HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0019755_Monitoring - 12-2021_20220126Monitoring Report Submittal Permit Number #* Name of Facility:* Month: * December Report Information WQ0019755 JPC Utilities, LLC Type * NDMR, NDAR-1, NDAR-2, NDMLR Confirmation Email Address:* Name of Submitter: * Signature: Date of submittal: Initial Review Year:* 2021 Upload Document* Scan0097. pdf 1.07M B PDF Only Please upload one PDF containing all applicable monitoring reports (i.e., NDMR, NDAR-1, NDAR-2, NDMLR, GW-59). doug@jpc-management.com Douglas Smith Reviewer: Gerald, Wanda 1 /26/2022 This will be filled in automatically Is the project number correct?* WQ0019755 Is the monitoring report accepted?* Yes No Regional Office* Winston-Salem Accepted Date: 3/29/2022 JPC Utilities, LL P•15 oft 54d P—B f3�5) 99a 09 Ridd4. RC2731n 083: (33) 24,F349 E-W adduM d4U9•rns�gBmen�.00m January 26,2029 Inflormfim Proaessin Uni, NV-Disehar�e Compliance Group 1617 Mail Service Carter Rai" h. NC 27�399.1 B17 RE: Oak Ridge Commons Spray+ Irriga§w Wastewater System 02k Ridge, N-C Guiiford County Permit: WQOO19755 Uear Sir or Madam: Attached Ore thO Spray frrlgation Non -Discharge RepartIng Formt for Dee.&mber. 2021 Pleaso --all witr a �y quoskions �+r ran" Monts, Best ragards, -,, ;,-6 �- s,,�ez Doubles Sm1111 JPO UdPittisS, LLC (336)215-0 49 dOu91Pc-man$gemard.corn FORM: MOMR 03-12 MOM -DISCHARGE MONITOR MG REPORT �NDMR} Page -L of 34iurnpling Persant sl, I Certified Laboratories Flame: Bradley Flynt I Name: Std'Esville.,k.•halyt;Ce1 Name: Ooug Smith Name: Does all monitoring data and sampling frequencies meat the requirements in Attachment A of your permit? C +a,t �j MX COTotam I' the fa!:ilty 15 rl0n•G4mpl►aM, FIea59 explain in the epave below the mason(e) the faUhty ewe# not in empllanpc. Provide in your wq tanation IM dale(S) of the nnmQvrwIWnca and deecrlbe the tarimi;M stban(s) taken. Atlarh adaitionaf Sheets If rieorswy- Operat3r In Reepanslhle Clit, rye f[) RC) Certification petTYlitlw f3rdlfa�rblpn ORO: Bradley Flynt Pdrmillpe JRC 1.11MItles, LLC Certification Ho,; 27171 SI!D14ing Official. Doug Smith Grade: IV Phom NLArnLer: 036)430-132152 sigMng ofr{iars Tag: Back -Up CRC Has the 019C Char,"d Write the previous NDMR-? C Yes 11'+u iPhc a NWRber_ ( 6P 15-a$dJ Pamil Explration. F>)3112027 r Z** =WAM 3lgrtebury Gate t3FSWW 1 1 &P611 IS O[acrr;ft aM L13MPMA ra it" my of my kWwkdge. I cn tiy, 1.wir lKstdre or uhr, rIM ilia a4alrrrud ino df enarJrnlanu were peparm u�¢}r my aAelnn Q auperYlSnn m aocar+l+.rc� „M o:wowm a Mnee In am" ilia d 9WK+d PwbonuW p Wtwad aria aodueted fro wiS nasal a bmtlod. eoSW M m/ "3AY 3 the person or Ws*rLF whD rn.WAW the sysiom, orl vae PR3 S dM�refPorwblr roe 201wrWj mn V*vffWbn um Mwrma" iL"lad la, is the bW or mIr kiwAy ipr and bald. nA. woaueb. am a'ynplda. 14n +1MWe Mal iwlo *IB 1119MGM1 Aft-POM br WNTL1114 6** WkWM16M, 4IG118np"pmre" or tbas NO WPmcnmMl for kf1a�N� 4k111orIs. Mail OtiginaI and Two Oaplcs t4: Division of Water Resources Informatl-bin Pro-ceesing Unit 1617 M* it Serwice Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27690-1617 FOR* NUMR 4302 NON-0I SCHA4RGE f14ONFTORl REPORT (NOMR) Raga of Purmlt No.: W00019755 FZIlty No— Oak Ridge Commms WWTP County- Guilford Molm Dsca l;iw Year. 2021 pPl: 001 Flaw M99eturlrnp Ppia1L IJ r(Lem G El�uer:t ❑HaftwRw*aW p.Waimater Monlforing Point: - `-m'Unt J Emmr{ Iisa�agrrLvm" ❑9.riwc mter AaramoW Code SDND M310 5006+0 31616 00410 M625 00620 D46D4 bum 9@0 5 00m 00076 c F :E C In _9 Q a L~ , 0 E D P_ 24-fir hrs GPU m 1L mglL 41100 rnL 1 nnWL m -GIL su nwL mq& NTU 1 16:45 0.5 11,00fl 1.01 1 7.4 039 1910 0.5 18,0U0 0.9t 7.3 0.31 3 13:15 0.5 12,000 0.9e 7.9 0.35 4 2.00D 0_35 5 2,0W 1.50 5 0546 0.75 2,1*0 0.49 7.4 1.59 7 D&M 0.5 131000 0.22 7.S 0.35 8 16:50 0.5 20.000 3.29 72 0.54 0 1835 0.5 5,000 3 49 7.7 1.47 14 11.30 0.5 1,D00 2.11 7.7 0.6 11 3,000 0.6 12 UK 3.3 15 t7-00 0.9 3,000 0.81 7.4 3.3 14 17:50 0.76 7,406 2.01 715 C32 Ti 17:00 0-5 0,000 <2 1.99 {i C_i 123 1.5 2.73 7.3 1 0.8 ,747 3.20 16 O&A5 0.75 5.D00 t.64 7-3 2,07 1! 13:16 0.5 6,000 0.89 7.3 2.4 18 11,.OGD 24 Is 11.000 0.12 20 145:40 0.76 11.D90 0.+14 7.6 0.72 21 16:25 4 5 1 8,000 1.96 7.5 1.12 22 10:45 0.5 2,000 2.01 75 _ 0.83 23 13:40 0.5 4.000 2.29 7.5 1.38 24 H 700 1.38 26 7,000 1.38 26 7.000 0.33 7,000 0.33 28 17'30 0.76 7,DN 0.09 7.5 _ 0.33 a27 29 10c45 0.5 10.0w 1.94 7.5 Q7g 30 17:30 0.5 10,000 2.18 7.5 0.191 31 H 10 000 0.61 Avftago; 7,452 0.00 1 GO 1.00 0.00 1-23 1.513 2.73 0.80 0 00 1.31 Coffyeftxinwim; MOW 2.00 349 100 0.10 Im 1.64 2.79 7.70 0.80 2 75 4.32 DadMinimum.' 1,000 2.G0 0.22 1.00 0.10 1.23 1.50 2.79 7.20 0.80 2.75 0.31 SmOing Type.,I PAwrdor Grab Grab G"b 15ra4 Oft Gnarl GnWb Grab Gib 43Fgb "Sowdef Monthly Avg. LIMIL 36,040 10 14 4 5 Dal LYtlt 16 25 6 10 10 BtfY} F�quencp: �memao �iorr✓ r 5,X "k Manlhfk Muj±H y 1 Ihly INpnI1Vy Nanlhly Yv klonlhff M1iaYlhfr CDnlileara FORM- NDMR 03-12 NON -DISCHARGE MC"TORING REPORT (NOMR) Page FYI ! *. ,■- Commons WVVTP • • 0: . I li - oili 4 m �Mrm, MMMINE M�M © ME, mom MonMly Avg Lim FORM. NDAR-1 10-13 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-1) Pagn --L 01 - Did the application rates exceed the limits in A"chment B of your permit? Were adequate uneasures taken to prevent effluent ponding in or runoff from the sites? Was a suitable vegetative covet maintained on all sites as specified in your permit? Were all setbacks listed In your permit maintained for every application to each permitted site? Wore all freeboards maintained in accordance with the specified *"board heights in your permit? E compiwa G Nora chr puns E]ON"m J Nanfarnplkr* IjCWWQ-t C rien•CUYpirant QV a t 0 hon-comp D CompRant [] Ncjr�nr F I,r: fa _ :y r::n L r,.Iia Ir. p1ea9e expl:, n -, -�e=;:);,::c hotaw the rdawNs} the facility waa not in compµance. Provide In y0hr eryianaltan the daW(s) or the non{ompkarrDe and 44aorIW the ahrredye 9Cli0n[p laku-Alteth M&I4I49814hee^,5 ifneC6998r_y. Of&*w In B�ftponai�ts Change fORG) CerutiCauon Permittea Corllficalion ORC: Bradley F M Pcrmlttee. JPC Utilrlles, LLC C6rlificatlon No.: 27171 Signing Ohlolal: Doug Smith Grade: IV Phone Number: f 336MO-KI52 $:Qnirtg officip I' : T198: Back -Up ORC fias the ORC changed sir" dw previrwrF NDAR-17 Phone Number: (336)215-0949 Permit EKp.: 5I31P27 �� �, ��;w ne/Z622 gnatu Elate ftreoture Date d*2LICI*Wtal [he. iipxr a a:currala � oonpk* la Ir�i a nl my Cra,raXja I mdry wp w P",wWce law, Ito Ta d�5amml and it r+rarhmmis wcr0 fv"-!sd arKA3r mr "XSn 9r wpa-.iWA 0 * 1 x din Mill a+yakrn dt"nad ae Quwe Thal all waMwo personnel wLiN4 y ,[whrred and zvrLHw the riDminion *A r*Rad. Bead may 'nwr'r of It r pw4K ' ur pwwa w m manage ft wuNm a Ihtisr p"arw r r4 iy W.�snsblr rw OwNwhg "kANW 1pn. ow .nkwmMan subma ad if. tine b-A a1.3r uve and [oief. Inw a-4um o aaa c—pmw 1 am a.rw unr Owe are wudk e pora+l.a br RbMtUM iitre rirrma,lm, rptl wby"pasuNIO- r d knevF w,d Imp &memn, Ile fY4Np vu e"LJ 11la11 Original and two Copies to bivi$ion of Water Rcsources Information Processing Unit T617 Ma It SerYic3 Center Raroigh- North Carolina 27699-1917 r-ORM. Nr)AH-' 'C-3 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATIQN REPORT (NDAR-1) Paw Permit N4.; V000019765 Faelllty home• 0@K Ridgy Cornrr..an% V'W P Comity Guifford Month: December Yaar: ?.021 Field NamR; RCL-01 Field Mmm RC-02 Field !lames: RC-W Field Mane: RC-EAA []it`i irriga tian occur Area (mros1: 2.11 Jima 217 Ana (mores): 2.1 Arem jstmm); 1.46 at this facility? C"rCrUp: CovwCrop: C vai1--rop: CovwCrvW dourly Ripe {anl-. 01 HolYlyr Rp" (In): 0.3 Halrly Rats (In}: 013 dourly Ptalm On): D.3 AnrAMI Rate (in): 22.21 Asmud d Rate (iny 22-21 hnnuelRa*(ln): 22.21 Anrmel Raba Jim). 4V.21 Weat1wr Freehnard FlW knOW17 n YES NO Field Irrigated? 17 YES Q li4 FJdd IrrlgMed7 ; l VF& r] NO Reid Irrigated? I] YES *0 v _ E • E " U ira i m c }' r ._ z_ E._ c T5 Zx I:V ET� =u € ° E a Pea E�� �n E v a ! Q 13 ti J J 7 d 'E J Y J 3 d L J 'F in 11t iM 901 Mlih In in gal min In 1 In gor min In I In gal rnIr7 in in I PC 54 8.2 2 C 64 132 3 C 72 0.2 _ 4 C 72 6 CL 56 6 CL 56 8.2 7 C 33 8,1 3.8 B C 44 8.1 - - 13 C :5 8.1 11} CL v7 8_1 11 CL ST 0.59 12 C 43 13 C 43 8 14 C 45 8.8 15 C 46 1 6 1 fi ti 38 7.9 17 PC 71 7.9 19 PC 71 ' Is PC 39 1 20 PC 39 1 7,8 211 CL 42 1 7.7 5.7 221 C 57 1 716 23 C 55 1 7.8 24 C 58 1 7A9 25 C 55 20 C .66 27 C 610 7.6 28 PC Be 7.6 IL5 29 R 70 0.17 7.6 30 PC 72 7.6 31 PC 72 0.1 _ Monthly Loadi? g.4U U 8_{30 u a_oa 0 0.00 12 Month Fkmu& g Total jlnl: 13.71 14.7E 1 a.15 1 d_46 Did irrigatIon at th Is faclinyr? 1 • r - - I SLO- 1' . I t � ■ is r I . nmm N-�� �� �+iii ■ii�� ■�ii��■iriir��ii���rii� J3iriMU III Mimi HOME �i. Mm ...111M i�i.ii..■ri�i ;i■ii �■i Eiji �M■i.iii ���iiii.�wi i�� m ii i i■i�i��■i i.�.i�.rii.� ME ME a3�.i�i ii..�� .r■i��i�.....ii� �iii� HIM MM im � ��i ��� ��■ir m ii Noii i� �i�■■��i�ii�i ���i r i j � . !, + ! , 7 1 rK Facility Name: Oak Ridge Common Y, VdVrP Did irrigation occur at this facility? W. YLS MU - i ! I ' ■ I B B ■WIMR&UNaW mu ���� M iii iii.ii.i�i�� r iirmmmmm i i�iNi■i. i� �.ii■� �m■�ii� i ��■■�iii..ir�.i ii�rr..i. i.�ii� iii i��■iii,����i �i■��■i�1�r� minim i i ■■■■i■i�i��� ■■■iii ��ii�■ [n.ii mii�i■�ii i�iiari�� �� �������� miii�iiiii■iii��� mirii�ii�iir■■i■ii�. MENEM �■i������ Diiri�������������� Ema ii ii ���� ��.��IMI o�ii■■i.■■ii��i■:�i■�ir�� ■.i.i...C..ii� aiiiii;.....ir��i.rii■���■i■iii� rii■�i�ii i�i■ � iii ii �i�ii■■�� �i■ii� �ri■i���iia■r�� �ir■■iii�i�iiii����iii���ii.i■� i.� 3i�ii.� �r■i■�■i■���ii■.� iiii.■■�i�" CIE■�■.� �3■■li.�.iili■r�.i.i�i■�i.ii ir�riw:ii�Ai� �Iii iii���r����������i FORM: WAR-1 W13 NON-DISCHARG E APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-11) Did Irrigation occur at this facility? OIEbr7���IIOm m mmmm��m� IIIM