HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-03730_Well Construction - GW1_20220330 6VELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD(GW 11 For fiftrad uie OnW. . Y. C9ntractorInformation: . _ ,IZ • s 11 r/Yte� /S Cog Fin ATF.RZONES. i;ti.'I�.3w:,$;�.J..ir.Ge•�..�'•% G�:�•Yle.w:�s t'�'..� .o-'e��;t•,: d 'r0 ' F-77 PTION WcMitrsctorNeme p @. '�r� • . NC Well CootractorCeRifieatfonNumber o G forsnni6•ca+ediv'elli OT;LINEB a"' "b1E+'�'i,'`ir:%,'...7i _�G9//1�/�s• T%c. FxoK To Dtnnmrtrt 7lrcravEss tdn7Eatnr. Com Name 11 B' --0,3 ft. P8°y' #16.'JPII�[iCASIIdG ]tTOBING eusieiniatelti�e"d�lod' is3G:YI,`E :;��+5"sAbc,ri�t 2.Well'Construction Permit MOMr - .To I Dranusrsn•I 7IDC@iFS3 staTsttw. LfstaUappUcabte veil eonsbuadon permits(Le-WC County.Sfafa Yarfahm eft) D' & 3.Welt Use.(checkweit use): fG ft: tu. I aterSaPPlgWen: ti7.SCRE6NMc'n�i"? 36�h::5i?SY'F:}s?s�u"o�iq),�r,^•;7:i.'Br'ca:Z4ip•�-Fe'"'�?St'i�:a• 't PAOMt 70 DrAM SLCTSIZE TStC1QlES3 MtATERiNL Agricultural DMts icipaUPublic 0 fL ft GeothemadOleating/Cooling Supply). [3Residential Water Supply.(single) iG fa. IndustriaUCommaeteild tMResfden6l Water SuPPIY(s '2^s r+x,?F�.1. g- i ,sv ,�,...� <. . i4ttFGADUTI�kt1.£i.. !."=�i..d.....i.,.''y;tt:?3a;'ii'•R�•.....bu9n"i4::p!..1 tiOII M(LK TO Tsnw.• mtvlrrCBawxrMtgrtrOD& Nun-WaterSuppVWeU- �: 'L . o ft i �' LAVIftTesst g DR=very n f6 y 6 B en: & ft.echarge �GroundwaterRemediatton•.' " rorageandRwovery 13SdWwBanier mom Toest j3StounwatuDtainege ft fGntalTedmology 13SubsidenceCoMolal(ClosedLoop) Tracer' :710.D LOGal olin ReturnrlOther(a mlain under1121 Ramadrs N oMr. To Di scas�rox cotoatmnta semsoek A ft. a ft. RYd • 4.Date Wens)Completed: a/ `z Z Well WO I.A �, & q n rt,w a 5a.WCULoCRtion: ( IL Vie • �- �a 3 . IL Asa o D' +eL PftM IOwner Jaaus _ FaeitOy ID0(ifapplteable). & D' fL ft. MAR. 3 020 9 . �rr�� .1J,4r�ne. .�?1 Cre�rinrrar� 1�1.L. >5'zL PbysWAddass..Cfty.andZfp ft. ft L `P Ga .�:� .�i::n1�: v' A?.$n"•+iGYiarrfi v•n�iars'P:.f��ic.�l7��,�'t`7�.J. +yYi; i� r.L c4 Comp• �— PatmIldenffndonUMPM d a 5b.Latitude and longitude in degrees/minutedseconds or decbnal degeses: (ifwell8atd.onetvtAongfsenIDelea4 22.CnIffteation: ' 3d.�6ag n N 78'3G'�.2`t�6zy:r w Si ov .6.Is(a1e)tbewen(s) rrtranent or 13Temponry ,VI- ✓ Bj,Sfvft thfsform.•1 hereby Cae that the weJl(s)arcs(:van)eonr&reted to aaordmue 7.Isthisa repair to an exis ftwell:. 13Yes .or ON6 IVIth IMMICW.,01W Grim MIC 02C.02200Jr4ffC0nmaaToaStaadardsaad&Wa .r&&Lsarepafr,JtUoatlmmmiwfi onstraettonfitfn=donaadesplafnthenatareofAe eopyojthtsr�rrllrasbeenprovldedrothenellaurrcr..• repairaader#2lrenmrktseeNonoronthebaekofth&faros. 23.Sitedingramoraddidouldwendetags: - 8.F4r Geoprobe/DPT or Closed-Loop Geothermal Wells Laving the same You may use the back of this pap;to provide additional well site details or vSyQ conMedon.onlyIOW-lisneeded.lndOMTOTALNUMBSRofwelis construcNondetetls.You'mayalaoattechadditonalpaP,esifnecessazy:•. ted' AUBMI'1TALINBTRU(MTIONS 9.Totalwendepthbelowlandsurface: `/Gdd Z (�) 24a.For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days,of'eompletion of well FormdItptewe&IIstalldep#xjr trwvd(-ample-3Q200'wd2Q1W) eonstiuctioutothefollowing: 10.Statlewaterlevel below top of casing: VQ Divi4ton of WaterResources,Infbsmation Proce'sdngUn% tf 5rararlevdLs abora eautn&use"a' 1d17 Mail Serves Cwter,RdGkAsNCZ7699-16t7 li.$otehoIe diameter: (in.) 24L For iutectim Wens: In addition to sending the Ibl=to the,addnss in 24a :above;also submit'one copy of l ifs 1brm within 30 days of oumpictlou�orwen It Well construction method: ' t^y�,�r y Const mation to lice following: Oe.mgwmtaW.eabtG Oedpusb.etL) Division of WaterResourees,Unde:gmundInjection Control Program, FOR WATMSMPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636MailServIce f]ente4IWeigb4 NC 27699=1636• Da-Meld(gpm) X b Method of to t: A:r � 24c.For Water Snonly&Infection Wells: In addition to sending the foun to the addresses) above; also submit.one*copy of this form wiUrin 30 days of 13b.DhInCectiontypr.426r:n e Amount: 46 O 7-. completion of well coustimction to the county health ileparl cent of the county where conshucted. . FamOW-t Noah cuormaDepadmentoMVfronmmtalQuatity-DIvlatonofWater.P-0 i itevfudy2't-2016