HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-03433_Well Construction - GW1_20220318 Jan. 29. 2018 10:58AM Env. Health No. 6711 P. 1 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD(GW 1) " For II I X lti 11 Use Only: 1.Weil Contract(o 111formAdo Y iJ t b,, ,C iL � " Wdl ConnactorNaan nrSCRPTTON ion abo II. NC Well Camtae CuMcadon Number fS;t)1Frk7tS4�it3' `midis UItLIlVEIY f_ bte ;� 'w^:•.,.., FROM 11 TOq R, DIAMEf6A TH[ ESS MATERLtL Compaa a - 1 V :1:IIVNI+,1�'(.ASII QQOTHn1NC? Iher`mal:e!"w6d:loo`2,Well Construction permit#:�../V to I FAOH To or,�btrrea {` 4fsra1l applimble srcll eorurtvcrioa pemims nd.t7IC.Cowry.Stars,Yo nnce arc.) It. R 10. �+rL 3.Well Use(cbeck well use): R. n. to WaterSupplyWelL• - _Agricultural [}MunicipaUPnblic moo' ro DUIrrET SLOTatr� iuicrciaFss �54A.T ny,t.'- Q R• R. Geothermal(HeutinfICOOling Supply) identiat Water supply(Single) _InduabiwCommcrcial 'deatial Water Supply(shared) lion - r--^^'`.is�•.����:::�'z�=.;�-:._>��.�:� .. FROM - -TO :,•-MATt:R1AL L11rt.At:&HEtir--- O .g\MOUNT NOR aWaterSupP1YWell: -O Monitoring � roy Injection Well: n• R .- AquifofRecharge, QGmundwaterRemedistion n D AquiferSlotag0 andRecovery �Shcinity Barrits '79A1t1NGRA3'B> tROhr TO dfAiER1Ai, aMPtA D/� D _. Aquifer Test �StortrwaterDrainage n n Experimental Technology Subsidence Control n n, Geothermal(Closed Loop),_ MTraeer s30 p G7tbG eilaiaddltiopeihlitetr[rtitik;au"' _Geodtemtot(Hearin 'ling Renon / Other lain uade[#21 Remarks FROM To DtSCRIprtON mtar aminnyretFsask - saz err, 4.Date Wells)Completed: J well ID# D IJQQ IL O O tt Sa.Well Location: CZ0 R lG r i Aacldylthvntt Name h.. J*'M' FaclitrtDJt(ifoppl;cnWe) n R. r,. �.. a, .- r P}rysknt Addmss,Gry,and Coaaty Patcelldeadficatin go.(PIN) Sh.Latitude and louglinde in degreWMauteslseconds or decimal degrees: t "' (ifwellfletd,anatadlmtgiasn�iraeat) 22 Certification: q D- ------------------------ ar ` a t- 6.1a(arc)The well(s)IOPermonent or [Temporary Slgmnaeo ertt6edWeDConCacror Date By Ngrdng deft foss;I herolry eeno tbar the"ff($)um(faro)taufHrered rb occ&donca 7.1a1h1sanpalrtopnextsdngWeil ❑Yes or o wNh1S4NCtCO2C.d100orlSANGICO2C.48d0WellConrnrertonSlandotsbandrhata (/this Is a repot►,fill ors bmunt sell emuruwah fnfarttia erpfotn the nafam ofthe �PYofrh+s nsmld Imo bran protiYdul m the trsl!owtrt► repair Wer#2lremarlaiewm,oyonthahaektrfrMsfamr. 23 Site diagram or additional wen details- S.For GeoprobeMPT or Closed-Loop Geothermal Wells having the same You may use the back of this page to provide additional wzll site details or well construction,only 1 OW-1 is needed. Indicate TOTAL.NUMBER of vLr is Consifttction details.You may also attach additional pages if necessary. drilled: L 3IIDMiTTAt INc'r'Rt CT1pNS 9.Total well depth below had Surface:_ ®D (h•) 24a. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well For mulapk trdls lul all depths Jd;02,e»t terotaple.3�tNf sad I�/dd) eonstmction to the following: 10.Stadc water level below top of easing: (R.) Division of Water Reaou lfwmar level isabint crrb%we-+^ rft4 Information Processing Unit, lI•Borehole diameter j l 1617 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 _ (fn.) 24L For lniee_ W d1 in addition to sending the f wen to the address in 243 12.Well construction method:_ Pv 4 r►tr above,also submit one copy of this Ibmn within 30 days of completion of wail (.c.auger•rotary,cable,&wl push construction t construction to die follavving: FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY. Division of Water Resources,Underground Injection Control Program, r 1636 Mail Service Centel,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 139.Yield(gpin) Z-7 r Method of test. 01 24r.For Water Sunoty 8r IDleedoD Wells: In addition to sending the form to the addrcs -)above,also Submit one copy Of this form within 30 days of 13b.llislnfeedoa type: Jl Amount: �iIL .S completion of well construction to the cotut health d • udtere constructed. ry epamnent of the countyFormGw-1 NorteC—i-D-P nmeotafF-irameaul QwtitY-DivisionefWaterRctourees Revised2-22-2016'