HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220353 Ver 1_WRC No Moratorium Email_202203071
Herndon, T. Mason
From:Wilson, Travis W.
Sent:Monday, June 14, 2021 12:01 PM
To:Herndon, T. Mason
Subject:RE: Brunswick Bridge 181 formerly B-5622 Moratorium
My shape file had the AFSA designation just beyond this crossing, but I do believe that is in error and the designation
does stop downstream. With that said we often do extend conservation measure such as in water work moratoriums
upstream beyond those designation. However I do believe the long box culverts on 74/76 would be a logical terminus
for AFSA measures and therefore no longer recommend the in water work moratorium for this bridge replacement.
From: Herndon, T. Mason <tmherndon@ncdot.gov>
Sent: Monday, June 14, 2021 11:43 AM
To: Wilson, Travis W. <travis.wilson@ncwildlife.org>
Subject: Brunswick Bridge 181 formerly B‐5622 Moratorium
Good morning Travis,
I hope you are doing well. Back on February 17, 2016, you provided scoping comments for several bridges that were
being managed by Central. One of the those bridge is now being managed by the Division, Bridge 181 on SR 1437 over
Sturgeon Creek in Brunswick County which was formerly B‐5622 but is now BP3.R004. Below is the comment you
provided for this project:
The project is scheduled to be LET in December. I just wanted to reconfirm that the in‐water work moratorium is
applicable to this project. Per the attached anadromous fish spawning area map the designation ends downstream of
the project below the US 74/76 crossing (see project location map). Also the structure at the US 74/76 crossing is a 2
barrel 9’ x 7’ x 220’ RCBC. The stream at the Bridge 181 crossing is narrow and shallow approximately 4 ft deep (see
attached photos and stream profile). Based on this information I was just wondering if the moratorium is warranted for
this project. If you still feel that a moratorium is warranted we will need to change the LET date because the date of
availability would be in January or February. The contractor would not be able to start construction because removing
the existing structure would require in‐water work to remove the piles. If you feel that we still need to abide by the
moratorium, would approval to remove the existing piles during the moratorium be an option? This is the only in‐water
work that is required on this project because the proposed structure is a single span 70 ft bridge, with the new end
bents being constructed landward of the existing end bents.
I’m just trying to keep the LET on schedule which is a high priority for the Department. Please let me know if you still
believe that the moratorium is applicable or if removing piles during the moratorium can be approved. I appreciate you
taking time to review this and I apologize for not addressing this sooner but as I said, this was originally a Central
Let me know if you need any additional information to make a determination.
Mason Herndon
Project Development Environmental Engineer
Division 3
NCDOT- Division of Highways
910-341-2036 office
910-604-0050 mobile
5501 Barbados Blvd
Castle Hayne, NC 28429
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