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HomeMy WebLinkAboutFW_ Duplin Bridge 36 (B-5639) update on 3_25From:Farrell, Sean C
To:Shaver, Brad E CIV USARMY CESAW (US); Sprinkle, Hannah H
Cc:Westphal, Anneliese; Gingrich, Sophia E
Subject:FW: Duplin Bridge 36 (B-5639) update on 3/25
Date:Tuesday, March 29, 2022 1:29:38 PM
Attachments:1(north end).jpg
Brad and Hannah,
I had Sophia perform site inspections in Duplin and Sampson on Friday 3/25 for the sites that were
to be included in the ride-through that we cancelled on 3/24 due to weather. Please see below
report from her on B-5639. Overall this site is looking much improved in the maintenance of the
temporary fill slopes. They have also finally started on constructing the temporary bridge. Please let
me know if you have any questions or if I can provide any additional information on this site.
Sean Farrell
Division Environmental Officer
Division 3
NCDOT- Division of Highways
910-341-2033 office
910-599-1184 mobile
5501 Barbados Blvd
Castle Hayne, NC 28429
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North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties.
From: Gingrich, Sophia E <>
Sent: Monday, March 28, 2022 10:44 AM
To: Farrell, Sean C <>
Subject: Duplin Bridge 36 (B-5639) update on 3/25
Hey Sean,
Here are pictures of Bridge 36 on 3/25 after they fixed what we asked them to fix. I did not label
them but tried to keep them in order from north to south.
A couple things I noticed:
They replaced almost all the sandbags holding the fabric down.
They seeded and matted and put a silt fence in where we talked about it. In that same
section, the silt fence and turbidity curtain in the water are doing their job.
They moved the timbers to the top of the slope.
They cleaned up where the burrito busted in the southeast quadrant. (The one you warned
them was bulging.)
They also cleaned up the sediment in all other places where it busted/leaked out at the
There are still a couple places where the fabric looks ripped at the bottom of the slope, so
we’ll have to keep our eye on them.
Even after the rain on 3/23-3/24 everything looked nice.
Sophia Gingrich
Environmental Technician
Division 3
NCDOT – Division of Highways
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