HomeMy WebLinkAboutEmail RE Construction Stormwater NOI Not Accepted - 86613Tran, Kieu M
From: laserfiche@ncdenr.gov
Sent: Thursday, April 7, 2022 3:19 PM
To: bffalk@bellsouth.net
Cc: Morman, Alaina; Tran, Kieu M; bffalk@bellsouth.net
Subject: Construction Stormwater NOI Not Accepted
This email is to notify you that your application for summerhouse. timberkraft lots was not accepted for the following
Al2. The number of acres to be disturbed must match the acres approved on the Letter of Approval: 0.23.
A15a. Looking at the NC Surface Water Classifications Map, this site probably drains to King Creek Restricted Area.
A15b. The index number for King Creek Restricted Area is 18-87-4.
131. Just enter "Anthony Stember" as the permittee. Do not enter "timberkraft log homes."
D1. The plan approval date must match the date on the Letter of Approval: 3/25/2022.
D2. The project ID is also on the Letter of Approval: ONSLO-2022-055.
D5. Please upload the entire Letter of Approval. Only the first page was uploaded, but we need all the pages.
D6. Please upload the entire FRO Form. Only the first page was uploaded.
D9. All of the boxes on the NOI Certification Form must be checked. Also, if Robert Falk is going to sign the Form, his
name and title must be written on the "Authorized Individual" line.
Please submit a new NOI. To pre -populate most entries in the new NOI, select'Yes' for the first question & enter NOI
number 86613. Contact Alaina.Morman@ncdenr.gov or 919-707-9236 with questions. Thank you.
For additional support, please visit our NPDES Stormwater Construction Program website at
https://deq.nc.gov/NCG01. The NOI application no. for this project is 86613.
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