HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0021873_Speculative Limits_19911126NPDES DOCUHENT !;CANNIN`: COVER SHEET NPDES Permit: NC0021873 Mayodan WWTP Document Type: Permit Issuance Wasteload Allocation Authorization to Construct (AtC) Permit Modification Complete File - Historical Engineering Alternatives (EAA) Correspondence Owner Name Change Instream Assessment (67b) / Speculative Limit's') Environmental Assessment (EA) Document Date: November 26, 1991 This document is printed on reuse paper - ignore a,ny content on the reirerse side Facility Name: NPDES No.: Type of Waste: Facility Status: Permit Status: Receiving Stream: Stream Classification: Subbasin: County: Regional Office: Requestor: Date of Request: Topo Quad: FACT SHEET FOR WASTELOAD ALLOCATION Town of frlayodan WW1 , NC0021 �3 Domestic/Industrial Existing Speculative Mayo River C 03-02-02 Rockingham Winston-Salem Regional Office B19NW Request # Spec Stream Characteristic: USGS # Date: Drainage Area (mi2): Summer 7Q10 (cfs): Winter 7Q10 (cfs): Average Flow (cfs): 30Q2 (cfs): IWC (%): 6SSZ s RECEIVED N.C. Dept. NRCD NOV 1 1991 Winston-Salem Regional Office 207059800 1991 312 75 131 362 150 5.8 Wasteload Allocation Summary (approach taken, correspondence with region, EPA, etc.) This is a speculative WLA for the Town of Mayodan WWTP proposed expansion from 1.25 MGD to 3.00 MGD. A level B constructed for the Town of Stoneville WWTP was used for this analysis. The model was constructed to predict the results of an SOC (flow and TSS) for the Town of Stoneville WWTP. It includes the towns of Stoneville and Mayodan on the Mayo River and Madison on the Dan River. Updated for the increase in flow from Mayodan and new flow rates for the Mayodan area, the model predicts no interaction between the Stoneville and Mayodan plants. The minimum DO concentration predicted from the increase in flow from the Mayodan plant is 7.68 mg/1 at the discharge point (45 mg/1 CBOD) or 7.50 mg/1 at mouth of the Mayo River (60 mg/1 CBOD). It should be noted that the model predicts a second DO sag downstream of the Madison plant and the Mayo river. This minimum is 7.33 mg/1 at mile 5.6 after the Mayo river at 45 mg/1 CBOD and 7.30 mg/1 at mile 6.00 after the Mayo river at 60 mg/1 CBOD. Special Schedule Requirements and additional comments from Reviewers: Recommended by: Nikcia s 1J� Date: /o . 2.q. 9, Reviewed by Instream Assessment: Date: i Ul c;4 /�i / Regional Supervisor: . ....Date: Permits & Engineering: Date: (fi 31 it Av 12 6,111A RETURN TO TECHNICAL SERVICES BY: 2 Existing Limits: Wasteflow (MGD): BOD5 (mg/1): NH3N (mg/1): DO (mg/1): TSS (mg/1): Fecal Col. (/100 ml): pH (SU): Residual Chlorine (µg/1): TP (mg/1): TN (mg/1): Zinc Priority Pollutants Recommended Limits: Wasteflow (MGD): BOD5 (mg/1): NH3N (mg/1): DO (mg/1): TSS (mg/1): Fecal Col. (/100 ml): pH (SU): Residual Chlorine (14/1): Oil & Grease (mg/1): TP (mg/1): TN (mg/1): Type of Toxicity Test: Monitoring Schedule: Recommended Limits Cadmium (µg/1): Chromium (µg/1): Copper (µg/1): Nickel (µg/1): Lead (µg/1): Zinc (µg/1): Cyanide (14/1): Mercury (µg/1): Silver (µg/1): CONVENTIONAL PARAMETERS Monthly Average Summer Winter 1.25 30 monitor 30 1000 6.0-9.0 monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor Monthly Average Summer Winter WQ or EL 3.00 3.00 30 30 EL 14 monitor WQ 30 30 EL 200 200 WQ 6.0-9.0 6.0-9.0 EL 28 28 WQ TOXICS/METALS Chronic Toxicity (Ceriodaphnia) P/F at,5!g% Quarterly; Oct, Dec, Mar, Jun Daily Max. WQ or EL monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor menitor o. Z \+c) Q monitor Ckir) �ZL 3 X Parameter(s) are water quality limited. For some parameters, the available load capacity of the immediate receiving water will be consumed. This may affect future water quality based effluent limitations for additional dischargers within this portion of the watershed. OR No parameters are water quality limited, but this discharge may affect future allocations. INSTREAM MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Upstream Location: Downstream Location: m Parameters: Special instream monitoring 135 Brid • _ - oint outh o miles downstream of discharge point , emperature, pH, Feca ' • ■� n 0 v e U! {'eGl locations or monitoring frequencies: w D 110 s� • Pi. c o- d� P t 0, MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION & SPECIAL CONDITIONS Special Instructions or Conditions Wasteload sent to EPA? (Major) (Y or N) (If yes, then attach schematic, toxics spreadsheet' copy of model, or, if not modeled, then old assumptions that were made, and description of how it fits into basinwide plan) Additional Information attached? (Y or N) If yes, explain with attachments. P E alike -AA L . -tetx„ e,s��� C\ . +A) Thoi-kk nn_ K wJ O O r lj D Fs'"' 9 �Ci •mil Facility Name AtrIClak W 1k\f N(.Permit # dtb7ff 7 Pipe # do / CHRONIC TOXICITY PASS/FAIL PERMIT LIMIT (QRTRLY) The effluent discharge shall at no time exhibit chronic toxicity using test procedures outlined in: 1.) The North Carolina Ceriodaphnia chronic effluent bioassay procedure (North Carolina Chronic Bioassay Procedure - Revised *September 1989) or subsequent versions. The effluent concentration at which there may be no observable inhibition of reproduction or significant mortality is % (defined as treatment two in the North Carolina procedure document). The permit holder shall perform quarterly monitoring using this procedure to establish compliance with the permit condition. The first test will be performed after thirty days from the effective date of this permit during the months of �1ec £L&i .-u.Yl . Effluent sampling for this testing shall be performed at the NPDES pern?itted final effluent discharge below all treatment processes. All toxicity testing results required as part of this permit condition will be entered on the Effluent Discharge Monitoring Form (MR-1) for the month in which it was performed, using the parameter code TGP3B. Additionally, DEM Form AT-1 (original) is to be sent to the following address: Attention: Environmental Sciences Branch North Carolina Division of Environmental Management 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, N.C. 27607 Test data shall be complete and accurate and include all supporting chemical/physical measurements performed in association with the toxicity tests, as well as all dose/response data. Total residual chlorine of the effluent toxicity sample must be measured and reported if chlorine is employed for disinfection of the waste stream. Should any single quarterly monitoring indicate a failure to meet specified limits, then monthly monitoring will begin immediately until such time that a single test is passed. Upon passing, this monthly test requirement will revert to quarterly in the months specified above. Should any test data from this monitoring requirement or tests performed by the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management indicate potential impacts to the receiving stream, this permit may be re -opened and modified to include alternate monitoring requirements or limits. NOTE: Failure to achieve test conditions as specified in the cited document, such as minimum control organism survival and appropriate environmental controls, shall constitute an invalid test and will require immediate retesting(within 30 days of initial monitoring event). Failure to submit suitable test results will constitute noncompliance with monitoring requirements. 7Q10 %b cfs Permitted Flow 3, a a MGD Recommended by: Basin &Sub -basin o - ate. — aY'.kkp,o f irj .A.veA Date /o •2>, , 91 Receiving tream County KocVvAr.\\ 1 QCL PIF Version 9/91 /4e-cLal � w O. CD 2 1�lla� 3 ycl.a. rS 0+9th ~ - 1%ba s Ob yam Mari) Bra: 1)3 a�.�O Ahe MC 44_436'0 ce- � lei A.\ t, W vs`r 13," 0.2S 1-Lc, cdeD4-Th 3f 1.64:1-sf. Dan River Ambient Stations: Station 1--Ambient station # 02068500 (Headwaters) Station 2--Ambient station # 02071000 (Downstream from Mayo River) Station 3--Ambient station # 02074518 (At Eden, NC) Dissolved Oxygen Concentration (mg/1) Date Stn. 1 Stn. 2 Stn. 3 88/01/26 12.60 11.80 12.00 88/02/16 12.00 11.80 11.40 88/03/17 12.00 11.40 9.80 88/04/13 10.20 9.80 9.00 88/05/09 9.00 8.40 7.70 88/06/13 8.80 8.10 6.10 88/07/12 7.40 6.60 6.80 88/08/09 7.70 6.80 6.50 88/09/06 8.80 8.00 7.60 88/10/05 10.00 8.80 9.40 88/11/14 11.60 11.00 10.20 88/12/06 13.20 12.40 13.60 89/01/12 12.20 12.20 12.80 89/02/09 12.60 12.00 11.60 89/03/21 11.20 10.80 10.00 89/04/18 10.20 9.60 9.40 89/05/15 9.60 8.80 9.00 89/06/13 8.60 8.40 8.60 89/07/17 8.40 8.00 8.40 89/08/08 9.10 7.80 7.80 89/09/19 8.60 8.20 8.60 89/10/11 10.20 9.60 8.40 89/11/13 10.80 10.60 10.00 89/12/27 13.00 12.80 12.80 90/01/17 10.60 10.60 11.00 90/02/13 11.20 10.60 10.40 90/03/14 9.60 8.80 9.60 90/04/11 9.60 9.20 9.20 90/05/14 9.60 8.80 8.80 90/06/13 9.40 8.60 7.80 90/07/17 8.60 8.40 7.60 90/08/15 8.00 7.60 7.40 90/09/24 10.20 8.20 90/10/15 10.00 10.00 9.80 90/11/13 11.00 10.40 10.60 90/12/06 12.20 11.00 11.20 91/01/14 11.40 11.00 11.20 91/04/16 9.20 8.80 8.80 Total Phosphorus (mg/1) Date Stn. 1 81/04/09 0.050K 81/07/08 0.14 81/10/08 0.050K 82/01/21 0.050K 82/04/27 0.07 82/07/21 0.05 82/10/04 0.050K 83/01/25 0.06 83/04/19 0.04 83/07/11 0.06 83/10/17 0.03 84/01/17 0.02 84/04/17 0.04 84/07/02 0.10 84/10/04 0.03 85/01/22 0.02 85/04/22 0.03 85/07/11 0.43 85/10/10 0.04 86/01/07 0.01 86/04/02 0.01 86/07/23 0.06 86/10/09 0.02 Stn. 2 0.05 0.11 0.12 0.05 0.10 0.19 0.050K 0.08 0.05 0.07 0.07 0.04 0.09 0.09 0.06 0.02 0.05 0.06 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.04 0.07 Stn. 3 0.16 0.29 0.58 0.12 0.13 0.22 0.41 0.11 0.09 0.19 0.25 0.07 0.09 0.19 0.14 0.08 0.28 0.38 0.25 0.10 0.20 0.12 0.16 NPDES PRETREATMENT INFORMATION RFX?UEST FORM FACTT .TTY NAME: { ow INe!,\11) o�n ,./t NPDES NO. NCOO L % 3 "" REQUESTER:X5-1/A, je DATE: cl / [ / 91 REGION: Oi1A N- k PERMIT CONDITIONS COVERING PRETREATMENT This facility has no SIUs and should not have pretreatment language. This facility should and/or is developing a pretreatment program. Please include the following conditions: Program Development Phase I due / / Phase II due / / Additional Conditions (attached) v This facility is currently implementing a pretreaLrent program. Please include the following conditions: Program Implementation Additional Conditions (attached) SIGNIFICANT INDUSTRIAL USERS' (SIUs) CONTRIBUTIONS SIU FLOW - TOTAL: - COMPOSITION: TEXTILE: METAL FINISHING: OTHER: LJe K ' MGD MGD MGD MigD MGD MGD MGD HEADWORKS REVIEW PARAMETER Cd Cr Cu Ni Zn CN Phenol Other PASS 'THROUGH DAILY LOAD IN LBS/DAY ACTUAL 'ALLOWABLE DOMESTIC PERMITTED INDUSTRIAL ?,, 55 7 Q 0 3.553 3,ss3 r.C6r.3 At G'. o (( 54 50,141 - 6,40 e0 91,5,2 o,C36 CW3 0, o ► REMOVAL qic RECEIVED: / / REVIEWED BY: I„ i►. kik a c4- U11upg RETURNED: / ( /q1 The SAS System 1 15:41 Friday, October 4, 1991 D B 5 A N P D E S I U N U M T F P Y R I P E P E Q E M C D L 1 NC0021873 0101 1 0 2 .0083191 2 NC0021873 0102 1 0 9 .0034013 3 NC0021873 0103 1 0 3 .0029023 D B S M C N L M H G L M A G L M C R L .0069430 .0058506 .0032526 M P H E M N M A O F S L L L L L 1 .0041908 .00016263 .0031900 . 2 .0047473 .00015838 .0067952 . 3 .0021017 .00017014 .0075227 . M B 0 D L M C U L M N I L M P B L M Z N L 0.11434 0.011134 0.017889 0.09589 0.09845 0.016019 0.021297 0.25500 0.01007 0.004170 0.013928 0.02991 N! C 0 D L M T S S L M T 0 L U M F L 0 W . 20.5414 45.4113 8.8446 . 0.031500 . 31.0729 . 22.6249 . 0.064278 . 66.7617 . 87.5533 . 0.046000 The SAS System 2 15:41 Friday, October 4, 1991 NPDES=N00021873 Variable Sum PIPE TYPE_ _FREQ MCDL MCRL MCUL MNIL MPBL MZNL MCNL MHGL MAGL MASL MPHENOLL MFLL MBODL MCODL MTSSL MTOLUL MFLOW 3.0000000 0 14.0000000 0.0146227 0.0160463 0.2228631 0.0313230 0.0531142 0.3807936 0.0110399 0.000491143 0.0175080 118.3760626 45.4113000 119.0227879 0.1417778 10/07/91 ver 3.1 TOXIC S REVIEW Facility: Town of Mayodan NPDES Permit No.: NC0021873 Status (E, P, or M): E Permitted Flow: 3.0 mgd Actual Average Flow: 0.8 mgd Subbasin: 030202 Receiving Stream: Mayo River I PRETREATME NT DATA I----EFLLUENT DATA ---- Stream Classification: C 1 ACTUAL PERMITTEDI 7010: 75.0 cfs I Ind. + Ind. + 1 FREQUENCY IWC: 5.84 % 1 Domestic PERMITTED Domestic 1 OBSERVED of Chronic Stn'd / Bkg 1 Removal Domestic Act.Ind. Total Industrial Total 1 Eflluent Criteria Pollutant AL Conc. 1 Eff. Load Load Load Load Load 1 Conc. Violations (ug/1) (ug/1) 1 % (#/d) (#/d) (#/d) (t/d) (#/d) 1 (ug/1) (#vio/#sam) Cadmium S 2.0 Chromium S 50.0 Copper AL 7.0 Nickel S 88.0 Lead S 25.0 Zinc AL 50.0 Cyanide S 5.0 Mercury S 0.012 Silver AL 0.06 Selenium S 5.00 Arsenic S 50.00 Phenols S NA NH3-N C T.R.Chlor.AL 17.0 Pollutant Cadmium S Chromium S Copper AL Nickel S Lead S Zinc AL Cyanide S Mercury S Silver AL Selenium S Arsenic S Phenols S NH3-N C T.R.Chlor.AL 92% 0.00 0.0150 0.015 76% 0.05 0.0160 0.066 82% 0.06 0.2230 0.283 32% 0.02 0.0310 0.051 81% 0.05 0.0530 0.103 77% 0.16 0.3810 0.561 59% 0.04 0.0110 0.051 86% 0.0 0.0 0.001 94% 0.01 0.0180 0.028 0% 0.0 0% 0.0 0% 0.0 0% 0.0 0% 0.0 ALLOWABLE PRDCT'D PRDCT'D PRDCT'D Effluent Effluent Effluent Instream Conc. using using Conc. Allowable CHRONIC ACTUAL PERMIT using Load Criteria Influent Influent OBSERVED (#/d) (ug/1) (ug/1) (ug/1) (ug/1) 10.27 34.258 0.18 42.7045 0.000 85.62 856.452 2.38 129.9164 0.000 15.98 119.903 7.65 97.7077 0.000 Monitor Monitor 53.18 1507.355 5.21 365.0316 0.000 Limit 54.08 428.226 2.94 12.5887 0.000 Monitor 89.34 856.452 19.39 128.9954 0.025 Monitor Monitor 5.01 85.645 3.14 26.5491 0.000 Monitor Limit 0.04 0.206 0.02 3.7503 0.000 Monitor Limit 0.41 1.028 0.25 1.3702 0.000 Monitor Monitor 2.05 85.645 0.00 0.0000 0.000 20.55 856.452 0.00 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.000 291.194 0.000 3.5530 3.5530 3.5530 3.5530 0.3910 3.5530 0.3910 0.2 2 0.1420 3.553 3.603 3.613 3.573 0.441 3.733 0.431 0.178 0.152 0.4 MONITOR/LIMIT I--ADTN'L RECMMDTN'S-- 1 Recomm'd Based on Based on Based on 1 FREQUENCY INSTREAM ACTUAL PERMITTED OBSERVED 1 Eff. Mon. Monitor. Influent Influent Effluent 1 based on Recomm'd ? Loading Loading Data 1 OBSERVED (YES/NO) (44J A\\ Kerni v Ci -f v mA)L Monthly NO A N A L Y S I S R E S U L T S II IlFacility: IITown of Mayodan IIReceiving Stream: 'Mayo River II II 1 I Summer IINitrogen as NH3 II II II II II Ammonia/Chlorine Worksheet 7Q10 (cfs): Design Flow (MGD): Design Flow (cfs): Stream STD (mg/1): IlBackground level (mg/1): II IWC (%): IlAllowable concentration of NH3-N (mg/1): II IIWinter IINitrogen as NH3 II II 7Q10 (cfs): 131.000 II Design Flow (MGD): 3.000 II Design Flow (cfs): 4.650 II Stream STD (mg/1): 1.800 IlBackground level (mg/1): 0.220 II IWC (%): 3.428 IlAllowable concentration II of NH3-N (mg/1): 46.31'2 II Permit Number: Modeler: Date: NC0021873 n jb 16-Oct-91 'Residual Chlorine 75.000 I 7010 (cfs): 3.000 1 Design Flow (MGD): 4.650 1 Design Flow (cfs): 1.000 1 Stream STD (ug/1): 0.220 (Background level (ug/1): 5.838 1 IWC (%): (Allowable concentration 13.58101 of Chlorine (ug/1): (Allowable concentration I of Chlorine (mg/1): II II II II II II II II II II 75.000 II 3.000 II 4.650 II 17.000 II 0.000 II 5.838 II II 291.194 'I II 0.291 II II II II II II II II II II II II k17 ,3� C /So a..,_ w i A Lk4,b ‘,k,CGs s-9ti•,,e /q,' gyp_• -�,Z / 7S / W\31 301:,2 \So ram, - -� r.4 u, =S - 2-07 c oFsrc 14 = S 3/.N; z 9At36 - �s .S 7p$0 — 76 N is — /3 Gc eg.Y = 12I2- ers /p /v I r-c7 46 G: / / q, pprr, ^ow SZvOk- GIN : -14B ct(7 % :'' 5�, L(�C 5 i _co off, '2_ 020106ogoo bA : 3 ‘ S S�m\o '71. 3 v't\31 ' b f. 00,. ' Z. J N(.S2 2\'Z1 cM 1o(\Iq o 02 0`l d o J. e M Ws\>.41,....) w a \1�{ CI A oa cI .TNY Own F.. .k.)A 3�r CRA ; 3s1 S -ii.st. o : ye. , i✓....�. c.�.7 alU k�OM _ S -.N 0 1\ t veri .3•A [7'u't. u`-• f nay....►`{ S� Nan Wps.vN VW • 1.1 v c44-7 1-8.6c-• yew ; \. Z S %•l 6 t 01-01oS goo `RA DA 3 12 S'141U0:16,6 02_0-A \00A �.4 : ,oS3 a +ti+t P3 - c� OS :1Qt 10 R.ve,�` /S6— = 3./ /‘4S -Lc,/ os 951- .5 'th - `o ` 7,7 3cra,z Ns-0 207 ofootroo ccr�d °wise 7p/0 044, 9 .D/f /a 673 .ct Q.css c-M c-k(zA& akivA 7Cra van S Z sn of tR 6SD i . aN:14? S1,3L‘O',�1� . ion (24' •Q fc,O� Q Ct_A; 4.0 .-\.,,,;),(A0 ' • 020'1oro p• 4 , bE S"7Q\0', W1 C4\O \\ y QA 1%1 UA 26 Owl TZH ccA;3s- 5-ikst.o: s.4 • DAMS S r ' a..� i�u � oM S'., 15 -r w JJ' !crA 11—rvi.,-tiakz- -S.-IL 6 V1 C-\3J A sttQ �w : \. ? S IA 0 L oZo1 o -cI oo u0 s2 2�11 at ,� 3 51 4z‘0: 16.6 (1S1° .• 0.22_0T10.07Z eit% , \R-L, W�?ul�o rrt /' U k)cU "/� 'C�� �J C.c_x_irre_m (� c�v, �a1r Cr cam_ �UC.r VA&.5 s S' . v A. 42_, kttli o low u...d_ )14 .S- Cr-,-- .. 116—to---..—L /7 2 e ft,' 7..-f)t) a„.--44 44t /4 i ,e/CH 61.4„,' k &Y. cr:71ciNt\-0v-tit(1 t aJ 1— I S L '�.)--j I�G�`C. j s ` . G7..C.' l 6 01-r-, % i -re-ciwut_, , %:_d ,6 , :/e-W6,„ 4( J P Un �(P S K /5L. 7)2.71 7 u�oSl� �t U. � 4✓ DATE 9iii/ USGS FLow[bZv'N\ Data Request Requested by: r.Sc REQUEST No.. P"-- SITE No. 1 County g,eAirki harm River Basin R00,--nDke-- NRCD Sub Basin t.-W 2- Map Noor Name . 13J9 N o !&'ri `� Station No. z • �7O�` ?$ Secondary or Primary Road No. Stream Name �a�a Data Requested: Drainage Area 2._ Average Flower 30 Q 2 .2_ Winter 7 Q10 Summer 7 Q 10_4_ R Alo fc SITE No. 2 County NRCD Sub Eosin Joao 2 0 Station No. -9- e7° ' • olsed • Stream Name Qv-CP NI — River 8asinLio-viftke- Map No. or Name (3i NW 41exTLIA Secondary or Rimary Road No. Q. E Data Requested: Drainage Area Average Flow...L 30 Q 2 • Winter 791Re 10 _7kl_ Summer 70 10 X) t. .Act.11.7\„ • N SITE No. 3 County River Basin a a • NRCD Sub Basin Map No. or Name -0 L Station No. Secondary or Primary Road N Stream Name Note. when making a Data Requested: Drainage Area Winter 7 Q 10 Summer 7 Q 10 Average Flow 30 Q 2 725 /2 eview C�- 6�0 • • )' 3pped, edited, and published by the Geological Survey ntrol by USGS and USC&GS pography by photogrammetric methods from aerial photographs (en 1971. Field checked 1971 ..ir•. t ( J. 594 591 1710000 FEET 592 Sub t.tion pod land Cd 593 5 7' 30" 594 a 7 680 I): — 1000 0 1000 t �. REQUEST NO: 9202 SITE NO: 2 DATE: 9/25/91 SOURCE: NRCD ACTION: EXISTING STREAMFLOW CONDITION: STATION NUMBER: 0207060800 TYPE STATION: 02 STATION NAME: MAYO R AT MTH NR MADISON, NC LOCATION: AT SR 2177 AND 0.5 MI E OF MADISON, NC LATITUDE: 362332 LONGITUDE: 795711 QUADRANGLE NUMBER: B19NW COUNTY CODE: 157 STATE CODE: 37 DISTRICT CODE: 37 HYDROLOGIC UNIT CODE: 03010103 NRCD BASIN CODE: 030202 DRAINAGE AREA: 315. AVERAGE FLOW: 362. RANGE: cfs to cfs Percent [B] 7Q10 MIN FLOW: 76. RANGE: cfs to cfs Percent [ ] (SUMMER) 30Q2 MIN FLOW: 151. RANGE: cfs to cfs Percent [ ] 7Q10 MIN FLOW: 132. RANGE: cfs to cfs Percent [ ] (WINTER) 7Q2 MIN FLOW: 132. RANGE: cfs to cfs Percent [ ] NOTES: [A] Estimate is based on records collected at or near the site. The range indicates approximate interval in which the actual value may lie [B] Estimate is based entirely on runoff observed at nearby streams. [C] Because of the probable degree of inaccuracy of the estimate only a range is given. [D] Approximately. Streamflow Condition Codes [R] Regulated [N] Natural ****** These data are provisional pending ay'soval by the Director,USGS ****** REMARKS: REQUESTOR—BEDWELL Data Index -- Entered by: AF i REQUEST NO: 9202 yE NO: 1 DATE: 9/25/91 SOURCE: NRCD ACTION: EXISTING STREAMFLOW CONDITION: STATION NUMBER: 0207059800 TYPE STATION: 02 STATION NAME: MAYO R AT MAYODAN, NC LOCATION: AT SR 135 AND 0.5 MI SE OF MAYODAN, NC LATITUDE: 362426 LONGITUDE: 795757 QUADRANGLE NUMBER: B19NW COUNTY CODE: 157 STATE CODE: 37 DISTRICT CODE: 37 HYDROLOGIC UNIT CODE: 03010103 NRCD BASIN CODE: 030202 DRAINAGE AREA: 312. AVERAGE FLOW: 362 RANGE: cfs to 7Q10 MIN FLOW: 75. RANGE: (SUMMER) 3002 MIN FLOW: 150. RANGE: 7Q10 MIN FLOW: 131. RANGE: (WINTER) 7Q2 MIN FLOW: 131. RANGE: NOTES: cfs Percent [B] cfs to cfs P5rPent [ ] cfs to cfs to cfs Percent [ ] cfs Percent [ ] cfs to cfs PercentD_@] [A] a3pimate)w based on 'reciRr^ collected at or near the site. The range indicates approxz[<}yPintejvDl in which the actual value may lie [B] Estimate is based entirely on runoff obsyTved at nearby streams. [C] Because of the probable degree of inaccuracy of the estimate only a range is given. [D] Approximately. Streamflow Condition Codes [R] Regulated [N] Natural ****** These data are provisional pending approval by the Director,USGS ****** REMARKS: REQUESTOR--BEDWELL Data Index -- Entered by: AF /+•22•Qi NS I JIA Itt a(5‘,2„J` /Yip d3- 02 -oa+ Acid s <.c) kITP tcv rN, a. 0 o P - \ 4 �--s'3 k. 62` \"'"'0 ` 2 3�20 Set ¢•911,_4A.‘ 13Caovt1T5t) = 0, 0"2-5- £X $) 3y2.0 o • 2 s 1-1.r) �IAYaa Q/ 7—, pre. MTh 3f B. T. H A R T P. E. CONSULTING ENGINEER 1803 VANDORASPRINGS RD. GARNER NORTH CAROLINA 27529 PHONE 919.772.3511 September 5, 1991 State of. North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources. Division of ' Environmental Management 512 North Salisbury Street Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 Attention Mr. Trevor Clements Re: The Town of Mayodan, N. C. Proposed Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion Dear Mr. Clements: As I told you on the phone during our conversation a couple of days ago, the Town of 'Mayodan proposes to expand its Treatment Plant from a present capacity of 1.25 MGD to 3..00 MGD. This move has been considered by the Town for some time, and is be- coming a necessity because of the construction a year or so ago of a new industry which has, essentially, received an al- location from the Town for most of the remaining hydraulic capacity of the existing Treatment Plant. The present Treatment Plant was constructed under a Federal and State grant program, and wasplaced into service on or about November 30, 1987 The plant is currently being op- erated under NPDES Permit Number NC 0021873. The Permit was effective August 1, 1987 and expires on July 31, 1992 Copies of pertinent data from this Permit are included herein for your reference 4.4 SEP 0 :5 1991 I c FLFCf9 „ irU `PORT .BRANCH In the year 1989, Mhcfield, Inc. made a decision to construct a new facility on property near the Town of Mayodan and also. near the Wastewater Treatment Plant The Nhcfield Plant was constructed, and placed into operation sometime in August of 1990. The Town issued to Macfield, Inc. a permit to discharge up to 700,000 GPD of wastewater into the Town's system. Mac - field, Inc. was required to construct and place into operation a pre-treatment facility, consisting of an Aeration Basin and a Clarifier, along with necessary pumping equipment and : a flume for metering of wastewater discharged into the Town's system. The flow of waste from Macfield's pre-treatment facility was to be at a fairly constant rate into the 'Town's system to prevent "slugging" of the Town's Treatment Plant. The full use of Macfield's allocated 700,000 GPD was not to. be immediate, but was to allow for increased production aver a period of time. With the change -out of same of the original equipment, and the addition of some new machines, it is antici- pated that the 700,000 GPD allowance will be used up in the • PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER` Mr. Trevor Clements Page two next few months. Macfield, Inc. has requested that the. Town expand its Treatment Plant to allow the allocation of ad- ditional capacity forthem as soon as possible. This, plus the desire to have some un-allocated capacity for waste treatment to allow for normal growth and possible additional industry, is the reason for the Town's desire to expand the Treatment Plant. Present average daily flaw to the Treatment Plant is on the order of 700,000 GPD'. The make-up of the present flow is estimated to be approximately 60% industrial and 40% com- mercial and residential., The general characteristics of the wastewater are included herein in the form of a monthly report for the month of July 1991, the last such report available at the time of this writing. Previous reports are available in the files of your Central Office. From review of a few monthly reports, it appears that the. Treatment. Plant is consistently meeting Permit limits. The exact amount. of the increased capacity which will be re- quired by Macfield, Inc. is not defined at the present time. Meetings with officials of Macfield, Inc, indicate a possible total contribution of as much as 1.5 MGD for the Mayodan lo- cation. This being the case, Macfield, Inc. would utilize. 800,000 GPD of the proposed expansion of 1.75 MGD., This would leave slightly less than 1.00 MGD for normal growth and possible other industrial uses in the future. It is estimated that this would meet the needs of the Town for a period of approximately 10 years,or until about the year 2000. An expansion to a total treatment capacity of 3..00 MGD would also equal the capacity of the Town's present Water Treatment Plant. The present Treatment Plant consists of Screening, Influent Pumping, Aeration Basins, Clarifiers, Sludge Holding and Pumping, Chlorination Equipment and Chlorine Contact Tank, with effluent discharged to the Mayo River Sludge is pumped to drying beds, and is land -applied as a means of disposal. It is anticipated that the proposed addition to the plant capacity would consist of, basically, the same units in another train. Included herein for your reference is a flow diagram showing the existing and proposed units in the treatment process. Also included is a copy of a por- tion of the OUEGS map "MAYODAN, N. C ." showing the location of the Plant. The proposed expansion would be : entirely on property currently owned by the Town of Mayodan, and desig- nated for Wastewater Treatment Plant use. Existing and: proposed structures are above the 100 year flood elevation of the Mayo river at the Plant site. Mr. Trevor Clements - Page three It is anticipated that, with the construction of the addition as planned, the Treatment Plant could be operated at five different capacity levels; 0.625 MOD, 1.25 M D, 1.75 MGD, 2.375 MGD and 3.00 MOD. This flexibility of operation would allow any or all of the Treatment Plant units to be utilized as required by influent flow: The Town requests a review of these data, and a determination of the limits of discharge required for the Plant expansion and theissuance of a new or revised NPDES Permit. If you have questions or need additional information, please con- tact the engineer at 919-772-3511. Thank you for your at- tention to this matter. Sincerely, B. T..Bart, P. E. Consulting Engineer. BTH/h Enclosures cc: Mr. Jerry R. Carlton Town Manager Town of Mayodan, N. C.