HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0023906_Staff Comments_19980430NPDES DOCUl4ENT SCANNING COVER SHEET NC0023906 Wilson — Hominy Creek WWTP NPDES Permit: Document Type: Permit Issuance Wasteload Allocation Authorization to Construct (AtC) Permit Modification Complete File - Historical Engineering Alternatives (EAA) Correspondence Owner Name Change 674A/e4 Instream Assessment (67b) Speculative Limits Environmental Assessment (EA) Document Date: April 30, 1998 This document is pririted on reuse paper - ignore any content on the reverse side Permit Summary - NC0023906 History, - December 2, 1996, City of Wilson originally applied for an expansion of the permitted flow (from 12 to 14 MGD) at the Hominy Creek WWTP. - March 4, 1997, Division received environmental assessment for expansion, but as a rule does not accept permit modification/application until after a FONSI is issued. - August 8, 1997, Construction Grants and Loans issues FONSI. - August 26, 1997, City of Wilson resubmits application for expansion of the permitted flow (from 12 to 14 MGD) at the Hominy Creek WWTP. - September 29, 1997, FONSI was approved by the State Clearinghouse. Treatment System (Existing and Proposedi The WWTP treatment system consists of bar screens, grit removal, preaeration, primary settling, activated sludge nitrification, biological phosphorus removal, secondary settling, post aeration and chlorination. Solids treatment processes include gravity belt thickening of waste activated sludge anaerobic digestion, solids storage, and land application by contract. - February 24, 1997, Construction Grants and Loans issues Authorization to Construct for improvements to WWTP without expansion. Modified permit will state that facility can expand to 14 MGD after ATC is granted. The proposed expansion includes primary clarifier distribution structure, primary effluent collection/distribution structure, a new biological treatment basin influent distribution channel, addition of three aeration basins, modification of existing aeration basins to accommodate five -stage Bardenpho BNR process, replacement of existing final clarifier no. 1, five tertiary filters, methanol storage and feed facilities, and chlorination (NaOC1) and dechlorination storage and feed facilities. Industries discharging to Wilson WWTP include: 1. Ball -Foster: product - glass containers, rm - TNTC, wwc - BOD, COD, TSS, NH3, Cr, Zn, and Cl-, flow - 0.076 MGD. 2. Bardusch Uniform Service: product - industrial laundry, wwc - BOD, COD, TSS, NH3, Cr, Zn, and Cl-, flow - 0.037 MGD. 3. Bridgeton/Firestone: product - radial passenger tires, rm - TNTC, wwc - BOD, COD, TSS, NH3, Cr, Zn, and Cl-, flow - 0.164 MGD. 4. Coastal Dairy Products, Inc.: product - ice cream products, wwc - BOD, COD, TSS, NH3, Cr, Zn, and Cl-, flow - 0.013 MGD. 5. GNC Corporation: product - rubber products, wwc - BOD, COD, TSS, NH3, Cr, Zn, and Cl-, flow - 0.004 MGD. 6. Granutec, Inc: product - pharmaceuticals, wwc - BOD, COD, TSS, NH3, Cr, Zn, and Cl-, flow - 0.072 MGD. 7. Jefferson Smurfit: product - paper corrugated containers, wwc - BOD, COD, TSS, NH3, Cr, Zn, and Cl-, flow - 0.0052 MGD. 8. Merck Pharmaceutical: product - pharmaceuticals, wwc - BOD, COD, TSS, NH3, Cr, Zn, and Cl-, flow - 0.029 MGD. 9. Novopharm NC, Inc.: product - pharmaceuticals, wwc - BOD, COD, TSS, NH3, Cr, Zn, and Cl-, flow - not fully operational at time of application. 10. NUCOR Bearing Products: product - bearings, bearing rings, wwc - BOD, COD, TSS, NH3, Cr, Zn, and Cl-, flow - 0.022 MGD. 11. Scapa Press Fabrics: product - industrial textile fabric, wwc - BOD, COD, TSS, NH3, Cr, Zn, and Cl-, flow - 0.026 MGD. Page 1 of 5 ver980430 Permit Summary - NC0023906 12. Smithfield Foods, Inc.: product - meat processing, wwc - BOD, COD, TSS, NH3, Cr, Zn, and Cl-, flow - 0.0098 MGD. 13. Southern Testing and Research Laboratory: product - environmental testing, wwc - BOD, COD, TSS, NH3, Cr, Zn, and Cl-, flow - 0.006 MGD. 14. Cott Beverages USA, Inc.: product - soft drink bottler, wwc - , flow - 0.0528 MGD. 15. Walter Kidde Aerospace: product- fire detector/extinguisher, flow - 0.0660 MGD. 16. Wilson Memorial Hospital: flow - 0.1050 MGD. 17. Wrangler, VF Corp.: product - textile, flow - 0.9000 MGD. Industries in bold not listed on application form, but on pretreatment allocation table. SIU: Significant Industrial User (Only the SIU dischargers have pretreatment permits). To be classified as a SIU, an industry must meet one or more of the following conditions: 1) Flow to POTW > 25,000 GPD 2) Flow to POTW > 5% of POTW's Maximum Allowable Headworks Loading (MAHL) 3) Industry is a classified Categorical Industry (CI) 4) Other - an industry may not meet nos. 1-3 listed above, but if there is a concern that the industry may adversely impact the POTW, it can be classified as a SIU. Compliance Summary Wilson currently under SOC EMC WQ No. 95-21. Wilson WWTP was supposed to have begun construction of improvements to WWTP beginning 11/1/97. They plan to request an extension to the SOC. SOC modified limits: BOD5: 8 mg/1 (monthly) and 12 mg/1 (weekly) and NH3N: 8 mg/1 (monthly). These limits are valid all year. Wilson has passed its last three toxicity tests. WLA Summary (see JN's Speculative Effluent Limit notes 961206) Contentnea Creek has flow, but is swampy and flat (little to no slope). Stream could not be accurately modeled using either Level B or QUAL2E. Model(s) predicted that SOC modified limits would generate a DO minimum of 0 mg/1 1.5 miles downstream of discharge point and would continue for 9 miles. Because Contentnea Creek cannot be evaluated with steady state one dimensional model, used best professional judgment (BPJ) and assigned tertiary limits 5/2I7 and 10/4/7. These tertiary limits are required in existing permit and will be required with expanded flow in proposed draft permit. Chronic toxicity of 90% will also again be required. The toxicity summary indicates Contentnea Creek has having a 7Q1OS flow equal to 0.5 cfs and a corresponding IWC = 97.37 percent. Past WLAs indicate a 7Q1OS flow equal to 1.3 cfs and IWC=93.5 percent. The difference is not important because the flow is regulated and difficult to model and 5/2 limits will be applied. However, the 1.3 cfs flow was used to calculate reasonable potential analyses for this permit expansion. To protect against ammonia instream toxicity 1.1 mg/1 (summer) and 1.9 mg/1 (winter) are recommended at 12 MGD and 14 MGD. JN's WLA notes stated that although 1/1.9 limits are recommended to protect against instream toxicity, 2/4 limits would be required due to technological limitations of treating to 2/4. This technological limitation is generally only applied to facilities with flows less than 1.0 MGD. Thus, Wilson will receive 1/2 limits which is the technological limitation for larger facilities. Page 2 of 5 ver980430 Permit Summary - NC0023906 DWQ is now recommending chlorine limits and dechlorination for all new or expanding dischargers proposing to use chlorine for disinfection. A chlorine limit equal to 18 ug/1 should ensure protection against chronic toxicity. Review of pretreatment allocation data and tables indicate toxicants monitored in the LTMP: Parameter Reason(s) for Monitoring Aluminum Not discharged by any point sources (a) Arsenic 503 Sludge Req. Cadmium ; , %-' ' _ -/ -Discharged-bySIU(s) - 2 -, f . == --J, Discharged by SIU(s) Chlorides Chromium Discharged by SIU(s) Copper Discharged by SIU(s) . Cyanide Discharged by SIU(s) Lead Discharged by SIU(s) Mercury ,%`,' = z '_ -;'._ Discharged by SIU(s) - -, - Molybdenum 503 Sludge Reg. (b) Nickel Discharged by SIU(s) Potassium 503 Sludge Req. • Selenium - 503 Sludge Re • Silver Discharged by SIU(s) Sodium 503 Sludge Req. Total Toxic Organics Discharged by SIU(s) Zinc 'Discharged, ' by SIU(s) (a) Pretreatment unit is investigating why aluminum monitoring is required in Lt MY. (b) Pretreatment examining possibility of eliminating molybdenum monitoring. Those in bold currently monitored in NPDES permit. Those shaded will be monitored in the proposed NPDES permit because reasonable potential analysis indicated that cadmium, cyanide, mercury, and selenium should be limited. In addition, Division policy requires that if the maximum predicted concentration of copper and/or zinc is greater than the allowable effluent concentration, monitoring will be required. These two parameters have action levels, but not standards and thus, monitoring (but no limit) is required. Since all other toxicants of concern are monitored in the LTMP, only these seven toxicants will be monitored in the NPDES permit. The reasonable potential analysis indicated that at permitted flows equal to 12 MGD and 14 MGD, cadmium, cyanide, mercury, and selenium should be limited. However, because the detection limit for cyanide is 10 ug/l, values less than 10 ug/1 may be suspect and thus, the accuracy of the majority of the cyanide values may be suspect. Therefore, although reasonable potential analysis indicates cyanide should be limited, because accuracy of data is suspect, only cyanide monitoring will be required. As stated in the Instream Assessment SOP, under routine analyses, chemical specific effluent limits are calculated to protect to the chronic no -effect level for aquatic life instream under 7Q10 conditions. Since most criteria reflect between 4 and 7 consecutive day exposure period assumptions, a weekly average of daily monitoring basis should protect against chronic effects. study re was es 2knonthrspling-we a on aci i c assi Ica o""`i . `Thus, Ienrally, chemicatsrrecifidlt iir`li tgVrt1 Page 3 of 5 ver980430 Permit Summary - NC0023906 arable co re ieed-m©r i maximum-eonee atiens-ma be.aallocated if a ility-agreesato-eonduct darlrmonitoring .(5/wee ilson's existing daily maximum limits will become weekly average limits since arse these existing limits already protect against chronic effects. A new daily maximum limit (to protect against acute effects) is equal to one-half of the toxicant's FAV value (or the CMC value). Because these values are associated with acute effects, they are not multiplied by dilution. Parameter 1/2 FAV Daily Max Wkly Avg Daily Max Wkly Avg Value 12MGD 12MGD 14MGD 14MGD (ug/l) (um) full) (ug/1) fug) 2.1 Cadmium 5.0 (a) 5.0 (a) 2.1 5.0 (a) Mercury 2.4 (b) 2.4 (b) 0.013 2.4 (b) 0.013 Selenium 20.0 20.0 5.3 20.0 5.3 Note: for weekly average value data and calculations, please refer to the reasonable potential analyses worksheets. (a) EPA federal criteria = 1.79 ugh, but use 5.0 ug/l per DWQ/PB investigation. (b) Value is for mercury (II). There is no CMC/FAV for methylmercury, for which data indicate higher toxicity than mercury (11). , Total Nitrogen and Total Phosphorus Bienitorrng are both affected by House Bill 515 and/or the Neuse River Basin NSW Management Strategy. House Bill 515 and the Neuse River Basin NSW Management Strategy are consistent in the case of phosphorus because both require %concentration limit equal to 2.0 mg/1 for Wilson. Total Nitrogen meiritvrinrgrequirements are more complicated to apply than those for total phosphorus. For facilities which discharge into NSW waters, House Bill 515 requires all e,K, facilities with permitted flows greater than or equal to 0.5 MGD to meet a total nitro e average annual mass load calcul to at permitted flow multiplied by 5.5 mg/1. b r //Zoo3 G P/0 Janu .9A ;the Neuse River Basin NSW Management Strategy regulations vat' ary Thus., there will be two regulations associated with nutrient control effective at the same time. Neuse regulations limit Wilson's total annual nitrogen load to 158,000 lbs/yr. This corresponds to a concentration limit of 3.71 mg/1 multiplied by a permitted flow of 14.0 MGD. Please refer to the permit (which contains four effluent sheets specifying limits and monitoring requirements for each of the different scenarios) when reading the following description of the different scenarios: (1) WWTP operating at permitted flow less than or equal to 12 MGD prior to January 1, 2003, permit will have no total nitrogen limit - monitoring only. y pply-becaus (2) WWTP operating at permitted flow greater than .12 MGD prior to January 1, 2003, permit will have an annual average total nitrogen limit (required for expansions under House Bill 515). (3) WWTP operating at permitted flow less than or equal to 12 MGD after January 1, 2003, permit will have total nitrogen limit associated with Neuse NSW Management Strategy. (WWTP is expected to expand prior to January 1, 2003, so this scenario is not likely). (4) WWTP operating at permitted flow greater than 12 MGD after January 1, 2003 will have total nitrogen limit associated with Neuse NSW Management Strategy. S. Wilson (RRO) requested that dissolved oxygen effluent limit change from 7.0 to 6.0 mg/l. Wilson has been a member of Lower Neuse Basin Association since July 1994 and Page 4 of 5 ver980430 Permit Summary - NC0023906 instream monitoring requirements were waived in the permit beginning December 1, 1994. However, City of Wilson is conducting additional instream monitoring not specified in the permit as part of the SOC. 9/22/97 - one of downstream monitoring stations relocated. Review of instream monitoring data indicate that the discharge does not appear to be having an adverse impact on the stream. Average monthly dissolved oxygen values are slightly lower downstream than upstream of the discharge. However, when dissolved oxygen values drop below the standard, they are usually low up- as well as downstream of the discharge. NPDES Unit will change dissolved oxygen limit from 7.0 to 6.0 mg/l. Page 5 of 5 ver980430 Wilson NC0023906 Qeff=12 MGD Qeff=14 MGD Residual Chlorine 7010 (CFS) DESIGN FLOW (MGD) DESIGN FLOW (MGD) DESIGN FLOW (CFS) DESIGN FLOW (CFS) STREAM STD (UG/L) UPS BACKGROUND LEVEL (UG/L) IWC at 12 MGD (%) IWC at 14 MGD (%) Allowable Conc at 12 MGD (ug/l) Allowable Conc at 14 MGD (ug/l) Fecal Limit Dilution=7Q10S/DESIGN FLOW Dilution at 12 MGD= Dilution at 14 MGD= Ammonia as NH3 (summer) 1.3 7Q10 (CFS) 12 DESIGN FLOW (MGD) 14 DESIGN FLOW (MGD) 18.6 DESIGN FLOW (CFS) 21.7 DESIGN FLOW (CFS) 17.0 STREAM STD (MG/L) 0 UPS BACKGROUND LEVEL (MG/L) 93.47 IWC at 12 MGD (%) 94.35 IWC at 14 MGD (%) 18.19 Allowable Conc at 12 MGD (mg/I) 18.02 Allowable Conc at 14 MGD (mg/1) 200 mg/I 0.07 0.06 Ammonia as NH3 (winter) 7Q10 (CFS) DESIGN FLOW (MGD) DESIGN FLOW (MGD) DESIGN FLOW (CFS) DESIGN FLOW (CFS) STREAM STD (MG/L) UPS BACKGROUND LEVEL (MG/L) IWC at 12 MGD (%) IWCat14MGD(%) Allowable Conc at 12 MGD (mg/I) Allowable Conc at 14 MGD (mg/I) ' 1.3 12 14 18.6 21.7 1.0 0.22 93.47 94.35 1.055 1.047 1.3 12 14 18.6 21.7 1.8 0.22 93.47 94.35 1.91 1.89 4/30/98 /?/S7iQE.4ti1 /1104470Rl414. 23906 Dissolved UPSTREAM AVG Oxygen MAX MIN 1606 AVG 160.6 MAX 1606 MIN 1622 AVG 1622 MAX 1622 MIN 1628 AVG 1628 MAX 1628 MIN H58 AVG H58 MAX H58 MIN 222 AVG 222 MAX 222 MIN 9801 9712 10.2 11.7 7.2 9.9 11.3 8.5 9 10.9 7.8 8.6 10.6 6.6 8.5 11 4.5 9711 9.5 1.1.2 8.2 7.4 8.8 5.4 6.5 9.7 2.5 8.4 9.5 7.6 8.8 9.5 8 9710 7.4 8.1 6.4 5.9 7.2 4.1 6.5 7.8 3.4 6.2 6.5 5.9 7 8.5 4.3 9709 6.4 8.4 5 5.5 6.5 2.5 6.3 8.5 4.5 5.6 6.8 4.2 7.3 10 5.5 9708 5.8 8.4 2.8 5.4 9.5 3.5 6.1 10 3.5 4.8 7.2 3.5 6.9 12 4.2 9707 5.1 8.5 3 4.4 6.3 3 4.6 7.8 3 4.1 5.8 3.6 5.4 9.2 4 9706 7 12.8 3 6.6 11.7 3.2 5.6 10.8 3.1 6.6 16.1 3 6.3 13.3 0.7 9705 10.9 60? 0.6 6.1 9.2 0.8 6.1 9.1 4.2 5.4 9.1 2.9 6.3 7.8 2.4 9704 8.4 9.3 7.5 8.2 11.4 6.9 7.6 9.8 5.3 7.8 12 5.9 7.1 8.8 5.8 7.9 10.1 6.7 9703 10.9 12.3 8.8 9 9.9 8.4 8.3 9.2 7.6 8.5 9.1 7.5 8.7 9.4 7.5 9702 No instream monitoring from 1 /95-2/97 Wilson is/was member of Lower Neuse River Basin Association Page 1 NIIOLP.ItI FI.(II•N1"I'(1XICITY TISTINCI OISIILP-MONfI'ORINO SUMMARY' Fri, Mar 13, 1998 Ligall�wsar7e•a Nilsen Technic..I Comnnnnlly Cnllea• %'tour 2410 I.C30 ex ulonh yids IO,J ((Irnh) NCW64581/001 Itrpin:9/1195 Fnrprency: 5(IWI)IA NonComp: County:Wilsoa Reglon: RRU Subbnrin: NIiU07 FP:0.0141 Special 7010: 0.0 I W1.00:100 Order: Ylls.n W W'r1' 1'1!I1M CI111 I.IM: 90.1. NCl/02390N(101 Resin:9/INH Frequency: Q 191' A Feb Mny Aug Nnv Noncn.g,:SIN(IIJI Counly: Wllion Region: RRO Subhnsb,: N1(1107 PP' 12.0 Sprata 7Q10:0.3 IWC(11.):97.77 Order. Ylndror W%V'11' I'IsRM CIIR I.IM:9016 N0002673I/001 Ikgln:6/IM7 Frequency: Q PA' A Jon Apr Jul Oct County:Bert{e Region: WARD SublmJn: ROA10 I'I': 1.15 special 7010: 0.0 IWCI11•1: 100 enter. Yln.ten-Ssden, Arrhle F.Ilydae WWTl' feud 1•2 chr Zhu: 76% NC0037834/001 Dra1n:5/21V)3 Force ry: Q Jon Apr Jul (hi Counly:Forsyth . Realm: WSW) Sul,rnnb,: YAIXN l'I':30 Speelal 7010: 13.0 I%%'(1'i•1� 75.6 h.kr: A NnnCon.p:SINCIli 04 04 ... 06 •- Lale.Fall Pass Pass(s) ... caul.) Pan(.) cell(.) Pas.(.) Pass(s) >100 11(N JUI. AU(1 SI!I' (x'I' NOv Vasa Peas Pee. F.I1(.) Pass(t) Lala,lals DI Fag Fat Pau - - Pass(e) Pan(.) - - Prieto) Pass - - Pass(s) 04 Pass - Peas - -- N.hFa1 Fat Late Pass 05 Pass - Fall Fe1 Pau NI a Pass - Pass 00 Pass -- - Peas .. -i Pau - - N17/Pass 07 P•es - Pau - Pau - - Pus on (Ma +- a ;1 Nord: P:(71r Avg Pi <10 D6 >00 00 >llo 07 >Ix1 '• nil >00 27 27 27 27 53.7 >0(0.00 >00 >DO 00.110 - - D0.08 >00 - >00 27 .19 20.9 - 81 - - >DO - -- - >DO - --- Vlnal.n-S.Irm I.nwrr Muddy Crh Perm P•l elm Iron: 4.01.; If pf 21Mtil) 1'4 chi Iln, 5.3.1. DI 5.0 - - >10 - - >(0 Frequency; - >te - - N000SONLO(11 lk•g(n:3726/95 p,ency: Q Jan Apr Jul Oct NonComq':Chr Avg D5 11.E - s10 - >tO >IO - - Counly:Por.yth Region: WSROSuI,l,a.ln: YAIXN DO >16 - .16 - - >18 - - >16 - - 1'P:15.0 Special 07 >10 - - >22 - >22 >22 7Q10:554.0 IWC(4.02 tidier, %):00 >22 Yondfl. S.nll.ry %Soler & Sewer pion chr Tint: Elk ((anb) NC0013171/00I Resin: 10/1M5 Pmp,e ry: Q P/V A Inn Apr Jul Oct County:Dlmcade Region: AR11 Suldu.ln:ll4D02 P)':.07315 special 7010: 0.61 IWC(%): 8.0 (haler: NunCump:Sbgle ,Verlh Chemical Corp. I'cnn chi lira 22'1. ((rah) NC0076000/001 Ik9in:4/1/96 Fmp,encr Q 1'/l' A. Jnn Apr Jul Ocl NonComp:Single County:luillord Region: WSRO Seidman: CI'1'02 I'l':0.216 Special 7Q10: 1.2 IWC1'1,):21.8 Order. 01 ... - - - - - N - - N - 05 N - - N - - N - - talus Pus D0 Pass - -- Pens - Pass - Pau -- 97 Pas. - Pass - - Pass - - Pus 08 Late 04 Pau - - Pas. - - Pau - - Pass D5 Pass - Pau - - Pus - - Pan 00 Pm - - Pans - - Pas. - - Pass 97 Pass - - NIVPoss - - Pass - - Pais 0(I Pan tYright Chemical Carp/0112 lino chr lint: 311E NC00033951002 Begin: 10/11'96 Frequency: Q 1'/I' A I`rli Mny Aug Nov NonCon,p:Single Couniy:Colun,bes Region: WIRII SuM,..In: CPI'17 rl':0.2 Special 7Q10: 0.6 IN/Cal:34 (Mkt: Yndhlnvllle %Y%V'l l' Pei in chr Ilse 261 : u(nn, rap 2.3 rid 11m 300. NC002033BA101 13.gln:7/1/97 I'mrency: Q Ili' A inn Apr Jul Ori A NnnComp:Singlo Counly: Yadkin Region: WSRO Subbsein: YA002 1')': 1.0 Special 7010: 3.9 IW('1%): 26.4 (M1er. Yancrydlle WWI 1' form clic 11,,, 37%; If pf 0.6 chr Ilm 44% NC0010011/001 Degin:3/097 Frequency: Q 1'11' A Jnn Apr Jul (kl A Nn,Comp:Single County:Cate/ell Region: WSRO Subl,n.ln: ROAW 1'1': 0.43 Special 7010: 1.2 IW('('1.):37 Onkr. Y.rh 1'r.perUr■ I'I(ItM I:11I11.IM: 9(r$. NC0004174/001 Resin:12/IMM Frequency: Q 1'/1' A Feb Miry Au. Nov County:Wake Reglon:RRO Subhnsln:Nl11102 l'l': 0.0029 Special 7010: 0.0 IWCl7e1: 100 Onlm Pie 1994 Deis Available N,rnCumrp:SIN(11.11 0� ... Pass - - Pass - - Pass - - Pass 06 ... NIIA'.ss - - Pus - - Pau - - Pus DO --• Pass -- - Pass - - Fag Ni Pass D( 07 Laps Fat Fa/ Fail Pus - - Page - - Pus 04 rag. - --- rail Pose - L.). Pus - Pass - - D6 1'us - rail Pass - Pass --• - Pass - -- 00 Pose - - Pass - - Pet. - Pass - - 97 Pass - - Pass - - Pass - - Pass - - 98 Pass 04 Palos - - Pus »• - Pus - -- Pass - - 06 Peas - Fag Fd Pus Pus - - Pass - - 00 NI - Pau - - Pan - - Pus -- - O 7 Tess - - Pas. - -- Pass -•- - Pass Pass - -- 01) Toss 04 06 ... ... ... ... .- - .- .- ... - DO 11 - 11 - - II - - N - D7 II - - II - - 11 - - N - Dn LL'OMD: rl(RM . Permit Requirement IJ(F. Administrative Iriler • l aaet Frequency . Monitoring: frequency: Q• Qunnerly: M• Moodily; OM- Dln o. tI Iy; SA• Semiannually; A• Annually; OWI) Only when dbcluu Mina; 1)- Oi.ro,rtloued nu,nilnrina re,luiremenl: IS- Conducting Independent study Reain . Mat innings windmill 7010 . Rrrclvina thrum low Vow rrllri1n11 (cf.) A. (Iconicity „onllalrlg I,wre oeo to monthly upon la;l,rre or NR Mo,,lh. 1b.) letting mu.l occur • el. Jan. AIM. Jul. Oct NomCanp .Current Compliance Rrquircornt 1'I' . I'cnnlilrd flow Ih1(;111 IWC4... h.a,enn, wn,u rninllo,, I'll' . I'a.aq'nll 1,•.I AC . Arum CI Ili .l7,mnle 111u Na .1 • 1 .moral o ' w• • • ('e Jn.lnphnln .i..: my • My.ld.hdm,p: (•I,V • Chronic value: I' - Mortality of amid' pert -minim al hlgbc,t coneenhallon; al - Pei fot mod by OWQ Anunllc To. (lrnup: Id • nail idol Repotting Notation: --- • Diu not regulled; NR • Nut repented; ( ) • Drg ' gal Quintet Bacilli), Atlivity Siam': I • Inactive. N . Newly I.,ucd(lo coast, ucl); 11 . Active but ,wt di.rl.nlglug; Woes daia available for month In question 1.ORC signature needed • 51 'r