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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170239 Ver 1_FW_ U-3109 pond_erosion control basin conversion_20220412Strickland, Bev From: Parker, Jerry A Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2022 2:11 PM To: Conchilla, Ryan; Wanucha, Dave Cc: Subject: FW: U-3109 pond/erosion control basin conversion Attachments: U-3109A Slte 12.pdf Ryan, Please see the attached in response to your request. Let me know if you have any questions. Jerry From: Hayes, John R <> Sent: Friday, April 8, 2022 4:58 PM To: Parker, Jerry A <>; Howell, John <> Cc:; Eason, Patty P <> Subject: RE: U-3109 pond/erosion control basin conversion Jerry, See the attached file that should have all of the information requested by Ryan. Please let me know if there is anything else that may be needed. J.R. Hayes Assistant Resident Engineer Graham Construction 336 570 6830 office 336 266 2011 mobile 115 East Crescent Square Dr Graham, NC 27253 From: Parker, Jerry A <> Sent: Friday, April 8, 2022 2:09 PM To: Howell, John <>; Hayes, John R <> Cc:; Eason, Patty P <> Subject: FW: U-3109 pond/erosion control basin conversion 1 John, Please submit the documents requested and plan to install the riprap ditches in adherence to the guidelines stated. Let me know if you have any questions. Jerry From: Conchilla, Ryan <> Sent: Friday, April 8, 2022 12:41 PM To: Parker, Jerry A <>; '' <> Cc: Wanucha, Dave <>; Lipscomb, Brian S <>; Mullins, Ryan M <>; McDaniel, Andrew H. <> Subject: U-3109 pond/erosion control basin conversion Jerry, Thanks for the hydraulic update. If purchasing the permanent right of way for this area is not an option, we concur with Option #2 selected below. To proceed with Option #2, please provide an updated site plan (sheet 12) with the estimated length/width/depth, rip - rap Class and cy. for the two proposed ditch lines. It should be noted that site restoration and re -vegetation of this area should adhere to the Standard Permit conditions with a recommendation for using a wetland seed mix in the adjacent saturated areas. Due to the urgency expressed by DOT to begin repairs and stabilization efforts on -site, immediate mobilization is authorized. However, the items listed above should be provided for review at the earliest convenience. If I can provide further assistance, let me know. Have a great afternoon - Ryan Conchilla, PWS Environmental Specialist II 401 and Buffer Transportation Permitting Branch (DOT Divisions 7+8) Division of Water Resources, NC Department of Environmental Quality From: Parker, Jerry A <> Sent: Friday, April 8, 2022 7:47 AM To: Conchilla, Ryan <>; Wanucha, Dave <> Cc: Subject: FW: U-3109 pond/erosion control basin conversion Ryan and Dave, 2 We met with the hydraulic engineers on Thursday and I am forwarding you their response. We can talk about this later after you have had a chance to digest. Jerry From: Lipscomb, Brian S <> Sent: Thursday, April 7, 2022 4:15 PM To: Parker, Jerry A <> Cc:; McDaniel, Andrew H. <>; Mullins, Ryan M <> Subject: U-3109 pond/erosion control basin conversion Jerry and Della, Thanks for meeting with Ryan and I on -site this morning to discuss options for post -construction conversion of the existing erosion control basin/former pond. A recap of the options we discussed: Option 1 (Grade flat as permitted) • With the discovery of the spring at the toe of the fill slope producing a constant flow the area would stay saturated and likely restrict ability to establish a good turf grass buffer. With the flows that were evident out of the two pipes it is believed this would end up being an erosion issue and cut new channels with excessive sediment loss downstream. Option 2 (Grade in two rock lined channels from the pipe outlets converging into one) • This would provide for a stable conveyance of both the constant flow from the spring as well as storm flows from the two pipes. This option provides for the most likely to opportunity for establishment of vegetation outside of the ditch area and reducing the chance of erosion and sediment loss. Option 3 (Conversion to a post -construction stormwater control measure (ie. Wetland) • Generally the site would lend well to creating a wetland with the constant baseflow from the spring. However, based on the signs of significant flow out of the pipes there is concern about being able to provide non -erosive velocity into the wetland thus erosion would be a concern. In addition and at this point likely one of the most important aspects is the lack of access post -construction. The site is not accessible from the highway as it is down a high, steep fill slope behind guardrail. The site is within a temporary construction easement, thus DOT doesn't own the property and it will revert back to the property owner upon completion and access from Edgewood Church Road will no longer exist. Based on our observations and the current circumstances it is my recommendation to go with Option 2 and regrade the area and provide two converging rock lined conveyances. This will provide the most stable option and reduce likelihood of future erosion and sediment loss to the downstream waterbody. Lack of property ownership or permanent easement and lack of access would restrict ability to inspect and maintain anything else at this location long-term. Please let me know if you would like to discuss further. Thanks, Brian Brian S. Lipscomb, PE Engineer - Advanced North Carolina Department of Transportation 3 Hydraulics Unit, Highway Stormwater Program 919 707 6700 (office -main) 919 707 6735 (office -direct) 919 745 7553 (mobile) blipscomb© US Mail: 1590 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1590 Physical Address: 1000 Birch Ridge Drive Raleigh, NC 27610 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. Email correspondence to and from this sender is subject to the N.C. Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. Natural Ground DETAIL XX STANDARD BASE DITCH ( Not to Scale) d Geotextile D .1% ..7.,•`.•7.. Natural Ground Min. D=2 Ft. Max. d —2 Ft. B=2 - 3 Ft. Type of Liner= Class 'B' Rip —Rap DocuSign Envelope ID: 53BBAEF4-3CB7-4E26-9297-2AC5BFFOAEB9 0- 0- On L0 01 n 0 L Q 0' L 00E O, Coot C — 0- 01 3- 5- O CV01- 0 CV<01 \Of Pls Sta 14/+33.32 es = 2° 5/' 53°2" Ls = 200°00' LT = 133°35' ST = 66.68' -L PI Sta l56 +58°38 A = 72° II' 58°8" (RT) D = 2° 5/' 53°2" L = 2,520.24' T = 1,458.42' R = 2,000.00' Ds = 50 mph SE = 0°04 R0 = 200' // // 7 / 7 DETAIL STANDARD BASE DITCH Naturel Ground Min. D = 2 Ft. B =VARI ES 2-7 Ft. ( Not to Scale) NaturaI Ground FROM STA. 78+12 TO STA. 78 + 3 —L LT FROM STA. 17 + 20 TO STA. 1 57 + 60 —L— LT +5000 -L- 375.00' LT W 365.00' LT TAIL DITCH EST DDE +/- 36 CY SEE DETAIL 5 255.00' LT BREACH EXIST DAM AND DRAIN POND + 55 00 -L- + 71.21 -L- 163.18' LT 150.00' LT 20' GATE 200.00' LT 150.00' LT S .F LA ' RIPRAP E 5 To S EST 14 =Y ALLIE MARTIN, JR. & KENNETH MARTIN DB 1975 PG 292 09 Pls Sta 167+86°90 es = 2° 5/' 53°2" Ls = 200°00' LT = 133°35' ST = 66°68' 552.00' LT +49.85 -L- 150. (LT) 0 0 m +91.16 -L- 1 0.42' LT 1 0.00' LT END SBG +27.42 -L- 153.38' RT 20' GATE +24.40 -L- 171.17' RT HEAD DITCH CLASS B RIPRAP EST 13 TONS EST GF 34 SY EST DDE 18 CY SEE DETAIL 39 LUICE GATE +40 00 -L- 150.00' RT 175.00' RT 2GI NSF 150.00' LT cn 15" RCP -IV END SBG + 00 200' MEDIAN +00 00 -L 150.00' LT 350.00' LT -Y16RPA- (JAMES WALKER DR.) & -L- (NC 119 RELOCATION) 5,600 8,500 3,400 5,300 2017 AADT 2037 +40 00 -L- 400.00' LT - Y16RPA- POT Sta. 28+53.30 = - L- POC Sta. l65 +47.83 U-TURN TAPER + MONOLITH) 5" CONC SEE DETAIL 34 i CLASS 'B' RIPRAP 3 TONS F 10 SY T. TURN LAN 450' STORAGE LANE EST LT. TURN LANE HEAD DITCH EST DDE +/- 16 CY SEE DETAIL 27 +25.00 -Y16RPA- 100.00' LT TAIL DITCH +/- 7 CY IL 40 R=3' Nt u� Sta° 27+79°03 // 7 // o O 0 0 +46.04 -L- TT4.17' RT II '_I I I II II I I Co II II III II 11 II II +45°24 44°34' 15" CSP w/2 ELBOWS CLASS 'B' RIPRAP EST 2 TONS EST GF 7 SY . 00' TAPER LAT V-DITCH STA 157+77 - STA 158 + 75 -L- RT EST DDE = 74 CY SEE DETAIL 14 WILLIE DAVIS, JR. & JOAN DAVIS DB 1009 PG 223 PB 8 PG 17 CLASS I RIPRAP EST 32 TONS EST GF 67 SY 01 CLASS ' IPRAP EST +/- 3 S 150.00' LT 150.00' LT Erg 15" RCP -IV —L— W 0 11110006 F ASSOOlefiiso. , • 00!lCIO !0!!t; 1g0!►',.(� �00/■1 till sail Aral H 695.00' LT BEG SBG + 50.00 2GI NSFG ' CSP / 2 ELBOWS ----an- HAZARDOUS SPILL BASIN # SEE DETAIL 4 EST. DDE = 3,930 C WM 43 SUBSIDIARY LLC. DB 3390 PG 196 O 0 0 150.00' RT 175.00' RT 0 CO N U n + 89.79 -L- l r 1'cH jv 6RP A, /P L 10,900 16,400 8,700 13,200 -Yl6RPA- gM 9 +50.00 -L- 00 0 + 50.00 -Y16RPA- 1''. rt. +20.21 -L- 11.... LT LAT 2' BASE DITCH STA 2 6 + 00 - STA EST 34 TONS EST GF 86 SY SEE DETAIL 15 CLASS 'B' RIPRAP EST 3 TONS • ST GF 10 SY +10.00-Y16RPA- 100.00' RT 120.00' RT °43'20' N 0- E/ ,s` N N X (/) BRETT M. MICHEAL & LISA W. NESBITT DB 2802 PG 452 PROJECT REFERENCE NO. U —3/09A RAN SHEET NO. ROADWAY DESIGN ENGINEER \\\\ ,\N CARD '% �'' •0.�ESSIQ/ ' 9 SEALI_ 034367 CI N,,\ 1087011E67F6435... 3/10/2017 Michael Baker Engineering, Inc. 8000 Regency Parkway 600 CarSuiteyy, NC I N T E R N A T I O N A LNC License:27518 F-1084 Michael Baker SHEET NO. /5 HYDRAULICS ENGINEER tt1III1 \.' CARD�%,� ` \�11III1,,� :/ .0�`oFESS/pie./ SEAL • 26971 = (1lINc...,",o 1089AD8C14994C3... 3/10/2017 SUNGATE DESIGN GROUP, P.A. 915 Jones Franklin Road Raleigh, NC 27606 NC COA No. C-0890 DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED 6° 6. 35p.ST ORAGE LANE (CH ALBERT SHAW HEIRS DB 116 PG 226 — (cHoRb) ALBERT SHAW HEIRS DB 116 PG 226 L 'B' RIP RA +50 -Y16RPA- RT VERONICA SMITH DB 3266 PG 85 +20.21 -L- cs 0) MELVIN KING DB 856 PG 917 PB 27 PG 136 v 0 0 +q 4°03 0 530°811 200, TAPER 0 sife v 1440.0. Lti \ / 7 PROPOSED SIGNAL FOR -L- PROFILE SEE SHEET 37 FOR-Y/6RPA- PROFILE SEE SHEET 52