HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-03367_Well Construction - GW1_20220314 828-622 7241 p,1 Feb 151905:43p ClearwaterWellDrUiing � .....^ WELL CQM!TR1rTCT CORP(Gw-1 Fnr Internal Ulm n y; i.witilPnnhattMrinf rmdan: _-- _ zn ?C Well C.an"ttortIrAl(icndnv Nrum1 er 1 `�� s, R PIING aR a bl tar g' CnatpnnyTitmc � Z�O 1 tl 16. a NA L 1N� � D T.Writ Comttruclion Permil A: 1 R, (L t°• QV)n11 ft/1Qrnhlr teeilGllMeflttrJlNtiMldlt�e(L&t)lCn C:tmtdy,Sime'.t.trtmrn-,Nr.) —•-- n•. 3.1Vr1i Ilse(CIWI(vrdl"sty 4ygtcr:iuPPIYWd' ' _ _ �tnd • tt►_____ v n Agricuitttrnt tmieipollPuhifc p tt• tt. Ctcothcrmal(i•jeming/Coniing Supply) Meodentiat Waw 5uppty(Fines UtdtmriatlC ntttmgroial [3Residarttiat WaterSnppiv(shared) g Otlf q IAL 4 Yr' D Notion Nnn WaterSurplpVlnik iG Mnnitnri �RaCotrotY h. njcetion ell: _ U. R AmliferRedtarlpr E36roundwat4PrRemedtimitm 19 YR6PA 0PA VMAISI ` �► AquiferStgrage pnd R mpver [Solmity t3ntximr AquttcrTcM �Sattmwatmrlhalnogc ff' Slrlcsidcncm C'.oatrnlIE n• _ ltxperimenta)Tot=hnnlogy � I.OG Cmothermat(CtosedLoop) �tracmt tnnMatslar ate, ticothcneal rltrabnnrr�aMS IL�+m1 7�t�er fa7cPloin undo fY11 Remarks Gctlillll d,tfarr.WNt(s)Completed: •- / p. � � u —.__ Sa.Well LurAth-m! i' 'it);flnatcrllamn Fwlitytptt(if Tplicgh)c) .• _ • i=�_ -4--- ' d1 nt teat A Tarot, . s,cl,y,mod rip st a�ntA�tcs V C,utlty tU= Paneet tdrntiiicatign Ab.(PIN) Sh.l,ntihrdc and tonighodr in degrmimimnalsecondsorderimni degreer, t>r ,,i,: ON-11 rich!,one taMong it rnfirotenty -03 ri Air 6.1S(atr.)the wdlb) m __ ,Kunncnt or OTrmpprary ,tllmtttac nf(:xiifiod mrirntxar pate .�./ mpmink rhts J.,rm.l/nnrl+v raert10"thm lAr tw-IIN mw(were)amnmcfizl Jn rn mrrlm.Te rr i.ISthi�rtccpatrtnanezistingtvrlt �Ycs ov a•4AIS,fkCAf.'47f• 00or15A,Y( .02C.B1110Ww•iif:r,»rimrtrnn4nmhrrtcm�trhm,r yfl,r,;.t;r.��r,lr./;//mrrkmwnultt:rxr.,•rrncrtnn/t(!b+•molirnstnp+••q,/�,tnrbrtmrnr.•nPnc� ���lr�rh'etcrmiihochetsiitmria�tmrl�wrftmvnrr. r.7xrrrnaileri12/rcmnrdmFit1141turns1!mhmkn(!lrfsfnmi. -Lt sm#SWm oraMdmpdtiMlldo%&- AL For GeoprohellIpTer tjp%ea4,Aop Geothcraml Welts having the came c'mt tuay fled the Well of Ibis page to pro"ttddiGcauti well site dtatrtls trr rceq ornti•ITIml(flt,only I GW-1 L,;needed. 1•ndicW TOTAL.NUMBER orwas a ln9tritctinn c(rrnite you may also alEach additional payee if ntxxvsnry. %•t'attrtt W4depth halo viand Surface: J ( •1 24% FAr Zy�a: Strinnit this flurn within?U days of camplation of aril 1%rrmnhiprr.NvAlems w;,Aprlu•iY-4ffemnrrr,+O?VAI CRttgtjumjpntptilC1b110►tlns: 1A.Slotkanter level ltgtoyr top afeasing: ._,.� .� ,,,�a.�.,._(!t-) Dfvigil►nof�@ttteeResamrept,ItallirtuaN4»I'roeesafttgUnitr (/'n„nrria�ritrviwrotmrnit,the "� 1bITi4%dtSO-vFccOmter,itaigigh,NC`.2'iMM-1617 I L tlorelmlc dimumter. `� / {lo.jL 2tit.itnr 4 rrinn tVials: bw a4clition to imlding the fa m 10 OW i1ddon In 24a / ubove,also mullmit one cagy of this form within 30 days of cWt111101(m of Wdt 12 WO dm»atntCNnta meMnd; _ Cuits MOinn to t)fc foliotvins (i r.mt�:-,malty.catrlct 4ltcetpluit.SlC.) - - f•- Division OrWitter RHN weS;Ulndtt!gPIInd IIJeMiotl COMMI Pit► AIIII, MR WA7'GR At.PPI.V WEt3.,S ONLY: DPI- trr36 map Servic*ccr aw.Raleio,talc mWIS3fi 134.Vivid lilptn) Z _ Nethtulof W-m. �`", 1 uc IkLWjft.r Rtrttnls&ittW n ft JR addition to sumting ihr ram to sbc addr+ecs(cs) ahova. also Slibmil sole copy of this fo*Im within 36 days of t-illti 111sinfectlfat typec ,- Attaotmt• _ 0mplmtion of Wddt consttameoo fD the a mtilp bm1h depBllment of the Ctfnnly _ with a+t�almmeal. I I+Mot C.0-I Norfi l'amlfnn t7cpmm�ent of t?nvirtinmtrtnl Qnalltg-f>tKsutn orwLrCr 1Zaamncek Reviaod 2 22-201 R I