HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-03990_Well Construction - GW1_20220412 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD For Internal Use ONLY: This farm can be used for side or multiple wells 1.Well Contractor Information: Bobby W. Potts 1 WATSItztO DESOMMON Well Contractor Name tz ct NCWC 2028-A f` Or NC Well Contractor Catificauon Number 15. E ll�tC- a MOMFROM TO DU1�1'FR TffiC6a�SS MATERTAL Ferguson's Well and Pump, LLC R & a is Z/ ., - C Q Company Namc 1 1NAiER G OR �� (o 15 F� TO D1A11�'I'EA � MArsIaAl. 2.wan Coustruetiou Pettoit#: 6 I _ ft List aft applicable wfl caWiuodwe permais P.Comriy,�,variar�A etc.) rc is ft ft in. 3.Well Use(check well use): 17.SCREEN MATERIAL Water Supply wen: FROM To DI ASM St.OT Sr6E TffiC[Qrl�S ft ft. ❑Agricultural ❑Muni ' lic hL eothermal(Heat.&Cooling Supply) esidemtial water Supply(siugle) n rt ❑rr ❑Industriallcommercial ❑Residential Water Supply(shared) ' PROM TO MATERIAL EAffLACDaNTMnMD&AMOUNT ChriAahon 0 !z 20 ft Concrete Gravity-Flow Non-water Supply well: ft re ❑Monitoring ❑R—vtsy ft ft hoction Well: ❑Aquifer Recharge ❑Groundwater Remediation 19 SAND/GRAVBL PACK p�ffI ACF11RTrr METaoD FROM TO MA r ❑Aquifer Storage and Recovery ❑&didty Barrier g g• ❑Aquifer Test ❑Stormwater D singe ft ft ❑Experimental Technology ❑Subsidemce Control X DPJMMG LflG agadt adeliaerl<beeta it ❑C=thtm2W(Closed Loup) ❑Tracer FROM TO DEscRilMltxv Color,trade ad;M OGoothamal(HeatingCooling Return) ❑Other,(explain under 1121 Remarks) n ft k ft —ft. 6l a.Hate Well(s)Completed: well 11 _n / 0 Sa.WeR Location IL ft C- 0 v tt ft acility/Owner Name Facility ID#(if applicable) R ft f Physical Address,City, zip Z.REMARKS County Pareel Identification No.(P ) rx i,� �� rE OCES ;'':U LOT 5b.I.admde and Longltude in degeer/aalnntea/seconds or decimal degrees: 22.Cerdficadon: (ifwell field,one Wong is sufficient) s w 6.b(are)the wen(s): ert>mneat or ❑Temporary By stgW d-fornt.I hereby orro drat dam-ji(s)was(were)oatsdneted in aceor&— wUh ISA NCAC 02C.0100 ar 15A NCAC 02C.0200 Weil ComWwlion Stmidx%*and done a 7.Is this a repair to an e:dsdng well: ❑Yes or c1'41dds reamedhas bearP►avtkd to ehe well owner. Ifdds is a repair,fill ore brown well oannrIC0011 uybrnn M turd 6WId t die norroie afcite repair wader#21 remarks mefion or on the bent of dalsfare. You m diagram or aaddit this sad well o Foy: L you may use the:back of this page to provide additional well site details or well 8 Number of weEs constructed: construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. For mddpk hg donor norm-water srtpply wells ONLY wide cis now 7xpavt4a4 YOU amr SUBPA TZ,AL INSTIICTIONS svbmiromeform 9.Total well depth below land surface. M.) 24a. For All Willa: Submit this'form within 30 days of completion of well For md4pk wells lust all depths if 4irent(mwpk 00'and 2®1001 construction to the following: ty,Informtiion Processing Unit, 10.sortie water keel below top of enaiog: (ft) Division of water QoaH if water level is above eaft use"+„ 1617 Man Service Curter,Rabdgh,NC 27699-1617 it.Borehole diameter. (m) 24b For Insertion W�a: In addition to sending the form to the address is 24a Rotary above, also submit a copy of this;form within 30 del}'s of complexion of well 1L Will rnnsttrucdon method construction to the following_ a (i.e.eager,rotas,cable,direct push,etc.) Division of Water Quality,Underground Injection Cont ml Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Man Service Centex,Rakl&,NC 276WI636 Blowing-Rig zae For water Semnly Ibieetia won.• In addition to sending the farm to 132.Yield(gpm) M�?f tee the addresses) above, also submit"ore copy of this farm within 30 days of 13b.Diainfeetiontype: Chlorine Amount. J oz. �r��n cOf a eonattttotion to the county health department of the county *r.. u r. ttnu r t—rt v,N of F.m i nnment and Natmal Rosoumes—Division of Water Quality Revised Jan.2013