As per 15A NCAC 04B .0118 — The draft Erosion and Sediment Control Plans will not be approved until
an authorized statement of financial responsibility and ownership is submitted.
As per GS 113A-54.1(a) - If the applicant is not the owner of the land to be disturbed, the owner's written
consent for the applicant to submit a draft Erosion and Sediment Control Plan and to conduct the
anticipated land -disturbing activity must be submitted with this document.
Project Name: Panther Commons
Physical Address/Location:
Street Address: 1001 Panther Drive City: High Point State: NC zip: 27262
Latitude: 35.9746 Longitude:-79.9973
Approximate date land -disturbing activity will commence: March, 2022
Purpose of development (residential, commercial, industrial, etc.)
Approximate acreage of land to be disturbed or uncovered: 3.1 Acres
Landowner(s) of Record (use blank page to list additional owners):
High Point University
One University Parkway
Current Mailing Address
High Point, N.C. 27268-0001
City, State, Zip
Telephone Number
Current Mailing Address
City, State, Zip
Telephone Number
Indicate book and page where deed or instrument is filed (use blank page to list additional deeds
or instruments). Provide copies of Deeds with this submittal.
Book 8494 Page 2016
Book Page
FinResFm. Page #
Person(s) or firm(s) who are financially responsible for this land -disturbing activity:
High Point University
One University Parkway
Current Mailing Address
High Point, N.C. 27268-0001
City, State, Zip
Telephone Number
Current Mailing Address
City, State, Zip
Telephone Number
2. Registered agent, if any, for the person or firm who is financially responsible:
Printed Name
Mailing Add' s
Telephone Number
3. The above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and was
provided by me under oath. (This form must be signed by the financially responsible person if an
individual, or if not an individual, by an officer director, partner or attorney -in -fact, or registered
agent with authority to execute instruments for the financially responsible party.). I agree to
provide corrected information should there be any change in the information provided herein.
Deborah L. Shutters
Type or Print Name
Vice President for Financial Affairs
Title of Authority
� 115 %z6)
I, -� �� 1 e �" • ���� ; a Notary Public of the County of C'" T°"r� , State of North
Carolina, do hereby certify that LPEorod l L. ShUffuS , appeared personally before me
this day and being duly sworn acknowledged that the above form was executed by him.
Witness my hand and notarial seal, this day of ri) DrCh , 20 ZZ
NOTARk '�'
Notary Public
My commission expires: 912,J 2-D 2 5
FinResFm. Page # 2
Book 8494 Page 2016
BK: R 8494
PG: 2016 - 2023 NC FEE $26.00
Excise Tax: NTC
Parcel Identifier No.
Verified by
County on the day of , 20 By:
Mail/Box to: Grantee
This instrument was prepared by: Elizabeth M. Koonce, a North Carolina licensed Attorney
No title examination was requested or performed by the drafting attorney.
Brief description for the Index: Combination Deed to combine properties into a single tax parcel
THIS DEED made this 9th day of August, 2021, by and between
C I ' @Z13 I '
One University Parkway
High Point, NC 27268
One University Parkway
High Point, NC 27268
The designation Grantor and Grantee as used herein shall include said parties, their heirs, successors, and assigns, and shall include
singular, plural, masculine, feminine or neuter as required by context.
WITNESSETH, that the Grantor, for a valuable consideration paid by the Grantee, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged,
has and by these presents does grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the Grantee in fee simple, all their undivided interest in that
certain lot or parcel of land situated in the City of High Point, High Point Township, Guilford County, North Carolina and more
particularly described as follows:
This Deed is for the sole purpose of combining the properties described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto into one tract
with one tax parcel number to be assigned by the Guilford County Tax Department.
submitted electronically by "Roberson, Haworth & Reese, PLLC"
in compliance with North Carolina statutes governing recordable documents
and the terms of the submitter agreement with the Guilford County Register of Deeds.
Book 8494 Page 2017
The above described property ( ) does/( X ) does not include the primary residence of the Grantor.
The property hereinabove described was acquired by Grantor by instrument recorded in Book
Page ; and Book , Page
The map showing the above described property is recorded in Plat Book Page
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid lot or parcel of land and all privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging to the
Grantee in fee simple.
And the Grantor covenants with the Grantee, that Grantor is seized of the premises in fee simple, has the right to convey the same
in fee simple, that title is marketable and free and clear of all encumbrances, and that Grantor will warrant and defend the title
against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, other than the following exceptions:
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has duly executed the foregoing as of the day and year first above written.
BY: S . T�
Name: D BI S. BUTT
State of North Carolina
County of Guilford
I, M - /LcOnCC a Notary Public of the County of &V "1 41-d and State of
North Carolina, certify that the following person who is known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be
the person described, personally appeared before me this day; acknowledging to me that she is VICE PRESIDENT FOR
FINANCIAL AFFAIRS for HIGH POINT UNIVERSITY, she voluntarily signed the foregoing instrument for the purpose
stated therein and in the capacity indicated:
DEBI S. BUTT, Vice President for Financial Affairs for High Point University
Date: 2021�����t./ 1!90 - L
Notary Pu c
(0)TIcial/Notarial Seal)
L I f' z-a bt 01 m fL Q o nc*.,c.,.
Printed or type Name �} `
My Commission Expires:
Book 8494 Page 2018
1. Tax Parcel #182447: 1200 and 1210 East Lexington Avenue, High Point, NC, as described
in deed recorded in Book 8094, Page 2943, Guilford County Registry.
2. Tax Parcel #182425: 1210 Fifth Street, High Point, NC, as described in deed recorded in
Book 7609, Page 1844, Guilford County Registry.
3. Tax Parcel #182426: 1208 Fifth Street, High Point, NC, as described in deed recorded in
Book 7566, Page 2668, Guilford County Registry.
4. Tax Parcel #182427: 1206 Fifth Street, High Point, NC, as described in deed recorded in
Book 7606, Page 2850, Guilford County Registry.
5. Tax Parcel #182428: 1204 Fifth Street, High Point, NC, as described in deed recorded in
Book 7644, Page 252, Guilford County Registry.
6. Tax Parcel #182429: 1200 Fifth Street, High Point, NC, as described in deed recorded in
Book 7748, Page 237, Guilford County Registry.
7. Tax Parcel #182430: 1110 Fifth Street, High Point, NC, as described in deed recorded in
Book 7721, Page 608, Guilford County Registry.
8. Tax Parcel #182431: 1106 Fifth Street, High Point, NC, described as Tract V in deed
recorded in Book 7662, Page 2356, Guilford County Registry.
9. Tax Parcel #182432: 903 East Farriss Avenue, High Point, NC, described as Tract X in
deed recorded in Book 7662, Page 2356, Guilford County Registry.
10. Tax Parcel #182433: 901 East Farriss Avenue, High Point, NC, described as Tract IX in
deed recorded in Book 7662, Page 2356, Guilford County Registry.
11. Tax Parcel #182462: 817 East Farriss Avenue, High Point, NC, described as Tract I in
deed recorded in Book 7662, Page 2361, Guilford County Registry.
12. Tax Parcel #182463: 815 East Farriss Avenue, High Point, NC, described as Tract H in
deed recorded in Book 7771, Page 1995, Guilford County Registry.
13. Tax Parcel #182464: 813 East Farriss Avenue, High Point, NC, as described in deed
recorded in Book 7608, Page 2959, Guilford County Registry.
14. Tax Parcel #182465: 811 East Farriss Avenue, High Point, NC, as described in deed
recorded in Book 7550, Page 2097, Guilford County Registry.
15. Tax Parcel #182466: 809 East Farriss Avenue, High Point, NC, as described in deed
recorded in Book 7905, Page 802, Guilford County Registry.
Book 8494 Page 2019
16. Tax Parcel #182467: 807 East Farriss Avenue, High Point, NC, as described in deed
recorded in Book 7539, Page 78, Guilford County Registry.
17. Tax Parcel #182468: 805 East Farriss Avenue, High Point, NC, as described in deed
recorded in Book 7557, Page 2307, Guilford County Registry.
18. Tax Parcel #182469: 803 East Farriss Avenue, High Point, NC, as described in deed
recorded in Book 7803, Page 2296, Guilford County Registry.
19. Tax Parcel #182448: 801 East Farriss Avenue, High Point, NC, described as Tract H in
deed recorded in Book 7633, Page 2028, Guilford County Registry.
20. Tax Parcel #182449: 1106 North Centennial Street, High Point, NC, as described in deed
recorded in Book 7625, Page 563, Guilford County Registry.
21. Tax Parcel #182450: 1108 North Centennial Street, High Point, NC, as described in deed
recorded in Book 7812, Page 1690, Guilford County Registry.
22. Tax Parcel #182451: 1110 North Centennial Street, High Point, NC, described as Tract
I in deed recorded in Book 7662, Page 2356, Guilford County Registry.
23. Tax Parcel #182452: 1112 North Centennial Street, High Point, NC, described as Tract
H in deed recorded in Book 7662, Page 2356, Guilford County Registry.
24. Tax Parcel #182455: 1210 Guilford Avenue, High Point, NC, as described in deed
recorded in Book 7660, Page 3040, Guilford County Registry.
25. Tax Parcel #182456: 1212 Guilford Avenue, High Point, NC, as described in deed
recorded in Book 7622, Page 428, Guilford County Registry.
26. Tax Parcel #182457: 1214 Guilford Avenue, High Point, NC, described as Tract H in
deed recorded in Book 7662, Page 2361, Guilford County Registry.
27. Tax Parcel #182458: 1216 Guilford Avenue, High Point, NC, described as Tract VU in
deed recorded in Book 7771, Page 1995, Guilford County Registry.
28. Tax Parcel #182460: 1220 Guilford Avenue, High Point, NC, as described in deed
recorded in Book 7705, Page 1595, Guilford County Registry.
29. Tax Parcel #182461: 1220 Near Guilford Avenue, High Point, NC, as described in deed
recorded in Book 7705, Page 1595, Guilford County Registry.
30. Tax Parcel #182416: 1215 & 1217 Guilford Avenue, High Point, NC, described as Tract
VM in deed recorded in Book 7662, Page 2356, Guilford County Registry.
31. Tax Parcel #182415: 1219 Guilford Avenue, High Point, NC, described as Tract VM in
deed recorded in Book 7662, Page 2356, Guilford County Registry.
32. Tax Parcel #182414: 1201 Fifth Street, High Point, NC, described as Tract VI in deed
recorded in Book 7662, Page 2356, Guilford County Registry.
33. Tax Parcel #182413: 1203 Fifth Street, High Point, NC, as described in deed recorded
in Book 7855, Page 3010, Guilford County Registry.
Book 8494 Page 2020
34. Tax Parcel #182412: 1205 Fifth Street, High Point, NC, described as Tract VII in deed
recorded in Book 76629 Page 2356, Guilford County Registry.
35. Tax Parcel #182411: 1207 Fifth Street, High Point, NC, described as Tract I in deed
recorded in Book 7771, Page 1995, Guilford County Registry.
36. Tax Parcel #182410: 1209 Fifth Street, High Point, NC, as described in deed recorded
in Book 7603, Page 747, Guilford County Registry.
37. Tax Parcel #182409: 1211 Fifth Street, High Point, NC, as described in deed recorded
in Book 7575, Page 301, Guilford County Registry.
38. Tax Parcel #182408: 1213 Fifth Street, High Point, NC, as described in deed recorded
in Book 7583, Page 1634, Guilford County Registry.
39. Tax Parcel #182407: 1215 Fifth Street, High Point, NC, as described in deed recorded
in Book 7590, Page 1926, Guilford County Registry.
40. Tax Parcel #182406: 1217 Fifth Street, High Point, NC, as described in deed recorded
in Book 7593, Page 568, Guilford County Registry.
41. Tax Parcel #182405: 1221 Fifth Street, High Point, NC, as described in deed recorded
in Book 80419 Page 2480, Guilford County Registry.
42. Tax Parcel #182424: 1216 McCain Place, High Point, NC, as described in deed recorded
in Book 7633, Page 2928, Guilford County Registry.
43. Tax Parcel #182423: 1214 McCain Place, High Point, NC, as described in deed recorded
in Book 7601, Page 2204, Guilford County Registry.
44. Tax Parcel #182422: 1212 McCain Place, High Point, NC, as described in deed recorded
in Book 7601, Page 2204, Guilford County Registry.
45. Tax Parcel #182421: 1210 McCain Place, High Point, NC, as described in deed recorded
in Book 7652, Page 70, Guilford County Registry.
46. Tax Parcel #182420: 1208 McCain Place, High Point, NC, described as Tract IV in deed
recorded in Book 7662, Page 2361, Guilford County Registry.
47. Tax Parcel #182419: 1204 McCain Place, High Point, NC, described as Tract III in deed
recorded in Book 7662, Page 2361, Guilford County Registry.
48. Tax Parcel #182418: 1202 McCain Place, High Point, NC, as described in deed recorded
ill Book 7713, Page 2158, Guilford County Registry.
49. Tax Parcel #182417: 1213 Guilford Avenue, High Point, NC, described as Tract VI in
deed recorded in Book 7771, rage 1995, Guilford County Registry.
50. Tax Parcel #182394: 1201 McCain Place, High Point, NC, as described in deed recorded
in Book 7581, Page 755, Guilford County Registry.
51. Tax Parcel #182393: 1203 McCain Place, High Point, NC, described as Tract III in deed
recorded in Book 7771, Page 1995, Guilford County Registry.
Book 8494 Page 2021
52. Tax Parcel #182392: 1205 McCain Place, High Point, NC, described as Tract IV in deed
recorded in Book 7771, Page 1995, Guilford County Registry.
53. Tax Parcel #182391: 1207 McCain Place, High Point, NC, described as Tract V in deed
recorded in Book 7771, Page 1995, Guilford County Registry.
54. Tax Parcel #182390: 1209 McCain Place, High Point, NC, described as Tract VI in deed
recorded in Book 7771, Page 1995, Guilford County Registry.
55. Tax Parcel #182389: 1211 McCain Place, High Point, NC, described as Tract V in deed
recorded in Book 7662, Page 2361, Guilford County Registry.
56. Tax Parcel #182388: 1213 McCain Place, High Point, NC, as described in deed recorded
in Book 7963, Page 2013, Guilford County Registry.
57. Tax Parcel #182386: 1219 McCain Place, High Point, NC, as described in deed recorded
in Book 7889, Page 2630, Guilford County Registry.
58. Tax Parcel #182385: 1124 East Lexington Avenue, High Point, NC, described as Tract
III in deed recorded in Book 7198, Page 421, Guilford County Registry.
59. Tax Parcel #182384: 1122 East Lexington Avenue, High Point, NC, as described in deed
recorded in Book 7918, Page 1733, Guilford County Registry.
60. Tax Parcel #182383: 1120 East Lexington Avenue, High Point, NC, as described in deed
recorded in Book 7918, Page 1733, Guilford County Registry.
61. Tax Parcel #182382: 1100 East Lexington Avenue, High Point, NC, as described in deed
recorded in Book 7918, Page 1733, Guilford County Registry.
62. Tax Parcel #182404: 1310 North Centennial Street, High Point, NC, as described in deed
recorded in Book 7812, Page 2557, Guilford County Registry.
63. Tax Parcel #182403: 1304 North Centennial Street, High Point, NC, described as Tract
IV in deed recorded in Book 7662, Page 2356, Guilford County Registry.
64. Tax Parcel #182402: 1302 North Centennial Street, High Point, NC, described as Tract
III in deed recorded in Book 7662, Page 2356, Guilford County Registry.
65.. Tax Parcel #182401: 1300 North Centennial Street, High Point, NC, as described in deed
recorded in Book 8057, Page 829, Guilford County Registry.
66. Tax Parcel #182400: 1210 North Centennial Street, High Point, NC, as described in deed
recorded in Book 7647, Page 954, Guilford County Registry.
67. Tax Parcel #182399: 1208 North Centennial Street, High Point, NC, as described in deed
recorded in Book 7711, Page 2002, Guilford County Registry.
68. Tax Parcel #182398: 1206 North Centennial Street, High Point, NC, as described in deed
recorded in Book 7611, Page 1877, Guilford County Registry.
69. Tax Parcel #182397: 1204 North Centennial Street, High Point, NC, as described in deed
recorded in Book 7772, Page 1108, Guilford County Registry.
Book 8494 Page 2022
70. Tax Parcel #182395: 1200 North Centennial Street, High Point, NC, as described in deed
recorded in Book 7669, Page 528, Guilford County Registry.
71. Tax Parcel #223670: 989 Panther Drive, High Point, NC, as described in
deed recorded
in Book 7880, Page 2888, Guilford County Registry.
72. Tax Parcel #223669: 985 Panther Drive, High Point, NC, as described in
deed recorded
in Book 7880, Page 2888, Guilford County Registry.
73. Tax Parcel #223668: 981 Panther Drive, High Point, NC, as described in
deed recorded
in Book 7880, Page 2888, Guilford County Registry.
74. Tax Parcel #182446: 1001 Panther Drive, High Point, NC, as described in
deed recorded
in Book 8130, Page 1458, Guilford County Registry.
75. Tax Parcel #182453: 1114 North Centennial Street, High Point, NC, as described in deed
recorded in Book 8173, Page 974, Guilford County Registry.
76. Tax Parcel #182454: 1208 Guilford Avenue, High Point, NC, as described in deed
recorded in Book 8174, Page 1842, Guilford County Registry.
77. Tax Parcel #182387: 1215 McCain Place, High Point, NC, as described in
deed recorded
in Book 8303, Page 2289, Guilford County Registry.
78. Tax Parcel #182396: 1202 N. Centennial Street, High Point, NC, as described
in deed
recorded in Book 8176, Page 1480, Guilford County Registry.
79. Tax Parcel #182434: 1037 Panther Drive, High Point, NC, as described in
deed recorded
in Book 7683, Page 1248, Guilford County Registry.
80. Tax Parcel #182435: 1035 Panther Drive, High Point, NC, as described in
deed recorded
in Book 6582, Page 1291, Guilford County Registry.
81. Tax Parcel #182436: 1027 Panther Drive, High Point, NC, as described in
deed recorded
in Book 4329, Page 1591, Guilford County Registry.
82. Tax Parcel #182437: 1025 Panther Drive, High Point, NC, as described in
deed recorded
in Book 6736, Page 1296, Guilford County Registry.
83. Tax Parcel #182438: 1023 Panther Drive, High Point, NC, as described in
deed recorded
in Book 7261, Page 2064, Guilford County Registry.
84. Tax Parcel #182439: 1021 Panther Drive, High Point, NC, as described in
deed recorded
in Book 7404, Page 1825, Guilford County Registry.
85. Tax Parcel #182440: 1017 Panther Drive, High Point, NC, as described in
deed recorded
in Book 7413, Page 2279, Guilford County Registry.
86. Tax Parcel #182441: 1015 Panther Drive, High Point, NC, as described in
deed recorded
in Book 7449, Page 540, Guilford County Registry.
87. Tax Parcel #182442: 1011 Panther Drive, High Point, NC, As described in
deed recorded
in Book 6989, Page 808, Guilford County Registry.
Book 8494 Page 2023
88. Tax Parcel #182443: 1007 Panther Drive, High Point, NC, as described in deed recorded
in Book 6989, Page 805, corrective affidavit in Book 6998, Page 2728, Guilford County
89. Tax Parcel #182444: 1005 Panther Drive, High Point, NC, as described in deed recorded
in Book 7184, Page 2457, Guilford County Registry.
90. Tax Parcel #182445: 1003 Panther Drive, High Point, NC, as described in deed recorded
in Book 7546, Page 1183, Guilford County Registry.
91. All right, title and interest of the Grantor in and to any alleyways, streets, public
thoroughfares (opened or unopened) and any other park or public areas that have been
closed or otherwise abandoned by any and all Resolutions of the City Council of the City of
High Point, NC which abut any of the above properties.