HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0024228_Speculative Limits_20080613NPDES DOCUMENT SCANNIN` COVER SHEET NPDES Permit: NC0024228 High Point Westside WWTP Document Type: Permit Issuance Wasteload Allocation Authorization to Construct (AtC) Permit Modification Complete File - Historical Engineering Alternatives (EAA) Instream Assessment (67b) Speculative Limits Environmental Assessment (EA) Document Date: June 13, 2008 This document is printed on reuse paper - ignore ang content on the reYerse side Michael F. Easley, Governor State of North Carolina William G. Ross, Jr., Secretary Department of Environment and Natural Resources Coleen H. Sullins, Director Division of Water Quality Mr. W. Chris Thompson, P.E., Director Public Services, City of High Point P.O. Box 230 High Point, North Carolina 27261 June 13, 2008 Subject: NPDES Speculative Limits Request City of High Point - Westside WWTP NPDES Permit No. NC0024228 Davidson County Dear Mr. Thompson: This letter is offered in response to your request for speculative effluent limits for the potential expansion of the City of High Point Westside Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP). The plant is currently permitted for a wastewater discharge of up to 6.2 MGD into Rich Fork Creek located in the Yadkin River Basin. The City requested speculative limits for an expansion up to 10 MGD. The Division of Water Quality (Division) staff fromthe Surface Water Protection Section, Winston- Salem Regional Office, and Planning Section appreciated the opportunity to discuss this very complex issue regarding High Point's expansion request with you, Mr. Houck, and your Li / /110c6 consultants on April 8th. ('✓j `l e r,� 71 As we discussed during the meeting, the Divis has had concerns about the dissolved oxygen G` (D.O.) levels in the receiving stream since prior meetings dating back to at least 2004. There continues to be strong supporting water quality data (coalition monitoring data) from both upstream and downstream of the Westside discharge indicating some values below the water quality standard of 5 mg/1 (and more Values below mg/1 further downstream on Rich Fork). These data allow the Division to draw more def niiVe\conclusions regarding the current eceiving stream conditions, as well as the potent I j future impact of the discharge. The Division appreciated the efforts that the City's consultant(s) made in collecting data and calibrating data for a complex model based on predictl 'e future circumstances. While the stream restoration effort appears beneficial and the City's investment to address infiltration and inflow within the collection system have certainly helped conditions in Rich Fork Creek, the Division still has concerns regarding the City's projected outcome of the proposed stream restoration and subsequent predicted conditions. The Division believes that it is in the City's best interest to review all other options prior to responding to your request for speculative effluent limits. Rather than provide speculative limits at this time, we request that High Point follow the Division's Engineering Alternatives Analyses (EAA) guidance and provide thorough documentation of any and all alternatives. A copy of the EAA guidance is attached with this letter. Due to the chlorophyll a impairment of High Rock Lake downstream, any potential wastewater treatment costs should also include biological nutrient removal. North Carolina Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 (919) 733-7015 FAX (919) 733-0719 On the Internet at http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/ Mr. Thompson City of High Point Page 2 We hope this response provides some guidance for the City of High Point's continued pursuit of wastewater options. After my staff reviews the EAA for the City, the Division can then respond more directly to your request for speculative limits. If you have any additional questions about this response, feel free to contact me at (919) 733-5083, extension 204, Matt Matthews, Supervisor, Point Source Branch, ext. 517 or Susan Wilson, Supervisor, Western NPDES Program, ext. 510. Sincerely, arles Wakild, P.E. Deputy Director cc: Mr. Terry Houck, Asst. Director of Public Services, City of High Point, w/attachment Winston-Salem Regional Office, Surface Water Protection Section, Steve Tedder Central Files NPDES Program Modeling & TMDL Unit, Kathy Stecker • Engineering Alternatives Analysis (EAA) Guidance Document North Carolina Division of Water Quality/ NPDES Unit NOTE: The N.C. Division of Water Quality (DWQ) will not accept an NPDES application for a new or expanding wastewater treatment plant discharge unless all the required application requirements are submitted. A complete NPDES application will include the following items: NPDES Application Form (in triplicate) Application Fee Engineering Alternatives Analysis (in triplicate) Local Government Review Form (non -municipals only) Failure to submit all of the required information will result in return of the incomplete package. If you have any questions about these requirements, contact the NPDES Unit staff at 919-733-5083. Application forms, applicable fees, and guidance documents are available on the NPDES website at http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/NPDES. Completed applications should be mailed to: NCDENR/DWQ/NPDES Unit, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617. Background The NPDES permit program was enacted in 1972 as part of the Clean Water Act. The original goal of the program was to eliminate all point source discharges to surface waters by 1985. Although this goal was not achieved, the NPDES program continues to strive toward it. In that light, an Engineering Alternatives Analysis (EAA) is required with any NPDES application for a new or expanding wastewater treatment plant discharge, in accordance with 15A NCAC 2H.0105(c)(2). In order for an NPDES application to be approved, the EAA must provide complete justification for a direct discharge to surface water alternative, and demonstrate that direct discharge is the most environmentally sound alternative selected from all reasonably cost-effective options [per 15A NCAC 2H.0105(c)(2)]. The purpose of this EAA Guidance Document is to provide guidance to the regulated community for the evaluation of wastewater disposal alternatives. The impetus behind this comprehensive guidance was based on the following: 1) a majority of new NPDES applications were being returned as incomplete due to inadequate EAA submissions; and 2) a few recent court cases resulted in unfavorable rulings for the NPDES discharger due in part to inadequate EAAs. DWQ most frequently returns EAAs as incomplete due to inadequate flow justification, inadequate alternatives evaluations, and/or lack of documentation/references used to design and cost alternatives. Please note that this guidance document is designed primarily for domestic wastewater discharges. For other proposed discharges such as water treatment plant discharges from ion exchange and reverse osmosis units, some alternative disposal options may not be technologically feasible. Within this guidance document, we have attempted to point out where such technological limitations may exist. You are urged to review NPDES permitting guidance documents on the NPDES website, which discuss some of the limited disposal options for some discharges. Please note that if a proposed municipal expansion is subject to SEPA Environmental Assessment (EA)/Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) requirements, the EAA requirements should be incorporated into the SEPA document. In addition, the NPDES Unit cannot accept an application for a new/expanding NPDES discharge until departmental review of the SEPA document is complete and a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) has been submitted to the State Clearinghouse for circulation. The following step-by-step outline should be used for the preparation of all EAA submissions. If an EAA submission lacks any of these basic elements, the NPDES application will be returned as incomplete. EAA Guidance Document Version: June 23, 2005 Page 1 of 8 , • • STEP 1. Determine if the proposed discharge will be allowed Before beginning any engineering evaluation of alternatives, you must first determine if the proposed wastewater discharge will be allowed. Otherwise, time and money may be spent needlessly for an EAA preparation that will ultimately be rejected on the basis of existing water quality restrictions. There are several potential restrictions to a wastewater discharge to surface waters, including: • Zero flow stream restrictions [15A NCAC 2B.0206(d)(2)] apply to oxygen -consuming waste in zero -flow streams. In order to determine streamflow at the proposed discharge location, contact the U.S. Geological Survey at 919-571-4000. • Receiving stream classification restrictions [e.g., ORW, WS, SA, NSW, and HQ class waters have various discharge restrictions or require stricter treatment standards]. Stream classifications are available on the DWQ website and from the DWQ Standards & Classifications Unit at 919-733-5083, while wastewater discharge restrictions for various stream classifications are presented in state regulations [ 15A NCAC 2B.0200]. • Basinwide Water Quality Plans. These basin -specific plans list NPDES permitting strategies that may limit wastewater discharges to particular streams within the basin due to lack of stream assimilative capacity, etc. Basin plans are available on the DWQ website, or you may contact the DWQ Basinwide Planning Unit at 919-733-5083. • Impaired waters and TMDLs. Certain waterbodies listed as impaired on the 303(d) list and/or subject to impending TMDLs may have wastewater discharge restrictions. The list of 303(d) impaired waters is located on the DWQ website, or you may contact the DWQ Modeling/TMDL Unit at 919-733-5083. • Presence of Endangered Species. If endangered species are present in the proposed discharge location, there may be wastewater discharge restrictions. Endangered species information may be included in the Basinwide Water Quality Plan, or you may contact the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (919-856-4520), N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission (919-733-3633), or the N.C. Natural Heritage Program (919-733- 7701). Municipal applicants. As a public service, the NPDES Unit will evaluate whether a proposed municipal discharge is considered allowable. The municipality needs to initiate this review by submitting a letter request for Speculative Effluent Limits to the NPDES Unit. If the proposed discharge appears to be allowable, the NPDES Unit will prepare speculative effluent limits for a maximum of 2 flows and 2 discharge locations using water quality models. The municipality can then use the speculative limits to prepare preliminary engineering design and cost estimates for the direct discharge alternative within the EAA. In limited instances where complex water quality models are necessary to develop speculative limits and determine potential water quality impacts, some municipalities have undertaken the modeling effort (with DWQ review) in order to expedite this portion of the NPDES permit review process. Non -municipal applicants. Due to staff constraints, the NPDES Unit cannot prepare speculative limits for non -municipal applicants. Thus, it is your responsibility to make your own determination as to whether the proposed discharge might be allowed by the Division, by evaluating the water quality factors listed above. It is highly recommended that you discuss the proposed discharge with the applicable DWQ Regional Office and/or NPDES Unit staff, who may be able to provide input on the likelihood of a new/expanding discharge. As a first step, you must obtain streamflow estimates for the proposed discharge location to ensure that the receiving stream is not subject to zero flow restrictions. Low flow data (specifically, the summer 7Q10 and 30Q2 flow statistics) can be obtained for a nominal fee from the U.S. Geological Survey in Raleigh at 919-571-4000. The low flow data must be submitted with the EAA, and will be used by the permit writer to develop permit limits. You must also verify that the proposed action (i.e., construction of a wastewater treatment plant and its appurtenances) is consistent with local zoning and/or subdivision ordinances. You will need to request the local government(s) to complete a Local Government Review Form (Attachment A), and include the signed and notarized form with your NPDES application package. EAA Guidance Document Version: June 23, 2005 Page 2 of 8 1 All applicants. If you conclude that the proposed discharge will pass the "allowable discharge" criteria, then begin the EAA preparation by summarizing the following general information about the proposed project • Provide a description of the proposed project If the project will be constructed in phases, provide a schedule for constructing each additional phase, and provide the projected flow per phase (see STEP 2). • Applicant name, mailing address, phone number, contact person ■ Facility name, address, county, phone number, contact person • EAA preparer's name, mailing address, phone number, contact person STEP 2. Provide reasonable projections for population and flow Residential Population Projections. Facilities requesting an NPDES discharge permit for new or expanding domestic wastewater discharges must document the population to be served within the service area over a 20-year planning period. The NC State Demographics unit provides population data for each county and municipality and can be accessed on the Internet at http://www.demog.state.nc.us. If 20-year population projections for specific areas are not available, a linear • extrapolation of population trends from the past decade should be used. Any deviation from a linear projection method must be dearly justified. If population projections include future annexations, include a proposed annexation schedule as well as any annexation requirements that must be met. Municipal Flow Projections. Justification of flow as well as a demonstration of need shall be provided. Mere speculation is not sufficient. Flow projections should represent average anticipated flows, since permit flow limits are based on monthly averages. Peaking factors used to design various components of the wastewater collection system (e.g., collector sewers, interceptor sewers, pumping stations) should not be used in the justification of the average anticipated flow. For municipal wastewater dischargers, flow must be justified using the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) criteria available on the Internet at http://www.nccgl.net/fap/cwsrf/201gui.html. Exceptions to these flow criteria may be approved on a case -by -case basis provided adequate justification is supplied. • Current Flow- Provide current flows including residential, commercial, industrial, and non -excessive infiltration/inflow (I/1) based on actual flow data or water billing records. Current residential flow and current commercial flow may be based on water billing records minus a 10% consumptive loss. Current industrial flow may be based on dual metering to determine consumptive losses. Current non -excessive I/I should also be determined in accordance with CWSRF criteria. If I/I is demonstrated to be above CWSRF criteria, that infrastructure contributing to excessive I&I must either be repaired or replaced prior to any request for flow expansion. • Future Residential Flow- Provide 20-year residential flows based on projected residential growth. Multiply the projected growth in residential population by 70 gallons per day per capita. • Future Commercial Flow- Provide 20-year commercial flows based on projected residential growth. Multiply the projected growth in residential population by 15 gallons per day per capita. • Future Industrial Flow- Provide flow for future documented industrial flow. A nominal allowance for future unplanned industrial expansions may be considered by the Division, provided the basis is clearly justified and current land -use plans and local zoning allow for such industrial growth. • Future Non -excessive I/I- A nominal allowance for non -excessive I/I for new sewer lines may be considered by the Division, provided the basis is clearly justified. Non -Municipal Flow Projections. Flow may be justified in accordance with 15A NCAC 2H .0219(1) for various activities (e.g., new subdivisions, new schools, various commercial activities). For other proposed discharges (e.g., groundwater remediation, water EAA Guidance Document Version: June 23, 2005 Page3of8 s 4 i treatment plant filter backwash, industial facilities), the flow projections will be based on engineering design considerations and/or production projections rather than population projections. STEP 3. Evaluate technologically feasible alternatives Since a goal of the Clean Water Act is to minimize or eliminate point source discharges to surface waters, any proposal for a new or expanding wastewater discharge must include evaluation of wastewater disposal alternatives in addition to direct discharge. Particularly for dischargers of domestic wastewater, this evaluation should investigate the feasibility of the following wastewater disposal alternatives: • Connection to an existing wastewater treatment plant (public or private) ■ Land application alternatives, such as individual/community onsite subsurface systems, drip irrigation, spray irrigation • Wastewater reuse • Surface water discharge through the NPDES program ■ Combinations of the above In order for the applicant to eliminate a wastewater disposal alternative, you must either show that the alternative is technologically infeasible, or that it would be cost prohibitive to implement relative to a direct discharge alternative. Please note that for some alternatives, it might be easier to prove an alternative is not viable based on high cost rather than technological feasibility. For example, for a large municipal expansion that would require several hundred acres for a land application alternative, it might be easier to simply assume that the required acreage could be purchased and calculate the present value costs (induding current market land costs) for this option, rather than evaluating whether land application is technologically infeasible due to lack of available land and/or poor soil conditions. For those alternatives identified as technologically feasible, you must develop and compare costs, based on a preliminary level design effort (see STEP 4). The Division recognizes that wastewater disposal alternatives may be limited for some non -domestic wastewater scenarios, and a full alternatives evaluation may not be warranted. If there is some question as to whether an alternative may be eliminated, contact the NPDES Unit staff. Some scenarios that might not require a full alternatives evaluation include: • Water Treatment Plant Discharges. Discharges from water treatment plants (W'I'Ps) that utilize a membrane technology (e.g., reverse osmosis, nanofiltration) or ion exchange system tend to generate highly concentrated wastestreams. These wastestreams are not amenable to land application and do not have to be evaluated for this alternative. However, since these wastestreams can also have a toxic impact on a receiving freshwater system, proposed new discharges from these WTPs to freshwaters will not be considered for an NPDES permit unless you can demonstrate that the environmental impacts would be minimal based on dilution modeling. You should investigate whether the wastewater can be piped to a stream with sufficient dilution, or whether a local WWTP might accommodate this discharge. Please note that discharges from WTPs that utilize greensand filtration or conventional technology produce a wastestream that is not saline, therefore no disposal alternatives can be automatically ruled out as infeasible for these other WTPs. Refer to the NPDES website for permitting strategies for reverse osmosis, ion exchange, greensand filtration, and conventional WTPs. ■ Groundwater Remediation System Discharges. You will need to evaluate whether WWTP connection, land application, infiltration galleries, in -situ groundwater remediation wells, or dosed -loop groundwater remediation wells are viable disposal alternatives. While land application might be a feasible alternative in rural areas, it would not be a feasible alternative in downtown Charlotte, where there is no land available for wastewater application. In this instance, you may simply state that land application is infeasible based on land constraints within the city. You will also need to evaluate connection to an existing WWTP (in accordance with Alternative A), since there are some municipalities that have accepted this wastestream EAA Guidance Document Version: June 23, 2005 Page 4 of 8 in the past. If the municipality will not accept the wastestream, the connection alternative is also considered technologically infeasible. Please note that in -situ and closed -loop groundwater remediation wells are permittable well types and further guidance is available through the Aquifer Protection Section. Aside from these exceptions, you should proceed with the alternatives evaluation in accordance with the following requirements. If you have any questions about these requirements, contact the NPDES Unit staff. Alternative A. Connection to an Existing Wastewater Treatment System. You must evaluate the feasibility of connecting to an existing wastewater treatment system served by a municipality or other entity holding a valid NPDES or Non -Discharge Permit. All connection options should include an evaluation of a gravity line and/or force main with pump station(s). 1. Existing Sewerage System: (a) Identify whether there are existing sewer lines within a five -mile radius, or consider a greater radius if cost effective for the project size. (b) Provide a preliminary indication of flow acceptance from existing municipal or private WWTPs under consideration for connection. If a municipal or private WWTP cannot accept the wastewater, include a letter documenting such and consider this alternative technologically infeasible. (c) If an existing sewerage system will accept the wastewater, evaluate the piping/pumps/resources necessary to connect to the existing wastewater treatment plant. Attach a topographic map or a site drawing showing the physical route of this alternative. Conduct a Present Value Cost Analysis per STEP 4. 2. Planned Sewerage System: Determine if a regional sewerage system within a five mile radius is projected to be available within the next five years to receive waste from the project site. If applicable, determine availability date and flow acceptance projection from appropriate authority. Alternative B. Land Application. Land application disposal alternatives indude individual/community onsite subsurface systems, drip irrigation, and spray irrigation. 1. Provide an estimate of the best case hydraulic loading rate based on County Soil Surveys or from a soil evaluation performed by a soil scientist. Include calculations showing the hydraulic loading rate and the total area of land needed for the land disposal system, including buffers. 2. Assess the availability of land. If insufficient land is available onsite, assume that the necessary land can be purchased and estimate the land purchase cost based on local real estate prices. Alternatively, provide documentation to demonstrate that insufficient land is available for sale in the project area (include letters from adjacent property owners indicating no interest in selling property). 3. Provide a description of the wastewater treatment system and the non -discharge application system. Include a site plan showing the proposed layout, the application area, any existing structures, proposed structures, and other uses within the site. 4. Explain the proposed reuse plan if reclaimed water will be used by a third party. 5. Conduct a Present Value Cost Analysis per STEP 4. For the reclaimed water system indude the potential revenue generated by selling the water. 6. Provide all calculations, documentation and maps as necessary to support assumptions and conclusions. 7. Note: The design of land application systems must meet the treatment and design requirements specified in 15A NCAC 2H.0219 or 15A NCAC 18A.1900. 8. Note: Proposed discharges from groundwater remediation systems must evaluate the potential for an infiltration gallery treatment alternative. Alternative C. Wastewater Reuse. You must evaluate reusing all or a portion of the wastewater generated. Some municipalities are currently reusing wastewater within the confines of their WWTP property for irrigation, toilet flushing, backwashing, etc., while other municipalities have established progressive reuse programs for residential irrigation. Reuse applications might include golf course irrigation, crop irrigation (e.g., hardwood or pine plantation, grasses), athletic field irrigation, landscape uses, and commercial/industrial uses. Some of these reuse applications will be evaluated under Alternative B, Land EAA Guidance Document Version: June 23, 2005 Page 5 of 8 Application. The design of reclaimed water systems must meet the treatment and design requirements specified in 15A NCAC 2H.0219. Alternative D. Direct Discharge to Surface Waters. 1. No new or expanding (additional) discharge of oxygen -consuming waste will be allowed to surface waters of North Carolina if both the summer 7Q10 and 30Q2 streamflows are estimated to be zero, in accordance with 15A NCAC 2B.0206(d). Private, applicants must contact the Federal USGS in Raleigh at 919-571-4000 and obtain (generally for a nominal fee), the receiving streamflow data (s7Q10, 30Q2, annual average streamflow) at the proposed discharge location. This information must be included in the EAA, and will be used to develop permit limits. 2. All direct discharge systems of oxygen -consuming wastes should be evaluated both with tertiary filtration [GODS= 5 mg/1, NH3-N= 1 mg/1] and without, and assuming a weekly sampling regime. 3. Provide a description of the proposed wastewater treatment facilities, including a schematic diagram of the major components and a site plan of the treatment facility with outfall line(s). 4. Provide documentation of the availability of required land and/or easement agreements. 5. Conduct a Present Value Cost Analysis per STEP 4. 6. Note: All direct discharge treatment systems must comply with Reliability Requirements specified in 15A NCAC 2H.0124 as well as Minimum Design Requirements specified in 15A NCAC 2H.0219. Alternative E; Combination of Alternatives. You should evaluate the possibility of a combination of wastewater alternatives that would minimize or eliminate a direct discharge alternative. For example, consider whether the facility can operate a land application system during the dry season when streamflows are at their lowest and provide less dilution, and operate an NPDES discharge system during the wet season when soils may not be as amenable to land application and the receiving stream provides its greatest dilution. STEP 4. Evaluate economic feasibility of alternatives To provide valid cost comparisons among all technologically feasible wastewater alternatives identified in STEP 3, a 20- year Present Value of Costs Analysis (PVCA) must be performed. A preliminary design level effort is considered appropriate for comparing feasible options and their associated costs. For the PVCA cost comparison, all future expenditures are converted to a present value cost at the beginning of the 20-year planning period. A discount rate is used in the analysis and represents the time value of money (the ability of money to earn interest). Present value is also referred to as "present discounted value" or "present worth". The PVCA should include all monetary costs associated with construction, startup and annual operation and maintenance of a facility. All unit cost information must be provided, and costs must be referenced. Costs can be referenced in paragraph format by summarizing the sources utilized (e.g., vendor quotes, realtor land quotes, past bids, Means Construction Index, etc). Vender quotes received for treatment units or other components, as well as realtor land quotes, shall be included as well. For each treatment alternative identified as technologically feasible, costs should include, but not be limited to, the following. Capital Costs • Land acquisition costs • Equipment costs • Labor costs • Installation costs • Design costs EAA Guidance Document Version: June 23, 2005 Page6of8 s Recurring Costs • Operation and maintenance costs (with replacement costs) • Laboratory costs assuming a weekly monitoring regime for discharge systems and a monthly regime for non -discharge systems • Operator and support staff costs • Residual disposal costs • Connection fees and subsequent user fees • Permit and compliance fees • Utility costs (power, water, etc.) Lost Opportunity Costs PVCA Calculation Method. The following standard formula for computing the present value must be used in all cost estimates made under this evaluation: Where: n PV = C + ,---` - r_, (1 + r)` PV = Present value of costs. Co = Costs incurred in the present year. Ct = Costs incurred in time t. t = Time period after the present year ( The present year is t = 0) n = Ending year of the life of the facility. r = Current EPA discount rate. EPA adjusts this rate annually on October 1, and it can be accessed from the Internet at http:/www.nccgl.net/fap/cwsrf/201gui.html. If recurring costs are the same in years 1 through 20, then Ct=C and the formula reduces to: PV= C ° r(1 + r)n (1 + r)" -11 As an example, assuming capital costs (Co) of $2 million, annual recurring costs (C) of $40,000, and a discount rate (r) of 5.625%, the 20-year (n=20) present value of costs would equal: PV= capital costs + recurring costs X [(1+0.05625)20 — 1] / [0.05625(1+0.05625)2] PV= $2,000,000 + $40,000 X [1.98/0.168] PV= $2,000,000 + $471,428 PV= $2,471,428 PVCA Summary Table. The EAA must include a Summary Cost Table, which summarizes present worth costs developed for all technologically feasible wastewater alternatives. The summary should include a breakdown of capital costs and recurring costs. In some situations, the Division may require the applicant to refine cost estimates for some alternatives, or possibly collect actual soil data to better characterize the land application alternative. Ultimately, the final determination on cost effectiveness is made by the Division with consideration of monetary costs as well as potential environmental impacts. EAA Guidance Document Version: June 23, 2005 Page 7 of 8 Attachment A. Local Government Review Form General Statute overview: North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1 (c)(6) allows input from local governments in the issuance of NPDES Permits for non -municipal domestic wastewater treatment facilities. Specifically, the Environmental Management Commission (EMC) may not act on an application for a new non -municipal domestic wastewater discharge facility until it has received a written statement from each city and county government having jurisdiction over any part of the lands on -which the proposed facility and its appurtenances are to be located. The written statement shall document whether the city or county has a zoning or subdivision ordinance in effect and (if such an ordinance is in effect) whether the proposed facility is consistent with the ordinance. The EMC shall not approve a permit application for any facility which a city or county has determined to be inconsistent with zoning or subdivision ordinances unless the approval of such application is determined to have statewide significance and is in the best interest of the State. Instructions to the Applicant: Prior to submitting an application for a NPDES Permit for a proposed facility, the applicant shall request that both the nearby city and county government complete this form. The applicant must • Submit a copy of the permit application (with a written request for this form to be completed) to the Berk of the city and the county by certified mail, return receipt requested. • If either (or both) local government(s) fail(s) to mail the completed form, as evidenced by the postmark on the certified mail card(s), within 15 days after receiving and signing for the certified mail, the applicant may submit the application to the NPDES Unit. • As evidence to the Commission that the local government(s) failed to respond within 15 days, the applicant shall submit a copy of the certified mail card along with a notarized letter stating that the local governments) failed to respond within the 15-day period. Instructions to the Local Government The nearby city and/or county government which may have or has jurisdiction over any part of the land on which the proposed facility or its appurtenances are to be located is required to complete and return this form to the applicant within 15 days of receipt. The form must be signed and notarized. Name of local government (City/County) Does the city/county have jurisdiction over any part of the land on which the proposed facility and its appurtenances are to be located? Yes [ ] No [ ] If no, please sign this form, have it notarized, and return it to the applicant. Does the city/county have in effect a zoning or subdivision ordinance? Yes [ ] No [ ] If there is a zoning or subdivision ordinance in effect, is the plan for the proposed facility consistent with the ordinance? Yes [ ] No[ ] Date Signature (City Manager/County Manager) State of , County of On this day of , , personally appeared before me, the said name to me known and known to me to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing document and he (or she) acknowledged that he (or she) executed the same and being duly sworn by me, made oath that the statements in the foregoing document are true. My Commission expires .(Signature of Notary Public) Notary Public (Official Seal) EAA Guidance Document Version June 23, 2005 Page 8 of 8 Re: Rich Fork impairment status Subject: Re: Rich Fork impairment status From: Susan Wilson <susan.a.wilson@ncmail.net> Date: Tue, 01 Apr 2008 13:20:13 -0400 To: Pam Behm <pamela.behm@ncmail.net> CC: Matt.Matthews@ncmail.net, "agyeman.adupoku@ncmail.net" <Agyeman.adupoku@ncmail.net>, Kathy Stecker <Kathy.Stecker@ncmail.net> OK - hmmm....I didn't realize that was the new criteria (or it's new to me - I assume it is new?). Agyeman - let's do just like what you did for Union Co. and get 2-3 years of up/down for DO (if we've got ambient or coalition - if not let's check facility data) and look at the percentages below 5 mg/l. that will give us good backing. Pam Behm wrote: We checked the listing and Rich Fork has been delisted from Category 5 because it did not exceed the instantaneous DO standard of 4.0 mg/L in more than 10% of the samples. Rich Fork from "source to Payne Creek" is still listed for biological integrity. Rich Fork from "Payne Creek to Abbotts Creek" has been delisted for biological integrity. I don't think this has any impact on any decisions we make because the model predicts that the DO standard will be violated under current conditions (no restoration) with an increased discharge. Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks. Pam Susan A. Wilson, P.E. Supervisor, Western NPDES Program (919) 733 - 5083, ext. 510 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 1 of 1 4/1/2008 1:45 PM Of? 2--2s^Yxg Dm4/5S 'Cset Q�� a n ; Public Services Department W. Chris Thompson, P.E. DIRECTOR February 18,2008 Mr. Paul Rawls NC DENR Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Subject: Westside WWTP Expansion and Upgrade Permit Number: NC0024228 Dear Mr. Rawls: NORTH CAROLINA'S INTERNATIONAL C1TY1' SURFACE WATERFATEPROTEC T 0 SECTION The City of High Point is requesting a meeting to discuss the expansion and upgrade of the Westside WWTP. Currently the facility is an extended aeration process rated for 6.2 MGD discharging into Rich Fork Creek. In 2003 the City of High Point staff reviewed the operations and maintenance of the Westside plant and the growth in the service area and determined that the facility needed to be upgraded and expanded. Preliminary plans were configured for extended aeration with a flow of 9.6 MGD. After careful consideration the City of High Point decided to convert to a BNR process with a flow of 10.0 MGD. After several attempts to obtain speculative limits a meeting was established with DENR to express our need to expand. At this meeting the Division of Water Quality (DWQ) discussed Rich Fork Creek's listing as an impaired stream for dissolved oxygen, which restricted the expansion of the Westside facility. After the meeting the City of High Point offered to perform a study on Rich Fork Creek to address the dissolved oxygen issues. It was agreed that after the study was completed the city would return to discuss the results with DWQ and to ask for permission for expansion if the results were positive. The City and the design engineers (Hazen and Sawyer / Davis - Martin - Powell) selected a nationally recognized firm (Tetra Tech) to perform the study. The study has been completed and the City of High Point is now requesting a meeting to discuss the findings. In preparation for this meeting the Tetra Tech results have been forwarded to you. Please share this document with whomever you select to attend the meeting. Also please let me know if any of the following dates are convenient for you and your staff to meet. If possible we would prefer for the meeting to begin at 10:00 am. Our available dates are: April 7th, 8th and 9t. If you require additional information please feel free to contact me or Terry Houk at (336) 883-3166. The City of High Point looks forward to presenting the positive results and getting your concurrence to move forward on the expansion and upgrade of the Westside WWTP. Thank you, ( C "14'4 W. Chris Thompson, P.E. Director of Public Services Cc: Matt Mathews (NCDENR) Alan Stone (H and S) Mike Slusher (DMP) Terry Houk (CHP) Trevor Clements (Tetra Tech) Alix Rooker Matos (Tetra Tech) Robert Difiore (H and S) John Hodges (CHP) Ed Powell (DMP) Steve Tedder (NCDENR) Chuck Wakild (NCDENR) City of High Point, P.O. 230, 211 South Hamilton Street, High Point, NC 27261 USA Fax: 336.883.1675 TDD 336.883.8517 Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report SUMMARY SHEET Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) 1. 303(d) Listed Waterbody Information State: North Carolina County: Davidson Basin: Yadkin -Pee Dee River Basin Watershed: Rich Fork and Hamby Creeks Watershed — HUC 03040103 303(d) Listed Waters Name of Stream Description Class Index # 8 Digit HU Miles Rich Fork Creek From source to Abbotts Creek C 12-119-7 03040103 20.7 Hamby Creek From source to Rich Fork C 12-119-7-4 03040103 12.5 Creek Constituent(s) of Concern: Fecal Coliform Designated Use: Biological Integrity, Propagation of aquatic life, and Recreation. Applicable Water Quality Standards for C Waters: Fecal coliforms shall not exceed a geometric mean of 200/100m1 (MF count) based upon at least five consecutive samples examined during any 30 day period, nor exceed 400/100 ml in more than 20 percent of the samples examined during such period. 2. TMDL Development: Analysis/Modeling: Load duration curves based on cumulative frequency distribution of flow conditions in the watershed. Allowable load are average loads over the recurrence interval between 90th and 10th percentile of flow. Percent reductions expressed as the average value between existing loads (calculated using an equation to fit a curve through actual water quality violations) and the allowable load at each recurrence interval. Critical Conditions: Critical conditions are accounted for in the load duration curve analysis by using an extended period of stream flow and water quality data. iii Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report Seasonal Variation: Seasonal variation in hydrology, climatic conditions, and watershed activities are represented through the use of a continuous flow gage and the use of all readily available water quality data collected in the watersheds. 3. Allocation Watershed/Stream Reaches: Stream Monitoring Locations and Watershed JD WLA' LA (counts/day) MOS2 TMDL3 Percent Reduction4 Continuous (counts/day) MS4 RFO2 -Rich Fork (DWQ Station - Q5780000 - SR#1800) 9.39 x 1010 72.0% reduction 3.21 x 1010 Implicit Explicit 1.26 x 1011 72.0% HAO2 - Hamby (DWQ Station Q59060000- SR# 2790) 6.06 x 1010 71.6% reduction 5.70 x 109 Implicit Explicit 6.63 x 1010 71.6% Notes: 1 WLA component separated into load from continuous NPDES facilities (WWTP) and load from MS4. WWTPs have loads in units of counts/day based on permit limits and design flow. MS4 load is represented as percent reduction. 2 Explicit (10%) and implicit Margins of Safety are considered 3 TMDL represents the average allowable load between the 90th and 10th percent recurrence interval. 4 Overall reduction is based on the instantaneous standard of 400 cfu/ l 00m1 and is assumed to be more stringent than the geometric mean standard. 4 Public Notice Date: 02/25/04 5 Submittal Date: 6 Establishment date: 7 Endangered Species (yes or blank): 8 EPA Lead on TMDL (EPA or Blank): 9 TMDL Considers Point Source, Nonpoint Sources, or both: both iv Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report 1.0 INTRODUCTION The North Carolina Division of Water Quality (DWQ) has identified a 20.7 mile segment (12- 119-7) of Rich Fork Creek and 12.5 mile segment (12-119-7-4) of Hamby Creek in the Yadkin River Basin as impaired by fecal coliform bacteria.as reported in the 2002 Integrated Report. Rich Fork Creek is impaired from its source near the city of High Point to its confluence with Abbotts Creek and Hamby Creek is impaired from its source to its confluence with Rich Fork Creek. These sections of the streams are located in subbasin 03-07-07 and are designated as class C waters.' Section 303(d) of the Clean Water Act (CWA) requires states to develop a list of waters not meeting water quality standards or which have impaired uses. This list, contained within Categories 4 through 7 of the Integrated Report, is submitted biennially to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for review. The 303(d) process requires that a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) be developed for each of the waters appearing on Part 5 of the Integrated Report. The objective of a TMDL is to estimate allowable pollutant loads and allocate to known sources so that actions may be taken to restore the water to its intended uses (USEPA, 1991). Generally, the primary components of a TMDL, as identified by EPA (1991, 2000a) and the Federal Advisory Committee (FACA, 1998) are as follows: Target identification or selection of pollutant(s) and end-point(s) for consideration. The pollutant and end -point are generally associated with measurable water quality related characteristics that indicate compliance with water quality standards. North Carolina indicates known pollutants on the 303(d) list. Source assessment. All sources that contribute to the impairment should be identified and loads quantified, where sufficient data exist. Reduction target. Estimation or level of pollutant reduction needed to achieve water quality goals. The level of pollution should be characterized for the waterbody, highlighting how current conditions deviate from the target end -point. Generally, this component is identified through water quality modeling. ' Class C waters are freshwaters that are protected for secondary recreation, fishing, aquatic life including propagation and survival of wildlife. 1 Results of Phase I Monitoring and Model Updates for Rich Fork Creek January 2008 1 Introduction The City of High Point Westside Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) discharges to Rich Fork Creek, which flows into Abbotts Creek before entering High Rock Lake (Figure 1). Data collected previously by the City, the Yadkin Pee Dee River Basin Association (YPDRBA), and the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ) show that dissolved oxygen (DO) levels downstream of the facility frequently drop below the state water quality standard of 5 mg/L during the warm summer months. The city is interested in expanding its WWTP discharge with a higher quality of effluent. However, DWQ has indicated that the existing wasteload allocation modeling shows there is a lack of additional assimilative capacity downstream of the facility. Tetra Tech was hired by the City and its engineering consultant, Hazen & Sawyer, to provide third party expert services to evaluate existing data on assimilative capacity in Rich Fork Creek and to examine whether more detailed modeling would help shed light on available assimilative capacity and discharge impacts. High-level modeling typically involves collection of significant amounts of field data to calibrate and validate models, which can be time and resource intensive. Prior to investing extensive city resources in such an endeavor, Tetra Tech recommended that a modeling scoping analysis and field reconnaissance be performed to assess the potential benefits of more detailed modeling. In March 2006, Tetra Tech completed the Modeling Scoping Analysis for the High Point Westside Discharge to Rich Fork Creek. The report presented a scoping-level evaluation of the current model used for High Point's wasteload allocation, and revealed several areas where model setup and calibration could be improved to better represent assimilative capacity in Rich Fork Creek. In addition, a field reconnaissance of Rich Fork Creek in January 2006 revealed altered hydrology due to instream sand mining at three locations between the City of High Point WWTP outfall and the confluence with Hamby Creek. The field team noticed heavy deposits of organic material in the bottom of these pools that were likely resulting in higher rates of sediment oxygen demand compared to the unaltered sections of the channel, which had a relatively clean, sandy bottom. In addition, the pools were deep and slow moving with less reaeration potential relative to the un-mined segments. Results of the scoping-level modeling analysis indicated that the presence of three mined pools may be exacerbating dissolved oxygen problems in Rich Fork Creek and that restoring these sections of channel may restore the assimilative capacity of the system. Tetra Tech proposed that field measurements of the key modeling parameters (sediment oxygen demand, reaeration rates, and velocity) be collected during the summer, low flow period to 1) confirm whether or not the modeling assumptions were valid and 2) assess whether or not restoring the pools to free flowing conditions would improve the DO profile throughout the creek. In December of 2006, Tetra Tech submitted a memorandum titled Status of Field Studies for Rich Fork Creek to present the results of the sediment oxygen demand and reaeration studies that were completed earlier that summer. Flow conditions in 2006 were not appropriate for conducting the time -of -travel and dissolved oxygen profile studies for Rich Fork Creek. 2007 was a drier year and the Phase I time -of -travel studies were concluded in July. Collection of additional dissolved oxygen profiles occurred in August and September to address questions raised during the July visit and to isolate the sag zone of the creek. In October, one of Tetra Tech's senior stream restoration specialists visited Rich Fork Creek to assess the potential for channel restoration in terms of restoring assimilative capacity. This report summarizes the findings of the Phase I monitoring studies and the additional dissolved oxygen profiles. A discussion of the updates to the QUAL2E model for Rich Fork Creek is also presented with scenario testing of various discharge and restoration conditions. Finally, a preliminary restoration plan is outlined along with the steps required to complete the restoration. TETRA TECH, INC. 1 Results of Phase I Monitoring and Model Updates for Rich Fork Creek January 2008 • Westside WWTP A/Rich Fork Creek Abbotts Creek High Rock Lake f A/ Lower Yadkin Hydrography County Boundaries 20 0 20 40 Miles Figure 1. Location of the Westside WWTP and Rich Fork Creek S TETRA TECH,CNC. 2 Results of Phase I Monitoring and Model Updates for Rich Fork Creek January 2008 2 Monitoring Flow Conditions on Abbotts Creek Water quality on Rich Fork Creek is strongly correlated to flow. Each summer as flows along the creek decrease, dissolved oxygen concentrations decrease as well. Violation of the 5 mg/L dissolved oxygen standard occurs frequently under these conditions. NCDWQ requires that a wasteload allocation model be developed for critical conditions (low flow, warm temperatures) to simulate the impacts of permitted dischargers on water quality. _Im2006, Tetra Tech developed a scoping-level QUAL2E model to test the current wasteload allocation model with water quality data collected by the City of High Point, NCDWQ, and the YPDRBA. The current model over - predicted dissolved oxygen concentrations in Rich Fork Creek during critical conditions. Following the initial field reconnaissance which occurred in January 2006, Tetra Tech refined the modeling assumptions for channel hydraulics, sediment oxygen demand, and reaeration rates. Though the resulting model provided a better fit to observed data, it was based on several modeling assumptions. Tetra Tech proposed that field measurements of velocity, depth, reaeration, and sediment oxygen demand be collected during summer critical conditions to determine the accuracy of the assumptions. When NCDWQ calculates a wasteload allocation for a facility, the flow rate of the receiving stream is typically set to the 7Q10 (the lowest 7-day average of flows that occurs in a 10-year period). There is currently not a flow gage on Rich Fork Creek, but the US Geological Survey (USGS) has installed a gage on the receiving stream (Abbotts Creek). This gage was used as a surrogate to monitor flow conditions on Rich Fork Creek and to determine when conditions were appropriate for field studies. Figure 2 shows the location of the gage on Abbotts Creek. 2.1 FLOW REQUIREMENTS FOR PHASE I MONITORING STUDIES Based on the period of record for the Atthattq_Creek gage, the 2010 is apptoximately.,5_ cfs. Because this flow rate statistically occurs only once every 10 years, it was not feasible to restrict the monitoring studies to this flow. Tetra Tech decided that a target flow rate of 10 to 20 cfs would be low enough to conduct the time -of -travel studies and the dissolved oxygen profiles. Ideally, the sediment oxygen demand and reaeration studies would have occurred under these conditions as well. However, measurement of SOD requires adequate depth to accommodate the testing chambers and sufficient ambient DO concentrations to allow for a measurable drop in concentration over a several hour period. Tetra Tech subcontracted with HydrO2 to conduct components of the field SOD and reaeration studies. a two firms decided that flow&of 20 to 30 cf neasiired at Abbotts Creek would be near enough to low flow con Mons and still accommodate the SOD studies. TETRA TECH, INC. 3 Results of Phase I Monitoring and Model Updates for Rich Fork Creek January 2008 • Westside WWTP p USGS Gage 02121500 A/ Rich Fork Creek Abbotts Creek ,/\,% Lower Yadkin Hydrography Figure 2. Location of the Abbotts Creek Gage (USGS 02121500) with Respect to Rich Fork Creek OTETRATECH.INC. 4 • Results of Phase I Monitoring and Model Updates for Rich Fork Creek January 2008 2.2 2006 FLOW CONDITIONS AND COMPLETED STUDIES In May 2006, Tetra Tech began tracking the provisional gage data reported for Abbotts Creek to determine if flow conditions were in the target range. If flows were near the target range, several web - based weather forecasting services were used to predict whether or not precipitation was likely to occur during the following week. The protocols for the Phase I studies (Tetra Tech, 2006) required that no more than 0.5 inches of rain should fall during the monitoring period. In general, precipitation forecasts greater than 40 percent were considered too risky to proceed. Figure 3 shows the gage flows on Abbotts Creek through the summer of 2006. The x-axis corresponds to 10 cfs and the pink and orange lines mark the 20 and 30 cfs flows, respectively. There were few opportunities to conduct the SOD and reaeration studies (target flow of 20 to 30 cfs over a 7-day period) and precipitation forecasts greater than 40 percent delayed the work until mid -August. The SOD and reaeration studies were conducted from August 9 through August 18 as indicated by the arrows on the x- axis in Figure 3. The only flows in the 10 to 20 cfs range (the target for the time -of -travel and cross section measurements) occurred during the week immediately following the SOD and reaeration work. Due to the estimated time -of -travel through the system of 6.5 days (Black & Veatch, 1987), a week-long period was required to pass the dye so that the results of the second study were not influenced. Unfortunately, the weather patterns brought more precipitation in the end of August and throughout September, and low flow conditions were not restored. 0 0 10000 _ 1000 _ 100 _ —Average Daily Stream Flow —30 cfs —20 cfs 10 i t 5/1/2006 6/1/2006 7/2/2006 8/2/2006 9/2/2006 10/3/2006 11/3/2006 Figure 3. Average Daily Flow Measurements at USGS Gage 02121500, Summer 2006 fJ TETRA TECH, MC. 5 1 Results of Phase I Monitoring and Model Updates for Rich Fork Creek January 2008 2.3 2007 FLOW CONDITIONS AND COMPLETED STUDIES In May of 2007, Tetra Tech began to monitor the flows and weather forecasts for completion of the Phase I monitoring studies. The summer of 2007 was much drier than 2006, and studies were able to proceed in July. Figure 4 shows the daily average flow at the Abbotts Creek gage. The 10, 20, and 30 cfs targets are marked by green, pink, and orange lines, respectively. The study dates for July, August, and September are shown by pairs of arrows on the graph. From July 2314 through 281, the time -of -travel studies were completed, and the first round of intensive dissolved oxygen profile data was collected. The first dye release occurred on the morning of July 24t. Time -of -travel data were collected from the discharge outfall through the end of the Highway 109 pool before precipitation began falling during the late evening hours of July 241. The amount of precipitation recorded at the plant that evening was 0.2 inches. Following this event, flows at Abbotts Creek went up to 33 cfs and were outside the target flow range for the time travel study. On July 27th and 28th, flows ranged from 16 to 17 cfs (within target), so a second dye release was scheduled. Collection of time -of - travel data occurred from the WWTP outfall to Ball Road (above the Ball Road pool) before precipitation fell during the early morning hours of July 29t. A local farmer who lives off Kanoy Road indicated that his rain gage read 0.05 inches following the precipitation event. Because of the rainfall that occurred during the July study period, and the variations seen in dissolved oxygen profiles from day to day below the plant, Tetra Tech conducted additional dissolved oxygen sampling from the WWTP to below Ball Road. These measurements occurred from August 7th through August 9t. The most recent rain had occurred four days earlier on August 3rd. Rainfall amounts were 0.13 inches based on local precipitation data for High Point. The dissolved oxygen data collected in August still had not reached a steady state condition downstream of the Westside facility. Tetra Tech and the City of High Point collected additional DO data at six key monitoring locations from September 5th through September 10t. The most recent rain had occurred on August 30th, with a reported amount of 0.38 inches based on local precipitation data for High Point. S TETRA TECH, INC. 6 Results of Phase I Monitoring and Model Updates for Rich Fork Creek January 2008 1000 100 0 0 LL 10 1 -Average Daily Stream Flow -30 cfs -20 cfs 10 cfs July Aug Sept It it 5/1/2007 6/1/2007 7/2/2007 8/2/2007 9/2/2007 10/3/2007 11/3/2007 Figure 4. Average Daily Flow Measurements at USGS Gage 02121500, Summer 2007 OTETRATECH, INC. 7 Results of Phase I Monitoring and Model Updates for Rich Fork Creek January 2008 (This page left intentionally blank.) tE.J TETRATECH, [NC. 8 4 Results of Phase I Monitoring and Model Updates for Rich Fork Creek January 2008 3 Phase I Monitoring Studies Following development of the scoping-level model, Tetra Tech suggested that field monitoring studies be conducted along the creek in two phases. Phase I was defined to validate the modeling assumptions used to develop the scoping-level model. Phase II would be a more intensive study used to develop a wasteload allocation model following channel restoration, if that alternative was selected. The Phase I monitoring studies included measurements of sediment oxygen demand (SOD), reaeration, time -of -travel, and dissolved oxygen (DO) profiles in the pools and free flowing sections of Rich Fork Creek. Tetra Tech subcontracted with HydrO2 to conduct components of the field SOD and reaeration studies, which were performed during the summer of 2006. In 2007, when critical flow conditions occurred, the time -of -travel and DO profile studies were conducted. This section of the report summarizes the findings of each component of the Phase I monitoring studies as well as the implications for modeling. 3.1 SEDIMENT OXYGEN DEMAND (SOD) Consumption of dissolved oxygen at the soil -water interface is referred to as sediment oxygen demand (SOD). This oxygen consumption may be due to bacterial decomposition of organic material or respiration of aquatic organisms that feed, live, or reproduce in the channel substrate. Measuring the rate of sediment oxygen demand requires the placement of in situ chambers that are sealed to the bottom of the channel. Measuring the change in oxygen demand over a several hour period with duplicate chambers allows for estimation of a representative rate of SOD. Figure 5 shows placement of the SOD chambers on Rich Fork Creek at the Evans Road location. A more complete description of the SOD study is included in the HydrO2 report attached as Appendix A. Results of Phase I Monitoring and Model Updates for Rich Fork Creek January 2008 Figure 5. Placement of Sediment Oxygen Demand Chambers at Evans Road Location 3.1.1 Locations of SOD Measurement The study plan for measuring SOD in Rich Fork Creek called for measurements in each of the three sand - mined pools, in the free flowing segments between each pool, and upstream of the WWTP. Channel access between the Highway 109 pool and Ball Road pool inhibited measurements in that reach. The locations of the SOD studies on Rich Fork Creek are shown in Figure 6. SOD measurements were collected in each of the sand mined pools as well as some of the free flowing segments between the pools. Three chambers were deployed at each monitoring location, except upstream of the WWTP where two chambers were deployed because of channel configuration and depth constraints. Th TETRA TECH, INC. 10 Results of Phase I Monitoring and Model Updates for Rich Fork Creek January 2008 A SOD Monitoring Locations A/ Rich Fork Creek HUC Hydrography 0 HUC Boundary Highway 109 Pool Ball Road Pool 200 and 500 yards below Ball Road Pool Kanoy Road Pool Evans Road 6 Above Westside WWTP 6 Miles Figure 6. Locations of SOD Studies Conducted by HydrO2 in August 2006 S TETRATECH, INC. . 11 Results of Phase I Monitoring and Model Updates for Rich Fork Creek Janualy 2008 3.1.2 SOD Monitoring Results Table 1 reports the range and average of three SOD measurements taken at each site. SOD rates from the Highway 109 pool to 500 yards downstream of the Ball Road pool ranged from 0.073 to 0.214 g/ft2/d at 20 °C, reflecting a factor of 1 to 3 above the background rate (0.075 g/ft2/d at 20 °C). Rates further downstream in the Kanoy Road pool ranged from background (0.075 g/ft2/d at 20 °C) to 0.081 g/ft2/d at 20 °C. Table 1. SOD Rates Measured on Rich Fork Creek in August 2006 Station Water Temperature (°C) Range of SOD (g/ft2ld) Average SOD (glft2ld) Range of SOD at 20 °C (g/ft2/d) Average SOD at 20 °C (g/ft2/d) Upstream of WWTP (background) 22.7 0.078 - 0.098 0.088 0.067 - 0.084 0.075 Highway 109 Pool 25.0 0.167 - 0.210 0.194 0.125 - 0.157 0.145 Ball Road Pool 26.0 0.143 - 0.158 0.147 0.101 - 0.111 0.104 200 yards below Ball Road Pool 23.3 0.089 - 0.259 0.198 0.074 - 0.213 0.163 500 yards below Ball Road Pool 23.3 0.094 - 0.234 0.140 0.077 - 0.193 0.116 Kanoy Road Pool 22.5 0.080 - 0.094 0.087 0.069 - 0.081 0.075 Evans Road Run 25.0 0.089 - 0.201 0.127 0.067 - 0.150 0.095 The initial assumption in Tetra Tech's scoping level QUAL2E model was that the sand -mined pools would have a greater SOD rate than the free flowing sections of the channel based on visual inspection of the channel substrate. Overall, SOD rates were highly variable throughout the system. Although the rates measured at the Highway 109 pool (0.3 miles downstream of the WWTP) were at the upper end of the observed values, equally high rates were observed 200 yards downstream of the Ball Road pool (2.9 miles downstream of the WWTP). The average SOD rate measured in the Ball Road pool, though nearly 40 percent higher than the background level, was 36 percent lower than the average rate 200 yards downstream of the pool. Additionally, the average rate in the Kanoy Road pool (3.9 miles downstream) was equivalent to background levels, whereas the average rate at Evans Road (6.6 miles downstream) was 27 percent above background but 42 percent below the highest average rate. Figure 7 shows the SOD measurements graphically with the individual measurements at each site shown in blue and the average at each site shown as a pink circle. Upstream of the WWTP shown at mile 0.0, the measurements are relatively close together with an average rate of 0.075 g/ft2/d at 20 °C. All three measurements at the Highway 109 pool are much higher with an average rate of 0.145 g/ft2/d at 20 °C. In the Ball Road pool, the measurements are again very close together with an average rate of 0.104 g/ft2/d at 20 °C. At 200 and 500 yards below the Ball Road pool, the measurements are more variable with three of the highest values measured in the creek and three values near background. At 200 yards below Ball Road pool the average rate is higher than any other location; the average value 500 yards below the pool is higher than background but less than that measured at the Highway 109 pool. At the Kanoy Road pool, all three measurements are near background. Further downstream at Evans Road, two of the measurements are at background levels with one high value elevating the average rate to 0.095 g/ft2/d at TETRA TECH, INC. 12 Results of Phase I Monitoring and Model Updates for Rich Fork Creek January 2008 20 °C. In general, it appears that the SOD rates increase for a few miles below the plant and then decrease toward background values in the downstream reaches. In addition, measurements in the free flowing segments are more variable (with the exception of the upstream site) than the measurements taken in the pools. 0.25 0.20 0 ai 0.15 N 0.10 0 N 0.05 0.00 ♦Samples o Average ♦ • • 0 • 0 0 . $ t Hwy. 109 Pool t Ball Road Pool • t Kanoy Road Pool t Evans Road Reach 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Distance Downstream of WWTP (mi) Figure 7. Individual and Average SOD Measurements (at 20 °C) Measured in August 2006 on Rich Fork Creek 3.1.3 Implications for Modeling The scoping level model developed by Tetra Tech assumed an SOD rate of 0.25 g ft /d at 20 °C in all reaches, which is at the upper end of the range observed in the Yadkin Basin (Reid, 2005). This rate was needed to simulate the drop in DO observed by both the Yadkin Pee Dee River Basin Association and Westside WWTP staff given other modeling assumptions. There were three individual SOD measurements collected by HydrO2 below Ball Road Pool (at 200 and 500 yards below the pool) that were approximately 0.20 g/ft2/d, but most of the other measurements were below this value, which was the rate required under the scoping model to bring DO above the standard of 5 mg/L. Based on the variability of LD throughout the system, and the fact that the pools do not necessarily have higher SOD rates than the free run reaches, SOD rates were assumed to decrease linearly from below the WWTP to IMTfiy Road where the measurements were near background (see Section 4.3 for specifics). ID TETRATECH, INC 13 Results of Phase I Monitoring and Model Updates for Rich Fork Creek January 2008 3.2 REAERATION Natural inputs of oxygen to a waterbody typically occur by reaeration, the transfer of oxygen from the atmosphere into the water column at the air -water interface. Rates of reaeration are typically higher for shallow, faster moving segments compared to slow, deep moving sections. Tetra Tech contracted HydrO2 to conduct reaeration measurements in a sand -mined pool along Rich Fork Creek and a free flowing segment. Survey methods for reaeration are described in Appendix A. 3.2.1 Study Locations The locations of the reaeration studies on Rich Fork Creek are shown in Figure 8. Reaeration measurements were conducted in the Highway 109 pool and a free flowing segment from Evans Road to Old Highway 29. 1:11 TWTR►TC,JNC. •14 Results of Phase I Monitoring and Model Updates for Rich Fork Creek Figure 8. Locations of Reaeration Studies Conducted by HydrO2 in August 2006 El) TEYRATEb4,INC January 2008 15 Results of Phase I Monitoring and Model Updates for Rich Fork Creek January 2008 3.2.2 Reaeration Monitoring Results HydrO2 measured reaeration rates in the Highway 109 pool and the free flowing section below Evans Road to validate (or refine) model assumptions for each segment type. Because the pools store much of the flow that passes through the system, the velocities, depths, and rates of reaeration are likely similar across a range of low flows. The free flowing sections, however, will show more response to small changes in flow because there is no storage capacity to buffer the velocities and resulting turbulence. A thirty percent chance of rain was predicted throughout the study week, so the free -flow reaeration measurements were taken during the initial part of the week (August 9 and 10) to ensure that measurements were made during target flows. The average flow measured at the Abbotts Creek gage during the free flow reaeration study was 27 cfs. This is at the upper end of the target range and significantly higher than the 7Q10. Thus the observed rate (1.85/day at 20 °C) for the free flow section is likely higher than what would occur under near critical conditions when flows range from 5 to 10 cfs. The reaeration rate measured in the Highway 109 pool was almost six times lower than the free flow measurement. This rate was measured three days into the study period when flows on Abbotts Creek were 23 cfs. The velocities through the pool are relatively low except during high flow, flushing events, so the measured reaeration rate (0.32/day at 20 °C) is likely representative of pool reaeration during critical conditions as well. The reaeration rates of the scoping level model were estimated at 1.52/day at 20 °C for the free flowing segments and 0.72/day at 20 °C in the pooled sections. Therefore, the previously assumed reaeration rate in the pool is twice as high as that observed during the field study, and the field observed difference between reaeration rates in the pool versus free run sections was much greater than previously assumed (6:1 rather than 2:1). Given these observations, the pools likely have a greater impact on reaeration than the scoping model indicated and restoring the pools to a free flowing system may significantly increase the oxygen transfer in these stream segments. 3.2.3 Implications for Modeling Refinements to the QUAL2E model reaeration assumptions were made to reflect these findings. The reaeration rate of each pool was fixed to 0.32/day at 20 °C. For the unmined sections, simulation option 5 (Thackston and Krenkel) was found to provide the best fit to measured rates of reaeration given a flow, velocity, and depth. By using the model to simulate reaeration in the unmined sections, rather than fixing the value, changes to flow regime and channel configuration can be assessed with the model (see Section 4.3 for specific rates applied). TETRATECH, INC. 16 Results of Phase I Monitoring and Model Updates for Rich Fork Creek January 2008 3.3 FLOW MONITORING Monitoring flow on Rich Fork Creek was an important component of the time -of -travel study discussed below in Section 3.4. It was crucial that flows on Rich Fork Creek be close to low flow conditions and that fluctuations due to precipitation events be at a minimum. In addition, flow measurements occurred at various locations along the creek to determine the significance of tributary flows as well as gains or losses from the shallow groundwater zone. Conducting flow measurements involved collection of cross section data at each measurement location and use of a General Oceanics propeller -driven velocity meter following a standard operating procedure (Appendix B). The velocity meter was used to measure speed at 1 to 2 foot increments across the channel, depending on the width of flow. An area averaging method was then used to calculate the average flowrate at each cross section. During low flow conditions, the speed of the water was not always sufficient to meet the minimum flow requirements of the meter, particularly near the edges of the stream channel. Where practical, all measurements are included in the estimation of flow rate. Under these conditions, the accuracy of the flow readings is likely poor, however for monitoring flow stability in the channel, this approach should be adequate. Methodology is discussed in more detail in Appendix B. 3.3.1 Study Locations Flow estimates were conducted at several locations along Rich Fork Creek, as shown in Figure 9. Rp Below Highway 109 Pool • Upstream df4 Midway School Road Upstream of the Westside W WTP Above and below Kennedy Mill Tributary 14 q Figure 9. Locations of Flow Measurements in 2007 fhl TETRATECH, INC. 17 Results of Phase I Monitoring and Model Updates for Rich Fork Creek January 2008 3.3.2 Flow Monitoring Results Table 2 presents the results of the flow monitoring studies conducted on Rich Fork Creek. Table 2. Flow Measurements Conducted on Rich Fork Creek • Location Date Time Estimated Flow (cfs) Upstream of discharge 7/24/2007 12:52 2.1 Upstream of discharge 7/24/2007 16:25 1.5 Upstream of discharge 7/25/2007 10:15 9.9 Upstream of discharge 7/25/2007 16:35 4.4 Upstream of discharge 7/26/2007 08:20 1.4 Upstream of discharge 7/27/2007 12:17 1.4 Upstream of discharge 7/27/2007 17:37 0.9 Upstream of discharge 7/28/2007 07:38 0.66 Upstream of discharge 8/8/2007 08:00 0.65 Above Kennedy Mill 7/24/2007 15:47 7.29 Below Kennedy Mill 7/24/2007 15:17 7.46 Downstream of the 109 pool 8/7/2007 12:39 3.97 Upstream of Midway School Road 8/7/2007 15:20 3.9 Primary channel below Midway School Road 8/8/2007 14:20 2.36 Secondary channel below Midway School Road 8/8/2007 14:34 0.78 Downstream of rejoined channels 8/8/2007 16:01 4.9 3.3.3 Implications for Time -of -Travel Study and Modeling The site most frequently monitored for flow was upstream of the Westside discharge. Flows at this site were used to monitor the stability of the headwater flows and to verify that the time -of -travel data were collected in near -steady conditions. The following conclusions were drawn from the flow measurements collected upstream of the discharge: • Precipitation that fell during the evening hours of July 24th caused an increase in headwater flows. • Low flows were re-established on July 26th; beginning the dye study on July 27th was appropriate. • Fluctuations in head water flowrate over the course of the July 27th / July 28th dye study were approximately 0.74 cfs. This variation is less than 15 percent of the diurnal variation of the Westside effluent and is assumed insignificant for the purposes of the time -of -travel study, which occurs downstream of the effluent discharge point. TETRA TECH, INC. 18 Results of Phase I Monitoring and Model Updates for Rich Fork Creek January 2008 • Flows on August 8th were similar to those that occurred during the July study. The stream was assumed steady-state for the purposes of dissolved oxygen profile data collection. Flows were also measured above and below the Kennedy Mill tributary to estimate the flow rate from this channel. The following conclusions were drawn from these measurements: • Based on the measurements collected on July 24th, the Kennedy Mill tributary contributed approximately 0.2 cfs of flow. • The difference in flow measurements from the upstream monitoring site and the site above Kennedy Mill tributary was due to the Westside discharge and was approximately 5.8 cfs. This is equivalent to 3.75 MGD which was near the average reported discharge flowrate from the plant for July 24th (3.25 MGD). The flows reported from the plant for that day ranged from 1.46 to 4.73 MGD. Measurements collected at the end of the Highway 109 pool and upstream of Midway School Road were used to verify the assumption that no net change in flow volume occurred in this reach. A net change of 0.07 cfs was detected, though the accuracy of the velocity meter likely exceeds this difference. Downstream of Midway School Road, flows were measured on the primary and secondary channels and downstream of their convergence to estimate the proportion of flow in each channel. Based on these measurements the following conclusions were drawn: • Approximately 25 percent of flow travels down the secondary channel. • The accuracy of the flow readings at these two locations is likely poor given that their sum is 36 percent lower than the total flow measured downstream of the confluence of these two channels. This was expected as the frequency of revolutions at these two cross sections was not consistent at many of the reading locations. 3.4 TIME -OF -TRAVEL Tetra Tech performed a time -of -travel (T-O-T) study on Rich Fork Creek to validate the velocities used in the scoping level model, which used data from a Black & Veatch time -of -travel study conducted in 1986 to estimate the velocities through the mined and unmined sections of the channel. Rhodamine WT dye was used as the tracer for this study and concentrations of the dye in the stream were measured with a handheld fluorometer. Depending on the sampling location and time of day, samples were collected with either an ISCO sequential sampler or by manual grab sampling. Methodology is discussed in more detail in Appendix C. One gallon of dye was dumped below the discharge at a point of convergence formed by two fallen trees creating a small, weir -like flow pattern. The first dye release occurred at 11:00 a.m. on July 24t. Precipitation fell that evening and the study was not completed. The second dye release occurred at 7:06 a.m. on July 27t. Precipitation fell during the early morning hours of July 28t. The study was completed through Ball Road above the pool. 3.4.1 Sampling Locations The objective of the time -of -travel study was to determine the velocity through each model reach. Samples were collected at the beginning and end of the Highway 109 Pool, at Midway School Road bridge, halfway between Midway School Road and Ball Road (referred to as breakpoint), and at Ball Road bridge. These locations are shown below in Figure 10. TETRATECM, INC. 19 Results of Phase I Monitoring and Model Updates for Rich Fork Creek January 2008 Figure 10. Time -of -Travel Sampling Locations 3.4.2 T-O-T Monitoring Results To determine the average velocity through each reach, Tetra Tech measured the length of time from one location to the next for the passage of the peak concentration of dye. Table 3 lists the location, date, time, and peak concentration for each sampling location as well as the calculated velocity. Dye release occurred at 7:06 a.m. on July 27t. Th TETRATECH, INC. 20 Results of Phase I Monitoring and Model Updates for Rich Fork Creek January 2008 Table 3. Time -of -Travel Study Results (July 27-28, 2007) Location Peak Concentration (mglL) Time of Peak Time through Segment (hh:mm) Time through Segment (sec) Length of Segment (ft) Average Velocity through Segment (ftis) Dye release below plant effluent - 07:06 7/27/07 - - - - Above 109 pool 8,848 07:38 0:32 1,920 1,630 0.849 Below 109 pool 477 10:02 2:24 8,640 810 0.094 Midway 242 18:30 8:28 30,480 5,720 0.188 School Road Breakpoint 158 22:30 4:00 14,400 5,370 0.373 Ball Road 143 02:00 3:30 12,600 3,320 0.263 (above pool) 7/28/07 3.4.3 Implications for Modeling Relative to the Black & Veatch study and the scoping modeling assumptions, the measured velocities were higher in both the mined and un-mined reaches. The velocity through the 109 pool is approximately five times faster than that assumed in the scoping model (0.02 ft/s), but 2 to 4 times slower than any of the unmined sections downstream of the pool. The discrepancy between the 1986 and the 2007 time -of -travel studies is likely due to an increased effluent at the Westside facility accommodating growth over the past 20 years or changes in channel morphology due to natural or anthropogenic phenomenon. Higher velocities typically increase turbulence and rates of reaeration. The simulated rates of reaeration will therefore be higher in the updated version of the QUAL2E model compared to the scoping level model. The time -of -travel velocities were used with field observations of width and depth for each reach to set up the HECRAS simulations for Rich Fork Creek (Section 4.2). 3.5 WATER QUALITY MONITORING Another goal of the Phase I monitoring was to determine the exact location of the dissolved oxygen (DO) sag point. In the past, DO measurements had only been collected at bridge crossings, so it was not clear where along the creek the minimum concentration occurred. Tetra Tech measured the dissolved oxygen concentration, temperature, pH, and specific conductivity of the water at approximately every 200 feet down the length of the channel from above the WWTP to below Ball Road pool. The methodology is discussed in more detail in Appendix D. 3.5.1 Study Locations Water quality monitoring occurred from upstream of the Westside discharge to below the Ball Road pool. Samples were also collected from the Kanoy Road bridge. Tetra Tech conducted these measurements during three visits to Rich Fork Creek: one in July, one in August, and one in September with the Th TETRATECH, INC. 21 Results of Phase I Monitoring and Model Updates for Rich Fork Creek January 2008 assistance of several City of High Point personnel. Figure 11 shows the locations that were monitored during each study. Figure 11. Water Quality Monitoring Locations Along Rich Fork Creek 3.5.2 Monitoring Results The measured dissolved oxygen concentrations (DO) are shown separately for each month of sampling. As the summer progressed, less precipitation fell and concentrations reached a steady state condition in September. July 2007 The first intensive DO monitoring study occurred in July. DO measurements were taken over a 4-day period prior to the July 27th/28t dye release. Measurements were collected from above the WWTP discharge, down Rich Fork Creek to Midway School Road, down the secondary channel below Midway School Road, and past the point of convergence to Ball Road. It was not until field staff observed the dye pass below Midway School Road that the actual primary channel was identified. The DO measurements collected in July are shown in Figure 12 and begin on Tuesday July 24th. Recall that 0.2 inches of precipitation was recorded at the Westside WWTP in the late evening hours of July 24th (Section 2.3). The DO profile shows a significant decrease in DO (approximately 3 mg/L) just above the presence of a side channel that joins Rich Fork Creek above Midway School Road. This sharp drop prompted the field crew to collect additional water quality samples, which were processed by the City's lab for nutrients, BOD5, and fecal coliform. The lab results did not indicate that the presence of this small channel had caused the sharp decline in DO. Ei TETRATECH. INC. 22 Results of Phase I Monitoring and Model Updates for Rich Fork Creek January 2008 9 8 J 7 C1 E 6 of 5 0 4. 0 3 as 2 0 1 0 0 --,Tuesday ■ Wednesday —*—Thursday —a-Friday :�'�,, kr at Hwy 109 Pool . Secondary Channel • 1 Confluence with Primary Channel Side Channel Midway School Road 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 Distance from Upstream Site (mi) 3 3.5 Figure 12. Results of Dissolved Oxygen Profile Study Conducted July 24-27, 2007 Downstream of the 3 to 3.5 mg/L drop in DO concentration, DO concentrations began to increase. The increase was likely due to the presence of submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) that occurred approximately halfway down the secondary channel. Once the two channels converged, DO concentrations remained steady between 4.5 and 5.5 mg/L, which is consistent with previous data collected by the City and the YPDRBA. August 2007 Tetra Tech revisited Rich Fork Creek to measure DO along the primary channel below Midway School Road, in and below the Ball Road pool, and to reassess the sag zone above Midway School Road. Data collection began on Tuesday August 7t1. Figure 13 shows the results of the August monitoring above Ball Road. TETRATECH,INC. 23 Results of Phase I Monitoring and Model Updates for Rich Fork Creek January 2008 +Tuesday -- Wednesday -* -Thursday -a-- Wednesday - Secondary Channel 8 7 J b 6 E c 5 0 4 o 3 0 2 0 1 0 ti s: LL ri- 44, .var Hwy 109 pool Side Channel Midway School Road Confluence of Braids 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 Distance from Upstream Site (mi) 2.0 2.5 Figure 13. Results of Dissolved Oxygen Profile Study Conducted August 7-9, 2007 Above Ball Road Measurements collected Tuesday showed a gradual decline of DO concentration from the Westside discharge to Midway School Road. Concentrations above the plant were approximately 5.5 to 6 mg/L, and the discharge resulted in an increase of approximately 1.5 mg/L. The drop that occurred between the plant and Midway School Road was 3.2 mg/L. The location of the sag on Tuesday was on the upstream side of the Midway School Road bridge. On Wednesday, DO concentrations above the plant were 4.7 mg/L and the effluent caused an increase of 1.5 mg/L. The rate of decline to the sag zone was similar to that seen on Tuesday and the total drop was again 3.2 mg/L. The DO sag on Wednesday occurred upstream of Midway School Road near the confluence of Rich Fork Creek and a small side channel. Just downstream of this confluence a large fallen tree lay across the channel and formed a pool where the sag was measured. Concentrations were fairly steady from this pool to the downstream side of Midway School Road bridge. Downstream of the bridge is a large pool that makes two 90 degree turns before becoming a faster flowing, more shallow channel (primary channel). At this point, DO concentrations increase through natural reaeration (the channel is shaded through this section, and no significant algal presence was observed) and then level off around 4.5 mg/L. Concentrations along the secondary channel were also measured on Wednesday. Again the presence of SAV causes an increase of approximately 1.3 mg/L after which DO concentrations level off to 4.5 to 5 mg/L. On Thursday measurements were collected from upstream of the WWTP to the head of the 109 pool, at the end of the 109 pool, and near the sag zone above Midway School Road. Above the plant, DO was observed at 5.4 mg/L, and the plant caused an increase in DO of 1.7 mg/L. A 1 mg/L drop occurred from the discharge point to the head of the 109 pool with a 2 mg/L drop occurring in the pool. Concentrations near the sag zone were approximately 0.5 mg/L less than at the end of the 109 pool. The sag location was again in the pool formed by tree fall below the side channel and the concentration was 3.5 mg/L. DO measurements were also collected on Thursday in and around the Ball Road pool and from the Kanoy Road bridge (Figure 14). Upstream of the Ball Road pool, DO concentrations were 4.6 mg/L. In the EJTETRA TECH,DAC. 24 Results of Phase I Monitoring and Model Updates for Rich Fork Creek January 2008 pool, the DO concentrations ranged from 5 to 14 mg/L due to photosynthetic inputs (Section Below the pool, DO concentrations remained elevated (7.5 to 10 mg/L) relative to concentrations measured in sections of the creek unaffected by algal inputs. The concentrations measured in the Ball Road pool were taken from 1:23 p.m. to 2:16 p.m. during peak sunlight hours. Concentrations in the pool during the early morning hours following the nighttime respiration portion of the diurnal cycle are expected to be very low. The low concentrations leaving the pool during these morning hours likely impact the DO concentrations measured at Kanoy Road. At the Kanoy Road bridge, DO concentrations were 4.3 mg/L at 12:52 p.m. Referring back to the July dye study (though a small amount of rain fell during the morning hours of July 28th), the leading edge of dye took approximately 8 hours to travel through the Ball Road pool and the downstream reaches to Kanoy Road Pool. Thus, DO concentrations measured at approximately 1 p.m. at Kanoy Road are likely impacted by low DO measurements exiting Ball Road pool during the morning hours. 16 14 O $ 10 6 4 2 0 ♦ Thursday (August 9th) ♦ End of • Mined Section ♦ In Stagnant Zone ♦♦— In Free Flowing Area In Transition Zone ♦ t Upstream of Kanoy Road Bridge Ball Road Pool 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 Distance from Upstream Site (mi) 6.0 .6.5 Figure 14. Results of Dissolved Oxygen Profile Study Conducted August 9, 2007 Below Ball Road September 2007 It was evident from the August monitoring that a steady state condition had not been established with respect to DO concentrations. In September, Tetra Tech, with the help of several City staff members, conducted additional monitoring at six key locations. The data collection began on Wednesday September 5th and continued through Monday September 101. Monitoring data for this study are shown in Figure 15. • TETRATECH, 25 Results of Phase IMonitoring and Model Updates for Rich Fork Creek January 2008 --. -Wednesday -- Friday —&— Saturday Sunday --a— Monday J E 6 Q) O 5 N 4 J Hwy 109 pool 0 3 2 ■ Side channel 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Distance from Upstream Site (mi) 1.2 1.4 1.6 Figure 15. Results of the Dissolved Oxygen Profile Study Conducted September 5-10, 2007 DO concentrations above the plant ranged from 2.6 to 3.6 mg/L with inputs from the discharge ranging from 4.1 to 4.7 mg/L. The rate of decline to the sag point was fairly steady, though slightly higher through the Highway 109 pool. A total drop of approximately 3.3 mg/L occurred downstream of the plant. 3.5.3 Implications for Modeling b' 0'� < <, The dissolved oxygen profiles observed during the summer of 2007 show that 1) DO concentrations are higher downstream of the discharge than in the Rich Fork Creek headwaters, and 2) a decrease of approximately 3 mg/L occurs between the discharge and Midway School Road. The decrease is likely due to the presence of the sand -mined pool at Highway 109 as well as excessive tree fall observed in the channel (refer to Section 3.7). For modeling existing conditions, the September profile data were used for model calibration and initial headwater DO concentration. QUAL2E is a steady state simulation model, and the September data were much more stable than either the July or August data. 3.6 DOCUMENTATION OF CHANNEL FEATURES An important component of the Phase I field studies was documentation of the channel features. At each location where a DO measurement was taken, a field log book was used to record the date, time, GPS location, substrate type, flow width, and average depth. In addition, formal cross section measurements were taken at flow measurement locations, at time -of -travel sampling locations, and in the Highway 109 pool. OTEraaTEa{, �Kc. 26 Results of Phase I Monitoring and Model Updates for Rich Fork Creek January 2008 3.6.1 Formal Cross Section Measurements Cross section measurements using a flexible tape and survey rod were taken at several locations on Rich Fork Creek to document channel shape. Locations of cross sections are shown in Figure 16, and data sheets for each cross section are shown in Appendix B. Except for the three locations in the Highway 109 pool, these locations were all used for flow estimates as well (Section 3.3). Upstream of Midway School Road• • *thin the? iighway 109 Pool Below Highway 109 Pool • Upstream of the Westside WWTP Above:and below Kennedy Mill. Tributary a' Figure 16. Cross Section Measurement Locations 3.6.2 Visual Channel Assessment A visual assessment of channel shape and substrate type was recorded at each location where a dissolved oxygen reading was taken (Figure 11). The average widths and depths were used to determine appropriate breaks for model segmentation. The field data recorded for channel assessment purposes is included on the DO data sheets in Appendix D. This exercise was conducted on foot and by boat, depending on how deep the water was. There were several locations along the creek upstream of Midway School Road where large trees had fallen into the channel and formed deep (3 to 5 ft) pools that could only be traversed by boat. These pools were not only deep, but also slow moving with little potential for reaeration. Though smaller in size relative to the mined pools, these smaller pools likely have similar rates of reaeration and may be causing much of the decline in DO that occurs between the discharge point and Midway School Road. These pools and their impacts on water quality are discussed in more detail in Section 3.7. TETRA TECH, INC. 27 Results of Phase I Monitoring and Model Updates for Rich Fork Creek Januaiy 2008 3.6.3 Implications for Reach Designations and Model Updates The width and depth information was used to determine where along Rich Fork Creek major changes in channel shape or flow pattem occurred. The data indicated that from the Westside discharge to the head of the 109 pool could be simulated as one reach (Reach 1), the Highway 109 pool as Reach 2, three reaches were needed between the end of the Highway 109 pool and Midway School Road, and three reaches were needed between Midway School Road and Ball Road. The average widths and depths for each reach are discussed in the model setup portion of the report (Section 4). 3.7 RECONNAISSANCE WITH STREAM RESTORATION SPECIALIST The presence of three sand -mined pools on Rich Fork Creek and the excessive tree fall that was observed during the field studies in July, August, and September prompted Tetra Tech to bring in a stream restoration specialist to the study area. The purpose of the visit was to determine if there was potential for restoring this stream to a more free flowing condition from the WWTP discharge through Midway School Road. Yen -Hsu Chen, PE, from Tetra Tech's Orange County, California office arrived in October to offer his recommendations, which are summarized in this section. Mr. Chen has 30 years of experience with stream restoration planning and design. Mr. Chen developed several recommendations for both the mined and unmined sections of Rich Fork Creek. The Tetra Tech field team worked with Mr. Chen to develop a preliminary restoration plan, identify constraints for the system, and to formulate a plan for moving forward with the design. 3.7.1 Restoration Plan The general plan for Rich Fork Creek is to develop a low flow channel and increase velocities such that reaeration rates will increase and hopefully the DO standard will be maintained. Due to the nature of the mined and unaltered sections of the channel, two components of restoration will be needed. Mined Areas An example of a typical sand -mined section of Rich Fork Creek is shown in Figure 17, which is an aerial photograph taken at Ball Road. In this case, all mining occurred on the downstream side of the bridge with equipment access occurring from the right bank. The pool formed from the removal of the channel bed material is two to four times deeper and four to five times wider than the upstream, unaltered channel. The velocities through these mined sections are two to four times lower than the unaltered sections and reaeration rates are six times lower (Sections 3.2 and 3.4). The pools also tend to trap organic material and have higher sediment oxygen demands that the free flowing reaches. In addition, the mining tends to increase the height of the equipment -access bank (sometimes 20 feet), which reduces the ability of the stream to access the floodplain during high flow conditions. As a result, energy dissipation occurs through stream bank erosion. Th TETRA TECH, INC. 28 Results ofPhase I Monitoring and Model Updates for Rich Fork Creek January 2008 Figure 17. Aerial Photograph of Sand -Mined Pool Figure 18 compares photographs taken on either side of the Ball Road bridge for a comparison of a mined and unmined section of channel. The left photo was taken from the upstream side from the bridge'and shows a relatively narrow, shallow channel with good access to the floodplain and vegetated banks on both sides. The right side shows the downstream view which is a much wider, deeper section with no canopy cover on the mined bank. Figure 18. Comparison of Sand -Mined Pool and Free Flowing Section To accommodate mining equipment, one side of each mined pool has near -complete removal of all riparian vegetation. The lack of vegetation causes the banks to be less stable and allows more sunlight to TETRATECH, INC. 29 Results of Phase I Monitoring and Model Updates for Rich Fork Creek January 2008 reach the water column, which increases water temperatures and stimulates algal growth. An algal bloom was observed by the field team at the Ball Road location in August 2007 as shown in Figure 19. Figure 19. Algal Bloom in Sand -Mined Pool The restoration plan for the three sand -mined pools at Highway 109, Ball Road, and Kanoy Road includes the following: • Establish a constrained, low flow channel • Slope back the un-vegetated, incised banks and incorporate additional bed material into pool design • Revegetate banks to stabilize and provide canopy cover that will limit algal growth in these pools • Preserve existing riparian vegetation Because the equipment -access banks along the mined sections are steep and tall, part of the restoration plan requires that these banks be sloped back. This will allow for development of a low flow channel and a more stable surface to establish vegetation. An example sketch of a steep and sloped -back bank is shown in Figure 20. Lit] TETRATECH, INC, 30 Results of Phase I Monitoring and Model Updates for Rich Fork Creek January 2008 Figure 20. Schematic of Bank Flattening for Sand -Mined Pool Restoration Below the Ball Road pool, there is a large amount of tree fall material that extends the pooled section beyond that formed by sand mining. Part of the restoration plan for this pool includes removing or strategically cutting some of this material to create a low flow channel. Conditions downstream of Kanoy Road pool have not been surveyed in detail, however decreases in dissolved oxygen do not seem to be a problem below this point given historical monitoring by the City and the YPDRBA. Excessive Tree Fall Much of the unmined channel between the WWTP discharge and Midway School Road is impacted by excessive amounts of tree fall material. In a typical stream restoration, large woody material is added to the system to increase the amount of habitat available to aquatic organisms. In the case of Rich Fork Creek, the sandy soils and sediment imbalance occurring as a result of the mining operations has resulted in excessive amounts of tree fall material. In some cases, four to five trees may lay across in the channel forming a dam. Other sections may have one or two trees fallen every 20 to 30 feet. In the vicinity of excessive tree fall, water is backed up tens of feet resulting in a pool. As water tries to move past the fallen material, it scours out the sediment on the upstream side, and the pool becomes deeper with time. During higher flows, as water falls over the material, the streambed material on the downstream side is also scoured out. The pools formed by excessive tree fall behave similarly to the mined pools: the water is deep and slowing moving with poor potential for reaeration. In addition, trash and additional debris accumulate on the upstream side of the material further impeding flow, diminishing aesthetic quality, and potentially harming aquatic life. Figure 21 and Figure 22 illustrate the impacts of excessive tree fall on water movement and channel structure. ill TETRATECH, INC: 31 Results of Phase I Monitoring and Model Updates for Rich Fork Creek January 2008 Figure 21. Example of Excessive Tree Fall Figure 22. Impacts of Excessive Tree Fall TETRA "ITCH, INC. Results of Phase I Monitoring and Model Updates for Rich Fork Creek January 2008 The restoration plan for the unmined sections between the WWTP discharge and Midway School Road includes the following: • Remove excessive tree fall material through strategic cutting • Establish a low flow channel with increased velocities • Protect existing riparian cover • Continue to provide habitat for aquatic life Excessive tree fall has also occurred for %2 to 3/4 mile upstream of Ball Road. It may be necessary to extend the removal of fallen debris to this section of the creek as well. The removal of fallen material will require a balance between providing sufficient habitat for aquatic organisms and establishing a low flow channel with velocities and reaeration rates that result in attainment of the DO standard. The ideal configuration for large woody material is shown in Figure 23. In this case, the tree is angled across the channel into the direction of flow which allows for trapping of sediment upstream of the submerged section and constrained flow for low flow conditions. When planning cuttings along Rich Fork Creek, trees already in this formation should be left unaltered. Those that can be cut to provide this type of log -vane structure should be incorporated into the plan. Trees lying horizontally across the channel will likely have a 2- to 4-foot section removed from one side of the log. Alternating which side of the channel these cuts occur will allow for development of a meandering flow pattern. Figure 23. Ideal Tree Fall Configuration SMit&TECH; INC; 33 Results of Phase I Monitoring and Model Updates for Rich Fork Creek January 2008 3.7.2 Constraints and Additional Considerations Each of the restoration components must consider a unique set of constraints and considerations ranging from land ownership issues, to weather impacts, to accessibility. These are discussed separately for the mined and excessive tree fall sections of Rich Fork Creek. Restoration of Mined Areas Several constraints and considerations were identified for restoring the three sand -mined pools on Rich Fork Creek. First is the issue of landownership and property rights. Instituting pool restoration will likely require attainment of easements or fee simple purchase. This land acquisition will allow for access to the restoration area, changes in land formation as required, and prevention of any future mining that would destroy the restoration and decrease the assimilative capacity of the creek. The impacts of weather must also be considered. The restoration and revegetation should occur when the chance of extreme weather events is low (e.g., hurricanes) but when sufficient rainfall is present to encourage establishment of new plants. The design must also account for flood conditions such that the restored pools have the capacity to carry high flows. Incorporating floodplain access will be an important component of the design. The design and restoration of each pool should also preserve existing riparian areas. Well established vegetation offers bank stability, stream shading, and habitat for terrestrial animals. In general, the streambanks that require reshaping are presently steep and high with little existing vegetation. Finally, the process must comply with the permitting requirements and concerns of several agencies and organizations: • NCDOT will likely have concems with any changes that occur up or downstream of bridge crossings • Permits will be required from the US Army Corps of Engineers • FEMA may require hydraulic analyses if a FIRM has been established or insurable property lies in the zone of restoration • NCDWQ may have concerns related to erosion and sediment control, preservation of riparian corridors, etc. • The Friends of Rich Fork Creek may want to be involved with the restoration process • Davidson County may have comments regarding the restoration plan Removal of Excessive Tree Fall The removal of excessive tree fall material has similar constraints to the pool restoration. In terms of landownership, the City will need to obtain landowner permission to access the banks and adjacent land to conduct channel surveys (see Section 5.2) and if possible, for permission to place cut material on the streambanks. In terms of weather, the removal and cutting of fallen debris should occur during low flow conditions. This will improve accessibility to the submerged material and provide safer working conditions for personnel. Long-term maintenance and reconnaissance for additional fallen trees should occur following extreme precipitation events or consecutive days of precipitation that result in very high flows in Rich Fork Creek. The preservation of existing riparian areas limits the amount and type of equipment that can be used to perform the initial effort and future maintenance. In addition, there are few access roads between S TETRA TECH, INC. 34 Results of Phase I Monitoring and Model Updates for Rich Fork Creek January 2008 Highway 109 and Midway School Road for equipment. Most of the tree fall removal will have to occur on foot and by boat with handheld equipment. STETRATECHONC. 35. Results of Phase I Monitoring and Model Updates for Rich Fork Creek • January 2008 (This page left intentionally blank.) EI TETRATECH.INC_ 36 Results of Phase I Monitoring and Model Updates for Rich Fork Creek January 2008 4 Updates to the QUAL2E Model Incorporating Findings of the Phase I Monitoring Studies After completion of the Phase I monitoring studies, Tetra Tech updated the scoping level model to incorporate the results. The extent of modeling and reach designations were altered along with rates of reaeration, sediment oxygen demand (SOD), and deoxygenation. This section describes the updates to the model and presents the simulation results in comparison to DO profile data collected in September 2007. 4.1 EXTENT OF MODELING The scoping level QUAL2E model simulated Rich Fork Creek from the Westside Discharge to the confluence with Hamby Creek (approximately 10 miles). The updated version of the model runs approximately 3.5 miles from the Westside facility to above the Ball Road Pool. The reasons for this change are listed below: • The Phase I studies were only completed through Ball Road due to weather conflicts • Tetra Tech wanted the updated version of the model to reflect measured values, rather than assumptions as with the scoping level model • The DO sag occurs around mile 1.5, so the shortened model would still capture the problem zone Model reaches were refined from previous segments to reflect relatively uniform channel characteristics based on field survey and topographical data. A description of each reach simulated in the updated model is presented in Table 4. For modeling purposes, reach lengths are rounded to the nearest tenth of a mile. Table 4. Reach Descriptions for Updated QUAL2E Model Reach Number Length (ft) Description 1 1,950 Above the WWTP discharge to the head of the Highway 109 pool 2 810 Highway 109 pool 3 1,020 From Below the Highway 109 pool to GPS Waypoint 19 4 1,700 From GPS Waypoint 19 to XSG R6 5 3,000 From XSG R6 to Midway School Road 6 2,660 From Midway School Road to where the primary and secondary channels rejoin 7 2,710 From convergence of the primary and secondary channels to channel breakpoint 8 3,320 From channel breakpoint to Ball Road Locations of the WWTP discharge, Highway 109, GPS Waypoint 19, XSG R6, Midway School Road, primary and secondary channels, convergence, breakpoint, and Ball Road are shown on the following aerial photographs (Figure 24 through Figure 26). Note that mining from the Highway 109 pool ceased in early 2006. Much of the pool along the disturbed bank has since filled in with sand from the natural bed TETIIATECH, INC. 37 Results of Phase I Monitoring and Model Updates for Rich Fork Creek January 2008 load. The lines shown on Figure 24 show the existing portion of the channel that remains in a mined pool configuration. Figure 24. Aerial Photograph of Rich Fork Creek from the Westside WWTP to Midway School Road TETRA TECH, INC. 38 1 January 2008 Results of Phase I Monitoring and Model Updates for Rich Fork Creek 7. Convergence Primary and Secondary Channels Figure 25. Aerial Photograph of Rich Fork Creek from Midway School Road to Breakpoint Figure 26. Aerial Photograph of Rich Fork Creek from Breakpoint to Ball Road TETRA TECH, INC. 39 Results of Phase I Monitoring and Model Updates for Rich Fork Creek January 2008 4.2 REACH HYDRAULICS Tetra Tech used a combination of GIS elevation data, field data sheets, cross section measurements, time - of -travel studies, and HECRAS modeling to estimate the width, depth, and velocity values for each modeled reach. The velocity estimates and width and depth observations were discussed in Section 3. USGS LIDAR data were used to estimate the slope of the channel and to set up the HECRAS simulation for Rich Fork Creek. Because the slope of Rich Fork Creek is very low and the LIDAR data are presented in one foot increments, the slopes of each reach may not be accurate. At this time, it did not make sense for the City to invest resources in obtaining more accurate elevation data. The HECRAS simulations were set up by Yen -Hsu Chen in Tetra Tech's Orange County, California office. These simulations were used to estimate the width and depth of each simulated reach given the slopes obtained from the LIDAR data and the velocities obtained from the time -of -travel study. Hydraulic output was generated for three flow conditions: 1) existing low flow conditions with observed Westside discharge (total flow of— 5 cfs), 2) existing low flow conditions with permitted Westside discharge (total flow of —' 10 cfs), and 3) low flow critical conditions with additional plant capacity (total flow of —16 cfs)] and two channel conditions: 1) existing, and 2) restored. In addition, a simulation was developed assuming low flow conditions with no discharge from the Westside facility and the existing channel configuration (total flow of — 0.25 cfs). Table 5 through Table 11 list the simulated hydraulics for each effluent flowrate and channel condition. These data were used to develop the modeling scenarios presented in Section 4.5. Note that the widths were calculated from the total flowrate in the creek and the estimated velocity and depth. Widths have no direct impact on simulation results so accuracy with field observations is not critical for this model. Once accurate channel slopes are measured, these values will be closer to actual conditions. Channel restoration was simulated for Reaches 2 through 5 only (from the head of the Highway 109 pool to Midway School Road). The restored simulation represents the conceptual restoration plan (creating a low flow channel, increasing velocities, and decreasing depths). Actual velocities, depths, and widths can only be estimated during a formal design process. TETRA7'ECN, WG 40 Results of Phase I Monitoring and Model Updates for Rich Fork Creek January 2008 Table 5. Hydraulic Data for Existing Channel and Zero Discharge Flow Rate from Westside (Total Flow of - 0.25 cfs) Reach Number Depth (ft) Velocity (ft/s) Width (ft) 1 0.14 0.39 4.6 2 0.93 0.06 4.5 3 0.44 0.10 5.7 4 0.52 0.09 5.3 5 0.31 0.09 9.0 6 0.15 0.16 10.4 7 0.15 0.16 10.4 8 0.25 0.12 8.3 Table 6. Hydraulic Data for Existing Channel and Actual Discharge Flow Rate from Westside (Total Flow of - 5 cfs) Reach Number Depth (ft) Velocity (ft/s) Width (ft) 1 0.61 1.00 8.3 2 2.59 0.14 13.9 3 1.12 0.22 20.4 4 1.57 0.21 15.3 5 1.39 0.22 16.5 6 0.69 0.43 17.0 7 0.67 0.42 17.9 8 1.11 0.30 15.1 (i) TETRA TECH, INC. 41 Results of Phase 1 Monitoring and Model Updates for Rich Fork Creek January 2008 Table 7. Hydraulic Data for Existing Channel and Permitted Discharge Flow Rate from Westside (Total Flow of -- 10 cfs) Reach Number Depth (ft) Velocity (ft/s) Width (ft) 1 0.83 1.20 9.9 2 3.22 0.17 18.0 3 1.40 0.26 27.0 4 2.04 0.24 20.1 5 1.89 0.27 19.3 6 0.94 0.53 19.8 7 0.91 0.51 21.2 8 1.52 0.37 17.5 Table 8. Hydraulic Data for Existing Channel and Expanded Discharge Flow Rate from Westside (Total Flow of - 16 cfs) Reach Number Depth (ft) Velocity (ft/s) Width (ft) 1 1.10 1.42 10.1 2 3.98 0.19 20.8 3 1.73 0.31 29.4 4 2.57 0.27 22.7 5 2.52 0.31 20.1 6 1.26 0.63 19.8 7 1.21 0.61 21.3 8 2.02 0.43 18.1 TETRA TECH, INC. 42 Results of Phase I Monitoring and Model Updates for Rich Fork Creek January 2008 Table 9. Hydraulic Data for Restored Channel and Actual Discharge Flow Rate from Westside (Total Flow of - 5 cfs) Reach Number Depth (ft) Velocity (ftls) Width (ft) 1 0.61 1.00 8.3 2 0.40 0.79 15.9 3 0.40 0.79 15.9 4 0.40 0.79 15.9 5 0.40 0.79 15.9 6 0.69 0.43 17.0 7 0.67 0.42 17.9 8 1.11 0.30 15.1 Table 10. Hydraulic Data for Restored Channel and Existing Permitted Discharge Flow Rate from Westside (Total Flow of - 10 cfs) Reach Number Depth (ft) Velocity (ft/s) Width (ft) 1 0.83 1.2 9.9 2 0.55 0.97 18.4 3 0.55 0.97 18.4 4 0.55 0.97 18.4 5 0.55 0.97 18.4 6 0.94 0.53 19.8 7 0.91 0.51 21.2 8 1.52 0.37 17.5 TETRA TECH, INC. 43 Results of Phase I Monitoring and Model Updates for Rich Fork Creek January 2008 Table 11. Hydraulic Data for Restored Channel and Expanded Discharge Flow Rate from Westside (Total Flow of - 16 cfs) Reach Number Depth (ft) Velocity (ftls) Width (ft) 1 0.61 1.00 25.8 2 0.73 1.16 18.6 3 0.73 1.16 18.6 4 0.73 1.16 18.6 5 0.73 1.16 18.6 6 0.69 0.43 53.1 7 0.67 0.42 56.0 8 1.11 0.30 47.3 4.3 REACTION RATES Three reaction rates were updated in this version of the QUAL2E model. Measurement of the sediment oxygen demand (SOD) and pool reaeration rates were discussed in Sections 3.1 and 3.2, respectively. In addition to the field measured pool reaeration rates, estimates for the unmined sections are needed as well. Rather than fix the reaeration rate of the unmined sections to that measured in the field, Tetra Tech tested seven reaeration options available with QUAL2E to determine which method matched the measured value for a particular velocity, depth, and flow rate. The Thackston & Krenkel method (QUAL2E option 5) provided the best fit. By allowing the model to simulate reaeration in the unaltered reaches, the impacts of altering the discharge flowrate from the plant can be tested. In addition, the deoxygenation rate of BOD was also updated. Initially the rates were estimated using the Bosco method (USEPA, 1985) which estimates instream decay rates from measured bottle decay rates, instream depth and velocity, and a bed activity coefficient. The bottle rate data were collected by NCDWQ in 1996. The bed activity coefficients were calculated for each reach from the bed slope. During model calibration with observed DO data collected in September 2007, it was evident that this method was underestimating deoxygenation rates in Reaches 2 through 5 (those impacted by excessive tree fall and sand mining operations). For these reaches, the decay rate was estimated as a linear decrease from the rate estimated for Reach 1 to that estimated for Reach 6. Table 12 summarizes the reaction rates used for the updated version of the model. The reaeration rates listed for all but Reach 2 were calculated by the model. fxl TETRATECH, INC. 44 Results of Phase I Monitoring and Model Updates for Rich Fork Creek .January 2008 Table 12. Updated Reaction Rates for the QUAL2E Model Reach Number SOD at 20"C(g/ft2ld) Reaeration at 20"C(1/d) Deoxygenation (1/d) 1 0.149 6.23 0.32 2 0.145 0.32 0.30 3 0.142 0.55 0.28 4 0.139 0.35 0.24 5 0.132 0.43 0.16 6 0.124 2.06 0.13 7 0.117 2.06 0.13 8 0.109 0.76 0.08 4.4 EXISTING CONDITIONS The existing conditions used for model calibration are primarily based on data collected from September 4th through September 10`h, 2007 (Section The averages of the dissolved oxygen data collected at each monitoring location in the stream were used to test the fit of the model to actual conditions. Daily monitoring data reported for the Westside discharge were used as model input for the effluent data. Headwater flows were set to 0.25 cfs because 1) the stream appeared stagnant above the plant during the September studies, and 2) this was the 7Q10 flowrate used in the original DWQ model. The water quality data for the headwaters are based on typical values observed during the summer months by the Yadkin Pee Dee River Basin Association. Figure 27 shows the model simulation for each individual day of effluent monitoring. The simulated DO concentration varies by 0.8 mg/L based on the measured variability of the effluent flow and quality. An average of the daily effluent monitoring data was also simulated. This run is shown in the figure as a heavy gray line and is used to represent the existing conditions for the scenario runs (Section 4.5). With the exception of the mixing point of the creek and plant discharge (the second data point), the model shows a good fit with the data. DO declines steadily from the discharge point to Midway School Road, with a total drop of approximately 3 mg/L. Though data downstream of Midway School Road were not collected during the September study, past data indicate that DO concentrations remain fairly steady downstream of the sag point. i TETRA TECH, INC. 45 Results of Phase I Monitoring and Model Updates for Rich Fork Creek January 2008 • Average Observed DO Sept 4 Data Sept 6 Data Sept 10 Data Sept 5 Data 7 Data of Sept 4 thru 10 Data Sept -Avg 8 5 a E 4 0 3 2 1 O 11( CIO ,II A Co 111 O N. 1 ti 1 tk 1 I 1 6 O ti Distance (mi) 1 1 1 I. 1 bi 1 1 1 i 1 0 % I 'b I I. I IX Figure 27. Simulation of Existing Conditions with Updated QUAL2E Model Table 13 summarizes the input parameters used to simulate the existing conditions (the average of the daily effluent data collected from September 4th through September 10t. Table 13. Headwater and Westside WWTP Inputs for Existing Conditions Model Input Headwater Westside WWTP Flow (cfs) 0.25 4.79 Temperature (°F) 69.1 77 DO (mg/L) 3.2 7.0 Ammonia (mg-N/L) 0.10 0.57 NO3 plus NO2 (mg-N/L) 0.14 12.9 Organic N (mg-N/L) 0.33 1.79 / BOD5(mg/L) No instream measurement. Use BODult = 0.75 mg/L as in original DWQ model. 2.8 ) BODult (mg/L) 14 4.5 SCENARIO RUNS After the updated QUAL2E model was calibrated to the observed dissolved oxygen profile, it was used to test several different scenarios involving the Westside discharge and the physical configuration of the channel. Drb TETRA TECH, INC. 46 Results of Phase I onitoring and Model Updates for Rich Fork Creek 4.5.1 . mparison of Existing Actual and Existing Permitted Conditions The; - stside WWTP has a permitted flowrate of 6.2 MGD with BOD5 and ammonia limits of 5 mg/L g-N/L, respectively. The facility typically discharges 3 to 4 MGD at concentrations less than tho'' specified in the permit (Table 13). A model run was set up to compare the impacts of the permitted flows and concentrations (brown line) relative to what is actually discharged by the plant (gray line) (Figure 28). The model predicts that if the plant were currently discharging at permit limits, the DO would be approximately 0.5 mg/L lower than currently measured. 8.0 7.0 6.0 5.0 6) E 4.0 0 c 3.0 2.0 1.0 Current Permit Limits Updated QUAL2E Model for Existing Conditions 0.0 Distance (mi) Figure 28. Comparison of Existing Actual and Existing Permitted Conditions 4.5.2 Removal of the Westside Discharge The second scenario tested with the updated model was the removal of the Westside discharge from the system (Figure 29). Two conditions were tested for this scenario: one with sediment oxygen demand rates at current, measured values (orange line) and one with the SOD rates at background levels throughout the creek (green line). These scenarios show that DO concentrations will likely be lower than existing levels if the discharge is removed from the system. This result is because 1) the effluent typically contains DO at concentrations ranging from 6 to 8 mg/L, and 2) the increased flow rates from the addition of the effluent cause the velocities and rates of reaeration to be higher than when the flows in the creek are not supplemented with the discharge. The comparison of the "no discharge" scenario with current and background SOD rates indicates that even if the Westside discharge had never been located in Rich Fork Creek and SOD rates were at background levels, DO concentrations would likely still be below the water quality standard because of the low rates of reaeration. lm] TETRA TECH. INC. 47 Results of Phase 1 Monitoring and Model Updates for Rich Fork Creek it -unfurl, 2008 8.0 7.0 6.0 L 5.0 a) E 4.0 0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 Updated QUAL2E Model for Existing Conditions No discharge, assume SOD rates at present levels �No discharge, assume SOD rates at background levels Distance (mi) Figure 29. Impacts of Removing the Discharge 4.5.3 Expanded Westside Discharge with Improved Effluent Quality Changes at the Westside facility were also tested with the model. Ideally, the City of High Point would like to expand their permitted discharge from 6.2 MGD to 10 MGD. The scenarios in Figure 30 show the impacts of increasing the discharge flowrate from the Westside facility to 10 MGD with the present effluent quality (lavender line) (Table 13) and an improved effluent quality (ammonia concentration of 0.06 mg/L and a BOD5 concentration of 2 mg/L) (violet line). These scenarios predict that increased flow from the plant will increase stream velocities and rates of reaeration and result in higher DO concentrations relative to existing conditions (1 to 1.5 mg/L higher depending on effluent quality). The 0.5 mg/L difference between the two expanded conditions is due to simulated improvements in effluent water quality. Though the model predicts that DO will remain above or just below the water quality standard of 5 mg/L with an increased flow rate from the plant, this is not a guarantee of what would actually happen in the system. Direct monitoring of DO following a major change, such as increased flow from the plant, is the only true measure of how the system would respond. Because DO concentrations are currently observed below the water quality standard, DWQ is not likely to grant an expansion based on these modeling results. TETRA TECH, INC. 48 Results of Phase 1 Monitoring and Model Updates for Rich Fork Creek .lanuary 2008 8.0 7.0 6.0 5.0 E 4.0 0 3.0 2.0 -- Updated QUAL2E Model for Existing Conditions Expanded flow with present a ent quality —Expanded flow witfj improved effluent quality/ 1.0 - 0.0 o `l, ?' co 4) N. ti C. co 4) ti ti rk ro ti t o• o• o• o• �. ^• tv ti• ti ti ti 3• Distance (mi) Figure 30. Impacts of Expanding Flow 4.5.4 Pool and Channel Restoration with Various Discharge Scenarios Tetra Tech also used the updated QUAL2E model to test the system response to pool restoration and channel maintenance from the WWTP to Midway School Road. Figure 31 and Figure 32 compare the existing simulation to five restoration scenarios with various plant discharge flow rates and water quality. Figure 31 shows the impacts of a restored system on the existing flows and concentrations discharged from the plant. The existing actual flows and loads discharged to an unrestored system are shown as a gray line and DO quickly drops below 5 mg/L. These same flows and loads discharged to a restored stream (pink line) result in attainment of the DO standard throughout the system. Little change is predicted with the simulation of existing permitted flows and loads to a restored channel (navy blue line). It appears that the increased rates of reaeration that result from the permitted discharge flow rate balance out the additional oxygen demand caused by the permitted concentrations of BOD5 and ammonia. Simulations were also set up for two expanded flow scenarios (10 MGD) (Figure 32): typical permit limits (ammonia concentration of 1 mg/L and a BOD5 concentration of 5 mg/L) and an improved effluent quality based on what the plant typically reports in the daily monitoring reports (ammonia concentration of 0.06 mg/L and a BOD5 concentration of 2 mg/L). If granted a plant expansion, the City of High Point plans to upgrade the facility. Tetra Tech expects that the effluent quality will be more consistent and that what will actually be discharged will likely be similar to concentrations reported in the daily monitoring reports during steady state conditions. TETRA TECH, INC. 49 Results of Phase 1 Monitoring and Model Updates for Rich Fork Creek January 2008 8.0 7.0 6.0 .1 5.0 a) E 4.0 0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 —Updated QUAL2E Model for Existing Conditions Restored Channel with Existing Flow and Effluent Quality —Restored Channel with Current Permit Limits 5L O Obe 0 CS O• 0o 0. Distance (mi) Figure 31. Comparison of Existing Actual and Existing Permitted Discharge to a Restored 8.0 7.0 6.0 5.0 0) E 4.0 0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 System — Updated QUAL2E Model for Existing Conditions / - Restored Channel with Expanded Flow and Upgraded WQ — Z — Restored Channel with Expanded Flow and WLA: 5 and 1 Restored Channel with Expanded Flow and WLA: 3 and 0.5 O 'L 0. co 0 Ps. ti tx co 0 'L `L Dt Co 0 Distance (mi) Figure 32. Comparison of Expanded Discharge Flowrate with Permitted and Upgraded Effluent Quality to a Restored System TETRA TECH, INC. 50 Results of Phase I Monitoring and Model Updates for Rich Fork Creek January 2008 Simulation of an expanded flow with upgraded water quality into a restored channel predicts that DO will remain well above 5 mg/L (aqua line). The indigo line shows the model simulation with an expanded effluent flow rate and typical NPDES permit limits. With the channel restored through Midway School Road, DO remains well above 5 mg/L, except in the lower reaches where DO approaches 5 mg/L. The last simulated reach (Reach 8) has excessive of tree fall similar to that seen between the Highway 109 pool and Midway School Road. It may be necessary to extend the debris removal portion of the restoration to this reach as well (this can be decided after monitoring results of tree removal in the segment between the Highway 109 Pool and Midway School Road). In some instances, DWQ has set hermit limits of BOD 5 and ammonia to 3 mg/L and 0.5 m, respec ive y. eoive line shows the simulation with these limits. This change in permit limit is predicted to maintain a DO concentration above 5 mg/L throughout the system. 4.6 SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS Though the Phase I monitoring provided Tetra Tech with much of the information needed to update the QUAL2E model, several assumptions were still needed to set up the model: • SOD rates were decreased linearly through each reach based on field measured values. • The Thackston & Krenkel model was used to simulate reaeration in segments not impacted by sand mining activities. • The BOD decay rate (rate of deoxygenation) was decreased linearly based on Bosco estimates of deoxygenation in Reaches 1 and 6. • Reach hydraulics for the restored segments are based on HECRAS simulations as actual conditions can only be measured following restoration. Tetra Tech tested the impacts of these assumptions by performing several sensitivity analyses, as described below. 4.6.1 Reach Hydraulics Because stream velocity directly impacts DO concentrations, Tetra Tech tested the impacts of increasing and decreasing each reach velocity by 10 percent (a 10 percent range was chosen to correspond with the variation tested by the HECRAS simulations). Varying velocity over this range results in an approximately 0.5 mg/L difference in the predicted DO concentration (Figure 33). The lower velocities (green line) result in DO concentrations below the DO standard in the reach above Ball Road. If DO drops below 5 mg/L at this point following restoration of the pool and channel through Midway School Road, it may be necessary to extend tree cutting exercises to these lower reaches as well. The higher velocities (orange line) result in higher rates of reaeration and DO will be higher than assumed in the updated model. Th TETRATECN, INC. 51 Results of Phase I Monitoring and Model Updates for Rich Fork Creek January 2008 8.0 7.0 6.0 —1 5.0 4.0 3.0 1.0 0.0 Restored channel with velocities 10% higher than assumed —Restored channel with velocities 10% lower than assumed 0. o. o`. o. ,cb ::. p,, N. N. ft.tiry ti? VP• el 'b 'bry Vb?` Distance (mi) Figure 33. Sensitivit o Velocity Assumptions 4.6.2 Reaction Rates To test the sensitivity of the reaction rate1/4Tetra Tech varied the input values by 20 percent. Figure 34 shows the model sensitivity to the rates of r' eration predicted by the Thackston and Krenkel method. To simulate this range, the fixed reaeration optio was chosen. When reaeration rates are 20 percent lower than predicted by the updated model (violet line ,ADO concentrations drop below the water quality standard in the last reach. When reaeration rates a� \increased by 20 percent (lavender line), DO concentrations remain well above 5 mg/L. 1:1 TETRATECN, INC. 52 Results of Phase 1 Monitoring and Model Updates for Rich Fork Creek January 2008 8.0 7.0 6.0 a 5.0 a) E 4.0 0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 —Restored channel with velocities 10% higher than assumed —Restored channel with velocities 10% lower than assumed O `L tx <o 0 t ti R 0 0 rt. ti D. 0 q> 3 ti tx O. O. O. O. N.• IV ^• r�. ry. q. rt" ny Distance (mi) Figure 33. Sensitivity to Velocity Assumptions 4.6.2 Reaction Rates To test the sensitivity of the reaction rates, Tetra Tech varied the input values by 20 percent. Figure 34 shows the model sensitivity to the rates of reaeration predicted by the Thackston and Krenkel method. To simulate this range, the fixed reaeration option was chosen. When reaeration rates are 20 percent lower than predicted by the updated model (violet line), DO concentrations drop below the water quality standard in the last reach. When reaeration rates are increased by 20 percent (lavender line), DO concentrations remain well above 5 mg/L. I TETRA TETRA TECH, INC. 52 Results of Phase I Monitoring and Model Updates for Rich Fork Creek Janna!y 2008 8.0 7.0 6.0 5.0 E 4.0 0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 --Restored channel with reaeration rate 20% higher than assumed —Restored channel with reaeration rate 20% lower than assumed O °1• D4 ro O P �, 0t 6 O ti ti D' 6 O � ti Dt O. O. O. O. IV ►.• ,�• ^• `1,. la eV la nb. n). Distance (mi) Figure 34. Sensitivity to Reaeration Assumptions The sensitivity of the model to sediment oxygen demand (SOD) is shown in Figure 35. Only a decrease in SOD rates (lime green line) was tested as no increase would be expected following plant improvements and channel restoration. The model predicts a difference in DO concentration in the lower reaches of less than 0.5 mg/L relative to current assumptions (pink line). 8.0 7.0 6.0 - a 5.0 -En" E 4.0 0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 Restored channel with SOD 20% lower than assumed —Restored channel with measured SOD rates Distance (mi) Figure 35. Sensitivity to SOD Assumptions TETRA TECH. INC. 53 Results of Phase 1 Monitoring and Model Updates for Rich Fork Creek .January 2008 Figure 36 shows the restored simulation with deoxygenation rates set 20 percent higher (aqua line) or lower (dark blue line) than currently assumed. The higher rates result in a DO less than 5 mg/L in the lower reaches. The lower deoxygenation rate results in slightly higher DO concentrations (less than a 0.5 mg/L difference). Restored channel with deoxygenation rate 20% higher than assumed —Restored channel with deoxygenation rate 20% Tower than assumed 8.0 7.0 6.0 L 5.0 E 4.0 0 3.0 - 2.0 1.0 0.0 ti tx o c ti a o ti ti o ti tx 0 0 0• N• N• ti• ti ti ti 3• Distance (mi) Figure 36. Sensitivity to Deoxygenation Assumptions 4.6.3 Effluent Quality The sensitivity of the model to effluent quality has been shown in previous figures, but is presented in this section as well. As effluent quality improves, DO concentrations increase (Figure 37). With an expanded flow and permit limits of 5 and 1 (green line), DO approaches 5 mg/L in the lower reaches. With an expanded flow and existing effluent quality (pu le line), DO concentrations remain well above 5 mg/L throughout the system. An alternative permit lifiit scenario (red line) falls between these two scenarios in terms of DO concentrations. II Th TETRA TECH, INC. 0 ° ' 54 Results of Phase 1 Monitoring and Model Updates. for Rich Fork Creek January 2008 8.0 7.0 6.0 5.0 E 4.0 0 3.0 2.0 1.0 Restored channel with expanded flow and WLA: 5 and 1 —Restored channel with expanded flow and WLA: 3 and 0.5 —Restored channel with expanded flow and ACT: 2 and 0.06// 0.0 O rt. tk 6 O N ti tx 6 6 r1. ' i. o� 6 O 4) ti O• O• O. O. N. N. N. N. rL. �.• rt% l, n'3. rs�. Distance (mi) Figure 37. Sensitivity to BOD5 and Ammonia Concentrations in the Plant Effluent TETRA TECH, INC. Lc 0, 06 3ro�S 55 Results of Phase I Monitoring and Model Updates for Rich Fork Creek January 2008 5 Overall Conclusions and Recommendations 5.1 POTENTIAL FOR RESTORATION The completion of the Phase I monitoring studies and subsequent updates to the QUAL2E model indicate that Rich Fork Creek has the potential to assimilate additional flows from the Westside discharge with pool restoration and removal of excessive woody material. DO concentrations are predicted to remain above 5 mg/L under the restored scenario, even under permitted discharge concentrations of 5 mg/L of BOD5 and 1 mg-N/L of ammonia. The preliminary restoration plan (Section 3.7.1) called for partial cutting and clearing of fallen trees from the Westside facility to Midway School Road. Model simulations indicate that this component of restoration may also be needed above Ball Road as concentrations tend to decline in the lower reaches of the simulated channel. Large debris dams were observed in these reaches, and strategic cutting would likely improve conditions here as well. 5.2 RECOMMENDED NEXT STEPS In order to proceed with the restoration plan, the City of High Point first needs to obtain approval of the plan from NCDWQ. The results of the Phase I studies and updated modeling should be presented to the agency followed by a discussion of the City's options and the Agency's impression of the plan. If DWQ's response to the plan is favorable, several steps are required to proceed with the restoration and potential plant expansion: 1) The City of High Point should conduct a property search of all adjacent landowners along Rich Fork Creek from the Westside facility through Kanoy Road pool to prepare for the following issues: A. Restoration of mined areas may require a combination of land donations, conservation easements, direct purchase, and eminent domain. B. Restoration of the channel between Highway 109 and Midway School Road will require permission of landowners to access property and possibly dispose of cut material on the streambank. 2) The City should discuss restoration plans and requirements (permits, land development, etc.) with the following groups: A. Army Corps (permit requirements) B. DOT (bridge considerations) C. DWQ D. Davidson County E. Friends of Rich Fork Creek F. FEMA (if FIRM has been established or insurable property lies in the zone of restoration) G. Need to establish a consensus on hydrologic/hydraulic studies among the agencies. 3) Conduct longitudinal profile, cross section measurements, and documentation of tree -fall material from the WWTP to Midway School Road (possibly to Ball Road) and in the Ball Road and Kanoy Road pools to support formal restoration design. TETRA TECH, INC. 57 N Results of Phase I Monitoring and Model Updates for Rich Fork Creek January 2008 4) Perform a watershed study with future land use planning (LU/LC changes/projections) to incorporate changes in hydrology expected by future land use changes into the restoration design. 5) Collect additional data to support modeling effort and restoration plan: A. Long-term BOD studies of plant effluent. B. Study of SSURGO soils data. C. Review results of Tetra Tech Owings Mills Ecological Services Division whole effluent toxicity screening. D. Obtain any pre-existing hydrology/hydraulics reports (e.g., FEMA studies). 6) Conduct hydrology and hydraulics studies for the system: A. Incorporate future land use plans for the drainage area. B. Review existing hydrologic/hydraulic studies (FEMA). C. Build a HECRAS model: a. Incorporate survey results (Item 3). b. Develop existing and project condition hydraulics. 7) Prepare construction plans, specifications, cut and fill estimates, and cost estimates. May submit plans to various agencies at intervals of completion (e.g., 60 percent, 90 percent, and 100 percent). For example, A. Submit 60 percent plans to the Army Corps to begin the permitting process. B. Begin land acquisition at 90 percent completion. C. Submit 100 percent plans to required agencies. 8) Obtain permits from required agencies. 9) Complete land acquisition. 10) Put project out for bid. 11) Select contractors. 12) Conduct construction. 13) Conduct post -construction monitoring and maintenance: A. Conduct DO/temp/pH/conductivity monitoring at nine bridge locations three times a week during the summer following construction. B. Conduct intensive DO profile from the WWTP to Ball Road during low flow critical conditions. C. Track water quality trends to determine stabilization response following construction. D. Visually inspect three restored pools before and after the rainy season and following storms greater than 5-year or 10-year events. E. Quickly repair engineered sections if large storms destabilize the system. F. Perform tree -fall monitoring between the WWTP and Midway School Road prior to summer critical conditions and following extremely large rain events (such as hurricanes or consecutive days with heavy rain). El TETRATECH, INC. 58 Results of Phase 1 Monitoring and Model Updates for Rich Fork Creek January 2008 14) Conduct Phase II monitoring studies for model calibration and validation for wasteload allocation purposes (after system stabilizes to restoration): A. Conduct T-O-T studies during low flow and moderate flow conditions. B. Conduct an intensive water quality survey of Rich Fork Creek during low flow critical conditions (including long-term BOD measurements, nutrients, DO, temperature, reaeration, SOD, and photosynthesis -respiration). 15) Recalibrate the QUAL2E model using post -construction monitoring data, hydraulics of the restored system, and results of the Phase II studies. 16) Deliver the model to DWQ for use in future NPDES wasteload allocations for High Point Westside WWTP. TETRA TECH. INC. 59 v � 1.2 6 Pow UJ 44-,AL rnr o r(O .oQ 130T NI-13N ar( IL ) ,-;gib« ) c3a--b < = 10 r L q t,dD= Iq mb( L 9,3 PO to 1 U _C•=3D br 9,3 g�z 109 MGM 3,3 oni5I L /' 3 mi / L /o y.s 2 P— it KGB a.Ca 1 Z 3 ' N1P3N 7.2MG� IneDb = 9'Z lb lc 9r2 /�.3 my/L 5, ZM 6-A ? , 7 ►v G 1 Permit Parameter UoM Value NC0024228 1-Jan-07 50050 • Flow, in conduit or mgd 5.6 NC0024228 2-Jan-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 3.9 NC0024228 3-Jan-07 50050 - Flow, In conduit or mgd 4.7 NC0024228 4-Jan-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 4.3 NC0024228 5-Jan-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 4.9 NC0024228 6-Jan-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 4.8 NC0024228 7-Jan-07 50050 - Fiow, in conduit or mgd 7. NC0024228 8Jan-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 7.2 NC0024228 9-Jan-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 5.6 NC0024228 10-Jan-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 4.9 NC0024228 11-Jan-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 4.7 NC0024228 12-Jan-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 4.8 NC0024228 13-Jan-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 4.7 NC0024228 14-Jan-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 4.7 NC0024228 15-Jan-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 4.3 NC0024228 16-Jan-07 50050 - Flow, In conduit or mgd 4.1 NC0024228 17-Jan-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 3.9 NC0024228 18-Jan-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 4.4 NC0024228 19-Jan-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 4.1 NC0024228 20-Jan-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 3.7 NC0024228 21-Jan-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 3.7 NC0024228 22-Jan-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 5.2 N00024228 23-Jan-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 4.5 NC0024228 24-Jan-07 50050 • Flow, in conduit or mgd 3.5 NC0024228 25-Jan-07 50050 - Flow, In conduit or mgd 3.8 NC0024228 26-Jan-07 50050 - Flow, In conduit or mgd 4.2 NC0024228 27-Jan-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 4.6 NC0024228 28-Jan-07 50050 - Flow, In conduit or mgd 3.8 NC0024228 29-Jan-07 50050 • Flow, In conduit or mgd 3.6 NC0024228 30-Jan-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 3. NC0024228 31-Jan-07 50050 - Flow, In conduit or mgd 3.6 NC0024228 1-Feb-07 50050 - Flow. In conduit or mgd 4.1 N00024228 2-Feb-07 50050 - Flow, In conduit or mgd 3.4 NC0024228 3-Feb-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 3.8 NC0024228 4-Feb-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 3.9 NC0024228 5-Feb-07 50050 • Flow, In conduit or mgd 3.6 NC0024228 6-Feb-07 50050 - Flow, In conduit or mgd 3.7 NC0024228 7-Feb-07 50050 - Flow, In conduit or mgd 3,5 NC0024228 8-Fetr07 50050 - Flow, In conduit or mgd 3.4 NC0024228 9-Feb-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 3.4 NC0024228 10-Feb-07 50050 - Flow. In conduit or mgd 3.3 NC0024228 11-Feb-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 3.3 NC0024228 12-Feb-07 50050 - Flow, In conduit or mgd 3.5 NC0024228 13-Feb-07 50050 - Flow. In conduit or mgd 4.9 NC0024228 14-Feb-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 5.4 NC0024228 15-Feb-07 50050 - Flow, In conduit or mgd 5. NC0024228 16-Feb-07 50050 - Flow. In conduit or mgd 4.5 N00024228 17-Feb-07 50050 - Flow, In conduit or mgd 4.3 NC0024228 18-Feb-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 4. NC0024228 19-Feb-07 50050 • Flow, In conduit or mgd 4.5 NC0024228 20-Feb-07 50050 - Flow. in conduit or mgd 4.1 NC0024228 21-Feb-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 4. NC0024228 22-Feb-07 50050 - Flow. in conduit or mgd 4. N00024228 23-Feb-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 3.6 NC0024228 24-Feb-07 50050 - Flow, In conduit or mgd 3.7 NC0024228 25-Feb-07 50050 - Flow, In conduit or mgd 5.4 NC0024228 26-Feb-07 50050 - Flow, In conduit or mgd 5.4 NC0024228 27-Feb-07 50050 - Flow, In conduit or mgd 4.4 NC0024228 28-Feb-07 50050 - Flow, In conduit or mgd 4.1 NC0024228 1-Mar-07 50050 - Flow, In conduit or mgd 7.2 NC0024228 2-Mar-07 50050 - Flow. in conduit or mgd 8.7 NC0024228 3-Mar-07 50050 - Flow. in conduit or mgd 5.4 N00024228 4-Mar-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 4.6 NC0024228 5-Mar-07 50050 • Flow, in conduct or mgd 4.6 NC0024228 6-Mar-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 4,9 NC0024228 7-Mar-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 4.3 NC0024228 8-Mar-07 50050 - Row, in conduit or mgd 4.2 NC0024228 9-Mar-07 50050 • Flow, in conduit or mgd 4. NC0024228 10-Mar-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 3.8 NC0024228 11-Mar-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 3.7 NC0024228 12-Mar-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 3.9 NC0024228 13-Mar-07 50050 - Flow. in conduit or mgd 4. NC0024228 14-Mar-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 4.1 NC0024228 15-Mar-07 50050 - Row, in conduit or mgd 4.2 NC0024228 16-Mar-07 50050 - Row, in conduit or mgd 6.8 NC0024228 17-Mar-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 4.5 NC0024228 18-Mar-07 50050 - Flow. in conduit or mgd 4.1 NC0024228 19-Mar-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 4.3 NC0024228 20-Mar-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 4.2 NC0024228 21-Mar-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 4.2 NC0024228 22-Mar-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 4.2 NC0024228 23-Mar-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 4.1 NC0024228 24-Mar-07 50050 - Flow, In conduit or mgd 3.8 NC0024228 25-Mar-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 3.9 NC0024228 26-Mar-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 4.1 NC0024228 27-Mar-07 50050 - Ftow, In conduit or mgd 4. NC0024228 28-Mar-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 4.2 NC0024228 29-Mar-07 50050 - How, in conduit or mgd 4.6 NC0024228 30-Mar-07 50050 - Bow, In conduit or mgd 4.1 NC0024228 31-Mar-07 50050 - Row, In conduit or mgd 3.8 NC0024228 1-Apr-07 50050 - Ftow, in conduit or mgd 3.8 NC0024228 2-Apr-07 50050 - Flow, In conduit or mgd 4. NC0024228 3-Apr-07 50050 - Flow, In conduit or mgd 4. NC0024228 4-Apr-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 3.8 NC0024228 5-Apr-07 50050 - Flow. In conduit or mgd 3.8 NC0024228 6-Apr-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 3.6 NC0024228 7-Apr-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 3.4 NC0024228 8-Apr-07 50050 - Flow. in conduit or mgd 3.3 NC0024228 9-Apr-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 3.7 NC0024228 10-Apr-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 3.7 NC0024228 11-Apr-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 6.2 NC0024228 12-Apr-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 5.6 NC0024228 13-Apr-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 4.5 NC0024228 14-Apr-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 6.8 NC0024228 15-Apr-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 9.1 NC0024228 16-Apr-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 7.2 NC0024228 17-Apr-07 50050 - Flow. In conduit or mgd 5.9 NC0024228 18-Apr-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 5.6 NC0024228 19-Apr-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 5. NC0024228 20-Apr-07 50050 - Ftow, in conduit or mgd 4.5 NC0024228 21-Apr-07 50050 - Ftow, in conduit or mgd 5. NC0024228 22-Apr-07 50050 - Ftow, In conduit or mgd 4.5 NC0024228 23-Apr-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 4.4 NC0024228 24-Apr-07 50050 - Flow, to conduit or mgd 4.2 NC0024228 25-Apr-07 50050 - Flow, to conduit or mgd 4.2 NC0024228 26-Apr-07 50050 - Row, In conduit or mgd 4.2 NC0024228 27-Apr-07 50050 - Flow, In conduit or mgd 4.6 NC0024228 28-Apr-07 50050 - Ftow, In conduit or mgd 3.8 NC0024228 29-Apr-07 50050 - Flow, In conduit or mgd 3.7 NC0024228 30-Apr-07 50050 - Ftow, in conduit or mgd 4. NC0024228 1-May-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 4. NC0024228 2-May-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 4. NC0024228 3-May-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 4. NC0024228 4-May-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 4.1 NC0024228 5-May-07 50050 - Flow. in conduit or mgd 4. NC0024228 6-May-07 50050 - Flow. in conduit or mgd 3.6 N00024228 7-May-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 3.8 NC0024228 8-May-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 4. NC0024228 9-May-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 4. NC0024228 10-May-07 50050 - Row, In conduit or mgd 3.9 NC0024228 11-May-07 50050 - Flow, In conduit or mgd 3.8 NC0024228 12-May-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 3.8 NC0024228 13-May-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 3.4 NC0024228 14-May-07 50050 - Flow, In conduit or mgd 3.8 NC0024228 15-May-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 3.8 NC0024228 16-May-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 3.9 NC0024228 17-May-07 50050 - Flow. In conduit or mgd 3.6 N00024228 18-May-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 3.5 NC0024228 19-May-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 3.3 NC0024228 20-May-07 50050 - Flow, In conduit or mgd 3.2 NC0024228 21-May-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 3.6 NC0024228 22-May-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 3.7 NC0024228 23-May-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 3.7 NC0024228 24-May-07 50050 - Flow, In conduit or mgd 3.6 NC0024228 25-May-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 3.5 NC0024228 26-May-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 3.3 NC0024228 27-May-07 50050 - Flow, In conduit or mgd 3.2 NC0024228 28-May-07 50050 - Flow, In conduit or mgd 3.5 NC0024228 29-May-07 50050 - Row, in conduit or mgd 3.8 NC0024228 30-May-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 3.9 NC0024228 31-May-07 50050 - Flow, In conduit or mgd 3.7 NC0024228 1-Jun-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 3.7 NC0024228 2-Jun-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 3.7 NC0024228 3-Jun-07 50050 - Row, in conduit or mgd 5. NC0024228 4-Jun-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 4.3 NC0024228 5-Jun-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 4.1 NC0024228 6-Jun-07 50050 - Row, in conduit or mgd 3.8 NC0024228 7-Jun-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 3.7 NC0024228 8-Jun-07 50050 - Flow, In conduit or mgd 3.6 NC0024228 9-Jun-07 50050 - Flow, In conduit or mgd 3.3 NC0024228 10-Jun-07 50050 - Flow, In conduit or mgd 3.3 NC0024228 11-Jun-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 4. NC0024228 12-Jun-07 50050 - Flow, In conduit or mgd 3.6 NC0024228 13-Jun-07 50050 - Flow, In conduit or mgd 3.9 NC0024228 14-Jun-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 3.5 NC0024228 15-Jun-07 50050 - Flow, In conduit or mgd 3.5 NC0024228 16-Jun-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 3.4 NC0024228 17-Jun-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 3.1 NC0024228 18-Jun-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 3.4 NC0024228 19-Jun-07 50050 - Row, in conduit or mgd 3.6 NC0024228 20-Jun-07 50050 - Flow, In conduit or mgd 3.6 NC0024228 21-Jun-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 3.4 NC0024228 22-Jun-07 50050 - Flow, In conduit or mgd 3.3 NC0024228 23-Jun-07 50050 - Flow, In conduit or mgd 3. NC0024228 24-Jun-07 50050 - Flow, In conduit or mgd 3.7 NC0024228 25-Jun-07 50050 - Flow, In conduit or mgd 3.6 NC0024228 26-Jun-07 50050 - Flow, In conduit or rngd 3.4 NC0024228 27-Jun-07 50050 - Flow, In conduit or mgd 3.4 NC0024228 26-Jun-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 3.6 NC0024228 29-Jun-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 3.6 NC0024228 30-Jun-07 50050 - Row, in conduit or mgd 3.4 NC0024228 1-Jul-07 50050 - Flow, In conduit or mgd 3. NC0024228 2-Jut-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or rngd 3.2 NC0024228 3-Jul-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 3.2 NC0024228 4-Jut-07 50050 - Ftow. in conduit or mgd 3. NC0024228 5-Jul-07 50050 - Flow, In conduit or mgd 3.3 NC0024228 6-Jul-07 50050 - Flow, In conduit or mgd 3.2 NC0024228 7Jul-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 3.1 NC0024228 8-Jul-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 3. NC0024228 9Jul-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 3.3 NC0024228 10-Jul-07 50050 - Flow, In conduit or mgd 3.7 NC0024228 11-Jul-07 50050 - Flow, In conduit or mgd 3.6 NC0024228 12-Jul-07 50050 - Flow, In conduit or mgd 3.4 NC0024228 13-JuI-07 50050 - Flow, In conduit or mgd 3.1 NC0024228 14-JuI-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 3. NC0024228 15-Jul-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 3. NC0024228 16-Jut-07 50050 - Flow. in conduit or mgd 3.4 NC0024228 17-Ju1-07 50050 - Flow. in conduit or mgd 3.8 N00024228 18-Jul-07 50050 - Flow. In conduit or mgd 3.4 NC0024228 19-Ju1-07 50050 - Flow, In conduit or mgd 3.4 NC0024228 20-Jul-07 50050 - Flow. in conduit or mgd 3.2 NC0024228 21-JuI-07 50050 - Flow. in conduit or mgd 2.9 NC0024228 22-Jul-07 50050 - Row. In conduit or mgd 2.8 NC0024228 23-Jut-07 50050 - Row, In conduit or rngd 3.8 NC0024228 24-Jul-07 50050 • Row, In conduit or mgd 3.7 NC0024228 25-Jul7 50050 - Row, In conduit or mgd 3.5 NC0024228 26-Ju1-07 50050 - Flow. in conduit or mgd 3.4 NC0024228 27-Jul-07 50050 - Flow, In conduit or mgd 3.3 NC0024228 28,1u1-07 50050 - Flow. In conduit or mgd 3.4 NC0024228 29-Jul-07 50050 - Flow, In conduit or mgd 3.2 NC0024228 30-Jul-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 3.4 NC0024228 31-Jul-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 3.1 NC0024228 1-Aug-07 50050 - Flow, In conduit or mgd 3.1 NC0024228 2-Aug-07 50050 - Flow, In conduit or mgd 3.2 NC0024228 3-Aug-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 3.7 NC0024228 4-Aug-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 3.1 NC0024228 5-Aug-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 3.1 NC0024228 6-Aug-07 50050 - Flow. in conduit or mgd 3.3 NC0024228 7-Aug-07 50050 - Flow. in conduit or mgd 3.3 NC0024228 8-Aug-07 50050 • Flow. in conduit or mgd 3.4 NC0024228 9-Aug-07 50050 - Flow. in conduit or mgd 3.3 NC0024228 10-Aug-07 50050 - Flow. in conduit or mgd 3.4 NC0024228 11-Aug-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 3. NC0024228 12-Aug-07 50050 - Flow, In conduit or mgd 3.1 NC0024228 13-Aug-07 50050 - Flow, In conduit or mgd 3.1 NC0024228 14-Aug-07 50050 - Flow. In conduit or mgd 3. NC0024228 15-Aug-07 50050 - Row, in conduit or mgd 3.1 NC0024228 16-Aug-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 3.4 NC0024228 17-Aug-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 3.2 NC0024228 18-Aug-07 50050 - Flow, In conduit or mgd 2.9 NC0024228 19-Aug-07 50050 - Row, In conduit or mgd 3. NC0024228 20-Aug-07 50050 - Flow, In conduit or mgd 3.4 NC0024228 21-Aug-07 50050 - Flow, In conduit or mgd 3.7 NC0024228 22-Aug-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 3.5 NC0024228 23-Aug-07 50050 - Flow, In conduit or mgd 3.4 N00024228 24-Aug-07 50050 - Flow, In conduit or mgd 3.4 NC0024228 25-Aug-07 50050 - Flow, In conduit or mgd 3. NC0024228 26-Aug-07 50050 - Flow. In conduit or mgd 3.2 NC0024228 27-Aug-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 3.3 NC0024228 28-Aug-07 50050 - Flow. in conduit or mgd 3.6 NC0024228 29-Aug-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 3.4 NC0024228 30•Aug-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 3. NC0024228 , 31-Aug-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 3.3 NC0024228 1-Sep-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 3. NC0024228 2-Sep-07 50050 - Flow. in conduit or mgd 2.9 NC0024228 3-Sep-07 50050 - Row. in conduit or mgd 3.2 NC0024228 4-Sep-07 50050 • Flow, in conduit or mgd 3.3 NC0024228 5-Sep-07 50050 - Flow. In conduit or mgd 3.3 NC0024228 6-Sep-07 50050 - Flow. in conduit or mgd 3.4 NC0024228 7-Sep-07 50050 - Flow. in conduit or mgd 2.7 NC0024228 8-Sep-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 2.6 NC0024228 9-Sep-07 50050 - Row. In conduit or mgd 2.7 NC0024228 10-Sep-07 50050 - Flow, In conduit or mgd 3. NC0024228 11-Sep-07 50050 - Flow, In conduit or mgd 3. NC0024228 12-Sep-07 50050 - Row, in conduit or mgd 3.1 i NC0024228 13-Sep-07 50050 - Flow, In conduit or rngd 3. NC0024228 14-Sep-07 50050 - Flow, In conduit or mgd 4.3 NC0024228 15-Sep-07 50050 - Row, In conduit or mgd 2.9 NC0024228 16-Sep-07 50050 - Flow. in conduit or mgd 2.8 NC0024228 17-Sep-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 3.2 NC0024228 18-Sep-07 50050 - Flow, In conduit or mgd 3.2 NC0024228 19-Sep-07 50050 - Flow. in conduit or mgd 3.2 NC0024228 20-Sep-07 50050 - Flow, In conduit or mgd 3.2 NC0024228 21-Sep-07 50050 - Flow, In conduit or mgd 3.2 NC0024228 22-Sep-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 3. NC0024228 23-Sep-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 3.2 NC0024228 24-Sep.07 50050 - Row, In conduct or mgd 3.4 NC0024228 25-Sep-07 50050 - Flow. In conduit or mgd 3.2 NC0024228 26-Sep-07 50050 - Flow. in conduit or mgd 3.2 NC0024228 27-Sep-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 3.3 NC0024228 28-Sep-07 50050 - Flow. in conduit or mgd 3. NC0024228 29-Sep-07 50050 - Flow. in conduit or mgd 2.8 NC0024228 30-Sep-07 50050 - Row. in conduit or mgd 2.9 NC0024228 1-Oct-07 50050 - Row. In conduit or mgd 3.2 NC0024228 2-Oct-07 50050 - Row, In conduit or mgd 3.3 NC0024228 3-Oct-07 50050 - Row. In conduit or rngd 3.8 NC0024228 4-Oct-07 50050 - Flow, In conduit or mgd 3.7 NC0024228 5-Oct-07 50050 - Flow, In conduit or mgd 3.4 NC0024228 6-Oct-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 3.2 NC0024228 7-Oct-07 50050 - Flow, In conduit or mgd 3.1 NC0024228 8-Oct-07 50050 - Row, In conduit or mgd 3.4 NC0024228 9-Oct-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or rngd 3.3 NC0024228 10-Oct-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 3.2 NC0024228 11-Oct-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 2.9 NC0024228 12-Oct-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd 3.7 NC0024228 13-Oct-07 50050 - Flow, In conduit or mgd 3.1 NC0024228 14-Oct-07 50050 - Flow, In conduit or mgd 2.8 NC0024228 15-Oct-07 50050 - Flow, In conduit or mgd 3.1 NC0024228 16-Oct-07 50050 - Flow, In conduit or mgd 3.1 N00024228 17-Oct-07 50050 - Flow, In conduit or mgd 3.1 NC0024228 18-Oct-07 50050 - Flow, In conduit or mgd 3.3 NC0024228 19-Oct-07 50050 - Flow, In conduit or mgd 3.9 NC0024228 20-Oct-07 50050 - Flow, In conduit or mgd 2.9 NC0024228 21-Oct-07 50050 - Flow, In conduit or mgd 2.9 NC0024228 22-Oct-07 50050 - Flow, In conduit or mgd 3.2 NC0024228 23-Oct-07 50050 - Flow, In conduit or mgd 3.4 NC0024228 24-Oct-07 50050 - Flow. In conduit or mgd 3.8 NC0024228 25-Oct-07 50050 - Flow, In conduit or mgd 6.8 NC0024228 26-Oct-07 50050 - Flow, In conduit or mgd 7.5 NC0024228 27-Oct-07 50050 - Flow, In conduit or mgd 3.9 NC0024228 28-Oct-07 50050 - Flow. In conduct or mgd 3.2 NC0024228 29-Oct-07 50050 - Flow. in conduit or mgd 3.3 NC0024228 30-Oct-07 50050 - Flow. In conduit or mgd 3.2 NC0024228 31-Oct-07 50050 - Flow. In conduit or mgd 3.2 • b • NC0024228 1-Nov-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd NC0024228 2-Nov-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd NC0024228 3-Nov-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd NC0024228 4-Nov-07 50050 - Flow, In conduit or mgd NC0024228 5-Nov-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd NC0024228 6-Nov-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd NC0024228 7-Nov-07 50050 - Row, to conduit or mgd NC0024228 8-Nov-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd NC0024228 9-Nov-07 50050 - Row, to conduit or mgd NC0024228 10-Nov-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd NC0024228 11-Nov-07 50050 - Flow. In conduit or mgd NC0024228 12-Nov-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd NC0024228 13-Nov-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd NO0024228 14-Nov-07 50050 - Row, in conduit or mgd NC0024228 15-Nov-07 50050 - Row, In conduit or mgd NC0024228 16-Nov-07 50050 - Flow, to conduit or mgd NC0024228 17-Nov-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd NC0024228 18-Nov-07 50050 - Row, to conduit or mgd NC0024228 19-Nov-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd NO0024228 20-Nov-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd NC0024228 21-Nov-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd NC0024228 22-Nov-07 50050 - Row, In conduit or mgd NC0024228 23-Nov-07 50050 - Row, in conduit or mgd NO0024228 24-Nov-07 50050 - Row, In conduit or mgd NC0024228 25-Nov-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd NC0024228 26-Nov-07 50050 - Row, in conduit or mgd NC0024228 27-Nov-07 50050 - Row, In conduit or mgd NC0024228 28-Nov-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd NC0024228 29-Nov-07 50050 - Row, In conduit or mgd NC0024228 30-Nov-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd NC0024228 1-Dec-07 50050 - Row, in conduit or mgd NC0024228 2-Dec-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd NC0024228 3-Dec-07 50050 - Flow, In conduit or mgd NC0024228 4-Dec-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd NC0024228 5-Dec-07 50050 - Flow, to conduit or mgd NC0024228 6-Dec-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd NC0024228 7-Dec-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd NC0024228 8-Dec-07 50050 - Flow, In conduit or mgd NC0024228 9-Dec-07 50050 - Flow, In conduit or mgd NC0024228 10-Dec-07 50050 - Flow, In conduit or mgd NC0024228 11-Dec-07 50050 - Flow, In conduit or mgd NC0024228 12-Dec-07 50050 - Flow, In conduit or mgd NC0024228 13-Dec-07 50050 - Flow, In conduit or mgd NC0024228 14-Dec-07 50050 - Ftow, In conduit or mgd NC0024228 15-Dec-07 50050 - Flow, to conduit or mgd NC0024228 16-Dec-07 50050 - Row, In conduit or mgd NC0024228 17-Dec-07 50050 - Flow, In conduit or mgd NC0024228 18-Dec-07 50050 - Flow, In conduit or mgd NC0024228 19-Dec-07 50050 - Flow, In conduit or mgd NC0024228 20-Dec-07 50050 - Flow, In conduit or mgd NC0024228 21-DeaO7 50050 - Flow, In conduit or mgd NC0024228 22-Dec-0T 50050 - Flow, In conduit w mgd NC0024228 23-Dec-07 50050 - Flow, In conduit or mgd NC0024228 24-Dec-07 50050 - Row. In conduit Of mgd NC0024228 25-Dec-07 50050 - Flow, In conduct Of mgd NC0024228 26-Dec-07 50050 - Row. In conduct or mgd NC0024228 27-Dec-07 50050 - Flow, In conduct Of mgd NC0024228 28-Dec-07 50050 - Flow, In conduit or mgd NC0024228 29-Dec-07 50050 - Flow, In conduit or mgd NC0024228 30-Dec-07 50050 - Row. In conduit or mgd NC0024228 31-Dec-07 50050 - Flow, in conduit or mgd Average Flow 3.7 4. e Date Upstream DO WQS Dnstream DO 1/13/2004 9.7 5 10.4 2/10/2004 10.6 5 10.0 3/9/2004 10.3 5 9.2 4/6/2004 10.2 5 9.6 5/11/2004 7.7 5 7.0 5/25/2004 8.3 5 6.6 6/8/2004 7.4 5 6.6 6/22/2004 7.0 5 5.6 7/13/2004 7.0 5 5.2 7/27/2004 6.0 5 5.2 8/10/2004 6.2 5 5.3 8/25/2004 5.7 5 4.6 9/21/2004 6.6 5 5.4 9/28/2004 6.3 5 5.5 10/26/2004 6.9 • 5 5.7 11/16/2004 7.5 5 7.0 12/14/2004 8.4 5 7.9 1/25/2005 10.3 5 9.6 2/15/2005 9.0 5 7.8 3/15/2005 9.1 5 7.9 4/12/2005 7.3 5 5.7 5/10/2005 7.4 5 5.4 5/24/2005 6.7 5 5.4 6/14/2005 6.6 5 5.1 6/28/2005 6.5 5 5.2 7/12/2005 6.7 5 5.2 7/26/2005 6.2 5 4.3 8/16/2005 5.5 5 4.4 8/30/2005 6.1 5 4.3 9/6/2005 6.4 5 4.2 9/20/2005 6.4 5 4.4 10/18/2005 6.7 5 4.3 11/15/2005 6.5 5 4.4 12/13/2005 9.7 5 6.2 1/24/2006 10.1 5 5.9 2/21/2006 10.2 5 5.6 3/14/2006 10.3 5 6.4 4/11/2006 10.6 5 7.3 5/9/2006 9.7 5 6.9 5/23/2006 9.2 5 6.7 6/13/2006 6.5 5 4.2 6/27/2006 7.0 5 5.4 7/18/2006 6.1 5 4.6 7/25/2006 6.9 5 5.6 8/15/2006 6.5 5 5.1 8/29/2006 6.8 5 5.3 9/12/2006 6.3 5 5.5 9/26/2006 7.8 5 5.5 10/17/2006 9.0 5 6.5 11/14/2006 8.6 5 6.9 12/12/2006 9.2 5 7.3 Percent <5mg/L 0.0% 19.6% Thomasville DO EXCEEDANCES STATION # LESS THAN 4 mg/L # LESS THAN 5 mg/L TOTAL 0575 0 3 99 Q578 0 3 59 Q5785 7 20 99 Q579 0 1 99 Report Type SSO 5 day SSO 5 day SSO 5 day SSO 5 day SSO 5 day SSO 5 day SSO 5 day SSO 5 day SSO 5 day SSO 5 day SSO 5 day SSO 5 day SSO 5 day SSO 5 day Bypass 5 Day. SSO 5 day SSO 5 day SSO 5 day SSO 5 day SSO 5 day SSO 5 day SSO 5 day SSO 5 day Bypass 5 Day. Bypass 5 Day. SSO 5 day SSO 5 day SSO 5 day SSO 5 day SSO 5 day SSO 5 day SSO 5 day SSO 5 day Bypass 5 Day. Bypass 5 Day. SSO 5 day SSO 5 day SSO 5 day SSO 5 day SSO 5 day SSO 5 day SSO 5 day SSO 5 day SSO 5 day SSO 5 day SSO 5 day SSO 5 day SSO 5 day SSO 5 day SSO 5 day SSO 5 day Permit Num NC0024228 NC0024228 NC0024228 NC0024228 NC0024228 NC0024228 NC0024228 NC0024228 NC0024228 NC0024228 NC0024228 NC0024228 NC0024228 NC0024228 NC0024228 NC0024228 NC0024228 NC0024228 NC0024228 NC0024228 NC0024228 NC0024228 NC0024228 NC0024228 NC0024228 NC0024228 NC0024228 NC0024228 NC0024228 NC0024228 NC0024228 NC0024228 NC0024228 NC0024228 NC0024228 NC0024228 NC0024228 NC0024228 NC0024228 NC0024228 NC0024228 NC0024228 NC0024228 NC0024228 NC0024228 NC0024228 NC0024228 NC0024228 NC0024228 NC0024228 NC0024228 Start Date 01/22/97 03/12/97 03/18/97 03/20/97 03/24/97 04/09/97 12/11/97 02/09/98 02/10/98 03/24/98 04/13/98 05/13/98 05/14/98 05/14/98 05/23/98 06/01/98 07/16/98 07/31/98 08/11/98 09/22/98 09/29/98 10/13/98 10/16/98 01/04/99 01/11/99 02/09/99 02/13/99 02/15/99 02/23/99 03/02/99 03/07/99 03/08/99 03/29/99 04/14/99 04/14/99 04/17/99 04/18/99 04/25/99 06/25/99 07/09/99 07/23/99 07/23/99 08/18/99 08/30/99 09/07/99 09/10/99 09/29/99 01/13/00 02/14/00 02/15/00 02/17/00 Assessment Unit Number Name Description Classification DWQ Subbasin Miles/Acres Yadkin-Peedee River Basin Yadkin River 8-Digit Subbasin 03040103 Watershed (s) Use Support Category Use Support Rating Reason for Rating Parameter of Collection Listing IR Interest Year Year Category .1-2-119-7b Rich Fork From Payne Creek to Abbotts Creek C 03-07-07 12.1 FW Miles 030401030204 Aftwitic,Lifc Impaired Biological Criteria Ecological/biological Integrity 2006 1998 5 Exceeded FishCom 12-126-(3) Lick Creek 030401030601 Aquatic Life Impaired Biological Criteria Ecological/biological Integrity 2006 2008 5 Exceeded Benthos From East Branch Lick Creek to a point 1.0 mile upstream of Davidson County SR 2501 WS-IV 03-07-08 7.1 FW Miles 12-126-(4) Lick Creek 030401030601 Aquatic Life Impaired Biological Criteria Ecological/biological Integrity 2006 2008 5 From a point 1.0 mile upstream of Davidson County SR 2501 030401030604 Exceeded Benthos to Tuckertown Lake, Yadkin River WS-IV;CA 03-07-08 0.7 FW Miles 12-127-(2) Cabin Creek 030401030602 Aquatic Life Impaired Biological Criteria Ecological/biological Integrity 2006 2008 5 Exceeded FishCom From N.C. Hwy. 109 to a point 0.1 mile downstream of Davidson County SR 2536 WS-IV 03-07-08 5.8 FW Miles Yadkin-Peedcc Ricer Basin Lake Tillery -Pee Dee River 8-Digit Subbasin 03040104 13-(15.5)b PEE DEE RIVER From Rocky River to mouth of Turkey Top Creek WS-V,B 03-07-10 10.4 FW Miles 030401040502 Aquatic Life Impaired Standard Violation Turbidity 2006 2008 5 030401040105 13-(34)a PEE DEE RIVER 030401040507 Fish Impaired Standard Violation Mercury 2004 2004 5 From Blewett Falls Dam to mouth of Hitchcock Creek 030402010304 Consumption C 03-07-16 6.3 FW Miles 13-20b Brown Creek 030401040502 Aquatic Life Impaired Standard Violation Low Dissolved Oxygen 2006 1998 5 From mouth of Lick Creek to Pee Dee River 030401040205 030401040203 03-07-10 28.5 FW Miles 13-21 Cedar Creek 030401040502 Aquatic Life Impaired Biological Criteria Ecological/biological Integrity 2006 2008 5 From source to Pee Dee River 030401040501 Exceeded FishCom 03-07-10 10.7 FW Miles Report Type Permit Num Count Start Date SSO 5 day WQCS00010 1 01/01/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 2 01/01/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 3 01/03/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 4 01/08/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 5 01/12/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 6 01/12/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 7 01/16/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 8 01/25/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 9 01 /31 /03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 10 02/01/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 11 02/06/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 12 02/07/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 13 02/08/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 14 02/22/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 15 02/22/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 16 02/22/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 17 02/22/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 18 02/22/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 19 02/27/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 20 03/06/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 21 03/06/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 22 03/06/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 23 03/06/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 24 03/06/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 25 03/06/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 26 03/06/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 27 03/06/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 28 03/06/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 29 03/06/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 30 03/07/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 31 03/11/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 32 03/19/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 33 03/20/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 34 03/20/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 35 03/20/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 36 03/20/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 37 03/20/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 38 03/20/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 39 03/20/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 40 03/20/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 41 03/20/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 42 03/20/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 43 03/20/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 44 03/20/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 45 03/20/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 46 03/20/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 47 03/20/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 48 03/20/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 49 03/20/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 50 03/20/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 51 03/24/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 52 03/24/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 53 03/30/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 54 03/30/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 55 04/05/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 56 04/07/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 57 04/07/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 58 04/07/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 59 04/07/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 60 04/07/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 61 04/07/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 62 04/07/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 63 04/07/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 64 04/07/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 65 04/07/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 66 04/08/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 67 04/09/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 68 04/09/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 69 04/09/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 70 04/09/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 71 04/09/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 72 04/09/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 73 04/09/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 74 04/09/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 75 04/10/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 76 04/10/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 77 04/10/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 78 04/10/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 79 04/10/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 80 04/12/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 81 04/12/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 82 04/12/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 83 04/16/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 84 04/17/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 85 04/26/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 86 05/06/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 87 05/13/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 88 05/15/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 89 05/22/03 • SSO 5 day WQCS00010 90 05/22/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 91 • 05/22/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 92 05/22/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 93 05/22/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 94 05/22/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 95 05/24/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 96 05/26/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 97 06/04/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 98 06/04/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 99 06/07/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 100 06/07/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 101 06/11/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 102 06/20/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 103 07/02/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 104 07/06/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 105 07/17/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 106 07/29/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 107 08/18/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 108 08/28/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 109 08/29/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 110 08/31/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 111 08/31/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 112 09/03/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 113 09/04/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 114 09/04/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 115 09/04/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 116 09/05/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 117. 09/05/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 118 09/06/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 119 09/19/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 120 09/23/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 121 09/23/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 122 09/23/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 123 09/23/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 124 09/23/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 125 09/23/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 126 09/23/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 127 09/23/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 128 09/23/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 129 09/24/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 130 10/03/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 131 10/05/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 132 10/17/03 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 133 10/22/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 134 10/22/03 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 135 11/12/03 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 136 11/17/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 137 11/17/03 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 138 11/17/03 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 139 11/23/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 140 11/23/03 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 141 12/02/03 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 142 12/02/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 143 12/02/03 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 144 12/20/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 145 12/20/03 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 146 12/23/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 147 12/23/03 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 148 12/27/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 149 12/27/03 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 150 12/30/03 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 151 12/30/03 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 152 01/04/04 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 153 01/04/04 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 154 01/04/04 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 155 01/07/04 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 156 01/07/04 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 157 01/15/04 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 158 01/15/04 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 159 01/31/04 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 160 01/31/04 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 161 02/04/04 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 162 02/04/04 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 163 02/06/04 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 164 02/06/04 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 165 02/07/04 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 166 02/07/04 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 167 02/07/04 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 168 02/07/04 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 169 02/09/04 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 170 02/09/04 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 171 02/10/04 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 172 02/10/04 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 173 02/15/04 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 174 02/15/04 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 175 02/16/04 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 176 02/16/04 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 177 02/22/04 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 178 02/22/04 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 179 03/01/04 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 180 03/01/04 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 181 03/11/04 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 182 03/11/04 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 183 03/18/04 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 184 03/18/04 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 185 03/18/04 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 186 03/18/04 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 187 03/26/04 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 188 03/26/04 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 189 03/30/04 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 190 04/08/04 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 191 04/08/04 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 192 04/09/04 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 193 04/09/04 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 194 04/10/04 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 195 04/26/04 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 196 04/26/04 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 197 04/28/04 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 198 04/28/04 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 199 05/12/04 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 200 05/12/04 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 201 05/12/04 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 202 05/12/04 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 203 05/18/04 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 204 05/18/04 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 205 05/22/04 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 206 05/22/04 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 207 05/26/04 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 208 05/26/04 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 209 06/03/04 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 210 06/03/04 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 211 06/04/04 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 212 06/04/04 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 213 06/05/04 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 214 06/05/04 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 215 06/11/04 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 216 06/11/04 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 217 06/16/04 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 218 06/16/04 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 219 06/18/04 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 220 06/18/04 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 221 06/20/04 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 222 06/20/04 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 223 06/24/04 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 224 06/24/04 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 225 06/26/04 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 226 06/26/04 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 227 06/28/04 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 228 06/28/04 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 229 07/01/04 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 230 07/01/04 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 231 07/01/04 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 232 07/02/04 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 233 07/02/04 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 234 07/12/04 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 235 07/12/04 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 236 07/14/04 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 237 07/14/04 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 238 07/20/04 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 239 07/20/04 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 240 07/26/04 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 241 07/26/04 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 242 07/29/04 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 243 07/29/04 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 244 08/05/04 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 245 08/05/04 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 246 08/14/04 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 247 08/14/04 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 248 08/17/04 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 249 08/17/04 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 250 08/17/04 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 251 08/17/04 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 252 08/22/04 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 253 08/22/04 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 254 08/26/04 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 255 08/26/04 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 256 09/08/04 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 257 09/08/04 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 258 09/08/04 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 259 09/08/04 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 260 09/08/04 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 261 09/08/04 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 262 09/08/04 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 263 09/08/04 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 264 09/08/04 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 265 09/08/04 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 266 09/08/04 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 267 09/08/04 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 268 09/08/04 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 269 09/08/04 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 270 09/08/04 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 271 09/08/04 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 272 09/08/04 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 273 09/08/04 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 274 09/08/04 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 275 09/08/04 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 276 09/08/04 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 277 09/08/04 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 278 09/09/04 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 279 09/09/04 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 280 09/20/04 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 281 09/20/04 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 282 09/23/04 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 283 09/23/04 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 284 09/28/04 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 285 09/28/04 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 286 09/28/04 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 287 09/28/04 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 288 09/28/04 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 289 09/28/04 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 290 09/28/04 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 291 09/28/04 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 292 09/28/04 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 293 09/28/04 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 294 09/28/04 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 295 09/28/04 SSO 5 day. WQCS00010 296 09/28/04 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 297 09/28/04 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 298 09/28/04 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 299 09/28/04 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 300 09/28/04 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 301 09/28/04 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 302 09/28/04 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 303 09/28/04 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 304 09/28/04 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 305 09/28/04 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 306 10/05/04 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 307 10/05/04 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 308 10/18/04 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 309 10/18/04 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 310 10/25/04 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 311 10/25/04 • P � SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 312 11/01/04 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 313 11/01/04 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 314 12/02/04 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 315 12/02/04 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 316 12/06/04 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 317 12/06/04 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 318 12/08/04 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 319 12/08/04 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 320 12/10/04 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 321 12/10/04 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 322 12/10/04 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 323 12/10/04 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 324 12/11/04 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 325 12/11/04 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 326 12/16/04 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 327 12/16/04 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 328 12/26/04 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 329 12/26/04 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 330 12/28/04 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 331 12/28/04 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 332 12/28/04 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 333 12/28/04 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 334 01/12/05 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 335 01/14/05 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 336 01/14/05 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 337 01/14/05 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 338 01/14/05 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 339 01/14/05 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 340 01/14/05 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 341 01/22/05 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 342 01/22/05 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 343 01/30/05 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 344 01/30/05 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 345 02/03/05 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 346 02/03/05 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 347 02/03/05 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 348 02/03/05 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 349 02/03/05 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 350 02/03/05 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 351 02/28/05 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 352 02/28/05 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 353 02/28/05 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 354 02/28/05 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 355 02/28/05 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 356 02/28/05 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 357 03/06/05 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 358 03/06/05 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 359 03/16/05 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 360 03/16/05 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 361 03/19/05 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 362 03/19/05 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 363 03/19/05 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 364 03/19/05 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 365 03/20/05 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 366 03/20/05 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 367 03/28/05 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 368 03/28/05 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 369 03/28/05 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 370 03/28/05 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 371 03/28/05 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 372 03/28/05 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 373 03/28/05 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 374 03/28/05 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 375 03/28/05 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 376 03/28/05 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 377 03/29/05 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 378 03/29/05 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 379 03/29/05 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 380 03/29/05 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 381 04/09/05 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 382 04/09/05 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 383 04/10/05 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 384 04/10/05 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 385 04/11/05 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 386 04/11/05 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 387 04/13/05 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 388 04/13/05 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 389 04/23/05 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 390 04/23/05 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 391 04/28/05 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 392 04/28/05 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 393 05/03/05 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 394 05/03/05 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 395 05/14/05 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 396 05/14/05 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 397 05/25/05 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 398 05/25/05 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 399 06/09/05 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 400 06/09/05 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 401 06/17/05 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 402 06/17/05 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 403 07/06/05 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 404 07/06/05 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 405 07/21/05 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 406 07/21/05 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 407 07/22/05 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 408 07/22/05 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 409 07/29/05 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 410 07/29/05 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 411 08/04/05 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 412 08/04/05 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 413 08/09/05 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 414 08/09/05 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 415 08/11/05 • • SSO 5 day WQCS00010 416 08/11/05 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 417 08/24/05 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 418 08/24/05 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 419 08/24/05 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 420 08/24/05 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 421 08/30/05 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 422 08/30/05 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 423 09/21/05 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 424 09/21/05 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 425 09/30/05 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 426 09/30/05 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 427 11/10/05 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 428 11/10/05 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 429 11/14/05 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 430 11/14/05 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 431 11/18/05 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 432 11/18/05 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 433 11/25/05 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 434 11/25/05 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 435 11/26/05 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 436 11/26/05 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 437 11/29/05 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 438 11/29/05 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 439 12/04/05 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 440 12/04/05 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 441 12/04/05 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 442 12/04/05 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 443 12/05/05 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 444 12/05/05 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 445 12/05/05 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 446 12/05/05 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 447 12/05/05 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 448 12/05/05 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 449 12/06/05 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 450 12/06/05 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 451 12/15/05 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 452 12/15/05 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 453 12/16/05 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 454 12/16/05 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 455 12/27/05 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 456 12/27/05 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 457 12/31/05 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 458 12/31/05 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 459 01/13/06 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 460 01/13/06 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 461 01/20/06 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 462 01/20/06 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 463 01/22/06 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 464 01/22/06 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 465 01/24/06 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 466 01/24/06 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 467 01/24/06 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 468 01/24/06 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 469 01/26/06 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 470 01/26/06 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 471 02/25/06 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 472 02/25/06 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 473 02/28/06 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 474 02/28/06 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 475 03/17/06 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 476 03/17/06 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 477 03/23/06 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 478 03/23/06 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 479 04/28/06 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 480 04/28/06 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 481 06/14/06 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 482 06/14/06 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 483 06/24/06 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 484 06/24/06 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 485 06/27/06 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 486 06/27/06 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 487 06/27/06 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 488 06/27/06 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 489 06/27/06 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 490 06/27/06 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 491 06/30/06 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 492 06/30/06 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 493 07/09/06 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 494 07/09/06 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 495 07/11/06 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 496 07/11/06 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 497 07/20/06 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 498 07/20/06 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 499 08/03/06 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 500 08/03/06 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 501 08/10/06 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 502 08/10/06 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 503 08/23/06 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 504 08/23/06 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 505 08/30/06 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 506 08/30/06 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 507 09/14/06 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 508 09/14/06 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 509 09/14/06 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 510 09/14/06 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 511 09/14/06 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 512 09/14/06 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 513 09/14/06 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 514 09/14/06 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 515 09/14/06 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 516 09/14/06 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 517 10/12/06 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 518 10/12/06 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 519 10/18/06 • -, 4 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 520 10/18/06 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 521 11/16/06 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 522 11/16/06 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 523 11/16/06 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 524 11/16/06 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 525 11/16/06 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 526 11/16/06 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 527 11/16/06 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 528 11/16/06 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 529 11/16/06 SSO 24 Hour 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01/14/07 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 560 01/14/07 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 561 01/26/07 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 562 01/26/07 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 563 01/27/07 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 564 01/27/07 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 565 02/11/07 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 566 02/11/07 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 567 02/14/07 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 568 02/14/07 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 569 03/02/07 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 570 03/02/07 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 571 03/02/07 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 572 03/02/07 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 573 03/02/07 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 574 03/02/07 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 575 03/02/07 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 576 03/02/07 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 577 03/02/07 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 578 03/02/07 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 579 03/02/07 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 580 03/02/07 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 581 03/02/07 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 582 03/02/07 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 583 03/16/07 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 584 03/16/07 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 585 03/16/07 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 586 03/16/07 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 587 03/27/07 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 588 03/27/07 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 589 04/02/07 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 590 04/02/07 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 591 04/05/07 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 592 04/05/07 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 593 04/12/07 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 594 04/12/07 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 595 04/12/07 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 596 04/12/07 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 597 04/15/07 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 598 04/15/07 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 599 04/15/07 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 600 04/15/07 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 601 04/15/07 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 602 04/15/07 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 603 04/15/07 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 604 04/15/07 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 605 04/15/07 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 606 04/15/07 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 607 05/04/07 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 608 05/04/07 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 609 05/22/07 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 610 05/22/07 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 611 06/15/07 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 612 06/15/07 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 613 06/22/07 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 614 06/22/07 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 615 06/22/07 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 616 06/22/07 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 617 06/26/07 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 618 06/26/07 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 619 06/28/07 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 620 06/28/07 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 621 07/16/07 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010. 622 07/16/07 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 623 07/19/07 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 624 07/19/07 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 625 07/27/07 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 626 07/27/07 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 627 07/29/07 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 628 07/29/07 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 629 09/10/07 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 630 09/10/07 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 631 09/13/07 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 632 09/13/07 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 633 10/01/07 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 634 10/01/07 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 635 10/26/07 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 636 10/26/07 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 637 10/26/07 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 638 10/26/07 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 639 11/28/07 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 640 11/28/07 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 641 12/02/07 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 642 12/02/07 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 643 12/04/07 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 644 12/04/07 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 645 12/06/07 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 646 12/06/07 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 647 12/15/07 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 648 12/23/07 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 649 12/23/07 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 650 01/01/08 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 651 01/01/08 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 652 01/04/08 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 653 01/04/08 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 654 02/01/08 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 655 02/01/08 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 656 02/02/08 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 657 02/02/08 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 658 02/16/08 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 659 02/16/08 SSO 5 day WQCS00010 660 03/07/08 SSO 24 Hour WQCS00010 661 03/07/08 Count 661 Date 1/13/2004 2/10/2004 3/9/2004 4/6/2004 5/11/2004 5/25/2004 6/8/2004 6/22/2004 7/13/2004 7/27/2004 8/10/2004 8/25/2004 9/21/2004 9/28/2004 10/26/2004 11/16/2004 12/14/2004 1/25/2005 2/15/2005 3/15/2005 4/12/2005 5/10/2005 5/24/2005 6/14/2005 6/28/2005 7/12/2005 7/26/2005 8/16/2005 8/30/2005 9/6/2005 9/20/2005 10/18/2005 11/15/2005 12/13/2005 1/24/2006 2/21/2006 3/14/2006 4/11/2006 5/9/2006 5/23/2006 6/13/2006 6/27/2006 7/18/2006 7/25/2006 8/15/2006 8/29/2006 9/12/2006 9/26/2006 10/17/2006 11/14/2006 12/12/2006 1,01 r ko (41141 60) vtel U • stream DO Percent <5mg!L 9.7 10.6 10.3 10.2 7.7 8.3 7.4 7.0 7.0 6.0 6.2 5.7 6.6 6.3 6.9 - 7.5 8.4 10.3 9.0 9.1 7.3 7.4 6.7 6.6 6.5 6.7 6.2 5.5 6.1 6.4 6.4 6.7 . 6.5 9.7 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.6 9.7 9.2 6.5 7.0 6.1 6.9 6.5 6.8 6.3 7.8 9.0 8.6 9.2 . 0.0% WQS 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5. 5 Dnstream DO 10.4 10.0 9.2 9.6 7.0 6.6 6.6 5.6 5.2 5.2 5.3 4.6 5.4 5.5 5.7 7.0 7.9 9.6 7.8 7.9 5.7 5.4 5.4 5.1 5.2 5.2 4.3 4.4 4.3 4.2 4.4 4.3 4.4 6.2 5.9 5.6 . 6.4 7.3 6.9 6.7 4.2 5.4 4.6 5.6 5.1 5.3 5.5 5.5 6.5 6.9 7.3 19.6% Coalition Data for DO Upstream and Downstream of Westside WWTP 6/10 - 6/12 date 6/25/2012 6/6/2012 5/30/2012 5/7/2012 4/23/2012 3/26/2012 2/20/2012 1/23/2012 12/5/2011 11/7/2011 10/10/2011 9/26/2011 9/7/2011 8/29/2011 8/9/2011 7/18/2011 7/6/2011 6/27/2011 6/7/2011 5/24/2011 5/2/2011 4/4/2011 3/14/2011 2/14/2011 1/30/2011 12/6/2010 11/8/2010 10/18/2010 9/28/2010 9/14/2010 8/24/2010 8/10/2010 7/27/2010 7/13/2010 6/29/2010 6/15/2010 Q5745000 Q5785000 upstream Downstream 7.4 7.8 7.6 7.4 7.8 8 11.1 10.7 9.6 8.5 7.9 7.6 7.8 7.5 7.4 7.5 7.7 7.3 6.9 8.2 7.5 8.7 8.9 10.4 10 10.4 8.8 8.5 7.7 7.3 6.7 6.8 6.4 6.8 6.2 6.3 upstream downstrm Q5790000 AMS station ^' 1 mi Q5780000 3.8mi -9mi DWSTRM 6.3 6.6 6.3 6.9 6.4 6.7 5.8 6.6 6.5 7.2 6.7 7.3 9.4 9.7 9.1 9.3 7.5 8 12/14/2011 13:02 9.4 6.7 7.2 11/7/2011 14:40 12.1 6.3 6.8 10/11/2011 15:30 5.3 6.2 6.8 6.3 6.7 6 6.7 5.7 6.3 8/4/2011 15:30 5.2 6.3 6.9 6.2 6.9 5.6 6.3 5.7 6.2 7 7.5 5/23/2011 13:30 6.3 7 7.4 7.9 8.1 4/7/2011 14:20 8.6 8.6 8.4 3/8/2011 15:05 11.2 9.8 10.2 2/8/2011 15:40 10.3 9.7 10.4 1/20/2011 14:45 11.5 7.5 8 12/9/2010 14:35 10.6 6.9 7.3 11/3/2010 15:30 6.4 6.1 6.5 10/14/2010 17:00 7.4 6.6 6.8 6.1 6.4 5.2 5.6 8/26/2010 15:00 5.3 4.6 5.3 3.4 4.1 7/22/2010 14:30 5.1 5.6 5.8 5.3 5.2 5.4 5.8 6/3/2010 15:20 6.8 9/21/2011 15:00 3.9 7/7/2011 14:45 6/22/2011 13:11 4.6 4.9 9/9/2010 15:00 4.8 Coalition Data for DO Upstream and Downstream of Westside WWTP 6/10 - 6/12 date Q5745000 Q5785000 Q5790000 AMS station ^' 1 mi Q5780000 upstream Downstream 3.8 mi - 9 mi DWSTRM 6/25/2012 7.4 6.3 6.6 6/6/2012 7.8 6.3 6.9 5/30/2012 7.6 6.4 6.7 5/7/2012 7.4 5.8 6.6 4/23/2012 7.8 6.5 7.2 3/26/2012 8 6.7 7.3 2/20/2012 11.1 9.4 9.7 1/23/2012 10.7 9.1 9.3 12/5/2011 9.6 7.5 8 12/14/2011 13:02 9.4 11/7/2011 8.5 6.7 7.2 11/7/2011 14:40 12.1 10/10/2011 7.9 6.3 6.8 10/11/2011 15:30 5.3 9/26/2011 7.6 6.2 6.8 9/21/2011 15:00 3.9 9/7/2011 7.8 6.3 6.7 8/29/2011 7.5 6 6.7 8/9/2011 7.4 5.7 6.3 8/4/2011 15:30 5.2 7/18/2011 7.5 6.3 6.9 7/6/2011 7.7 6.2 6.9 7/7/2011 14:45 4.6 6/27/2011 7.3 5.6 6.3 6/22/2011 13:11 4.9 6/7/2011 6.9 5.7 6.2 5/24/2011 8.2 7 7.5 5/23/2011 13:30 6.3 5/2/2011 7.5 7 7.4 4/4/2011 8.7 7.9 8.1 4/7/2011 14:20 8.6 3/14/2011 8.9 8.6 8.4 3/8/2011 15:05 11.2 2/14/2011 10.4 9.8 10.2 2/8/2011 15:40 10.3 1/30/2011 10 9.7 10.4 1/20/2011 14:45 11.5 12/6/2010 10.4 7.5 8 12/9/2010 14:35 10.6 11/8/2010 8.8 6.9 7.3 11/3/2010 15:30 6.4 10/18/2010 8.5 6.1 6.5 10/14/2010 17:00 7.4 9/28/2010 7.7 6.6 6.8 9/9/2010 15:00 4.8 9/14/2010 7.3 6.1 6.4 8/24/2010 6.7 5.2 5.6 8/26/2010 15:00 5.3 8/10/2010 6.8 4.6 5.3 7/27/2010 6.4 3.4 4.1 7/22/2010 14:30 5.1 7/13/2010 6.8 5.6 5.8 6/29/2010 6.2 5.3 5.2 6/15/2010 6.3 5.4 5.8 6/3/2010 15:20 6.8 upstream downstrm Coalition Data for DO Upstream and Downstream of Westside WWTP 6/10 - 6/12 date Q5745000 Q5785000 Q5790000 upstream Downstream 3.8 mi - 9 mi 6/25/2012 7.4 6.3 6.6 6/6/2012 7.8 6.3 6.9 5/30/2012 7.6 6.4 6.7 5/7/2012 7.4 5.8 6.6 4/23/2012 7.8 6.5 7.2 3/26/2012 8 6.7 7.3 2/20/2012 11.1 9.4 9.7 1/23/2012 10.7 9.1 9.3 12/5/2011 9.6 7.5 8 11/7/2011 8.5 6.7 7.2 10/10/2011 7.9 6.3 6.8 9/26/2011 7.6 6.2 6.8 9/7/2011 7.8 6.3 6.7 8/29/2011 7.5 6 6.7 8/9/2011 7.4 5.7 6.3 7/18/2011 7.5 6.3 6.9 7/6/2011 7.7 6.2 6.9 6/27/2011 7.3 5.6 6.3 6/7/2011 6.9 5.7 6.2 5/24/2011 8.2 7 7.5 5/2/2011 7.5 7 7.4 4/4/2011 8.7 7.9 8.1 3/14/2011 8.9 8.6 8.4 2/14/2011 10.4 9.8 10.2 1/30/2011 10 9.7 10.4 12/6/2010 10.4 7.5 8 11/8/2010 8.8 6.9 7.3 10/18/2010 8.5 6.1 6.5 9/28/2010 7.7 6.6 6.8 9/14/2010 7.3 6.1 6.4 8/24/2010 6.7 5.2 5.6 8/10/2010 6.8 4.6 5.3 7/27/2010 6.4 3.4 4.1 7/13/2010 6.8 5.6 5.8 6/29/2010 6.2 5.3 5.2 6/15/2010 6.3 5.4 5.8 upstream downstrm Ambient Monitoring System Station NCDENR, Division of Water Quality Basinwide Assessment Location: RICH FORK CRK AT SR 1792 NR HIGH POINT Station #: Q5785000 Hydrologic Unit Code: 03040103 Latitude: 35.89843 Longitude: -80.14540 Stream class: C Agency: YPDRBA NC stream index: 12-119-7 Time period: 01/24/2006 to 12/06/2010 # # Results not meeting EL Percentiles results ND EL # % %Conf Min loth 25th 50th 75th 90th Max Field D.O. (mg/L) 85 0 <4 1 1.2 3.4 4.6 5.3 6.1 7.4 9.2 10.9 85 0 <5 10 11.8 77.2 3.4 4.6 5.3 6.1 7.4 9.2 10.9 pH (SU) 85 0 <6 0 0 6.1 6.4 6.5 6.7 7.1 7.2 7.4 85 0 >9 0 0 6.1 6.4 6.5 6.7 7.1 7.2 7.4 Spec. conductance 85 0 N/A 84 167 206 241 298 371 494 (umhos/cm at 25°C) Water Temperature (°C) 85 0 >32 0 0 3.5 6.9 9.5 17.5 22.7 23.8 25.9 Other Turbidity (NTU) 60 0 >50 8 13.3 85.8 3.8 5.9 9 17.5 30.5 59.5 370 Nutrients (mg/L) NH3 as N 60 7 N/A 0.01 0.01 0.04 0.09 0.14 0.29 0.82 NO2 + NO3 as N 60 0 N/A 0.54 0.85 1.44 3.38 4.82 6.37 8.32 TKN as N 60 3 N/A 0.2 0.46 0.63 0.88 1.28 1.82 3.08 Total Phosphorus 60 0 N/A 0.07 0.1 0.16 0.22 0.31 0.43 0.81 Fecal Coliform Screening(#/100mL) # results: Gcomean #> 400: % > 400: %Conf: 4 221.4 1 25 Key: # result # ND: n EL: Eva Results %Conf : Stations .C7L/3 Oo -f, 3• Q57 4 7-00 . c7o 0 S2 a 0,3 41t' ao tion level aluation level :eedances is at least 10% (20% for Fecal Coliform) tistical confidence Ambient Monitoring,System Station NCDENR, Division ot-Water Quality Basinwide Assessment Location: RICH FORK CRK AT SR 1757 CHESTNUT ST NR HIGH POINT Station #: Q5745000 Hydrologic Unit Code: 03040103 Latitude: 35.96510 Longitude: -80.07869 Stream class: C Agency: YPDRBA NC stream index: 12-119-7 Time period: 11/17/2009 to 12/06/2010 # # Results not meeting EL Percentiles results ND EL # % %Conf Min 10th 25th 50th 75th 90th Max Field D.O. (mg/L) 19 0 <4 0 0 6.2 6.3 6.8 7.7 10.2 10.9 11.9 19 0 <5 0 0 6.2 6.3 6.8 7.7 10.2 10.9 11.9 pH (SU) 19 0 <6 0 0 6.5 6.7 6.7 7 7.1 7.2 7.2 19 0 >9 0 0 6.5 6.7 6.7 7 7.1 7.2 7.2 Spec. conductance 19 0 N/A 95 119 130 147 174 228 241 (umhos/cm at 25°C) Water Temperature (°C) 19 0 >32 0 0 3.6 5.3 9 17.6 23.8 25.7 26.2 Other Turbidity (NTU) 14 0 >50 2 14.3 84.2 4.1 4.1 7.8 10.5 30 125 190 Nutrients (mg/L) NH3 asN 14 0 N/A 0.02 0.02 0.06 0.1 0.15 0.34 0.42 NO2 + NO3 as N 14 0 N/A 0.07 0.16 0.61 1.06 1.48 2.19 2.36 TKN as N 14 0 N/A 0.24 0.32 0.49 0.79 1.37 2.04 2.43 Total Phosphorus 14 0 N/A 0.06 0.06 0.08 0.12 0.15 0.28 0.28 Fecal Coliform Screening(#/100mL) # results: Geomean # > 400: % > 400: %Conf: 4 199.6 0 0 Kev: # result: number of observations # ND: number of observations reported to be below detection level (non -detect) EL: Evaluation Level; applicable numeric or narrative water quality standard or action level Results not meeting EL: number and percentages of observations not meeting evaluation level %Conf : States the percent statistical confidence that the actual percentage of exceedances is at least 10% (20% for Fecal Coliform) Stations with Tess than 10 results for a given parameter were not evaluated for statistical confidence