HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC221567_NOI Signed Certification_20220421NCG01 Notice of Intent (N01) Certification Farm Dir-ectialls- Print this form, complete, S43n and upload to the electrorhit NO1. Than. mail the onirlai form to the NC DEMtR Stormwater Program Iwit h S1DO che-ck if poying by cheek} at - Division of E nergv, M i rteral & La nd Resou ryes Storrinwate r Program 512 N. aalisburV Street. IS,, FIon r {Office ) 1612 Ma Center Rale4h, NC 27699-1612 DO NOT MAT THIS FORM 011 PAYMENT UWT11. YOUR APPLICATION HAS BEEN AECEPTEC. A5 CDMPLETE- THE FORM YOU MAIL MUST RE COMPLIFIED WITH AN ORICINAt 5l:GN4TURE INOT OriGIIA-.] 140 CPR 122-2Z] Pre NC (�eneraii Staram, 293-215.69 (i), orgy Person who kno►vingq V moires any false storerrvnt, representation, or cer rfica�i rr On Cn y aoNieariori, reeved, report, pion, f�r orher docijrnent filood or mquir'-d to be nroin ro;ned UrFder lhrs Article er o role in7�f�m errrirrq this ArtiCle , - . shah be guilty of o Class 2 mrsdeffleorw which may incfvde a fine nol to exceed ten rhowond dofiars �510,0 ). Under penalty of law, I certily that (check all boxes to Indicate your agree ment) 14 I a the PerSOn responsible fof t1he construction activities of this project, for satisfy a%g the regoirerttents of thtS permit, and for any cW a Criminal penaltiffs incurred due to viola ti00.9 8F 1hi-5 perniIi The information submitted in this NO is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, ac�urate I and complete based on my inquiry of the Person or persons who manage the system, or th#Se person-sdirectly' reSpor+Stble for gat herin.& the information. LP I will. abide hV all conditions of the, NCGPI0000Generat.PermiI and the approved Erosion ar.d Sediment Control Plan. If the 0PpFaved Erosion and Sediment Cnrti O Man is trot cornptiant with Part 11 IStormwater Pc)lIution T� Prevention Plan) of tfr e NCgZQJD200 Genwra[.�frrnit. I will nonetheless ensure that all conditions oI Part II of the permit are met on the project at all times. hereby request coverage under the NGGO10000 General - rmit and understand (hat coverage under this permit will Constitute the permit requiremertts forthe dischacge(s] anti is enforCeah I@ in the same manner as an i.ndividuai permit. Project Nome (arose match Al GM; �r F-r: K T P Specific: Lot Numbers Irmosf match Alb)- Pe rmittee (must ma C[h 63 , Legally ROILP0 Sable Person Jrnusr march 92 & 83)= Q — - t Title of Le all* Responsible Person (must nwtch 83b); ; Name & Title of Signed if Ant h oriied I nd lvidua 1 Differs from Legal ly Respo nsi ble Persow Phone Number, -� J "7— Sigrrat r Leg llyr Rep nsible Persoa or Authorized Ind ivMual � 101 -2-1- Vate WPORTANTWIFE. Thrs form miv%t be vaned by o responsr'Ne C-Dwrate officer [hor owns lorovrotes [he cans[Fuclrorr activity, A uch 42s b presidejrt secretary; frea3mver Qr wrCC prrsiderFr, or a onl2glrr Mar is a whvrired fm ewrordance W fh flart rv,-S-WiOet 8, item (6) of [be mcGolmm permit.