HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0024228_Report_20000218NPDES DOCUMENT SCANNING COVER SHEET NPDES Permit: NC0024228 High Point Westside WWTP Document Type: Permit Issuance Wasteload Allocation Authorization to Construct (AtC) Permit Modification Complete File - Historical Engineering Alternatives (EAA) , ,gam..: Instream Assessment (67b) Speculative Limits Environmental Assessment (EA) Document Date: February 18, 2000 This document is printed on reuse paper - ignore any content on the reverse side CITY OF HIGH POINT NORTH CAROLINA February 18, 2000 Kerr T. Stevens NCDENR PO Box 29535 Raleigh, NC 27626-0535 Subject: Operation and Maintenance Assessment To Identify Methods of Optimizing Phosphorus Removal with Existing System. Dear Mr. Stevens: Enclosed ple se find two letters. One is a letter from Tim Fitzgerald and the other is a copy of DMP Project E2031. These letters explain our requirements to meet the one year phosphorus assessment as required in our NPDES Permit #NC0024228. If you need any additional information, please let me know. Sincerely, l Tom Gore Plants Manager NAYS FEB 2 1 2000 VVK I tR QUALITY SECTION S'1p DIV OPO/ o4TER QaA� S oFF�C� r. \Or Ck) U PUBLIC SERVICES DEPARTMENT. P.O. Box 230, 211 S. HAMILTON STREET. HIGII POINT, NORTH CAROLINA 27261 TELEPHONE (336) 883-3410 FAX 336-883-31(19 TDD 336-883-8517 CITY OF HIGH POINT NORTH CAROLINA To: Tom Gore, Public Services Plants Manager From: Timothy H. Fitzgerald, Westside Plant Supervisor Date: 2/07/00 Subject: Phosphorus Removal Using Alum Tx; BP, J6- FEB 1 0 2000 Davis, Martin & Powell Engineers completed a proposal for a Phosphorus Removal System in July of 1997. On October 1997 general contractors Laughlin -Sutton Construction Company was granted the contract for installation and construction of a phosphorus removal system using alum. The project was begun in November of 1997 and was completed in April 1998. After the final inspection and necessary corrections were made the system was placed in service in May of 1998. The system uses a series of three alum feed pumps supplied with alum from two 13,000 gallon fiberglass wrapped tanks. The full volume of these tanks is not utilized due to level indicating probes and overflow lines. The average volume stored in each tank never exceeds 8,000 gallons. Alum can be pumped to either the effluent end of the aeration basin and discharged into the diversion box before the Final Clarifiers, or it can be pumped to the Raw Influent line ahead of the Primary Clarifiers. Presently alum is pumped to the effluent end of the aeration basin and discharged into the diversion box ahead of the Final Clarifiers. This site has produced the optimum phosphorus removal of the two sites. The system functions in both manual mode with pump run status and speed selected by the operator (either locally or remotely), and automatic mode which adjusts pump speeds in response to the influent flow rate, and preset dosage calculations. In automatic mode, the system alerts the operator if the required feed rate cannot be obtained. The bulk tanks are monitored through a PLC and provide high and low-level alarms. The pumps themselves are also controlled by the PLC, which start and stop pumps and vary flow rates in response to changes in plant influent flow rates. All pumps and controls are housed in a precast concrete building. In this building a heating and automatic louver system was installed for temperature control. With this system Westside has consistently met the permit limit for Phosphorus. In the future, Westside will probably be upgraded to BPR. In fact, preliminary design work has been started. THF: ms PUBLIC SERVICES DEPARTMENT, PO Box 230, High Point. North Carolina, 27261 Telephone (910) 883-3410 FAX (910) 883-3109 TDD (910) 883-8517 CITY OF HIGH POINT NORTI-I CAROLINA Memo To: Tom Gore, Public Services Plants Manager From: Tim Fitzgerald, Westside Plant Supervisor Date: 2/07/00 Subject: Operation and Maintenance Assessment to Identify Methods of Optimizing Phosphorus Removal with Existing Facilities On February 3"d I received a reply from the State on the question of performing an operation and maintenance assessment for optimization of phosphorus removal. According to the State we can satisfy this requirement by chronologically listing the construction and implementation of the alum feed system for phosphorus removal and include any studies we have done for future Plant optimization of phosphorus removal. The State was apparently unaware of our implementation of alum for phosphorus removal before the new permit was issued. However, it is necessary that we report the present method being used and include any studies planned or completed by outside engineering firms to optimize nutrient removal. If this manner of addressing the requirement is satisfactory with you let me know and I will submit the necessary times, dates and system operation overview as requested for your approval and submission to the State. 1. FEB 1 0 2000 CI;;' P,:R1.1(' Si.izvicrs DEPAR ,\I. I n-N I . PO Box 230. I-Iigh Point, North Carolina, 27261 "Telephone (910) 883-3410 FAX (910) 883-3109 TDD (910) 883-8517 January, 1998 DMP PROJECT E-2031 Prepared By: DAVIS-MARTIN-POWELL & ASSOCIATES, INC. ENGINEERING • LAND PLANNING • SURVEYING 218 Gatewood Avenue, Suite 102 High Point, NC 27262 Phone: (910) 886-4821 / Fax: (910) 886-4458/ e-mail: dmp@hpe.infr.net TABLE OF CONTENTS Executive Summary 1 1.0 ,..Introduction 4 2.0 Population and Flow Projections 5 3.0 Existing Facility 8 4.0 Evaluation of Alternatives: for Plant Expansion and Upgrade 21 4.1 General 21 4.2 Interim Needs 21 4.3 Expanded Facilities 29 INTRODUCTION The Westside Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) provides wastewater services to the western areas of the City of High Point. The purpose of this plant evaluation is to review facilities that would be required to increase the Westside Plant capacity from 6.2 to 9.3 million gallons per day (MGD). This increase in capacity is required to accommodate continued growth in the service area and to comply with State regulations limiting the discharge of nitrogen and phosphorus to Rich Fork Creek. POPULATION AND FLOW PROJECTIONS Population projections and wastewater flows were reviewed for the existing service area of the Westside Plant. Projections of future population for the existing service areas were based on current populations from the 1990 census data and county projections of population growth for Guilford County over the 20 year planning period. For the projections based on the Guilford County population increases, the Westside WWTP would have reached its current permitted capacity of 6.2 MGD in 1995 and will reach a maximum month expanded flow of 9.3 MGD about 2023. For the projections based on the historical trend analysis, the current permitted flow of 6.2 MGD will be reached in 1997, and a maximum month flow of 9.3 MGD will be reached around 2016. EXISTING PLANT PROCESSES The Westside WWTP provides tertiary treatment for a permitted flow of 6.2 MGD. Major treatment process units include screening and grit removal facilities, primary clarifiers, secondary treatment, mono media filters for tertiary treatment, and chlorination facilities for effluent disinfection. Solids treatment facilities consist of dissolved air flotation (DAF) thickeners for thickening of secondary solids, solids blending tank for primary and thickened secondary solids, and a high solids centrifuge for dewatering. Solids stabilization will be by incineration at the Eastside Plant, which is under construction. Interim solids stabilization is by anaerobic digestion, followed by storage in a solids lagoon and land application by contract to permitted private farm land. EXISTING & PROPOSED NPDES LIMITS The Westside Plant has consistently met effluent limits for BOD5, TSS, and NH3-N. Effluent limits for metals over most of the two year period were met, except for cyanide. Cyanide testing procedures are currently being evaluated in a study conducted by the Water Resources Research Institute for the North Carolina Urban Water Consortium. City of High Point - Westside WWTP Evaluation -1- Design influent wastewater characteristics were based on an evaluation of plant data for the two year period from July 1994 to June 1996. Influent data for phosphorus and nitrogen is based on two months data. More data should be collected prior to final design. A maximum month to annual average flow ratio of 1.25 was determined based on the two year period of record. A peak to maximum month average flow ratio of 2.5 was used for hydraulic evaluations of the expanded facilities. The treatment process will be fully maintained at the corresponding peak flow of 23.3 MGD (2.5 x 9.3 MGD). The current NPDES permit is scheduled for reissuance in October, 1998. Previous negotiation with DWQ has resulted in the following schedule of new limits: October 1, 1998 October 1, 2003 upon capacity expansion 2.0 mg/L total phosphorus 4.0 mg/L total nitrogen (summer) 8.0 mg/L total nitrogen (winter) 0.5 mg/L total phosphorus The City also desires to construct ultraviolet disinfection facilities prior to the 1998 permit cycle. These facilities will serve to eliminate the on -site storage of chlorine gas and also reduce effluent toxicity associated with chlorine and chlorine byproducts. EVALUATION OF FACILITIES FOR PLANT EXPANSION AND UPGRADE Facilities for expansion and upgrade of the Westside WWTP were evaluated based on ability to meet projected nutrient removal requirements; ability to meet more stringent effluent limits for conventional pollutants; hydraulic considerations, site conditions and constraints, operability, flexibility, reliability, and input from City Staff. Proposed modifications to the preliminary treatment facilities include installing a second bar screen in the existing bypass channel and installing a larger parshall flume and associated instrumentation. The existing aerated grit chambers will be adequate for the increased flow, although the removal efficiency may be reduced. The existing primary clarifier capacity should be increased for the expanded plant flow by the addition of a new primary clarifier the same size as the existing clarifiers. The proposed primary clarifier would operate in parallel with the existing primary clarifiers. The proposed facilities would include a new distribution box, the addition of grinders, and replacement of the existing primary solids pumps in the existing pump station; The driving force behind future upgrades is the need for compliance with the proposed nitrogen and phosphorus limits. The chemical phosphorus removal facility under construction will allow the facility to meet the 1998 request of 2.0 mg/L total phosphorus. Evaluation of the existing facilities indicated that the WWTP would be unable to meet the proposed 2003 nitrogen limits without major modifications. Based on the projected wastewater flow patterns, it is most City of High Point - Westside WWTP Evaluation 2 economical to combine the necessary BNR upgrade with a modest capacity expansion, timed to meet the 2003 permit cycle. The proposed facilities would be a five stage process, generally known as a modified UNC process. The new facilities would include modification of existing aeration basins, the addition of anoxic/aeration basins, a recycle pump station, a fermentation tank, and a secondary clarifier. These new facilities and the continued use of the existing facilities will provide greater operating flexibility in the treatment process. Expansion of .the effluent filters will be necessary to provide an increased capacity. The existing filters are not operating efficiently and should be upgraded as an interim improvement. Construction of additional filters similar to the existing filters is recommended for the expanded plant. Ultraviolet disinfection is being added at the present time in 1998 and is expandable to 9.3 MGD with the addition of more UV modules. With an increase in the plant flows, an increase in solids productions can be expected. In order to accommodate these increases, it is recommended that the solids treatment facilities be upgraded. A second dissolved air flotation (DAF) thickener should be installed in the existing chlorine contact basin. The remaining anaerobic digester should be converted to a solids blending tank. This will provide for a more uniform sludge supply for the recently installed centrifuge. Also, as flows increase, additional operating time of the centrifuge will be required. A second centrifuge should be installed for backup and alternating use. The current NPDES permit does not require a standby power system. It is anticipated that a secondary power source will be required during a future permitting cycle or earlier if other improvements result in permit modifications. It is recommended that a diesel driven generating unit be installed to prevent discharge of inadequately treated wastewater during primary power outages. RECOMMENDED FACIUTIES.AND ESTIMATED COSTS • Recommended facilities for the proposed expansion of the Westside WWTP are shown in Figure WS-1. A list of recommended facilities and associated cost estimates are provided in Table 4.6 and summarized below. WESTSIDE WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT • PROJECT COST SUMMARY Project Table Construction oject Interim Phosphorus Removal 4.1 $234,200 $273,400 Interim Ultraviolet Disinfection 4.4 $1,050,000 $1,220,000 Interim Filter Improvements $250,000 $300,000 Plant Expansion 4.8 $10,750,000 $12,900,000 Standby Power System 4.6 $750,000 $900,000 City of High Point - Westside WWTP Evaluation 3 BACKGROUND The City of High Point is located in the northern Piedmont of North Carolina and in southwestern Guilford County. The wastewater service area includes the City of High Point, the City of Archdale, the Town of Jamestown, and the Sedgefield Sanitary District, as well as surrounding areas adjacent to the High Point corporate limits. The existing High Point sewer system includes approximately 500 miles of sewers, 28 wastewater pumping stations, and two wastewater treatment plants. A major ridge line divides the City into two distinct watersheds: the Cape Fear River Basin to the east and the Yadkin River Basin to the west. Gravity sewers to the east and west of the ridge line flow to the Eastside and Westside Wastewater Treatment Plants, respectively. The Eastside Plant provides service to northern, eastern, and southern areas within and surrounding the City. The Westside Plant provides service to western areas only. The Eastside Plant also receives flows from Archdale, Jamestown, and the Sedgefield Sanitary District. PURPOSE AND SCOPE The purpose of this preliminary Engineering Report is to review facilities required to upgrade the Westside WWTP to meet immediate and interim needs as well as to address facilities required to meet projected needs for a twenty-year planning period. Westside's immediate needs include a remedy for the flooding problem during heavy rains. The interim goals include meeting a reduced phosphorus limit of 2.0 mg/L by October, 1998 and the implementation of ultraviolet disinfection. Future goals include meeting a reduced nitrogen limit in 2003, and a facility expansion. Population and flow projections are presented and were used to determine design wastewater flows over the planning period. Projected influent wastewater characteristics based on an analysis of existing plant operating records are also presented. Evaluations of alternatives to meet treatment needs for an expanded plant from the current 6.2 MGD permitted capacity to 9.3 MGD are discussed. An analysis of plant hydraulics are also included. Recommended facilities for the plant upgrade and expansion • are discussed along with cost estimates. City of High Point - Westside WWTP Evaluation - 4 - DEMOGRAPHICS High Point is an industrial and distribution center of the Piedmont of North Carolina. It is located along several major highways including Interstate 40 to the north, Interstate 85 to the south, U.S. Highway 311, and N.C. Highway 68. It is also served by a main line of the Southern Railway and by the Piedmont Triad International Airport. Major industries in High Point include furniture and textile manufacturing. The principal industrial sources of wastewater are derived from textile and furniture manufacturers, textile chemicals, coatings manufacturers, electroplaters, steel drum cleaners, and dairies. The City of High Point has recently annexed an area in the north along the Highway 68 Corridor. This annexation extends the City service area to Gallimore Dairy Road and Guilford College Road. This area is designated for mixed use, including significant office and institutional development. Most of the remainder of the Highway 68 Corridor is designated for residential or agricultural uses, with an associated very low residential density to protect the watersheds of Oak Hollow and City Lakes, both of which are primary water supply reservoirs for the City of High Point. High Point owns the electrical power, distribution, and transmission lines within the City limits and sells electricity to its customers after purchasing power on a wholesale basis from Electricities Consortium. Telephone services are provided by North State Telephone Company, natural gas by Piedmont Natural Gas, and cable television by Cablevision of High Point and Alert Cable TV. The City of High Point Water Treatment Plant is rated at 16 MGD. Construction is underway to expand its capacity to 32 MGD. Raw water is currently supplied from either City Lake or Oak Hollow Lake. Additionally, the City has a contract with the Piedmont Triad Regional Water Authority for future purchase of up to 10 MGD of water from Randleman Lake. Land use inside the corporate limits of High Point and the extraterritorial limits outside the City is regulated by the High Point Department of Planning and Community Development. Outside of these boundaries, the primary growth areas are regulated by the adjacent municipalities or counties. Land use is divided into five main categories: residential, office/institutional, commercial, industrial, and public open space. Population projections for the City of High Point service area provide the basis for planning of necessary wastewater treatment facilities improvements to accommodate the associated wastewater system's flows. Population projections were prepared through the year 2015 for both existing and future service areas. Future service areas include areas where major collection outfalls have been, or are being, considered to provide service to growing areas. City of Nigh Point - Westslde WWTP Evaluation 5 POPULATION PROJECTIONS FOR EXISTING SERVICE AREAS The U.S. Census Bureau estimated the 1992 population for the City of High Point at 69,424. Census population projections for Guilford County were used to project future populations for the City of High Point. TABLE 2.1 Guilford County . ountywide Population 6 Increase Projected Hlgh Point.'' Population 1995 364,252 --- 71,160 2000 375,107 3.0 73,295 2005 382,908 2.1 74,835 2010 391,817 2.1 76,405 2015 410,485 4.9 80,150 FLOW PROJECTIONS FOR EXISTING SERVICE AREA An analysis of historical flow records for the Westside Plant for the past 12 month period from July, 1995 through June, 1996 results in a total average daily flow (ADF) of 5.3 MGD for the Westside Wastewater Treatment Plant. TABLE 2.2 Existing Service -Area Projected ADF (MGD) 95-96 5.3 2000 5.5 2005 5.6 2010 5.7 2015 6.0 The projected wastewater flows to the Westside Plant from the City of High Point were estimated based on the current flow rate from July, 1995 through June, 1996 and the projected increases in population to the year 2015. It is assumed that the per capita wastewater flow rate will not change over the 20 year planning period. The per capita wastewater flow rate includes residential, commercial, industrial, and infiltration/inflow (I/I) flows. It is assumed that nonresidential wastewater flows will increase at the rate as residential flows. FLOW PROJECTIONS FOR FUTURE SERVICE AREAS The future service areas that will contribute flows to the Westside Plant consist of two major drainage subbasins. The subbasins include existing or potential collection outfalls and each subbasin is expected to continue to develop within the planning period. City of Hlgh Point - Westside WWTP Evaluation 6 Estimated flows in the subbasins include residential, commercial, industrial, and I/I flows and are based upon equivalent populations. The equivalent population projections were developed in a previous study for the City of High Point by Hazen and Sawyer during 1988. The projected densities of development for the 20 year planning period are as follows: Land Use TABLE 2.3 Equivalent Persons/Acre Residential 2.0 Office & Light Industrial 8.0 Heavy Industrial 13.0 For each subbasin, current zoning and projected land use patterns were used to determine the projected population equivalents. An average wastewater contribution of 100 GPD was applied to the projected population equivalents. Flow projections for the Westside Wastewater Treatment Plant growth areas are as follows: ear TABLE 2.4 Westside Subbasin. Growth Areas (MGD) WWTP Subbasins Abbotts Creek Area (No Outfalls) 2000 0.2 0.0 2005 0.4 0.0 2010 0.6 0.0 2015 0.8 0.0 COMBINED WASTEWATER FLOW PROJECTIONS To project future wastewater flows for the Westside Wastewater Treatment Plant, existing and future service area flow projections were combined as follows: TABLE 2.5 Westside Flow Projections (MGD}:'.; Within Ci Subbasins Projected ADF Projected Peak Month (ADF) • 1996 5.3 0.0 5.3* 6.6* 2000 5.5 0.2 5.7 7.1 2005 5.6 0.4 6.0 7.5 2010 5.7 0.6 6.3 7.9 2015 6.0 0.8 6.8 • 8.5 * Based on Westside Plant flow data for 7/95 - 6/96. The projected peak month flows are based on a ratio of the highest recorded monthly flow during the past year divided by the average daily flow (ADF) for the same year. A peak month flow factor of 1.25 times the ADF was used. It is recommended that a facility expansion to 9.3 MGD be incorporated into the design of facilities to meet the 2003 nitrogen limits. City of High Point - Westside WWTP Evaluation 7 _o 0 2 16.0 14.0 12.0 10.0 8.0 6.0 4.0 2.0 1996 —ADF --— Peak Month ---f— High Historical —0— Mid Historical --�— Low Historical Current Expanded 2001 Figure 2.1 Projected Flows 2006 f Year 2011 GENERAL The Westside Plant was originally constructed incorporating an activated sludge process during the 1920's. Various expansions and upgrades were conducted throughout the years and the plant was upgraded to an average daily flow of 6.2 MGD with a corresponding peak hydraulic capacity of 12.4 MGD during the early 1980's. Flow is transported to the plant site by three outfalls: the Rich Fork Creek Outfall, the Kool Pool Outfall, and the Ensley Creek Outfall. Influent screw pumps lift flow to the plant treatment facilities. From the pump discharge, flow is routed by gravity through influent bar screens, two aerated grit chambers, a parshall flume, and two primary clarifiers. Primary effluent is then mixed with return activated sludge and a portion of the combined flow is pumped to a biofilter which discharges to downstream aeration basins. The remainder of the combined flow directly discharges to the aeration basins by gravity. Three aeration basins and two secondary clarifiers are provided. Effluent from the secondary clarifiers flows by gravity through tertiary filters and chlorine contact basins. Plant effluent is discharged through a 36 inch outfall to Rich Fork Creek. INFLUENT WASTEWATER CHARACTERISTICS AND LOADINGS Wastewater characteristics of significance in the design of wastewater treatment facilities include oxygen -demanding materials and materials that can settle out in receiving streams, including BOD, ammonia nitrogen, and suspended solids. Other parameters of concern include toxic substances, heavy metals, and cyanide which can have an impact on the biological processes and affect disposal of the residual solids. The presence of large solids, such as sticks and rags; heavy inorganics, such as sand and grit; and floatable materials, such as grease and scum, must also be considered in the design of wastewater treatment facilities. Influent data for the Westside Plant for the two-year period from July, 1994 through June, 1996 were reviewed to develop projected wastewater characteristics. Projected wastewater characteristics are summarized in Table 3-1. Design annual average BODS and TSS concentrations are based on plant record data. As there is not any historical data on influent nitrogen and phosphorus available, the values are based on the past two months data. Collection of additional plant influent, nitrogen, and phosphorus data is recommended prior to final design. For the purpose of the hydraulic evaluations conducted for this study, a peak hourly flow ratio of 3.0 is assumed for containing flow within tanks. At a peak daily flow ratio of 2.5, weirs will be unsubmerged on all tanks, thereby providing full process capability at a peak flow of 2.5 times the average flow. Design of City of High Point - Westside WWTP Evaluation 8 facilities for these peak flows will minimize the potential for wastewater overflows from the treatment plant and collection system. TABLE 3.1 DESIGN INFLUENT WASTEWATER CHARACTERISTICS 6.2 MGD 9.3 MGD Parameter - Maximum Month Conditions Units Existing Capacity Expanded Capacity Design Flow MGD 6.2 9.3 BOD5 mg/L 185 185 lb/day 9570 14354 Total Suspended Solids mg/L 330 330 lb/day 17070 25606 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen, as N mg/L 12 12 lb/day 621 931 Ammonia Nitrogen, as N mg/L 9.9 9.9 lb/day 512 768 Total Phosphorus, as P mg/L 8.5 8.5 lb/day 440 660 Note: Design instantaneous peak flows are 3.0 times maximum month flows. HISTORICAL PLANT PERFORMANCE Performance data showing monthly influent and effluent characteristics for the two-year period from July, 1994 through June, 1996 and effluent characteristics for heavy metals, cyanide and chronic toxicity for the same period is summarized in Tables 3.2 and 3.3, respectively. For 1995-96, influent flow to the Westside Plant averaged 5.3 MGD. Table 3.2 shows influent and effluent BOD5, total suspended solids (TSS), ammonia nitrogen (NH3 N), and total phosphorus (P) concentrations. The NPDES permit includes effluent limits for all of these parameters except phosphorus, for which a limit of 2.0 mg/L is proposed in October, 1998, and a limit of 0.5 mg/1 upon plant expansion. The plant consistently met permit limits for these parameters over the two-year period. The NPDES permit for Westside also specifies effluent limits for dissolved oxygen, fecal coliforms, and pH. The effluent dissolved oxygen limit was exceed on one occasion in January, 1996 and the weekly average fecal coliform limit was exceeded two times in 1995 and 1996. Effluent limits for heavy metals and cyanide are also included in the current NPDES permit. Over the two-year period evaluated, the plant met permit limits for these parameters except for cyanide, chromium, and City of High Point - Westside WWTP Evaluation 9 nickel. The effluent limit for nickel was exceeded in June and July of 1995. The effluent limit for cyanide was exceeded for nearly all the months over the two-year period. TABLE 3.2 INFLUENT AND EFFLUENT WASTEWATER CHARACTERISTICS Influent Effluent Month Flow ,.: BOD5 TSS NH3-N mg/I mg/I .. mg/I BODS TSS NH3-N P mg/1 mg/I mg/I mg/I July 1994 4.64 198 286 21.0 3.7 3.95 0.34 _ 2.66 August 1994 4.72 175 257 22.6 3.8 3.00 0.70 September 1994 4.60 172 297 30.0 4.5 2.76 0.40 8.82 October 1994 4.11 180 357 30.0 6.8 2.43 0.40 5.68 November 1994 4.19 172 324 23.0 5.1 3.15 0.41 2.80 December 1994 4.08 186 307 36.0 5.0 3.19 0.13 1.95 January 1995 5.01 187 302 30.2 4.1 3.45 0.14 1.45 February 1995 5.68 177 281 24.9 5.8 6.00 0.18 5.23 March 1995 5.83 170 299 ' 26.2 5.6 2.91 0.67 2.65 April 1995 4.30 183 287 29.1 5.0 6.68 0.03 3.32 May 1995 3.60 172 350 28.4 5.4 7.00 0.05 3.67 June 1995 4.61 161 412 24.3 4.0 6.05 0.04 2.07 July 1995 4.45 161 283 18.1 4.0 4.45 1.13 6.24 August 1995 4.55 172 333 18.0 4.0 3.87 0.07 7.04 September 1995 4.51 167 329 23.6 4.0 4.05 0.05 4.68 October 1995 5.52 169 392 18.5 4.0 6.68 0.08 4.06 November 1995 5.78 134 340 ' 21.0 4.0 8.58 0.02 6.08 December 1995 5.28 ` 200 344 18.8 3.0 4.79 0.13 2.23 January 1996 6.45 202 351 14.9 7.0 7.62 0.47 2.08 February 1996 6.12 242 384 23.0 9.0 9.67 0.22 0.70 March 1996 6.03 235 317 23.5 6.0 4.81 0.11 4.39 April 1996 5.55 185 356 15.7 5.0 ' 5.67 0.06 3.19 May 1996 4.60 197 326 - 19.1 6.0 4.77 0.21 4.47 June 1996 4.22 202 314 21.4 6.0 4.80 0.16 7.18 Average BOD5 Removal: 97.3% Average TSS Removal: 98.5% Average NH3-N Removal: 98.9% City of Nigh Point - Westside WWTP Evaluation - 10- TABLE 3.3 EFFLUENT CHARACTERISTICS FOR METALS AND CHRONIC TOXICITY Cyanide Chronic • Toxlclty` July 1994 <1.0 9.5 67 <5.0 <5.0 Pass August 1994 <1.0 <5.0 <50 <5.0 <5.0 September 1994 <1.0 7.35 <50 <5.0 24.0 October 1994 <1.0 5.6 55 <5.0 7.0 Pass November 1994 <1.0 <5.0 <50 <5.0 20.0 December 1994 <1.0 <5.0 <50 7.63 5.5 January 1995 1.0 <5.0 <50 5.0 8.0 Pass February 1995 <1.0 <5.0 <50 5.48 54.0 March 1995 1.49 10.79 <50 <5.0 37.0 April 1995 <1.0 5.58 <50 <5.0 45.0 Pass May 1995 <1.0 5.94 <50 <5.0 10.0 June 1995 <1.0 11.62 610 5.59 <5.0 July 1995 <1.0 387 145 <5.0 159 Pass August 1995 <1.0 8.59 79.0 5.25 8.0 September 1995 <1.0 <5.0 <10.0 10.82 <5.0 October 1995 <1.0 8.82 <10.0 5.13 <5.0 Pass November 1995 <1.0 11.95 <10.0 5.46 <5.0 December 1995 <1.0 10.13 27.9 <5.0 <5.0 January 1996 <1.0 9.15 51.19 <5.0 <5.0 Fail February 1996 <1.0 8.67 12.1 6.75 7.0 Fail March 1996 <1.0 5.82 12.8 <5.0 <5.0 Fail April 1996 <1.0 14.52 42.5 <5.0 6.0 Fail May 1996 <1.0 6.93 42.1 5.45 5.0 Pass June 1996 <1.0 5.56 17.0 7.24 <5.0 * Maximum concentration in a given month, ug/L. The effluent limit for chromium was exceeded one time in July, 1995. City of Nigh Point - Westside WWTP Evaluation - 11 - REGULATORY AGENCY REQUIREMENTS The Westside Wastewater Treatment Plant is operated under NPDES Discharge Permit No. NC0024228 which became effective on December 1, 1993 and will expire on September 30, 1998. This permit sets effluent limits for the existing permitted flow of 6.2 MGD. The existing effluent limits are as follows: TABLE 3.4 Flow, MGD 6.2 BOD5, mg/1 5 Total Suspended Solids, mg/L 30 Ammonia Nitrogen, mg/L 2 Fecal Coliforms, No./100 mL 200 Dissolved Oxygen, mg/L 6 pH 6-9 Chromium, ,ug/L 53 Nickel, ,ug/L 94 Cadmium, ,ug/L 2 Lead, ,ug/L 27 Cyanide, ,ug/L 5 Mercury, ,ug/L 0.013 6.2 10 30 4 200 6 6-9 53 94 2 27 5 0.013 All permit concentration limits are monthly averages except for heavy metals and cyanide which are daily maximums. The existing permit also requires effluent monitoring for total residual chlorine, temperature, total nitrogen, total phosphorus, chronic toxicity, and priority pollutants. Solids disposal for the Westside Plant is by land application of liquid anaerobically digested sludge to permitted privately owned farmland. Solids hauling and land application is by contract to AMSCO in Clemmons, N.C. The land application program is operated under Permit No. WQ0001897, issued on March 31, 1995 and expiring on February 28, 1997. Currently, 3,295 acres are permitted for land application of both Westside and Eastside solids. Facilities for incineration of dewatered sludge are under construction at the Eastside WWTP with completion anticipated in Spring, 1998. O&M ISSUES A workshop was held for all City employees who are involved with the overall management, the daily operation, and maintenance of the Westside Plant. Problems and concerns with the existing facilities were discussed as well as considerations to be reviewed during plant expansion design process. A brief summary of issues raised follows: • The effluent filters seem to be the biggest trouble spot in the plant. The filters have been very inefficient in the past, although recent repairs seem to have helped the City of High Point - Westside WWTP Evaluation - 12- situation. Possible upgrades, as well as alternate filtration methods, should be investigated. • The existing grit removal system works fine. and is in good mechanical condition. But a problem arises during the shut -down start-up process. When the grit removal buckets are stopped, grit builds up on the chain and bucket. The built up grit must then be removed manually before restarting the buckets. A possible solution to this problem should be researched. • The influent screw pumps have had problems with drives and bearings. The lower drives and bearings may need replacing. • Installation of a second centrifuge should be considered for plant expansion. • Because of recent flooding, electrical equipment should be moved upstairs where practical, and future facilities should be designed accordingly. EXISTING FACILITIES DESIGN DATA Design data for the existing facilities at the Westside Plant, including the recent solids handling facility upgrade, is included in the following table. This information has been compiled from existing plans, specifications, and O&M manuals. City of High Point - Westside WWTP Evaluation - 13 - TABLE 3.5 EXISTING FACILITIES DESIGN DATA Influent Pumping Station Archemedian Screw Pump Number 3 Diameter, inches 72 Capacity, each, GPM 8611 Lift, feet 26.2 Motor horsepower, each 100 Bar Screen Mechanically Cleaned Screen Number 1 Capacity, MGD 12.5 Clear screen opening, inches 1/2 Screen width, feet 4 Motor horsepower 2 Grit Removal Aerated Grit Chambers Number 2 Dimensions Length, feet 38 Width, feet 7 Sidewall Water Depth, feet 9.75 Volume, each, gal. 19400 Total Volume, gal. 38800 Design Flow, each, MGD 6.2 Detention time, one unit © 6.2 MGD, min. 4.5 Flow Measurement Type Parshall flume Number 1 Range, MGD 0.3 - 21.4 Throat Width, inches 24 Primary Clarifiers Type Circular, Center Feed Number 2 Diameter, feet 70 Sidewall Water Depth, feet 12 Surface Area, each, ft2 3850 Total Surface Area, ft2 7700 Overflow Rate © Design Flow of 6.2 MGD, GPD/SF 805 Detention Time © 6.2 MGD, hr. 2.7 Sludge Pumps Number 2 Capacity, each, GPM 15 - 45 Motor Horsepower 5 City of High Point - Westside WWTP Evaluation - 14 - TABLE 3.5 - EXISTING FACILITIES, DESIGN DATA (Continued) Scum Pumps Number 1 Capacity, each, GPM 45 - 210 Motor Horsepower 20 Biological Filter Synthetic Media Number 1 Diameter, feet 70 Media Depth, feet 20 Total Area, ft2 3850 Total Volume, ft3 77000 Distribution System Rotating Distributor Minimum Wetting Rate, GPD/SF 0.8 Recirculation Pumps Wet Pit, Vertical Turbine, Two Speed Number 3 Capacity, Design - 3 pumps, GPM, Total 10750 Motor Horsepower, each 50 Aeration Basins Number 3 Length, feet 297 Width, feet 23 S idewal l Water Depth, feet 15 Volume, each, mil. gal. 0.77 Total Volume, mil. gal. 2.29 Detention Time at Plant Design Flow of 6.2 MGD, hrs. 8.9 Aeration System Fixed, Fine Bubble, Diffuser Type of Diffuser 9 inch ceramic disk Number of Diffusers per Basin 1300 Total Number of Diffusers 3900 Air Flow, Rated Capacity 1.5 SCFM/Diffuser Blowers Multistage Centrifugal Number • " 3 Capacity One Unit, SCFM 2100 Two Units, SCFM 3000 Three Units, SCFM 5680 Motor Horsepower, each 100 Final Clarifiers Circular, Center Feed, Sludge Suction Withdrawal City of High Point - Westside WWTP Evaluation - 15 - TABLE 3.5 - EXISTING FACILITIES, DESIGN DATA (Continued) Number 2 Diameter, feet 90 Sidewall Water Depth, feet 14 Surface Area, each, ft2 6360 Total Surface Area, ft2 12720 Overflow Rate at Design Flow of 6.2 MGD, GPD/SF 487 Detention Time at Design Flow of 6.2 MGD, hr. 5.2 Recycle Pumping Station Centrifugal, Variable Speed Number 3 Capacity, any two units, GPM 4350 Motor Horsepower 15 Effluent Filters Gravity, Continuous Backwash Number 2 Dimensions Length, feet 55 Width, feet 13 Filter Surface Area, Total, ft2 1430 Filtration Rate at Design Flow of 6.2 MGD, GPM/ft2 3.0 Chlorine Contact Basins Number 1 Dimensions Diameter, feet 55 Sidewall Water Depth, feet 9.3 Volume, gal. 165280 Detention Time at Design Flow of 6.2 MGD, min. 38 Flow Equalization Basins Number 2 Dimensions Length, feet 210/275 Width, feet 144.5/200 Depth, feet 7/5 Bottom Slope, H:V 2:1 Volume, each, mil. gal. 1.3/1.8 Total Volume, mil. gal. 3.1 Chlorine Feed Facilities Scales Number 1 Type Enclosed box Capacity 4 - One Ton Cylinders Chlorinators Number 3 City of High Point - Westside WWT"P Evaluation - 16- TABLE 3.5 - EXISTING FACILITIES, DESIGN DATA (Continued) Type Capacity, each Chlorine Storage Area Number of Cylinders Sludge Thickener Type Surface Area Solids Loading Rate Solids Capacity 450 lbs/hr. Hydraulic Capacity Thickened Sludge Pumps Type Number Capacity, each Drive Size Sludge Digester Type Number Dimensions Type of Cover Volume Sludge Blending Tank Dimensions Diameter, ft. Sidewall water depth, ft. Volume, gal. Mixing System Quantity Type Capacity, each, GPM Motor Horsepower Sludge Grinders Number Type Size, inches Capacity, GPM Motor horsepower Digester Mixing Equipment Type Number of Mixed Digesters Free Standing, Pressure, Manual Control 500 lbs/day 10 - One Ton Cylinders Dissolved Air Flotation 2,380 SF 0.19 lbs/SF/hr. 180 GPM Progressive Cavity 2 45 - 210 GPM 20 Hp Anaerobic 1 70'x26'SWD Floating 748,000 gallons 70 26 748,000 3 Submersible 12,700 15 2 In -line 4 200 3 Gas recirculation, center tube 1 City of High Point - Westside WWFP Evaluation - 17- TABLE 3.5 - EXISTING FACILITIES, DESIGN DATA (Continued) Number of Gas Compressors Drive Size, each Sludge Recirculation Pumps Type Number Drive Size Capacity, each Sludge Heater Type Capacity Primary Fuel Sludge Heating Capacity Energy Recovery System Type Number Engine Type Primary Fuel Drive Engine Size Generator Type Rating Belt Filter Press Size of Belt Number Hydraulic Capacity Solids Loading Capacity Solids Production Rate (90% Capture) Sludge Feed Pumps Type Number Capacity, each Drive Size, each Centrifuge Number Type Capacity, GPM Solids Capacity, lb/hr. 2 25 Hp Centrifugal 2 10 Hp 550 GPM Combined Boiler and Heat Exchanger 1,125,000 BTU/hr. Digester gas 90°F Engine -driven induction generator with engine and exhaust heat recovery 2 Spark ignited Digester gas 150 Hp Squirrel cage induction motor 100 KW 2.0 meters, max. 1 90 GPM 1,300 lbs/hr. 1,170 lbs/hr. Progressive cavity, variable speed 2 45 - 210 GPM 20 Hp 1 Horizontal, solid bowl 125 2,500 City of High Point - Westside WWTP Evaluation - 18- TABLE 3.5 • EXISTING FACILITIES, DESIGN DATA (Continued) Solids Capture % Dewatered Cake % Polymer Dosage, lb/ton of Dry Solids Dewatered Cake Screw Conveyor Number Capacity, ft3/hr. 160 Motor Horsepower Dewater Cake Conveyors Number Type Belt Width, inches Belt Speed, FPM Capacity, tons/hr. Cake Storage Hopper Number Live Bottom Screws Quantity Storage Capacity, ft3 pH Control Facilities Type Feed Points Bulk Lime Storage Hopper Number Capacity Dry Lime Feeders Number Type Capacity (Pebble Quick Lime) Lime Slakers Number Type Capacity (Pebble Quick Lime) Lime Slurry Tank Number Type Volume Mixer type Rating 95 30 17 1 3 2 Belt 24 20 4 1 3 600 Quick lime feed Aeration basin influent, primary clarifier, scum well, DAF inlet and sludge well 1 2,000 cf 2 Volumetric, helical feed 500 lbs/hr. 2 Detention or paste 500 lbs/hr. 1 Reinforced concrete 5,425 gallons Axial flow 5 Hp City of Nigh Point - Westside WWTP Evaluation - 19- TABLE 3.5 - EXISTING FACILITIES, DESIGN DATA (Continued) Lime Slurry Feed Pumps Number 3 Type Progressive cavity Capacity, each 120 to 900 GPH Drive 5 Hp Type Variable speed Process Water Pumps Type Vertical turbine Number 2 Capacity, each 750 GPM © 123' TDH Drive Size, each 30 Hp i City of High Point - Westside WHIP Evaluation - 20 - 4.1 GENERAL The evaluation of alternatives for expansion and upgrade of the Westside Plant is based on the following: • . . . . . Past performance of the treatment facilities. The ability to meet more stringent effluent requirements for conventional pollutants, including BODS and ammonia. The ability to meet projected stringent nutrient removal requirements. Hydraulic considerations with emphasis on providing capacity for peak flows and positive flow distribution among operating units. Operational reliability and flexibility. Future expansions and improvements beyond the scope of this study. Input from City Staff. These improvements have been divided into three areas including interim and upgrade/expansion needs. 4.2 INTERIM NEEDS This section addresses several items which are being, or will likely be, addressed prior to the plant expansion project. In general, these items can be funded from the capital improvement plan or possibly regular O&M budgets. The disinfection upgrade is already funded from 1992 Bond funds. Flooding Problem During the heavy rains just prior to Hurricane Fran in the Fall of 1996, several of the buildings were flooded. The blower building had approximately a foot of water inside, which resulted in an elevation of 711.5 t. Although available data in north High Point indicated this was a 100 year storm, this significantly exceeds the FEMA flood elevations for the site which are as follows: Flood Event Elevation 10 year 704.0 50 year 705.3 100 year 706.0 500 year 707.5 The major damage from the 1996 flood occurred in the basements of the primary, secondary, and blower buildings, and to electrical gear throughout the plant. All basin walls are at or ajove elevation 711.0 except for the influent pump station (710.5) and chlorine contact and DAF basins (710 ±). However, the floor elevations of the blower building and primary and secondary sludge pump buildings are at 710.5. The main power feed and switchgear are also located adjacent to the blower building and is at elevation 710 ±. City of High Point - Westside WWTP Evaluation - 21 - Because of the great expense associated with floodproofing of these structures, it is recommended to concentrate floodproofing efforts in improving the condition of the adjacent streams. Inspection of Rich Fork Creek shows heavy siltation within the channel which contributed to this flooding problem. It is also recommended to relocate electrical gear above elevation 711.5, where feasible, as part of regular maintenance activities or to install watertight replacements where possible. Future facilities should be constructed with walls above 711.0 where feasible, and location of future electrical equipment should be as high as possible. Plant Headworks City employees have fabricated a cover to prevent the grit auger from freezing. A cover for the entire headworks structure would not be feasible due to the extremely high cost involved and resultant difficulty in accessing equipment. Future upgrades should include provisions to reduce the freezing problems, such as insulated covers, etc. The existing grit removal system is in good mechanical condition. When the buckets are cut off for maintenance, grit builds up around the buckets and the chains have a tendency to break when restarted. Two possible solutions would be to cut a V-notch channel below the buckets to allow grit settlement or install a jet system to suspend the grit prior to restarting the buckets. The screw pumps have had problems in the past with drives and bearings. These should be inspected to determine if the lower bearings or drives need rebuilding or replacing. Chemical Phosphorus Removal Phosphorus is found in two forms in raw municipal wastewater: polyphosphate and orthophosphate. Polyphosphates are soluble compounds that pass through primary treatment into the secondary process where biological enzymatic activity converts them to the orthophosphate form. Orthophosphates will pass completely through primary and secondary processes and appear in the final effluent if not converted to an insoluble precipitate, which can be settled out. The phosphorus is removed from the wastewater in the settled sludge. To enhance the formation of the precipitated phosphorus, chemicals such as alum or ferric chloride are added to primary and/or secondary clarifier influent flow. The proposed system will include storage and feeding facilities capable of supplying chemical solution to achieve a 2 mg/1 total phosphorus limit. TABLE 4.1 PHOSPHORUS REMOVAL COST SUMMARY Construction Costs Chemical System $234,200 Related Cost $39.200 Total $273,400 Annual Operating Costs Alum and Electrical Cost $80,000 City of High Point - Westside WWTP Evaluation - 22 - The plant expansion proposed will include biological nitrogen and phosphorus removal. With the 1998 total phosphorus limit of 2 mg/1 approaching, a chemical phosphorus reduction system is being installed. It will be used until the plant is expanded, at which time it will be used as a polishing phosphorus reduction system to meet the 0.5 mg/L limit, and a backup. DISINFECTION The existing chlorine storage and feed facilities consist of three chlorinators rated at 500 lb/day each, one four single ton container scale and storage for ten ton containers. The existing chlorine contact tank has a total volume of 165,000 gallons. Review of plant monitoring data for the period of January, 1993 through June, 1996 indicates an average effluent chlorine dosage of 1.8 mg/1 and a maximum month chlorine dosage of 3.0 mg/1. The maximum recorded daily chlorine use for the period was 158 pounds and the maximum daily chlorine dosage rate was 4 mg/1. The adequacy of the existing facilities was reviewed based on a maximum daily dosage rate of 4 mg/1 and a maximum monthly dosage rate of 3 mg/1. Based on a process peak flow of 23.25 MGD and a chlorine dosage rate of 4 mg/1, the maximum chlorine demand is 775 lb/day. Given the maximum allowable withdrawal rate from a ton container of 400 lb/day, the four manifolded ton containers have a maximum capacity of 16001b/day. Given that the maximum daily chlorine use for the above period was 158 pounds, the existing ton container facilities would be adequate for the expanded flow. Based on the design flow of 9.3 MGD and a maximum month chlorine dosage of 3.0 mg/1, the existing ton container storage facilities provide for an adequate chlorine supply of over a month. No additional storage space is required. Regulations require 15 minutes of chlorine contact time at peak flow or 30 minutes at permitted maximum month flow, whichever results in the greater contact volume. The existing chlorine contact tank would have a contact time of 10 minutes at the process peak flow of 23.25 MGD. Additional chlorine contact tanks with a volume of 115,000 gallons will be required. Three alternatives were considered for increasing disinfection capacity and for providing dechlorination at the Westside Wastewater Treatment Plant. The plant currently disinfects with gaseous chlorine and is not required to dechlorinate under the present NPDES permit. However, dechlorination will be required if a chlorine -based disinfectant is used for the proposed plant expansion. Alternative 1 is based on the continued use of gaseous chlorine for disinfection and the use of gaseous sulfur dioxide for dechlorination. Alternative 2 is based on the use of liquid sodium hypochlorite for disinfection and liquid sodium bisulfite for dechlorination. Alternative 3 is based on the use of ultraviolet disinfection. City of High Point - Westside WWTP Evaluation - 23- - The following cost assumptions are used for the valuation of the alternatives. Annual operating costs include estimated costs for chemicals, power, and labor. An average rate of $20 per hour is used to estimate labor costs. Power costs are estimated at $0.05 per KW-hr. Unit costs for chemicals are listed as follows: Chlorine Gas Sulfur Dioxide Gas Liquid Sodium Hypochlorite Liquid Sodium Bisulfite $0.23 per pound $0.20 per pound $0.50 per pound (15%) $0.24 per pound (38%) . The present worth cost of each alternative is estimated based on a 20 year design life and an interest rate of 8 percent. Alternative 1: Gaseous Chlorine and Sulfur Dioxide Since the City currently utilizes chlorination as the means of disinfection consideration must be given to its continued use followed by chemical dechlorination. The continued use of the toxic chlorine gas will produce chlorine residuals that are very toxic to some aquatic species at very low concentrations. The toxic byproducts of chlorine compounds may be carcinogenic and can accumulate in aquatic organisms and adversely affect the quality of downstream public water supplies. Dechlorination by adding another toxic gas, sulfur dioxide, can remove the chlorine residuals, but will not neutralize all compounds formed during the disinfection process. Dechlorination facilities necessary would include ton cylinder handling and storage facilities, as well as sulfur dioxide feed equipment similar to those associated with the chlorination system. The sulfur dioxide solution could be injected in a small structure downstream of the chlorine contact basin. Continuous chlorine residual monitoring equipment would be required to automatically adjust chlorine and sulfur dioxide solution feed rates to adequately reduce micro-organism levels while minimizing potential toxicity problems. A gas scrubber system is recommended for neutralizing chlorine gas in the event of a leak, and is likely that one may be required under future regulations. A new chlorine contact tank would have to be constructed to provide, in combination with the existing tank, 15 minutes of contact time at a flow of 23.25 MGD. City of High Point - Westside WWTP Evaluation - 24 - TABLE 4.2 GASEOUS CHLORINATION/DECHLORINATION COST SUMMARY Construction Cost Chlorine Contact Tanks $200,000 S itework $50,000 Chlorine Building Modifications $150,000 Dechlorination Building $230,000 Chlorine Gas Scrubber $250,000 Yard Piping $75,000 Miscellaneous Structures $75.000 Total $1,030,000 Annual Operating Cost Chemical Cost for Chlorine $25,000 Chemical Cost for Sulfur Dioxide $3,700 Labor $28,500 Safety Equipment and Training $30,000 Total $87,200 Present Worth of O&M Cost $856,000 Total Present Worth Comparative Cost $1,886,000 Alternative 2: Liquid Sodium Hypochiorite and Sodium Blsulfite Under Alternative 2, the existing chlorine building would be renovated to house a metering pump room. A new bulk storage facility will be constructed for storage of liquid sodium hypochlorite and sodium bisulfite. A chlorine contact tank of the same size and configuration as in Alternative 1 will be constructed. Although sodium hypochlorite is less hazardous than gaseous chlorine, sodium hypochlorite also poses some safety concerns. Both sodium hypochlorite and sodium bisulfite are corrosive chemicals; therefore, safety is a concern for operators who supervise the transfer and metering of the chemicals. Another problem is that sodium hypochlorite decomposes over time. Decomposition occurs more rapidly when the concentration is high, when the temperature is high, and when the solution is exposed to light. TABLE 4.3 LIQUID CHLORINATION/DECHLORINATION COST SUMMARY Construction Costs Chlorine Contact Tank $200,000 Sitework ; $70,000 Bulk Storage Facility and Pump Room $350,000 Yard Piping $75,000 Miscellaneous Structures $75,000 Total Cost $770,000 City of High Point - Westside WWTP Evaluation - 25 - Annual Operating Costs Chemical Cost for Sodium Hypochlorite $31,000 Chemical Cost for Sodium Bisulfite $3,200 Labor $20,000 Safety Equipment and Training $10.000 Total Cost $64,200 Present Worth O&M Cost $630,322 Total Present Worth Comparative Cost $1,400,322 Although the safety concerns are abated with hypochlorite, the issue regarding toxicity and cyanide production still remain with this option. Alternative 3: Ultraviolet Disinfection Ultraviolet disinfection pilot testing was performed at Westside during October, 1995 and the effluent responded well to ultraviolet disinfection dosing. A conservative transmittance value of 50 percent was used for analysis. Additional testing may indicate a higher transmittance value may be used for design, thus reducing the cost. The ultraviolet disinfection equipment would include high output lamps with automated cleaning cycles and flow -paced controls to regulate power usage. There are two manufacturers offering high intensity UV systems. Although there is some penalty in electrical costs over conventional low intensity systems, these designs reduce lamps by a factor of over 15:1. The higher intensity systems also offer significant advantages in penetration of low transmittance (less than 60%) wastewater, as encountered here. The power outfit of the lamps would be variable to provide additional control of power consumption. The existing chlorine system would be abandoned with a small chemical system for backup. The existing chlorine contact basin could then be converted to a second DAF unit upon plant expansion. TABLE 4.4 UV COST SUMMARY Construction Costs Ultraviolet Disinfection Equipment $660,000 Yard Piping/Site Work $135,000 Associated Equipment $97,000 Structure $88,000 Electrical $70,000 Total $1,050,000 Annual Operating Costs Power Cost $38,900 Lamp & Misc. Replacements $18.270 Total $57,170 Present Worth O&M Cost $549,150 Total Present Worth Comparative Cost $1,599,150 City of High Point - Westside WWTP Evaluation - 26 - These costs are representative of two UV channels and two disinfection modules using the Trojan UV4000 system. Proposed improvements include construction of two channels, the initial installation of one UV module, and associated electrical and piping work. The expanded facility would require only the installation of additional lamp modules. TABLE 4.5 COST COMPARISON OF DISINFECTION ALTERNATIVES Cost for the three alternatives are summarized below: Alternative 1 Construction Cost $1,030,000 Present Worth O&M Cost $856,000 Total Present Worth Comparative Cost $1,886,000 Alternative 2 Construction Cost $770,000 Present Worth O&M Cost $630,322 Total Present Worth Comparative Cost $1,400,322 Alternative 3 Construction Cost $1,050,000 Present Worth O&M Cost $549,150 Total Present Worth Comparative Cost $1,599,150 Ultraviolet disinfection would minimize safety concerns and eliminate the potential for effluent toxicity associated with the use of chlorine. Based on these factors, ultraviolet disinfection is recommended for the proposed upgrade and expansion of the Westside Plant. EFFLUENT FILTERS The filters have been one of the most troublesome processes at the Plant. Recent repairs and changes to the backwash pumps seem to have remedied some of these problems. At present, the filters bypass at flows of 7-9 MGD. This would indicate that the existing filters are not adequately sized to handle peak flows. Also, plant operators have expressed some need to have the traveling bridge mechanism rebuilt. Alternatives have been reviewed for upgrade/replacement of the existing filters to a more reliable, economical system. The DAVCO Gravisand filter is an improved two pump traveling bridge filter. (TBF) designed for retrofitting and upgrading existing TBF's. A tubular underdrain header replaces the porous plate underdrain which eliminates media leakage and biological fouling. The bridge mechanism stops over each cell during backwash. Once the cell has been washed, the pump is de -energized. This allows the fluidized media to settle and prevents media migration. The Gravisand filters can be retrofitted to existing tankage so no new structures are necessary. The existing filters can be replaced with Gravisand filters as an interim improvement for approximately $300,000. City of High Point - Westside WWTP Evaluation - 27 - ACCESS TO PRIMARY AND SECONDARY BUILDINGS At present, access to the primary and secondary solids buildings via the monorail is limited. The existing monorails do not extend far enough outside. This prevents personnel from loading heavy equipment directly from the monorail to a truck. As a remedy, the monorails could be extended by constructing an additional support structure outside and providing an additional length of railing. This work could be completed as an interim improvement or as part of the plant expansion. STANDBY POWER SYSTEM The existing NPDES permit does not require a standby power system. The existing NPDES permit for the plant states the City is responsible for preventing the discharge of inadequately treated waste during power outages by standby power generators or the retention of inadequately treated effluent. Current State regulations require either dual electric power sources or an automatically activated standby power system capable of providing power to all essential treatment components during periods of primary power outages. It is anticipated that a secondary power source other than electricity will be required by year 2003. Proposed House Bill 215 will require any wastewater system for which a permit for facilities discharging to the waters of the State is required shall not be operated unless a generator that is operated by a source of power other than electricity is maintained on -site. The existing plant's primary power supply is a 480 volt, 3 phase system for the larger drive motors and includes step down transformers for 240V and 120V circuits. The largest drive motors are 100 Hp which are located at the influent pump station and at the blower building. Numerous other smaller motors are located throughout the plant site. In order to provide essential treatment, the standby power system must be sized to allow all treatment components to be operable during primary power outages. At a minimum, the standby power system would require the installation of a single 1500 KW diesel driven generating unit, switchgear modifications, and wiring renovations. A second generating unit may become necessary after the plant is expanded. TABLE 4.6 STANDBY; POV1WER SYSTEM `2 Estimated Construction Cost Equipment Installation & Wiring Total Construction Cost Estimated Project Cost Construction Cost Technical Services, & Construction Contingencies TOTAL PROJECT COST $550,000 $200,000 $750,000 $750,000 $150,000 $900,000 City of High Point - Westside WWTP Evaluation - 28 - 4.3 EXPANDED FACILITIES Based on results from the workshop, the plant expansion has been sized to treat an average daily flow of 9.3 MGD, with corresponding peaks of 23.25 MGD for process design and 27.9 MGD for hydraulic design. The expanded facilities should be designed for nutrient removal in light of the proposed limits. Preliminary and Primary Treatment Facilities The existing preliminary and primary treatment facilities consist of one mechanical bar screen, a Parshall flume, two aerated grit chambers, two primary clarifiers, and primary solids pumping facilities. Based on City Staff input at an October workshop, the major equipment has generally been working well. The existing facilities were evaluated for peak flows associated with the proposed plant expansion to 9.3 MGD. The existing bar screen is working well except in freezing weather. A plant expansion will require a second screen be installed in the existing bypass channel. In any case, the screens need to be covered to resolve the freezing problem. The existing aerated grit chambers will pass the 23.3 MGD peak flow with a detention time of 2 minutes. The 2 minute detention time is on the low end of the recommended detention range for aerated grit chambers (2 to 5 minutes) at peak hourly flows. At the design flow of 9.3 MGD, detention time increases to 6 minutes. The existing facilities may be utilized for an expanded plant flow of 9.3 MGD, but grit removal efficiency may be reduced at higher flows. Two concerns associated with the existing grit facilities were raised by City Staff. First, during winter months, the grit conveyors tend to freeze up when not in use. As an interim measure, it is recommended to insulate the augers as a maintenance item. Future projects should consider replacement with belt conveyors or other improvements. Second, when the bucket system is not in operation, grit builds up quickly. This build- up makes the bucket start up virtually impossible without manually removing the grit before restarting. The only solution for this is to operate the grit removal system at more frequent intervals to prevent overloading. Future remedies could include a jet system to resuspend the grit, or possibly a small trough and drain line could be installed to facilitate cleanout. The parshall flume will need to be upgraded for increased flow measurement, as well as replacing instrumentation. The existing flume is rated at 21.4 MGD and future hydraulic concerns will necessitate lower headloss. It may be possible to incorporate flow measurement and primary clarifier flow splitting and reduce overall head loss. The two existing 70-foot diameter clarifiers would have a surface overflow rate (SOR) of 1208 GPD/SF at the design flow rate of 9.3 MGD. This exceeds the value normally designed for of <1000 GPD/SF. One additional 70-foot diameter clarifier is required to provide a SOR of 806 GPD/SF at the design flow rate of 9.3 MGD. City of High Point - Westside WWTP Evaluation - 29 - The existing primary solids pumps are inadequate to handle the increased volume associated with expansion. These existing pumps should be replaced with larger capacity pumps during renovations of the primary solids building to accommodate the three clarifiers. Flow Equalization No modifications are proposed to the flow equalization basins, as recently installed piping has increased operating flexibility of the basins. Activated Sludge Facilities The existing activated sludge facilities are designed for a process flow of 6.2 MGD and a peak process flow of 12.4 MGD. Modifications to the existing facilities will be required to provide capacity for the proposed expanded design flow of 9.3 and are also necessary to meet nutrient limits. The existing activated sludge facilities are designed for year-round nitrification to meet current monthly ammonia limits of 2 mg/1 in the summer and 4 mg/1 in the winter. Speculative limits have been requested but none have been provided by the State. The following limits are based on proposed limits at Eastside WWTP and will be revised once the State provides speculative limits for Westside. Parameter TABLE 4.7 Current Limits Speculative Limits Flow, MGD 6.2 9.3 BOD5, mg/1 5.0 (summer) 10.0 (winter) 5.0 5.0 NH3-N, mg/1 2.0 (summer) 4.0 (winter) 1.0 2.0 Total Phosphorus, mg/1 2.0 (1998) 0.5 Total Nitrogen, mg/1 N/A 4.0 (summer) 8.0 (winter) Significant modifications to the existing facilities will be required to meet the proposed total nitrogen limits, as well as the proposed total phosphorus limit as previously mentioned. This will require the chemical process to be installed prior to the upgrade/expansion which will include biological phosphorus removal. Processes for removing nitrogen, as well as phosphorus from wastewater, are available for meeting the speculative limits at the proposed design flow of 9.3 MGD. Limited site area, future expansion considerations, as well as maintenance of existing plant operations during construction all play a role in the facility design for nutrient removal at the Westside Plant. Biological nutrient removal (BNR) processes can be utilized to remove both phosphorus and nitrogen to low effluent levels without the use of chemicals and the associated increases in waste sludge production, City of High Point - Westside WWTP Evaluation - 30 - oy oxygen requirements, and operational costs. It is possible to implement either biological phosphorus removal (BPR) or biological nitrogen removal separately, but the processes are more stable, efficient, and economical when implemented together. In many cases, BPR can be achieved by simply adding an anaerobic zone to the biological nitrogen removal process. BNR processes include activated sludge process modifications which consist of alternating anaerobic, anoxic, and aerobic zones to promote biological nutrient removal. By definition, an anaerobic zone is totally devoid of free oxygen, an anoxic zone uses nitrate -nitrogen in the absence of oxygen, and the aerobic zone maintains a free oxygen concentration. Typically, BNR process consists of at least 3 separate stages. In the first stage of the process, anaerobic conditions are provided which promotes the release of phosphorus from the activated sludge organisms. In the second stage, anoxic conditions are provided for the conversion of nitrate to nitrogen gas. In the aerobic zone, BOD is oxidized, ammonia is converted to nitrate by nitrifying organisms, and phosphorus uptake occurs. Recycle is provided from the aerobic zone to the anoxic zone for denitrification of the nitrates formed in the aerobic zones. In order to implement BNR processes, more detention time will be required which means larger basins are required. While required detention times vary between BNR processes, typically 5 to 14 hours at design flow is necessary. For this report and associated cost estimates, a total detention time of 13.4 hours has been used. Final design using additional nitrogen monitoring data will refine the actual volumes to be provided. The existing aeration basins are well suited to be retrofitted into the required anaerobic, anoxic, and aerobic zones as they are long and narrow. The zones can be created by modifying aeration piping, adding gates and baffle walls, and adding mixing equipment. The existing basins are 0.76 MGD each, for a total volume of 2.29 MGD. At the current design flow of 6.2 MGD, this is an 8.8 hour detention. Even with modifications to provide the different zones, it is unlikely that this volume could provide consistent compliance with the 2003 nitrogen limits. A fourth basin, similar in size to the existing basins, would provide about 11.8 hours detention at 6.2 MGD. However, at the expanded capacity, an additional 2.9 MG would be necessary to provide the design detention time. The processes which are considered for BNR are outlined as follows: Vip Process The Virginia Initiative Process (VIP) was developed at the Hampton Roads Sanitation District (HRSD) and has been made available for public use with no license requirement or patent fees. The VIP process is a conventional BNR process very similar to the University of Cape Town Process (UCT) with the biological phosphorus release mechanism occurring in the main flow train of the treatment process. In the UCT/VIP process, the primary clarifier effluent first enters the anaerobic stage of the biological treatment process so that City of High Point - Westside WWTP Evaluation - 31 - influent BOD5 and volatile fatty acids can be utilized to fuel the anaerobic phosphorous release mechanism in the biological phosphorus release -uptake cycle. The waste stream then flows into the anoxic stage for denitrification and BOD5 removal. Nitrification, phosphorus uptake and further BOD5 removal occur in the anaerobic stage. Nitrified mixed liquor is recycled from the aerobic stage to the anoxic stage to allow denitrification. Sludge from the secondary clarifier is returned to the anoxic stage to allow denitrification of this stream and avoid nitrate addition to the anaerobic stage. Mixed liquor is recycled from the anoxic stage to the anaerobic stage to provide a denitrified mixed liquor to the anaerobic stage. The system can also be operated as a two - stage system without an anaerobic stage. Sequential Step Feed The sequential step feed nitrification/denitrification process provides multiple anoxicjoxic reactors in series. Operating experience with sequential step feed is limited. The process does not typically use internal recycle, rather the influent flow is fed in steps to the beginning of the anoxic zones to provide a carbon source to drive denitrification. Methanol may be added in the third anoxic zone to achieve low effluent nitrogen values. The main advantages of the step feed process are that it does not require recycle, there is potential for greater nitrogen removal than the VIP and modified UNC processes, and tank volume requirements may be reduced. The disadvantage is its limited operating experience. Modified Unc Process The Modified UNC Process is a modification of the sidestream biological phosphorus removal process which was developed by Dr. Donald Francisco and Dr. James Lamb at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. In this process, the biological phosphorus release mechanism occurs in a sidestream anaerobic stage and the main process flow train is not treated in an anaerobic stage. The modified UNC process is a derivation of the original UNC Process with the addition of a recycle stream for denitrification in an anoxic stage at the beginning of the main wastewater flow train. In the Modified UNC process, the primary clarifier effluent entering the biological treatment process flows first to the anoxic stage where influent BOD5 is used to fuel denitrification. The waste stream then flows to the aerobic stage for nitrification, phosphorus uptake, and then to the secondary clarifier. Mixed liquor is recycled from the aerobic stage to the anoxic stage for denitrification. The return sludge from the secondary clarifier is pumped to a sidestream anaerobic stage where the release phase of the phosphorus release -uptake cycle occurs. Fermented primary sludge is added to this stage to provide volatile fatty acids for the phosphorus storing organisms. The anaerobically treated return sludge then flows to the anoxic stage where it is combined with primary effluent. City of High Point - Westside WWTP Evaluation - 32 - An advantage of the Modified UNC Process is that the anaerobic stage is incorporated into the return sludge stream rather than receiving the full influent flow as in the VIP process. This protects the anaerobic stage and the phosphorus release -uptake mechanism from upsets due to fluctuations in influent and organic loading and requires less anaerobic tankage. The process should be configured in 5 stages. The 5-stage configuration adds a second anoxic zone to achieve higher levels of TN reduction, which will be necessary with the proposed 4 mg/L nitrogen limit. Effluent Filters Plant expansion will also require the addition of effluent filters. The existing filters are gravity, continuous backwash type filters. It is recommended that additional filters, similar in design and size to the retrofitted Gravisand TBF's, be added to accommodate larger flows and maintain the current loading rate. Solids Handling The recent sludge handling and dewatering facility renovations included the conversion of an existing anaerobic digester to a sludge blending tank, installation of three submersible mixers, two grinders, a dry solids centrifuge, a cake storage hopper, and an additional truck loading conveyor. The dewatered cake is loaded onto a truck or stored in a hopper and transported to Eastside. Once the incinerator at Eastside is placed on-line, the remaining anaerobic digester at Westside can be taken out of service and renovated to serve as a second mixing/holding basin. These renovations would include the installation of three submersible propeller mixers to provide a homogenous sludge supply for the dewatering system. As flow increases, additional operating time of the centrifuge will be required. Also, the addition of a second centrifuge should be considered for backup and alternating use. Solids Thickening At the existing facilities, waste activated sludge (WAS) is thickened by a single 55 foot diameter dissolved air flotation (DAF) thickener. WAS thickening reduces the volume of secondary solids by concentrating the relatively dilute solids from the return activated sludge flow stream. This reduces costs of pumping, increases detention time in downstream storage tanks, and reduces solids dewatering costs. The installation of the ultraviolet disinfection facilities will discontinue use of the existing chlorine contact basin. Westside's WAS thickening capabilities can be increased with the conversion of the chlorine contact basin to a DAFf thickener. This will serve as a backup to the existing DAF and will be necessary to handle the sludge from the BNR process and expanded plant flows. Summary The following table lists the proposed improvements and estimated costs associated with the previously addressed plant upgrade and expansion from 6.2 MGD to 9.3 MGD. These improvements represent the most cost-effective approach for providing additional treatment capacity at the Westside Plant. City of Nigh Point - Westside WWTP Evaluation - 33 - A proposed plant site plan is shown on Figure 4.1. TABLE 4.8 PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS AND ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COSTS BNR UPGRADE AND EXPANSION TO 9.3 MGD _�. � ..i Tyr � m x. � i'riy'�bdi9rta� ,..mi ur ,u'... • Proposes# Improvements �t.T`L." �f+° <{�{.:.,,�',.i'+F timatect Cost '3:fiiw.ii.lr-..... Preliminary/Primary Treatment New bar screen $ 150,000 New primary clarifier 275,000 flow splitter / measurement 125,000 Primary sludge pump upgrade 150,000 BNR facilities Basin structural renovations 300,000 Additional basin structure 2,300,000 Mixing / aeration equipment 850,000 Blower improvements 200,000 Nitrified recycle pump station 900,000 Other Process Secondary clarifier 775,000 Sludge return pump upgrades 100,000 New effluent filter 550,000 Additional UV modules 700,000 Sludge Thickening Demo CCT 75,000 Dome Cover 125,000 DAF equipment 300,000 Sludge pump replacement 125,000 Building Modifications 100,000 Sludge Dewatering Convert Digester to Mixing Tank 400,000 New centrifuge & accessories 650,000 Miscellaneous Sitework • 150,000 Yard Piping 700,000 Electrical 500,000 Distributed Control System 250,000 Estimated Construction Cost $ 10,750,000 Related Costs Technical Services (10%) 1,075,000 Contingencies (10%) 1,075,000 Total Estimated Project Cost $ 12,900,000 City of High Point - Westside WWTP Evaluation - 34 - PROPOSE') ULTRAVIOLET DISINFECMON RETURN SLUDGE PUMP STA. CHEMICAL PHOSPHORUS PRIf1AR SLUDGE PLUMP PRIMA CLARG 1tcgouvokix no+ 1l 1 \ it i\ 1 \ \ .... 1 t \ • \\,\ S 1 / -� 133J OOL n r t N°y(), CITY OF HIGH POINT WESTSIDE WWTP EXPANSION OVERALL SITE PLAN DAVIS-MARTIN-POWELL & ASSOCIATES, INC. ENGINEERING - LAND PLANNING - SURVEYING HIGH POINT. NORTH CAROLINA