HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0026646_Wasteload Allocation_19921105NPDES DOCUMENT SCANNING COVER SHEET NPDES Permit: NC0026646 Pilot Mountain WWTP Document Type: Permit Issuance (Wasteload Allocation Authorization to Construct (AtC) Permit Modification Complete File - Historical Engineering Alternatives (EAA) Correspondence Owner Name Change Instream Assessment (67b) Speculative Limits Environmental Assessment (EA) Document Date: November 5, 1992 This document its printed on reuse paper - iauore arty coritent on the rezrerse Decide NPDES WASTE LOAD ALLOCATION PERMIT NO.: NC0026646 PERMI'1'1'hE NAME: FACILITY NAME: Town of Pilot Mountain Pilot Mountain WWTP Facility Status: Existing Permit Status: Renewal with Modification Major Minor Pipe No.: 001 Design Capacity: 3.0 MGD Domestic (% of Flow): Industrial (% of Flow): ** % ** % Comments: Need PIRF for industrial percentages, PIRF has been requested. Pilot Mountain requests flow increase to 3.0 MGD and outfall relocation to Ararat River. RECEIVING STREAM: the Ararat River Class: C Sub -Basin: 03-07-03 Reference USGS Quad: B 16 SE County: Surry Regional Office: Winston-Salem Regional Office Previous Exp. Date: 1/31/92 Treatment Plant Class: IV Classification changes within three miles: none • Requested by: Charles Lowe by: Reviewed by: ,Gh, 135 (sh:) (please attach) Date: 6/29/92 aki%Date: c yPM to/3 o,19 2///3/v. - Modeler Date Rec. # P (,z50, �z '1005 2 Drainage Area (nv. ) 2.0 Avg. Streamflow (cfs): 3 77 7Q10 (cfs) g2.2 Winter 7Q10 (cfs) I? 3 30Q2 (cfs) _ l Toxicity Limits: IWC 5 % Acut hronic Instream Monitoring: Parameters 1 W&gierru , -1).O. t'-ECRc cowFatadu, c-oNt't, c rl vt ry Upstream Y Location AT L�A57 1 Uu' uPT2� ( Location k SR 7L)4 - A-FTX . 0. 4 At 1 LES DoWMsTREALAA Downstream Y Effluent Characteristics Summer Winter BOD5 (mg/l) -.CD 30 NH -N (mg/1) 3 15 MaNlTag- D.O. (mg/1) TSS (mg/1) 3o 30 F. Col. (/100 ml) 200 Zav pH (SU) 6-9 6-9 gestbuAt- CA(.0124/J6 2-13 it,3,7L 2-43 9A AL t 4QaACryL) 60 3o (AA1Ly /wlx kl 3cu -16 PEAlcouriE . Nor VASE AKI WG SE f•AO 44 -A At MoR-6 Tip-IAnJ 2., roN elk ( E CAUSE oG 77 (0:(2.cun-y (45,0 = o. Z 4 O. ZZ$ 'c. tN r�Jc Comments: Fncii.lry sNouL.D -PC> oP-A4 ILE-Or A4oNfToa#J, Fe42-1 UtDMIL") G�{¢nntil tat COPY - , !Mica L L D, .o11G, CORN11 t7 . RND 5) Lt/EK WSRO P-EzenLmEA S -D4Ar ije. PeruArr rbe &cAlaD F0R- 1. S rvu,D Amp 3.0 114q0 Cof ri[e Pri r) . CoLO(L WILL $E f}bDtesSe , r!J THe- A)vis ca14^1. -fixe St_ 64')� (ft CZ\4f 101Y1 r_ , itI- S�-hay` h s v yT, . WIA) -ciOv.b ca)tu 1014 US, n 0,Gkot, ah. caAcv4 01'vie ► r`toQ ye, kk • Facility Name: NPDES No.: Type of Waste: Facility Status: Permit Status: Receiving Stream: Stream Classification: Subbasin: County: Regional Office: Requestor: Date of Request: Topo Quad: FACT SHEET FOR WASTELOAD ALLOCATION Pilot Mountain WWTP NC0026646 57% Ind/43% dom Existing Renewal Ararat River C 030703 Surry WSRO C. Lowe 6/29/92 B16SE Request # 7005 Stream Characteristic: USGS # Date: Drainage Area (mi2): Summer 7Q10 (cfs): Winter 7Q10 (cfs): Average Flow (cfs): 30Q2 (cfs): IWC (%): PECEIVEb N.C. Dept. of EHNI AUG 1 1992 ReclEor a C.i tficcV 287 82.2 163 379 5.35 Wasteload Allocation Summary (approach taken, correspondence with region, EPA, etc.) The facility is currently discharging to Heatherly Creek, which yields an IWC of 94%. The facility cannot meet its toxicity limit and may relocate to the Ararat River which would yield an IWC of 5% with a flow of 3 MGD. Pilot Mountain is under a JOC due to its failing innovative treatment technology. Federal funds will enable the facility to improve their treatment system and, hopefully, meet their final limits. Previous speculative WLA was performed for a possible discharge to Tom's Creek. Because the Town is seeking long term solutions, the Ararat River may be their best alternative at a flow of 3 MGD. Mt. Airy is appx. 13 miles upstream. The facility should be aware that limits may become more stringent upon basin -wide renewal. Speci Scedul quirements and additional comments from Reviewers: i Recommended by: Reviewed by Instream Assessment: Regional Supervisor: Permits & Engineering: ,0L, aLo atindto-onA. Date: 9,/2o/Rz Date: ?r- 9z- Date: Ili / ?'`3/i SEP 2 3 1992 RETURN TO TECHNICAL SERVICES BY: 2 Existing Limits: Wasteflow (MGD): BOD5 (mg/1): NH3N (mg/1): DO (mg/1): TSS (mg/1): Fecal Co1. (/100 ml): pH (SU): Residual Chlorine (µg/1): Oil & Grease (mg/1): TP (mg/1): TN (mg/1): Temperature: CONVENTIONAL PARAMETERS On Heatherly Creel Monthly Average Summer Winter 1.5 1.5 30 30 14 monitor 5 5 30 30 200 200 6-9 6-9 30 30 60 daily max Not cause an increase of more than 2.8°C in the receiveing stream and in no case cause the receiving stream to exceed 29°C Existing limits are based on WLA completed 12/91. Recommended Limits: Wasteflow (MGD): BOD5 (mg/1): NH3N (mg/1): DO (mg/1): TSS (mg/1): Fecal Co1. (/100 ml): pH (SU): Residual Chlorine (14/1): Oil & Grease (mg/1): TP (mg/1): TN (mg/1): Temperature: On the Ararat River Monthly Average Summer Winter WQ or EL 3.0 3.0 30 30 15 monitor 30 30 200 200 6-9 6-9 28 28 30 30 60 daily max Not cause an increase of more than 2.8°C in the receiveing stream and in no case cause the receiving stream to exceed 29°C. Limits Changes Due To: Change in 7Q10 data Change in stream classification Relocation of discharge Change in wasteflow Parameters) Affected NH3-N (explanation of any modifications to past modeling analysis including new flows, rates, field data, interacting discharges) (See page 4 for miscellaneous and special conditions, if applicable) 3 Type of Toxicity Test: Existing Limit: Recommended Limit Monitoring Schedule: existing Limits Cadmium (ug/l): Chromium (ug/l): Copper (ug/1): Nickel (ug/1): Lead (ug/1): Zinc (ug/l): Cyanide (ug/1): Phenols (ug/l): Mercury (ug/1): Silver (ug/l): Recommended Limits TOXICS/METALS Chronic Quarterly P/F Qtrly P/F at 90% (per WLA completed 12/91) Qtrly P/F at 5% Jul, Oct, Jan, Apr ON 4611THeizi4 Czeest, Daily Max. 2.1 53 monitor 94 27 monitor 5.3 0.013 monitor pa -nke ARa44 r Daily Max. COD (mg/): Cadmium (ug/1): monitor Chromium (ug/l): monitor Copper (ug/l): monitor Nickel (ug/1): monitor Lead (ug/1): monitor Zinc (ug/1): monitor Cyanide (ug/1): monitor Phenols (ug/1): Mercury (ug/1): 0.224 Silver (ug/1): monitor Limits Changes Due To: Change in 7Q10 data Change in stream classification Relocation of discharge Change in wasteflow New pretreatment information Failing toxicity test Other (onsite toxicity study, interaction, etc.) WQ or EL Parameter(s) Affected All metals X Parameter(s) are water quality limited. For some parameters, the available load capacity of the immediate receiving water will be consumed. This may affect future water quality based effluent limitations for additional dischargers within this portion of the watershed. OR No parameters are water quality limited, but this discharge may affect future allocations. INSTREAM MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Upstream Location: at least 100 ft upstream Downstream Location: at SR 2044 appx. 0.4 miles downstream Parameters: temperature, DO, Fecal coliform, conductivity Special instream monitoring locations or monitoring frequencies: MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION & SPECIAL CONDITIONS Adequacy of Existing Treatment Has the facility demonstrated the ability to meet the proposed new limits with existing treatment facilities? Yes No If no, which parameters cannot be met? SS,Aar 710 t,/%'srn.,e#y7� ��.0 %: Would a "phasing in" of the new limits be appropriate? Yes No If yes, please provide a schedule (and basis for that schedule) with the regional office recommendations: If no,Lwhy not?j/ /� 7 ;1/ �LLT`7 / G-r�G� �v �' Z,t/i 1 / �-7tv TGl4 // i4:0-/e�/ s��c �1 I w/ Special Instructions or Conditions Wasteload sent to EPA? (Major) (Y or N) (If yes, then attach schematic, toxics spreadsheet, copy of model, or, if not modeled, then old assumptions that were made, and description of how it fits into basinwide plan) Additional Information attached? (Y or N) If yes, explain with attachments. Facility Name pi to n MTN • w W Tp Permit # A1Coo 26,6 4(0 Pipe # CHRONIC TOXICITY PASS/FAIL PERMIT LIMIT (QRTRLY ) The effluent discharge shall at no time exhibit chronic toxicity using test procedures outlined in: 1.) The North Carolina Ceriodaphnia chronic effluent bioassay procedure (North Ca Procedure - Revised *September 1989) or subsequent versions.'°a Chronic Bioassay The effluent concentration at which there may be no observable inhibition of � 5 �o (defined as treatment two in the North Carolina procedure doc�eAmproduction or significant mortality quartet,monitoring using this procedure to establish compliance with the tit condition.The holder shall perform performedAfter thirty days from the effective date of this The first test will be 5u� / o c.T, .TAN �pR . Effluent sampling permitng the months of permitted final effluent discharge below all treatment testing shall be performed at the NPDES processes. All toxicity testingresults this required as part of this permit condition will be entered on the Effluent Discharge Monitoring Form (MR-1) for the month in which it wasg Additionally, DEM Form AT-1 (original) is to be sent tofollowing using r the parameter code TGP3B. address: Attention: Environmental Sciences Branch North Carolina Division of Environmental Management 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, N.C. 27607 Test data shall be complete and accurate and include all supporting t ths chemical/physical association with the toxicity tests, as welras all dosefresponse data. Total residual chlorine measurements performed in sample must be measured and reported if chlorine is employed for disinfection of the wase e effluent toxicity stream. Should any single quarterly monitoring indicate a failure to meet specified limits the begin immediately, until such time that a single test is passed. Upon passing, this monthly monitoring will revert to quarterly in the monthsp g� ray test requirement will specified above. Should any test data from this monitoring requirement or tests performed b the North Environmental Management indicate potential impacts to the receivin s y this Carolina Division of modified to include alternate monitoring requirements or limits. g permit may be re -opened and NOTE: Failure to achieve test conditions as specified in the cited document, such as mini survival and appropriate environmental controls, shall constitute an invalid test and willire immecontrlorganism require urune retesting(within 30 days of initial monitoring event). Failure to submit suitable test resuldiate noncompliance with monitoring requirements. is will constitute 7Q10 P 2.2 cfs Permitted Flow 3. o MGD IWC 5. 35 % Basin & Sub -basin v 30470 3 Receiving Stream Agehur RtdG2 County sua fey Recommended by: ,e(„„_cy. 1 Date 8/►7 Z QCL PIF Version 9/91 08/15/92 ver 3.1 T OXICS REVIEW Facility: pilot mtn NPDES Permit No.: nc0026646 Status (E, P, or M): m Permitted Flow: 3.0 mgd Actual Average Flow: 0.86 mgd Subbasin: '030703 Receiving Stream: ararat river I PRETREATMENT DATA I----EFLLUENT DATA ---- Stream Classification: c I ACTUAL PERMITTEDI 7Q10: 82.20 cfs I Ind. + Ind. + 1 FREQUENCY IWC: 5.35 % I Domestic PERMITTED Domestic I OBSERVED of Chronic Stn'd / Bkg 1 Removal Domestic Act.Ind. Total Industrial Total 1 Eflluent Criteria Pollutant AL Conc. 1 Eff. Load Load Load Load Load 1 Conc. Violations (ug/1) (ug/1) 1 % (#/d) (#/d) (#/d) (#/d) (#/d) 1 (ug/1) (#vio/#sam) Cadmium S 2.0 1 92% 0.0000 0.0330 0.03 0.0666 0.067 1 I Chromium 5 50.0 1 76% 0.0100 0.1500 0.16 1.5150 1.525 1 1 I Copper AL 7.0 1 53% 0.0300 0.9150 0.95 3.2970 3.327 1 332.0 I N Nickel S 88.0 1 32% 0.0200 0.1450 0.17 0.9230 0.943 I 1 P Lead S 25.0 1 81% 0.0400 0.1460 0.19 0.9290 0.969 1 1 U Zinc AL 50.0 1 12% 0.0500 0.3470 0.40 1.4000 1.450 1 360.0 1 T Cyanide S 5.0 1 59% 0.0100 0.0510 0.06 0.0680 0.078 1 I Mercury S 0.012 1 86% 0.2000 0.0030 0.20 0.0005 0.200 1 1 S Silver AL 0.06 1 94% 0.0200 0.0480 0.07 2.0380 2.058 1 1 E Selenium S 5.00 1 0% 1 1 C Arsenic S 50.00 1 0% 1 1 T Phenols S NA 1 0% 1 1 I NH3-N C 1 0% 1 1 0 T.R.Chlor.AL 17.0 1 0% 1 1 N Pollutant ALLOWABLE PRDCT'D PRDCT'D PRDCT'D MONITOR/LIMIT 1--ADTN'L RECMMDTN'S-- 0.0 Effluent Effluent Instream 1 Recomm'd Conc. using using Conc. Based on Based on Based on 1 FREQUENCY INSTREAM Allowable CHRONIC ACTUAL PERMIT using ACTUAL PERMITTED OBSERVED 1 Eff. Mon. Monitor. Load Criteria Influent Influent OBSERVED Influent Influent Effluent 1 based on Recomm'd ? (#/d) (ug/1) (ug/1) (ug/1) (ug/1) Loading Loading Data 1 OBSERVED (YES/NO) Cadmium S 1 11.26 37.355 0.368 0.742 0.00 Monitor 1 1 A Chromium S 1 93.81 933.871 5.351 50.998 0.00 Monitor 1 1 N Copper AL 1 6.71 130.742 61.888 217.884 17.78 Monitor Monitor Monitor 1 Weekly YES 1 A Nickel S 1 58.27 1643.613 15.634 89.350 0.00 Monitor 1 1 L Lead S 1 59.25 466.935 4.9)4 25.654 0.00 Monitor Monitor 1 1 Y Zinc AL 1 25.59 933.871 48.680 177.798 19.27 Monitor Monitor Monitor 1 Monthly NO 1 S Cyanide S 1 5.49 93.387 3.485 4.456 0.00 Monitor Monitor 1 1 I Mercury S 1 0.04 0.224 3.960 3.911 0.00 Limit Limit 1 1 S Silver AL 1 0.45 1.121 0.569 17.206 0.00 Monitor Monitor 1 I Selenium S 1 2.25 93.387 0.000 0.000 0.00 i 1 R Arsenic S 1 22.52 933.871 0.000 0.000 0.00 1 1 E Phenols S 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.00 1 1 S NH3-N C 1 0.000 0.00 1 1 U T.R.Chlor.AL I 317.516 0.00 1 1 L I I 1 T t I s *41 6 /' 7 S PRETREATMENT INFORMATION REQUEST FORM FACILITY NAME: ��d7��4�� NPDES NO. NC00 REQUEsi tR : �C/AQ LD�•/� DATE: 6" /3 / l REGION: •T.,C/ PERMIT CONDITIONS COVERING PRETREATMENT This This T4CHN facility has no Sills and should not have pretreatment language. facility should and/or is developing a pretreatment program. c,lude the following conditions: JUN 21992 PRIATMtly Program Development Phase I due / / Phase II due / / Additional Conditions (attached) is currently implementing a pretreant program. Please include the following conditions: Program Implementation Additional Conditions (attached) IGNIFICANT INDUSTRIAL USERS' (SIUs)7TRIBUTIONS SIU FLOW - TOTAL: - COMPOSITION: TEXTILE: METAL FINISHING: OTHER: omap MGD MGD MGD HAWORKS REVIEW PAS PARAMETER :THROUGH :Anal -ABLE Cd Cr Cu Ni Pb Zn CN Phenol Other o•IO DAILY DOMESTIC 0,60 , n O•o o, 01-( (",(-) o.c)c , ccrYro. ab LOAD IN LBS/DAY ACTUAL PEWI IED INDUSTRIAL REMOVAL 0.666)C D•033 [h -k (,.5( O. ,9.7 o G1 (5 5--- O Q .3 RES.EIVED: / / REVIEWED 13Y: RF JRNED : �(/ r. Pic 1 . / /W go fo✓SAG. 3, O /1r-: OMZ- ✓30703 1 Inc/ 10sc I- /JoTT:- s liTrACLf To I,5AA .> FLO<_ Mo] L SETS? uS£P Tvsr tP ACA*-t7 1n1 3,0,Mt,D 2e7�v Zeds '7qE ►=l19345 ciA/4= 3'19 i)ti/= ,z fzl /Cie Fo% Q / • 5 � 1%t �i S- 7/lG (J/v IT : O/i1tf %i /-' fl - �✓f 14 U rr /z- AA) 2, • (A.(,) INio �lCjcf�ftr�%F �� %O/f t:E 11 tIli NGde ZG;4 Wett-or _WWI° E`i �RZ oO'7'03 vtg, ` c / � �vV _ f'%ZE t?a4 7/12t 7 - _ / l —\1, r A 7 fo — &, /-r-�5 - Uel'�% 5��v /��? 2' ?o Tf/6 _ i-. - R/ /P ott 5G- sg bry r 7-7-EP /i/efitA44 i h o (A-tr4 - IV/ z) ca , So 4 /k9D ��� = fz z Floe- "5 0 / Cr) AILtab,.. ) CA 4g Lt r /� !vice, 6e IIPPeia- Nil 3 _A) (Rtt©wA ) • 57 ,e, 64,0 / foi' '2 .044-Y } 61P/74-Y r A/t s _lam / r Lg:Fi- 41)..A/ Lc4gr of lam/ / (wit TlloulA!_ Soe sAyS Nor 721_4tiovi 4i 116- -- r '1 -r•% p iarAN :BR.C44foc,vo '0,AP-AcrS (Das ro _Nr Sur niAgEQ117. t"RTlo,/ cifsrAexiAl LeYGS OF zz A-Vt. via co wi yfl - - /411-/J LlM r / /I Sc`� at/ /1//1 7 /gg o2ii 3g443Z5 6.11 e.t $ `0:o97y •8.4C�o:.�1 74'40v4 - o ;o5• • 8.41 Z.?Z may? !. IRS • g,g1 zsk, 'DA = 338.87 it— 7Q`; _3.79 79t014-t1.9f� '33.5 7P+cV� ; AA ..7410s - Dag- . = (.4 s sfEcit2T-PlUdgrritepr =/ = Zb7 2 [ $ Z - FR GS Q.p.-L.� 700,=8Z,2 %QIO,v = 167 SAmS. VIGLDS AS cS Pa:WS :(o.K. qi4v4 371 " oZ It pJ goo 7.2_7�:L 7Qt0,= D.o775 •7.z7_ 0,71 7Q17:47;0.305% 7,Z7= 2.2z QAJ4 = 1415% 7, Z7 t 8. 67 315 h;Z dos - .4.3„ s0 Z ZQ1D w 0.3/2.07 3i5,% 176.:9 ` Yity —1►--- �� • /1 i1N. RSN C� - A R Q `oar .i4 r ../ Lc. - s�� G� rllu'". E�o2 Ptjo S cuc.4riu Tat, I NQ/ (c N5 1.mi4) (5,2044 u%ij of A r_ r - 3 b25 7g10 Ro = 9o, Z- - (o �1 ��Zz t3.Z2 + o. 87 +63, 7) J.,4 3 / 13,92 7Qlbw 20 tze 9 5-t• r 2..72 + I Z6) 2. 3J cis l k‘: r3 iz QA eo t 378 5406 9- 44-S 1D, 65t 2 ) = 2 704 Sc�PE %. ?� 9'l , 55 0,5 7,91 7.1; 7 Q, e.o 2.2) 2,24 .____Z 21 7969,4 la r 2 , 31 2 '• 31 Z , 3. r "Zplos_ge 7vww M Virg 2,72^ r 1/.96. �• 7 l• 4-3 Z:Zi 2 3( I.Z2 3 65 I S. o(o 5 2,o2 �. 97 6,1 7.97 2•SJ 0 .-7( 2, 22. 8.67 �l S t9 1 sett . �� S - ��&�k,T��-i�.�+�FsT! _ B �'f�l�, kLoW � Fi�J�t �rs Arr. AIRY �� /how OZ113'152 " -° l 7Qtos Yw a- 0, 075. r!: ork6LAgaa kr R $ /AselLo �8g 0.V.1394.495. Y�,vs 7¢1ow YLD �•�05. ON; 'L-P.= ./9C " Pt c_o r M r" . Akvr-1.-- Discharger Receiving Stream SUMMER QEFF=3.0 MGD, BOD5=30 MG/L NH3-N=15 MG/L MODEL RESULTS : CITY OF MOUNT AIRY -. : ARARAT RIVER The End D.O. is 7.49 mg/1. The End CBOD is 6.84 mg/1. The End NBOD is 5.57 mg/l. WLA WLA WLA DO Min CBOD NBOD DO Waste Flow (mg/1) Milepoint Reach # (mg/1) (mg/1) (mg/1) (mgd) Segment 1 5.01 0.26 1 Reach 1 MT, ftFal - 60.00 58.50 5.00 7.00000 Reach 2 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 Reach 3 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 Reach 4 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 Reach 5 45.00 90.00 0.00 0.01800 Reach 6 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 Reach 7 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 Reach 8 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 Reach 9 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 Segment 2 6.67 0.60 3 Reach 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 Reach 2 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 Reach 3 i;//. t,60.00 66.60 0.00 3.00000 Reach 4 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 /15 : M-r? LOT5 *** MODEL SUMMARY DATA *** Discharger : CITY OF MOUNT AIRY Subbasin : 030703 Receiving Stream : ARARAT RIVER Stream Class: C Summer 7Q10 : 14.9 Winter 7Q10 : 31.0 Design Temperature: 25.0 ILENGTHI SLOPE' VELOCITY 1 DEPTH! Kd 1 Kd 1 Ka I Ka 1 KN 1 1 mile 1 ft/mil fps 1 ft Idesignl @204 Idesign l @204 Idesign' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I Segment 1 1 0.261 8.201 0.540 11.78 10.33 10.26 14.44•1 3.981 0.44 Reach 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 I 1 I I I 1 1 1 I I 1 I Segment 1 I 0.721 8.201 0.589 1 1.98 1 0.33 1 0.26 13.95 1 3.551 0.44 Reach 2 I 1 1 1 I 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I Segment 1 1 1.201 8.201 0.720 1 2.33 10.33 10.26 13.43 1 3.081 0.44 Reach 3 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 I Segment 1 1 2.201 8.201 0.723 1 2.36 1 0.33 1 0.26 1 3.38 I 3.03I 0.44 Reach 4 1 I I I 1 I 1 1 I I I I I I 1 1 1 I Segment 1 I 1.651 8.201 0.732 1 2.36 1 0.33 10.26 1 3.38 1 3.031 0.44 Reach 5 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 I I I 1 I 1 I I I I Segment 1 I 2.101 10.501 0.790 1 2.30 10.35 1 0.28 13.67 1 3.291 0.44 Reach 6 I 1 I 1 1 1 1 I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I Segment 1 I 2.00I 10.501 0.803 1 2.33 1 0.35 1 0.28 13.62 1 3.251 0.44 Reach 7 I 1 I I 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 I I I 1 1 1 I Segment 1 1 0.351 7.971 0.755 1 2.44 10.33 10.26 15.90 I 5.291 0.44 Reach 8 I 1 1 1 I 1 1 I I I 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 I Segment 1 I 2.551 7.971 0.766 12.48 1 0.33 10.26 15.99 I 5.371 0.44 Reach 9 I I I I 1 I I 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 I Segment 2 1 0.501 7.971 0.768 12.57 1 0.33 10.26 16.01 1 5.391 0.44 Reach 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 I I I 1 1 I I I 1 I I Segment 2 1 0.101 7.971 0.768 12.60 1 0.33 1 0.26 16.01 1 5.391 0.44 Reach 2 1 1 I I I 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I I Segment 2 1 2.021 7.971 0.811 1 2#.63 10.33 1 0.26 1 6.34 1 5.691 0.44 Reach 3 I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I Segment 2 I 8.401 7.971 0.852 1 2.69 1 0.33 1 0.26 16.67 1 5.981 0.44 I Reach 4 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I Flow 1 CBOD 1 NBOD 1 D.O. I cfs 1 mg/1 1 mg/1 1 .mg/1 Segment 1 Reach 1 Waste 1 10.850 160.000 158.500 1 5.000 Headwaters) 14.900 1 2.000 I 1.000 I 5.550 Tributary 1 0.000 1 2.000 I 1.000 1 7.440 * Runoff 1 0.080 I 2.000 1 1.000 1 7.440 Segment 1 Reach 2 Waste 1 0.000 1 0.000 1 0.000 I 0.000 Tributary 1 8.900 I 2.000 1 1.000 1 7.440 * Runoff 1 0.080 1 2.000 1 1.000 1 7.440 Segment 1 Reach 3 Waste 1 0.000 I 0.000 1 0.000 1 0.000 Tributary 1 23.600 1 2.000 1 1.000 1 7.440 * Runoff 1 0.380 1 2.000 1 1.000 1 7.440 Segment 1 Reach 4 Waste 1 0.000 1 0.000 I 0.000 1 0.000 Tributary 1 0.800 1 2.000 1 1.000 I 7.440 * Runoff 1 0.580 1 2.000 I 1.000 I 7.440 Segment 1 Reach 5 Waste 1 0.028 145.000 1 90.000 I 0.000 Tributary 1 0.000 I 2.000 1 1.000 1 7.440 * Runoff 1 0.580 1 2.000 1 1.000 1 7.440 Segment 1 Reach 6 Waste 1 0.000 I 0.000 1 0.000 I 0.000 Tributary 1 0.380 1 2.000 1 1.000 1 7.440 * Runoff 1 0.380 1 2.000 1 1.000 I 7.440 Segment 1 Reach 7 Waste I 0.000 1 0.000 1 0.000 I 0.000 Tributary 1 0.770 1 2.000 1 1.000 I 7.440 * Runoff 1 1.700 1 2.000 1 1.000 1 7.440 Segment 1 Reach 8 Waste I 0.000 1 0.000 1 0.000 1 0.000 Tributary 1 0.000 I 2.000 1 1.000 I 7.440 * Runoff 1 1.430 1 2.000 1 1.000 1 7.440 Segment 1 Reach 9 Waste 1 0.000 1 0.000 I 0.000 1 0.000 Tributary 1 0.870 1 2.000 1 1.000 1 7.440 * Runoff 1 1.430 1 2.000 1 1.000 1 7.440 Segment 2 Reach 1 Waste I 0.000 1 0.000 1 0.000 1 0.000 Headwaters) 0.000 1 2.000 1 1.000 1 7.440 Tributary 1 3.790 1 2.000 1 1.000 1 7.440 * Runoff 1 1.430 1 2.000 1 1.000 1 7.440 Segment 2 Reach 2 Waste 1 0.000 1 0.000 1 0.000 1 0.000 Tributary 1 1.220 1 2.000 1 1.000 1 7.440 * Runoff 1 1.430 1 2.000 1 1.000 1 7.440 Segment 2 Reach 3 Waste 1 4.650 1 60.000 1 66.600 1 0.000 Tributary 1 0.000 1 2.000 I 1.000 I 7.440 * Runoff 1 1.430 1 2.000 1 1.000 1 7.440 Segment 2 Reach 4 Waste 1 0.000 1 0.000 1 0.000 1 0.000 Tributary 1 0.710 1 2.000 I 1.000 I 7.440 * Runoff 1 1.430 1 2.000 1 1.000 1 7.440 * Runoff flow is in cfs/mile Seg 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 # I Reach # I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Seg Mi I 0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.20 0.22 0.24 0.26 0.26 0.30 0.34 0.38 0.42 0.46 0.50 0.54 0.58 0.62 0.66 0.70 0.74 0.78 0.82 0.86 0.90 0.94 0.98 0.98 1.18 1.38 1.58 1.78 1.98 2.18 2.18 2.38 2.58 2.78 2.98 3.18 3.38 3.58 3.78 3.98 4.18 4.38 4.38 4.43 4.48 4.53 D.O. I CBOD I 5.32 26.44 5.29 26.42 5.27 26.40 5.24 26.38 5.22 26.35 5.19 26.33 5.17 26.31 5.15 26.29 5.12 26.27 5.10 26.25 5.08 26.23 5.06 26.21 5.03 26.19 5.01 26.16 5.64 19.96 5.60 19.93 5.57 19.90 5.53 19.88 5.50 19.85 5.47 19.82 5.44 19.79 5.41 19.76 5.37 19.73 5.35 19.70 5.32 19.68 5.29 19.65 5.26 19.62 5.23 19.59 5.20 19.56 5.18 19.53 5.15 19.51 5.13 19.48 5.10 19.45 6.05 12.39 5.97 12.31 5.90 12.22 5.83 12.14 5.77 12.06 5.71 11.98 5.66 11.90 5.68 11.77 5.63 11.68 5.59 11.60 5.54 11.52 5.51 11.43 5.47 11.35 5.44 11.27 5.41 11.19 5.39 11.11 5.36 11.03 5.34 10.95 5.32 10.88 5.32 10.89 5.32 10.87 5.31 10.85 5.31 10.83 SUMMER QEFF=3.0 MGD, BOD5=30 MG/L NH3-N=15 MG/L NBOD I Flow I 25.23 25.20 25.17 25.15 25.12 25.10 25.07 25.04 25.02 24.99 24.96 24.94 24.91 24.88 18.75 18.72 18.68 18.65 18.61 18.57 18.54 18.50 18.47 18.43 18.40 18.36 18.33 18.29 18.26 18.22 18.19 18.15 18.12 11.19 11.09 11.00 10.90 10.81 10.72 10.62 10.50 10.40 10.30 10.21 10.12 10.02 9.93 9.84 9.75 9.66 9.57 9.49 9.52 9.50 9.48 9.46 25.75 25.75 25.75 25.75 25.76 25.76 25.76 25.76 25.76 25.76 25.77 25.77 25.77 25.77 34.67 34.67 34.68 34.68 34.68 34.69 34.69 34.69 34.70 34.70 34.70 34.71 34.71 34.71 34.72 34.72 34.72 34.73 34.73 58.33 58.40 58.48 58.56 58.63 58.71 58.78 59.58 59.70 59.82 59.93 60.05 60.16 60.28 60.40 60.51 60.63 60.74 60.86 60.89 60.92 60.95 60.98 1' 5 4.58 5.30 10.81 9.44 61.00 1 5 4.63 5.30 10.80 9.42 61.03 1 5 4.68 5.30 10.78 9.39 61.06 1 5 4.73 5.29 10.76 9.37 61.09 1 5 4.78 5.29 10.74 9.35 61.12 1 5 4.83 5.29 10.72 9.33 61.15 1 5 4.88 5.28 10.70 9.31 61.18 1 5 4.93 5.28 10.68 9.29 61.21 1 5 4.98 5.28 10.66 9.27 61.24 1 5 5.03 5.27 10.64 9.25 61.27 1 5 5.08 5.27 10.63 9.23 61.29 1 5 5.13 5.27 10.61 9.20 61.32 1 5 5.18 5.27 10.59 9.18 61.35 1 5 5.23 5.26 10.57 9.16 61.38 1 5 5.28 5.26 10.55 9.14 61.41 1 5 5.33 5.26 10.53 9.12 61.44 1 5 5.38 5.26 10.51 9.10 61.47 1 5 5.43 5.25 10.49 9.08 61.50 1 5 5.48 5.25 10.48 9.06 61.53 1 5 5.53 5.25 10.46 9.04 61.56 1 5 5.58 5.25 10.44 9.02 61.58 1 5 5.63 5.25 10.42 9.00 61.61 1 5 5.68 5.25 10.40 8.98 61.64 1 5 5.73 5.24 10.38 8.96 61.67 1 5 5.78 5.24 10.37 8.94 61.70 1 5 5.83 5.24 10.35 8.92 61.73 1 5 5.88 5.24 10.33 8.90 61.76 1 5 5.93 5.24 10.31 8.88 61.79 1 5 5.98 5.24 10.29 8.86 61.82 1 5 6.03 5.24 10.28 8.84 61.85 1 6 6.03 5.25 10.22 8.79 62.23 1 6 6.13 5.25 10.19 8.76 62.26 1 6 6.23 5.25 10.16 8.72 62.30 1 6 6.33 5.26 10.13 8.69 62.34 1 6 6.43 5.26 10.09 8.65 62.38 1 6 6.53 5.26 10.06 8.62 62.42 1 6 6.63 5.26 10.03 8.58 62.45 1 6 6.73 5.26 10.00 8.55 62.49 1 6 6.83 5.27 9.96 8.52 62.53 1 6 6.93 5.27 9.93 8.48 62.57 1 6 7.03 5.27 9.90 8.45 62.61 1 6 7.13 5.28 9.87 8.42 62.64 1 6 7.23 5.28 9.84 8.38 62.68 1 6 7.33 5.28 9.81 8.35 62.72 1 6 7.43 5.29 9.77 8.32 62.76 1 6 7.53 5.29 9.74 8.28 62.80 1 6 7.63 5.29 9.71 8.25 62.83 1 6 7.73 5.30 9.68 8.22 62.87 1 6 7.83 5.30 9.65 8.19 62.91 1 6 7.93 5.30 9.62 8.16 62.95 1 6 8.03 5.31 9.59 8.12 62.99 1 6 8.13 5.31 9.56 8.09 63.02 1 7 8.13 5.34 9.46 8.01 63.79 1 7 8.23 5.34 9.42 7.96 63.96 1 7 8.33 5.35 9.37 7.92 64.13 1 7 8.43 5.36 9.33 7.87 64.30 1 7 8.53 5.37 9.29 7.83 64.47 1 7 8.63 5.37 9.24 7.78 64.64 1 7 8.73 5.38 9.20 7.74 64.81 1 7 8.83 5.39 9.15 7.69 64.98 7 1 7 1 7 1 7 1 7 1 7 1 7 1 7 1 7 1 7 1 7 1 7 1 7 1 8 1 8 1 8 1 8 1 8 1 8 1 8 1 8 1 8 1 8 1 8 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 3 2 3 8.93 9.03 9.13 9.23 9.33 9.43 9.53 9.63 9.73 9.83 9.93 10.03 10.13 10.13 10.16 10.20 10.23 10.27 10.30 10.34 10.37 10.41 10.44 10.48 10.48 10.73 10.99 11.24 11.50 11.75 12.01 12.26 12.52 12.77 13.03 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.50 0.50 0.51 0.52 0.53 0.54 0.55 0.56 0.57 0.58 0.59 0.60 0.60 0.80 1.00 5.40 5.40 5.41 5.42 5.43 5.44 5.44 5.45 5.46 5.47 5.47 5.48 5.49 5.49 5.51 5.53 5.55 5.57 5.59 5.61 5.63 5.65 5.67 5.69 5.71 5.90 6.07 6.22 6.35 6.47 6.57 6.67 6.75 6.83 6.90 6.92 6.94 6.95 6.96 6.97 6.98 7.00 7.01 7.02 7.03 7.04 7.04 7.05 7.05 7.05 7.05 7.05 7.06 7.06 7.06 7.06 7.06 6.67 6.71 6.75 9.11 9.07 9.03 8.98 8.94 8.90 8.86 8.82 8.78 8.73 8.69 8.65 8.61 8.61 8.60 8.59 8.57 8.56 8.55 8.54 8.52 8.51 8.50 8.48 8.40 8.31 8.22 8.14 8.05 7.97 7.88 7.80 7.72 7.64 7.56 7.28 7.27 7.25 7.24 7.22 7.21 7.20 7.18 7.17 7.15 7.14 7.06 7.06 7.05 7.05 7.05 7.04 7.04 7.04 7.04 7.03 7.03 10.01 9.93 9.85 7.65 7.61 7.57 7.52 7.48 7.44 7.40 7.36 7.32 7.28 7.24 7.20 7.16 7.16 7.14 7.13 7.12 7.10 7.09 7.08 7.06 7.05 7.04 7.02 6.95 6.85 6.76 6.67 6.58 6.49 6.41 6.32 6.24 6.16 6.08 5.82 5.81 5.79 5.78 5.77 5.75 5.74 5.72 5.71 5.69 5.68 5.61 5.60 5.60 5.60 5.59 5.59 5.59 5.59 5.58 5.58 5.5 8 9.01 8.92 8.83 65.15 65.32 65.49 65.66 65.83 66.00 66.17 66.34 66.51 66.68 66.85 67.02 67.19 67.19 67.24 67.29 67.34 67.39 67.44 67.49 67.54 67.59 67.64 67.69 68.56 68.93 69.29 69.66 70.02 70.39 70.75 71.12 71.48 71.85 72.21 76.00 76.07 76.14 76.21 76.29 76.36 76.43 76.50 76.57 76.64 76.72 77.94 77.95 77.96 77.98 77.99 78.01 78.02 78.04 78.05 78.06 78.08 82.73 83.02 83.31 I 2' 3 1.21 6.79 9.78 8.75 83.59 2 3 1.41 6.83 9.70 8.66 83.88 2 3 1.61 6.86 9.63 8.58 84.17 2 3 1.81 6.89 9.55 8.49 84.46 2 3 2.01 6.92 9.48 8.41 84.75 2 3 2.22 6.94 9.41 8.33 85.04 2 3 2.42 6.97 9.33 8.25 85.33 2 3 2.62 6.99 9.26 8.17 85.62 2 4 2.62 7.00 9.20 8.11 86.33 2 4 3.46 7.10 8.92 7.81 87.53 2 4 4.30 7.17 8.66 7.51 88.73 2 4 5.14 7.24 8.40 7.23 89.93 2 4 5.98 7.29 8.15 6.96 91.13 2 4 6.82 7.33 7.91 6.70 92.33 2 4 7.66 7.37 7.68 6.46 93.53 2 4 8.50 7.40 7.46 6.22 94.74 2 4 9.34 7.43 7.24 5.99 95.94 2 4 10.18 7.46 7.04 5.78 97.14 2 4 11.02 7.49 6.84 5.57 98.34 Seg # I Reach # I Seg Mi I D.O. I CBOD I NBOD I Flow I WINTER QEFF=3.0 MGD, BOD5=30 MG/L Discharger Receiving Stream MODEL RESULTS : CITY OF MOUNT AIRY : ARARAT RIVER The End D.O. is 9.88 mg/l. The End CBOD is 6.56 mg/1. The End NBOD is 5.97 mg/l. WLA WLA WLA DO Min CBOD NBOD DO Waste Flow (mg/1) Milepoint Reach # (mg/1) (mg/1) (mg/1) (mgd) Segment 1 6.87 0.00 1 Reach 1 Reach 2 Reach 3 Reach 4 Reach 5 Reach 6 Reach 7 Reach 8 Reach 9 Segment 2 8.97 0.60 3 Reach 1 Reach 2 Reach 3 Reach 4 c44. ) A S /A P I L L VJ 1-3p' TA �}-I -1-60.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 45.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 60.00 0.00 90.00 0.00 7.00000 0.00 0.00 0.00000 0.00 0.00 0.00000 0.00 0.00 0.00000 90.00 0.00 0.01800 0.00 0.00 0.00000 0.00 0.00 0.00000 0.00 0.00 0.00000 0.00 0.00 0.00000 0.00 0.00 0.00000 0.00 0.00 0.00000 0.00 0.00 3.00000 0.00 0.00 0.00000 *** MODEL SUMMARY DATA *** Discharger : CITY OF MOUNT AIRY Subbasin : 030703 Receiving Stream : ARARAT RIVER Stream Class: C Summer 7Q10 : 14.9 Winter 7Q10 : 31.0 Design Temperature: 14.0 'LENGTH' SLOPE) VELOCITY 1 DEPTH' Kd 1 Kd 1 Ka 1 Ka 1 KN I I mile 1 ft/mil fps 1 ft Idesign l @201/2 (design) @2014 Idesignl 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 I Segment 1 1 0.261 8.201 0.777 1 1.89 10.22 1 0.28 1 3.83 I 4.361 0.19 Reach 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 I 1 I •1 1 1 I I I 1 I Segment 1 I 0.721 8.201 0.784 12.08 10.21 1 0.28 1 3.34 1 3.811 0.19 Reach 2 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 I I Segment 1 I 1.201 8.201 0.864 1 2.40 1 0.21 10.27 1 2.83 I 3.221 0.19 Reach 3 1 I I I 1 I 1 I I 1 I I I I 1 1 1 I Segment 1 I 2.201 8.201 0.863 1 2.43 1 0.21 1 0.27 12.78 I 3.171 0.19 Reach 4 I I 1 1 1 I 1 1 I I 1 1 1 I 1 I I I Segment 1 1 1.651 8.201 0.871 12.43 10.21 1 0.27 12.78 1 3.171 0.19 Reach 5 1 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I I 1 I 1 1 I I I I Segment 1 I 2.101 10.501 0.938 12.37 1 0.22 1 0.29 1 3.01 1 3.431 0.19 Reach 6 1 1 I I I 1 1 1 I I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I Segment 1 1 2.001 10.501 0.947 12.40 10.22 1 0.29 1 2.97 1 3.381 0.19 Reach 7 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 I I I I 1 I I I I I I Segment 1 I 0.351 *7.971 0.886 12.51 1 0.21 10.27 15.46 1 6.221 0.19 Reach 8 I I 1 I 1 I I I I I 1 I 1 1 I I I I Segment 1 I 2.551 7.971 0.916 12.55 10.21 10.27 15.64 1 6.431 0.19 Reach 9 1 I 1 I I I 1 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 I Segment 2 1 0.501 7.971 0.975 1 2.68 10.21 10.27 1 6.00 I 6.841 0.19 Reach 1 I I 1• I I 1 1 I I 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 I Segment 2 1 0.101 7.971 0.990 12.71 10.21 1 0.27 1 6.10 I 6.95I 0.19 Reach 2 1 I I 1 1 1 1 I I I 1 I I I 1 I I Segment 2 1 2.021 7.971 1.036 1 2.74 10.21 1 0.28 16.37 I 7.261 0.19 Reach 3 1 I 1 I I I 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Segment 2 1 8.401 7.971 1.107 1 2.81 1 0.21 1 0.28 1 6.81 1 7.771 0.19 1 Reach 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I Flow 1 CBOD 1 NBOD 1 D.O. 1 I cfs 1 mg/1 I mg/1 1 mg/1 I Segment 1 Reach 1 Waste 1 10.850 1 60.000 1 90.000 1 0.000 Headwaters) 31.000 1 2.000 1 1.000 1 9.280 Tributary 1 0.000 1 2.000 1 1.000 1 9.280 * Runoff 1 0.080 1 2.000 1 1.000 1 9.280 Segment 1 Reach 2 Waste I 0.000 I 0.000 1 0.000 1 0.000 Tributary 1 8.900 I 2.000 1 1.000 1 9.280 * Runoff 1 0.080 1 2.000 1 1.000 1 9.280 Segment 1 Reach 3 Waste 1 0.000 1 0.000 1 0.000 1 0.000 Tributary 1 23.600 1 2.000 1 1.000 I 9.280 * Runoff 1 0.380 1 2.000 1 1.000 1 9.280 Segment 1 Reach 4 Waste 1 0.000 I 0.000 1 0.000 1 0.000 Tributary 1 0.800 1 2.000 1 1.000 1 9.280 * Runoff 1 0.580 1 2.000 1 1.000 1 9.280 Segment 1 Reach 5 Waste 1 0.028 145.000 1 90.000 I 0.000 Tributary 1 0.000 1 2.000 1 1.000 1 9.280 * Runoff 1 0.580 1 2.000 1 1.000 1 9.280 Segment 1 Reach 6 Waste 1 0.000 1 0.000 1 0.000 1 0.000 Tributary 1 0.380 1 2.000 1 1.000 1 9.280 * Runoff 1 0.380 1 2.000 1 1.000 1 9.280 Segment 1 Reach 7 Waste I 0.000 I 0.000 I 0.000 I 0.000 Tributary 1 0.770 1 2.000 1 1.000 1 9.280 * Runoff 1 1.700 1 2.000 1 1.000 1 9.280 Segment 1 Reach 8 Waste 1 0.000 1 0.000 ► 0.000 1 0.000 Tributary 1 0.000 1 2.000 1 1.000 I 9.280 * Runoff 1 1.430 1 2.000 1 1.000 1 9.280 Segment 1 Reach 9 Waste I 0.000 I 0.000 1 0.000 I 0.000 Tributary I 2.720 I 2.000 1 1.000 I 9.280 * Runoff 1 2.310 1 2.000 1 1.000 I 9.280 Segment 2 Reach 1 Waste I 0.000 I 0.000 1 0.000 1 0.000 Headwaters) 0.000 I 2.000 1 1.000 I 9.280 Tributary 1 11.960 1 2.000 1 1.000 I 9.280 * Runoff 1 2.310 1 2.000 1 1.000 1 9.280 Segment 2 Reach 2 Waste I 0.000 I 0.000 I 0.000 1 0.000 Tributary I 3.850 1 2.000 1 1.000 1 9.280 * Runoff 1 2.310 1 2.000 1 1.000 1 9.280 Segment 2 Reach 3 Waste I 4.650 160.000 I 0.000 1 0.000 Tributary 1 0.000 1 2.000 I 1.000 1 9.280 * Runoff 1 2.310 1 2.000 1 1.000 1 9.280 Segment 2 Reach 4 Waste I 0.000 1 0.000 1 0.000 1 0.000 Tributary 1 2.220 1 2.000 1 1.000 1 9.280 * Runoff 1 2.310 1 2.000 1 1.000 1 9.280 * Runoff flow is in cfs/mile WINTER QEFF=3.0 MGD, BOD5=30 MG/L I Seg # I Reach # I Seg Mi I D.O. I CBOD I NBOD 1 1 0.00 6.87 17.04 24.07 1 1 0.02 6.88 17.03 24.07 1 1 0.04 6.88 17.02 24.06 1 1 0.06 6.89 17.02 24.05 1 1 0.08 6.89 17.01 24.04 1 1 0.10 6.90 17.01 24.03 1 1 0.12 6.90 17.00 24.03 1 1 0.14 6.90 16.99 24.02 1 • 1 0.16 6.91 16.99 24.01 1 1 0.18 6.91 16.98 24.00 1 1 0.20 6.92 16.97 23.99 1 1 0.22 6.92 16.97 23.99 1 1 0.24 6.93 16.96 23.98 1 1 0.26 6.93 16.95 23.97 1 2 0.26 7.34 14.33 19.94 1 2 0.30 7.35 14.32 19.93 1 2 0.34 7.35 14.31 19.92 1 2 0.38 7.35 14.30 19.90 1 2 0.42 7.36 14.29 19.89 1 2 0.46 7.36 14.28 19.88 1 2 0.50 7.37 14.27 19.87 1 2 0.54 7.37 14.26 19.85 1 2 0.58 7.37 14.25 19.84 1 2 0.62 7.38 14.24 19.83 1 2 0.66 7.38 14.23 19.81 1 2 0.70 7.38 14.22 19.80 1 2 0.74 7.39 14.21 19.79 1 2 0.78 7.39 14.20 19.78 1 2 0.82 7.39 14.19 19.76 1 2 0.86 7.40 14.18 19.75 1 2 0.90 7.40 14.17 19.74 1 2 0.94 7.40 14.16 19.72 1 2 0.98 7.41 14.15 19.71 1 3 0.98 8.00 10.30 13.78 1 3 1.18 8.00 10.26 13.73 1 3 1.38 8.01 10.22 13.68 1 3 1.58 8.01 10.18 13.63 1 3 1.78 8.01 10.14 13.58 1 3 1.98 8.02 10.11 13.53 1 3 2.18 8.02 10.07 13.48 1 4 2.18 8.03 9.98 13.35 1 4 2.38 8.04 9.94 13.30 1 4 2.58 8.04 9.90 13.24 1 4 2.78 8.04 9.86 13.19 1 4 2.98 8.05 9.82 13.13 1 4 3.18 8.05 9.78 13.08 1 4 3.38 8.05 9.74 13.03 1 4 3.58 8.06 9.70 12.97 1 4 3.78 8.06 9.66 12.92 1 • 4 3.98 8.07 9.62 12.87 1 4 4.18 8.07 9.58 12.82 1 4 4.38 8.07 9.54 12.76 1 5 4.38 8.07 9.55 12.79 1 5 4.43 8.07 9.54 12.78 1 5 4.48 8.07 9.53 12.77 1 5 4.53 8.07 9.52 12.75 Flow I 41.85 41.85 41.85 41.85 41.86 41.86 41.86 41.86 41.86 41.86 41.87 41.87 41.87 41.87 50.77 50.77 50.78 50.78 50.78 50.79 50.79 50.79 50.80 50.80 50.80 50.81 50.81 50.81 50.82 50.82 50.82 50.83 50.83 74.43 74.50 74.58 74.66 74.73 74.81 74.88 75.68 75.80 75.92 76.03 76.15 76.26 76.38 76.50 76.61 76.73 76.84 76.96 76.99 77.02 77.05 77.08 t::::'teV LC890 POSTSCRIPT® Page Printer Pagecount Engine Firmware Rev. Tray Software Interface Hardware Interface Times®Roman Times -Bold Times -Italic Times-Boldltalic ITC Avant Garde Gothic® -Book ITC Avant Garde Gothic-Demi ITC Avant Garde Gothic-BookOblique ITC Avant Garde Gothic-DemiOblique Helvetica ®-Narrow Helvetica-NarrowBold Helvetica-NarrowOblique Helvetica-NarrowBoldOblique Version 47.0 Revision 2 Defined Font Outlines Helvetica® Helvetica-Bold Helvetica-Oblique Helvetica-BoldOblique Palatino®Roman Palatino-Bold Palatino-Italic Palatino-Boldltalic ITC Zapf Chancery®-MediumItalic ITC Zapf Dingbats® Symbols Set 43974 30 HOPPER ONE LASERJET APPLETALK Courier Courier -Bold Courier -Oblique Courier-BoldOblique New Century Schoolbook -Roman New Century Schoolbook -Bold New Century Schoolbook -Italic New Century Schoolbook-Boldltalic ITC Bookman® -Light ITC Bookman Demi ITC Bookman-Lightltalic ITC Bookman-Demiltalic PostScript is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems, Inc. Times, Helvetica, and Palatino are registered tradanarks of Linotype Corporation. ITC Avant Garde Gothic, ITC Zapf Chancery, ITC Zapf Dingbats, and rrC Bookman are registered trademarks of International Typeface Corporation. 1. 5 4.58 8.07 9.51 12.74 77.10 1 5 4.63 8.08 9.50 12.73 77.13 1 5 4.68 8.08 9.49 12.72 77.16 1 5 4.73 8.08 9.48 12.70 77.19 1 5 4.78 8.08 9.47 12.69 77.22 1 5 4.83 8.08 9.46 12.68 77.25 1 5 4.88 8.08 9.46 12.66 77.28 1 5 4.93 8.08 9.45 12.65 77.31 1 5 4.98 8.08 9.44 12.64 77.34 1 5 5.03 8.08 9.43 12.63 77.37 1 5 5.08 8.09 9.42 12.61 77.39 1 5 5.13 8.09 9.41 12.60 77.42 1 5 5.18 8.09 9.40 12.59 77.45 1 5 5.23 8.09 9.39 12.57 77.48 1 5 5.28 8.09 9.38 12.56 77.51 1 5 5.33 8.09 9.37 12.55 77.54 1 5 5.38 8.09 9.36 12.54 77.57 1 5 5.43 8.09 9.35 12.52 77.60 1 5 5.48 8.09 9.34 12.51 77.63 1 5 5.53 8.10 9.33 12.50 77.66 1 5 5.58 8.10 9.32 12.49 77.68 1 5 5.63 8.10 9.31 12.47 77.71 1 5 5.68 8.10 9.30 12.46 77.74 1 5 5.73 8.10 9.29 12.45 77.77 1 5 5.78 8.10 9.28 12.44 77.80 1 5 5.83 8.10 9.27 12.42 77.83 1 5 5.88 8.10 9.26 12.41 77.86 1 5 5.93 8.11 9.25 12.40 77.89 1 5 5.98 8.11 9.25 12.39 77.92 1 5 6.03 8.11 9.24 12.37 77.95 1 6 6.03 8.11 9.20 12.32 78.33 1 6 6.13 8.12 9.18 12.30 78.36 1 6 6.23 8.12 9.17 12.28 78.40 1 6 6.33 8.13 9.15 12.26 78.44 1 6 6.43 8.13 9.13 12.24 78.48 1 6 6.53 8.13 9.12 12.22 78.52 1 6 6.63 8.14 9.10 12.20 78.55 1 6 6.73 8.14 9.08 12.18 78.59 1 6 6.83 8.14 9.07 12.15 78.63 1 6 6.93 8.15 9.05 12.13 78.67 1 6 7.03 8.15 9.03 12.11 78.71 1 6 7.13 8.16 9.02 12.09 78.74 1 6 7.23 8.16 9.00 12.07 78.78 1 6 7.33 8.16 8.98 12.05 78.82 1 6 7.43 8.17 8.97 12.03 78.86 1 6 7.53 8.17 8.95 12.01 78.90 1 6 7.63 8.17 8.94 11.99 78.93 1 6 7.73 8.18 8.92 11.97 78.97 1 6 7.83 8.18 8.90 11.95 79.01 1 6 7.93 8.18 8.89 11.93 79.05 1 6 8.03 8.19 8.87 11.91 79.09 1 6 8.13 8.19 8.85 11.89 79.12 1 7 8.13 8.20 8.79 11.79 79.89 1 7 8.23 8.21 8.76 11.75 80.06 1 7 8.33 8.21 8.73 11.71 80.23 1 7 8.43 8.22 8.71 11.68 80.40 1 7 8.53 8.22 8.68 11.64 80.57 1 7 8.63 8.23 8.65 11.60 80.74 1 7 8.73 8.23 8.63 11.57 80.91 1 7 8.83 8.24 8.60 11.53 81.08 1 7 8.93 8.24 8.58 11.50 81.25 1 7 9.03 8.24 8.55 11.46 81.42 1 7 9.13 8.25 8.52 11.42 81.59 1 7 9.23 8.25 8.50 11.39 81.76 1 7 9.33 8.26 8.47 11.35 81.93 1 7 9.43 8.26 8.45 11.32 82.10 1 7 9.53 8.27 8.42 11.28 82.27 1 7 9.63 8.27 8.40 11.25 82.44 1 7 9.73 8.28 8.37 13.21 82.61 1 7 9.83 8.28 8.35 11.18 82.78 1 7 9.93 8.28 8.32 11.14 82.95 1 7 10.03 8.29 8.30 11.11 83.12 1 7 10.13 8.29 8.27 11.07 83.29 1 8 10.13 8.29 8.27 11.07 83.29 1 8 10.16 8.31 8.26 11.06 83.34 1 8 10.20 8.32 8.26 11.05 83.39 1 8 10.23 8.34 8.25 11.04 83.44 1 8 10.27 8.35 8.24 11.03 83.49 1 8 10.30 8.36 8.23 11.02 83.54 1 8 10.34 8.37 8.22 11.01 83.59 1 8 10.37 8.39 8.22 11.00 83.64 1 8 10.41 8.40 8.21 10.99 83.69 1 8 10.44 8.41 8.20 10.98 83.74 1 8 10.48 8.43 8.19 10.96 83.79 1 9 10.48 8.45 8.00 10.65 86.51 1 9 10.73 8.57 7.93 10.55 87.10 1 9 10.99 8.67 7.86 10.45 87.69 1 9 11.24 8.77 7.80 10.36 88.28 1 9 11.50 8.86 7.73 10.26 88.87 1 9 11.75 8.93 7.67 10.17 89.46 1 9 12.01 9.01 7.60 10.08 90.05 1 9 12.26 9.07 7.54 9.99 90.64 1 9 12.52 9.13 7.48 9.90 91.23 1 9 12.77 9.18 7.42 9.81 91.82 1 9 13.03 9.23 7.36 9.72 92.40 2 1 0.00 9.24 6.74 8.72 104.36 2 1 0.05 9.25 6.73 8.71 104.48 2 1 0.10 9.26 6.72 8.69 104.60 2 1 0.15 9.27 6.71 8.68 104.71 2 1 0.20 9.28 6.70 8.67 104.83 2 1 0.25 9.29 6.69 8.65 104.94 2 1 0.30 9.30 6.68 8.64 105.06 2 1 0.35 9.31 6.67 8.63 105.17 2 1 0.40 9.32 6.67 8.61 105.29 2 1 0.45 9.33 6.66 8.60 105.40 2 1 0.50 9.34 6.65 8.58 105.52 2 2 0.50 9.33 6.48 8.32 109.37 2 2 0.51 9.34 6.48 8.32 109.39 2 2 0.52 9.34 6.48 8.31 109.42 2 2 0.53 9.34 6.48 8.31 109.44 2 2 0.54 9.34 6.48 8.31 109.46 2 2 0.55 9.34 6.47 8.31 109.48 2 2 0.56 9.34 6.47 8.30 109.51 2 2 0.57 9.35 6.47 8.30 109.53 2 2 0.58 9.35 6.47 8.30 109.55 2 2 0.59 9.35 6.47 8.30 109.58 2 2 0.60 9.35 6.47 8.29 109.60 2 3 0.60 8.97 8.64 7.96 114.25 2 3 0.80 9.03 8.60 7.91 114.72 2 3 1.00 9.09 8.55 7.86 115.18 2' 3 1.21 9.14 8.50 7.82 115.65 2 3 1.41 9.19 8.45 7.77 116.12 2 3 1.61 9.24 8.41 7.73 116.58 2 3 1.81 9.28 8.36 7.68 117.05 2 3 2.01 9.32 8.31 7.64 117.52 2 3 2.22 9.35 8.27 7.60 117.98 2 3 2.42 9.39 8.22 7.55 118.45 2 3 2.62 9.42 8.18 7.51 118.92 2 4 2.62 9.42 8.06 7.39 121.14 2 4 3.46 9.53 7.89 7.23 123.08 2 4 4.30 9.62 7.72 7.07 125.02 2 4 5.14 9.69 7.56 6.92 126.96 2 4 5.98 9.74 7.40 6.77 128.90 2 4 6.82 9.78 7.25 .62 130.84 2 4 7.66 9.81 7.11 6.48 132.78 2 4 8.50 9.83 6.96 6.35 134.72 2 4 9.34 9.85 6.83 6.22 136.66 2 4 10.18 9.87 6.69 6.09 138.60 2 4 11.02 9.88 6.56 5.97 140.54 I Seg # I Reach # I Seg Mi I D.Q. I CBOD I NBOD I Flow I MODEL RESULTS Discharger : CITY OF MOUNT AIRY Receiving Stream : ARARAT RIVER SUMMER QEFF=3.0 MGD, BOD5=30 MG/L NH3-N=1 MG/L The End D.O. is 7.64 mg/1. The End CBOD is 6.84 mg/l. The End NBOD is 3.46 mg/l. WLA WLA WLA DO Min CBOD NBOD DO Waste Flow (mg/1) Milepoint Reach # (mg/1) (mg/1) (mg/1) (mgd) Segment 1 5.01 0.26 1 Reach 1 60.00 58.50 5.00 7.00000 Reach 2 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 Reach 3 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 Reach 4 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 Reach 5 45.00 90.00 0.00 0.01800 Reach 6 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 Reach 7 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 Reach 8 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 Reach 9 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 Segment 2 6.67 0.60 3 Reach 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 Reach 2 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 Reach 3 60.00 _4.50-) 0.00 3.00000 Reach 4 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 i)out.> 14AV6 To t2R_, A)t 13 -/J Iy".j /1 I o f n l,L !') 7Ri=�fZ 70 44,4E No t/&pAcj ` mac :-/. 9F; F��9��. //', L, 1 Z I, s VPS.TF2_ J/ / 0Dr cF,7Es r Ftilc, .Jr- N!_! „ < D, Z2 , q Fore_ -3 VthLt 1-646 1 L(«(T ; r,./_:;.. r-:ri�J t -1 l 6,2/N s ;tz -AuA. s;p.,� �P.P J) = 1 S /k I Seg # I Reach # I Seg Mi I D.O. I CBOD 1 1 0.00 5.32 26.44 1 1 0.02 5.29 26.42 1 1 0.04 5.27 26.40 1 1 0.06 5.24 26.38 1 1 0.08 5.22 26.35 1 1 0.10 5.19 26.33 1 1 0.12 5.17 26.31 1 1 0.14 5.15 26.29 1 1 0.16 5.12 26.27 1 1 0.18 5.10 26.25 1 1 0.20 5.08 26.23 1 1 0.22 5.06 26.21 1 1 0.24 5.03 26.19 1 1 0.26 5.01 26.16 1 2 0.26 5.64 19.96 1 2 0.30 5.60 19.93 1 2 0.34 5.57 19.90 1 2 0.38 5.53 19.88 1 2 0.42 5.50 19.85 1 2 0.46 5.47 19.82 1 2 0.50 5.44 19.79 1 2 0.54 5.41 19.76 1 2 0.58 5.37 19.73 1 2 0.62 5.35 19.70 1 2 0.66 5.32 19.68 1 2 0.70 5.29 19.65 1 2 0.74 5.26 19.62 1 2 0.78 5.23 19.59 1 2 0.82 5.20 19.56 1 2 0.86 5.18 19.53 1 2 0.90 5.15 19.51 1 2 0.94 5.13 19.48 1 2 0.98 5.10 19.45 1 3 0.98 6.05 12.39 1 3 1.18 5.97 12.31 1 3 1.38 5.90 12.22 1 3 1.58 5.83 12.14 1 3 1.78 5.77 12.06 1 3 1.98 5.71 11.98 1 3 2.18 5.66 11.90 1 4 2.18 5.68 11.77 1 4 2.38 5.63 11.68 1 4 2.58 5.59 11.60 1 4 2.78 5.54 11.52 1 4 2.98 5.51 11.43 1 4 3.18 5.47 11.35 1 4 3.38 5.44 11.27 1 4 3.58 5.41 11.19 1 4 3.78 5.39 11.11 1 4 3.98 5.36 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