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GW1-2022-03370_Well Construction - GW1_20220314
Feb 151905:43p Clearwater WellDrilling 828-622-72.41 P.1 Ei.L CQxd jJC'!f ION 1<LECORI�(GWJ) Fnr Intemni Usc On : � t. c Irnntraetrtr tnf !ton: arLAI, - WellVnnnna��clpxNatne FttOts 7n DESf,RlPribN `•1�-Well Cnnhanor Catifieplinn Nt ber nq_ s t)lfl R C 411VR tt7a ttrelir t]R I.iVER a li Do r UROM 7tf DfA TUMMIES MA�rmw' VVV \ ft, IrA fi. DIXfie Cna>lf+rny Nsma n, A� 1b.'MN$R CA31NC OR TiBINC thermri t t ?-Welt Conlitruetittn Permit#: SW m otw rnacwn N�trwAt i.irl all aly+limhle well rnnarnalnn pernt/tr Alt rAf.ConaJy,Swe,KrrM.rer dr..}'�-T' f6 [4 �• 3.1yr11 tfsc(chcrh we usey 1VotoSupptyr>tyell: '17 SCRB N LNdwifial/C.orninerci,11 culhtral _MOM f0 o A T. HI. 6M W RIAL tmicipal/Pitbkic (� �. e. fees hcrmel(tTcatittglCtxrlittggugplq) Rtwidendhi Water Sullpiy(single) R. fe. in esidcntiat Water.supply(Shared) 0 otion K T a Rat.on 1%,rater Supply Well: fl, 'Z'!`� r` i Monitorins Rcw,, ry ft. ft. nicetintt Well; iAquif4-Rtxdtat#C 0(ironndwater Rcmed'talion u R Atlui(crStOtagOMdRtxrtvcry 19,3 Sflitfi 13ntriet ANTWRAYSLPACK [ tdo D tY Rp�[' n L 1lLACEM8NTM�7tidNt AquiterTeo QStarmwaterDrttinngc M M Lxperimental Techunlogy []SuAsidence Comm A. e. Geothermal(Clnccd Loop) DRAM ,DR1t.L LOC togelt _ CieothermatlKcatin lira Rotum) Other(ex aintmdcr!!21 RCmarlts' FRQM To inter, ioWtee4Jy(fr.ataMttetptte:l It. A,pate:Wow)Completed: 'AV-___z Well im � R. O ft: am— MC'00u)eA� I4tcilitl;r(lxnct}lama Facility Wo(ifappliealtlr.) I fLt� Ohl t�l�ll 11���op P sicnl Adrtma;;,(^�.a+id T.iP [t _ ^ 21.ffMARKS County llaroel identification No.(8R3) - ' r;,e fib.P nfitude nod longitude in dcRfcos/mintrteslsecandsorilccimnt degrees; (it well rield one inmong in tufrieftnt) 6 r ' t[ ificnlioA: +.ls(arelrne well(s) amanaRe or ©ftrmpotxty :ipnat nrC.ctttli ICantraewr fJnte j� Bu hl'" ,•thl.� am,.I hirmApewito+IJmt rhr nrdr(4 was(ro:)crmnmrrul lip acrnrdmrce 7.,s this x repair loan existing well., Oves or n a•Jlh/SA lCif(!lt7.f.()In0 nr tS�r YCAG tl?!_',U211D 1Vr.0<:.nsln+crrnn 3tnnrlarr/a mrd rhar rr !j'r/rt.isorc�rair,,A//ourAnawnuy!lrYMalprcYtnrrirtfnrntatlpn /d plafrr/hzrran+mnfrhe cnpDrrflhicrrrorr!/rQCAPCnpmrNdoffrithewcl/mutter. r•}gtrjr anrr;•r�12!rrmnrtcc.rctalryn nrnnt/n�hnrk n/'Oth fain+. 23_Site detAeftta or ntMltlwmt vretl eletaiis: R.Ror Genprofic/11PTor C'ireoecl-inap Geothermal Welk having the name Vim may use the bttek of this page to provide additiGrnd well situ ddwils to wr.If unttsinictinn,only i GW-1 is needed. rndicatc'i'()WY M.NUM13F,R oh+rns omstruction tretnits. Yeu may atatt attach additional pages if timessarv. drilled:� 9,.1•ntat well depth ttett►w land sutlace: Fr.Pn+nhlplcxrget:ur1,drpncrifdljfercnt(orrtmnla.+(n�y!/lr n>rrt�tDtnp AN 2'*. ft Au WN19: Submk this f4m willtin 30(lays of complaion of well con..gmion to the following: 10.Static wetter lcvgl Wow top of easing: ,,,,,� ft. (/•xrrrr:riure!lrrrhrrroc'm9nh+,rr."r ( ) Division ofWaterRumirees,lrfitrmation Processing Unit, I p 1617 idled Service Center,Rateigb,N(%2709-1617 ti.Doreholedinmettr.���(io•1 2t1t or lntcrtion Wdts; fit addition to sending the form to life nddrM in 24.1 12,Well construction method. 1(JE-1/1�1 nlmve,also submit one copy of this form-ilhin 30 dar. of a mpletlon of Weil o t:.auge-,mmuy C&I"dl"%.t ip"h.ete.) - -� construction to the following: L YA7TR Arm V 1 LS ONLY: Divlslon ofWater RlBtnl a.tJndergl send trdjet:tloe Contra)Program, I636 Man Service Cenm,Raleigh,PVC'27IM9.1636 eld(fipm) itZetht►ditf tec1: 21s» Nnr Vlrater 3nenft:Bt re;Mfr.:,.nr.rn�. In addition to sanding the ibrnt to sinfection e• the nddrcss(cs) above also submit'one copy of IW fort within 30 day', of tYP ',-----..— Aletnm►t: tztmptCHOn of Well CDn.4lttraion W the CMMly k4lif depatlinien1 of the Col►nq• where cottsimtxed. I�nrn+Calk.1 1VnrthCarcilirm 1?ct nnmcat of i:mlmnmcnml O,nallt;-nivis all of Water Resources _ _ Rrtrisal2 22-2a16 WON DAb r memo t Compton Ilemby m tWy that the obcwe reftnced weR wo paned m aloe bx ao=dam v► th all County Weil gales. Weil twoear,r L 1 QmMuctIon: �i�KfGRI: cashv Delft! Shoo- 1