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Below responds to comments from your email dated March 2, 2022. The applicant is proceeding with geotechnical investigation on the site to better characterize groundwater conditions.
That information will be forwarded to your office to further address comment #2.
1. NWP 29 General Condition 23(a) requires that the activity be designed and constructed to avoid and minimize adverse effects, both temporary and permanent, to waters of the US to the
maximum extent practicable (available and capable of being done after taking into consideration cost, existing technology, and logistics in light of overall project purposes). For the
purposes of documenting that the project complies with this requirement, please provide any additional information as to the end-user of the proposed facility or other justification
of building sizes and attendant features at this location;
The purpose and need of the project is for development of an industrial/commercial site that provides key components for bulk warehousing, distribution with commercial space. Other
aspects of the site include central location, sufficient size for the proposed buildings, can be supported with current infrastructure, and is complimentary to the existing commercial
and industrial properties that are located in the general area. The site is also located in the vicinity of major interstate thoroughfares and access to the Piedmont Triad (GSO) International
The selected site offers the following which was important to the intended use:
1. Preferred site location in the vicinity of I-85 and I-40 along major thoroughfares. Access to Piedmont Triad International Airport.
The site is located within approximately 0.5 mile of I-40 via Gallimore Dairy Road and approximately 1.5 miles via Route 68.
2. Utilities in place and or close to the site. The site requires electrical, gas, fiber, water, and sanitary sewer.
Utilities are located within Chimney Rock Road.
3. The site is generally flat and was free of poor soils which is important to the feasibility of bulk warehousing/distribution projects.
The site is slopes in an east to west direction. The larger of the two warehouse buildings is located along the eastern boundary in a more level area of the site.
4. A site was large enough to accommodate the site program and was controlled by a single landowner.
Current industry standard is 200,000-SF for a warehouse/distribution building. The site split warehouse space between two buildings to achieve close to 180,000-SF
5. The site must provide good secondary road access to support the expected truck and employee traffic.
A traffic signal at the intersection of Gallimore Dairy Road and Chimney Rock Road controls traffic adjacent both site entrances.
6. A site that was relatively free of environmental features, streams, and floodplain, and/or features that would be to large building footprints.
7. The site is entitled/zoned to appropriately allow for the intended bulk warehousing/distribution and commercial use.
Due to the site’s unique configuration with a wetland and stream in the center of the site, in order to achieve close to the minimum industry standard of 200,000-SF warehouse space,
while avoiding further impacts to the wetland and stream onsite, the warehouse space was split between two buildings. The larger warehouse space was configured as far back from the
wetland to minimize further impacts to the resource. The depth of the building is at the minimum while still providing separation of vehicular and tractor trailer parking and movement
with separate driveways. Separation of vehicular and tractor trailer movements provides safety for both operators. Fire safety requires full access to a minimum of three sides of the
building, which has been provided. Impacts to the wetland were minimized to the maximum extent practicable with grading at a 2:1 slope. A retaining wall was considered, however costs,
maintenance and safety concerns with regard to the height of the wall and additional fencing on top of the wall were considered impracticable.
2. Based on proposed grading, wetland fill, and re-routing of drainage into stormwater ponds, the project appears to eliminate the drainage area/hydrology source for the remainder of
the on-site Wetland downstream of the proposed impact site. Unless otherwise justified, the Corps would consider the remainder of the Wetland as a reasonably foreseeable indirect impact
(see NWP General Conditions “District Engineers Decision”) resulting from a loss of hydrology. Unless otherwise justified, compensatory mitigation would be required for both direct
impacts and indirect impacts resulting in a loss of hydrology and therefore aquatic function; compensatory mitigation is typically required at a 2:1 ratio, depending largely on resource
quality (reference the NCWAM score of “High” for this wetland);
Based upon site characteristics and aerial photos, there is evidence that the wetland was an excavated farm pond, which intercepts groundwater. USGS StreamStats (attached to this email)
depicts an overall drainage area at the bottom of the stream at Gallimore Diary Road as 20 acres. Aerial photos from 1955 depict a farm pond (attached to this email). It is unlikely
that the wetland is completely sustained by surface water runoff and based upon the aerials and drainage area, it is more likely groundwater driven and will be hydrologically sustainable
with the impact shown on the plans. In addition, the applicant is undertaking geotechnical investigations at the site. Additional borings will be performed to confirm the location of
groundwater. Based upon that information, the applicant will make a decision with regard to adding footing drains that would discharge to the remaining wetland area in order to avoid
indirect impacts to sustaining hydrology to this area. The geotechnical investigation is anticipated to occur within the next month. Upon receipt of those results and modifications
to the project design, specifically with regard to the addition of footing drains, the information will be submitted to your office for review as part of this application.
3. We acknowledge the information you provided in the PCN pertaining to endangered species (Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act). However, given the general nature of potentially
suitable habitat for Schweinitz’s sunflower and small whorled pogonia, the existence of both open and forested areas within the project area, and given recent USFWS concerns regarding
these species, the Corps cannot currently reach a No Effect determination for these species within the Section 7 Action Area based on the information provided. Note that the Corps is
willing to request concurrence from the USFWS on a May Affect Not Likely to Adversely Affect determination for both species using the information you provided. However, please be aware
that, if the USFWS cannot concur with this determination based on this information, they may request a plant-by-plant survey for these species within the appropriate survey season(s).
Per NWP 29 General Condition 18, the Corps cannot verify the use of a NWP until Section 7 consultation is complete.
See USFWS letter dated March 9, 2022 (attached) which states that based upon information provided, it appears that the proposed action is not likely to adversely affect any federally-listed
endangered or threatened species, their formally designated critical habitat, or species currently proposed for list under the Act at this site.
MICHELLE SAVAGE‑MEASDAY, PWS | Environmental Senior Project Manager
T 919.861.9910 | D 919.861.9821 <tel:919.861.9821> | C 919.441.2437 <tel:919.441.2437>
5260 Greens Dairy Road | Raleigh | NC | 27616
ECS SOUTHEAST, LLP <;!!HYmSToo!NQdafzrhyAVjrvSp1GxuPDv3vkbkTfr_JbFc5WkA_vHSeGv7psJ9kOe9NkwhPANGyrIzag$>
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趰팴뎊躝ꪌ볈䩯溤䑄䦼붃⥓�䧝∓豌ꃬ촬⁋쪒㋋䂹钏侷㔪泍◴�屏䛷麴吖ꏪ�жࠛꇌ쳏俈ﹼ䰒쿶峫ᡎ쮖孛큌䪃⺌啇ငᄐ㒽껨ኻ䲺늭�됋Ⳅ턌呂䴛%탳࣪問䐐ᵑ䈓ዅ䲒엹舄䐯퇫ᠽ딹턔ꢋᑐ칑訬뵂ꀅ쥈쿽庬ⅅ렿劜햩턊躣ﵐἤᇍ屒퇜➝赒켂힊剒傣⪽镒〭⠅�冐⚱쉑쫥蛰�짻㍽쐬躄蓐䌀猢伱㦥굓刎ự뗒Ἴ♍�久㽽勣磪폓荳懘 ҃Ἠ呁쉹ה㩈サ絇턹췌萻쟦ṝ擎귆䧅鵄븶ൊ䜻ﭤ쒈ৰ렢資唻ఽ㖥佖䧝얹픖㒪啜㔵�㽟僭㖹㈠⍥沵۽䓽偔풂
珎业ꖕ軩F抹锧璯⮢橤؉ꚱ駔맾꺯깙뇁�줾얳뗑鯭�沢绛맥鯮旞⻖⻳럶潺齺球듯ꕶ垛씑箧ᤗ꧇⭼쏝ᳲ햫狅쿜촵鏳༝텅髝፺⫓ꛚ뾡⤟巒윜�ﲡ楷橊혓ᵷ䗫矙軸㿷梨伞緇ག⫧垝셏Ấ餇署뿞�嵻迯ﳮ⼛✥y촏ﷳ丟��ﻷ谟㴣叧贈Ὁ靈齓黜 ̄콲ž剀ヤ㒠脉⹐ဆৈ怃ᆄ傂홌枵ꗬ쓟標솾⡸₠ὄどᄆ젶ट䅡糦穰숔巘�⟬ႆᫎ塃歬壥郗곶ⅅ콣炅ᯪ�ᅃﱘ褤ᘍ䐙ʶ䷏䜄톉⩎噅ጷ둢譙湑㨔罹쬆㱬誋⤚㙆ሓ㎣謟ꔑ䕱挙煤冎姍롆ᷩ
쩸얨Ɐ籲ꮻ싽㜿ꞿᮼ㧭忾㿿෩�뎶秤钏俸브℄ꓯ迭ãᒰ濶ǫᵰﰐ鑩껵○華 ĕ퀂̡醭倃н䐰긯풊㣐냷1䂰烻я屰烕旰戆ۑ꼅խ켆އ椐ܡ膐漈켊皏〈࣋鵋켇ݡ伉७覐洊ਇꤐ⢮뒤몰郴ﺜ곰郴ி찐냍ೇ퓰냧蹯賺ೡ㾯⼌෭⬯倎࿗ꔬ퀎㦮괍赮⼎烾셉ဏᇽ玬ㄑምĮଐl輑ါ㛰ჸ贼㇑儒㥱ㄔʼn쒏倢㸑뇰ﴴₑۨᔟ䭱氖ᔫ槱퍰擑燰ﵚ氱蓧獱漘ᑝ襱萑퇯ﱺ绑揧ᑰ㠡倓ᤓ갱뇚뗱氛ᥩﭮ꼙᮹朮턛Ჹ薫儜
Current industry standard is 200,000-SF for a warehouse/distribution building. The site split warehouse
space between two buildings to achieve close to 180,000-SF
5. The site must provide good secondary road access to support the expected truck and employee traffic.
A traffic signal at the intersection of Gallimore Dairy Road and Chimney Rock Road controls traffic adjacent
both site entrances.
6. A site that was relatively free of environmental features, streams, and floodplain, and/or features that would
be to large building footprints.
7. The site is entitled/zoned to appropriately allow for the intended bulk warehousing/distribution and
commercial use.
Due to the site's unique configuration with a wetland and stream in the center of the site, in order to achieve close to the
minimum industry standard of 200,000-SF warehouse space, while avoiding further impacts to the wetland and stream
onsite, the warehouse space was split between two buildings. The larger warehouse space was configured as far back
from the wetland to minimize further impacts to the resource. The depth of the building is at the minimum while still
providing separation of vehicular and tractor trailer parking and movement with separate driveways. Separation of
vehicular and tractor trailer movements provides safety for both operators. Fire safety requires full access to a minimum
of three sides of the building, which has been provided. Impacts to the wetland were minimized to the maximum extent
practicable with grading at a 2:1 slope. A retaining wall was considered, however costs, maintenance and safety concerns
with regard to the height of the wall and additional fencing on top of the wall were considered impracticable.
2) Based on proposed grading, wetland fill, and re-routing of drainage into stormwater ponds, the project appears
to eliminate the drainage area/hydrology source for the remainder of the on -site Wetland downstream of the
proposed impact site. Unless otherwise justified, the Corps would consider the remainder of the Wetland as a
reasonably foreseeable indirect impact (see NWP General Conditions "District Engineers Decision") resulting
from a loss of hydrology. Unless otherwise justified, compensatory mitigation would be required for both direct
impacts and indirect impacts resulting in a loss of hydrology and therefore aquatic function; compensatory
mitigation is typically required at a 2:1 ratio, depending largely on resource quality (reference the NCWAM score
of "High" for this wetland);
Based upon site characteristics and aerial photos, there is evidence that the wetland was an excavated farm
pond, which intercepts groundwater. USGS StreamStats (attached to this email) depicts an overall drainage area
at the bottom of the stream at Gallimore Diary Road as 20 acres. Aerial photos from 1955 depict a farm pond
(attached to this email). It is unlikely that the wetland is completely sustained by surface water runoff and based
upon the aerials and drainage area, it is more likely groundwater driven and will be hydrologically sustainable
with the impact shown on the plans. In addition, the applicant is undertaking geotechnical investigations at the
site. Additional borings will be performed to confirm the location of groundwater. Based upon that information,
the applicant will make a decision with regard to adding footing drains that would discharge to the remaining
wetland area in order to avoid indirect impacts to sustaining hydrology to this area. The geotechnical
investigation is anticipated to occur within the next month. Upon receipt of those results and modifications to
the project design, specifically with regard to the addition of footing drains, the information will be submitted to
your office for review as part of this application.
3) We acknowledge the information you provided in the PCN pertaining to endangered species (Section 7 of the
Endangered Species Act). However, given the general nature of potentially suitable habitat for Schweinitz's
sunflower and small whorled pogonia, the existence of both open and forested areas within the project area,
and given recent USFWS concerns regarding these species, the Corps cannot currently reach a No Effect
determination for these species within the Section 7 Action Area based on the information provided. Note that
the Corps is willing to request concurrence from the USFWS on a May Affect Not Likely to Adversely Affect
determination for both species using the information you provided. However, please be aware that, if the
USFWS cannot concur with this determination based on this information, they may request a plant -by -plant
survey for these species within the appropriate survey season(s). Per NWP 29 General Condition 18, the Corps
cannot verify the use of a NWP until Section 7 consultation is complete.
See USFWS letter dated March 9, 2022 (attached) which states that based upon information provided, it appears
that the proposed action is not likely to adversely affect any federally -listed endangered or threatened species,
their formally designated critical habitat, or species currently proposed for list under the Act at this site.
MICHELLE SAVAGE-MEASDAY, PWS I Environmental Senior Project Manager
T 919.861.9910 I D 919.861.9821 I C 919.441.2437
5260 Greens Dairy Road I Raleigh I NC 127616
THE NEW ASTM PHASE I STANDARD IS HERE - Contact us to find out more.
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United States Department of the Interior
Raleigh ES Field Office
551-F Pylon Drive
Raleigh, North Carolina 27606
March 9, 2022
Michelle Measday
ECS Southeast LLP
5260 Green Dairy Road
Raleigh, NC 27616
Re: 415 Gallimore Dairy Road —Guilford County
Dear Mrs. Measday:
This letter is to inform you that the Service has established an on-line project planning and
consultation process which assists developers and consultants in determining whether a
federally -listed species or designated critical habitat may be affected by aproposed project. For
future projects, please visit the Raleigh Field Office'sproject planning website at If you are only searching for a list of species that may be
present in the project's Action Area, then you may use the Service's Information, Planning, and
Consultation System (IPaC) website to determine if any listed, proposed, or candidate species
may be present in the Action Area and generate a species list. The IPaC website may be viewed
at The IPaC web site contains a complete and frequently updated list
of all endangered threatened species protected by the provisions of the Endangered Species Act
of 1973, as amended (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.)(Act), a list of federal species of concern' that are
known to occur in each county in North Carolina, and other resources.
Section 7 of the Act requires that all federal agencies (or their designated non-federal
representative), in consultation with the Service, ensure that any action federally authorized,
funded, or carried out by such agencies is not likely to jeopardize the continued existence of any
federally -listed endangered or threatened species. A biological assessment or evaluation may be
prepared to fulfill that requirement and in determining whether additional consultation with the
Service is necessary. In addition to the federally -protected species list, information on the
species' life histories and habitats and information on completing a biological assessment or
'The term "federal species of concern" refers to those species which the Service believes might be in need of
concentrated conservation actions. Federal species of concern receive no legal protection and their designation
does not necessarily imply that the species will eventually be proposed for listing as a federally endangered or
threatened species. However, we recommend that all practicable measures be taken to avoid or minimize adverse
impacts to federal species of concern.
evaluation and can be found on our web page at Please check the
web site often for updated information or changes.
If your project contains suitable habitat for any of the federally -listed species known to be
present within the county where your project occurs, the proposed action has the potential to
adversely affect those species. As such, we recommend that surveys be conducted to determine
the species' presence or absence within the project area. The use of North Carolina Natural
Heritage program data should not be substituted for actual field surveys.
If you determine that the proposed action may affect (i.e., likely to adversely affect or not likely
to adversely affect) a federally -protected species, you should notify this office with your
determination, the results of your surveys, survey methodologies, and an analysis of the effects
of the action on listed species, including consideration of direct, indirect, and cumulative effects,
before conducting any activities that might affect the species. If you determine that the proposed
action will have no effect (i.e., no beneficial or adverse, direct or indirect effect) on federally
listed species, then you are not required to contact our office for concurrence (unless an
Environmental Impact Statement is prepared). However, you should maintain a complete record
of the assessment, including steps leading to your determination of effect, the qualified personnel
conducting the assessment, habitat conditions, site photographs, and any other related articles.
With regard to the above -referenced project, we offer the following remarks. Ourcomments are
submitted pursuant to, and in accordance with, provisions of the Endangered Species Act.
Based on the information provided and other information available, it appears that the proposed
action is not likely to adversely affect any federally -listed endangered or threatened species, their
formally designated critical habitat, or species currently proposed for listing under the Act at
these sites. We believe that the requirements of section 7(a)(2) of the Act have been satisfied for
your project. Please remember that obligations under section 7 consultation must be
reconsidered if: (1) new information reveals impacts of this identified action that may affect
listed species or critical habitat in a manner not previously considered; (2) this action is
subsequently modified in a manner that was not considered in this review; or, (3) a new species
is listed or critical habitat determined that may be affected by the identified action.
However, the Service is concerned about the potential impacts the proposed action might have
on aquatic species. Aquatic resources are highly susceptible to sedimentation. Therefore, we
recommend that all practicable measures be taken to avoid adverse impacts to aquatic species,
including implementing directional boring methods and stringent sediment and erosion control
measures. An erosion and sedimentation control plan should be submitted to and approved by
the North Carolina Division of Land Resources, Land Quality Section prior to construction.
Erosion and sedimentation controls should be installed and maintained between the construction
site and any nearby down -gradient surface waters. In addition, we recommend maintaining
natural, vegetated buffers on all streams and creeks adjacent to the project site.
The North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission has developed a Guidance Memorandum (a
copy can be found on our website at ( to address and mitigate
secondary and cumulative impacts to aquatic and terrestrial wildlife resources and water quality.
We recommend that you consider this document in the development of your projects and in
completing an initiation package for consultation (if necessary).
We hope you find our web page useful and informative and that following the process described
above will reduce the time required, and eliminate the need, for general correspondence for
species' lists. If you have any questions or comments, please contact John Ellis of this office at
(919) 856-4520 ext. 26.
Pete Benjamin
Field Supervisor
StreamStats Report
Region ID: NC
Workspace ID: NC20220318142729797000
Clicked Point (Latitude, Longitude): 36.06786,-79.95152
Time: 2022-03-18 10:27:49 -0400
Basin Characteristics
Parameter Code Parameter Description
DRNAREA Area that drains to a point on a stream
Value Unit
0.0313 square miles
USGS Data Disclaimer: Unless otherwise stated, all data, metadata and related materials are considered to satisfy the quality standards relative to the
purpose for which the data were collected. Although these data and associated metadata have been reviewed for accuracy and completeness and
approved for release by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the display or utility of the data for
other purposes, nor on all computer systems, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty.
USGS Software Disclaimer: This software has been approved for release by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). Although the software has been
subjected to rigorous review, the USGS reserves the right to update the software as needed pursuant to further analysis and review. No warranty,
expressed or implied, is made by the USGS or the U.S. Government as to the functionality of the software and related material nor shall the fact of
release constitute any such warranty. Furthermore, the software is released on condition that neither the USGS nor the U.S. Government shall be held
liable for any damages resulting from its authorized or unauthorized use.
USGS Product Names Disclaimer: Any use of trade, firm, or product names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S.
Application Version: 4.7.0
StreamStats Services Version: 1.2.22
NSS Services Version: 2.1.2