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HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0004987_Updated Ash Basin Compliance Boundary_202107264it ENERGY July 26, 2021 Mr. Daniel Smith (submitted electronically) North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality 1601 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1601 Subject: Updated Ash Basin Compliance Boundary Marshall Steam Station 8320 Highway 150, Terrell, Catawba County, North Carolina NPDES Permit No. NC0004987 Dear Mr. Smith, 526 South Church Street: Mail Code EC13K Charlotte, North Carolina 28202 717-982-0986 Following a review of property records, Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC, has determined that it owns an additional land parcel at Marshall Steam Station that was not previously identified. This property purchase, completed on July 16, 2010, adds approximately 2.76 acres to the Marshall Steam Station property south of the Structural Fill (CCB0031). Per 15A NCAC 02L .0107 (c), this letter serves as notification of the change to the compliance boundary at the ash basin due to this land purchase. The updated property line and compliance boundary are shown on the attached Figure 1. This information is also being provided to the Mooresville Regional Office (electronically, by cc via email of this letter). If you have comments and/or questions, please direct them to me at 717-982-0986 or email Ashlev.Albert( Sincerely, 'Al/f(/{ Ashley Albert, P.G. Environmental Services Attachments: Figure 1, Geographic Limitation Map, Marshall Steam Station cc (via e-mail):Rick Bolich, NCDEQ Central Office Eric Smith, NCDEQ Central Office Brandy Costner, NCDEQ Mooresville Regional Office Andrew Pitner, NCDEQ Mooresville Regional Office Ed Sullivan, Duke Energy Tyler Hardin, Duke Energy John Toepfer, Duke Energy Matt Hanchey, Duke Energy DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS synTerra LAKE NORMAN DRAWN BY: J. KIRTZ REVISED BY: J. KIRTZ CHECKED BY: B. WILKER APPROVED BY: B. WILKER PROJECT MANAGER: B. WILKER DATE: 07/23/2021 DATE: 07/23/2021 DATE: 07/23/2021 DATE: 07/23/2021 www.s LEGEND ASH BASIN WASTE BOUNDARY — - — GEOGRAPHIC LIMITATION - DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS PROPERTY LINE NOTES: 1. PROPERTY BOUNDARY PROVIDED BY DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS. 2. ALL BOUNDARIES ARE APPROXIMATE. 3. MAXAR IMAGERY OBTAINED FROM ESRI ONLINE, COLLECTED OCTOBER 3, 2020. 4. DRAWING HAS BEEN SET WITH A PROJECTION OF NORTH CAROLINA STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM FIPS 3200 (NAD83). FIGURE 1 GEOGRAPHIC LIMITATION MAP MARSHALL STEAM STATION TERRELL, NORTH CAROLINA