSTRIAL WASTE CONTRIBUTION TO MUNICIPAL SYSTEM Submit a separate Section 11! for each Significant Industrial User. 1. Significant Industrial User (SIU) [NORTH BUFFALO POTW] An SIU has (or could have) significant impact on the POTW receiving the wastewater or upon the quality of effluent from the receiving POTW. Specifically, an SIU: • has a flow of 50,000 gallons or more per average workday; • has a flow greater than 5 percent of the total flow carried by the municipal system m receiving the waste, or • has a toxic material in its discharge. It may be necessary to alter these administrative criteria in certain cases, such as an instance where two or more contributing industries in combination can produce an undesirable effect on either the municipal facility or the quality of its effluent. Name of SIU The Procter and Gamble Manufacturing Company Street address 6200 Bryan Park Road City Brown Summit County Guilford State NC Zip Code 27214 Telephone Number ( 336 ) 954-4548 Fax Number ( 336 ) 954-4561 e-mail address 2. Primary Product or Raw Material Specify either the principal product or the principal raw material and the maximum quantity per day produced or consumed. Quantities are to be reported in the units of measurement for each SIC category at the facility. SIC categories should use the units of measurement normally used by that industry. Product Raw Material Quantity Units THIS FACILITY IS A HEALTH AND BEAUTY CARE PRODUCT MANUFACTURER. [SIC CODE 2844] THIS FACILITY IS NOT CURRENTLY REGULATED BY A FEDERAL CATEGORICAL PRETREATMENT STANDARD. THE FACILITY IS CURRENTLY A SIGNIFICANT INDUSTRIAL USER DUE TO FLOW ONLY. [>25,000 GPD PROCESS WASTEWATER] SEE ATTACHED ALLOCATION TABLE FOR INDIVIDUAL SIU PERMITTED LOADINGS 3. Flow Indicate the volume of water discharged into the POTW and whether this discharge is intermittent or continuous 0.500 MGD Intermittent ❑ Continuous North Buffalo WWTP City of Greensboro Permit # NC 0024325 SECTION 11I. INDUSTRIAL WASTE CONTRIBUTION TO MUNICIPAL SYSTEM Submit a separate Section 111 for each Significant industrial User. 1. Significant industrial User (SIU) [NORTH BUFFALO POTWN An SIU has (or could have) significant impact on the POTW receiving the wastewater or upon the quality of effluent from the receiving POTW. Specifically, an SIU: • has a flow of 50,000 gallons or more per average workday; • has a flow greater than 5 percent of the total flow carried by the municipal system m receiving the waste, or • has a toxic material in its discharge. It may be necessary to alter these administrative criteria in certain cases, such as an instance where two or more contributing industries in combination can produce an undesirable effect on either the municipal facility or the quality of its effluent. Name of SIU Pugh Metal Finishing Street address 802 West Lee Street City Greensboro County Guilford State NC Zip Code 27403 Telephone Number ( 336 ) 275-7417 Fax Number ( 336 ) 274-3765 e-mail address 2. Primary Product or Raw Material Specify either the principal product or the principal raw material and the maximum quantity per day produced or consumed. Quantities are to be reported in the units of measurement for each SIC category at the facility. SIC categories should use the units of measurement normally used by that industry. Product Raw Material Quantity Units THIS FACILITY IS A JOB -SHOP ELECTROPLATER. THIS FACILITY IS REGULATED BY A FEDERAL CATEGORICAL PRETREATMENT STANDARD. THIS FACILITY IS SUBJECT TO THE FEDERAL CATEGORICAL PRETREATMENT STANDARDS FOR ELECTROPLATING [40 CFR PART 4131 SEE ATTACHED ALLOCATION TABLE FOR INDIVIDUAL SIU PERMITTED LOADINGS 3. Flow Indicate the volume of water discharged into the POTW and whether this discharge is intermittent or continuous 0.0099 MGD Intermittent Continuous North Buffalo WWTP City of Greensboro Permit # NC 0024325 SECTION 111. INDUSTRIAL WASTE CONTRIBUTION TO MUNICIPAL SYSTEM Submit a separate Section 111 for each Significant industrial User. 1. Significant Industrial User (SIU) [NORTH BUFFALO POTW] An SIU has (or could have) significant impact on the POTW receiving the wastewater or upon the quality of effluent from the receiving POTW. Specifically, an SIU: • has a flow of 50,000 gallons or more per average workday; • has a flow greater than 5 percent of the total flow carried by the municipal system m receiving the waste, or • has a toxic material in its discharge. It may be necessary to alter these administrative criteria in certain cases, such as an instance where two or more contributing industries in combination can produce an undesirable effect on either the municipal facility or the quality of its effluent. Name of SIU Triad Anodizing and Plating Company. Inc. Street address 3502 Spring Garden Street City Greensboro County Guilford State NC Zip Code 27407 Telephone Number ( 336 ) 292-7028 Fax Number ( 336 ) 855-1896 e-mail address 2. Primary Product or Raw Material Specify either the principal product or the principal raw material and the maximum quantity per day produced or consumed. Quantities are to be reported in the units of measurement for each SIC category at the facility. SIC categories should use the units of measurement normally used by that industry. Product Raw Material Quantity Units THIS FACILITY IS A JOB -SHOP ELECTROPLATER. THIS FACILITY IS REGULATED BY A FEDERAL CATEGORICAL PRETREATMENT STANDARD. THE FACILITY IS SUBJECT TO THE FEDERAL CATEGORICAL PRETREATMENT STANDARDS FOR ELECTROPLATING [40 CFR PART 413]. SEE ATTACHED ALLOCATION TABLE FOR INDIVIDUAL SIU PERMITTED LOADINGS 3. Flow Indicate the volume of water discharged into the POTW and whether this discharge is intermittent or continuous 0.0099 MGD © intermittent 0 Continuous North Buffalo WWTP City of Greensboro Permit # NC 0024325 SECTION 11I. INDUSTRIAL WASTE CONTRIBUTION TO MUNICIPAL SYSTEM Submit a separate Section Ill for each Significant Industrial User. 1. Significant Industrial User (SIU) [NORTH BUFFALO POTW] An SIU has (or could have) significant impact on the POTW receiving the wastewater or upon the quality of effluent from the receiving POTW. Specifically, an SIU: • has a flow of 50,000 gallons or more per average workday; • has a flow greater than 5 percent of the total flow carried by the municipal system m receiving the waste, or • has a toxic material in its discharge. It may be necessary to alter these administrative criteria in certain cases, such as an instance where two or more contributing industries in combination can produce an undesirable effect on either the municipal facility or the quality of its effluent. Name of SIU Valspar Corporation Street address 3125 Spring Garden Street City Greensboro County Guilford State NC Zip Code 27407 Telephone Number ( 336 ) 299-0835 Fax Number ( 336 ) 292-3916 e-mail address 2. Primary Product or Raw Material Specify either the principal product or the principal raw material and the maximum quantity per day produced or consumed. Quantities are to be reported in the units of measurement for each SIC category at the facility. SIC categories should use the units of measurement normally used by that industry. Product Raw Material Quantity Units THIS FACILITY IS AN INORGANIC CHEMICAL MANUFACTURER. THIS FACILITY IS REGULATED BY A FEDERAL CATEGORICAL PRETREATMENT STANDARD. THE FACILITY IS SUBJECT TO THE FEDERAL CATEGORICAL PRETREATMENT STANDARDS FOR INORGANIC CHEMICAL MANUFACTURING -SILVER NITRATE SUBCATEGORIY [40 CFR PART 415-BA]. SEE ATTACHED ALLOCATION TABLE FOR INDIVIDUAL SIU PERMITTED LOADINGS 3. Flow Indicate the volume of water discharged into the POTW and whether this discharge is intermittent or continuous 0.0015 MGD X Intermittent ❑ Continuous