HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW3220201_Property Deed_20220425 (2)QED • 3,cK, IC,5 . _P0,4- 4 -Is INLE.1—E, Made this the 27th day of tiny Sntho year of our Lord one thousand, nine hundred and forty-one between J 1' &onnedy and wife Locia Kennedy, of the County of Cab►rrus and State of North Carolinas of the first parts and the board of Trustees of the Stonewall Jau':aoo manual, Training and Industrial School. a corporatlou or,;aoited and existin,; under the laws of "orth Carolina, of the Couatr of 64.&rlus gnu State of "orth Carolina, of the second p.rt, 1; 1,111-1-3SET— That the said parties of the first part, for and in oonside-tion of the sum or Tea i1'h6usao<1 L011&rs (y10.000) to the said parties of the first part, in hand paid, the reoe:pt w;,oraof is hereby aokncwled ed, have bur4RInod, so Li and a nvoyed and by these preseuts do bargain, sera and con- voy. unto the said party of the second part, its successors and assl6na the follaring described real j estate, situate, lyio„ and boinp in ::o. 11 To.mship. Cabsrrus County. Lorth Carolina on the waters of holf ;:eadaw Branch a.jolning t`ie Is ids of F S Pharr, R F ?hirer. J D Green, Lilly Patterson ditchis and John Armon. and bein„ the George L Phlfor Home Plana and bounded as follows, tawita FLtST T.UkiTo BElIl.1.IGG at a pile of st000s, George L ?hirer's and J 8 Green's cower, and runs thence w tth said ;r,­n's line L. 80 ii. 2510 feet, oroasiny .tolf -oadow branch, to a pile of stones, Lilly Patterson Ritohie'a owners thcoce with her line S, 19 ,i. 2615 fag'. to a p1le of stones on ';ho aDUth side of the road, aitohie's oornor; thence with aitahie'■ line S. 86 E. 2398 feet to a stone, dltohia'a. ■cd J■mon's comer; thence with Gamoo'■ line S. 88 6, 495 feet to a pile of stonoal thanoo S. 62 E, 1637 feet to a pile of stones, F S Pharr's corner on Garmon's line; theme pith Pharr's line .J, IOJ W, 1617 11 feet to a pile of stonun, eharr's and ., r 1^.�Ifer's coroer; theme with Phifor's line N. 14 W. 496 feet'l orossinC, the rii,ht of way to a pile of stones. Green's co mor; thence withhls line 1,, 12J IT. 998.5 fset!j to the be_laoio„s mntainiry; 192.89 acres, more or loss, �i S63,t.0 T.u.CTt Known as the George L ?hirer right-of-way, adjoining the above tract of land on the %•ortho:,st side of J 8 Green, R i ibifer and others. 3n.;:..LING at a pile of stones where the GeorGe L Phifor gate formerly stood and runs N. 14 dogreee�l Ti, 2poles to J B •reen's oorner on the ;eor6a L :hirer line; thence with the Green line and the ",sL line of the right of way i,. 45 degrees E, 227 poles to a lost Oak; thence N. 361 degrees East 98 poles t to a pile cf flint stoned? thanes S, 81 degrees E, 29' poke to a pile of flint stones by a Spanish Oakl� theme S. 56,`z deora,s ,ti. 96 poles to a stake; thence S. 45 dogreos Vi. 229 telex to the oogianiag, oon- taloin„ 6.C9 acres more or less. jI The s—a bolne the property conveyed to J T Keurndy and " b Kennedy by Greensboro Joint Stook Laodll Lank by deed dated Sup_wber 15, 1932 and r000r,ed in the Office of iiu,,istor of Leeds for Cabarrus ooua4 ty. -orth Carolina In Ceed Book 126 page 299. Ii ' Also see dead from 'i, b Y.ennedy and wife' to J T nennedy dated the 31st joy of Oct. 1G39, recorded !In the "fflce of the .tebicter f "weds for Cubarrus County in u;.ok 156, page 1, N I TC RAVE Al I: TC HOLD all sad singular the a'.ove granted premises, with the appurtenanoes, unto the said party of the second p rt, Its successors and asi„ns for over. A..d the said J T aenndy and wife 'Docia-anedy, parties of the first part f r ti.emselves, their heirs, exoo,•tors and administrators# do hereby cocouaat with the Bald party of the second rant, its successors and assigns that they are seised) of the rreoiscs in rue slmpl.; that the said promisoa are free from all enaumbranoeaI that the yy have good and lawful authority to ss11 the sane; that they will :nrrsot and defend the said promisoq oto the; said party of the second part, its successors and assigns, against the lawful claims of all persons whatecover. ill r::ST1LG LY Ahcr,ECF. The said parties of the first part have hereunto set their hands ¢ad a." the dry and year first above written. J T Kennedy (SEAL) Docia Kennedy (SEAL) S:dTE OF 6. a GA.tCLIIJ.. COUN;Y OF CAZARRUS I. • 4 i'harr, J. P. In and for said County and �it&te, do hereby oartlfy that J T Kennedy and wlfe, i Loci& aea:ody, personally appoared before me thin day and acknowledged the due execution of the %tared hatn.ment, and the sold uoola aonne�r, wife of J T Kom.edy, beiab by me privately examined, separate and &part from her said husband, touchl¢t her voluntary execution of the acre. doth @take that ohs aIga� t he saws freely and voluntarilys withour fear or oonlulsion of her said husband, or any other person ono that she doth still voluntarlly assent thereto. Wltneas m7 head and offinial goal this 29 day of stay, 1941. F W rharr, Justice of the Peace (SEAL) CF I;C-,a% CA.:OLI'A. COUNTY OF CABA WS The foregoing certificate of F W Pharr, Justice of the Psace of Cabarrus County is adjudged to be at, Therefore, let the said Deed. with the certificates, be regiaterec. Whls the 29th day of Lay, A D.. 1941. Isabella Boat Barber, Deputy Clark Superior Court ?proved as to form.& location W Brutes, Asct. Atty. General �?• Sled for R,gistratdoe on d» hat day of July, 1941 at 10s26 o'clock A. L. II aegister df Deed ) 2:; i Lip C,CjC i 55 , '7O 5Co D 560 Ti S AGREE —MT. We and entered into this the 27th day of June 1940, by and between J. T. Kennedy and wife Docia Kanuody and of the County of Cabarrue and State of North Carolina, parties of the firs, part and the Board of Trustees of the Stonewall Jackson I:anual Tralnin,; and Ioduntriil School, a der- peration organised and existinJ under the laws of North Carolina, party of the aeoc.nd part, WIT.,.ES.,ET:i, That the said parties of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars to them in hand paid by the party of the second part, the reoe.pt whereof is hereby aor.::owlodbad, have contractod and &;;reed, and do hereby contract and &free to sell and convey unto the party of the second part, its successors and assi,;nsall that certain tract of land, Lying and being in Do. 11 Township on the waters of Wolf keadow Branch, adjoining the lands of F. S. Pharr, it. F. Phifer, J. B. Green, Lilly Patterson ditoni.e and John Garman, and being the Georg L. Phifer name Place, cad described as follows& b1iGI:::.Liu' at a pile of stones, Geor;;e L, Phifer's and J, B. Gr�ec's corner, and runs thence wi, said Green's lino N. 60 W. 2310 feet, oawaain� boll koaaow Branch, to a pile of atones, Lilly Patter son ditchie's corner; t:enee with her line S. 19 W. 2615 feet to a pile of stones on the south side o the road, 1ltahie's coraerl thence witi (itchie's line S. 86 E. 2398 feat to a atone, 3ltohie's and Gamo:,'s corner; thence with Garmon's line S. 59 E. 495 feet to an pile of stones; thence S. 52 E. 1537 feet to a pile of stones, F. S. Pharr's corner on Garnon'e line; t once with Pharr's line N. 10;r N. 1617 feet to a pile of atones, Pharr's and A. F. Phifer's cornor; thence with Phifer's line N. 14 A, 495 feet,croesin4; the rl.ght of way to a pile cf scones, Green's cornerl thence with his lino 11. 12, W. 994.5 feet to the 9EGI!:!''_I:G, containing 192,09 acres, Toro or leas, and is a part of the property conveyed by Gre,nmboro Joint Stockland Bank to J. T. Kennedy and W, B, Kennedy by deed dated Septembe 15, 1932, and re,;istored in Record of Deeds I;o. 126, pale 299. this dead contains a, second tract of ao.-e over five acres known an the George L. Phifer right of way aljoinin„ the above described traot and made a part of said dead. That part of said right of way that runs alone the lists of the Training School land from the begincing point of said right of way to the Sides and Train!.% School corner, is covered by this option. And the said parties. of the first part hereby ooutract and agree to execute and deliver to the party of the second parts its atooessors and assi,;ns, at its or their request, on or before the first day of Sopto:.ber, 1941, a good and sufficient deed for the said land with full covenants and warranty, provided, and up o condition that t:,e said party of the second part, its successors and assi,;na, pay to t,.e party of tin first part, their hairs and assigns, the sum of 910,,000.CO, It is understood and agrood by the parties hereto that said sale is to be made at the option of the party of t::o s000nd part, to be exorcised or or before the f.rsc day of September, 1941. And it is f�rt::er understood and e.uroed by the p:.rties hereto trat if the said party of the second part dous not derand of tee said parties of the first part the deed herein provided for, and tender payment as herein provided for, on or before the first day of September, 1941, thou this agreonent is to be nul; and void, provided. however, that the rents from the property above described for the year 1941 stall be paid to the parties of the first part. Provided further Uust if the General Assembly of North Carolina shall not, duria&; its regular session in 1941 cake an appropriation for the purohase of the lards above desoribed, then this aeroement shall terminate immediately upon adjournment of said regular session of the Gena,ral Assembly of north Carolina. LY WiT!!ESS WHEREOF. the parties of that first part have hereunto not their hands and seals the day and year iirst above w:Attse. J. T. Kennedy (Seal) Dacia Kennedy (Seal) NO;Mi U20LINA, CAbA.LiS O9UNTY I. S. K. Patterson, a Notary Public, in and for said County and :State do hereby certify that J. T. I;ennedy and wife Dooia Kennedy Kennedy Personally appearod before ne.this day andacknowledged the due execution of the a inexod instrunsnt, and the said Deal& Kennedy„ wifo of J. T. Eennedy, boing by wo pr.vately examined, .separate and &part from her said husband toucl;in her voluntary execution of the same, do state that she sieoed the same freely and voluntarily, without fear or compulsion of her said husband, or any o.hor person, and that they do still voluntarily assent thereto. Witness my hand and Notarial seal this the 27 day of Juno, 1940. My commission ex. 8-24-41 8, K. Patterson, tl. P. STATE CY li0Ml CAROLINA, GWURUS CCUIITY Superior Court 6-28-40 The foregoing Certificate of S. E. Patterson, a Notary rublio, o:" Cabarrus County attested by his Notarial Soal 1s pledosd to be correct, therefore, let the said ins4;rument, with the Certificates be registered. Iaabelle Boat lfarbor, Deputy Clerk Superior Court Tiled for 2961stration on the 28 day of June. 1940 at 9s00 o'clock A. 14. ?L146i- nr Deeds • • • • • 0 Meer of 160 I Deeds 511 TH13 60RM,'4;T, Made and entered Into this the Slat day of March. 1941, by and between J T Isionody and wife- Doala Kennedy of the County of Cabarrus and State of "orth Larolioa. Parties of the first part and Lire Board of Trustees of the Stonewall Jaolsoo Manual Training and Industrial School, a corp- a,., tion organised and existing under the laws of North Carolina, party of the second part, 'AITNES:M:s That the said parties of the first part, for and in oonsideratioo of the sun of Teo D ollare to themin hand raid by the P rty of the second part, the recelpt idisroof Is hereby acknowledgep have contracted sad alroed, and do hereby contract and agree to fell and convey unto the party of the secohd part, Its sarooessore and assigns all that certain tract of land lying and boing in No. 11 Town_ ship on the waters of wolf Meadow B"ooh, ►d,)olnir6 the Lands of F J Pharr. d F !'hifer, J 3 Onsn, Lilly Patterson Ritchie aad John German, and befog the G*orgo L Yhifer Home Place and described as � ro lions I SWINYIN3 at a pile of scones, Jeorge L Phlfer's and J D Green's corner, and runs thence with "Id :;Groom'• line H, BU 11, 2310 feet, aroesing doll Meadow Branch, to a pile of stones, Lilly Patterson ;Ritahie's oornerr thence with her line S. 19 W. 2618 feet to a pile of atones on the south side of tM 'Nroad, Ritchie's oornerl thence with Ritchie's line S* 86 t. 2398 feet to a atone, dltohie's and Jarmoe'0 oornerr thence with German's line S. 88 E. 496 feet to a pile of stones! thence 3. 82 S. 1537 feet to ' a pile of atones, Y 3 Y1•arr'e oornor on'Jarmon'■ linol thence with 11harr's line N. 10j IN: 1617 foot its a Palle of stenos, Pharr'- and ;2 F thifer'e carrier; thence with Phifer's line N, 14 N, 495 feet- orosi- +ins the rlght of way to a pile of stones, Uroen'■ oornerl thence with his line He 12i H. 99s.6 toot to d E I the Bat;inoin,,, a ontslning 1",89 &area, more or lees and is a part of the property conveyed by Oreenii- gboro Joint Stook L&ndlenk to J T Aennsdy by dead dated September 16, 193E and registered in deoord of -sus No. 120, page 299. i Thin deed contains a second treat of some over five mart.* known as the George L 11h1for right of �wmy adjolaing the above described treat and mode a part of said dsod, Th►t part of set d right of way that runs alory; the line of the Tralalry; School land from the beginning point of said right of way to the Sides and TralnSng School corner. Is covered by tnis option. +Oj 'and the said partles of trio first part hereby contract end agree to execute sad deliver to t on jarty of ti.e a000td part, its sueoessore and an$i,-ne, at its or their roquoot, 00 or before the 3vth day of 3eptomber, 1041, a good and sufficient dead for the said land with full covenants and warrantyl provided, and upon condition that tno sold ph rty of the second fort. Its ouoosemore and assigns. pay to, the party of the first part, their heirs and aselyus, the sum of $10,000.00. It is understood and agreed by the parties horsto that said sale in to be made at the option of the party of the asoond part, to bo exercised on or :-sfore the 30th day of September, LAI. And it is 'yfurther understood and agreed by tiro partios hereto that If the said party of the second part does not ',demand of the said parties of the first part tho deed herein provided for- and tender paymeot as heraln provided for, on or before the 30th day of September, 1941. than this eZrooment is to be null and void.1 ;provide , however, that the rents from the property above described for the year 1941 shall be paid to 1 he portion of the first part. I:+ WITNS.3 AI Z.twF, the partise of the first part have hereunto met their Sends and scale the �my and year first above written. J T Kennedy (SEAL) pool& xenoedy (SELL) TE OF NORTH CARCL.INA. COUNTY OF CABA.tRQB I. F 1T Pharr, Justice of the teaoe in sod for amid County and itate, do hereby oar tify that J T onnedy and wife, Docia Kennedy, personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due emend - ion of the annexed Instrument. and the amid Docia Kennedy. wife of J T Keno*4, being by me privately xaminad, separate and apart from her said husband touching her voluntary execution of the mama, doth tat* that site el&nod the aava freely and voluntarily, without fear or compulsion of her said his band. r any other person, end that she doth still voluntarily saaoot thorotoo dltnoes my hand and fuel this Slat day of Naroh, 1941. F tl rharr. J P OF NOalt CAROLINA. CABARRUS COUNTY The foregoing certificate of F J Pharr. Justice of the Paso* of Cabarrus County to adjudged to be at. Therefore, lot the said Instrument,w SLR the certificates, be registered. ''this the let day of April, A D., 1941. Isabelle Best Barber. Deputy Clerk Superior Court 'Lied for RogLstration on the let day of April, 1941 at 11166 o'clock A. M. degieter of D0768 P.O. B. = Po«,-r or a�tnn,r�e - 1 -- Title Date: 09-30-2021 9 ALE suwg P WE I Scale: 1 inch = 600 feet I File: I Tract 1: 186.492 Acres: 8123606 Sq Feet: Closure = s82.0632w 491.80 Feet: Precision =1 /25: Perimeter = 12466 Feet 001=n80.00w 2310.00 004=s88.00e 495.00 007=n 14.00w 495.00 002=s 19.00w 2615.00 005=s62.00e 1537.00 008=n 12.30w 998.50 003=s86.00e 2398.00 006=n 10.30w 1617.00 1(05, R AS DESCRIBED �u D eeD .