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WQ0043343_Application (FTSE)_20220413
March 10, 2022 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) Mooresville Regional Office Water Quality Section 610 E. Center Avenue Mooresville, North Carolina 28115 Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. RECEIVED/NCDEQ/DWR APR - 5 2022 WOROS Dear North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality: MOORESVILLE REGIONAL OFFICE Subject: Fast Track Sewer System Extension Application Bonnie Cone Leadership Academy CEC Project 312-606 Enclosed for your review and approval are the following items for Fast Track Sewer System Extension Application permitting for the proposed Bonnie Cone Leadership Academy located at 16101 Poplar Tent Church Rd, Huntersville NC 28078: • One (1) check in the amount of $480.00 made payable to North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) for the application fee; • One (1) original and one (1) copy of the completed and executed Fast Track Application (Form: FT 04-16); • One (1) original and one (1) copy of the completed and executed Flow Tracking / Acceptance Form; • Corporation Documentation with North Carolina Secretary of State • One (1) copy of an 8.5" x 11" USGS topography map; and • One (1) aerial map of project area. • One (1) copy aerial sewer line exhibit. The project includes the installation of approximately 2300 linear feet of 8-inch diameter gravity sewer that will tie into the Willow Pin Lane main, part of the Oaks at Skybrook North development (CLT Water Job 100-20-587) sanitary sewer system currently under construction, which extends to the existing 30" Sanitary Sewer constructed under CLT Water Job *823-11-560. The project is projected to generate approximately 26,250 gallons per day (GPD) of wastewater at the connection point(s) indicated on the submitted utility plan for transmission to the Rocky River Wastewater Treatment Plant (NPDES permit number NC0036269), for treatment. Should you have any questions or require any additional information in support of this application, please do not hesitate to contact me at 864-230-0274. Sincerely, 530 Howell Road, Suite 203 1 Greenville, SC 29615 J p: 864-626-3140 f: 864-626-3 135 1 www,cecinc.c_om Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc. CEC Project 312-606 Page 2 March 10, 2022 CIVIL & ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS, INC. gVA. Genero, PE ce President Enclosures: cc: Matt Johnson Project Manager Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. Division of Water Resources State of North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Water Resources 15A NCAC 02T .0300 — FAST TRACK SEWER SYSTEM EXTENSION APPLICATION FTA 04-16 & SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION Application Number: t'\I«' L c t 3 3to be completed by DWR) All items must be completed or the application will be returned I. APPLICANT INFORMATION: RECEIVED/NCDEQ/DWH APR 5 2022 WQROS MOORESVILLE REGIONAL OFFICE 1. Applicant's name: BCLA Huntersville LLC (company, municipality, HOA, utility, etc.) 2. Applicant type: ❑ Individual ® Corporation 0 General Partnership 0 Privately -Owned Public Utility ❑ Federal ❑ State/County 0 Municipal 3. Signature authority's name: Scott Brand per 15A NCAC 02T .0106(b) Title: Manager 4. Applicant's mailing address: 3115 Lion Lane, Suite 300 City: Salt Lake City State: UT Zip: 84121- 5. Applicant's contact information: Phone number: (801) 830-8300 Email Address: scoff@schooldev.us II. PROJECT INFORMATION: 1. Project name: Bonnie Cone Leadership Academy 2. Application/Project status: ► Proposed (New Permit) ❑ Other ❑ Existing Permit/Project If a modification, provide the existing permit number: WQ00 and issued date: If new construction but part of a master plan, provide the existing permit number: WQ00 3. County where project is located: Mecklenburg 4. Approximate Coordinates (Decimal Degrees): Latitude: 35.435439° Longitude: -80.764301° 5. Parcel ID (if applicable): 01130204 (or Parcel ID to closest downstream sewer) III. CONSULTANT INFORMATION: 1. Professional Engineer: George A. Genero, PE Firm: Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. Mailing address: 3701 Arco Corporate Drive, Suite 400 City: Charlotte State: NC Zip: 28273- Phone number: (980) 237-0373 Email Address: ggenero@cecinc.com License Number: 035509 IV. WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY (WWTF) INFORMATION: 1. Facility Name: Rocky River WWTP Permit Number: NC0036269 Owner Name: Water & Sewer Authority Cabarrus County V. RECEIVING DOWNSTREAM SEWER INFORMATION (if different than WWTF): 1. Permit Number(s): WQ Downstream (Receiving) Sewer Size: Willow Pin Lane Sewer 8" inch System Wide Collection System Permit Number(s) (if applicable): WQCS00009 Owner Name(s): Water & Sewer Authority of Cabarrus County FORM: FTA 04-16 Page 1 of 5 VI. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1. If the Applicant is a Privately -Owned Public Utility, has a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity been attached? ❑ Yes ❑No ®N/A 2. If the Applicant is a Developer of lots to be sold, has a Developer's Operational Agreement (FORM: DEV) been attached? ❑ Yes ❑No ►1N/A 3. If the Applicant is a Home/Property Owners' Association, has an Operational Agreement (FORM: HOA) been attached? ❑ Yes ❑No ►4N/A 4. Origin of wastewater: (check all that apply): ❑ Residential Owned ❑ Residential Leased ® School / preschool / day care 0 Food and drink facilities 0 Businesses / offices / factories ❑ Retail (stores, centers, malls) ❑ Retail with food preparation/service 0 Medical / dental / veterinary facilities ❑ Church ❑ Nursing Home ❑ Car Wash ❑ Hotel and/or Motels ❑ Swimming Pool /Clubhouse 0 Swimming Pool/Filter Backwash 0 Other (Explain in Attachment) 5. Nature of wastewater : 100 % Domestic/Commercial % Commercial % Industrial (See 15A NCAC 02T .0103(20)) �Is there a Pretreatment Program in effect? ❑ Yes 6. Has a flow reduction been approved under 15A NCAC 02T .0114(f)? ❑ Yes ➢ If yes, provide a copy of flow reduction approval letter 7. Summarize wastewater generated by project: No ❑ No Establishment Type (see 02T.0114(f)) Daily Design Flow a,b No. of Units Flow School with Cafeteria 12 gal/student 875 10,500 GPD School with Cafeteria 15 gal/student 1050 15,750 GPD gal/ GPD gal/ GPD gal/ GPD gal/ GPD Total 26,250 GPD a See 15A NCAC 02T .0114(b), (d), (e)(1) and (e)(2) for caveats to wastewater design flow rates (i.e., minimum flow per dwelling; proposed unknown non-residential development uses; public access facilities located near high public use areas; and residential property located south or east of the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway to be used as vacation rentals as defined in G.S. 42A-4). b Per 15A NCAC 02T .0114(c), design flow rates for establishments not identified [in table 15A NCAC 02T.0114] shall be determined using available flow data, water using fixtures, occupancy or operation patterns, and other measured data. 8. Wastewater generated by project: 26,250 GPD (per 15A NCAC 02T .0114) ➢ Do not include future flows or previously permitted allocations If permitted flow is zero, indicate why: ❑ Pump Station or Gravity Sewer where flow will be permitted in subsequent permits that connect to this line ❑ Flow has already been allocated in Permit Number: 0 Rehabilitation or replacement of existing sewer with no new flow expected ❑ Other (Explain): FORM: FTA 04-16 Page 2 of 5 VII. GRAVITY SEWER DESIGN CRITERIA (If Applicable) - 02T .0305 & MDC (Gravity Sewers): 1. Summarize gravity sewer to be permitted: Size (inches) Length (feet) Material 8 2267 PVC 18 casing 70 DIP ➢ Section II & III of the MDC for Permitting of Gravity Sewers contains information related to design criteria ➢ Section III contains information related to minimum slopes for gravity sewer(s) ➢ Oversizing lines to meet minimum slope requirement is not allowed and a violation of the MDC VIII. PUMP STATION DESIGN CRITERIA (If Applicable) — 02T .0305 & MDC (Pump Stations/Force Mains): COMPLETE FOR EACH PUMP STATION INCLUDED IN THIS PROJECT 1. Pump station number or name: 2. Approximate Coordinates (Decimal Degrees): Latitude: Longitude: - ° 3. Design flow of the pump station: millions gallons per day (firm capacity) 4. Operational point(s) of the pump(s): gallons per minute at 5. Summarize the force main to be permitted (for this Pump Station): feet total dynamic head (TDH) Size (inches) Length (feet) Material 6. Power reliability in accordance with 15A NCAC 02T .0305(h)(1): ❑ Standby power source or pump with automatic activation and telemetry - 15A NCAC 02T .0305(h)(1)(B): ➢ Required for all pump stations with an average daily flow greater than or equal to 15,000 gallons per day ➢ Must be permanent to facility Or if the pump station has an average daily flow less than 15,000 gallons per day: ❑ Portable power source with manual activation, quick -connection receptacle and telemetry - 15A NCAC 02T .0305(h)(1)(C) or ❑ Portable pumping unit with plugged emergency pump connection and telemetry - 15A NCAC 02T .0305(h)(1)(C): ➢ It shall be demonstrated to the Division that the portable source is owned or contracted by the applicant (draft agreement) and is compatible with the station. ➢ If the portable power source or pump is dedicated to multiple pump stations, an evaluation of all the pump stations' storage capacities and the rotation schedule of the portable power source or pump, including travel timeframes, shall be provided in the case of a multiple station power outage. FORM: FTA 04-16 Page 3 of 5 IX. SETBACKS & SEPARATIONS — (02B .0200 & 15A NCAC 02T .0305(f)): 1. Does the project comply with all separations found in 15A NCAC 02T .0305(f) & (g) ➢ 15A NCAC 02T.0305(f) contains minimum separations that shall Yes ❑ No Setback Parameter* Separation Required Storm sewers and other utilities not listed below (vertical) 24 inches Water mains (vertical -water over sewer including in benched trenches) 18 inches Water mains (horizontal) 10 feet Reclaimed water lines (vertical - reclaimed over sewer) 18 inches Reclaimed water lines (horizontal - reclaimed over sewer) 2 feet **Any private or public water supply source, including any wells, WS-I waters of Class I or Class II impounded reservoirs used as a source of drinking water 100 feet **Waters classified WS (except WS-I or WS-V), B, SA, ORW, HQW, or SB from normal high water (or tide elevation) and wetlands (see item IX.2) 50 feet **Any other stream, lake, impoundment, or ground water lowering and surface drainage ditches 10 feet Any building foundation 5 feet Any basement 10 feet Top slope of embankment or cuts of 2 feet or more vertical height 10 feet Drainage systems and interceptor drains 5 feet Any swimming pools 10 feet Final earth grade (vertical) 36 inches > 15A NCAC 02T.0305(g) contains alternatives where separations in 02T.0305(f) cannot be achieved. > **Stream classifications can be identified using the Division's NC Surface Water Classifications webpage ➢ If noncompliance with 02T.0305(f) or (g), see Section X of this application 2. Does the project comply with separation requirements for wetlands? (50 feet of separation) ❑ Yes ❑ No ►1 N/A > See the Division's draft separation requirements for situations where separation cannot be meet > No variance is required if the alternative design criteria specified is utilized in design and construction ➢ As built documents should reference the location of areas effected 3. Does the project comply with setbacks found in the river basin rules per 15A NCAC 02B .0200? /1 Yes ❑ No ❑ N/A ➢ This would include Trout Buffered Streams per 15A NCAC 2B.0202 4. Does the project require coverage/authorization under a 404 Nationwide or individual permits or 401 Water Quality Certifications? ➢ Information can be obtained from the 401 & Buffer Permitting Branch ❑ Yes / / No 5. Does project comply with 15A NCAC 02T.0105(c)(6) (additional permits/certifications)? ® Yes ❑ No Per 15A NCAC 02T.0105(c)(6), directly related environmental permits or certification applications are being prepared, have been applied for, or have been obtained. Issuance of this permit is contingent on issuance of dependent permits (erosion and sedimentation control plans, stormwater management plans, etc.). 6. Does this project include any sewer collection lines that are deemed "high -priority?" Per 15A NCAC 02T.0402, "high -priority sewer" means "any aerial sewer, sewer contacting surface waters, siphon, or sewer positioned parallel to streambanks that is subject to erosion that undermines or deteriorates the sewer. Yes ❑ No ❑ N/A > If yes, include an attachment with details for each line, including type (aerial line, size, material, and location). High priority lines shall be inspected by the permittee or its representative at least once every six -months and inspections documented per 15A NCAC 02T.0403(a)(5) or the permitee's individual System -Wide Collection permit. FORM: FTA 04-16 Page 4 of 5 X. CERTIFICATIONS: 1. Does the submitted system comply with I5A NCAC 02T, the Minimum Design Criteria for the Permitting of Pump Stations and Force Mains (latest version), and the Gravity Sewer Minimum Design Criteria (latest version) as applicable? N Yes ❑ No If No, complete and submit the Variance/Alternative Design Request application (VADC 10-14) and supporting documents for review. Approval of the request is required prior to submittal of the Fast Track Application and supporting documents. 2. Professional Engineer's Certification: GE©2 G c ,) e/2 D (Professional Engineer's name from Application Item III.I.) attest that this application for has been reviewed by me and is accurate, complete and consistent with the information supplied in the plans, specifications, engineering calculations, and all other supporting documentation to the best of my knowledge. I further attest that to the best of my knowledge the proposed design has been prepared in accordance with the applicable regulations, Gravity Sewer Minimum Design Criteria for Gravity Sewers (latest version), and the Minimum Design Criteria for the Fast -Track Permitting of Pump Stations and Force Mains (latest version). Although other professionals may have developed certain portions of this submittal package, inclusion of these materials under my signature and seal signifies that I have reviewed this material and have judged it to be consistent with the proposed design. NOTE - In accordance with General Statutes 143-215.6A and 143-215.6B, any person who knowingly makes any false statement, representation, or certification in any application package shall be guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor, which may include a fine not to exceed $10,000, as well as civil penalties up to $25,000 per violation. North Carolina Professional Engineer's seal, signature, and date: 3. Applicant's Certification per 15A NCAC 02T .0106(b): �� _ �` mazer (Signature Authority's name @'title from Application Item I.3.) has been reviewed by me and is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that if all required parts of this application are not completed and that if all required supporting documentation and attachments are not included, this application package is subject to being returned as incomplete. I understand that any discharge of wastewater from this non - discharge system to surface waters or the land will result in an immediate enforcement action that may include civil penalties, injunctive relief, and/or criminal prosecution. I will make no claim against the Division of Water Resources should a condition of this permit be violated. I also understand that if all required parts of this application package are not completed and that if all required supporting information and attachments are not included, this application package will be returned to me as incomplete. .\\®" at est that this application for NOTE — In accordance with General Statutes 143-215.6A and 143-215.6B, any person who knowingly makes any false statement, representation, or certification in any application package shall be guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor, which may include a fine not to exceed $10,000 as well as civil penalties up to $25,000 per violation. Signature: Date: FORM: FTA 04-16 Page 5 of 5 WASTEWATER FLOW ACCEPTANCE FORM FOR THE WATER AND SEWER AUTHORITY OF CABARRUS COUNTY Jurisdiction Requesting Flow Acceptance: Date: 12-23-2021 City ofConcord DCity of Kannapolis ❑Town of Ilarrisburg Town of Mt. Pleasant flCharlotte Water Project Title, Description, and Number of Lots/Unit: Project Title: Bonnie Cone Leadership Academy — Proiect # 20216527 Description: The Bonnie Cone Leadership Academy engineering plans and specifications. as prepared and sealed bv= George A. Genero. NCPE, with Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc.. The Bonnie Cone Leadership Academy located on 16101 Poplar Tent Church Road. Huntersville. NC. with a wastewater discharge of 26,250 GPD. *Number of Lots: OR *Number of Units: 875 students x 12 epd/student + 1,050 students x 15 epolstudent *Must be included in request. Where will the new line be connected: ❑ Directly into a WSACC Interceptor ►! Into the Jurisdiction's existing collection system ❑ Into a private line I( (-s{ioltt) Describe the location of the tie-in line to which the new sewer line will connect: The proposed7neh sanitary sewer extension will tie-in to the existing 8-inch sanitary sewer system. which extends to the 36-inch PVC material Clarke Creek Phase 2 Interceptor. Which WSACC Interceptor will the flow ultimately be discharged into: 36-inch PVC WSACC. Clarke Creek Phase 2 Interceptor. What is the WSACC manhole number that the flow will be discharged into? +l- Node 011719 What is the quantity of flow that will be discharged? 26,250 GPD Flow type: ❑ Domestic % ►/ Commercial 100 Name of wastewater treatment facility (WWTF) receiving wastewater: Rocky River Wastewater Treatment Facility Permit #NC0036269 E Muddy Creek Wastewater Treatment Facility — Permit #NC008162I Design drawings of new lines will be submitted to WSACC with the request for acceptance. Drawings can be submitted as a digital file (DWG) or distance and hearing starting with the tap on existing infrastructure. If the new line is to connect directly into a WSACC interceptor, detailed drawings including sp be required before flow acceptance will be provided. Mark Lomax at 704-786-1783, ext, 231, must he notified 48 hours in advance of a conne WSACC will inspect connection before, during, and after completion. If construction is not started within two (2) year from the date of approval of the flow approval is rescinded and a second request and approval will he required for the project. ❑ Industrial on ol'the tap, will ion into a WSACC inte p r ceptance for this project, the WSACC USE ONLY: Current sewer model shows an Interceptor as being surcharged south of'ill Approved ❑ Not Approved ❑ Current Sewer Model shows t r t xLt S1 Q/ Li n" A Avtp.kLA. t` tr`q is itt�iits?3 DATE: question. CHARLOTTE January 17, 2022 George Genero Civil & Environmental Consultants 3701 Arco Corporate Drive, Suite 400 Charlotte, NC 28273 SUBJECT: WATER AND SEWER FLOW ACCEPTANCE BONNIE CONE LEADERSHIP ACADEMY 16101 POPLAR TENT CHURCH RD CLTWATER TRACKING# 20216527 After an analysis of the sanitary sewer associated with the proposed development, 20216527, BONNIE CONE LEADERSHIP ACADEMY, it was determined that there is sufficient capacity within the existing public gravity sewer to accommodate the proposed sewer flow of 26,250 gallons per day (875 students x 12 GPD per student (10,500 GPD); 1,050 students x 15 GPD per student (15,750 GPD)) at the connection point(s) indicated on the submitted utility plan for transmission to the Rocky River Wastewater Treatment Plant; NPDES permit number NC0036269, for treatment. This acceptance of flow is based upon the existing capacity of the designated publicly owned treatments works. Please see attached NCDEQ-FTSE form. Charlotte Water (CLTWater) agrees to furnish water to the subject project. The water quality to the subject project is regulated by the State Drinking Water Act Amendments of 1986 and The Water Supply Management Plan, PWS ID # 0160010 on file with the Public Water Supply Section of NCDEQ. However, CLTWater cannot guarantee a constant pressure or quality of flow. The applicant should understand that due to the involvement of other agencies and continuing growth of the water system, the ability to provide service for future projects cannot be guaranteed nor reserved. Connection to the CLTWater system is accepted on a first come, first served basis. The applicant should understand that this letter is not authorization to construct or extend private water or sewer systems, as the appropriate local or State permits are required prior to construction. If the appropriate authorization to construct permits are not obtained and construction has not started within two (2) years of issuance of this flow acceptance, and payment for any service connections have not been received within two (2) years of issuance of this flow acceptance letter, this flow acceptance approval shall be rescinded and a new flow acceptance request must be made. The CAP analysis performed determines available capacity within the existing public gravity sewer system. The developer is responsible for any additional private or public sewer infrastructure required to convey flow from the proposed development to the existing public gravity sewer. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at (704) 336-1015. Sincerely, Keri B Cantrell, PhD, PE, Chief Engineer— Planning & Land Development Charlotte Water 5100 Brookshire Blvd, Charlotte, NC 28216 charlottewater.org Operated by the City of Charlotte WATER & SEWER AUTHORITY OF CABARRUS COUNTY 232 Davidson Hwy. Concord, NC 28027 704.786,1783 • 704.795..156 Fax www.wsacc,org January 28, 2022 Mr. Guillermo Anzola Engineering Assistant Charlotte Water 5100 Brookshire Boulevard Charlotte, NC 28216 Subject; Flow Acceptance Request Bonnie Cone Leadership Academy Charlotte Water Project Number 20216527 Dear Mr. Anzola: This is a notice of capacity for the flow acceptance request received by the Water and Sewer Authority of Cabarrus County (WSACC) from Charlotte Water on January 21, 2022. WSACC has or will have capacity at the Rocky River Regional Wastewater Treatment. Plant and appropriate sewer interceptors to transport and treat the commercial wastewater from the proposed project entitled Bonnie Cone Leadership Academy. The referenced project will serve a school with 1,925 students, with a projected wastewater flow of 26,250 gallons per day (gpd). The wastewater generated by this project will be conveyed through a proposed gravity system, through an existing gravity system, and then enter WSACC's system at the existing 36-inch Clarke Creek interceptor. If construction of this project does not commence within two (2) years of the date of this notice, the notice is rescinded and a second request and notice will he required before flow capacity is accepted. Please notify WSACC, in writing, when construction of this project is initiated. This sewer capacity allocation may also be cancelled pursuant to the conditions set forth in the WSACC Sewer Allocation and Commitment Policy. Lf you have any questions, please call ea Michael Wilson Executive Director cc: Keri Cantrell, PE/Charlotte Water Chad VonCannon, PE/WSACC Thomas Hahn, PE/WSACC Mark Lomax/WSACC Trent Gobble/WSACC Division c E Water Resources State of North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Water Resources Flow Tracking for Sewer Extension Applications (FTSE -10/18) (WSACC USE ONLY) Bonnie Cone Leadership Academy (Charlotte Water Project No. 20216527) Section I. Name of wastewater treatment facility (W WTF) receiving wastewater: Rocky River Wastewater Treatment Facility — Permit #NC0036269 Q Muddy Creek Wastewater Treatment Facility Permit #NC0081621 WWTP facility's permitted flow, MGD 26.500 Estimated obligated flow not yet tributary to the WWTP, MGD 3.697 WWTP facility's actual avg. daily flow, MGD Total flow for this specific request, MGD Total actual and obligated flows to the facility, MGD Percent of permitted flow used 20.971 (79.14% of permit) 0.026 24.694 93.18% Section I1. Pump stations along the route from the Jurisdiction's connection point to the JTP. Pump Station m (Name or Number) Pump Station Perrnll No. flint Capacity * MGD (A) Design Average .� Daily Floe (Firm'pf) MC» (13) Appro. Correia Average Daily Flow MCI) (C) Obligated, Not Vet Tributary Daily HowP' .IGI) (1)) (13tC) Total Current Flow Plus Obligated Flow MGD (L)—(A-D) Available .city MCI) Lower Rocky River PS NC0036269 37,000 14.800 10.816 2.812 13.628 I.172 The Firm Capacity (design flow) of any pump station is defined as the maximum pumped Ooss that can be achieved with the largest pump taken out otsenice. **Design Average Daily Flow is the firer capacity of the pump station divided by a peaking factor (pf) not Tess than 2.5, per Section 2.02(A)(d)(c) of the .Minimum Design Criteria. A Planning Assessment Addendum shall be attached for each pump station located between the project connecliun point and the WWTP where Available Capacity is <0. Section III. WSACC Certification Statement: I. Michael Wilson, certify to the best of in knowledge that the addition of the volume of waste voter to be permitted in this project has been evaluated along the route from the connection to the WSACC interceptor to the receiving wastes Ater treatment facility, and that the flow from this project is not anticipated to cause any capacity, related sanitary sewer overflows or overburden any downstream pump station en route to the receiving treatment plant under nornial circumstances, given the implementation of the planned improvements identified inrthe planning ass9�ssment where applicable. This analysis has been performed in accordance with local established policies and procedures usin tlfe best available data. This certification applies to those items listed above in Section I and Section II plus all attached planning assssment addendums for which I am the responsible party, Signature of this form indicates WSACC's gytarant of opacityfor ,fats'astewater flow. WSACC".s 'gnng Official Signature 3/10/22, 10:13 AM North Carolina Secretary of State Search Results • File an Annual Report/Amend an Annual Report • Upload a PDF Filing • Order a Document Online • Add Entity to My Email Notification List • View Filings • Print a Pre -Populated Annual Report form • Print an Amended a Annual Report form Limited Liability Company Legal Name BCLA Huntersville LLC Information Sosld: 2241717 Status: Current -Active 0 Date Formed: 7/29/2021 Citizenship: Domestic Annual Report Due Date: April 15th CurrentAnnual Report Status: Registered Agent: Registered Agents Inc. Addresses Mailing Principal Office Reg Office 3115 East Lion Lane Suite 300 3115 East Lion Lane Suite 300 4030 Wake Forest Road, Ste 349 Salt Lake City, UT 84121 Salt Lake City, UT 84121 Raleigh, NC 27609 Reg Mailing 4030 Wake Forest Road, Ste 349 Raleigh, NC 27609 Company Officials All LLCs are managed by their managers pursuant to N.C.G.S. 57D-3-20. https://www.sosnc.gov/online_services/search/Business_Registration_Results 1/1 REFERENCES AND NOTES 1. USA TOPO MAPS: HTTP://GOTO.ARCGISON L INE. COM/MAPS/ a 0 O 0 N 0 0 2. USGS 7.5 MINUTE TOPOGRAPHIC MAP: CORNELIUS, NORTH CAROLINA QUADRANGLE, PUBLISHED 1978, ACCESSED 8/9/2021. LEGEND =m1 PROJECT AREA BOUNDARY (-33.2 ACRES) I'Mfria7 Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. 3701 Arco Corporate Drive • Suite 400 • Charlotte, NC 28273 (980) 237-0373 • (855) 859-9932 www.cecinc.com HUBRICH CONTRACTING, INC. BONNIE CONE LEADERSHIP ACADEMY TOWN OF HUNTERSVILLE MECKLENBURG, NORTH CAROLINA USGS TOPOGRAPHIC MAP DRAWN BY: JCH CHECKED BY: MSJ APPROVED BY: *GAG DATE: 8/9/2021 SCALE: 1 " = 2,000 ' PROJECT NO: 312-606 FIGURE NO: 1 `Hann Sinnat,ira,,n fil4 NORTH LEGEND PARCELS r'''''.""""J PROJECT AREA BOUNDARY (-33.2 ACRES) REFERENCES AND NOTES 1. ESRI WORLD IMAGERY/ARCGIS MAP SERVICE: HTTP://GOTO.ARCGISONLINE.COM/MAPS/WORLD_IMAGERY, ACCESSED 8/9/2021, AERIAL IMAGERY DATE: 12/31/2019. 2. PARCELS DERIVED FROM ARCGIS ONLINE. Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. 3701 Arco Corporate Drive • Suite 400 • Charlotte, NC 28273 (980) 237-0373 • (855) 859-9932 www.cecinc.com HUBRICH CONTRACTING, INC. BONNIE CONE LEADERSHIP ACADEMY TOWN OF HUNTERSVILLE MECKLENBURG, NORTH CAROLINA AERIAL MAP DRAWN BY: JCH DATE: 8/9/2021 CHECKED BY: MSJ SCALE: 1 "=300' APPROVED BY: *GAG PROJECT NO: 312-606 FIGURE NO: 2 `Hand Rinnatnro nn ilia North Carolina Secretary of State Search Results Page 1 of 1 • File an Annual Report/Amend an Annual Report • Upload a PDF Filing • Order a Document Online • Add Entity to My Email Notification List • View Filings • Print a Pre -Populated Annual Report form • Print an Amended a Annual Report form Limited Liability Company Legal Name BCLA Huntersville LLC Information Sosld: 2241717 Status: Current -Active Date Formed: 7/29/2021 Citizenship: Domestic Annual Report Due Date: April 15th CurrentAnnual Report Status: Registered Agent: Registered Agents Inc. Addresses Mailing Principal Office Reg Office 3115 East Lion Lane Suite 300 3115 East Lion Lane Suite 300 4030 Wake Forest Road, Ste 349 Salt Lake City, UT 84121 Salt Lake City, UT 84121 Raleigh, NC 27609 Reg Mailing 4030 Wake Forest Road, Ste 349 Raleigh, NC 27609 Company Officials All LLCs are managed by their managers pursuant to N.C.G.S. 57D-3-20. https://www.sosnc.gov/online_services/search/Business_Registration_Results 4/6/2022 / -PEMOTTED SEWER AWN 70 BE INSTALLED BAN ADJACENT PROVNY DEVELO RENT. DE -IN TO E'ACCESSED PH R01DS CONSTRUCTEDNIMN ADJACENT LMYEEO'AAENT 108 LF/18" -' STEEL CASING PIPE AERIAL CR0SSING OVER EXISTING -.. CREEK EXIST Rl1.1=A662 00.55 INJ IN-650.31 1) +IV 01J1=647. 6(FV) N/F DONATL4 JOLY 14MD PARCEL p j01110314 DB:: J2732, P& 731 mow, RURAL CONNECTION NOTES. 108 LF B' DIP 0 0.568 FRVATE 55MH T,^ R.M=659.49 NV 'N=654.96(2) NV OUT=6549 /(EXIST) PRIVATE 55NH Rim=68_.97 INY IN=674.18(4) iNY OUT=672.09(2) PRIVAT 5$MN 4 P.IM=686.61 INV IN=679.98(5) INV IN=681.63(14) +N 0UT=879.88(3) PRIVATE 5SMH 5 IHV 1 =607.35(6) R1=692. 32() 1' OUT=684.00(4) NORTH SEWER CONNECTION NOTES: •, 'T-��CONNECTION TO 8E CONSTRUCTED ON ADJACENT 2. PERMISSIOZ iON=$EjVER 00NNECTKN4 HAS BEEN OBTAINED DURING. DESIGN ST HATE WON SUBDIVISION OWNER FOR TIMING AND DURATION. 3. ACCESS TO THE EXLSTING MANHOLE WIt0'9E]l OUCH THE 'SKY0R0OK NORTH PH 2" CONSTRUCTION ENIRANZT,-NQ_ CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT SHALL BE PERMITTED IN THE STR0MA..... BED. NO CROSSING OF THE STREAM 8E0 WILL BE ALLOWED. 4. ALL EXCAVATION AND CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT WILL BE KEPT ` TO A MINIMUM AND SILT FENCE SHALL BE MARNTA/NED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL APPUCABLE CODES WRING ALL CONSTRUCTION ACTMTIES ON THE SUBDMSIONS PROPERTY. 5. SITE SHAL1. BE GRASSED AND LEFT IN AN IMPROVED CONDITION FROM WHEN EXCAVATION WAS BEGUN. 6. 8' SEWER MUST BE PERMITTED BY NCOEO PRIVATE SEWER CO x —x .1" IRRRIGATION—... . UNE 4' DOMESTIC-` t. WATER LINE FIRE UNE IN=688.22(7) N.894.50() 0U7=688.12(5) 11 1 14 188=6877 60 IV 0117=684. N/F FAIRHAVEN LLC PARCEL /D /01130204 OB: 28297, P0. 174 8`8" RED I151 240 LF 4' DIP TO -,FDC CONNECTION' Dem. SC —PROPET I' fi YOW05170 WA TO TUNRE GATT FIRE UN 0240 LF) ALI 6' BU E VA AND BOXES PRIVATE H11 EA'lSNNO HYDRANT --f TO RE8147 OW) _.. REFERENCE WATER UNES SEPARATED FOR CURDY. FW UNE 10 HAVE 42' MIN COVER. W UNE TO HAVE 3b' MIN COVER RUNNING OFFSET RI SAME TRENCH. 1. STREAM AND WETLAND DETERMINATION WAS PERFORMED BY PILOT ENMRONMENTAL, INC DATED MAY 25, 2021 2. SURVEY OF PROJECT SITE PERFORMED BY CML & ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS, DATED JUNE, 2020. 3. TREE SURVEY PERFORMED BY CML & ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS, DATED JUNE. 2020. 4. STREAM AND PROPERTY LINE LOCATIONS OUTSIDE OF THE PROJECT SITE APPROXIMATED FROM GIS AND POLARIS DATA. PUBLIC UDAR OUTSIDE OF PROJECT SITE OBTAINED FROM NCONE.GOV 8 SCALE 0 0 720 -0+50 0+00 1+00 2+00 3+00 4+00 5+00 6+00 7+00 8+00 77 LF 18' STEEL CASING PIPE CENTERED BETWEEN 64446H0LES AERIAL OVER COSTING CREEIL ROUTE NEW PVC SEWER 1NR000H CASING PER DETAri. as i& 710 700 76.0 `---- iS•RCP RN-897.72-'J LE 8' PVC 0 201c 690 171.5 L➢ 6' PVC O O.BR_ _..i'�� [COSTING GRADE 680 670 --0 660 650 INV OUT (8"SE)-692.42 INV IN (8`-SSMH10)-892.52 INV IN (8"-SSMH12)-693.64 INV IN (8'-SSMH11)®700.49 I. • INV OUT (8"N')-702.00 640 n K 620 18+00 19+00 20+00 20+50 PROPOSED SEWER PROFILE - CONTINUED SCALE H:1.=60'; V:1'=15' ELEVATION (FT.) 700 690 680 Z 0 - 670 W 660 650 065567G GRADE R 700 690 710 680 670 660 ELEVATION (FT.) ELEVATION (FT.) 700 690 680 650 670 -0+50 0+00 1+00 2+00 PROPOSED SEWER TO FIELD HOUSE PROFILE SCALE H:1'=60'; V:1'=15' 0 -0+50 PR PITIWITED SEWER AWN TO BEINSTALLED WITH ADIACENT PAPAfa7Y DEVELOPMENT 7lE-AN .33tu./ 144 RCONSTRUCTED N77mH AAICEM DEVELAYEENT \ \ 11 1 DETAIL 2 SEWER DONNE( SCALE IN FEE 20 7 5 AERIAL PIPE CROSSING GENERAL NOTES! L ALL MATERIALS UTILIZED ON THESE DETAIL SHEETS SHALL CONFORM TO THE APPROPRIATE SECTIONS OF THE CHARLOTTE WATER PUBLIC UTILITIES HANDBOOK UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE HEREIN. 2, RESTRAINED JOINT PIPE AND FITTINGS SHALL CONSIST OF BOLTED RETAINER RINGS AND WELDED RETAINER BARS OR BOLTLESS TYPE WHICH INCLUDE DUCTILE IRON LOCKING SEGMENTS AND RUBBER RETAINERS. BOLTS FOR RESTRAINED JOINTS (IF APPLICABLE) SHALL CONFORM TO ANSI B182. RESTRAINED PIPE AND FITTINGS SHALL BE FLEX -RING OR LOK-RING TYPE JOINTS AS MANUFACTURED BY AMERICAN CAST IRON PIPE CO.I TR FLEX AS 3, MANUFACTURED BY US PIPE, SUPER -LOCK AS MANUFACTURED BY CLOW, BOLT-LOK OR SNAP-LOK AS MANUFACTURED BY GRIFFIN PIPE PRODUCTS, OR EQUAL, CONCRETE PROPERTIES SHALL BE AS FOLLOWS1 CONCRETE COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH = 4000 PSI NOMINAL SLUMP = 4 INCHES WATER/CEMENTITOUS MATERIALS RATIO = 0.45 (MAX> AIR CONTENT = 6% ■ 1.5% CONCRETE SHALL BE COMPOSED OF CEMENT, WATER, COARSE AGGREGATES, FINE AGGREGATES AND AIR. CEMENT SHALL BE TYPE I/II OR II IN 4, ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM C-150. MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS FOR ALL FINE AND COARSE AGGREGATES SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM C-33, COARSE AGGREGATE 5, SHALL BE SIZE No. 57 OR 67. AN APPROVED CLASS 'F' FLYASH MAY BE SUBSTITUTED FOR AN EQUAL AMOUNT OF CEMENT BY WEIGHT UP TO 25%. ALL EXPOSED CONCRETE CORNERS SHALL BE CHAMFERED 3/4'. 6, CONVENTIONAL REINFORCING STEEL SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM A6t5 GRADE 60 AND SHALL BE PLACED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 'RECOMMENDED PRACTICE FOR PLACING REINFORCING BARS' (LATEST EDITION) AS PUBLISHED BY THE 7, CONCRETE REINFORCING INSTITUTE. SPLICES SHALL BE CLASS 'B' CONFORMING TO THE PROVISIONS OF ACI 318 - 'BUILDING CODE REQUIREMENTS FOR REINFORCED CONCRETE'. NEOPRENE BEARING PADS SHALL BE FORMED FROM PREVIOUSLY UNVULCANIZED, 100% VIRGIN NEOPRENE, WITH DUROMETER HARDNESS = 50. PILES SHALL BE STRUCTURAL STEEL HP12x53 PILES AND SHALL CONFORM TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF ASTM A36. PILES SHALL BE DRIVEN TO DEPTHS REQUIRED TO OBTAIN AN ULTIMATE BEARING CAPACITY OF NOT LESS THAN TWO TIMES THE DESIGN LOADING OF 30 TONS. PILES SHALL PENETRATE A MINIMUM OF FIFTEEN FEET INTO UNDISTURBED SOIL. IN DRIVING PILES, A METHOD APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER SHALL BE USED WHEREBY THE HEAD OF THE PILE IS NOT DAMAGED. IF REQUESTED BY THE ENGINEER, PILES SHALL BE TESTED TO DETERMINE THE ULTIMATE CAPACITY OF THE PILES. THE METHOD OF LOAD TESTING SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM D1143 AND THE NORTH CAROLINA STATE BUILDING CODE, WHERE PILES ARE EXPOSED, PILES SHALL BE PAINTED AND/OR COATED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CITY SPECIFICATIONS, AERIAL PIPE CROSSING GENERAL NOTES REVISIONS IN1E KV8 I 2/N/2n REVISIONS DATE (n 0 0 m w a z a CD z a¢ o w v=i3Jp yi; I'-o wwow6 U o,7J0 w UQoO.' aZ2 J�qj K .&w ,..-.A (7,1NW Wes/ -RATE ai- 3 E Ef W f N Q a Qzar2 <m,R ww¢(1. zwZ0 aozq a�z z o,~iP w�N�-¢ OWE0 0- m a W a N.moa <mna.a w�zwz Kp,m m ¢HWF' d O=U F N .. U O z = A A N (L-z=¢N do'za¢ KfQOL. QR Q Y :12 DUWAK3¢< 0WNNF AERIAL PIPE CROSSING TYPICAL PLAN RATE REVISED 3/11/2022 1/4'x3' STAINLESS STEEL STRAP WITH 1/4'x2 I/O' NEOPRENE PAD ADHERED TO STRAP (SEE N®TE 5) 1/4'x6' NEOPRENE AQERED TO SADDLE SEE NOTE 4 FOR BAR SIZE AND SPACING CASING PIPE DIA. 'D' (IN) 94' ffT.) THICY$SS 'A' MD PIER WIDTH 'B' (FTJ FOOTING LENGTH 'C' (FT.) FOOTING VIOIH '0' (FTJ S. 6 12 2'-4' 5'-6' 3'-0' 6 12 8 12 2'-4' 6'-3' 3'-0' 10 12 2'-4' 6'-8' 3'0' 12 12 2'-4' 7'-2' 3'-0' S. 6 12 3'-0' 8'-0' 3'-0' 1420 8 12 3'0 9 0' 0 3 ' 10 12 3'-0' 9'-10' 3'-0'. 12 14 3'-0' 10'-6' 3'-0' S 6 14 3'-8' 8'-9' 4'-V 22-28 8 14 3'-8' 10'-0' 4'-0' 10 14 3'-8' 11'-0' 4'-0' 12 14 3'-8' 11 -10' 4'-0' S 6 18 4'-4' 9'-0' 4'-0' 30 36 8 18 4'-4' 1V-6' 4'-0' 10 18 4'-4' 11'-6' 4'-0' 12 18 4'-4' 12'4' 4'-0' S 6 18 5'-4' 9'-6' 5'-0' 38 48 8 18 , 5'-4' 11'-0' 5'-0' 10 18 5'-4' 12'-0' 5'-0' 12 18 5'-4' 12'-10' 5'-0' S 6 18. 6'-4' 9'-10' 5'->' 51-56 8 18 6'-4' 11'-4' 5'-0' 10 18 6'-4' 12'-4' 5'-0' 12 18 6'-4' 13'-2' 5'-0' NOTES I FIT 3/4 0 STAINLESS STEEL NDiDR BOLTS, ASTM A307 DR A36 SEE NOTE 4 FOR BAR SIZE AND SPACING NOTES> 1. SHALLOW FOUNDATION DESIGN SHGVN IN THIS DETAIL IS BASED ON THE FOLLOWING PARAMETERS, ALLOWABLE SOIL BEARING CAPACITY = 2000 PSF CONCRETE COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH = 4000 PSI GRADE 60 REINFORCING STEEL MAXIMA14 STREAM VELOCITY = 10 FT/SEC MAXRBA4 SUPPORT (EIGHT (H) = 12'-0' IF FIELD CONDITIONS REQUIRE ANY DEVIATION FROM TIESE PARAMETERS, THE FOUNDATION DESIGN SHALL BE REVIEWED BY THE ENGINEER. 2. IF SUBGRADE AT LOCATION OF SUPPORTS 1S DEEMED UNABLE TO WITHSTAND 2000 PSF BEARING PRESSURE, A PILE SUPPORTED FOUNDATION SHALL BE UTILIZED AS PER DRAWING S-15. 3. IF BEDROCK IS ENCOUNTERED WHICH WILL PREVENT 3-FEET MINIMUM COVER OVER FOOTING, DOWELS SHALL BE DRILLED INTO BEDROCK PRIOR TO PLACING FOUNDATION SEE DRAWING S-17. 4. TWELVE -INCH AND FOURTEEN -INCH THICK PIERS AND FOOTINGS SHALL BE REINFORCED WEN 05 BARS AT 12 INCHES QC IN EACH DIRECTION ON EACH FACE. EIGHTEEN -INCH VIDE PIERS AND FOOTINGS SHALL BE REINFORCED WITH (7 BARS AT 12 INCHES DC IN EACH DIRECTION ON EACH FACE. 5. EIGHTEEN -INCH THICK PIERS SHALL REQUIRE TWO STRAPS OVER THE PIPE INSTEAD OF ONE (AS SHOWN). 6, VNEN CONCRETE SUPPORTS ARE REQUIRED TO BE LOCATED WITHIN A STREAM AND ARE NOT COVERED WITH BACKFILL, SEE DRAWING S-19 FOR MODIFICATIONS TO UPSTREAM FACE OF SUPPORT. AERIAL PIPE CROSSING CONCRETE PIER DETAIL ins #3 STIRRUP #3 STIRRUP BELOW PIPE (BEYOND) HP12x53 STEEL PIL *2-1/4'x3' STRAPS WITH 1/4'x2 1/2' NEOPRENE PAD ADHERED TO STRA 1/4'x6' NEOPRENE PAD ADHERED TO SADDLE ■■ ANCHOR AST OR A36 HP 12x53 STEEL PIL FOR PILE SEE DWG WIDTH OF PILE CAP CASING PIPE TOTAL PILE DIAMETER WIDTH SPACING (IN.) 'A' (FT,) 'B' (FT.) < 36 6'-0' 3'-0' 38-42 6'-6' 3'-6' 45-51 7'-3' 4'-3' 54-60 8'-0' 5'-0' 3/4' BOLTS M A307 . w t2D3 j 1 SPLICE, 5-19 .............. SNUG FIT #3 STIRRUPS 86', TYP 4-#4, TYP 4-#4 4 7 #3 CIRCULAR HOOPS, TYP NOTES> 1, PILE SUPPORTED FOUNDATION DESIGN SHOWN ON THIS DETAIL IS BASED UPON THE FOLLOWING PARAMETERS. MINIMUM CAPACITY OF HP12x53 PILE = 30 TONS CONCRETE COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH = 4000 PSI GRADE 60 REINFORCING STEEL MAXIMUM STREAM VELOCITY = 10 FT/SEC IF FIELD CONDITIONS REQUIRE ANY DEVIATION 2, FROM THESE PARAMETERS, FOUNDATION DESIGN SHALL BE REVIEWED BY THE PROJECT ENGINEER, LENGTH OF PILES SHALL BE AS REQUIRED TO DEVELOP 30 TON CAPACITY BY EITHER END BEARING, FRICTION OR A COMBINATION OF END BEARING AND FRICTION, AS A MINIMUM, PILES SHALL BE DRIVEN AT LEAST 15 FEET INTO UNDISTURBED SOIL. ■*3. ANCHOR BOLTS AND STRAPS SHALL BE STAINLESS STEEL, AERIAL PIPE CROSSING PILE CAP DETAIL NOT LP 3 4 F 2, 0 D 3, T E 2 11 4.P A E MEIN S-14 REVISERS DATE DEVISES DATE KVE 000 20 S-15 (900)PR KV9 DATE REVUES 001E ILIV202 NORMAL FOOTING THICKNESS, SEE NOTE 1 CONCRETE FOR LEVELING NAY BE PLACED VITH FOOTING 6' 12' #7 BARS RIY' ARITJNO PERIMETER OF FOOTI NON-SHINK GROUT #7 BARS AROUND PERIMETER OF FOOTING, TY SEE NOTE 1 NOTES! 1. GEOMETRY OF FOOTING SHALL MATCH GEOMETRY OF CONCRETE PIERS WITH HEIGHT OF 6 FEET OR LESS AS PER DRAWING S-14. 2. NON -SHRINK GROUT SHALL BE 'EUCO-N-S' BY THE EUCLID CHEMICAL COMPANY) 'MASTERFLOW 713' BY MASTER BULDERS, OR EQUAL. DVa xD S-17 3' CLEAR TOP OF COMPETENT ROCK AERIAL PIPE CROSSING CONCRETE PIER ON BEDROCK REVISIONS DATE REVISIONS DATE NON -SHRINK GROUT BULKHEAD AT EACH END OF CASING PIP STYROFOAM PLUG TO ASSIST GROUT PLACEMENT, ALL AROUND STEEL CASING PIPE DIP CARRIER PI FINISHED GRADE 8' PEN: I H"--TURN D WITH I. N PROVIDE 2' 0 GALV STEEL DRA N IN BULKHEAD AT LOW END OF CASING PIPE AND 1/3 CU YD OF CRUSHED STONE %/`��j���j�����j�� AT DRAIN, WRAP STONE WITH FILTER FABRIC TYPICAL CASING PIPE CARRIER PIPE 3/8' STEEL PLATE, TY 3/8'x4' STEEL PLATE, TY 5/8' 0 A325 BOLT CASING PIPE 3/16 r 4 1' R ON ALL CORNERS PIPE ALIGNMENT GUIDE NOTE, NON -SHRINK GROUT SH 'EUCO-N-S' BY THE El CHEMICAL COMPANY) '1, 713' BY MASTER BUILI OR EQUAL. 2' 0 GALV TWO PER CA AT EACH EN. CASING PIPE PROVIDE PLi BOND-BREAKI CARRIER PIP ALL AROUND PLUG NOTE, USE A MINIMUM OF 2 SF JOINT PLACED ONE FOUI THE PIPE JOINT LENGTE BOTH THE BELL AND SP AERIAL PIPE CROS: CASING PIPE DETP DV4 ND S-18 REVISIONS CARRIER PIPE 3/8' STEEL PLATE, TYP 3/8'x4' STEEL PLATE, TYP 5/8'4 A325 BOLT CASING PIPE 3/16 1' RAD ON ALL CORNERS NOTE. 1) USE A MINIMUM OF TWO SPIDERS PER PIPE JOINT ONE FOURTH OF THE PIPE JOINT LENGTH IN FROM BOTH THE BELL AND SPIGOT ENDS. PIPE ALIGNMENT GUIDE DATE K.V,B. 113/11/2C REVIED 22 DWG. NO, REVISIONS S-39 K.V.B. DATE. REVISIONS C/11/2022 DATE