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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220210 Ver 1_More Info Received_20220404CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam. <> David, Below responds to comments from your email dated March 2, 2022. The applicant is proceeding with geotechnical investigation on the site to better characterize groundwater conditions. That information will be forwarded to your office to further address comment #2. ~Michelle 1. NWP 29 General Condition 23(a) requires that the activity be designed and constructed to avoid and minimize adverse effects, both temporary and permanent, to waters of the US to the maximum extent practicable (available and capable of being done after taking into consideration cost, existing technology, and logistics in light of overall project purposes). For the purposes of documenting that the project complies with this requirement, please provide any additional information as to the end-user of the proposed facility or other justification of building sizes and attendant features at this location; The purpose and need of the project is for development of an industrial/commercial site that provides key components for bulk warehousing, distribution with commercial space. Other aspects of the site include central location, sufficient size for the proposed buildings, can be supported with current infrastructure, and is complimentary to the existing commercial and industrial properties that are located in the general area. The site is also located in the vicinity of major interstate thoroughfares and access to the Piedmont Triad (GSO) International Airport. The selected site offers the following which was important to the intended use: 1. Preferred site location in the vicinity of I-85 and I-40 along major thoroughfares. Access to Piedmont Triad International Airport. The site is located within approximately 0.5 mile of I-40 via Gallimore Dairy Road and approximately 1.5 miles via Route 68. 2. Utilities in place and or close to the site. The site requires electrical, gas, fiber, water, and sanitary sewer. Utilities are located within Chimney Rock Road. 3. The site is generally flat and was free of poor soils which is important to the feasibility of bulk warehousing/distribution projects. The site is slopes in an east to west direction. The larger of the two warehouse buildings is located along the eastern boundary in a more level area of the site. 4. A site was large enough to accommodate the site program and was controlled by a single landowner. Current industry standard is 200,000-SF for a warehouse/distribution building. The site split warehouse space between two buildings to achieve close to 180,000-SF 5. The site must provide good secondary road access to support the expected truck and employee traffic. A traffic signal at the intersection of Gallimore Dairy Road and Chimney Rock Road controls traffic adjacent both site entrances. 6. A site that was relatively free of environmental features, streams, and floodplain, and/or features that would be to large building footprints. 7. The site is entitled/zoned to appropriately allow for the intended bulk warehousing/distribution and commercial use. Due to the site’s unique configuration with a wetland and stream in the center of the site, in order to achieve close to the minimum industry standard of 200,000-SF warehouse space, while avoiding further impacts to the wetland and stream onsite, the warehouse space was split between two buildings. The larger warehouse space was configured as far back from the wetland to minimize further impacts to the resource. The depth of the building is at the minimum while still providing separation of vehicular and tractor trailer parking and movement with separate driveways. Separation of vehicular and tractor trailer movements provides safety for both operators. Fire safety requires full access to a minimum of three sides of the building, which has been provided. Impacts to the wetland were minimized to the maximum extent practicable with grading at a 2:1 slope. A retaining wall was considered, however costs, maintenance and safety concerns with regard to the height of the wall and additional fencing on top of the wall were considered impracticable. 2. Based on proposed grading, wetland fill, and re-routing of drainage into stormwater ponds, the project appears to eliminate the drainage area/hydrology source for the remainder of the on-site Wetland downstream of the proposed impact site. Unless otherwise justified, the Corps would consider the remainder of the Wetland as a reasonably foreseeable indirect impact (see NWP General Conditions “District Engineers Decision”) resulting from a loss of hydrology. Unless otherwise justified, compensatory mitigation would be required for both direct impacts and indirect impacts resulting in a loss of hydrology and therefore aquatic function; compensatory mitigation is typically required at a 2:1 ratio, depending largely on resource quality (reference the NCWAM score of “High” for this wetland); Based upon site characteristics and aerial photos, there is evidence that the wetland was an excavated farm pond, which intercepts groundwater. USGS StreamStats (attached to this email) depicts an overall drainage area at the bottom of the stream at Gallimore Diary Road as 20 acres. Aerial photos from 1955 depict a farm pond (attached to this email). It is unlikely that the wetland is completely sustained by surface water runoff and based upon the aerials and drainage area, it is more likely groundwater driven and will be hydrologically sustainable with the impact shown on the plans. In addition, the applicant is undertaking geotechnical investigations at the site. Additional borings will be performed to confirm the location of groundwater. Based upon that information, the applicant will make a decision with regard to adding footing drains that would discharge to the remaining wetland area in order to avoid indirect impacts to sustaining hydrology to this area. The geotechnical investigation is anticipated to occur within the next month. Upon receipt of those results and modifications to the project design, specifically with regard to the addition of footing drains, the information will be submitted to your office for review as part of this application. 3. We acknowledge the information you provided in the PCN pertaining to endangered species (Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act). However, given the general nature of potentially suitable habitat for Schweinitz’s sunflower and small whorled pogonia, the existence of both open and forested areas within the project area, and given recent USFWS concerns regarding these species, the Corps cannot currently reach a No Effect determination for these species within the Section 7 Action Area based on the information provided. Note that the Corps is willing to request concurrence from the USFWS on a May Affect Not Likely to Adversely Affect determination for both species using the information you provided. However, please be aware that, if the USFWS cannot concur with this determination based on this information, they may request a plant-by-plant survey for these species within the appropriate survey season(s). Per NWP 29 General Condition 18, the Corps cannot verify the use of a NWP until Section 7 consultation is complete. See USFWS letter dated March 9, 2022 (attached) which states that based upon information provided, it appears that the proposed action is not likely to adversely affect any federally-listed endangered or threatened species, their formally designated critical habitat, or species currently proposed for list under the Act at this site. MICHELLE SAVAGE‑MEASDAY, PWS​ | Environmental Senior Project Manager T 919.861.9910 | D 919.861.9821 <tel:919.861.9821> | C 919.441.2437 <tel:919.441.2437> 5260 Greens Dairy Road | Raleigh | NC | 27616 ECS SOUTHEAST, LLP <;!!HYmSToo!NQdafzrhyAVjrvSp1GxuPDv3vkbkTfr_JbFc5WkA_vHSeGv7psJ9kOe9NkwhPANGyrIzag$> THE NEW ASTM PHASE I STANDARD IS HERE - Contact us to find out more. < iveCampaign&utm_medium=email&utm_content=ECS*Digging*Deeper*2C*Webinars**A26*Lessons*Learned*-*January*2022&utm_campaign=ECS*Digging*Deeper*2C*Webinars**BLessons*Learned*-*January*2022*-*Employees__; KyslKyslKysrKysrKyUrKysrKysrKysr!!HYmSToo!NQdafzrhyAVjrvSp1GxuPDv3vkbkTfr_JbFc5WkA_vHSeGv7psJ9kOe9NkwhPANLpM-4_w$> Instagram <;!!HYmSToo!NQdafzrhyAVjrvSp1GxuPDv3vkbkTfr_JbFc5WkA_vHSeGv7psJ9kOe9NkwhPAPy49xNKg$> | LinkedIn < /__;!!HYmSToo!NQdafzrhyAVjrvSp1GxuPDv3vkbkTfr_JbFc5WkA_vHSeGv7psJ9kOe9NkwhPAPH_0MlzQ$> | Facebook < ages/ECS-Limited/1482338585322965__;!!HYmSToo!NQdafzrhyAVjrvSp1GxuPDv3vkbkTfr_JbFc5WkA_vHSeGv7psJ9kOe9NkwhPAMGDtPJsQ$> | Twitter <;!!HYmST oo!NQdafzrhyAVjrvSp1GxuPDv3vkbkTfr_JbFc5WkA_vHSeGv7psJ9kOe9NkwhPAPXK35RdA$> Confidential/proprietary message/attachments. 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Ɪꏭ泳瓻浣죝엲첆�䲮诺⡮劵﷮﹥濝섨睮栀쮅ᵰ鋭ᶆ奦჻鍫ᵴ师缴❯ⴊ帻㏤�蹪㳶㠱⛒Ό蝶훥빪ి濝뀋諆奱瀌᜗圌焋枌駱�칮軘鿰焚ྯ﫱괖乯럳ᰏ蘷づ繾⻈旛鄣�ꅞ蘫瀽䋮杰ଡ᢯�⿟兘煕璶둬ሢὯ౳獑㔧朚渢䯴㭲牘㣓癯燄焝鷕諪ꦖى爗䃆ꟳ訶⻧᳴獬䌇ཚ堶졆趯䛖�Ꮦ䳴䭟㜗⭜镳儋㜞䤼漹쭆㸾瑁꧈⽴㕖卯翵畅鴄⯰瀔ﹶ奏의畚リ�侏ᚇ࿐퇂ﭠᗏݢ敛䃧ꘀ睵奪堗뷶璕韆⫶菄䵵礡幭捗㷷�껖㝲癶ᑟ 恹支ꑔ䯶�疟܊睫㻯佷䢀ퟪ끬滰朏湠澮狏鷴∜㢊侏끆憏뱸퐋囬石䡹ế❨硾鳰￷㺖脯籹率谓ꓲ研ꥎ峸탒꿍ㅱ餷窋圉揞㝺溢렰ꟷ섦⭷均榥⟷횰皯ゎ忹覥靿�盈꽿䝍끿꽁㆜⥿軦ךּ푖頫竕뀇ឿﮡ⊉鱺領谷ꟻĔЏ꒡眳ƫ抭焗굲猌ᖇῼঽ긿忼윿흇ᶚ눷럐먤鸷龳粸㚎轹秎漟腶墋뭷칭⬬猜�쑳ギ뗼럒屦ࠧ畽쭗ﲦ�蝖緈廬齼籆�덹ﳞ翋�㷠륷廾列蘥枨첪铟뿢㪮緺䁞ﺦ֬溜徇黽籕翞�䋶놟�婄�⾳r�旧 瑥瞦ˆԂ舃恁磐♄କ䎆큡蓸╆訓扅磑曄ᬵ䞎텣ӹ䖆鈣摉秒Ꙅ⭕䮖퉥ⁱ䎀渉ᬸ鱗㭵侞퍧׺蔆ꉃ桑烔옄ɧ춚듧沪ꄲ鈶ꁒ᩵晅宵䪮푪꓊ꝶ荎樶ꛭ毕�蠠∴靖㱼⻛磗纕堉첲閯鑙:뜣ぞ⯕蟵謏揆�藼앗牤糙柆鬵城寧䖇튣瑩磚乞茋比�蛽旇�癭ஷ펕꨻᭨ꗌ涓쮗ᙶ膽䞨ᆶؒᾅ㠯纽柇�矮푻վ薃籹翞ꙇ穵他圹࿑얶Ì뵼絟ἧᮝ샷ꣿ︓䃼ొ�欮ப㜃᭐ꦾʴ㾌ᩏࡑ裁᲼뺊볐ู췃쏠ᳱ቉쯄㹋쑿峱ᙙ쿅䉴싦粑ᩩ퇆熼윜㑉ㄱ禜뜘Ҳ≷檾Ṝ㶲�ἁㆤ飬䊎㱫 Ꚅ຺Ғ㫪㓒⺹틋쇼䨗␒㋃폌퀼짋⍳㋊�∶峓㫓銢ছ℧ఐ㬭獅ᓬ퀼ఴ先㔒㴺㩴യ㒵ⵢⵇ䨋췒퍋�ꈸ㑅䇭푐챉凇헔儽핔摑ᤳሦ�읕乒ℵ텛ꐯ㡽꣔긔뫩閵抉훘弼�崖暙嵒兊諳栽텙귅줠�歵隸Ɛ䅂谫漏ᘰ峝峆딑珗흝꙽囁蔷竩铄�ﵓ祳矟Ǿ䕕⅛뾁ꔕ㶩꣖늭䊔怕㛋ᔞ�蜸塙䇮罹㡏힇䕲醻뒶巎ꥋ㏈ꡜ쑅枅謹鐑楬枠Ლ颻驨逾徵业ꚙ碫鷾鹚䦩្᎖憏꬚蚻�଒ꊂ湙闃霠Ⰶ䬀뛙탭ꅦ鹛鉥⣫샾澅㘨먣鬳﷮개칹鱷遜͟�䰒곡孂嬲뎽 霼쨓骶ⴷ忚층㯳㶏ṝ녝䬼럎㗒쪣鱀鮄↟乻헗�熿ꝸ�컷Ï疑黖鵷�⋓ⴞṹⅾ䫗栧紬拘푞액ﻫ⎗窻᨟첉齼]緎帟齽ꇸ⯼苉忒꟨ꊜ践�蜱ó⏠綉ᛐ䀄皒困�蠜졀蜔ᰞ甓奏쀟둶鯬쎲摷䇪周念⬄쪅ꕤ풠蘳�㾦ᝆ嬉ⷤઇ璬ቖ蝛ựⰤ毨戒㡤䒂੦ᢽ켸葠繍芰㨫☦짩#行颷쪢ﳞ萢㳐㾄돘ἁ毄좍ᢖ觤岢蹳�썓⢨죾樼ڏ쪉㉆9㑢避᷒䍶ᇉ�佼ᅵ龘籠⌝䐍銂閎䧭쭦ਘ塌躌䲶䞦鎝檒롑揧搩릻늍墶堛ⳣꅥ躶횲䭜⾔鄞뜼 亗偎秊䩄⒤颿᳓쯙釩�鍌눡莡⧌㌡谠镼檋쵫Ն餗攼ⲛ濶ॊ㠹㈙頕紳䶇ꇓ碶椘㱧ꍧ藺㈎콺╪⏢೭왇㧇葓䣡䂓첋Ś䍡咙蠶ྜྷ內㵝仴쥟㴨⠔ᄑᒝ晅읍䞅嵞鴄ᨴ튂㭨줸≥㊚宩꩒흀ﴧ꘳뛄퍹瑺摛㭕풧黼푏䴿ͪ讍銊칳䬩倛ઝ떨꠾社呻ꉪ馧惔㾤敪樬ࣅ궪⁊ȿ䷪鴇꺔킱ꪆ꧜商꽺ꪯ岉ꅫ꜍혵䶼歚緍㖢有㫽腩ꔪ淒쇾綅橏荵풱蜮堭鉬꿇㚆홀⭻ⱈಡ㚱�᭙븶鷫꺣�埓䗫浪ධ쇂�ਉ蠤뙕켭⮆᠑薼嚶껾㭕撁뗭嗃崶婵턊湛头஫픶헜榋镮딺嘗�넛꿽 ਫ਼夭絈뮍麗崫톫椃鉡咹ૈ㰷쵬뷭�䚭齶敬蔵㞴﮾⮪胅핧샗犖惡ᕼ矀ޣ宾䏈㚯숋⛐懵썸챼ᢲ쭱ৢ綵嵪⇅⎷⸍㏬ⴶᯅ閄豘⥣䚱怩䝸䰛ർ枎⮮飇퍠軍蔰ⷼṶꗝ햆눀䴆᡺⟻⭣巴藫쐙﹗쿚늇麋奙蹖機㡏ꪢꕇ輙䏖㎑靔秇掶೥鳡໯윉낙妣្땓駎췽Ⱨ觕Ⱗ鑢ō퇠꽼剌譖貢앗绁謁틝澘吱뎌璈컑㋇ࣨꜯ꛱툳뚸捩坙땒楦꒿啷⑪鹋鐵쵶훺桘焭뫆窴틸嵡끹盚컀鋺㝲ൽ檦⃮嫑㑷ꪑﷆ팚㸲뤜䟍﯑敪ꢵ왔鳓䋛ģ颩猃﷙롓險곳廛�疪ﮦ骉翟 ﵇삍╸�뎶骁蕽磁᭣㣡涧巪犕麴��᧭ὅ皻믢뷢給諫䔲腼쮍꧊ᙯ㮸蛛綣ꬉ뮸챘㼎涔䵎⊿岊顫뺩퀏罡㮗琻镾멎ꘝ⟢蕳뻴誥侺缼楹嵮暃﯅꽫换횃ꜷ㤜⿛癉猞뛄虊蛥ꞻ识衵柷홓흽⸩楲痙뀆ӕቻ럖�翉ॸ병뻪젷콌樓텳弾祔뾁糔鶏鹠紿毭ꄽꙸ屼篵㠄窹뜷迊ﹻ雾핺뮾ꞇ﹤峲忲眽쟻낯臞祳蘿빷쭗鹼㹁ꕾ範Ꮮ粩�秶梆鿳弧薧俴뮾솶膿볺줱�⛸꘍먭ꬔ缤鳮䫢籏콶桮䷧ﲢ툣俻㉦냹㘒ἰ܂﩮☐⽾ˇ㋐汅쮄脎䴃 ﮤ㚮軻쩼뽏酎愬찀拦ﬤ젅쬲䱯녰㡨껵頰먮⿷鏌໷޵浰ǧ뢏쏿M伈넏అީ뚏跓훮Ⲓ঍駯ဋ纲⬐蜋Ο뼐䌌ω⎐瀋Ŀ虰귧ћ쟐쬍ԃ轎ꠅ띀刯컜ि䝩퀎骄읎蔎ﭪ䁐ロ䤯⌈x퉏큿㜄ᡱ낶祦謐浏洅﫞困醽ላ⠌ፙ☱탁ᓏ酇턋푊ᄕ䕖쪐煵щ티燭콤讈鄕蝮呱俩ヲ倆田ထۿ㮮긆Ⴡ鷰上诧ᅃꉑ톡㌜鉰灥矲┑ԗ녖꜀ᙟꉰ冐п뼑挛ˏ칑煪ᵏⵇ鄜ớⴃ쌕ᵋ旫蠀웒꾏鑪涂넍⃣笏倗酑洘�臑鈟ℏ覐椋﻾ر껛�퀯㉞᤭⭲輢⌋᭰焑@꣱醽皰뗱┠แ 钱㆚⌹飑Íܲᒵ昲ㅷ⛙�눞❳릂挞❃穲鄤⣿詒ሲ삂烴᥽ꬭꐒ�톭逗ィ껊醤⪝ᳲ䫾�豊褭᪳⏃⸬⑱ڐዞ቟跒㈤ᑥ䠐カ◕銧ᑫ쬒中͗㉰⽱魆ሩ・夂⸛ʓሯらዓ㈫샾䲒㋞浔儥⎃긲⑛紇伲⻳ㄻ�ྦ૝࿐䈄㍋괭⹛䌨⠯㗑㌴ᘗ易뉩㛹䟆錱㝳ㆂ椰めম툱Έ㬑ꈴㄏ笓䜹⚻阓튉⥓ဴ㏍윭퀳ⳁꋳ᏿㦳ῑ切힐䘶ﺬ݊猼⇓댻㖩훳㵱滌ᏹ㻣厂ᴱ줯鈻穆䢓䋳㤽乀㷥ڴ㉿꽳㊧᧔ሳ瓬螓䜮ਕඔ퀥㐑Ῡ댉㯎뭲졂㣷㸴㍦䓡琷㥋�╴輣⍗ሑ 됣䔃欔ᐽ䘋짇ཁ䇻흉ꌺ㫳挒݂䕇ב㌟䟷紴퐭䎍쾄㎒Պ䑑Ꚕ㎤䫧닔琠썔墴득㒋⿔ⵃꌰ槴呋䥳컴ᒓ答퐫礪茴吉矜솴㌣䥗햴錖㘴咊ᆗ免䑟ص⍽偁㗆㕍✓렴琱좤匓瑈헶ⓕ吼凍ⶔ畑儳荔푃䡟�喾ꑄ䡵躑卧熎ᑐ៯圵⑕勭帕푎嚫Ռᕋ坫ἕ乣⧕匉猕딻堷鄚剥퐲㍷Ჴ헱䉍ꥲ镎劅鷕剃㣓崕팺俓訵풞孱觅镖蛂瞕镜싎�ᗲᱻ歆쥸絫ᕝ尵걪舼꾮剙必襳챚騰嗴座껐㗶⧺ꋰ夽䞐镏囧ਸ਼畇拇鵔뙞挫�ཛྷ崕쪓펣䃃훏㸳覕蕤徑뤓啟᪡ᆶ镇˿⿶㕁撹맢㔪䴄떵啈 控熶鑚暽஥院䮂䶖镨拃䔭텎䳁䒶雉㦏赖൪ù暫썌꼹曙턒녫Ꜣ鞶歪㣷큏㚍唵㙔䱽읖댮洹懈ᙑ哢ꕶ镮椙卯湳囨斱ꮕ爴㊞봑轠灿췲澏ꏔ휓攟垔둬䊑ᾖᙝ燳ޤ睨弲햕靳㌿蟴᝴㵇ﭶ葴旓靲浱枋뽜붊ᘓ琷⯷툸棁묔睲ܙ檷睟毄睳຃뜖酸凛폕靶福箓흴梚ឭ妵ᄲ靰弓�៶㭅뭕ᝈ䐼욄䳶ٝ섗੺㿕ᇷ圵眝玏츗㜻纇텃탪錗甚缋ﬗ陯羳迅嘩᡹ꮗ횀㗡猗ཛⵗሊ㿩ᷘ롃䌁儏嚂喉ᙻ緑靵㜆耣댷碃䁂莄纹仸㟊⟴墅ɟ变আ穻띎砏䜕陻㑶跱牣玑쵸㖱 枘㡌蜹䟘硎圻᝗碇莍饘֊滯ꙸ顕訩࿏鎅㢙뎸튋虹뽘롸突럒顺慇鮸㖮埵㘐犋甖녿惇봷墄㱳喗傌禫頼轍心㦌묂래砮厇팸鞐糿ᛙ�輇ꔕ⺒鋻孶҄坛蟊㞈裑趸卬腝⤑�棭巸쎑週伙頞閱�詁煕妑せߙ莖隿ᢇ⬘牙ᆶ媡䄴ᢑ挓䯊隔錱៶礟碎䤍횗脡湙墖骫ᕐ馕풪彙馏陃嵖᎛阃뿙릙褯ꕳ鎗鱩㮗�㨶쏹番㪫ﭘ禉菥릅⮽礗劣鲣彃㦕䷺꽙ಠ鯛띕璍馧ߺ礦ꇝ彆�咑༺婲諹ꟾꀅ᭚㈦餛⦙鹇᏶멽权立䎣龇仺㦹ꔛ煍떠鹋厕㪡ᵛᥚ銦ꈅ徖�뱈퉹릝虍攔卉黕褚躝緝骟㍮厚 芩ꛭ黚�饟獚㩋ꩧ坑㪪䆲꺷稥ꍷ�캧ꓩ꿕碙ꢽ孓驐錺驸ꮁ㶅骚ϣ뮸馮炲ᇤ鶴拋녚ꯝコ艽궵ꦏ⧕஛멠苓ֹ颹罵勇魹了䎰ꥃ⿛娴돭潑ᖮ곩㭻�됳䭛�┹땲喱뇏잔吠惡⭹驉뗍൵﮳╌㏻ҷꕁ瞛ᬂ〃ﴚ�둣螛횸곟ㇳ�楫焏똉㼘ᡷ覝읖﮶▎甛ර눵똻�隁Ὰ톻롣잻횼矚靛骲ꬑ揚箜憟⟛뭉簏꿻뭃箛뾓靏풾뢓者믳상ଡ଼㮘쁝귙窤諃サ⋁뼱Ἴᮦ쉑靎퓁삡⨼㯻쏋絛㚃鹟᧜ﮯ㇨㿜㲫쌯⎢㳂蝓�諅ꪋꎘ�쐒駛삉澜禆숳论笼굣폛穭脣儜屋잍ᕂ糅쒓뤙諉욣甹헉灳Ꝝ 쏑꾜ﲮ깹厖㞴衭�쪃煐ﰘꤩⵛ䋋쥻흼볌쵝៊㟊뙗䕔볊컫넼벷룳맼岥鉉杜粨뻅ശ຾챂ꮛ뱱쾑�铏츗ḝΞ⁰湦㩚檗�᷍⠥玼韓쾛ﯙ쐟짔窽鎑喸鳑퇣㿝ﵷ픅뫋∮툍ﯔ珓캝懽㇖퍑矝�驽뾬틫༼㗌쒛ㄫ坡헱�뷕瑽괼৚퉫ւꟖ뭵宼팹楖瓚휿뾽哜⇏伽圣첫榐�蹅ᷓ⋆鿝��ꃚ�磢編鈁늝뷉텳㳓୞ᅺ넱襌뷔쐑䅚鯐�餷볙�睝點褌榭㲡꘲Ǿỏ츱돜ᯤ樯䷚珢籹蝝鋎�쮲뵧�濚ﳤ掽ﻢ奇诽饕洪﷎ᤙ�벃쳶�㻡뵯㔍禝铵柾ﻉ핫駞蛨츳ॴ姑未﷧ ㇼ廤쓃㻑먿뇘폪姲�즥ꦞﻓ﷞音꾶��궴鿮瘃ើ碶�畽㚏鏓얓䶭�ᳮ㥝翰夈ᡱ嗞徹丣宾㿩縱⾿韴还忔鉅县㩎갬䅖﷭Ǡ뷲櫟�꼵镝ᨛ纅生뺔忘Ῐ磹访彲馃椟￴텯珿◹ޛ馀沁ꦟ뽓≠앿翻拉켟�ﱙ䯖싳풅蔸鳱꽟羮웕ꕝۿﯙ¢脀墐Ḵऑ䊅郡⃘䂐脡Ჷɰ℠䖊熡�䅞谅ꏁᣲ穌☫䪕鋥瓙憾餱㧒交㝓亝鏧臾ꅁ媔ḵ䦑劥铩痚ꄾꥑ媕庵㚃즃ᕫ셾녡宖鸵槑媵雭痛륱宗�⡯庎儤뼧济᫘ᩮ觹担飱뷛煪 읻岙徶猱㧳䅿톡㉑嬐迾ꥑ櫕髵盝⦿퍚⠘ዖꕥ氀寶庉懗臁ꛮ㹛἗즑狥鳹矞ꄿ례ờ德�盭鷻셿़髗敖ᢣ锼濷郯눟绲鿿⋝鈢켾ߴ䀂㊰촒᜼䄆⎰탁➔䈊늰䅔蒐器༾ମ梁༰ᡲ㻽᭱逺㬒숓铮鹒㇂杴䘚뒱ᱯⱇⅤ윕ⁿ㉈蜔䐋⒱≛㉉兓┣擏⒟ࡅ榒㴙艱⨓ኦ腪줭뎾劷쇌䰲㊳Е흔㘶쓒㙻㏎쌸㨤ง칃䀼䳛ᑨ⬲懌㴿貯�௝兄疴䠟㑒⁅斔䰧㑓㟕㭎薲萎ᑐ䁍풖͏틔䦵唑薏렮采ꔌ❘喕屑흜㑕蘕훖╖撏⭙䌼璮價㗊欝�ﱉ孋濆 讣奞炿㝜䔓屣㕷瓏㝝㽍�괶蝜ퟚ꥽幵蛜針�ⴕ霪韞޶剭ᚸ萉⥡莍憅玸胯啅ᾞ把䖶膘⹏ﳅ�鵖㺻৤뇝䊏�荝�坖斖営韋㥦枖侚觵廉䏆鎡垥瞦�츍䬣䥤菮�⺏隐㥥꛾힮격덦悮蚙낻ぬゞ挀﬈畋픖梤빹㩨閎溱뚻볯騿澾鷿舘梺澷꤅ᱰ腖▨䵼䄍鉅ꖫ枚ጋ歰괖㾪켹㑴띾瓑ꚳ폷㵵ፓ沲ᛏ숹뵲펋犸锘塛蹨玔弝㹸꜒磔㝾嵓䇢�⯺ퟆ狨罓꫺憯篩ழ��윓糒㑿흗ﬥ➙鸵h待㳌珚绮�翾綿︯䀁࠸龚້Ԗ末ﲴ鍒⧗�㪡ᘈꃰ ᖤރ飁촸骜缁癰䈑㰸埤칐�좶䰛⸍ᵐ㺡䤘愍㞴ᰆ롃ཹ⸿쎚뤄ℑⅴ⹟쨵졀慚㓘蠴︌씋ꠘ⁞嗜֋⇒顅쎸뎓䢮ꂭ슽௅Ἑ�䕷ᦪ栒ᜓ瑣蹯ȉ윭挝瞴亀糩♁᎟呈轼⧱쟦⏨ꌘ盃犊䔞㠕⊯燤蹏㹲⥉娷醳ﺪ쾌즕ᤷ蓗覀줶䤹攩퀱㊒喞롊⫱扥趽툯ㄤࣙ扖눴漩�塋ދ볝暯⚲䱠愲昣윤쵲⢶襌薘ꨤ䝺扒䴴倸ꇽ표鈷Ꮮ擂ꋜ峦鳍蘓ᡱ巙幚葎⳥㭡鵮賓촽Χ訯�銖撎㦹㯵ᰖ鿂軓偣씙根ܥ㌻␽⣍⛽鑟錦榲䉩韂栿ᝅᒣꙤ橐䜵ꉘ紴퇓హꇡ殤爡鬌Ⱟ巕ꐫ⫱伶䒊⢙㔅 咕鰎穊丹ꆘ艉䚆끙ꃒ퐋箒⩊佩痪꩏唈ꤚ啕뎚ꯒ᥆懸਩ꦴ剥뗤꩖叛㮞꩓ᷕ깭鈅삠䭪혻໭튖쓰ꨗ䍐땨끱ؖ嚏׻污햬썾痒㱦芒냅ᮛ氅톲숂魙쌸瑟ꇗ䊶�錚擵뚳햦㭌樷痭㢯慕�愫교꼓瓕孙ݵ앬莽뚶峠缵꓍찹駍燣甮駏ગ巨ꤻ氌㉍㜤⮡⹩ꥫ뭭嶆뚫뙿�窥狯롬컖䬢솪❙﷦譁绛郿㞷㰀婺潨馣趛З㏠秽揰뷉㵘�◜内펨ꑪ률ᛰ쐖蔘懩䕌溉維碪ছ㳖‍趩襝蜗ᨕᴼ�ᄶ컆ኛ鱣湹萱逎紸㳛뿉넻䟮ᣉ᛫鱤鎙獲暩쨘幚쌺졋ꍄ妶 ❗粙陫컛쬸̚쪳퇢苟执⚳칯파玝겱旎̻鳏钵ﻥ썁㺖䓓钻刖⟆跚촒س檍䱈쵌ᐴ篎껐㙋뭏郥麴풟弚䤝瑯ꕆ껅뵪韛ꊉ˲꾃�䉌떜璖ꡦ뤮屷�긟曙힒㯒ꩊ枍⢟麖妼埿ᷬ뎙癔�䛛ꑽ�፳飚攫饬㟮ۤ▶��酽䮵멆쳜帧雮됑搷�彵褚쾏㮉瞗뷯菸ỵ༖灖괝뚪Ꮌ�竞鷢맃씲뙣澘않됽ᓟ魓貯⴮웝웡埱᜛怵솇韂腾㳟轟빲류W⌓쌔륒ᅇ鱯�삋훝ꌜ栿桎䕇鱘ꑫ⸬툻⿠阠켛殞兼磉﩮�굧乎홷翝�庽⿬߮휿﹗衝䳆痧絜밷 績꺠ᙹ쿴�ি拡滗�ᔧ߷兼뉟掵봻ﮡ鱎�潱➓⏊窽茗嗟翷ﲡꩌ佹煽뽾篙᜻뮸汏崥ꁗ롹확꘽蒂>₻蒯綧얏繱ꢛ路쩡侽籠䜟⧩ݍ뻳힟ᓻ妉蹳띾逅罿矤뉏綒罈ἶ熕靺ﶰ绱翨῿襻�㋹㚻菃㊺㋬ﬢ猸뿎턿뼜Լ뮑샻㭳䎽㡮浣䀄ಌ粼䀈໔ꎫ⇆ロ붠⥁벥㕃箞䃯뛃撾㼗ᘌⲿ䄅ଙ汀通຤썁쀭袙́쇹⃜钻䈝∔㇂ゟᨼ款솞d岻뼃◼尕섘ࠔ铂連ᬬ쇂숂ⴤ첱숞ヴᓃ㴒㇜㓃鰳蛪ା쁜謠莧䌏҄멂먣₼ﰽ쌹푂輼⸌䌆㿄ᓄ쌱䇴㓄띃釁䀦輑ꯂ 썼㙛鮯뿋䃔䃄䏫䯜�쐔㣓듄앎༄ⱄ앐᱅봿靣歂詥⬴箟쓁圣⥅䐃姌撎앓㦱椿䑤峼엵忄჆⏐䫔㭄䓝䶌嫅䒓嵺䳆㼊勴赡婬ꃆ䛘欌⒓멝奤푆쉯氬Ӈ豱䙼꓃๲摜댺঳閛鱆Ṵꓹ泆൸欔ꑇ䁕箬㽮칳鱇䡽쌃ᑇ좀눠㌲졌䧅쐗罔䯈얡螄粍䡻쪐᳈鮊ങģ읤豼좘込Ꮙ⶝鬫㓆쒑⪁鑁鲅虤䏉쟾鞔㲎䦊얚跔㤳욗鳴짂鼌ᓊ␲탢둃䜣顔钧슓䖜資둼蠴᳊䩶ꦔ게䪚ƴ瓉钬繄హ쪞냤䒺쮠눔Ⓓ㲥蜄ꑇ즎䝤䐸锗ꨜ㓁쩶慴ள갴썋쪱분岒㚯뀤룁눤⑌쳃㩁䨦<筋쳞쑬蓈쳅뮐퓋髊 鮬쇌䰗䐄糆췍昃㑌췐숤뱋੦ᦋ䪶륌ే䷁먨뱌췘쵌ꅍ찆㓫췛勣᳍컞騄㳍쮴顺㍀㷋㗲葍츳䒊컙ꑰﳍ賨�ᒵ컝꒳컩寋냸젌蓁伦鈔瑍丯Њ俨뱒꛶蓏껹ꑏ쓻溺汍ொ픬쒟웥=쁏侬ťⓃ탏匲镏퀄칢땏퀆ⶄÃ쿱믰屐큊ࠕ薊퀂럓総묎Ց꼑ߵ◑숓㚴䒠貺ﵴ蒾䬶岄뷐ࠔ๥ꉑ탑᯽ꖢ턙ổ儓⃵ﳅ躶ᝅ吩왵ổၒ톁▵涕툜ᩲ嗒툨莢ג툪䇄◒倊䃋剡▝淒刬ⲽҊ㛫⹽㗓갵㈅旓븷ক꒵䦵겼샳溱ꑓ占㡕紉툱㞭厚㥁ී푁恂ᕔ푄뱣⨰룺碪㑎틢퍄襆䀍ꕒ푅鏀⩔푶亽 Ꮥ䪁凝㓕하꠬嗉쨽噭赋饊倝췊퉃䴍赒啎蘸凜픵岥唻必Ꮦ㉟膋�且륌斳䨹廥剛恵ᣖ喁࿜䗐황蓂镖홬㫣鮵홱䡊㑆営撕ꔲ䁗杝핑剨浝镪狕ꙹ眽ꕗ뉻�챣题딨兲ឌ鰼仰祥鵖剶笕㵕⵸ᆵ앗ꞇ蕅蕘늉㓖㒦聕㗗꩕⾕Ჹ坃᭕䗘�䲕慘�訍剙夑锭珙�㗘슌邥鵙奡Ἕ赙�蔺뷙�嘂뗍�봣綫儣俰ꐥ趾톔鱅펝麅▒媨갭ﶟ媪껕鶱啾融絊튥蹽핊튚鿕冩껕�럅釛寳륵닛ퟭꅲ궈쮺㜼淚㹴룅᷑冶뺽륛尃쌕叜娂씝珜ꁐ喣ௗ᰽㰕ﱏ�柼⑛室展◜尚융嶱툕�퐵粪 䄵뀽鑄豥㧻﷖䎂쐵퇏푅偝����ዞ좌㤽븲㢤ꗓ쨊⒥㴵앇�跐凜᳞�퇞廾�﬩蓞䇆ୟ塲줝ⷈ僩║탮ꮅ锣�﫽ᶟ忸ﲵ哔塳ꗼ䳕䯅哞屖듔㱇�٥痟�ۅ酟﵍鉠尩८닠�䵉謗౞粸힆䤅䷛姒Ֆۑ켆߆욑ᚾ躙愔ᡶ໑┑班ජ䳾ꕵ䑞憼ͥ㕡彩卡�ᦦㅢ拕⌎勢循᠝ꍡ勪ⵢ慑෽䱢拯舙⛡빢⬅걠�쳐瑝ǭ귢쥢ぎ釣㥮닣쩰☎溰�ⷦ默퀵㪆໎섷⧎뻣魃䆾䙤ꝅ㴆Ꙕ밝ြ鬩䒪㍮纽켸䂾湐䵅䋮䘬搿偦喲刖햄㉔뗤쌺Ზ㔶斛蜅헤搆 �搆叆퉥左혞鍣�盧浥惘吼㕤敌ҝ곥⺼幦馡繦䏂痤埦蚿딲൮吧悓㻕赥晼ͭ뱦曌羋㹧놁幧ᾢ�뚍뵖東먒ⲻ琉䷧窞栻萶桒虖풭뢁嫭絞홛೨棸ﰜ⹨䮇쮝颏趦۩蘖๛陽貽么쾋豮뻏榑℣膡蛩翂䱅娚쁅뙋푩靦ꙏ雦칩�鏶䙪�ꀶ帽䕔ꌦ価ꊞ乨檩걦暬껖ꖮ㯦鑖핊ᶜ쓪櫭둪뵩癪殯쾄蹆ᄁᗤ첟ꞅ鸾캳듎滏즵뚖殱쒮왖躮㮨Ŗ䛍氀╄�믉葾똿풷섞噏䧂쌖泎퉶仓涥퐶绬㉰阚瑥㢄쵝䓖吅구決ѭ댑 继滕縄転刢䚪曗﹅㷋䌽뾮剮쿓Ѭ淪�涉召♭磥䛭洆荂홼呑찕ỡퟛ훎죫㚯﨎濸ﲶ隸𫬮毯�ﰮو໹ퟯ踅ϗ杰찇詮洧率曚댎ꕯ漶瓰灴��焈ࠦ杬ɂ꭭搫쪅왜杊쨮鵫㌝烪狼ॱᒯ焗῏ᇲ羡툘ᛷ윉ח睎츛₏뿆젝ṗῲ긫Ꮷ쟲鸭麎槮춫兓골蓲狧⽳献할俳疁㏊巇⒟♣赛쳳珞緳珡㣟ᗴ䇗㋴哾⟧䨦됣輏넿䁗ꟍ츾䠇᝝瑋䰿蟢仗瞤[ṳ쇈뉞䟏别䪯屌嘿�蟵鱙∇纾痦亏졵悅짾䵉喏字恿ꝵ �妿䝶魥뮮뷬溙뻽붫烚珮툴ᑶ㌤ꋲ晇ၷ燯㟷渞ᱎ囅毤ᣯ眙⠍�矚ㄬ盗珏탷累皅땵褼䚏似쵼耀肀ࡀᘤ܍䊄偡撸ᴶ蠏扄㡑嚤ᜭ䚌兣㵶速摈㥒阤❍䪔ꉠAᚆ烜㥓횤㝭亜卧緶ꀿ偏䑨秸튠ቨ瓉愞ꔲ橔㩕嚥垭嚬啫뵶끟汘㭖阥柍媴噭喻弲똱湜㭗횥短庼坯ﷶ쁿灠㱘ᘦ䲥슧៱嘈ꄮ醆ꍣⱙ垆霭曌뉱䛘㔧킟瑨㭚़꓿櫔婵撽�켊癫㵛힦䌵톢틶簝挛硰㹜ᜧ잍狤屹暾箏욝穳㹝垧힭盬嵻뵷㟇䳼掤�竴幽ꌻ繼ﵙ켷懼㬼翯ﳧ샿謊ꍰษ 샱䰰ԕ郁ᵬ숇谐괤梿ᄬ쌉찐വ郃㷬쐏఑譄䮴씑䨑ε놿嵔븗갯ᥡ迆⩜䊂곱ᵵサ琛䗭粌ⅹ鋈贬줣䰒�猄쨥谒⦥鋊궬쬫尋詎桋몄䮉쳲㍈촜괳鐑㗑词鬄촧貳郤큇괫츲챳㷵鏏﷬댿簳䁛鑐ഭ텃䴔끉ڵ䮎૳䛣펢ᮂꕈ網䔥诓푎僕铔՝吡䲵㪩뒺嗽홗贕奥郖俵흚촕嵵闗�틞׀䞁뒢䏀Ꝡ犵揃呓觍婟촉梕鋚䜝�ᴒ汯郛墅�燅韜촭ꕳ�痑韝��䴋萶牞鷵⁔꫗炃ᚫ襥幽紷胹迠꾕딏蓕軡븽湸褥飢ⶮ愚빸贵飣㷮幓黬䟾搷糽礥㽎縹�怒沞븹뽴挮บꆅ诨 珎业ꖕ軩F抹锧璯⮢橤؉ꚱ駔맾꺯깙뇁�줾얳뗑鯭�沢绛맥鯮旞⻖⻳꠽럶潺齺球듯ꕶ垛씑箧ᤗ꧇⭼쏝ᳲ햫狅쿜촵鏳༝텅髝፺⫓ꛚ뾡⤟巒윜�ﲡ楷橊혓ᵷ䗫矙࿞軸㿷梨伞緇ག⫧垝셏Ấ餇署뿞�嵻迯ﳮ⼛✥y촏ﷳ丟��ﻷ谟㴣叧贈Ὁ靈齓黜 ̄콲ž剀ヤ㒠脉⹐ဆৈ怃ᆄ傂홌枵ꗬ쓟標솾⡸₠ὄどᄆ젶ट䅡糦穰숔巘�⟬ႆᫎ塃歬壥郗곶ⅅ콣炅ᯪ�ᅃﱘ褤ᘍ䐙ʶ䷏䜄톉⩎噅ጷ둢譙湑㨔罹쬆㱬誋⤚㙆ሓ㎣謟ꔑ䕱㄃挙煤冎姍롆ᷩ 쓣捹䅏욖唈鄟퐣퀫觼ᣄ蛴蒣岇ꋑ㡅⇹跬酚좸饈┥쓤䪙�䥍㷙픧糧劈ጁ⡈⥽排艹ዑ᱐ⴙ唫賬ຖ䟆槈Ꝧꄤ閃�䭞糙⒀뿤厘戎褤비䑥鐘䠏᥂設재뎏扂妘㕷䱕鮲䘋쵠ᄡ䬮퟼펛犎华㝧㑧鷩걓䷹ढ✟쥼펁໊뉌㯋�鷶ڊ줡⚭ᅯ㍖膢礦헀ꄅ⹔䖆欙⠫ᅭ咢獎ꗁ㺛斦輐뒯侞㴂ꔗᠭᒟ뽐⩎魈൨儧ሴ▕ชⴵ咦髎樒䵙앩ꜹ剈酇ꥹ❈몛蒚轶㌝덨ꌦ厹頚位㑏꧞䨣属痪ꭕ湕햚륊愅乼럨共啦穥톳퇕쒪꣊潍륆騥嶽䭗왕垼﷚⭓羽嚰숎ꨚ㻑呫꧱酬壞୻歇迥ᕍ짒鬤攃浐 ⱺ曵姌㷛龽嚴튎䨖倽唌ꍬ嫔ꍙ浤割隲ᧅᯚ籨퇬덣�寞䗘국쇵冸퍮ꋚ懫ᷘ궎㘤�䤲ॲ瞶ཅ௜皨짭멟帗差믗깵傼簮ꉜ㍽䶬ꇏ绣廳촲瞺ࣅ୞駨藯뿷�參섃랼뱞䈃∫괸ᷘ弆ᠼ꽿࿶坉১屡투軰쌗浘悷ᘻ進ꚧ׃쯡羖㘫㼦㬸ḕ㎜宋끍ᣆ᫏�赟왱挹窸꿦喻煻἖측ₛⱡ踩ڎ줬弇ᆹ늌其䳊⛛㳥閭ᷗ⋨酉ꦐ惦㦨ٳ籤檰嚲执蜘愵ꄼ玛熆奠㦳屧ӭ⻮⭢怲쵼첝槎ې⫯㓨魭㛴톉ᶽ廮碚힖ꫧ諛깱퉿ଆ楁厳璣귲᫑劇塪鵁㘵햩塉ﮬ璗領崙冗돪ꝷ둵핯 �ꖕ疭쇦䧘偋㵬농껮麻럺楙坄�컞᫇摫봖땱์�ࠈ₢Ꝃ㚵䟜浿㵮맍ױ搢ᗹ�঺מ歿㫯竇녷흹Ꮞ줄༂볜與印轃鈶铽럖ᖃ䫃ᛢ敯㉱뻏뛩濜᲎޾秇ℇ畒쌥ﳮ뽽虎붘䏻Ἆ览ዯצ轷㋳옷輌Პ⯮竏䄇䠰蚟㹩쁕ﺱ엌뽜Ꭱ放盓㿿ת鱏﹑푵쟺絙ꍼ琅땾ﯗਇ䞨䵅柲ퟯ홡̮餎䧘伏ᛮ둃㹫췧☿뾽﷞믕যﻯ숏瘒�ꖻ㘗∾᧏ﭽ藧�짋쵯콉違离㶏�脗�튃卺쉥Ἵ羹�⎿裩鑧ᗶ톯㉻វ�篞蟜뷔쇷䛸푛뵗틝㞱쭾李⾿䣳룿ﺔ퓫࿽꾹ﯗ潟 쩸얨Ɐ籲ꮻ싽㜿ꞿᮼ㧭忾㿿﷭෩�뎶秤钏俸￐브℄ꓯ迭ãᒰ濶ǫᵰﰐ鑩껵○華 ĕ퀂̡醭倃н䐰긯풊㣐냷1䂰烻я屰烕՗旰戆ۑ꼅խ԰켆އ椐ܡ膐漈켊皏〈࣋鵋켇ݡ伉७覐洊ਇꤐ⢮뒤몰郴ﺜ곰郴ி찐냍ೇ퓰냧蹯賺ೡ㾯⼌෭⬯倎࿗ꔬ퀎࿵㦮괍赮⼎෋烾셉ဏᇽ玬ㄑምĮଐl輑ါ㛰ჸ贼㇑儒㥱ㄔʼn쒏倢㸑뇰ﴴₑۨᔟ䭱氖ᔫ槱퍰擑燰ﵚ氱蓧៫獱漘ᑝ襱萑퇯ﱺ绑揧ᑰ㠡倓ᤓ갱뇚᪟뗱氛ᥩﭮ꼙᮹朮턛Ჹ薫儜 ᷍갬炤ၷ쾰လᡙῐ넄ổ疱儞῭ମ逝ᶟ췐༞Ῡ爠᠉힯눠螺儌௽⇑┲樢∋⤲⇹뀡↯귯툢␱䐲銘⑁䱲銻ᄵ㤒鈊屮䬒♡ㄩ♥梫䋋ᔟ댰瀥▧鮯鈦⡭萲犌⢁赲Ჷ퀧⁻酒⊡鶲㈪⪩ᆰ丩⧡薏눨⮭벲늀⮹엲爬➉覐伫ⲃ줲爭秘핲눭⻡崨หⷃ넏爪⿥튊⿟ﵲ⸅솎켮⽻Ƴ洐ෳ㌱ㄙ閧丰タ福猱㈝ⲳ獨㈩㗳栳Ᵽ蟐倲⾣㤓猴祈㌳댴㕑⌭ᄎ㑩䴑㙕搳፹㙏浳㌱臐켵㙡熳垀紓㌸㢉⦦า㞵䶏猸㦍鲳㦙ꗳ昺㝡罐伹㩋ꤳ猻䲸뗓댻㳁椥ู㮳줐匴㷅퐳덝㶿�㫉 槐켼㵁困퇓㌿㿹㦦踼㺱㾏팾䃽಴᎘䃷ᗴ敁䃝꜎佀䀽ᦔ瑂㬨╴둂䌱鄵䉧ﴏ㑁䐵䐴璓䑁䵴䅁ꇎ큃䓯冴䕠⽔㑆䙩릣久䖛▏瑆䝭粴뒤䝝藴瑈䍉䮑假䢋褴瑉킘懳둉䪡괤็䦅ए鑇䮥됴냒䬉뵴㹫材콊䬇섔镴㑍䷙蹊䲃ホ푌仝㓴亻晏䰕敐乎份璉畐鐈땐儑䔭텈偉﬎啐刕�ᕒ別ⲵ钨׽᷵됂勗㷵匏䆵畔⽈ᗨ⥵땔䙙埕땕卡仵뗧引㕖䑱潕㕗偹暵闧眵땗䆉蝕땘䶑纵痧ᖃ䕕㕙媡∰⿚媫굕奷浮뉙䥷뇵ꣀ༵㕜峉涢乛孧떎巍熳镝廝䌴๝嵡덎ᕞ忥䤳 ᕟ念ྴ蹞幅뇎镟惽ᦳ陠愍�๠恃Ꝏᙡ戕ᙢ戥랳蹡慁ꇎ院挭붲陣搽茳๣挻魎ᙤ故贲ᙥ敕厳蹤搹藎陥晝䶲陦杭⬳๦昷荎ᙧ桵ᄲᙨ梅蹧札臎陨榍춱险檝윲๩椧�殥팳ᙪ段ꆲ蹪模秎陫沽䎱陬淍攲๬氛睎᙭滕휰᙮滥⦲蹭洍淎陮濭膰陯烽๯漋응ᝫ焅㔳ᝰ焕꾱蹰瀉闑᝱爝ླ靱猭漱๲爃䕎ᝳ琵흛瑅㖴蹳猁䏎᝴畍靴癝Uこ畝䅎靵睥靲睵斳൵盿㯎᝷硽靷禍㜳൸磳p᝹窕᝺窥⾷遶祇㟎靸箭鞶靺粽赹篭ⵎ靻緅漷᝼緕뮲赼糧⟎᝽绝靽翭圶ၻ繅ᕒ᝿胵ᴱ顾 者辷酑罃ᯎ颀脍㾰ᢀ舝┲ൾ臡ൎ颁茥愰ᢂ茵趂苑ᡶ落玱ᢃ蕍蜷避葃ॎᢅ處ᢆ虥ή඄藏濘颃蝭쎱颇衽ܸ邅蜽❑ᢈ覅強硜覕ඇ裍ᅪ领誝䖱预训쬱ඊ談颊貵Ἤᢌ賅ᾭ趋诅颌跍澰ᢉ軝�ᆁ赁颍迥꼫ᢏ迵ힱ邈踻颏都澫馐鄍㌭႐逡텍ᦑ鈕㬫ᦒ鈥⾬ඍ釃쿍馒錭ﶪ馓鐽㌲邑錟쵍ᦔ镅뤪ᦕ镕붫ඓ钷쟍馕陝熪首靭紫ඖ隱앍ᦗ页✪ᦘ颅䖫趗鞫쏍馘馍香骝ܫ඙馑띍ᦚ鮥録ᦎ鮵徸邔騝뇍ᦛ鲽箩馜鷍īႜ鰗녑馛黕鄬ᦝ黥宪趚鶏Ῐᦋ鿭厭馞ꃽᤪඟ龍轍᪠ꄅ촨᪡ꄕ 펩趠ꂇ跍骡ꈝ鶨骢ꌭ䤲邝ꈕ蝍᪣ꐵ弨᪤ꑅ宩ජꎅ藍骤ꕍ▨骥ꙝᬩඥꖃ荍᪦ꝥ̳᪞ꝵ뮱那ꘋ种ᪧ꡽펧骨ꦍ爐Ⴈꠅ獍᪩ꪕ�骧ꪥƬ趦ꥹ淍᪪ꮭ綧骫경䬨ණꭳ㝘骟귅霰骪귕ꎫ趬걭嗍᪬껝⮧骮꿭ථ깗y骭냵ᬪᮯ뀅춧趯꽕䷐᮰넍힩鮰눝䴳辩뇱䭍᮲댥錦᮳댵澧න뉓䧍鮳됽澦鮴땍㤧ප둍䍍᮵뙕鮱뙥枪趵땋ᯭ띭綻❕㩚砠ᑏ臻﮸릑픷媸뢃熑ᬧ몕ꔻ瞺륣鮚ힹ렷꧛箻뮹Ꮇ�묫椑᮶벽᦭鮶뷍伺農럯㝍鮼뻕唥ᮾ뻥ᮦභ뵉菐ᮽ뿭ඨ鮾샽醎뼥콘鲿섅�᳀섕즥඿쁃᷍鳁숝� 鳂쌭ꄥෂ숽ᝍ᳃쐵Ꜵ᳁쑅䞺辽쏭ᗍ᳄앍ⶫ鳄왝࿅엧ፍ鳅읥甤᳇익釀옣෍鳇졽䞤鳈즍Ꜫ迆죥ꭐ᳆쪕ᔳ᳊쪥뾫迉짙짏Ჭ쮭꾼鳋첽鄨跃쬷杘鳊췅館᳍췕枧跌찡᳉컝鳎쿭欤෎츟⽑鳍탵朻᷌퀅Ꭸ跏켝᷏턍ꖣ鷑툝鼬ᇈ턝᷒팥ବ鷐팵솧ෑ툗৑鷓퐽솦ᷓ핍ු퐕텐᷐확ꤥᷕ홥⾧࿋헓헌鷖흭覯ᷖ�S࿗ퟍ콌鷗�ģᷙ�㶮还�뇌鷙�闄�득ᵭ텘ꐽ﷊�쑽嵞�๣ﷻ䣍ꮱ뭑ᛅ썽㷝无䤝⏞�㏽귛�￸緞�릥��ෟ�Ꝍ巠켽黟㘔ꓡƍ탠�↾̞Ớ㠰⑞ﻎ 쨨㔾뻣䵉ᥞꏤ傞�츾䋞�摾庽깽ễ䑬婞뻎쥞捾㻧⎀罾꾱鴴磝�䮱绨环麉⾜眞⿪凩ꦞ曫�뤞﷗泪�⌾ử⛔즞뻭췞첾廇랾믮縺췢︑տﻨ굩㿰ⴌ爵ﻌ�ᅿ㿱㬠�呾鄛歾㿲옸㜿꿳t䅟ṁ࿃㏟ᄃ啿繃屿ᅯཋ亿翆᯾뿶ᐩ쇻�滶秿槸蠿ꛝ躿翨郞胟뿅辰퍽㫺竬锟䋺녬놿神풚ᆹﰭ匞탷ﯳ鎏忸﷍솾�寝אָ텿缍쏔얟뷾₄䄂萀ԁ䆃躛ﰆᤞ蜍᠑五ᔩ䖋ᇣ풘㥮輝ᤒ踔╉䦓ዥ咙妮霭ᤓ캔㕩䶛Ꮷ풙 秮脴愈뤰︌㶃冣ᓩ喚餮ꝍᨕ井喩喫ᗫ햚慮蘿毑ᮖ踕旉妳Ꮽﶗ펮띭ᬗ캕庥�霮햛燐뽽ᰘ༖蔉懃ᣱ嚜᤯잍ᰙኖ໭撼᧳횜㥯쾝ᬚሥ∕僒媴嚝妯힭ᴛ骖弇᯷횝篮罫㣯Ḝท镑櫛鰸垞餯侀ḝ侗햩痫᷻澛ᤚﱷ἞輗榬黣㞏�ﹻᬟ瀏�緹῿�㚄Ӱ̋ፄ䄅摰ܛ⊄샰⭈৭倸⎢䈋༻헓ꀀ�ፁ卄䔕筨ዩ釅抄㿀钑᭫倰忌윛ύ茄䠡⑲ぇ谤䗆䫒☫ሹꍔ䨩ꍬ詪勇뎤䬭鲺쏴⌱ꓱ㏇醼䴨搓㟛丹ꑳ쓪卍펲㠑⒱㲛̅偁╴䌋錽༅䕅ⶓ 䜗㍅῅剉ꕴ䬫㏅㑍贴伷䌅呑╵卋爾ྲ听揵䚥뗕뎃홎ꔵ孫珅坝浰幧茅켟ᕶ掋Ꮽ奤൭晟緭婨ꕶ殫독䑭≨㿯楛ﯴ�┗룊靘팵嵵ꕮ皕鵵幸㵫窥彽흞㿲恴☸鈊磠ጶ憅㕫蛝抈险訁㏆掍谺�௲慴น测饤匶斕晨阝╾暘㹨驁復珆枝鯑�씝뙵ꉑ難但쁔ṷ躓婦㥶꘺ꮫ頻닆櫦険隅�쏖桅ᛛ돋祓콶嘛긋뭭溹ꙻꓪ苖宠뛻࿻⡃埽炿⑼뒷런�巄잛윗ﱱ⎇柉浼상켣즶켻༷嫐埜橇뵲匷痕 Current industry standard is 200,000-SF for a warehouse/distribution building. The site split warehouse space between two buildings to achieve close to 180,000-SF 5. The site must provide good secondary road access to support the expected truck and employee traffic. A traffic signal at the intersection of Gallimore Dairy Road and Chimney Rock Road controls traffic adjacent both site entrances. 6. A site that was relatively free of environmental features, streams, and floodplain, and/or features that would be to large building footprints. 7. The site is entitled/zoned to appropriately allow for the intended bulk warehousing/distribution and commercial use. Due to the site's unique configuration with a wetland and stream in the center of the site, in order to achieve close to the minimum industry standard of 200,000-SF warehouse space, while avoiding further impacts to the wetland and stream onsite, the warehouse space was split between two buildings. The larger warehouse space was configured as far back from the wetland to minimize further impacts to the resource. The depth of the building is at the minimum while still providing separation of vehicular and tractor trailer parking and movement with separate driveways. Separation of vehicular and tractor trailer movements provides safety for both operators. Fire safety requires full access to a minimum of three sides of the building, which has been provided. Impacts to the wetland were minimized to the maximum extent practicable with grading at a 2:1 slope. A retaining wall was considered, however costs, maintenance and safety concerns with regard to the height of the wall and additional fencing on top of the wall were considered impracticable. 2) Based on proposed grading, wetland fill, and re-routing of drainage into stormwater ponds, the project appears to eliminate the drainage area/hydrology source for the remainder of the on -site Wetland downstream of the proposed impact site. Unless otherwise justified, the Corps would consider the remainder of the Wetland as a reasonably foreseeable indirect impact (see NWP General Conditions "District Engineers Decision") resulting from a loss of hydrology. Unless otherwise justified, compensatory mitigation would be required for both direct impacts and indirect impacts resulting in a loss of hydrology and therefore aquatic function; compensatory mitigation is typically required at a 2:1 ratio, depending largely on resource quality (reference the NCWAM score of "High" for this wetland); Based upon site characteristics and aerial photos, there is evidence that the wetland was an excavated farm pond, which intercepts groundwater. USGS StreamStats (attached to this email) depicts an overall drainage area at the bottom of the stream at Gallimore Diary Road as 20 acres. Aerial photos from 1955 depict a farm pond (attached to this email). It is unlikely that the wetland is completely sustained by surface water runoff and based upon the aerials and drainage area, it is more likely groundwater driven and will be hydrologically sustainable with the impact shown on the plans. In addition, the applicant is undertaking geotechnical investigations at the site. Additional borings will be performed to confirm the location of groundwater. Based upon that information, the applicant will make a decision with regard to adding footing drains that would discharge to the remaining wetland area in order to avoid indirect impacts to sustaining hydrology to this area. The geotechnical investigation is anticipated to occur within the next month. Upon receipt of those results and modifications to the project design, specifically with regard to the addition of footing drains, the information will be submitted to your office for review as part of this application. 3) We acknowledge the information you provided in the PCN pertaining to endangered species (Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act). However, given the general nature of potentially suitable habitat for Schweinitz's sunflower and small whorled pogonia, the existence of both open and forested areas within the project area, and given recent USFWS concerns regarding these species, the Corps cannot currently reach a No Effect determination for these species within the Section 7 Action Area based on the information provided. Note that the Corps is willing to request concurrence from the USFWS on a May Affect Not Likely to Adversely Affect determination for both species using the information you provided. However, please be aware that, if the USFWS cannot concur with this determination based on this information, they may request a plant -by -plant survey for these species within the appropriate survey season(s). Per NWP 29 General Condition 18, the Corps cannot verify the use of a NWP until Section 7 consultation is complete. 2 See USFWS letter dated March 9, 2022 (attached) which states that based upon information provided, it appears that the proposed action is not likely to adversely affect any federally -listed endangered or threatened species, their formally designated critical habitat, or species currently proposed for list under the Act at this site. MICHELLE SAVAGE-MEASDAY, PWS I Environmental Senior Project Manager T 919.861.9910 I D 919.861.9821 I C 919.441.2437 5260 Greens Dairy Road I Raleigh I NC 127616 ECS SOUTHEAST, LLP THE NEW ASTM PHASE I STANDARD IS HERE - Contact us to find out more. Instagram I Linkedln I Facebook I Twitter Confidential/proprietary message/attachments. Delete message/attachments if not intended recipient. 3 • •• • < • • i; United States Department of the Interior FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Raleigh ES Field Office 551-F Pylon Drive Raleigh, North Carolina 27606 March 9, 2022 Michelle Measday ECS Southeast LLP 5260 Green Dairy Road Raleigh, NC 27616 Re: 415 Gallimore Dairy Road —Guilford County Dear Mrs. Measday: This letter is to inform you that the Service has established an on-line project planning and consultation process which assists developers and consultants in determining whether a federally -listed species or designated critical habitat may be affected by aproposed project. For future projects, please visit the Raleigh Field Office'sproject planning website at If you are only searching for a list of species that may be present in the project's Action Area, then you may use the Service's Information, Planning, and Consultation System (IPaC) website to determine if any listed, proposed, or candidate species may be present in the Action Area and generate a species list. The IPaC website may be viewed at The IPaC web site contains a complete and frequently updated list of all endangered threatened species protected by the provisions of the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.)(Act), a list of federal species of concern' that are known to occur in each county in North Carolina, and other resources. Section 7 of the Act requires that all federal agencies (or their designated non-federal representative), in consultation with the Service, ensure that any action federally authorized, funded, or carried out by such agencies is not likely to jeopardize the continued existence of any federally -listed endangered or threatened species. A biological assessment or evaluation may be prepared to fulfill that requirement and in determining whether additional consultation with the Service is necessary. In addition to the federally -protected species list, information on the species' life histories and habitats and information on completing a biological assessment or 'The term "federal species of concern" refers to those species which the Service believes might be in need of concentrated conservation actions. Federal species of concern receive no legal protection and their designation does not necessarily imply that the species will eventually be proposed for listing as a federally endangered or threatened species. However, we recommend that all practicable measures be taken to avoid or minimize adverse impacts to federal species of concern. evaluation and can be found on our web page at Please check the web site often for updated information or changes. If your project contains suitable habitat for any of the federally -listed species known to be present within the county where your project occurs, the proposed action has the potential to adversely affect those species. As such, we recommend that surveys be conducted to determine the species' presence or absence within the project area. The use of North Carolina Natural Heritage program data should not be substituted for actual field surveys. If you determine that the proposed action may affect (i.e., likely to adversely affect or not likely to adversely affect) a federally -protected species, you should notify this office with your determination, the results of your surveys, survey methodologies, and an analysis of the effects of the action on listed species, including consideration of direct, indirect, and cumulative effects, before conducting any activities that might affect the species. If you determine that the proposed action will have no effect (i.e., no beneficial or adverse, direct or indirect effect) on federally listed species, then you are not required to contact our office for concurrence (unless an Environmental Impact Statement is prepared). However, you should maintain a complete record of the assessment, including steps leading to your determination of effect, the qualified personnel conducting the assessment, habitat conditions, site photographs, and any other related articles. With regard to the above -referenced project, we offer the following remarks. Ourcomments are submitted pursuant to, and in accordance with, provisions of the Endangered Species Act. Based on the information provided and other information available, it appears that the proposed action is not likely to adversely affect any federally -listed endangered or threatened species, their formally designated critical habitat, or species currently proposed for listing under the Act at these sites. We believe that the requirements of section 7(a)(2) of the Act have been satisfied for your project. Please remember that obligations under section 7 consultation must be reconsidered if: (1) new information reveals impacts of this identified action that may affect listed species or critical habitat in a manner not previously considered; (2) this action is subsequently modified in a manner that was not considered in this review; or, (3) a new species is listed or critical habitat determined that may be affected by the identified action. However, the Service is concerned about the potential impacts the proposed action might have on aquatic species. Aquatic resources are highly susceptible to sedimentation. Therefore, we recommend that all practicable measures be taken to avoid adverse impacts to aquatic species, including implementing directional boring methods and stringent sediment and erosion control measures. An erosion and sedimentation control plan should be submitted to and approved by the North Carolina Division of Land Resources, Land Quality Section prior to construction. Erosion and sedimentation controls should be installed and maintained between the construction site and any nearby down -gradient surface waters. In addition, we recommend maintaining natural, vegetated buffers on all streams and creeks adjacent to the project site. The North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission has developed a Guidance Memorandum (a copy can be found on our website at ( to address and mitigate secondary and cumulative impacts to aquatic and terrestrial wildlife resources and water quality. We recommend that you consider this document in the development of your projects and in completing an initiation package for consultation (if necessary). We hope you find our web page useful and informative and that following the process described above will reduce the time required, and eliminate the need, for general correspondence for species' lists. If you have any questions or comments, please contact John Ellis of this office at (919) 856-4520 ext. 26. Sincerely, Pete Benjamin Field Supervisor StreamStats Report Region ID: NC Workspace ID: NC20220318142729797000 Clicked Point (Latitude, Longitude): 36.06786,-79.95152 Time: 2022-03-18 10:27:49 -0400 Basin Characteristics Parameter Code Parameter Description DRNAREA Area that drains to a point on a stream Value Unit 0.0313 square miles USGS Data Disclaimer: Unless otherwise stated, all data, metadata and related materials are considered to satisfy the quality standards relative to the purpose for which the data were collected. Although these data and associated metadata have been reviewed for accuracy and completeness and approved for release by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the display or utility of the data for other purposes, nor on all computer systems, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty. USGS Software Disclaimer: This software has been approved for release by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). Although the software has been subjected to rigorous review, the USGS reserves the right to update the software as needed pursuant to further analysis and review. No warranty, expressed or implied, is made by the USGS or the U.S. Government as to the functionality of the software and related material nor shall the fact of release constitute any such warranty. Furthermore, the software is released on condition that neither the USGS nor the U.S. Government shall be held liable for any damages resulting from its authorized or unauthorized use. USGS Product Names Disclaimer: Any use of trade, firm, or product names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government. Application Version: 4.7.0 StreamStats Services Version: 1.2.22 NSS Services Version: 2.1.2