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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220413 Ver 1_05_PermitDrawings_Copper_20220314Pond 3 W8 W3 W7 W4 W2 W1 W5 W9 W6 ± 0 450 900 Feet Impact Site 1:Permanent Wetland Impacts: 0.38 acreTemporary Wetland Impacts: 0.06 acre Impact Site 3:Permanent Stream Impacts: 0.03 acreTemporary Stream Impacts: 0.03 acrePermanent BZ1 Impacts: 9,412 sqftPermanent BZ2 Impacts: 9,272 sqftPermanent Wetland Impacts: 0.03 acre Legend Streams Permanent Stream Impacts Temporary Stream Impacts NRB Buffer Zone 1 NRB Buffer Zone 2 Permanent NRB Buffer Zone 1 Impacts Permanent NRB Buffer Zone 2 Impacts Temporary NRB Buffer Zone 1 Impacts Ponds Non-Jurisdictional Pond Wetlands Permanent Wetland Impacts Temporary Wetland Impacts P1 P2 S1 US-70NC-42Figure 6: Permit Drawing Impacts Overview MapCopper District Project - Phase 1Clayton, Johnston County, NCMarch 2022 S3 S1 S1 Impact Site 2:Permanent BZ2 Impacts: 7,127 sqft Temporary BZ1 Impacts: 4,166 sqft Impact Site 4:Permanent BZ2 Impacts: 296 sqft Limits of Disturbance (Phase 1) Phase 2 Construction Area Project Study Area ± 0 60 120 Feet Impact Site 1:Permanent Wetland Impacts: 0.38 acreTemporary Wetland Impacts: 0.06 acreLegend Streams Permanent Stream Impacts Temporary Stream Impacts NRB Buffer Zone 1 NRB Buffer Zone 2 Permanent N RB Buffer Zone 1 Impacts Permanent N RB Buffer Zone 2 Impacts Temporary NRB Buffer Zone 1 Impacts Ponds Non-Jurisdictional Pond Wetlands Permanent Wetland Impacts Temporary Wetland Impacts P1 Figure 6.1 : Impa ct Site 1 MapCopper District Proje ct - Phase 1Clayton, Joh nston Co unty, NCMarch 202 2 Linework in CAD for graphic purposes, nodisturbance to wetland outside LOD . W3 Limits of Distu rbance (Phase 1)Ph ase 2 Co nstruction AreaProject Stu dy Area ± 0 60 120 Feet Legend Streams Permanent Stream Impacts Temporary Stream Impacts NRB Buffer Zone 1 NRB Buffer Zone 2 Permanent NRB Buffer Zone 1 Impacts Permanent NRB Buffer Zone 2 Impacts Temporary NRB Buffer Zone 1 Impacts Ponds Non-Jurisdictional Pond Wetlands Permanent Wetland Impacts Temporary Wetland Impacts P2 Figure 6.2: Impact Site 2 MapCopper District Project - Phase 1Clayton, Johnston County, NCMarch 2022 S1 Impact Site 2:Permanent BZ2 Impacts: 7,127 sqft Temporary BZ1 Impacts: 4,166 sqft W1 Limits of Disturbance (Phase 1) Phase 2 Construction Area Project Study Area ± 0 50 100 Feet Impact Site 3:Permanent Stream Impacts: 0.03 acreTemporary Stream Impacts: 0.03 acrePermanent BZ1 Impacts: 9,412 sqftPermanent BZ22 Impacts: 9,272 sqftPermanent Wetland Impacts: 0.03 acre Legend Streams Perman ent Stream Impacts Temporary Stre am Imp acts NRB Buffer Zone 1 NRB Buffer Zone 2 Perman ent N RB Buffe r Zo ne 1 Impacts Perman ent N RB Buffe r Zo ne 2 Impacts Temporary NR B Bu ffer Zon e 1 Imp acts Pond s Non-Jurisdictional Pon d Wetlands Perman ent Wetla nd Impacts Temporary Wetlan d Impacts S1 Figure 6.3 : Impa ct Site 3 MapCopper District Proje ct - Phase 1Clayton, Joh nston Co unty, NCMarch 202 2 W1 W2 Limits of Disturbance (Phase 1) Phase 2 Construction Area Project Study Area ± 0 50 100 Feet Legend Streams Permanent Stream Impacts Temporary Stream Impacts NRB Buffer Zone 1 NRB Buffer Zone 2 Permanent NRB Buffer Zone 1 Impacts Permanent NRB Buffer Zone 2 Impacts Temporary NRB Buffer Zone 1 Impacts Ponds Non-Jurisdictional Pond Wetlands Permanent Wetland Impacts Temporary Wetland Impacts S1 US-7 0 Figure 6.4 : Impa ct Site 4 MapCopper District Proje ct - Phase 1Clayton, Joh nston Co unty, NCMarch 202 2 Impact Site 4:Permanent BZ2 Impacts: 296 sqft W2 Limits of Disturbance (Phase 1) Phase 2 Construction Area Project Study Area